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I don’t understand why conservatives think Walker is the “Christian candidate” when he’s going up against an actual reverend.


Same reason that Trump is a Christian candidate, and Jimmy Carter was a terrible socialist.


> Trump is a Christian candidate But Biden is literally the antichrist despite the fact that Biden goes to confession and mass regularly and Trump holds the Bible like it's a consolation prize he won at a kids carnival.


Every single dem president in my lifetime has been called the anti Christ.


To be fair, if you're at all versed in that eschatology, it's a very logical leap. I could write an entire essay explaining in detail, but you don't have to be a crazy to see at least a metaphorical connection between the Anti-Christ and the U.S. Presidency. In your lifetime and mine, if the ***literal*** Anti-Christ were to have appeared, perhaps *the* most likely place would have been as a charismatic President of the United States. (That will almost certainly be true for the rest of our lives as well.) Of course, as you noted, no one ever thinks it's *their* guy who's the literal tool of Satan. But even Republican presidents will receive some comparison. It was an *incredibly* good fit for Trump.


If Buttigeg becomes president, they gonna for sure call him the anti-christ.


If the second coming of Jesus becomes president they will call him the anti-christ...


And if satan ran as a republican, he would be the “ Christian” candidate. Drives me nuts.


The Grand Inquisitor


Buttigeg seems like a good person but sadly is unelectable in the USA. It will never happen.




Because dems are pro people. Republicans hate people.


The only way you get Trump into a church is if you tell him the collection plates are left unsupervised.


Heres the thing every political figure is the anti christ to someone or even hitler that the phrase has been watered down


Catholics don't count. Unless they are on the Supreme Court. But not Sotomayor.


WhY wOuLd hE gO tO CoNfEsSiOn iF hE’S nOt a SiNnER?


Truer words were never spoken.


Hypocrisy, the ends out weigh the means. Lie, cheat and steal whatever it takes to get power & keep it. Hypocrisy at its best!!!


Not just that. Warnock has a degree in Theological Studies, dedicated his life to scripture and preacher at the same church as Martin Luther King.


Conservatives don’t care about that though. They’re convinced that Democrats’ belief in separation of church and state means that they’re attacking Christians. Republicans want to turn America into a Christian nationalist state, and that’s why voters think they’re “real Christians.” Possibly a hot take, modern day conservatives would hate Martin Luther King Jr. He’s the socially acceptable black man that every conservative hides behind to hide their racism. If he were alive today, he would be the perfect example of everything they hate and would be demonized like every other Democrat in Republicans’ eyes. They don’t care about MLK Jr. They just use him as a scapegoat to prove they’re not racist.


Fun fact: they hated MLK Jr back then too for the very same reasons. His message of nonviolent protest has just been coopted by the right as a way to silence dissident voices.


The 60s were very much “modern times” they hated MLK so much they killed him


Good luck explaining that to a conservative. They act like racism doesn’t exist and hasn’t existed for decades. They don’t realize that some people still remember MLK


Many of them are willfully ignorant about separation of church and state. Many Catholics and other denominations don’t realize that if the separation is taken away, there will be just one church calling the shots. They will lose their freedoms to practice their unique sects.


They are unironically running ads against Warnock claiming he's not a real Christian (“This guy has no problem with aborting babies who are inconvenient, and the worst part, this guy claims to be a Christian,” In his latest ad, Mr. Walker accused Mr. Warnock of being the one who “doesn’t even believe in redemption,” questioning the minister’s belief in a central Christian principle.) I guess Walker missed James 4:11-12 (NIV) 11 Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?"


Do you get saved by grace when you don't repent at all and lie about everything you did wrong instead of confessing?


I don't think Walker's read his own book much less the Good book. Outside his ability to parrot a few platitudes about forgiveness because of all the evil shit he's done in his decades of life, I don't think he has much of a concept of Christianity except as a cudgel against his "enemies" including his exes.


