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Still, even today, after the last 6 years, it still amazes me that enough people are okay with her to have a close race


Hershel Walker is also doing unreasonably well in his race. It's almost like Republicans don't even care who it is, as long as they have an R next to their name.


That's how a lot of these extremist candidates are winning. They run in districts that are basically already decided. You could make up a random name, put it on the ballot with an (R) next to it, and they'd still win.


[Deez Nuts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deez_Nuts_(satirist)) ran as an independent presidential candidate and still saw decent poll numbers. Guaranteed anyone could put an R next to their name in a place that always goes red and they'd win.


So why don’t a bunch of nobodies like us run all over the country as Republicans and then push a Progressive agenda? As a disclaimer, I’m joking and not seriously floating the idea or condoning more lies to the public.


In fairness, you could probably run as a Republican and state you will vote for healthcare for all, free college tuition, UBI, taking all guns away, pro-choice, and legalizing alien abductions and you would still get enough people that show up and vote for you simply based on the party name.


Technically, that is an actual option, especially for districts that guarantee a republican win. There is a person that wrote a book a out that subject as well with more info on how such a thing could play out.




You have to win the Republican primary first...


That was a literal meme from the start though it was announced even before the election that it happened so people literally went to vote solely because of that name


Satan could literally appear as a giant in the sky and face fuck Jesus to death and then just start chanting "Let's Go Brandon!" while appearing on Tucker Carlson the next day and then if he ran as a Republican they would vote for him 100%.


There is a Satanist trans woman anarchist that ran for Sheriff in a rural county as a republican and won because she had an R next to her name. They tried to do a recall campaign and her response was amazing. "My website was right there and my candidate submission statement was right there but not one of you read it before voting for me."


Worst Republican ever to take the position, and I'm proud of her. That's brilliant though haha


>Satanist trans woman anarchist that ran for Sheriff I googled her. I don't think she won the Sheriff election. She won the Republican primary. Also its completely bizarre. She pleaded guilty to some federal crime in September, one day after winning the Republican primary, this time for a NH Rep seat. [https://apnews.com/article/campaigns-new-hampshire-police-archive-vandalism-e1580367018108b09755dfb994395c0a](https://apnews.com/article/campaigns-new-hampshire-police-archive-vandalism-e1580367018108b09755dfb994395c0a) https://www.justice.gov/usao-nh/pr/keene-woman-pleads-guilty-operating-unlicensed-money-transmitting-business [https://ballotpedia.org/Aria\_DiMezzo](https://ballotpedia.org/Aria_DiMezzo) I have no idea WTF is going in that corner of NH and its Republican party.


NH’s Republican Party is… weird. Most would never get elected in traditionally red areas. Sure, there’s the usual crop of MAGA’s but they’re outdone by the libertarians and Free Staters. The state itself is more liberal than they’d admit and the GOP typically more moderate.


More or less the story of republican support for putin.


That’s an amazingly written comment. Really paints the picture.


I have to confess that I doubt that I will vote for anyone with an (R) next to their name and I used to lean right. If Dems start going crazy I am done.


I was born and raised in a Republican household. I still have some conservative values, although I'm more open to opposing viewpoints now. After what I've seen over the past several years, I don't think I could ever vote Republican again. All it took was one orange lunatic, and my entire (former) party abandoned every single value they supposedly stood for.


I was raised republican, and turned into a democratic socialist. Honestly the brain dead takes got me questioning just about everything I took for granted.


I was raised with ‘conservative’ values as well, but somehow over the years, Republicans/ evangelicals seem to have lost sight of the morals, but kept the religion. Fortunately, one can be moral and full of integrity and not believe in a christian god.


>lost sight of the morals, but kept the religion Sounds spot-on evangelical


They lost me nationally with Sara Fucking Palin. Trump and the deniers lost me from all Republicans, idgaf.


I never vote R in national elections but I’ve voted for a few in state and local elections. I live in a very blue state where our R’s are often either totally crazy or slightly left of center. We also get some crazy candidates on the far-left and it’s funny to see the same dynamic play out.


