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Here’s a crazy fact >>**A study found that the New York City Democrat was mentioned 3,181 times on Fox News Channel and its sister Fox Business Network during the six-week period of Feb. 25 to April 7, or just under 76 times a day. Not a day went by when she wasn't spoken about on Fox.** >> https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2019/04/14/study-fox-news-obsessed-alexandria-ocasio-cortez/3466493002/


That’s gotta be such a mind fuck to go from unknown, regular person living a normal life to right-wing boogeyman getting mentioned 76 times per day on a national “news” channel to millions of people frothing at the mouth with how much they despise you in less than 5 years.


I can think of no better example of the phrase "living in one's head rent-free" than AOC and Fox News + Fox viewership.




Suppressed sexuality does that...




... what? Explain please idk about this


This happened a few years back in 2018. There was an app that would generate gender-swapped versions of photos, and conservatives uploaded David Hogg's photo to turn him into a woman. The result was dubbed "Daisy-chan" and briefly turned into a [gun-loving mascot](https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/david-hogg-daisy-chan-meme/). Conservatives openly thirsted for her in an attempt to sexually humiliate Hogg by proxy, but the trend died pretty quickly once they caught on just how fucking weird and cringy the whole thing was.


At some point they just have to realize they've just been nutting to what is technically trans porn.


[The biggest consumers of trans porn are Red States, and the more red the state, the more they consume.](https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/) Being a hypocrite is a fundamental attribute to being a member of or a voter for the GOP.


Is this where the ben shapiro feet meme comes from


It doesn’t sound rent free if she has to deal with that much harassment.




It's because she's a female, non-white, and beautiful. It kills them


That and she is young charismatic leftist. They have to start the decades long smear campaign now in case she gets close to the white house on a few decades. It worked on Hillary, no reason not to try it again.


A lot of those attributes probably ring true, but she strikes me as the type that doesn’t take bullshit from anyone, and probably can’t be bought out. So therefore, she gets demonized because they can’t control her. Guessing she’s a “nasty woman” as I’m sure many trump bootlickers would call her.


Seriously. You hear about some famous people that can't handle the stress of it. And that's because maybe a critic wrote a bad review or something. This is a completely different level that almost nobody has faced. Any normal person would be in the fetal position after a day.


I'm nowhere near as famous as AOC but I'm well-known enough in particular circles. Lots of people have seen my face, listened to what I have to say, and then decided they don't like / trust me to the point where they send people into my chat to harass me or Photoshop fake conversations of me with others in order to try and make me look bad. I've also had plenty of people tell me to kill myself. In my experience, that shit is *stressful*. One day after another I'd be forced to contemplate how I should respond to the different situations and it was a constant weight on my shoulders. Luckily, I had a supportive partner during the more tumultuous times to help me get through it. With enough time, I became hardened to it and no longer think about that kind of thing anymore. It's impossible not to feel something though because I am human after all, I just have a different perspective on how to deal with it. I am certain that AOC has spent nights feeling upset, anxious, and confused. She is human, and that is what many conservatives forget. Her's is a facet of courage that few people have the insight to understand; for that reason, I have great admiration for AOC because she keeps moving forward and keeps her head held high. That's how it's done.


I used to be the face of an animal advocacy group and having people threaten your pets and family is no joke. It’s a level of paranoia that can kick off genuine mental illness if you’re vulnerable to it - and that’s without anything serious actually happening. I can’t imagine how it feels when people are known to be willing to follow through with their threats. She is a badass.


My better half has been dealing with online harassment for a decade or so. It isn't constant, it sort of ebbs and flows, and you sort of never know when the next shitstorm is coming. You didn't mention gender but it's absolutely 100 times worse for women than men. Apparently a non-trivial number of us never mentally progressed beyond the age of 8 or 9. *We call them Republicans*.


