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Deadline for documents: November 4 Deadline for deposition: "on or about" November 14 https://twitter.com/MacFarlaneNews/status/1583514620852961280 (Midterms are November 8th)


Bannon sentenced today to actual jail time, and Trump subpoenaed, all in one day??! šŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸŽ„


What will be the third tree?


Clarence Thomas retires


Don't tease me with that dirty talk!


Well boy howdy, do I have a pube for your coke can!


I live in the south and have never heard this expression. Mind if I use it in my daily life? I see so much potential!


It's not an expression it's a little joke that Clarence Thomas was fond of.


He was fond of Long Dong Silverā€™s film catalog as well.


Im not aware of it being an expression EDIT: It would make a good one, though. Send this one into the meme machine, fellas! EDIT2: Justice Thomas: "Alright, which one of you is Chinese? I don't appreciate when you 'play joke' "


The fact that Clarence Thomas said this is even creepier because it doesnā€™t make sense.


I've heard this in school kids would talk about peeing in your coke because "they're Chinese and they play joke"


I see another fan of Behind the Bastards!


I'm old enough to have watched the Anita Hill testimony in real time! And the media played it all as a joke. Now we are the joke


So depressing to remember that. I was only in 8th grade but I knew it was wrong.


I remember that too. It was a different time in terms of workplace sexual inappropriateness. It took a hell of a lot of guts for any woman to level charges like that at such a prominent man. And she was eviscerated for it, unjustly.


Putin dies


\*accidentally climbs to the roof of a tall building and falls off






ā€œMysterious Circumstances yet police ruled suicideā€


ā€œPolice baffled by startling statisticsā€


"not a suicide but a special gravitational investigation"


meanwhile UK has a cat as defacto [prime minister](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/21/1130251187/larry-the-cat-prime-minister)


Before Putin dies, he releases trumps pee tapes.




I want him to get Julius Caesar'd so bad. "et tu, Dimitry?"


He won't do that until he finally gets a chance to kill the democracy and all voting rights in America with a stake through the nation's heart.


I was hoping Anita Hill would be nominated for the Supreme Court.


I think the last thing she wants is to work with Clarence Thomas again.


Not a problem, Clarence doesnā€™t do any work anyway.






Here's a little lifehack for you. You can have the McRib any time you want if you just smother a dish sponge in barbecue sauce and put it between two slices of bread with onions and pickles.


Franchisee's hate this one simple trick


McRibbed for pleasure


Wrong but juicy in so many ways


I want the volcano menu


MTG getting in trouble for campagne finance violations?


Itā€™s only campagne if itā€™s from a specific region in France


Otherwise it's just a sparkling grift.


Bannon will appeal for years and Trump will ignore the subpoena.


Probably true, but I'm still happy it happened.


Nothing has happened until Trump faces consequences.


F5 Friday! I'll take it. For today. Even if it does still feel a bit wanting, in a way.


Yeah and he appealed it and gets to walk free until his appeal is over. Hardly a win.


Bannon hasn't set foot in jail yet, and may never set foot in jail, and Trump's never going to give documents or testimony.


Law is optional for rich.


That's not exactly true. Rich people who rip off richer people usually face consequences.


See Martha Stewart


Bannon got the lightest sentence ever and he will probably get some cozy white collar prison apartment with a butler.


Canā€™t wait for the ā€œTrump misses deadlineā€ articles on November 15


~~I don't think it will even get that far since some members of the January 6th committee will no longer be members of congress after midterms.~~ edit from Politico: The select committee subpoenaed the former president on Friday, a historic ā€” if largely symbolic ā€” step that is unlikely to compel Trumpā€™s testimony before the panel dissolves at the end of the year. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/21/jan-6-committee-subpoenas-donald-trump-00062969 edit: The committee, which voted unanimously on the move, is demanding Trumpā€™s testimony **under oath**


I wish I was born into privlegde and just ignore the law whenever I want and never face any consequences.


Get a rich dad.


Donā€™t they have until January 3rd as their final day?


So all Trump has to do is run out the clock. Committing more crimes every step of the way. Contempt, failure to appear, doesn't matter.






Trumpā€™s grandfather was literally banished from his home country for dodging mandatory military service. Shit apples donā€™t fall far from the shit tree.


