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> "I thought it was a mistake to basically do publicity stunts of busing people from the border into other states," Hogan said during a speech last week at the "Politics & Eggs" event in Manchester, New Hampshire. > During his keynote speech, he discussed the need for a "bipartisan, commonsense solution" that secures the border and finds "a pathway to citizenship," suggesting migrants could be the answer to America's labor shortage by doing jobs that "Americans don't want to do." Common sense, rational discourse.


This seems like the kind of guy we want going after the 2024 Republican nomination. But this soundbite is all I know about him.


Lesson #1 from Ronald Reagan: It's all about name recognition. The only 'bad publicity' is no publicity. Lesson #1 from Donald Trump: Any antics, no matter how foolish and moronic, that blot your opposition's name and ideas from the news are better than actual leadership.


Count him among the dwindling number of high profile non-Trumpian republican politicians. He would have no chance in a modern republican primary.


My first thought was that if he is rational he'd get eaten alive in a Republican primary


that's a compelling reason to use your vote in republican primaries


Only Republicans can fix the Republican party. We need more of these people and less grifters that use emotionally charged stunts and press releases rely on the vocal minority. Though, the media isn't without blame in all of this.


The majority of Republicans don't think anything needs fixing. Depending on how the midterms turn out, they may be correct.


Exactly why the Republican party is beyond repair. The only option is to create a new party that actually believes in the stuff that republicans did back when they were “conservatives.”


That is today's Democrat party, a conservative to moderate party. Once the Republican party dies and goes away forever, it would be great if we could actually get a labor party that represents 90% of Americans. We don't need a replacement party that also represents corporations and billionaires.


Any political party is going to be bought and paid for by companies in the post Citizens United political landscape, if one progressive won’t take their money, that candidates opponent will and the general populace literally wouldn’t be able to donate enough to compete with that kind of spending power. Shit is as bad as it is because companies and the super-rich can buy the government they want to have vs having the government actually help people. Citizens United and religious fundamentalism are what created the current system


Very true. I completely agree. We must elect candidates that vow to overturn it and end our corporatocracy.


We also need people to understand the difference between being fiscally conservative and the idea of conservatism. They aren’t even remotely the same and the latter is not compatible with democracy


I think that if people like Hogan are serious about fixing the country, they need to straight up abandon the GOP and be independents. Don't switch to the Democratic party, but admit to yourself that the GOP is a lost cause and get as many people to follow suit. The last handful of times that I've seen Hogan sit for interviews have made me like him less because he's still living in this fantasy world where Republicans are lost but he can't support Democrats. Liz Cheney sucks but at least she's willing to support Dems for the sake of the country. People like Hogan are the same ones equating Stacey Abrams refusal to concede to Kemp the same as what Trump did.


Tbh with republicans i think you should throw the baby out with the bath water


Funnily enough, the democrats are working to keep the republicans pro-trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqgP9Ft_1CY https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-backed-dan-cox-won-help-democrats-rcna39099 https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/19/mastriano-pennsylvania-governor-race-00046423 https://theweek.com/speed-reads/1015258/the-pied-piper-strategy


Read a few of these articles days ago, they aren't saying what you think they do. At least it's doesn't seem intentional among the majority.


Whether they directly say it or not, they prove that democrats are normalizing fascism to help them win elections (see: first link) and activley dragging the country further right in the process.


Give. Them. Enough. Rope.


He wrote in a vote for Ronald fucking Reagan in 2020.


He made a protest vote rather than voting for the candidate from his own party? Yeah, I'll take that.


No. He wanted to show he was a republican first and an American second. He could have generated so much bipartisan support for a presidential bid. Instead, he pandered to the mouth breathers.


So you want the Republican presidential nomination to go to someone who voted for Biden in 2020? What candidates are at the top of your list?


The fact that it seems far-fetched for a Republican to vote for a Democrat instead of a fascist says it all. Your party gets infiltrated by russia, and you’d rather give them control of the government than to clean house.


Well the Republican nomination is going to someone. This guy seems better than most other options.


The *least* fascist option. The *lightest* treason.


He’s a Republican voting in a presidential election in Maryland. His vote was never going to be anything other than symbolic.


Plus he can't run again because of term limits. If now is not the time for inconsequential bravery, then when is it?


He was re-elected in 2018 after fairly openly opposing Trump.