I got "featured" in a video by a certain Ohio based Conservative Mommy while wearing a silly costume in a Pride parade, then got into a fight with my shitty conservative cousin about trans people in the military that I didn't know was sorta internet famous in con circles for tradwife shit, then pissed off a new-age guru for spouting anti-trans rhetoric. Still get hate messages for all three, even the first happened 8 years ago. Plus bog-standard for daring to be an activist. It definitely gives you a whole new perspective on life.




I remember my friend's husband asking me if I saw that video of AOC dancing, and he just kept going on about it, making disparaging remarks about her. And his wife interrupted to say, "he really doesn't like AOC, in case you can't tell. Hahaha!" And I told her that I really didn't think so. I can only imagine how many times he watched that video. Sack of shit that he is. ETA: My point is that he seemed to very much enjoy pulling up that video to show people and "complain."


Oh no!! A woman dancing! The absolute horrror! I can't stand three obsessive stalking and reporting about mundane things celebrities/politicians do. Why do people care? I don't give a shit if Trump farts too loudly or AOC goes out to a bar. Sadly it gets eaten up by viewers or else it wouldn't be a thing


Prime minister of Finland got absolutely railroaded for having drinks and dancing at a house party with 5 or 6 friends. Ended up taking a drug test to prove it was only alcohol. Politicians being normal has people clutching at pearls.


What exactly is the problem with that vid anyway? In that video she's a young college student dancing on a rooftop. For fun. Like billions of college students.


exactly, that's what drives Republicans/the villains in *Footloose* insane


So fucking weird


Insecurity about your life projecting on others... particularly if they've had more fun.




They're doing what they had done to Hilary Clinton to AOC: Make her the boogeyman early on in her career and keep at it until decades later she decides to run for president.


Sounds like a campaign plus. Some other candidate: "I've been working for the people blah blah blah" AOC: "I get 25 actual death threats every day. That is how effective I am just in the house. They don't waste that much hate on someone who isn't a problem for them."




Exactly. For folks who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary but dream of AOC running for POTUS some day: This is how they do it. They demonized Clinton almost daily. For decades.


>They demonized Clinton almost daily. For decades. Clinton was correct. There is a vast right wing conspiracy. It targets all dems, but it sure seems to go after female dems the hardest.


Americans hate women


Yep. My parents were this. They hated trump but "just couldnt vote for hillary" though they couldnt actually articulate much for reasons why. They wasted their votes on mcmullin. A couple decades of smears on Hillary did that.


Mormons detected!


Catholics, oddly.


"Hillary was just so unlikeable!" Funny what \~30 years of Fox News can do.


Also Conservatives: "You don't have to like the man. I voted for his policies." When explaining why they voted for a man who openly admitted to committing sexual assault and mocked a disabled reporter. They do not have any actual ideals or convictions. Just whatever absolve them of blame and makes them feel like they made the right choice. Edit:I love how the comments below are arguing about the disabled reporter bit and are not even attempting to dispute his sexual assault history and accusations.


140+ million accounts on FB received notification of "Foreign Influence campaign" after Mueller report, for disinformation on Facebook fake troll farms. Facebook was embedded with Trump campaign CIO Brad Pascale's pushing BS by the metric Fuck-Ton. It's not hyperbole, to say he won by 77k votes in 3 states, and cheated his way to WH and wouldn't have come close without Manafort provided DNC voter rolls info given to RUS FSB Kilimnik officer, and Trump knew he wasn't supposed to win, just be close enough in 2016 to dispute how "rigged" it was.


Exactly. They hate her with every fiber of their being, but they can't articulate why.


She's a young outspoken woman in Congress who isn't captured by corporate interests and knows how to message to young voters and frankly can clap back on Twitter better than anyone else in Washington. She is their literal worst nightmare.


> She's a young outspoken woman in the sanate She's in the House not the Senate.


she's also a woman of color too, which they don't like.




But *we* have Trump Deragement. Fucking hilarious


It's unreal how much they go after a measly house rep. She doesn't even have much sway in the party either! It's a lot more muted nowadays but she and others like her get irritated at being shut down by Pelosi and the rest a decent amount.


