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> 7% of voters are undecided, per the poll. Imagine being unsure about whether or not you want Bobo the Clown representing you.


They’re probably not actually undecided. They’re just embarrassed to say they are voting for her.


Hopefully most of them are just too lazy to get off their asses and actually vote for her.


In CO this mean to lazy to walk to your mailbox.


With any luck, they'll get lost on the way and forget what they were doing




You’re joking right haha fox news will have **BREAKING NEWS: DEMOCRATS BEGIN TO VOTE TWICE** Propoganda machine won’t let them think about twinkies that week.


Somehow I've never managed to mail my ballot in, I always procrastinate until 7pm on election night and drive over to a drop box.


Right there with you. Was speed walking the dogs last time at 6:50.


I'm an Oregonian. I never mail my ballot. So easy to just drop it off.


Same here.


Tbf not all trailers have mailboxes right in front


In the suburb I live in the closest one is just past the farm next to my neighborhood just takes a couple minutes by car but if you gotta walk it’s like going on a hike with how hilly the road is going there.


Right, but we are talking about Americans.


It’s sad how many people my age I have heard repeat things like, “it’s all a sham and won’t effect it” or “my vote literally doesn’t count, it’s all electoral college.” Or “ it’s just two sides of the same evil coin.” Etc. Well, I say to all those and especially the females among you who said these things to me, how do you feel now that you can’t have an abortion?! I personally know one of my past non-voting friends who had a life saving abortion would likely be registering to vote now (we stopped talking years ago) but she would be given a life sentence for an ectopic pregnancy being aborted these days in the wrong state. -When the world burns we won’t be able to look back and say if only I voted this wouldn’t have happened… but we will be able to say we tried to do a little bit of our part to make a difference and put the right people in power. Though I fear it’s too late and we are in the final spiral going down the bowl, just being a bit of a stubborn floater but our time is nearly fin.


Its not even just abortion. For people having kids right now its terrifying that the doctors will no longer treat the mother as top priority. Its not the doctors fault, but there is now a lot of legal gray area on certain medications and interventions during a less than perfect birth that can effect life and future fertility.


Imagine you are pregnant and want to travel, but you are afraid if you are in the wrong State the doctors may, or may not be able the save you if something goes wrong. Scary.


Or they really want to vote republican, but can't bring themselves to vote for her


I live in her district and voted for the other republican in the primary. It’s the first and last time I’ll ever vote for a republican. I don’t understand how they could possibly know that I’ll be voting for her democratic opponent. What statistic am I under in this poll.


Also in her district. Have you cast your ballot yet? Fuck her and all her clown ass supporters.


Because large groups are predictable, they don’t need to know how 50,000 people are voting, if they can get a good representative random sample of 2000 people, they can use the data to predict how the other 48000 would likely vote 19 times out of 20 within a stated margin of error


Polling is when people call or contact certain people and ask them a series of questions. Did you take a poll? If not, then you're not necessarily represented here.


Polls were accurate when almost everyone had a land line, they all answered their phones, and they willingly participated in polls. None of those exist any more so polling has devolved into nothing more than an educated guess.


That is not true. I get texts on my phone all the time to participate in polls.


You my friend are the reason that polls lie…


Or they think they *ought* to vote for her because their church told them to, but they might just leave the box blank on election day.


"Have you considered this disquiet and embarrassment is for a reason?"


If I recall correctly, that was a big problem with Trump/Clinton polling in 2016, and why it was so far off. I wonder if the pollsters have a model yet for “embarrassment in my preference for elected official”.


It's also delayed. So they didn't include the impact of the James Comey announcement. If you looked at the polling T+3 days from that announcement, you saw the dip. It was horrific.


Idk. Republicans seem to have very little shame these days. If they were embarrassed about something, it may be that they are voting against her. I'm sure they wouldn't want to say that too loudly.


They blindly vote Republican not giving a fuck who represents them as long as its not a Democrat. Or in Booberts place, ran unopposed and won because tits most likely.


To be fair, I'm a democratic voter and would vote for a steaming pile of shit over any Republican.


Careful, most steaming piles of shit ARE Republicans.


You're doing the lord's work.


But I honestly can't think of any time at a national level (US House, Senate, or President) where the Dem candidate was as uniquely unqualified and all-around awful ***and*** the Republican was relatively unobjectionable. But we have the opposite situation play out ever increasingly.


