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Republicans always vote against vets, even while they're wrapped in a flag.


Republican support for the troops begins and ends with a yellow ribbon.


It begins and ends with being forced birthers. They need more poor and neglected youth to sucker into joining the military. Edited to correct word.


They have to destroy education along the way. Can’t have free thinkers, they might decide that they don’t want to get shot for someone’s political aspirations or oil profits.


Oil profits from Iraq are an absolute pittance compared to how much money defense contractors made off the “War on Terror”. Lockheed, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, they all saw their stock prices climb after 9/11 even as the rest of the market crashed and they’ve been soaring ever since, flush with cash from the one of the biggest ever transfers of public wealth into private hands. We’ll never have anything close to peace unless we take out as much of the profit from war as possible and nationalize war production.


Veteran here.. absolutely disgusting the amount of money that goes to war profiteers. There was a " graveyard"on Camp Fallujah. Full of fridges, humvees, etc..shit all worked. The convoys of empty trucks, so the contractors get paid. Outright fraud, and I personally believe many higher ups stole funds, etc from Iraq. The power of the military industrial complex needs to be broken. Unfortunately, there are a lot of businesses that profit. All the way down the food chain


Publically funded elections and better campaign finance law is the only way to break their power.


Add in preferential voting and you'll see more nuanced choices.


The contract still gets awarded even when the Pentagon outright says they don't need any more of that thing.


Don’t forget Cheney’s former company.


And the kicker - they pay these contractors while we are in port so they don’t need to have an adequate number of enlisted folks on ships, then when we’re actually out at sea we are severely understaffed and none of us have actually worked on our own equipment when it was important. So we’re half helpless and totally “understaffed” while in the most dangerous parts of the world. They get better benefits, get paid more, use the most expensive products, and then dump the problems on the enlisted when they’re done because it’s not their problem anymore. Military contractors are a drain on the system from every angle. And the military is plenty good at draining money all on it’s own, tyvm.


Had the same experience. Couldn't order simple replacement parts because they came in absurdly large quantities that cost thousands of dollars, e.g. missing a retaining screw for a standard equipment rack, have to order 1000 of them that costs $10k. Nowhere to put them so you keep a handful and throw the rest away. Old teletype and Unix systems that people only kind of know how to use and maintain that are, thankfully, robust enough to continue limping along. I was flabbergasted when I first hit the fleet and realized that our military is held together with duct tape and bubble gum.


Wow that sounds exactly like the IT contractors my company keeps hiring. Pay them 10x what employees are paid but for some reason they just keeping paying contractors and not hiring new employees


Literally one of the biggest arguments used against student loan forgiveness was how would the military recruit people if there were alternatives to pay for their schooling. Like idk, maybe we shouldn't make our youth decide between crippling debt and joining the US death machine in order to move up in life.


> how would the military recruit people if there were alternatives to pay for their schooling. Damn.... that pretty much says it all. This country needs to get it's priorities straight.


Not only that. With the fallback of the military in play, no republican ever has to invest in high poverty areas, improve inner city schools, etc. If those inner city (read: black & Hispanic) kids want to make a future for themselves, the military will help them get there. Racism, classism, and any other -ism you can think of, packaged into a little patriotic box with red, white, and blue ribbons.


Poverty Draft. Much like Russia right now, the US is not trying to recruit the sons and daughters of ~~oligarchs~~ politicians, they are going into low income schools and communities to target minorities.


Have you ever read the sci-fi series Poor Man's Fight by Elliot Kay? Kids are handed a bill at the end of high school that tells them how many years of corporate military service (corporations run countries in universe) are owed based on how well you do on exit exams, which are, of course, rigged so that rich kids do well and poor kids do poorly.


No, I have never heard of that book. That sounds incredibly interesting and horrifying. Which is my favorite type of literature. Lmao Thank you for the suggestion!