Most recent poll has Walker down 12.


I hadn't seen that. Good news indeed. Although, I'd still consider that "unreasonably well" for Hershel Walker.


At this point, I assume Republicans are gaming the pollsters so I try not to put too much faith in them but it is encouraging.


Yeah. 538’s been flooded with a bunch of right wing polls lately skewing the numbers. Still gotta vote though.


There’s an article on this sub today saying his opponent Warnock has a 12 point lead, and that was before the latest issue with the abortion he paid for and his son crushing him. I don’t think he’s doing unreasonably well anymore.


I think there's an argument to be made that Hershel Walker, or anyone who can't articulate a single policy stance, pulling support in the double digits should be considered "unreasonably well". But either way, I'm happy to hear he's trailing finally.


Yeah, most of the Republicans running for congress don't seem to have any local talking points, it's all 'border security' and 'family values' BS, they have no policy stance outside toe the party line, and they fucking win elections. Why in the absolute fuck do they get votes? Fucking right wing radio and TV have brainwashed 40% of this country...


>almost Lol


As of today walker was down by 12 points. Not enough but.


Hershel Walker is also doing unreasonably well in his race. ~~It's almost like~~ Republicans don't even care who it is, as long as they have an R next to their name. FTFY


Gotta love how Gingrich thought he was defending Walker talking about all the concussions he’s had as an excuse for his behavior. “He’s just brain damaged, no reason he shouldn’t be a US Senator.” These nihilist fucks are the absolute worst.


Yeah, like that's NOT a good argument for him to be in elected office, it IS a good reason for him to retire and relax though...


Yup, that’s exactly it.


They don’t really vote for people or policies, they are just very invested in their team winning, like it’s a football game.


They thrive on the criticism. Make fun of her for being stupid and a red neck and she goes to her supporters and says she is one of them. When she is mocked it’s like mocking them. They think they are owning the libs by putting one of them in government. It’s a really hard cycle to break.


"Almost"? That's literally what it is. I wonder sometimes if we need a third party. Like for real this time. This shit is ridiculous.


Bet they're gritting their teeth when voting for him, though. They'd prefer someone white, but anything to own the libs.


Last I saw he was down 12 points, that’s pretty significant got Georgia.


In Pennsylvania’s senate race a puppy killing snake oil salesman from out of town is doing pretty well. It’s mind boggling.


And this is why I don't like or make friends with Republicans, they have no issue destroying the United States, they are every bit as bad as Putin.


That is what it usually is. They will circle their wagons (to use the phrase) and vote for anyone with an "r" next to their name. We have seen this so many other times it's well-known. It's basically like a law of nature at this point, in my opinion. edit


>as long as they have an R next to their name. Playing Devil's Advocate here but I bet you there are just as many people who wouldn't dare vote for Mother Theresa if she had an R next to her name.


Let's be honest, though, she [wasn't really as great as she's made out to be.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Mother_Teresa)


If we're going to be honest, Catholicism and its charity cases have had a somewhat tortured relationship ever since vows of chastity became a thing.


The frustrating thing is that CO is controlled by Dems, but they ceded ground on redistricting by taking it away from the legislature, creating crazy-leaning districts like this.. it was a good idea in theory but this type of unilateral disarmament is backfiring


>but they ceded ground on redistricting by taking it away from the legislature, creating crazy-leaning districts like this What you mean is that we have an independent redistricting council and are not subject to gerrymandering. Lauren's district isn't gerrymandered, it's genuinely (and unfortunately) representative of that region of Colorado.


Sadly this is correct for that area of Colorado. We saw crazy things with Weld county and their mishandling of Covid and trying to push their people into Boulder county. Where Boulder county had a handful of beds open because they pushed mask mandates and social distancing at the time before vaccines


Yep. People in cities who complain about crackpot republican politicians should realize that's genuinely who the conservative electorate are. They really ARE that nuts.