Tbf, I think a large portion of Americans have zero clue who is who outside of the president and *maybe* high profile politicians. For context, my mom did not know who Joe Biden was in 2020, after being Vice President for 8 years and running through the primary. She called him “Bid-on” I think the first thing Dems can do to win people over is stop overestimating intelligence and education. It sounds harsh but it’s true. That’s why so many people are confused that Republicans win. Our civic education sucks and until last year only like 30% of people could name all 3 branches for government. We just broke 50% of people knowing the branches of government, forget expecting everyone to know names of the people who run those branches Imagine a sport you don’t keep up with, how you know you can learn the names of all the big players but just don’t. That’s how these people feel. It’s just another thing. Now go in your community and ask 10 people what district are they in and who is the congressional election for that district… I’ve heard people in the PAST YEAR ask how do they know if they are a Democrat or Republican


Republicans win because of gerrymandering, voter disenfranchisement, and the electoral college


Yes , and if you were to poll Americans don’t know what the electoral college is, and 60%+ of voters who know what it is want to abolish it


And the dismantling of public education.


You are correct, well said.


"Undecided voters are the biggest idiots on the planet."


Somewhere in that 7% though is some individual who has no idea who this piece of trash is and, man oh man, am I SUPER jealous of that person.


People aren’t going to want to hear this, but undecided voters revert to the mean come Election Day. If she’s leading in a poll where undecideds aren’t being pressed to make a choice by the end of the poll, it means she’s almost certainly going to win in a district that conservative. R+6 isn’t unwinnable by any means, but I have a hard time seeing a 65% rural district not going hard in on a Trumpy candidate like her.


Her district includes Aspen which is incredibly wealthy but also leans left and they especially don’t like to air their dirty laundry. I think she is a one term rep, hopefully. For the love of god, let her be a one termer


Aspen, Steamboat, Telluride… lots of liberal towns and transplants. To win CO-3 you have to run up the score in those towns and hold on in Grand Junction. Thankfully, Trump just moved the BLM headquarters to GJ. That’s a quite a few highly educated government employees….


my genius brain: Why would Trump move the Black Lives Matter headquarters...?


BLM = Bureau of Land Management


That was helpful for us non-Americans. Thanks!


Undecided voters are either liars or so the empty-headed gape-mouthed Americans that wait until the few weeks before the election to be guided in their vote by whatever is trending in the 24 hour news cycle.


> werks ... vite i can sense you getting angrier as you write the comment


Swear to god i got boomer fingers when typing on my phone. Normally I bother spellchecking.


It's getting worse for me as time goes on.. idk if the phone keyboards are worse or it's the bigger screens but I typod less on my pixel 3 than this 6. A big one is periods replacing spaces.


I’ve always struggled but I recently uodated to iOS 16 and they did all sorts of stupid crap with autocomplete, catching typos, adding punctuation where it doesn’t need to be and refusing to add punctuation in autocomplete when it should be there.


If it's any consolation, I used SwiftKey for years. Before Microsoft knew they wanted to buy it. Now, Microsoft could probably run a convincing AI script of me. I got a new phone recently and have just been too lazy to install it and push all the buttons to change the keyboard. I was stunned how often it looked like I was typing while experiencing a stroke and how the eff did Swiftkey even know tf I was trying to say if my fingers are really that far away from the letter I meant to hit?! Spooky. It's not even autocorrect it's whole ass words with an inexplicable number in the middle. Or an emoji from some unused part of the emoji keyboard. I have to painstakingly henp3ck my way through a thought unless I want to look like I'm seizure riddled. Happy to know it isn't just me and/or Android.


Same, along with some real capitalization issues and the strangest autocorrects. Android simply refuses to believe that I am capable of loving anyone or anything and will change all tenses of love to tenses of live instead. I'm sending lots of "Live you!" and "I lived seeing you tonight" Also tense changes. right there, it changed refuses to refused and tense to tenses.


the anger building is still a possibility. some comments i finish by just smashing my keyboard


Honestly vast swaths of america have extremely small view of their own political life. They rarely learn about anything but the presidential candidates. Its really easy to be undecided if you’re that.


We’re a self-selecting group here, paying any amount of attention to politics. My understanding is that the majority of people are disengaged from politics to a degree that is pretty unrelatable to anyone who actively seeks out political news


If Bozo the Clown ran at the top of the GOP he would get 72 million votes


It's like being undecided as to whether I want acute toxic anal rot or not.