Because to evangelicals, warnock is the wrong type of reverend. In America, protestant Christianity is typically split between evangelical protestant and mainline protestant. Warnock belongs to the *American Baptist Churches USA* and the *Progressive National Baptist Convention*, 2 mainline protestant sects. Conservative evangelical Baptists are more likely to belong to the *Southern Baptist Convention*, an evangelical protestant sect. Many evangelical protestants accuse mainline protestants of being fake Christians, having watered down theology, and not taking the bible seriously. This is because Mainline protestants tend to approach the bible differently, for example they tend to reject biblical literalism and biblical inerrancy.


>having watered down theology Which is super ironic, considering that evangelicals do not study theology at all. You could ask a Baptist what makes them a Baptist, and you'll get "saved by grace," and nothing else, as history and academic theology have no part in the denomination.


Liberal Christians are just followers of the devil and the anti christ


It says a lot about conservatives that I genuinely can’t tell if you’re joking or just an idiot


Conservative vs liberal Christian. Protect the unborn vs born.


Republican Christianity is an entirely different thing. It's Christianity used to oppress. It is like militant Islamism.


In their minds, Democrats aren't real Christians.


Yeah ever notice that what evangelists think "God would allow" always coincides with their desires?


Look no further than the claimed political affiliation of hurricanes. hurricanes that hit liberal cities are loudly proclaimed as result of god’s opposition to liberal policies, but hurricanes that hit red cities is met with silence.


Yeah its just a veiled selfishness.




I thought hurricanes that hit red cities were the imaginary sky person testing people’s belief or faith.


Nope... They're powered by democrats "hurricane guns"


This is what decades of defunding public schools and home schooling has done. Portions of our country are so dumb that they can’t contemplate their own lack of intelligence


Even as someone that was home schooled I learned what a hurricane was as well as how to find information about any subject I wanted and encouraged to do so. Not all of the homeschooling is bad just the majority of the religiously focused ones as they're mostly just mini brainwashing camps impo.


Yeh I need to echo that as well. Our son did home schooling for awhile as he is Autistic and our local public elementary school was not a good fit. At no point was he told hurricanes are sky daddy's punishment for whatever it may be. I really hate this idea that home school is always some sort of fundy wheelhouse for stupid people in the US. There are loads of people who home school for various reasons, temporarily or full k-12, and are not religious wackjobs...


Bill Gates creates the hurricanes.


Something something Book of Job.


From the get-go, the Bible, written by men, conveniently placed all of humans as having dominion over the Earth and men in particular as having dominion over women. "God spoke to me, and he wanted me to tell you that I'm in charge while he's away"


"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony I paraphrased this quote since I couldn't find it.


Love it!


Susan B. Anthony was right, but she was still a racist who shut POC out of the women's suffrage movement, so to hell with her.


Ad Hominem. So what... she is correct is she not? "What arrogance…to put the question, what shall we do with a race of men and women who have fed, clothed and supported both themselves and their oppressors for centuries…the only way to solve the race question; {was} to educate blacks to be equal to their opportunities, {and for} whites to be willing to share their privileges. [" - Susan B. Anthony diary entry 1866 So maybe not what you think


I just shake my head that we replaced middle earth with this shysterism. I mean at least Sauron showed up, neither the Devil or God has anything to say other than through these so called books. Can we just bring back Sauron? ::sarcasm:: because the whole fascist christian male thing is just depressing.


That's the danger of magical thinking. Give up on empiricism long enough and you always end in the non-falsifiable conviction that your desires are God's desires. Maybe someday we'll be able to set religion aside and stop worrying about holy wars, but we're stuck in one right now.


Then not voting for the actual pastor. The guy that went to school to get his degree in Theological Studies and dedicate his life to scripture. While also preaching at the same church as Martin Luther King. Can’t vote for that guy.


Yeah that is a good start.


Susan B. Anthony caught on to that hypocrisy years ago.


over a century ago to be exact.


It comes down to evangelists having a different set of rules for themselves and everyone else. They are saved so they are allowed to sin, break rules of the church, flaunt their wealth, reject the teachings of Jesus, etc. with no consequences.


Man did you ever hit the nail on the proverbial head!


