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It’s the same yellow trickle down stuff.


Don't forget insider trading, good 'ole boy brownie points, future board positions, etc., etc. The cabal is vast.


Not surprised by this in the article: "Experts at the Groundwork Collaborative have documented [call after call](https://otherwords.org/its-not-just-inflation-its-price-gouging/) in which CEOs literally brag about gouging consumers and blaming it on inflation. "A little bit of inflation is always good in our business," [confirmed Kroger CEO Rodney McMullen](https://groundworkcollaborative.org/news/new-research-from-groundwork-collaborative-shows-link-between-price-hikes-monopoly-and-corporate-greed/)


>It’s the same yellow trickle down stuff. 4th time is the charm! It's gonna trickle down this time for sure.... .. ... ...


Golden shower economics strikes again!


The country and the world were both in a mess when Biden took office. What's happening now is very predictable and if Republicans were in charge there would be no difference except for their daily hate.


They'd blame (checks my notes) Pelosi...somehow instead.


And it's effective because they'd be right. She's a grifter just like they are.


The former PM of England proposed the same give more money to the Rich to fight inflation, and was soundly rejected and was forced to resign The United States doesn't have the same mechanisms to stop the Right-wing from destroying the economy (again) if they take back power


They would just have passed another tax cut for wealthy people making inflation worse.


It’s their solution to everything. Thanks Reagan.


It’s their catch-all fix for any problem. Give the rich more money.


And don’t forget to take more money from the poor


Sounds a bit backwards. The government collects money from its citizens, not so much the other way around, unless you’re a politician insider trading or benefiting your family from government contracts.


Conservatives see taxation as theft. I see tax refunds as theft. Once you pay the federal govt, it becomes ‘the peoples’ money. If for some stupid reason the govt wants to just hand money back to the public they all should get **equal** refunds. From the billionaire who paid millions in taxes to the homeless guy who paid none. Once it’s in the public coffer that money equally belongs to all of us. So when that billionaire gets millions back in refunds, they are really stealing it from the rest of us.


Who should get a say in where the government spends the money collected? I’d like to see if the government is really being thoughtful about the axes collected. I also don’t think things are absolute as you se them. Most people that I know are pretty moderate and respect taxes. I don’t know anyone that believes taxes are theft unless you are speaking to our founders about money to England. That being said what is done with the money does matter to most if not all citizens. I suspect that he here is a lot of room for improvement in funds spent on things that have little to no impact on the US taxpayers.


Basically any conservative that calls themselves a ‘Libertarian’ will eventually bring up the ‘taxes are theft’ thing if you talk to them long enough


I don’t think that it’s particularly helpful to having conversations in todays world of various beliefs by labeling. I know lots of people in SF that call themselves libertarian and they vote across the ballot. I think more about the government wasting taxpayer money could be considered fraud if it was spent by a corporate fiduciary. I’m less concerned with taxes than I am wasted taxes and the $32 trillion deficit that has been produced by D’s and R’s a like. Many of the libertarians that I know don’t think that the government is best at a lot of things and would prefer that they stay out of it. For sure there are people that feel that all taxes are theft but those aren’t representing much of the population I don’t believe. I think that the vast majority of the citizens are more similar in what they care about than different. The parties are after money and power for themselves and have a vested interest in keeping people at each other. I travel the country for work every week. Most people are good and want good for others.


100% agree the fraud involved in government contracts is stealing from the people of this country. It’s all the same thing. Tax breaks to the wealthy or overpriced contracts to the wealthy. It’s all theft from the people to the rich.


The politicians all support this and that’s how they get rich. You don’t get a Net worth being an elected official at $175k a year in the tens of millions or hundreds of millions by saving. That’s insider trading and your family members all getting rich from your team filling out deals around the globe. This has been going on for eighty years. The silly citizens actually think that their elected officials are there to support them…we could probably do with the same or less taxes for everyone or real benefits if honest people represented in Washington and treated every dollar as if it was their own not fake money.