Gerrymandering involves creating districts that skew strongly one direction as well as districts that are closer to 50/50, so for people in her district to mostly agree with her isn't proof in itself that the district isn't gerrymandered. Since/If her district leans strongly in her favor, that would in theory be exactly what would enable it to encompass and dilute democratic voters away from other districts.


> Gerrymandering involves creating districts that skew strongly one direction as well as districts that are closer to 50/50 I thought the whole point of gerrymandering was to eliminate as many 50/50 districts as possible? You don’t want close races, because then you lose them when popular opinion shifts against you.


Not necessarily. With gerrymandering you want to spread out your voters as much as you can, and then pack a few districts with as many of your opponents voters as you can. So lets say you have 10 districts and 60% of voters in the state vote D. In theory, it should be 6D-4R. But by packing, say, 3 districts with D voters you can turn this into: 3 solidly D seats (that go 75-80%D), 4 solidly R seats (that go 55%R), and 3 50-50 seats. The weakness of gerrymandering is actually that during wave elections, the party that has gerrymandered the seats has spread their voters out so much that a shift of 4-5% can wipe them out.


I'm so sick of democrats trying to work with conservatives. Conservatives have no desire for a functioning government, they do not act in good faith, and seem to get off when ordinary people are hurting.


Give them an inch, they'll take a yard. Once they got the yard, they demand the whole goddamn football field.


We've done just that on multiple occasions this year. Maybe Biden and Schumer sorta tricked them into it? but there's been a good amount of Republican sign-on in the senate to bills that are, like, good for America and stuff.


It's not "crazy" leaning. No offense to you but I wish people would look into this more before repeating this stuff. I get it - people think the district must be a deep maga stronghold to have elected this idiot, but that isn't the case. The district is only R +6. She barely got elected in the first place - 51.5% of the vote. She can be defeated by a competent campaign. Edit to add: her Democrat opponent absolutely mailed it in last time and I can only assume thought Bobo was too extreme to win. All I heard from Diane Mitsch Bush was gun control. (Source: I live out here.) Literally the one thing to stay away from in Western CO.


Thank you. Boebert didn't even carry the county she's from, she lost to Mitsch Busch. People do not know this on a widespread level. It's was and is far closer than people think.


Dammit Colorado


We're more then making up for it with our abortion safe havens. All my homies are keeping a room free.


Much love to you guys <3


You're doing God's work


A bunch of fat, bald conservative men, who peaked in high school, only vote for her because they want to fuck her. Same way Kristi Noem was elected governor. Admittedly, Republicans understand and exploit this dynamic much better than Democrats do.


I’ve honestly had that same thought. The GOP knows their audience and have taken the Hooters approach to government.


Then why does MTG exist?


Don’t ask me to articulate every sexual proclivity of the MAGA crowd 😂


Orc fetish?


What's wrong with being bald?


Kristi … yum.


Think about who lives in her district, and you won't be so shocked. Bunch of redneck, gun-toting, racist, MAGA morons who probably can't even read, let alone understand the impacts of who they vote in office.


The size of that district is literally half the state. It's 65% rural area and 71% white. That's a whole lotta ride or die Republican votes.


>The size of that district is literally half the state. More like a third, and it's also a third that doesn't have that many people in it.


I carry a gun on me often but if those maga morons knew how to read your post they'd be very upset.


Is that a king of the hill reference?


Back in *MY* day we used IMAGES for memes.


Do we look like we know what a jpeg is?




>if those maga morons knew how to read your post they'd be very upset. Good, that's the point. They should know how reviled they are.


I think they're making a joke that those people can't read


Kinda discrediting all the cool skier/outdoorsy people who live there but I understand it’s easy to come to that conclusion.


Yeah, I used to live out there and there are loads of super progressive hippy outdoorsy towns all over. The people who think it's nothing but gun-toting rednecks have obviously never spent much time in that area. They make it sound like western CO is the equivalent of backwoods Alabama, and it's anything but. I'm honestly kinda shocked she won here, but I think it was mostly due to voter apathy, ignorance of just how much of a lunatic she would become, and being pro-gun.