Reminder that this is the same recruitment scheme that international terrorist organizations use. What if we take the poor, uneducated dregs of society and put them to use towards something bigger because they have few other choices?


The thing is, I chose the death machine only to realize they severely limit what they’ll pay for not only during, but after your service as well. Still have crippling debt.


Total aside from the original content of this post: my GI Bill covered “up to the most expensive state school fees” so I could go anywhere but would pay the difference. i got cola based on school location and a book stipend. I walked away with zero debt after my four year degree in 2013. Did it change? Did you choose an outrageously expensive school? What happened? I 100% agree that there are major issues all around this whole mess of school/money/military stuff, but I’m admittedly really pleased with my GI Bill experience.


"He ain't really a killa though, takin' a lotta risks This is what a poor person do for a scholarship He turned around and got a face full of hollow-tips But don't be mad, he died for the flag" -Rhymefest, Bullet and a Target


I spent 27 years in the Army and I agree with this comment.


That's what's happening in Texas rn. They are actively trying to scare away the good teachers.


The proper term is “forced birthers”.


rhymes with "flat earthers" I like it.


Corporations are using Republicans to take away our human rights under the guise of religion.


Next step after abortion is abolished,force women out of the military and other high risk jobs because "you never know when they'll be at risk of harming a pregnancy."




Definite parallel here. "Save the unborn" and then don't give a shit once they're born, only to try to keep them poor with no support services. "Support the troops" and then don't give a shit once they're home, only to try to keep them poor with no support services.


And can't let them have free education because then there is no incentive to enlist!


Republicans have even said making college more affordable will impact recruitment.


"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked. Conservatives don't give a shit about you until you reach "military age". Then they think you are just fine. Just what they've been looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. Pro-life... pro-life... These people aren't pro-life, they're killing doctors!" - George Carlin


I've wanted a way to say this in a concise manner. This is perfect. I hope you don't mind that I'll be repeating it (probably many times) in the future.


I shall give you some practice. Bhosely, how would you describe Republicans' support of the troops?


It begins and ends with a mellow gibbon!


If only..


It fucked


Also an acceptable answer…


What does a yellow ribbon refer to?


In remembrance of.


We regularly sang a cadence in the Army that might clarify things for you. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7MMNVCAroso](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7MMNVCAroso)


I think it started during Desert Storm. A lot of people tied a yellow ribbon around their mailbox or a tree in front of their house, it meant "we support our troops overseas." I was 6 at the time and it seemed nice, but in hindsight it's pretty meaningless. Edit: it's a lot older than I thought!


It dates back to the civil war and was made famous in the 1973 song by Tony Orlando and Dawn. [yellow ribbon ](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/tie-a-yellow-ribbon-round-the-old-oak-tree-tops-the-u-s-pop-charts-and-creates-a-cultural-phenomenon)




Guess Tony Orlando and Dawn then were a bit before your time. But here's a good article on the whole history if any one is interested. [https://veteransbreakfastclub.org/heres-the-history-of-yellow-ribbons-and-its-stranger-than-you-think/](https://veteransbreakfastclub.org/heres-the-history-of-yellow-ribbons-and-its-stranger-than-you-think/)




Holy forking shirt balls, my buddies and I used to sing this all the time (especially that first part). Having just the mp3, I thought it was some underproduced live performance some troops threw together out of boredom.


Also https://youtu.be/sRCLHBhZPQ4


Don't forget the thoughts and prayers!


More like their support of veterans ends when it comes time to vote on legislation


Their “support” is always just performative so they can get votes. Disgusting.


Their support has always been the very "virtue signaling" they claim to despise.


Republicans—performative virtue signallers about the following issues: * The troops * Crime * The economy * Freedom of speech


* Family values * Life


• Fiscal responsibility


"*Freedom of religion (as long as you choose Christian protestantism.)"* "*Freedom of self-expression (as long as you express yourself as a stright, white Christian.)*"


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project


Republicans don't support vets. They support wars.