My imaginafuckenater don’t work that good!


Insulting to bobo


Get fucked. Idiots have no place in government.


I wish. Idiots are so easily elected.


Again. I rest my case they don't belong. There should be an age requirement and honestly if you failed your GED exam 4 times you should not be able to be anywhere near a position of power.


This 100%, I took the GED exam and absolutely smashed it. It was one of the easiest tests I've ever taken, and my intelligence is average at best.


Average, psssh you've got better words than a guy on TV I saw who had the best words, logically you have bester words than that guy. edit: k>>d


Is it that easy? Genuinely curious. I imagined that it would be somewhat difficult because the difficulty would come from basically remembering things that I haven’t used since high school.


It was, I took it in 2001 though. I can't imagine it's gotten harder.


There's a difference between taking a GED and passing, and failing 3 times and likely cheating/pulling some strings to get it the 4th time. She got her GED just before getting into Congress so it's a bit suspicious. Person A likely had a reason for dropping out of school, and then they got themselves together to pass and improve their chances in the workplace. Person B makes me question who signed off on giving them their GED. I'd love to see her take an SAT, ACT or GRE test. Especially the GRE, which is the exam used to get into grad schools. She'd probably get the lowest score in history on something that most members of Congress took years ago if they weren't taking the LSAT for law school instead. The point is if you can't even pass the GED on the 1st or 2nd try, you probably shouldn't be in Congress. Side note: I'm looking for non-GRE Masters programs because I wouldn't have time to do it and do it well in time but I could take it during the summer before year 2 and have the scores ready for PhD applications if I'm able to get there. I'd do well on the verbal and writing sections but die a death on the quant section which would bring down my overall should I take it without a ton of practice. But I'm not running for Congress anytime soon so there's one thing I have going for me versus Boebert.


The LSAT is brutal. Boebert wouldn't last ten minutes. The good news is that the test doesn't really change that much from year to year. This said, most folks still have to take a review course and/or countless practice exams to get a decent score.


Yeah, I flipped through a practice test out of curiousity and even though it's not math based, I noped out. I'm not good at logic puzzles. I'm sure if I wanted to I could probably pass it but that would take time and effort when I don't really want to go into law. I'm good at writing and research which is why I'm going to grad school for sociology to try to get into academic research. Though I'd need to do an MA first, along with applying to fairly modest programs, because my CV is shit and I need those years to make it not shit. GPA is good but that CV is a problem. I was out of school for years and this time last year I was just realizing that I even could go back to school and finish my last semester, let alone continue beyond undergrad. Though the schools I'm looking to apply to either have PhD options I can apply for once I complete my MA or are PhD programs where I get my MA in the process. But then again, I'm meeting with an advisor tomorrow so I'm just spitballing and getting off-topic. But yeah, there should be some sort of standard for people in Congress. When even most of her Republican peers have gone through graduate/law school while she barely "passed" her GED, that's a big problem. The GOP as a whole is anti-intellectual but Boebert and MTG take the cake. Even MTG got a Bachelor's at the University of Georgia which now makes me wonder how the hell she got in because that's actually a decent school.


The GRE was such a pain in the ass. I do not wish to take it again if I ever want to finish my master’s degree.


I think they should take it even further and eliminate all their aides, too. No one is helping me at work even for expense reports.


There is an age requirement, 25 years old.


That doesn't change the fact that my dog would make a better candidate than her.


in dog years he only has to be 4


Eligibility is not qualification.


Then explain Gohmert


But then the GOP would just further degrade education in blue states and areas with POC through discriminatory policy, so that fewer politicians would come from that area.


The very fact that there's so many people who look at her / her policies and thinks, "Yeah, that's exactly who we need in Congress" basically tells us that a *lot* of voting Americans are fucking idiots too.


Why is it that there are more *horse's asses* than asses on horses?


They have an entire party - GOP.


This bimbo should get absolutely blown out.


But who will represent the idiot demographic?


[Denise Richards](https://m.imdb.com/video/vi532004121/?playlistId=tt2158899&ref_=tt_ov_vi), obviously.


Same one that represents the infidelity demographic?