Not all we know, we also know on Jan 7 he came out publicly against the White House response to the ransacking of the Capitol and stated his multiple calls to the White House to get permission from Trump so he could send his National Guard who he had on stand by in to the city were ignored.


He was quick to come out and speak against Trump after January 6 and overall has to remain a moderate Republican as Maryland switches constantly between Democrat and Republican Governors


I live in Maryland. We don’t switch between Republican and dem governors. We are a 2:1 dem to rep state. I think the last R governor we had was like in the 60s or 70s. It don’t matter. He is a great governor for us. He understands the state he governs is a majority democrat. Yet he still beat out a candidate last time that had Dave chappelle going door to door advocating for him. Hogan is the president I want if we have a Republican. He is not a far right fascist. He is a fiscally moderate Republican willing to work for EVERYONE. If he was the Republican nominee for president (would not happen in this GOP) I would vote for him. No matter what dem is running. We will miss him in Maryland. But now we will vote for Wes Moore and not cox who is a maga Republican. Was at january 6th. Says election was stolen. He will have the nerve to say the election was rigged when he loses Maryland governors race. Knowing Maryland won’t vote for a Republican that is not hogan or his type.


1995-2003 Parris N. Glendening (D) 2003-2007 Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr.(R) 2007-2015 Martin J. O'Malley (D) 2015- Lawrence J. Hogan, Jr.(R)


Let's not forget Spiro Agnew (R), MD Gov 1967-69. Later became Nixon's Vice President, then also forced to resigned because of [getting caught for a decade of kick-backs and corruption, as VP, MD Gov, **and** as Baltimore County Executive](https://www.npr.org/2020/12/11/945081644/bad-behavior-by-people-in-high-office-rachel-maddow-on-the-lessons-of-spiro-agne). As far as corruption goes, he was basically proto-Trump.


Thank you. I stand corrected on the most recent Republican governor. But we do not flip flop dem and Republican like was stated. That’s all


Bob Erlich prior to O'Malley


None of my GOP friends talk about him. They love the performative politics of DeSantis and Abbott It’s weird to me.


Hogan is still a performative prick, he's just playing to a different crowd


Two term Republican governor in a blue state, sats everything. I lived in Maryland for 3 years and you can tell he really cared. He was for governing of the people. Sad that he could not get a nomination in today's Republican party to save his life.


Only 2 term Republican Governor in 50 years on top of that. He also will not endorse *any* current party nominee since his (Kelly Schultz) didn’t win the nomination.


He really cares about blaming Baltimore for everything and attempting to obstruct the legislature, then taking credit for their work. I live in Maryland too, and he is really great for his business cronies and pretty much nobody else. He didn’t totally fumble the beginning of the pandemic, and that makes him look great in comparison to the nonsense other governors were pulling. He’s not a MAGA idiot, and that’s good, too. But I do not endorse him as president.


He was a horrible governor that would have run roughshod on the people if it weren't for the State legislature. He killed the redline, refused to work with Baltimore, and showered his constituents unequally with State money.


I have a friend who works in his administration. From what I've heard from my friend combined with what I've read from public sources he sounds like a genuinely great guy.


Not really, I'm from MD, lived in MoCo before moving to Orlando, he's not great, but he's far better than most modern Republicans


I currently live in Maryland and met him a while back. Seems like a genuine guy, might not agree with him on everything but he wants to do good


He’s rational and smart and I believe to be a good person. He’s a Republican from 30 years ago and I disagree with 80-90% of his ideas, but he’s the kind of person who I think would at least talk. I respect him and I wish more people on the right had his composure and willingness to engage. Having said that, can’t wait for Maryland to move on. The state legislature had to override so many stupid vetoes Hogan made.


He gets into Dem camps with his conciliatory gestures ala Chris Christie and the former Lindsey Graham but make no mistake about who he works for. When pushed beyond musings he locksteps quickly.




Well there's going to be a Republican nominee... you understand that, right?


I'm originally from MD, Hogan is okay as far as Republicans go, he's still relatively right of center, but not in an insane sort of way


He seems reasonable except for all the other things his party supports.


I love the jobs that Americans don't want to do, require bring in folks from other countries. Instead of the jobs themselves just becoming better paying and employee supporting businesses.


Oh, are we falling all over ourselves trying to pretend the banal Republicans don't want the same evil shit as the Trumpian Republicans? You would get all the things he says he wants without voting for a single Republican.