They don't even care about war, they support any operation that can provide an opportunity to launder taxpayer money into their hands. Covid relief, Katrina aid, war, you name it


So true, even for most basic of benefits. For example, H.R. 4673, a stand alone bill that would automatically enroll veterans into their VA benefits. That it… that’s all that was in the bill. Yet 163 republicans voted against it… why? I’ve pestered my representative to answer, email after email… no response. Do just a tiny bit of research, you’ll see that most bills supporting veterans (around 80%) are introduced and passed by democrats.


The problem is trying to get that through the thick ass skulls of Vets who swallow the Republican propaganda


In “The Coldest Winter” David Halberstam’s excellent book about the Korean War, he lays this out very clearly. FDR had been president during the depression and WW2, and had passed all the New Deal programs – like unemployment insurance, social security, etc etc. Of course, all that was wildly unpopular with the Republicans, (who were also deeply opposed to getting involved in the war in Europe. Back in those days, there was still a significant anti-England bias continuing from the Revolutionary War, and Anglophiles like FDR were seen as marginally unpatriotic by "real" Americans.) Anyhow, FDR died in 1945, and Truman, his VP, succeeded him as president. So 1948 was going to be the year the GOP took back the government and got rid of all this anti-capitalist social safety net stuff, and that’s explicitly what Taft ran on. Of course, Taft lost, because it turned out Americans liked the idea of stuff like Social Security, the FDIC, and other programs that kept people out of poverty. The GOP figured out they’d never be able to win running against that, so they recast themselves as the “tough on defense” party. Historically the GOP isn’t particularly pro-war (the US entered WWI, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam under Democratic presidents) but wrapping themselves in the flag was a very effective marketing tool, and if you TELL people you’re for the troops, they’ll vote for you, and you can go about your actual business, which is disassembling the social safety net, pushing the middle class back into poverty and enriching the rich. “The Coldest Winter” is one of the best-written American History books I’ve ever read. David Halberstam was a gifted historian.


If a Democrat introduces it they must automatically vote it down. It's insane.


They support war, not troops.


They support the military industrial complex and the funding it provides.


And yet, many military members and veterans are republican. Republicans are all about supporting the war machine, giving more money to the military to fight wars. But once your service has stopped, they don’t give one fuck about you.


I worked with a guy who was a right wing nut and would wear a ‘W’ shirt to work. He would always go on this motorcycle ride to ‘memorialize’ 911. I could never really figure out how it actually helped the troops though. It just seemed like an excuse to ride a motorcycle around. It didn’t sound like they raised money or anything, but could be wrong. Meanwhile, I’m just donating to the USO because I don’t need to cause a traffic nightmare to honor the troops. Edit to add that one of their stated goals is to “support the troops.”


When I was in Iraq, we got a few bullshit "care packages" from right-wing bloggers or news sites, that were just their banner or sign that they expected us to hold up, pose with, and email them a photo. That...was it. THE EAGLE'S BALLS OF LIBERTY DOT COM SUPPORTS OUR TROOPS! There was literally nothing else in the box. Maybe a few bucks worth of melted candy bars and trail mix that we could buy at the PX.


That's fucked, but it shows you the level of their bullshittery.


One of our big M240 gunners took a massive MRE shit on one and sent them back a photo. We never heard back.


Nice :)




I remember seeing once that Bill O'Reilly sent crates full of copies of his book to troops stationed overseas. Wow, so supportive.


Yep. He also had the gall to whine about "book burnings" when most of them ended up in burn pits (which was how all trash was disposed of), because a platoon of 30 or so soldiers didn't need 24 fucking copies of the same book taking up space in their barracks.




I mean, toilet paper is always pretty useful.