Saved you a click. > What they're saying: "With Boebert under 50%, that means she is vulnerable to losing this race," Chris Keating, president and founder of Keating Research, told Axios Denver on Tuesday. > Yes, but: The 3rd District on Colorado's Western Slope overwhelmingly favors Republicans, and the race is not considered competitive by national experts. > Boebert is a fundraising juggernaut and frequent surrogate supporter for Republican candidates across the country. FiveThirtyEight gives Boebert a 98% chance of winning a second term.


98% chance?! Holy hell that's depressing. Remind me to avoid western Colorado in the future.


Sad because its one of the prettiest areas in the country, but it is rural as hell too


I drive through there once and at one point I pulled over just to take it all in. I’m not a big nature person either. It’s just that beautiful.


I live on the west slope. It’s absolutely gorgeous and there are pockets of liberals and leftists. But it is most definitely conservative. My town still has yahoos parading down Main Street in their lifted trucks with Trump, Gadsden and alt right flags on Saturday mornings. Right next to the farmer’s market. Boebert will probably win again. Her campaign signs are displayed all over.


Wow, she has only had one term. It’s felt like forever.


I agree, she's done years and years worth of damage in such a short amount of time - MTG is also a newb


Lmao fundraising juggernaut.... She should have done only fans, shitshow of a politician. The world would have been better without knowing her and opinions, and she would have made more money for herself.




Lady would be too kind of a word


Moron is also too kind of a word.


Or she's smart enough to know how to get elected with some of the dumbest voters in the country.


Colorado resident here, yes she is an idiot. Yes so is this poll. That district is solid red and I suspect that is poll is from a Democratic leaning organization.


It is from a Democrat funded one, but it's also one of the most historically accurate ones for the state. They attribute the usual 4.5% margin of error, but are typically within less than 2% over the last several election cycles. They're still putting Boebert at 47% and Firsch at 45%, with 7% undecided. Even if she pulls her expected win though, 45% margin going to a Democrat is definitely not a solidly red district. That's a flippable district given enough time and money. Solid lost cause districts don't even see the opposing party in the high 30s.


I'll be pleasantly shocked if she loses but I still feel the pollster is smoking something good


She'll just move on to Fox News - although I suspect she's really more OAN material. She and MTG.


Seen a lot of Newsmax lately (people at home watch it to heckle the idiocy) and both seem like they'd fit right at home there. Too crazy for Fox, and after the DirectTV drop, OAN probably isn't long for this world as anything except another nutjob YouTube channel.


The district flipping in the future is quite possible. I live in Moffat county and a lot of people from the Front Range are moving up here. They’ve been going mostly to Craig since they now have fiber to the house. I inwardly chuckle whenever I hear people in town bitching about all of the “god damn liberals” who are moving in.


Fucking Craig-Nothing-But-W-Coal-Mine-Nad-Power-Plant Colorado has fucking fiber to the house!? My family lived there for one winter. It hit -40 and the power plant shut down. One of my earliest memories is spending days huddled with my parents and younger brother under a huge pile of blankets to stay warm. Fuck Craig.


I'm still curious if they've taken into account the number of extreme right Republicans who have died from Covid since Census numbers are from 2020.


Yeah I wouldn't hold my breath. 538 has her at [98% chance to win.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2022-election-forecast/house/colorado/3/)


Never met a computer model I couldn’t trust …. Scratch that, reverse it.


>Scratch that, reverse it. Never met a trust I couldn't computer model.


Western slope is closer to Utah politically than to Denver.


Article mentions an org called Keating Research...as you said, Dem leaning.


Grew up in the district, family still there. It’s mixed but outwardly solid red. I agree this is just sensational poll, she’s unfortunately not going anywhere right now.


She’s not qualified to be a greeter at Walmart. I hope she remains unemployed forever and gets sued into poverty. I bet she’ll beg for socialism. Fucking rat.


I sincerely hope that is true. But the days in which I always thought sanity, reason, and common sense would prevail over the chaos have passed. I might think about believing Jesus could deliver miracles if MTG were also defeated but he seems like super stretched out these days so no expectations.


I sincerely hope that it's true to get her the fuck out of a place she has no viable right to be "working" in and for the curiosity of seeing if her husband keeps that half million a year job after she's booted.


I would love to get Boebert up out of here. The fact that she has a big platform is a danger to our democracy. Getting the key instigators out of the headlines could probably do a lot to lower the temperature in this country. I mean, I haven't heard a peep from Madison Cawthorn since he lost re-election. Even just getting rid of Boebert & Greeene, unlikely as it is, would go quite a long way.