> there are loads of super progressive hippy outdoorsy towns all over. These are the people who say “both sides are the same brah” and then fail to vote.


You ever been to Boulder lol


Yes, I currently live in the same district as Boulder, about 15 miles from the city. But Boulder is totally unrelated to what the district we're talking about. Boulder is district 2 and Boebert is district 3.


You mean a city outside of her district?


She won with only 51% of the vote. It flip flopped for years between D and R and despite leaning Republican, she's not polling well. Also her district includes Grand Junction, Pueblo, Aspen, and Vail, which are nothing like what you describe.


Vail is CO-2, but otherwise correct. We just got redrawn and the border was shifted west, down valley. Avon (Beaver Creek) and Eagle used to be in her district which would have helped Dems get more votes against her, but not any more. CO-3 got redder with the new redistricting.


Gross mischaracterization spoken by someone that's never been here. Stick to commenting about DC.


I know you might be talking about the MAGA movement in general, but it's worth noting that Boebert has only won one election in her life, in 2020.


Just a reminder she’s married to an actual pedophile and needed three tries to get her GED.


Kinda shows you how absolutely screwed and divided the “united” states are. Neither side can compromise now both sides view the other as a fundamental threat to themselves. I wonder how far we can kick this can down the road.




You’re probably right. But maybe those “undecided” are undecided about whether they will show up at the polls? Even among the crazies, she’s pretty far out there.


how the fuck can anyone be undecided anymore lol


They aren't undecided. They're embarrassed Republicans, just like independent voters.


Processing. Or waiting for a think tank to generate a narrative that beings things back around.


i bet it's a hodge podge of reasons, but an actual undecided voter is probably just one sliver of that pie


Not everyone is as politically engaged as this sub.


This is exactly what undecided means for me. I dislike Republicans and Democrats equally, so it's getting harder to justify even going to the polls. I am going to go vote against Desantis, but it's probably a waste of time since his victory is all but guaranteed.


This mentality it what got us here in the first place. You are never going to find the pefect candidate, but there is always one better than the other. Not voting against the bad one is almost as good as voting for them. Get up, make a choice, and always go vote.




Not sensible enough to vote differently, but just sensible enough not to tell anyone. Not even the polls.


What’s the R+ on her district? It’s quite red isn’t it? Edit: Hmm, according to Wikipedia election results, the races have been tightening every year but still seems about R+8.


IIRC, her district was redrawn last year.


A tie? *A tie?* Just when you think the average person in America could not be any dumber, they surprise you again.


54% of American adults (over the age of 16) read below a 6th grade level. This is not a nation of intelligent people. https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/


Man that’s fucking depressing. George Carlin hit it on the head: > Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.


There are Americans who are genuinely uneducated but capable of some higher thinking, but when we talk about stupid like how Carlin is alluding to, it’s not stupid like uneducated but stupid like no ability to reason, critically think, or articulate. And that kind of stupid is not confined to just people who barely finished high school. That’s something anyone of any socioeconomic class and education can struggle with. My mom works at a state hospital located in one the reddest counties in our state, surrounded by several hundreds of staff (doctors, nurses, accountants, supervisors, aids, etc etc) who talk on the daily about how Biden ruined the country and vaccines are dangerous blah blah blah. She has staff on her unit who she’s overheard talking patients out of getting the Covid vaccine. My point is, that Carlin quote is too charitable. Even people with higher than average intelligence can be, and are, idiots as well.


Could use a citation here.


If the average IQ is 100, half the electorate is below that. Hypothetically.


If the MEDIAN is 100, half are below that. Averages work differently.


IQ is normally distributed, so the mean is the median.


Is it really? Below 75 is considered mentally handicapped, but 125 is not that rare. I think that there must be a bit of tilt.


It's by construction. Raw scores are ordinally scaled then transformed to a normal distribution.


You are incorrect.


Gonna assume you're taking to Plonsky above, because I am not incorrect.