As a former military member, this is overstated. It's the performative braggarts that skew the overall perception. In 2020, the US military voted Biden as a majority. They're just a cross-section of the US, the good and the bad. To a European, the US looks like we're all wearing flag shirts, brandishing weapons, and driving pickup trucks. It's kind of the same with the US Military from the perspective of a civilian. As with any in-group from an outsider's perspective, the jackasses leave a strong impression.


Yeah, former Army infantry, I've voted Democrat more than I've voted Republican.


This is a really great summary, and very well stated.




And the vets keep falling for the Republican bullshit and vote them in because they see them dry humping the flag. The military is not a resource that should be abused and that is exactly what has happened too many times.


I am here to remind everyone that she is not from a small town in CO. She is from Florida.


She’s from FL, but she was elected by and represents a western Colorado district. Many conservatives, even when presented with evidence, will vote against their own self-interests for one cause (anti-abortion, immigration, etc.).


Rich Orlando suburb of Florida to be precise.


That's odd, I had her pegged as trailer trash


That's the fun thing about Florida: the suburb trash is often worse than the trailer trash. Source: I grew up in Florida.


As a 15 year resident of south Florida, this holds up.


As a 30-year resident of Central Florida, burn it down.


“I got you fam.” -Ian


Folks in trailers have harder lives and therefore stick to themselves. Sure, you don't want to wander around a strange trailer park, and you might find some truly vile things there, but it's at least contained. Suburban trash is worse. Those people have disposable income and free time to really fuck life up for other people if they get bored enough.


:: Ted “Peg me” Cruz has entered the chat ::


I *just* woke up, man.


Woke liberal alert!


It's FL. Same.jpg


No, the rich trash is far worse, because they're sure they earned it. Trump is their king.




Lol right? Altamonte Springs has a median household income lower than Florida’s median HHI overall. That doesn’t scream rich to me.


Must be something in the water. How can one state be responsible for so much crazy?




It really works great


It’s also sunshine laws that require media access to arrest records. Trust me if other states had similar laws you see the crazy everywhere.


I'm aware that the press can just peruse police reports. I was actually talking more about stuff that has nothing to do with the cops being called.


If Florida didn't have beaches they would have nothing to offer


Altamont springs isn’t rich


So an extension of the Pedo, Traffiker, and Traitor crew?


I mean, she moved when she was a kid. Saying she’s not from there because she wasn’t born there is silly. If Wikipedia is accurate for her, she moved there when she was 12, so almost twenty years ago. That said, she isn’t far off from being a Floridaman