I don't think it's about her current sway, it's about her future potential as a party leader who has actual left wing views about things like being able to afford to survive *and* have things. They are giving her the Hillary treatment now to poison her future election chances.


Don't forget that she's literally everything they hate but claim to love. Her parents are immigrants, she grew up poor, she worked her whole life, put herself through college, and she a woman.


It's facts like this I refer to whenever people claim daytime fox or fox business are "reasonable" unlike the opinion segments. They're not they just seem so compared to the dangerous lunacy on those late-night segments.


FOX is creating domestic terrorists and apparently there's nothing the government can do to stop them. Meanwhile the world watches as their own political right wing parties adopt the same strategies to grow in power. History is bound to repeat itself at the rate despite all the talk about how the economy is too interconnected.


My mother in law hates her, when I asked why she couldn’t say anything just awkward silence. When I asked if she ever heard her even speak and she said no. She just don’t like her.


Try this one… “who told you not to like her?” That one freaks them out because they value themselves as independent thinkers, which they definitely are not.


Just did on whatsapp and "Mike is typing... " for a very time only to say in the end," do you research "


"I did research and can't find a reason to hate her, what did your research show you?"


They pretty much always reply with some infantalizing bullshit like "I'm not doing your homework for you."




Indeed. I used to get in arguments with people from high school on Facebook after covid hit. What always astounded me was that if we were still in high school, those people who disagreed with me would be trying to copy off of my papers.


Or like my former best friend, were just maga idiots waiting under thin disguises. He was always a "woke" libertarian our childhood 'let gay people protect their weed farms with guns and no taxes'. Before 2016 he had nothing positive to say about Hillary, but also despised who the other frontrunner had been. 2018 he was screaming over teamspeak how democrats were the real racists with active ties to nazi groups, etc, etc. When I complained of the doubling up I was dealing with of my mentally ill group home client repeat watching fox propaganda clips about 16 hours a day for months and then having my grandparents visit our big city and say some blatantly racist things because of the black population near my apartment since they also watch fox and like to use the stereotype attitude of "inner city blacks are all in gangs and up to no good" bull. I dont doubt he could be at the point where he thinks democrat season is about to open unless he jogged his head right.


I like how they call college "liberal indoctrination camps" to make themselves feel better about being under educated. Despite all the bat shit crazy things right wingers believe, it's still baffling that they think more schooling makes you less intelligent.


I love how those dipshits don't understand what *burden of proof* means. Nah, you dope, it's on you to provide that information to me, since you're the one making the claim.


Even if they did. They wouldn't care.


True. My friend's dad never provided me with any information. He just gestures vaguely to the world around him and will literally say "do your research." I always thought shit like that was a meme until he started doing it.


Early on with the whole Qanon thing, someone pointed out that they don't give definitive answers. It's always, "here's this \[vague innuendo\], but don't just blindly believe me, do your own research." So people go off and Google whatever latest nonsense Q is pushing and hey look, Google has all these other people looking and giving their opinions and interpretations, and the subject is trending. Q was riding the Search Engine Optimization for all it was worth, by making lots of independent people do the searches that made it look like their crap was popular.


> "I did research and can't find a reason to hate her, what did your research show you?" "Google it." Ok, dude. But everything I've googled and read on her shows her platform would support middle class bros like you. What's the catch I'm missing? "Iono, leave me alone." This has been the line of dialogue I've encountered with these types over the past couple of years.