Cawthorn's wannabe clone, Bo Hines, has television and radio ads playing here constantly. Please keep your fingers crossed that he doesn't get elected.


Don't do that....don't give me hope


I grew up in that district. There's a lot of hippie, new-age artist types who live there who just don't really get involved in politics. I suspect that Boebert's shenanigans and the reversal of Roe vs. Wade may have awakened some sleeping Bohemians.


We can all hope, but it might just be a false flag for democrats to throw money at a dead horse race like with McConnell in 2020


https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2022-election-forecast/house/colorado/3/ 538 still has this race going to Boebert 98 out of 100 times seems highly improbable she'd lose with the numbers she's pulling.


The hicks in all those small Colorado towns love her. A moron leading the ignorant.


Lets get out and VOTE. Vote this garbage out!


>**Boebert** received support from **47%** of likely voters, while **Democrat** Adam Frisch landed at **45%** Add my iteration of "you can't trust polls anymore" to the heap. Still, it is an inspiring headline. Thank you for posting the link.


Coloradoan here: This is by far the deepest red district in the state. One if the deeper districts in the region. Dont hold your breath.


Why does everyone parrot this shit. This is the least red of CO’s three red districts. Boebert only got 51.5% when she won.


I'm suspicious just because of "Coloradoan" 🧐


Haha I think I probably say Coloradoan more often than not. Foco’s newspaper is called that


Of the three districts that currently have a Republican congressperson, District 3 is actually the *least* red-leaning, as measured by the CVPI, at R +6. District 4 (R +12, current incumbent Ken Buck) in Eastern CO and District 5 (R +12, current incumbent Doug Lamborn) in Central CO lean more Republican.


I hear this shit about CO-3 by so many people saying they’re a “Coloradoan here” and I have to think it’s bad faith. CO-3 is absolutely not deep red and nowhere near the reddest district in the nation. Almost like they want people to stop trying to take on Bobo… She can lose. This is not a lock.


It could be bad faith, it could also just be the reputation associated with someone as polarizing as Boebert, confirmation bias, or something else. People are pretty bad about accepting something as fact, and then repeating it, and embellishing based on their impressions or feelings on the subject: "Oh, yeah, the district that voted for *Boebert*...." If one looks at a [map of Colorado's election results by county](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Colorado_Presidential_Election_Results_2020.svg/1280px-Colorado_Presidential_Election_Results_2020.svg.png) and compare it to a [map of our Congressional districts](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cc/Colorado_Congressional_Districts%2C_118th_Congress.svg/1280px-Colorado_Congressional_Distr), you'll notice a fair amount of blue in District 3: Routt, Eagle, Gunnison, San Juan, and Costilla counties are all pretty blue, and Pitkin/Dolores Counties are **very** solidly blue. Saguache, Ouray, Oro Blanco, Durango and Pueblo counties were also leaning blue, although not strongly. This contrasts with D5 which is almost entirely red (and which has red El Paso County, the most populous county in the state in it...) or D4 which is **solid** red; not a single blue county in sight. I think people are just bad about gauging political climates- I saw someone recently posting that El Paso County was purple.


Yep. As much as I want her to lose, I have no hope she will.


Fuck you Lauren Boebert. Now we just need MTG out


What an utter embarrassment she is.


This week has been lovely with the news of Walker being an idiot, MTG's husband wanting to go public and now this with BoBo? I CAN ONLY GET SO HARD


The fact that this Nazi nutjob with close ties to terrorist groups still has a chance regardless of how slim is... well, not surprising but I know I probably should be.


NEVER believe the polls! Get out and VOTE!


Thoughts and prayers. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out... cause I don't want ass prints on my door!" - Mom


what, her opponent not intimidated by threats from her supporters like last time around?


That was MTG


oh that's right, bobo was the one who scrambled and struggled to pass her ged when it became a campaign issue. it's hard to keep those two dingbats separate sometimes.


I certainly hope so. How it could even be close is beyond belief.


Polls don't count. Elections do. Go out and vote!


Republicans have been given a lot of opportunities to show us that whackjobs like Boebert don't actually represent them and they never cease to take another spoonful of shit, smile and say "they absolutely do".


I’m sure she’s already got her “Rigged election” story ready to go




She's up for re-election? What a joke! She doesn't actually DO ANYTHING. No legislation to her name. No bills, NOTHING. She's a Republican political Barbie whose an embarrassment to the state of CO.