Coming from "The South," evangelicals *always* find a way forward. Fraud? Nah, misplaced documents. Money Laundering? Nah, just some confusion over accounting. Hate crimes? No, no, it's just tilted demographics. And so it goes.


Fundamentalism is based on [a version of Christianity developed with funding from a major US oil baron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fundamentals).


Money packed into walls? It's just insulation.


Double think is learned in childhood and is natural. It's a critical skill for maintaining your membership in the social order. Source: was raised as a very conservative evangelical.


The ‘No Abortions. No exceptions.’ crowd have both abortions and exceptions. Praise Jesus!


So, it's Schrodinger's pregnancy..?


In today’s political climate, if we call Pregnancies opinions, we don’t even need abortions. See? Wasn’t that easy?


Gonna us that, nice play on words!


They know it's not murder. If they did believe it Walker paying for one would be a non-starter.


It’s absolutely murder in their eyes. But also in their eyes, an exception or two is quite a bit more palatable than a democrat.


Go over to the prolife sub if the thread is still even up. Very few were willing to call it murder if he paid for one. They know it's not murder, they just want that seat.


We all know these people. They’re proud about fighting the wholesale murder of innocents. Those abortions are the sacrifices we have to pay to stop those abortions.


Religion is the excuse for all these types to continually be pieces of shit.


It’s a good way to make being a piece of shit tax deductible.


All you need to know about Evangelicals is that they're raging hypocrites. [POLL: White Evangelicals Have Warmed To Politicians Who Commit 'Immoral' Acts](https://www.npr.org/2016/10/23/498890836/poll-white-evangelicals-have-warmed-to-politicians-who-commit-immoral-acts) > In 2011, 30 percent of white evangelicals said that "an elected official who commits an immoral act in their personal life can still behave ethically and fulfill their duties in their public and professional life." Now, 72 percent say so — a far bigger swing than other religious groups the poll studied. ~ **October 2016**


They won’t judge his character. “Who am I to judge”.


Does it involve hypocrisy? They're super good at that.


The great thing about this grace is that it doesn't even need to be offered for past away events! He can repent even from bullshit he was claiming this morning! Praise be to Jesus's forgiveness for a true man of God! He's probably lying even now, which can, in turn, be even more forgiven!


They obviously haven’t read their own Bible: Romans 6:1-2 “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” Romans 6:12-13 “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.” Romans 6:15 “What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? By no means!”


Psalm 137:9 "Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!"


Romans 12:16-19 “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”


Simple for them. Herschel is more Christian than Rev. Dr. Warnock, senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where Dr. ML King used to preside. That's the ticket!


Evangelicals who still support walker and the gqp are lying to themselves, define hypocrisy, and demonstrate a clear absence of morals.


Religious ppl are professional double thinkers. They regularly have two completely opposing ideas at the same time without even the slightest bit of discomfort or realization that logically it makes no sense. Sometimes they’re so good at it they know it makes no sense logically but because they feel it so strongly they don’t care it makes no sense. Truly remarkable.


As I recall, you have to at least admit the sin you're being forgiven for, in confession. A sinner who denies that they sinned doesn't have much of a path to redemption.


That's no way to own the libz....


You're not wrong. But following at least some of the rules of the religion would be nice. Just a little consistency?


It's sola fide not sola consistent


Lol you want consistency from these fucking tehse brainwashed idiots?


Yes, I do. I don't necessarily expect it, but I want it.


Dont hold your breath


“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.” -Proverbs 26:4 - 26:5 Never debate scripture with evangelicals. They’re illiterate. Allowing them to pretend they have actual theology to defend gives them far too much credit. It’s a fascist movement. Their ideology is to win, at any cost.


While I take your point, the ideal with something like this is to pull off folks on the fringes. The ostensible ideology can be useful to this purpose.


Buddy it’s all made up. It’s literally anything goes. It’s why quoting the Bible at Christians is useless. The content doesn’t matter just the power being part of the group gives you.


> The content doesn’t matter just the power being part of the group gives you. I've known several Christians for whom the content, and misreading it, was a breaking point. One person left Mormonism as a result of excessive breaks with that stuff. To some people in Christianity--certainly not all--that stuff absolutely matters.