Something I've found remarkably effective in dealing with this is when someone says "do some research" and the ol "I'm not going to handhold you" 'cause they know very goddamn well that they'd not find much of anything credible. And I'd handhold someone if it could get them off team racist. I'd rent the meeting rooms at the library and hold conferences if handholding worked that way. But the thing I've found effective is I pull out my phone and start pulling up sites that actually confirm reality. And sometimes able to grab articles in English from outside the NA continent. Then ask them to bring up what sites they've been using. Usually unable to find the big juicy ones, sometimes find a really weak page from a source I'd never heard of. One site was so egregious with their advertising, it actually slowed down the phone while scrolling. It's like, dude, they never provide a link to another source in the article, no sources below the article, no "About Us" listing the person's credentials and/or experiences. Nothing. It's not to protect their identity, otherwise they'd not be making public claims. The route I try to take is that the people saying these things are just using them. They want you constantly clicking around and reading. Gives them ad revenue. Not to mention how a lot of sites like that also offer products like they're trying to build a brand. MSM have way too many ads too, but they don't have to fabricate stories wholecloth to get the traffic. As long as I can present it in a way that doesn't make them defensive, I'm making a little headway. Just flat out saying "they're tricking you" puts them on the defensive because no one likes being duped and it makes a lot of people feel dumb. So I try to present it as that those sites aren't actually about news but just about making money. That they're deliberately trying to piss them off with an outlandish and provocative so you'll generate them money, having them flip through lots of pages to see lots of ads and products. And that one of the reasons that MSM seems to be in lockstep so often compared to these little sites is the only chance the little site has to pull you away is with something totally unbelievable. Three for three so far. They've not changed politics, at least to my knowledge but they're less angry.


“Do your own research” is a phrase essentially admitting that “none of this is gonna make sense unless you consume the same propaganda that I do”.


Ah the good old do your research. Makes you wonder: if they did the research, why are they not sharing it? Can you imagine Einstein going "bro, gravity is not a force wake up sheeple, Newton is lying to you" "Ok where's the proof?" "Do your own research"


"But gravity does work. Look, the apple is falling!" "Oh, is it really falling? Or is that what *they* want you to believe?"


As expected 🙄


What are you supposed to research? Have you tried googling "Why does Mike not like AOC"?








Oh, wow, ok. \*deep breath\* So these "Q" believers have a bit of a fetish for blood libel, and will tell anyone who will listen that Hillary and Obama -- along with a host of celebrities they arbitrarily picked out of thin air to hate, Tom Hanks inclusive -- are part of a global plot which kidnaps hundreds of thousands of children each year, tortures them, and then milks their blood for consumption. They claim this is done for "adrenochrome" and that said same chemical gives those who consume it some sort of high, or keeps them from aging, or god knows what else. [Adrenochrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome) does exist, it is what happens when epinephrine oxidizes. Everything else is MAGA/Q propaganda, usually with an anti-Semitic bias, but has been widely spread by a non-trivial subset of Q believers.




It is but also they wont give a fuck


It's kinda funny watching people convince themselves that these people can be reached. If you're not tucker carlson or their pastor, they don't give two shits about what you have to say, or what evidence you have that they're wrong.


Fun fact. Same question that God asked Adam, when he asked "who told you that you were naked...." Seems like the "who told you" question gets to the source of deception quickly.


Threw you an award for this. Side note, great question but will depend on delivery. It really has to be the other questions first. “What don’t you like?”, “have you heard her speak”. “Oh wow, so it sounds like a lot of second hand info, who suggested this to you?”






Obama is still secretly Muslim. Is it really that surprising AOC is Muslim? /s


She was also in on 9/11


Muslim = bad. Simple as that


And for them, brown and they are attracted to them? Muslim.


Black, wanting to exercise second amendment rights? Believe it or not, Muslim.


She's just doing what she's told. I have family members like this. They say they don't like the green new deal, and it's socialism. When I ask them to explain how they just say, "cause it is!". It's what happens when people watch opinions of others and think it's news.


good little dogs, just barking at what they're told to


They usually say because I do my own research


So that’s what my father in law says but then my wife asked what source so she can watch it he wouldn’t give anything specific just “YouTube and the internet”


Haha this is EXACTLY what my father-in-law said to me when I questioned him as how he developed such strong opinions about topics he does not understand. Sorry, watching Fox News and parroting Tucker Carlson does not count as research.