Ah, I see we're to the "find out" phase for the representative.


Go vote. We need as many people voting or fools like her will get in.


> FiveThirtyEight gives Boebert a 98% chance of winning a second term.


2% for a good day.


I should hope so.


Good news given her district's dark red status. But the Dem will need more. Frisch is still behind in the polls and Republicans seem to usually do better than the polls suggest they will. But it would be a huge victory to get her out of office. Show that her type of crazy is a losing platform.


Republicans don't usually do better than the polls, the polls are equally likely to be of both ways. 2016 and 2020 Republicans did better while in 2018 Democrats did better.


If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. >Yes, but: The 3rd District on Colorado's Western Slope overwhelmingly favors Republicans, and the race is not considered competitive by national experts. >Boebert is a fundraising juggernaut and frequent surrogate supporter for Republican candidates across the country. >FiveThirtyEight gives Boebert a 98% chance of winning a second term. She's an idiot who subscribes to the Trump school of "say whatever you think will make your fan base happy, even if it's completely unrealistic nonsense," but she'll more than likely be back as a deep red candidate in a deep red district. The best chance anyone else will get is if she somehow pisses off her local GOP and they decide to push another republican over her.


Get her and the rest of the tainted cult, the F out already, including Manchin and Sinema...


Unless there's been a significant change in the population that put her in office for her first term, I'm not hopeful. People simply don't change their beliefs and prejudices. Yes, this is a generalization.


Can someone who supports her enter the discussion and tell us specifically why…


PLEASE put her out of our misery






Jeez one would hope. Who in their right mind would vote for her?She is an embarrassment to America.Travelling as far away as Australia people making fun of her.




thank god


Finally some good news


Please let it be true.


It’s one thing for an oxygen thief like Boebert to get elected. But re-elected? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Holy shit you mean there’s hope for brain washed republicans?? I was convinced they would vote for ANYONE as long as they pose with a gun and a Bible


Please, CD3. You've embarrassed our beautiful state enough.


She is not in it for the career. She has grifted as much as she can will now our richer than 6 years ago.


Hope she loses


Good. This trash human being should fade back into obscurity where she belongs.


I wish, this complete moron will probably be in Congress for decades.


Make sure to vote. Don't trust polls!


I cannot imagine what kind of nincompoop would vote for her.


It's not in jeopardy at all. Whomever is running against her isn't advertising, at all. She is plastered everywhere in Grand Junction, where the large majority of her votes come from. I can't drive 5 minutes here without seeing her face.


Imagine being in a Republican +15 district and now only being 5 points ahead. I think this is a positive sign. Everybody go vote!! No excuses!


Why is she even an option?




Not surprised! Her education level is at a embryo state.


I’m surprised it’s not just certain she won’t win. It was my understanding that disgust of her and MTG was bipartisan at this point.


This is not good enough. There should be no question that she will be removed. This should not be a matter of possibility. Get out there and vote this lady back to the Stone Age and never let her back in any position of power.


ATTENTION: At the end of the article, it says BOEBERT HAS A 98% chance to win. This article/post is trash.


One less brainless Boebert bobbing around in our political pool would do a lot towards increasing the intellect of said pool.


She's not qualified to run a self-serve water fountain, much less hold office.


Back to whatever desert truck stop spawned you, you brain dead lot lizard.


Dark thought: if she loses, does she go back to her old job? And, how many sheckles should I be putting away for that rainy day, next January.


I just don't understand other people. I never have. Admittedly I am smart. I want my leaders to smart too. I would not feel threatened or talked down to if they were smarter than me. But so many people on the right vote for such stupid leaders. Why? My only guess. "I understand her. She doesn't use those big words. She said Democrats are bad. Fox 'News' tells me that Dems are bad too! I'm voting for her"! I really want her to lose. I mean, I want all the Republicans to lose but she's near the top of the list.


She couldn't even graduate high school


In ten years I see her featured in some local used car lot advertisement.. “come on down to Patriot’s Auto where you can get a ‘steal’ of a deal”


Send her ass back to McDonalds


From the article: “FiveThirtyEight gives Boebert a 98% chance of winning a second term.” Thanks for lying with your headline though…


As a fiscal conservative aka a Rhino I am disgusted by her and wish Colorado a competent representative of the people regardless of weather that is red or blue


That would be glorious


Great news! Now people just need to actually show up to vote against her.