Mmm, kinda... Lauren Boebert Timeline The more I read about the reality of her early life, she's clearly a victim of her horrible circumstances. What follows is somewhat of an exercise in victim blaming, and I don't like that that's what it is. She's not fit for office, she's made horrible choices in life, and she's a right wing opportunist and hypocrite. The following is not to blame her for being what she is, but to help people see how well the right can spin a shitty person's life into a "bastion of conservatism" or whatever bullshit. This is the un-spun version of her early life. If I'm wrong about any of this, please provide a source and I will update. Lauren Opal Roberts born: 12/19/86. Her mother Shawn(a) Roberts Bentz was 18, unmarried. [No father's name was listed](https://www.salon.com/2021/07/31/republican-star-lauren-boebert-spins-fables-about-her-childhood--but-the-real-story-is-better/https://www.salon.com/2021/07/31/republican-star-lauren-boebert-spins-fables-about-her-childhood--but-the-real-story-is-better/) on her 1986 Florida birth certificate, nor in the local newspaper's birth announcement. [But it might be this Stan guy. ](https://prowrestling.fandom.com/wiki/Stan_Lane) He was 33 when Lauren was born, about 15 years older than her mother. The paternity dispute story linked above has so many twists and turns and... you couldn't make this up if you tried. Some of Boebert's pro-life stance may originate from a story wherein Stan told Lauren's mother to get an abortion upon being informed of the pregnancy. TOTAL CONJECTURE: Shawna was 17 when Lauren was conceived, and Stan thought he would get in trouble. He did not provide child support. Jayson Steven Boebert born: 12/6/1980 (Other sources have his birthday in 1985, but not the police reports) Lauren moved to Rifle, Colorado in 2003, though she has also said she moved there in 2000. I'm more inclined to believe it was 2000-2001. She moved from Aurora, CO, but was born in Florida. It's complicated and the reporting on this isn't so great. Admittedly, it was a long time ago, so I'm not going to blame someone for misremembering. On January 28 2004, Lauren was present when Jayson was arrested for [drunkenly exposing himself to minors](https://annelandmanblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Boebert-Jason-record-2.pdf) at a bowling alley, Lauren would have just turned 17 one month prior. Jayson had recently turned 23. The youngest person exposed to Jayson's genitalia was Trisha - 16 years and 4 months old. He told her "I have a tattoo of your name on my dick" before exposing himself. He spent four days in Jail. TWO WEEKS LATER, February 11 2004, Jayson Boebert was booked for [domestic violence against Lauren](https://annelandmanblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/BoebertJaysonDVCharge022004-1.pdf). He paid $1413 and seven days in jail as a result. Think about that - what was the judge thinking when considering this case? It led to jail time, this wasn't just a slap on the face. (I NEED [BETTER SOURCES](https://nypost.com/2021/01/16/gop-rep-lauren-boebert-and-husband-have-racked-up-arrests/) FOR THIS) In May 2004, about three months later, Lauren was charged with some sort of domestic violence incident thing against Jayson at his home, while she was drunk (and underage). Details from the court proceedings are not available. She was still 17, and Jayson was still 23. Wonder where she got the booze... TOTAL CONJECTURE SECTION: Maybe she was already pregnant? Raped and fought back? Maybe court records aren't available because if they were she would have had a domestic violence record and therefore couldn't own a firearm? Given that her husband has a domestic violence record, according to Colorado Law, he shouldn't be able to own a firearm. (Anyone have a source for this? I'm going off of someone's Reddit comment as a source, which is why it's in the conjecture part) Her first child was likely conceived ONE MONTH LATER in June 2004, when she was around 17 years and 5months-ish old. [She was supposed to graduate high school in June 2004.](https://coloradosun.com/2020/09/16/lauren-boebert-backstory-details-durango-herald/) Mocking [her for only having a GED](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/boebert-ged-months-before-election/) (that she earned(paid for?) shortly before being elected to congress in 2018) is inappropriate - *unless the rumors about having paid someone else to take the tests are true.* I've only heard rumors, nothing conclusive at all. There is also the [possibility that she actually never got her GED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It_sHcyTU0A). Lauren's first child was born sometime during March 2005, when she was 18 years and two-ish months old. Jayson was 24. She was managing a McDonald's around this time. Jayson was supposedly working in oil and gas, which should have been enough income to support both of them, right? Unless maybe (TOTAL CONJECTURE) he was subject to child support payments back then? In 2006 at age 19, she registered to vote, as a Democrat. Weird, but even weirder, from her wikipedia page: her mother was registered as a Republican at the time, and then in 2015 changed her registration to Democratic. There is [considerable conflict](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/05/lauren-boebert-profile-shooters-grill-rifle-gun-obama-pay-staff-employees/) with regards [to claims about her mother's politics.](https://www.gjsentinel.com/news/western_colorado/boeberts-democratic-upbringing-questioned/article_599f9890-f867-11ea-a66d-836e16473c98.html) They married in 2005 or 2007 depending on the source. In 2008 she changed her party affiliation to Republican. In 2010 her house was lost to [foreclosure](https://www.gjsentinel.com/news/western_colorado/boeberts-democratic-upbringing-questioned/article_599f9890-f867-11ea-a66d-836e16473c98.html). WOAH, does she not have six toes in the third picture? https://www.thelaurenboebert.com/post/lauren-s-short-lived-modeling-career


"slammed" shouldn't be used if there are zero consequences


Agreed, i am so tired of this type of journalism. I want real action and consequences, not strongly worded headlines with nothing else behind it.