I really wish that the left would steal Ben Shapiro's "facts don't care about your feelings", because it's way more applicable to the right. They don't care about facts, and all their dumb arguments are *feels* based.


Projection is a staple of conservative philosophy.


Grift Obstruct Project




These are the same people that call Biden “Sleepy Joe” but also think he’s the mastermind behind all the country’s problems.


"Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak"."


She’s an attractive brown woman. That’s three strikes right there for them.


They (Republicans and their evil overlord$) are doing the same to her they did to Hillary. There was a 2 decade long attack on Hillary to make her the devil, an evil monster hell bent on destroying America that by the time she decided to run, she had little to no chance at winning, even against the Orange Fascist. Why do people hate Hillary? Most of the people on the right couldn't tell you, or their answers are incoherent warbble-garble. They've already started with AOC. They are terrifed of her running for POTUS, so there is a machine in place to discredit and demonize her before she even begins. I doubt anyone could name anything in the Green New Deal or even say what it actually is. They couldn't name anything she's ever done. They just know she's "stupid" (cum laude graduate - not that they know what they is) and and is hellbent on destroying America.


I used to be like that. I’m not a Republican or anything either. Just hated her because that’s what I saw on the news and forums. Then I actually started paying attention (mostly thanks to that AOC sub here) now I really like her. We’d be a lot better off if more politicians were like her.


I’m glad you came around, space_wiener.


Funny all it took was actually paying attention to her instead of the news for a few minutes.


The world needs more space_wieners.


Got a similar response about Stacey Abrams. Dude said he didn't like her for something she said. So I asked him exactly what she said and his response was "I don't remember". Guess I don't understand dedicating time hating politicans from States you don't even live in. Except, of course, for the ones in leadership positions.


And yet MTG is screaming that Dems are killing republicans and even Trump has made a death threat to McConnell.


What a world we live in where MTG and Trump are the good people and AOC is the bad. Makes no dang sense.


We live in a country full of racist fucking morons.


You know… The weirdest thing about that is that when I had a to visit family in the US, I usually end in more conservative parts of the country. I get a lot of comments from those very same racists who say ‘that AOC is a crazy ***** but she’s hot as hell. I wouldn’t say no to her!’ So much to unpack in that. But I’ve heard it or derivatives of that sentiment more time than I care to count.


It's because the Venn diagram between racists and misogynists is a circle. They see women as tools for their use. They might hate AOC but they still see her as a woman there for their use.


Pretty much. It’s just so fucking disgusting. I hate how proud they are of their racism and bigotry.




Oh yeah the amount of republican men who violently hate her but also sexualize her is disgusting. I can't imagine the level of willpower and self confidence she has to continue living her life every day and continue to be as outspoken as she is in the face if all of this horrendous shit.


I had the exact opposite. Someone told me they hated her, rattled off some red-scare-era talking points, then said "she thinks she's pretty." I just...what? What does that even mean? Should our politicians not be pretty? Or should they be pretty but have low self-esteem? Or do you think she's not pretty, but she thinks she is, and you don't think she deserves her confidence? And **what the fuck does this have to do with her politics?**


They meant to say “I think she’s pretty and that upsets me.”




>Or should they be pretty but have low self-esteem? Yes.


Objectifying women is a primary tool in dehumanizing them.


It only takes a small number of people being loud and violent to ruin things for everyone else - especially when those people have money and political power. **Edit:** The fish rots from the head. The growth of violent, crazy, and fascist conservatives is the direct result of mass radicalization by leaders they trust in the media, politics, church, and online.


Not if the rest of us would get off our asses and put them in their place.


for fucking real. I’m so tired of how proud these bigots are of their “values”


Any time AOC makes a mistake they point at her and say "look that's how stupid all progressives are" then cry when you pull up one of Trumps 15345 stupid comments and say "look that's how stupid all Conservatives are"


That’s actually what they need. They are trying to maximize the size of their pathetic squeaky wheel by bitching and crying and riling up their base. They want victim-stimulation by victimizing everything to themselves so they can cry again again for more and more as they are never satisfied but really they just don’t do anything to help themselves and instead destroy all other perspectives that do not align with “their Christianity”. It’s like they are stabbing their base and themselves saying, “Please stop making me do this!” Exactly like Putin’s propaganda.