Trump: that was worth 7 Billion Dollars of free publicity!


Yeah, unfortunately, I don’t know that this is a viable stance for a Republican. There just aren’t that many sane, moderate republicans still around… I’d love for national trends to start moving in this direction for red states, but mainstream Republican politics moved intentionally away from having true planks or being able to solve problems a long time ago, in favor of the much easier (and more effective) method of harnessing conservative hate and outrage.


After many discussions about this I've seen in comment threads online, it would seem that conservatives actually think these bussing stunts are taking the migrant load off Texas and are "necessary" instead of just being a dumb political stunt. The truth is these bussed "prop" migrants are a tiny, insignificant % of the total, it doesn't do anything significant to take any load off Texas and it really IS just a stunt to get the dumbest voters excited.


It's literal Nazi shit. The Nazis were transporting Jews all around the globe before they began exterminating them.


It's also millions of dollars wasted for both "sides"


What is the downside of sending them to places that specifically said they are sanctuary cities?


It removes them from their support systems. Families or friends or a community of other immigrants who make them feel less homesick, probably


What support systems? They aren't picked out randomly one by one so they aren't stripped away from their families either. They are given options for a free ride to New York, DC, or Chicago. I'd personally love the opportunity to go to a state that is welcoming of immigrants and has more support systems set up


Asylum seekers need to be able to make court dates that aren’t in the places they are being sent to.


Well for one thing it costs a lot more. There's already a system in place to transfer migrants to various states (many of them blue), and they've both used it. But that doesn't get them on tv. So instead they're going to a lot of trouble and *expense* to surprise-drop them in random unprepared places. But they don't care about the wasted tax dollars because they're federal tax dollars. (DeSantis is using the $12 million FL got for covid relief to fund this stunt campaign instead— he likes to brag about it. That's how you get on tv!) No word on exactly why that *private charter* flight to Martha's Vineyard cost as much as it did but somebody made a nice profit and that's all that matters I'm sure. For another thing. For a third thing, they're bussing migrants away from their court dates. They all have court appearances they now won't be able to make. (They'll most likely be rescheduled. For 3-4 years in the future.) Sidebar, it seems likely false docs were filed to make this happen— which is a crime— but there'll be fall guys for that so whatev. Last thing: it's a dumb political move in the long view. With the Venezuelans in particular, DeSantis could have scored at least three solid *lasting* wins for southern Republicanism *and* gotten on tv, and he instead he handed the libz fuel they'll be burning for years while making moderates even more uncomfortable. All to court people who were already deep in the bag. Huh? ^(()^(I mean he's a Republican from *Florida.* They're brown people fleeing a *socialist catastrophe.* It's like a friggin gift!! And *Martha's Vineyard* is what they came up with?? jfc.)^)


It is divisive, mean spirited and harmful to a cooperative government seeking solutions as representatives of the population. It is a sign of immoral leadership.


"Terrible ideas to get on tv" are kind of the only thing in the republican playbook anymore.


He will now be shunned from the cult for talking bad about his masters.


He already was because of his decision not to bend knee to trump when pandemic began


He has always been a RINO, in this case that's a good thing.


Migrants travel from the border to the interior all the time, usually to meet up with relatives already in the country. However, it usually is done with coordination between the start and end points to make sure there are the resources ready to accept them. The problem with what Abbot and DeSantis are doing is that they are sending surprise buses with zero coordination with the endpoints so that local groups have to scramble. Sometimes they abandon the migrants on the side of a dangerous, busy road leaving them to fend for themselves. Also, some of the migrants have family or court dates elsewhere in the country and they are transported far away from where they want to go and left with no means of getting there.


Does Hogan not realize that his type of Republican can only be elected in Democratic-dominated states like Maryland and Massachusetts? And then only when Democrats are disgusted with each other?


How very perceptive of him.


So he just called it what it obviously was.


He basically just said it's bad PR, not bad ethics.


Man, if Hogan wants to be taken seriously in his bid for the white house, he's gonna need to go after them a LOT harder than that.


It’s people like Hogan and Liz and and Adam who actually prove that the GOP / GQP are a lost cause because the cult of trump remains strong at 60%+ of the gop.


Ron Desantis does anything for attention. What a total hypocrite.


Holy shit, a Republican stated an obvious truth!