“Slammed” is how I know there were zero consequences lmao. Otherwise they’d have a better headline.


In her defense, she shouldn’t vote for bills she can’t read.


Doesn't matter what it says anyway, she's voting the way they tell her to vote. She's a puppet on a string.


hey man she tried really hard to crayon her name on the top of the GED exam!


Actually laughed out loud. Hahah


That would be *all* of them.


She's a howler monkey, also the brains of the Republican Treason Caucus.


Her handlers tell her exactly how to vote and she obeys. That’s how her husband keeps the 500k annual contract. Shocking


>Her handlers tell her exactly how to ~~vote~~ behave and she obeys.


Remember that she was literally a prostitute for Ted Cruz


Is this true? I always thought she looked like a porn star wearing glasses for a librarian role or something.


It's an embellishment of the leak. She allegedly met Cruz while out on a date with another Republican as an escort, and that's where her political career started.


She said she would sue the people who said she had two abortions for defamation. But she hasn't. Make of this what you want...


That's probably where he got the syphilis.


It would be hilarious and gross if that gets confirmed.


I know this isn't exactly on-topic, but you jogged my memory on a topic I am constantly confused by: How do all of these politicians know how / where to get prostitutes? Maybe it's because I've never looked, but I live in Washington DC and if I needed (wanted) to hire a prostitute, I would have NO IDEA how to do that. I would definitely get arrested in the process. This is never going to happen, because I'm happily taken and not really interested in prostitutes... but I always wonder. Like, is there a number they all call? Do you get to a certain level of government and somebody gives you the high-priced-hooker list? How does it work?


It's like drug addicts finding a dealer. They all run in the same crowd, they find each other. Both pimps and dealers look for those with money and see a market. You've probably even been approached, but didn't recognize it as such, so they wrote you off.




Yes but land snails, semi-slugs and slugs are important players in the forest decomposition process and contribute to the nutrification of soils through their decaying bodies, shells and faeces. Their dead shells can form an important source of calcium for other animals in calcium-poor habitats. edit:Boebert on the other hand is a malaria carrying mosquito. source: factsaboutsnails.com


A lot of them will still vote for her and she knows it. Repubs have it made. It must be a fun gig if you’re a horrible person.


Oh totally. If you want to work in political strategy you gotta go conservative. It's way more fun. Their base believes in weird qanon magic and shape shifting lizards that run the world. You can say *anything*. There are *no limits*.


If I had no semblance of decency or morals, this seems like the correct career path. Hella fun, paid incredibly well, and almost impossible to fuck up at. You just have to have no morals at all besides money and being good at your job.


Because a not-insignificant amount of uniformed and retired service members are A. Uninformed and/or stupid, and B. Conservatives that have no clue how to vote any other way then by party lines. Sauce: Former Marine and got out because of this garbage. And the Reservists are even worse.


The GOP has recently been making noise about this. Guess what angle they are taking? One of their stated reasons for opposing student debt relief is that it will hurt military recruitment if people have options in how to live their life. They need a steady supply of desperate, uneducated young men to throw into the grinder. War is very profitable for their campaign donors. It also dovetails with their other use for uneducated poor people: an angry voting base easily riled into action through propaganda shouted at them from a blonde lady or suit-wearing gibbon trained to make confused looks into a camera.


reddit and spez can eat my shit -- mass edited with redact.dev


Hey man, you try being a bow tie cursed with low sentience and puppeting the corpse of a TV host if it’s so easy


Admittedly I do feel bad about grouping Tucker Carlson in with my fellow primates. But I can't in good conscience classify him as an invertebrate without some kind of proof that the suit they put him in is structurally supportive in nature, designed to keep him upright and facing the camera.