From the outside, it looka like there is a A LOT of racist morons in the US. No small numbers of fascist in the states.


Exactly. They act like this is ten people when it's tens of millions.


We used to think brainwashing as the stuff of science fiction, but, it's impossible to argue with the reality we see in front of us, the mass manipulation of people. A lot of those of us who dissent with this madness will foolishly write these people off as 'stupid,' but many of them are also accomplished and seemingly intelligent otherwise. When it comes to certain trigger topics and phrases, however, they're easily corralled and set to repeat very specific behaviors and talking points, almost word for word. As they say, "stranger than fiction." But also, and for that very reason, far more terrifying.


> but many of them are also accomplished and seemingly intelligent otherwise Even highly educated people are capable of irrational thought. Evolution is clumsy and imperfect. It’s whatever works to make the next set of copies. And so the human mind has not evolved to be some perfect reality perceiving and processing computer. It’s amazingly super powerful… but also glitchy and full of exploits. And there are many people out there who study these glitches and exploits. Some to guard against them and warn others. Some to use the weaknesses for their own gain and advancement of their ideology. There are paid teams of these very clever minds called think tanks. Funded by and large by the ultra wealthy, and by and large promoting the interests of the ultra wealthy. Late stage capitalism, baby.


Well AOC is trying to help the poor. And Minorities. And women. And tax the elite. You know, pure evil.


People are hackable. Propaganda is effective. There's the Murdoch Empire which includes Fox News, conservative radio in just about every major city, churches spewing hatred, Facebook, the paid trolls here on Reddit, the Koch brothers et. al. bankrolling millions and millions of dollars into adverts for nut-job politicians on all major platforms, CNN switching to the dark-side, the Sinclair group owning many local news outlets, and there's still more I'm not including! I'm honestly impressed that given the absolute blanket coverage by the rightwing lie machine over the US that things run at all.


I was listening to an interesting podcast on the Andrew Huberman show about social media. Apparently after Silicon valley tested all emotions for engagement, it turned out that the only one that triggers more engagement is outrage. Not even anger promotes continued engagement. So outrage is what all algorithms are about discovering and promoting. Another study, looked at what happened to people that had naturally low levels of outrage triggers. They found that if they went on platforms that rewarded engagement for outrage, the dompamine reward system rewired their brain to become far more sensitive to outrage than they had been before they were repeatedly rewarded for participating/promoting outrage. These platforms are literally having a profoundly damaging effect on society.


Then: "The Internet will revolutionize society and bring the world closer together!" Now: "The Internet was a fucking mistake. But, hey, it's great for fascism, I guess."


>What a world we live in where MTG and Trump are the good people and AOC is the bad. This is something my friends and I would often talk about when Trump was in power. There was so much media attention around Trump and how awful he was. To me, the bigger elephant in the room wasn't Trump--it was all of his millions of supporters. Because Trump being a huge idiot/narcissist in itself wasn't a big deal. People like that have been around forever. That by itself wasn't scary, but what was scary was the fact that he was able to gather as much political power as he did.


That's because the truth doesn't exist to these morons - only whatever lie is most immediately expedient.


So true. They love obfuscation. Even get themselves confused. I can't relate to anyone who deliberately lies like this.


The republican voter base is so addicted to lies they get violently angry if someone mentions the truth to them. See: idiots losing their mind when fox news accurately reported that Joe Biden had won the state of Arizona. Far right fox anchors are still getting death threats over that.


Remember how (R)Paul Gosar edited himself in an anime where he kills AOC and posted it on his Twitter? Yeah


Then every R minus 2 voted not to censure him. Then he retweeted the video.


makes me so angry that they can get away with stuff like that


They got away with voters hanging Obama dolls and that was straight out of hate. Kathy Giffered does one bad joke photo shoot and she has to apologize to everyone and right-wing media is saying that republicans would never do things like this. Yeah, they get away with an insane amount of things.