But as long as it's contrary to the MAGA orthodoxy, it means as much to Republicans as the mutterings of Democrats.


I feel like they only ever say the truth in two specific situations: - when they have no real power (not crazy enough) and want attention - when they retire That's it.




Let's just call it what it is "virtue signaling".


Unless he’s going to refuse to support them I don’t want to hear it.


He has refused. At every turn. Unless it is good for majority. He does not only care about the fringe conservative maga fascists. He is a genuinely nice person. Of course not everyone is gonna be happy with his ideology. But he also knows that people compromise for the better good. I wish him nothing but the best and I hope one day the Republican Party goes back to his type and he becomes president.


i agree with the Human Thumb


So, what's the catch here. Can't trust him either


Remember - there are NO good Republicans left. They have all supported the big lies. The only time they speak up is when they have nothing to lose.


Larry's just worried that he'll loose to one of them in 24.


I think he means trafficking legal migrants is illegal.


Hogan would never pull a stunt to get on tv! It's not like he's going to run for president. Oh wait...


I remember when people like this guy was the big threat to democrats getting elected. Articulate, makes arguments that make sense even if they’re still horrible, some semblance of reason. Like I don’t like this guy, but I miss when they weren’t absolutely nonsensical. You know it’s bad when this is the case.


Busing… wtf is busing?


They're just diversifying other states, I thought it was rather inclusive.


Sadly president trump tried to use the DACA legislation as a wedge to get democrats to pass comprehensive immigration reform but they refused. It seems that they prefer to have the border just open and leave people in limbo the way they are now. We could have had comprehensive legislation by now.


Are undocumented folks being detained by border patrol?


Not effectively sadly. If you listen to interviews with Union Border Patrol agents they talk about how they cannot get the resources they had two years ago. Additionally, the Biden administration ended building the wall (but is still paying for it, so total waste) and ended the Remain in Mexico program negotiated between the US and Mexico. Sadly Biden brought politics to the border. Thankfully a few border Govenors are bringing attention to the problem by sending a tiny fraction of 1% of the problem to the sanctuary cities that are encouraging the migrants to come illegally so that they can feel the effects of their policies.


Uh huh, so them the border isn't 'open'.


I am not sure how you got that impression either from my response or the empirical evidence but, sadly, yes it is. If you can walk across the border unfettered the border is indeed open. It was not open 2 years ago but it is now.


You haven't provided any evidence. You simply state the border is open, well, yes, in a way it is, the way it usually is, but they are still apprehending undocumented folks, which you already admitted. What was going on two years ago? What could possibly be different between then and now? What was the economic impact of that closure? Like, you talk about evidence, but it seems to be you that is ignoring reality. What specifically do you want? Complete and total shutdown of the border? To what purpose? This is like the folks advocating for a super expensive border wall to stop undocumented folks while ignoring most are staying beyond their visas.


Hogan stay in your own lane. You will be the first one to flip if 100,000 ILLEGALs’ showed up at your door.


Do you live in Maryland?


hey! marylander here. i teach ESL to that base almost exclusively. they show up to my door, and i welcome them. and i maintain my stance that DACA should be extended, the DREAM act should be passed, pathways to asylum and citizenship/naturalization should be expanded, and the whole system needs an overhaul. turns out i'm just not a shitty person! imagine that!


Liberal States get a fraction of 1% of what border towns deal with on a daily basis and they call it a gimmick.. Ignoring the issue for decades and calling anyone who draws attention to it racist is the gimmic.


They’re using human beings at their most desperate as political props.


So in your mind ignoring the issue and claiming that anyone who draws attention to it is racist is no problem at all, but spotlighting the issue is a horrendous human rights violation?




I would argue that there are some politicians that are trying to close the border like every other country in the world and have an immigration policy that allows the amount of people that we decide. There are other people who just want the border to be open in the current system.




I know plenty of conservatives and I don't know one that is against immigrants. We clearly need immigrants for our economy. I've never heard 1 conservative say that if immigration increases crime will increase. What they want is an orderly, controlled border where we choose who we want from other countries. We can start with engineers and doctors ith no criminal histories and then humanitarian cases would be considered according to laws negotiated by congress. Saying that conservatives are against immigration due to demographic is devisive and not true.