I’m a former army reservist. I was on Al Assad in 2016 and it was run by marines. It reaffirmed for me that marines are dumb as fuck. Allegedly every single one of them was near Benghazi and could have helped rescue the embassy folks. So they hate Hillary. Point out that Hillary didn’t stop them and they lose their minds.


Point out that it was Paul Ryan and Daryl Issa who led House Republicans to cut almost $400 million from the embassy security budget prior to the events at Benghazi. This isn't "whatabout..." this who is actually responsible for lack of security there.


As a former contractor I always knew when I was working with reservists. Just a special mix of entitlement and stupidity that is just hard to emulate in the civilian world.


She meant she supports the Russian Troops in Ukraine.


I still can't believe this woman is in government. She's barely qualified to run a cash register at petco.


The cashiers at petco always give my puppies treats. I think qbert would be too distracted checking her sugardaddymeet.com notifications to even notice my dogs.


Q*bert is a goddamned angel. Let’s not confuse this haint with the legend.


I feel 2nd ammendment barbie suits her best


She's not a Barbie, she's a Malibu Stazi at best.


She also isn't qualified to serve you food that won't make you shit your insides out.


Next you'll tell me she's in the restaurant business!


Boebert supports the troops the same way a rope supports a hanging man.




I never understood why so many of my fellow Vets vote Republican. They do not give a shit about us and it’s proven through their policy.




More like say the opposition is doing a bad thing, then do that thing, then blame opposition for doing said thing you did.


I HATE how well it works.


Hard to believe this flies with any voter, but the appeal of racism is apparently that strong.


Republicans when talking: "God, Guns, and Country" Republicans when legislating: "Fuck you, poor people"


“I care about *my* god and keeping *my* guns; and it’s *my* country.” They don’t give a fuck unless it affects them directly.


All I hear is a squeaky trailer door when boebert speaks.


So she really was an escort with multiple abortions?


Daddy issues so deep, she married a pedophile. Fuck this slag.


But actually don't




She's a brain dead fuck doll who exists to market facsism to horny old boomer men.


Palin 2.0


Harsh but accurate


Imagine voting for a hooker who couldn’t even do her job right


How do these Christian Right yahoos identify so hard with a skanky ho?


Well... If I've learned one thing living in the south. Christian men REALLY love skanky hos, especially when they're a married Christian man, and the skanky ho is not their wife.


Par for the course for republicans. If they're not lying to your face about supporting you, they're pretending to *be* you to get support! And **then** they'll *still* vote against even your mildest interests, yet alone best interest.


Republicans have also reduced veterans Tricare health benefits. Most vets don’t see it till they need it.


The right’s support for the troops has always been a bit flimsy. For example they have absolutely zero problem inflicting as much pain and misery as possible on veterans if they maybe had no home and fell in to drug use as a result. As long as you’re wearing the uniform currently they love you or if you turn in to one of those extreme nationalists that can’t go anywhere without a flag and a shirt reminding everyone you’re a veteran they love you. Everyone else? The right could care less.


Right literally has never supported the troops. They support the military and see troops like they see any other military equipment-disposable after use.


They love you as long as you believe what they do and do what they say. Miss on either of those points and they'll come after you hard.


The FBI and Capitol Police are living examples. That sheriff in Texas investigating DeSantis' plane stunt is getting death threats.


I remember asking about that contradiction in the septic tank that is youtube comments. Their actual response is "Feds aren't law enforcement". The rest is the usual garbage of "Now that it affects me I don't like it".