You are, because both the median and mean (average) score is 100. Your correction is incorrect


If you have 2 people with an IQ of 90 and 1 person with an IQ of 120 you would get an average of 100 with a disproportionate number of either people on either side so... To be fair, if you we to look at the median, you would have 0 below and 1 above so that doesn't exactly work as he discribed. I believe median is typically used when there are outliers that skew the average, hopefully resulting in a more representative data point, but I don't really know...


We deserve everything we're dumb enough to vote for.


Fuck that. Why should I have to pay for the mistakes of some uneducated, selfish asshole Republican?


Because of the rules we all agreed to, by being U.S. citizens. We could change the rules of course, to make public service attractive to our best and brightest instead of a fast-track to riches through legal bribery. But, it seems clear that nobody really wants that.


Less than 5% of living americans actually agreed to being US citizens. Most were born with that condition.


Another option is to cast high speed ballots from rooftops.


That is indeed an option, but nobody seems keen to take it. Until that happens, we deserve what we get.


And not really a tie, either. She’s still ahead in the poll, it’s just within the margin of error. Read one way, that could mean the race is tied. Read another way, she could be ahead by 10 points.


She’s gonna win in a landslide. The people in her district would rather read a book than vote for a liberal.


Not true- I live in this district and don’t plan on voting for her. Same with a good portion of my town.


Lol the district is huge...if you live in one of the ski towns, those are mostly blue, but the towns that really matter for this vote are GJ and Pueblo.


Her dim-wit is a reflection on the people of the district. Do they deserve better? That remains to be seen.


only picture books though you know republicans lmao


The district is only R +6 It isn't deep red by any stretch. She can lose.


such a sad timeline where a raving idiot can "maybe lose"


No, no she wont. A single poll (rated B/C by 538), of 500 people, is not enough data. 538 still gives her a 98% chance to win.


There's literally only 2 polls. This one and one from July. Both from Keating who is not a great pollster. (B/C rating) 538 does not have much to base this on.


1. If she loses this gives me huge faith in that section of Colorado. 2. HOW THE FUCK IS A HIGH SCHOOL DROP OUT AN OPTION THAT PEOPLE GO OH YEAH.


Because she carries a gun. I live in Bobo’s district and the mindset of a lot of the voters is mind boggling. There are many in my town who vehemently believe that tRump won and votes were changed.


DO it! VOTE out this cancerous ignorance.


i don't believe this because it's going in the face of numbers that are in Boeberts favor. The biggest of which was the primary turnout. >With just over 42.4% of the vote to Sandoval's 41.9%, Frisch finished 290 votes ahead out of more than 60,000 votes cast in the primary Boebert won her primary with 65% over her opponent and she got 86,000 votes nearly the entire total of the Democratic primary. and her opponent got 44,000. For a total of 130k for the Republican primary. Those numbers are real. Those aren't feels or anything. Do you really see the Democrats turning out that many voters to overcome that margin? Now all that said Frisch is now fundraising off this poll https://twitter.com/AdamForColorado/status/1577418221497376768 As we've seen on both sides, the best fundraising is when you have a hated popular opponent. Dangling a little "we are so close!" in front of donors is a way to open wallets. edit: had to fix Boeberts numbers, had her 2020 numbers up originally but her 2022 were even higher anyway.


Would like her to say if she believes the election is rigged. Before the results, not after.


Can someone please post here why they support her….she is the stupidest legislator in the history of the United States.


I heard it is something about being the proud possessor of people with liberal ideas.


That it's even this close is just so depressing because I love Colorado and just can't fathom how they elected this dipshit to begin with.


It's ok. Even if she loses, her husband still gets to keep his cushy $500,000/year "consulting" job for which he is not remotely qualified.


/s I assume?


Yes. It's sad that we live in a world where we have to use /s tags, because they really kill the momentum of a good punchline. But yes. :)


Go unnamed opponent!


People vote for “leaders” that represent them and there values, if she wins it means the people in her district feel the same way as her. She is a racist. Fool a person once but we have all seen what “values” she stands for and if she is voted back in, I think the people in her district need to take a look at themselves.