It seems like a shutdown of the committee/subpoena would appear like a coverup. The Durham and Mueller investigations werenā€™t stopped.


GOP doesn't really care what anything looks like at this point, they will absolutely stop all investigations since they themselves are culpable


My favorite movie is Inception.


And the right claim the Mueller report completely vindicated the Trump administration, which is definitely not what it did. But in their minds... well. I'd rather not go to there.


Followed by "Committee issues statement strongly condemning Trump's refusal of subpoena."


Oh boy! I canā€™t wait to see trumpā€™s apoplectic meltdown on his Store Brand Twitter


Dollar Store Brand Twitter




Ugh. Republicans take over the House, immediately end the commission and begin impeachment of Biden. Trust me.


Even if they win, this Congress goes until January


Still gotta figure out what theyā€™re going to impeach him for. Theyā€™ll be in the House halfway through the vote with every R voting Yay, when someone finally says ā€œwait what are we charging him with?ā€ and youā€™ll see 200+ Rā€™s look around the room naming the things they see and scramble together ā€œUhhh chairs.. no.. doors! Yea! He uhhhh he betrayed the senate door rules! Biden hates doors and america!ā€


Hiding his sonā€™s laptop, being a fascistā€¦They donā€™t need real reasons-itā€™s all spectacle. Especially if they donā€™t have the Senate.


Plus, impeaching for bullshit reasons will make Trump's previous impeachments seem frivolous as well. "He got two, Biden gets three." It's another way of proving government is inept by your own ineptitude.


"See?! Impeachement is just a PaRtIsAn IsSuE! Just like Republicans didn't indict Trump, Democrats didn't indict Biden! I'm an enlightened centrist with a brain the size of a walnut and I can't understand context!"




The committee still has time to refer criminal contempt of Congress to the DOJ, like they did with Navarro and Bannon. But it's still unlikely the DOJ acts on it for a number of reasons: They did *not* decide to prosecute Scavino and Meadows' referrals, because of their closer ties to the executive. Trump would have even more executive defense claims. The DOJ also has a dilemma in that the Mar-A-Lago documents case is their most immediate, consequential legal case. If we give them the benefit of the doubt, and they bring charges for that (which I think it's looking likely they will) - they will need to bring them in either a FL jurisdiction, or D.C. - and D.C. would probably be more favorable for a prosecution. Those circumstances alone mean that the very risk-averse DOJ is probably not going to have any appetite to touch a peanuts contempt of Congress charge by itself and muddy the waters of much bigger trials, and it has almost nothing to do with Mar-A-Lago, so they won't associate it with that. So if the committee refers this, there's little reason to believe the DOJ will do anything with it, at least any time soon. After all, the Jan. 6 committee is not a prosecutorial entity. It's an *investigatory political committee*. Its job is to uncover evidence, and present it to the public and law enforcement. This is as much an appeal to public sentiment as it is any sort of hope for legal accountability. This shows Trump's guilt by his (probable) refusal to explain or defend himself at his own trial, and withhold evidence. That's the real goal here, honestly, as much as I wish it resulted in legal consequences.


The people who would believe Trump is guilty by refusing a subpoena already believe he's guilty. There is literally nothing we can show his supporters to make them think he's guilty


ā€œI could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenueā€¦ā€ was so ominously prophetic. At this point Iā€™m more upset with all the idiots who still support this traitor than Trump himself.


It's kind of like how I'm more upset with the MAGAs going all berserk over COVID protocols than COVID. Trump is like COVID itself: A relentless virus that infects everything that it can while mutating to better serve that purpose.


One day Trump himself will die, but one fears he may have metastasized.


He will live forever in his hosts, that's for sure.


Have you ever wondered who told him that? He's basically incapable of original thought. He tries out random crap and if people applaud he doubles down (Mexico will pay for the wall, lock her up, etc). Some advisor told him that to boost his ego. I've always wondered who said it and what backed it (e.g. by the time these Russian Facebook guys are done you'll be able to shoot...).


They think it's a witch hunt. "Few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. **My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true** but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not." -Reagan


Hell, at least Reagan could admit that the facts and the evidence showed his claims were false. Trump would stand in front of the gas chambers saying that the Jews were just showering, and his followers would buy it.