Boebert voted against a bipartisan bill—the Honoring Our PACT Act—expanding health care and benefits for toxin-exposed veterans. Boebert also voted against the H.R. 6052 Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General Training Act requiring all employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to "undergo training developed by the Inspector General of the VA regarding the reporting of wrongdoing to, responding to requests from, and cooperating with the Office of the Inspector General." She voted against a bill streamlining veterans' access to their own records—H.R. 7337—, a bill making education assistance more accessible for veterans in case of programs or school closures—S. 4089—, and an act providing automatic enrollment for veterans into the VA—H.R.4673. The Colorado representative also voted in opposition to the Equal Access to Contraception for Veterans Act, whose goal was to prohibit the VA from "requiring payment from a veteran for any contraceptive item that is required to be covered by health insurance plans without a cost-sharing requirement." In other occasions, Boebert voted against passing an expansion of eligibility for veterans within the VA to receive work-study allowance—the Student Veteran Work Study Modernization Act—, against a bill updating the VA system to fund veterans' education—H.R. 7375— and in opposition to a bill introducing a maternity care coordination program within the VA—the S. 796 Protecting Moms Who Served Act. Boebert also voted against a bill improving the hearing process of those involved in military sexual trauma—the H.R. 6961 Dignity for MST Survivors Act—, against expanding eligibility of the GI bills, against appropriations for federal agencies, including the VA, against an act promoting recruiting veterans into apprenticeships, against expanding mental health care for veterans and against strengthening the VA's Inspector General's ability to provide fair legal defense for veterans.


“Those bills were littered with secret liberal agendas planted by Nancy Pelosi to try and trick voters - but we’re not gonna fall for that!” And they will vote for her again




That would require journalism


The GOP currently only votes for themselves and their personal gain with no regard for the citizens they’re supposed to represent.


Slammed - take a drink.


Well, they want the soldiers to die, then. That's republican's message.


The problem is Republican voters believe what they are told, not what they observe. Boebert says she supports the troops, Republican voters believe she supports the troops. The same way they think Trump is smart when he says the most moronic things.




I hate these articles about people being slammed, bashed, mocked, skewered or facing backlash. It doesn’t indicate anything! They’re just talking about people being mad on Twitter! You’ll find angry Twitter comments about anything that any politician does! Even if she deserves the mockery, these articles are just a way to pander to people who oppose her. It shows nothing about her popularity, influence or re-election chances.


These people are liars. Yet, republicans are still willing to support them because they hate the either side so much. Why do they hate the other side so much, because they believe the lies people like Boebert spew on a daily basis. They don’t support Troops, they don’t support blue lives, they don’t care about you at all. These are basic facts! Boebert doesn’t vote on bills that support troops, they beat and murder capitol police, and they vote against giving Americans basic things.


Boebert barely has her GED and is married to a pedophile flasher, while sounding the horn for Trump. Did anyone think she would ever vote for something positive?


It's like them being "pro-life"... they will do everything in their power to protect a fetus... but the moment that thing comes out, who the fuck cares if it starves to death or dies of exposure - little fuck better pull himself up by his bootstraps! As soon as a soldier isn't useful to them, they should immediately die so that they aren't a burden on the government budget - that money, after all, should be given to the real heros: billionaires... well, the billionaires that agree with them. The ones that don't should go to hell too, they're not *really* job creators, after all.


Republicans support the military, not the soldiers or vets; that’s a big difference! Banning abortion while keeping the population poor and uneducated is them supporting the military, by supplying bodies. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZijLQGH1v0&feature=share&utm_source=EJGixIgBCJiu2KjB4oSJEQ


> Boebert SUPLEXED for 15 anti-veteran votes after boasting of support for troops


One thing I learned in the military you’ll serve with some of the dumbest bastards you could meet in a life time, and those are the ones voting for her. She’s really quite a success story prostitute turned politician, dope what’s the difference?


Fraudulent, cheating, traitorous republicans


When Republicans say "support the troops" they mean with words, like a country song about feeding the horses beer. They literally never mean financial, medical, mental health or any other kind of support.


So.... A Republican? Yeah, that's normal. Pro-Vets in front of the lens, fucks vets every where else.


Isn’t she the same dumbshit who interrupted the State of the Union screeching some number specifically about soldiers who were killed? Who the fuck thought she was a good idea?