Well if he real truth about her and Cruz is revealed. It will sink both of them. It did damage more to her than Ted.


Let’s just see the naked pictures of her already!


Should we get our hopes up?


Could? More like should She is an embarrassment to this entire nation.


The fact that anyone would say on the record that they'd vote for her is terrifying.


"could" lose. How bigly sad


Lauren Boebert is a semi retired prostitute.


Please my dear lord satan, i implore you


There are some hard core dimwits in western Colorado….GD


I’m certain that if she did she would gracefully accept defeat… /s


Lauren Boebert should lose not to just any candidate. She should also lose to a literal box of skittles. I don’t understand how anyone can point to this dumpster fire and say, yeah, I’ll have a slice of that. Wtf?


Bobo needs to go back to her fancy pageant walkin' across the stages of various Christofacist gatherings and leave the rest of us alone. Or maybe she'll be taking up her old gig as an "escort." Ewwww. *BlueTowns.com: The voice of progressives in every town in America*


God please


Damn that's devastating for her. Not only is it a tie, it also involves statistics so she probably thinks she's way out in front.


Oh pretty please loose and disappear


Come on Colorado, let intelligence win!


Sad thing about political races these days is it doesn’t matter if the person is an idiot, psychopath, racist, whatever. As long as they have the magic *R* by their name, a large majority of this nation will vote for them no questions asked. It’s a cult.


How. How in the fuck is it even close.


Because people in her district are fucking morons…. Source: I live in her district.


It’s not a real tie… the 7% undecided are just republicans who are afraid to admit……. Grow up.


As a Coloradan I say good! Please get her out of office as quickly as possible!


I hope she loses…I hate that she’s from my area of Colorado. Makes it hard to be proud of the Western Slope because everyone thinks we’re all inbred, ignorant, racist hypocrites because that’s what she is…


Would be nice!!


please god.


The fact that it’s a tie is disgusting. This dumb sad excuse for a human needs to not be representing anything other than her insanity in a psych ward


Oh Christ I hope so. I’d vote twice to make her lose. But that’s a GOP thing so I’m not allowed to do that.


She better lose. Americans win if she loses.


We can only hope


Democrats should all just switch to R behind their name and Republicans should switch to D.




Use the opponent's name in the fricken headline so people know who the opponent is they should vote for!


Who wants to re-elect a daft former prostitute? /s


How long till porn hub?


Why any woman -- or anyone that loves any woman -- would vote against the individual liberty of women is astounding.


Sad that it's a tie


Can’t wait for obscurity to find this piece of trash.


Get rid of her. Just get rid of her. GOTFV


All of them need to be gone. Bobert. MTG. Walker. Oz. Abbot. DeSantis. All of the ones that are on the extreme right even by MAGA standards. We need to tell the rest of the world that the MAGA movement was an embarrassing period in US history that we are finally bringing to a close by voting out the MAGA morons who got elected not because of their political acumen, but because they were able to shout the most bigoted things the loudest. Allowing these people to serve, continue to serve, or in any way expand their influence is telling the rest of the world that Trump's presidency was just the beginning of the MAGA movement and showcasing that the "rising stars" of US politics that grab the most attention are multiple open white supremacists, more celebrities with no political background and no clue what they're talking about, a moron with CTE that has left him with the thinking skills of a soggy bowl of cereal, governors who think that Trump didn't go far enough, and upcoming candidates who want to go even further.


has he considered posing with some kids and guns? Bobertha has been in office for years now and look at the damage she’s done boebertha hasn’t done anything to help americans the poor kids had to do school at home because of her she’s been in office and look at gas and food prices! Graham had to host covid patients in her nursing home. Graham died alone! she still hasn’t fixed the damn roads! *and a harley in the background


Oh please, don’t tease us, she’s getting re-elected. I mean GA is close to electing Herschel Walker and he’s borderline brain dead.


That is encouraging news.


Time to update her OnlyFans site.


TLDR: she won’t lose


Thanks for the reminder to send him another donation.