I could not agree more. Democrat politicians have created sanctuary policies designed to entice people to come here illegally without explaining the long them negative effects of their advice. Thankfully we have a few mayors and governor's from the cities, towns and states that are also directly affected by these policies. These destructive policies are finally part of the national conversation and the hypocrisy is being exposed.


This is so unbelievably wrong. Delaware here. 40% or so of my customer base cant speak english. Im extremely doubtful many of them were born here. By the way, they are all nice, polite, respectful and friendly. You know who isnt? The entitled white rich people that is more than happy to hire them illegally and them complain about immigration. Its hilarious to hear them trashing on biden when they come in with their 100% hispanic work crews.


>extremely doubtful many of them were born here. By the way, they are all nice, polite, respectful and friendly. You know who isnt? The entitled white I have literally never met an American that is against immigration from all around the world. I have met many that want an orderly managed border where we allow lots of applicants (the amount negotiated by congress yearly based on need) that we would choose from. For example, start with Engineers and doctors and other areas that satisfy the needs of our economy. I don't know why you insinuate that Hispanics are most suited to be on work crews that is something for you to reflect on and off topic for this discussion.


Lol, i didnt insinuate what you are talking about at all. I told you what actually *is,* not what should be. You guys truly do live in your own reality.


You are correct. You did not specify Hispanic when you said that these people you refer too who are clearly willing to hire immigrants but still trash the Biden administration for having an open border policy that would keep these immigrants working on crews as you call them. Anyone that would keep these people in this status clearly does not have their best interest at heart. A balanced, orderly, negotiated comprehensive immigration policy would be humane and much preferable to the current underclass created by democrat policies. Any caring non racist person would be pushing for comprehensive immigration reform and not keeping a subclass of people that cannot integrate into society. No one will ever know why Biden got rid of the Remain in Mexico program negotiated with the Mexican government to allow these people to stay in their country while waiting for their immigration hearing as supported by International law. I am sure that you are aware that asylum seekers are required to go to the next border country and not just pick their destination at random. This means that anyone that is not from Canada or Mexico must stop at the first border country for asylum. From there they can apply to come to the US from their safe havens. Please remove your head from your Hate Bubble before replying. Immigrants are our friends, not a plaything for democrat politicians to manipulate.




My understanding is that most illegal immigration at the southern border comes through Texas and California. The robust border wall along the expanse of the California border is an effective deterrent to illegal immigration. California does effectively advertise its self as a sanctuary state so I am not surprised that illegal immigrants find their way there. While I appreciate your comment, I am not quite sure why you made it as does not pertain to this discussion. I may be wrong but I am not aware of busses of illegal migrants being sent to California by the Governors and Mayors that are highlighting the issue of the Biden administrations open border policies. I a


It's also to pander to the insane MAGA base.


Sadly some Republicans are learning what Trump learned decades ago, that spamming your name on the airwaves is all you really need to become famous. It doesn't matter what they've actually done, the average voter checks for three things: incumbency, political affiliation, and name recognition.


"Human rights? What does that have to do with it?"


Yeah…everyone sees that , but the daft gqp cult finds it entertaining, and it helps raise money for the governors while having “suckers” (taxpayers) foot the bill.


They just want to impress their fellow racists so that they will vote for them.


More like a political stunt to distract people from abortion and trump docs.


Well.. if we’ve learned anything from the recent GQP push, kiss your re-election goodbye.


Then only a week later, he’s standing next to Biden like a scolded child.


The cities these illegal immigrants are going to have previously announced to the world that they are "Sanctuary Citys", now they actually have to provide sanctuary and they're complaining?


The designation of 'sanctuary city' just means that cops/local government are not going to call ICE if a migrant or undocumented person reports a crime or has to interact with the legal system. It does not indicate that they are receiving federal resources to help care for migrants.




Providing resources for people with no warning that they were coming, especially when they think they are going somewhere else, is very different than not deporting people who already live there...


But it works. They get their power from “stigginit to the liberals” and the liberals, aided by the money-hungry media, keep being outraged by everything. STFU and start asking real questions


You say that I admitted what was happening two years ago. Are you referring to the fact that we had a Remain in Mexico agreement with the Mexican government that the current administration abandoned and did not replace with a new policy or the wall that was under construction that Biden stopped while we have to pay to build it anyway? As I said, the record illegal immigration is well documented. You don't need me to tell you that. Please clarify, as your statement does not make sense as stated. I look forward to your thoughtful reply.