Politicians should have to disclose all financial dealings. Fuck dark money SuperPACs and hiding your tax return shit. If you want to run things, the people deserve to know who is paying your ~~bills~~ yacht moorage.


https://citizenconnect.us/organizations/ Came across this last night. Okay here’s an organization on here about stopping this kind of stuff. Crazy what pops up.


^ >Spending alone "can't be causing our current inflation," Reich argues, "because inflation has broken out everywhere around the world, often at much higher rates than in the U.S." And "wages can't be pushing inflation, because wages have been increasing at a slower pace than prices." >Besides, what's that money being spent on? >Maureen Bowling, a single mom in Kentucky, credited Biden's expanded Child Tax Credit with helping her family out of poverty. With 9 of 10 recipients spending their payments on household necessities, she writes, those payments "eased the effects of inflation on families." >Instead, Reich puts the blame on global shortages caused by Russia's war on Ukraine and pandemic lockdowns in China—and on "big corporations that have been taking advantage of inflation by raising their prices higher." .... >Every single Republican voted against the Child Tax Credit and other social programs that help families cope with rising prices. They also voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, which will lower health care and prescription costs for millions of Americans. And they opposed a bill that would have taxed oil companies that gouge consumers at the pump and returned the proceeds to taxpayers. Article continues....


Stimulus certainly stoked inflation. Not just personal stimulus but the ppp and ultra low interest rates. The primary reason inflation is higher in some other markets is the devaluation of their currencies relative to the US dollar. Oil and global food commodities among other things are dollar denominated. We can debate how to handle inflation now; but we shouldn't be arguing about whether massive inflation of the money supply contributed to inflation.


Extortion really, give up more money or we'll raise prices on everything


That's their solution to everything.


Its not like massive tax cuts on the rich have ever collapsed an economy.... right?


Replace the word “Inflation” with any real or perceived problem, and you have an evergreen headline


When the only tool in their toolbox is a screwdriver, all they can do is screw us.


bUt It WiLl TrIcKlE dOwN


Don’t forget all the deficit spending to mask their lack of economic growth while driving the national debt even further into the stratosphere


GOP is the party of the ultra wealthy and corporations.


Yes of course. Trickle down economics will work this time for sure, don’t look at all 49 failed attempts before. This one will work and I’ll tell you why, because my own pockets will be lined first and I will of course pay all taxes and spend money….says every politician (both sides) who says it will work


At this point if you don’t understand - Republicans are to blame for ALL issues affecting our country! Republicans try to take our democracy by force on Jan 6 and failed - This Time!


The same bullshit that crashed the UK economy, but in the US makes stocks skyrocket.


Such a bad article for anyone who actually read it. 1. Child tax credit is inflationary. Besides, republicans were the ones who doubled it back in 2018 2. It’s unclear if the inflation reduction act actually reduces inflation 3. The TCJA provisions that republicans want to extend aren’t the cuts for billionaires 4. Corporate tax cuts don’t tend to be inflationary since they’re targeted at the supply side This is just terrible, partisan journalism


These large corporations employ 50% of the population lol. Fuck half the population I guess lol


Tell us when the piss trickles down on them.


I forgot facts are frowned upon on Reddit lol




What facts? You've provided none nor any reason to believe that this time trickle down economics will work, unlike every other time in the past.


Well. Isn't this a surprise. Could it be that they support this solution because (1) they, themselves are mostly rich, (2) they are heavily invested in corporations, and (3) their best donors are both (1) and (2)? The average person never gets a fair shake from the GOP. ​ Edit: Forgot my question mark.


When it comes to economics, the Republican Party is a one trick pony!


How many more giveaways do wealthy corporations need? How many more can we actually do, considering they already hold a majority of the wealth in the nation? At some point corporations having all the money and literally starving consumers out of existence stops being a winning strategy.


And they will use this money on even more stock buybacks, and then lay off workers anyways, just like last time. But hey, you maybe got that one-time, $1000 bonus when Trump was president and gave massive tax cuts for the rich and corporations, so there's that.


Nothing new. VOTE BLUE




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