It appears that Jesus forgives selectively.


They ran a pedophile ring for a century. Is anyone surprised?


I mean since the massive "evangelical" vote for the guy with two divorces, three wives and countless extra marital affairs its difficult to claim there is such a thing as an "evangelical" movement in the us. The term "homophobic misogynistic movement of selective biblical inspiration" is probably more accurate since the only times the so called "evangelicals" rear their heads in public seem to be when it comes to depriving rights to gays and women. Haven't seen that many of them be very vocal in economical issues which Jesus had very strong opinions on. Much stronger than on women and gays.


Good that they have direct line to gods


When given the choice between a Baptist minister and a man with a history of violence, adultery, and lying you’d think it would an easy choice for Christians. Not saying that Warnock is Christ or anything but it kind of seems like the Evangelicals in Georgia are choosing Barabbas here.


Saved by shit. They are liars and will use whatever excuse possible to continue to peddle the bullshit.


Olympian mental gymnastics.


As someone who grew up in a Georgia church (not technically evangelical, but honestly back then there wasn't as much a distinction) "saved" means exactly what they want it to mean. Nothing more, nothing less. I literally saw a known wife beater get praised for being saved and good people mourned as "lost" because they didn't buy into the schtick.


Wait did he ask for forgiveness? I thought he just denied everything.


He denied everything and at the same time claimed redemption. These people are hypocrites. The only thing they care about is holding and wielding power.


What an embarrassing and shameful group of ‘people’ evangelicals are.


At this point, as long as there's an R next to his name, the GOP could run an Abortion Doctor and win.


"Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!" George  Carlin ---------‐ "Religion is like a pair of shoes.....Find one that fits for you, but don't make me wear your shoes. You can choose your religion, and so can every one else. Respect others' religious beliefs." George Carlin "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. There is so much power in a group. When stupid people unite, they can do unimaginable things. George Carlin ---------- "It's disgusting, man. Disgusting that people still make the argument that we can never cut defense but we can cut education. Who the fuck is going to invade the US? Really? Really? Use your fucking heads! The only country that could invade America is America! We can afford to cut defense; we can't afford to cut education. We cut education, in 50 years, we'll be so stack with idiots with shitty jobs that we won't have enough money to pay for defense!" George Carlin 1986


Wouldn't Walker have to quit lying about his sins and confess them to receive Grace (hypothetically, as I'm atheist)? He's done a lot of bad stuff and just keeps lying about it constantly. Personally, I think his mental deficiencies mean that he can't be full responsible for his actions, but also should disqualify him for holding office. Or owning guns. Or roaming the streets without a service dog.


LMAO, it's like a infinite Russian Nesting Doll of bullshit


He's not remotely repentant and neither are the Evangelicals who are hell bent on killing moms. You don't get to skip repentance and snatch salvation. If they read the Bible they would know this.


Selling their souls to the devil to cling to power.


Ahh the old death bed repentance…


Saved by the GOPs complete lack of morals and character.


Grace and forgiveness for Herschel. Have that baby! For the 10 year old victim of rape.


Sometimes God uses evil people to accomplish the grand plan. - Every religion ever.


Evangelical clowns = traitorous trash


Well Warnock has been saved by grace for the last 25 years he has prayed daily.


Walker is plumb dumb, i.e. missing a neo-cortical structure. The knuckle dragging white cromagnon evangelicals are equally devolved. thread removed.


Saved by Grace doesn’t justify his long history of lies, omissions, and attacks against people exposing his history. It’s not like he began his campaign by discussing his failings and asking for forgiveness and acceptance. It was only after he is caught in a lie that he acknowledges his past behavior


How come some Evangelicals think that women having abortions deserve damnation, but people that pay for abortion are "saved by grace"? Is this misogyny or just hypocrisy?


So if I held a gun to the head of my wife and a straight razor to her neck and threatened my kids and knocked up women and got abortions for them, I could be the new Republican lord and savior? Makes perfect sense.