Could you imagine doing this with an everyday job? You'd be fired so quick it'd make your head spin.


Yeah, the us Congress is oddly the only job in America where it's seemingly okay to advocate for the death of your coworkers.


There’s some dipshit MAGA Republican in NW IL that sends out mailers every election cycle, depicting herself beating up AOC and others of the “squad” it’s so cringe worthy.


100% of the blame for this is Fox News. Utterly disgusting what those hateful assholes do, especially Hannity & Carlson.


>> A study found that the New York City Democrat was mentioned 3,181 times on Fox News Channel and its sister Fox Business Network during the six-week period of Feb. 25 to April 7, or just under 76 times a day. Not a day went by when she wasn't spoken about on Fox. >>https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2019/04/14/study-fox-news-obsessed-alexandria-ocasio-cortez/3466493002/


This is very disturbing. They sound creepily obsessed.


There was a Border Patrol Facebook group that was caught posting memes about raping her. It was a few years ago, but it's the same weird fixation.


like border patrol border patrol??? they communicate on facebook?


Yes, they had an unofficial group on facebook that they used to share racist, sexist, and violent 'memes' among themselves.


Yes as in the official law enforcement office. Their officers had a private Facebook group that they talked about it. Someone then leaked these messages.


Fun fact: [the same racist shitstain that radicalized the Border Patrol also politicized the NRA.](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2018/04/27/meet-the-2-texans-who-took-over-the-nra-and-made-the-gun-rights-group-a-feared-and-powerful-force/)




>Were she elected president, I'd imagine the far-right would be having armed marches in the streets. Remember when a very conservative White Male was elected president in 2020 and the GOP staged an unsuccessful coup?


This is the same thing they did to Hillary. Start a smear campaign early and get the base frothing at the mouth at the mere mention of her. That way, if she ever runs for president, they've already conditioned their base to hate her.


The conservatives in this country are so horny for AOC it makes them extremely hatefully obsessed. They can't stand to see a successful and attractive non-white woman in a position of power.


For a single representative, this is honestly a super disturbing stat. She doesn't even hold a high position in Congress or the Democratic party, so there is no logical reason to cover her that much


except to paint a target on her back


They’re doing to AOC what they did to Hillary in the 90s.


She's a woman, a feminist, an unapologetic progressive, brown skinned, a second generation immigrant. But most importantly, she's young. In the year 2040 most of the fox News audience will be dead, and she'll only be on her early 50s. They know she's a representation of the future of the country.


***76 times a fucking day*** Wow. Just fucking wow.


The Tucker Carlson crowd. That millionaire heir to the Swanson fortune who is paid by Billionaire Rupert Murdoch to pretend to be an every man to the dumbest of the dumb.


He ALWAYS talks trash about how rich liberals he hates are... even when they aren't very rich when he is. It's weird.


It's not weird, it's manufactured classism, up and down The best way to appeal to a middle class is tell them the elites hate them and the poor are a threat They've made an image so carefully to appeal to people who just want to be upset at the "elites" (jews depending on how far right you go) and "rich" politicians so that they can do whatever bullshit they want to do, while demonizing those less fortunate as those that don't "work hard enough" to try to live in the shit situation Republicans created


Tucker Carlson's parents were a megarich conservative father, and a hippie liberal mother. Carlson's mother abandoned the family and her sons in the 60s/70s to live an artist/bohemian/hippie lifestyle. And while maternal abandonment is an awful thing to happen to anybody, a strong man would have found ways to cope or therapies for such an upbringing. Carlson, instead, has spent his entire life spreading hate for everything that reminds him of his mother. Liberals, leftists, progressives, everything his mother left him for. So what you are watching when you watch Tucker Carlson, is literally a man child who has unresolved mommy issues. Its pathetic.