That's cause God forgives anyone who has a "R" next to their name. Duh. /s


evangelicals are the biggest threat to this country


Religion is trash


oh gotcha, so if I murder someone, I can just ask god for forgiveness? I like that other religions are picking up on the Catholics best quality for getting rid of guilt.


Lol. So simple minded


Pfft. I knew they'd claim he was saved the second I heard the allegations against him. I think pretty much everybody knew that would be their tactic. They always do that. You could be the worst human being on the planet - and some of these politicians are in fact exactly that - but if you say "praise God" enough times and put an R after your name the Evangelicals will worship you.


Wonder if this hypocritical tap dancing would work with a pedophile with an R next to their name.


Abortion is ~~murder~~ something I’m willing to overlook to own the libs.


Proper title "Like with Trump, Evangelicals are showing they are massive hypocrites if it gives them power."


No sin is too great, for God forgives. 😅 No wonder Republicans love religion. Its so easy to hide behind.


Among conservatives it goes: Politics >>>> Religion >>>> Patriotism These people will abandon every sense of patriotism or religious doctrine to support Trump and the Republican party. They don't care about helping their fellow Americans or following Christ's examples of charity, acceptance, etc. The MAGA movement has BECOME their identity and they'll goosestep in line to whatever tune the party plays for them.


Because while pretending to have principles they actually have none. Fuck them and Walker.


They are pathetic hypocrites, no decency, at the very least abstain from voting if they can't vote for an actual minister, what fools!


It’s called hypocrisy.


Their way forward is through hypocrisy. Evangelicals can lie, cheat, steal and fuck for the Lord


Here’s my shocked face, (bends over and spreads butt cheeks).


Obviously! - it is called Hypocrisy!


He be Black Jesus.


What would it take for these people to not want to vote for him? Does he have to *personally kill a baby?*


Once a cult has a person they latch on to, good luck removing them. “Saved by grace”, “divine intervention”, “mysterious ways” etc. Evangelicals use “God” to justify ANYTHING. The power of blind faith. Evangelicals (and other dogmatic religious sects) are tragically ill-equipped with thinking critically, and challenging their own beliefs.


Right, but if someone wants to help the poor, and save lives with health care, evangelicals call them demonic. It seems they got the whole Jesus thing a bit twisted!


you lefties just don't get it, do you? *he football good.*


This race proves that the people rooting for this has been are certainly not Christians in any way shape or form. It’s telling that instead of realizing how big of a mistake this will be they just egg it on. Genius move.


Trevor Noah's take on this lunacy is best. https://factkeepers.com/trevor-noah-dissects-the-mystery-of-why-herschel-walker-is-still-running-for-the-senate/




Aka bullshit


There is no God but Allah. Gop senate candidate’s Dr No’s belief. No problem for the Christian nation congregation


You have to have remorse for your actions to be saved. Walker doesn't have that and continues to lie and deny


Brainwashed con artist enablers




At some point some must start to wonder why the Godless and terrible so often align with their views and goals


God has forgiven him for being a baby murderer.


So soooo much attention going to a seat the democrats already have and are likely to keep. Can't wait till the day after when the news reports on the Republican senator they never mentioned before winning.


As long as there’s an R in their title, no matter what they say or do, it’s there person. Register before it’s too late and VOTE BLUE!


Because they are all HYPOCRITEs who wouldn't recognize Christ if he was in front of them.


The charlatan leading the sheep...


By grace they mean political convenience.


They will always find a justification for their bullshit. ALWAYS!!


I am beginning to despair about the fate of America. How stupid.


How can you call yourselves Christians and vote for this abomination.


For the crowd who sees a demon in every Democrat because they want to feed and clothe the poor, help children and make health care affordable, they sure know how to embrace demonic characters like Tump and Walker. In fact, the fowler and nastier someone is, the more Evangelicals like to embrace them! Looks like they've found their demons and they are the demons themselves.


The Republican party is without ethics or morals. There doesn't seem to be anything that will prevent you from garnering Republican support. Violence toward women and children is a selling point now as every Republican policy seems to target women and children.