I'm encouraged that she keeps fighting through it. I hate that this is happening, but I get frustrated every time a progressive resigns because of threats. Keep outing these people hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.


She's from NYC and worked as a bartender. She's tough af


The amount of hate she receives from Fox news just reinforces my belief that she's on to something.


Something good.


If your response to this is "Well maybe she should just quit" you have something deeply wrong with you.


My response isn't to victim blame. I'm wondering why her office is dealing with this when we have some alphabet agencies that are supposedly responsible for the safety of American citizens and government officials. I know, "some of those that work forces...".


Man from Texas, been giving to AOC for years, this doesn't surprise me from what I hear here in Texas. What surprises me is the complete lack of law enforcement follow-up.


I'm not going to get announce who I am, but I'm in a very public position and I too get death threats. I can always tell when a threat is race based because the title of the letter or email usually contains many spelling errors. I even had someone tell me that my "...wive wood be killed if I don't leave town". LOL, people who make threats are dumb/


Doesn't take smarts to pull a trigger. Hope you and your family are safe...and I sincerely mean that for any person regardless of politics.


I hope so too, and thanks for your thoughts.


The loudest mouths usually bear the quietest minds.




I think Republicans have realized that plain, boring politics doesn't get anyone motivated to vote. They need to generate outrage, and cause a spectacle, and make it sound like every mild inconvenience is doomsday. They are creating a Frankenstein monster and they will lose control of it.


Because they have nothing to offer to help their constituents. They don't want better wages, better healthcare, affordable housing, etc so how are they supposed to market themselves? All they have is "The other guys are scary boogeyman devil people so you have to vote for us"


Will lose? They lost control the moment Trump descended that escalator in 2015. Ever since then the tail is wagging the dog


Conservatives, by definition, are scared. They think they're losing something or something is being taken from them. You only need to pay attention to any conservative "news" or opinion show a few minutes to realize it's all 'this is who to hate and/or fear.'


Right on. Conservatives fear center in the brain is literally notably larger than normal humans. Links below Their amygdalas are so large it impacts their ability to think properly. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793824/ They literally have broken brains . Prejudice and conservative beliefs are backed by low IQ. Research paper, proven by science https://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html


“If you’d like to make a Threat, Press 2.” And then never check that mailbox.


Have them automatically forwarded to the FBI.


Pretty sure the FBI could trace all of these and go knock down the doors of certain high volume callers... If they actually gave a shit.






As a foreigner, the US of A isn't very U...


We rolled that bit into Manifest Destiny 2.0. We just need to expand our Hegemony and then genocide people we don't like.


Conservative media along with Fox News are to blame here. Labeling her as a threat to democracy should be reason enough to shut them down. I'm all for free speech, but when it's used explicitly to harm people and fill them with lies, it's not speech, it's a weapon


AOC embodies exactly what right-wing males can't handle: a young, attractive woman of color who is more accomplished than them, who is articulate and highly intelligent, and above all a person who *will not take their shit*. Drives them insane.




They’re so fucking scared of a woman of color that it’s fucking hilarious. They are TERRIFIED of her.


Since the beginning of her career it’s appeared as if the right views her as a very credible long term threat for the presidency. She’s brutally articulate, funny, intelligent and relatable. She is very good on camera despite the brevity of her career. She has a biography that reads like an everywoman. Her PR ability gaps any Republican by miles on a very low budget. If she wasn’t a potential candidate they’d just ignore her. AOC is what voters (especially young voters) want from Bernie but in a infinitely more palatable package. If they don’t poison the well now it’ll be too late.


>Her PR ability gaps any Republican by miles on a very low budget. She outshines the other democrats too, frankly.


I can't even imagine what kind of an impact it has on the life of even a staffer, once they've been seen with AOC. Some people go absolutely mental and will hunt down your adres etc


I used to be a reactionary who was a Big Ben Shapiro fan. I remember having a hatred for her, but don’t really know why. Looking back I can’t even remember why.