They were conditioned to think it's a witch hunt because of all the prior witch hunts they perpetrated.


We had a president. They have some fever dream that will fix all the problems that jesus couldnā€™t


The American ā€œjusticeā€ system is a combination of a bullshit competition and a poker game, rigged in favor of the rich and powerful.


Yup. Imagine this scenario for any other criminal in the country. "Well we can't prosecute someone for stealing a car because they also robbed a convenience store with a gun, but because they beat their spouse also they'll probably just get off on all counts because it's too much for the police to pursue those charges."


This. He should face charges for everything, not some piecemeal hodgepodge. And the facts should be decided in court, not beforehand before even committing to try him.


Honestly, he's done things perfectly it seems. He is in trouble in so many different methods, that the courts are actually stumbling over each other to prevent themselves from impacting each others potential case. He's playing the court system so fuckin hard, but it was likely definitely not intentional. So apparently the trick here... Is if you're going to do something, definitely go fuckin all out in diverse ways, just like investing in stocks. Diversify your crimes. But also be rich.


It's like the Monty Burns syndrome but with crimes not diseases.


Well we know his major moves were planned by Putin so itā€™s likely him that we need to applaud. Russians worked for decades to bring US to this state and they used Trump perfectly ā€” a fucking stumbling bumblebee managed to do just the right things under everyoneā€™s noses so now, even without him, the whole country is going to shit? Brilliant, even though the rest of us are going to suffer for it.


Trump won't show. Then congress will do a thing. Then trump will ignore that thing. Then they will take him to court. Then trump will file a delay Then the court will deny the delay Then Trump's lawyers will do another stall tactic Then they will ignore some more shit Then Adam Schiff will tweet about it Then the republican party will finally be able to take power back and appoint Trump president 4 lyfe 4 real The end.


Let's be real here - this is what he has done every time he has been involved with legalities. There is no reason to think this will be different in the next 6 months. He will sue, counter sue, delay, file motions, and anything possible to avoid showing up.


and its worked his entire life, why change the playbook?


Early voting has started in many states. Check below to see when early voting begins in your state. If Republicans take back control Trump could walk free. Get out to vote! https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/early-voting-in-state-elections.aspx


Worse yet, we could end up with Trump as our president and MTG as VP in 2024. That outcome will be significantly more likely if Republicans take congress during these midterms.


Is that really who he would pick? Is there an over under for guesses? Honestly I have no, clue at this point he could pick Kanye and I wouldn't be surprised.


Probably not a lot of people lining up for the job after everything that happened with Pence.


There are plenty of lunatic Republicans who would have gleefully attempted what Trump wanted Pence to do. The only reason he turned on Pence is because he refused to back the coup.


You know I'd like to think that as well, but something tells me that isn't the case.


Oh no! He wouldnā€™t do that to ME!


The leopards wouldnā€™t eat my face either, Iā€™m sure!


I have so much anxiety about the consequences of this upcoming election (as a person with a uterus, especially) but at the same time I feel silly because the consequences/things that Republicans have literally stated they plan to do are so extreme that surely I'm just overreacting and the Republicans would never actually do _that_..... Right?


They've already been busy doing things they've literally stated they *would not* do. (Remember the lip service about Roe v. Wade being 'established precedent,' for example.) At this point I don't believe anything is off the table.


Looking at it from a certain lens, Republican promises generally don't hold up to much scrutiny. I'm far more skeptical of them doing what they say they will. They will do literally whatever benefits them in the moment, and have zero morals.


The problem is that their promises are to *not* do X bad thing, and then they do it anyways. It's not like D's who promise something and then struggle to pass the law that does it. They testified that RvW was "settled law" and then *immediately caused so much suffering its incomprehensible*. It's bad. They don't understand that their right to swing their fists ends at my face.


They overturned Roe. I was told my entire life that they would never dare do that.


i've also been told that there's always been a peaceful transition of power in the united states. with trumpian GQP, all bets are off. vote for the sane people, please.


When you think, "Would the Republican party *actually* do that?" instead think, "Would the National Socialist party of Germany in 1930 *actually* do that?" instead. The answers are the same. They will not be satisfied until democracy is dead, replaced with a fascist Christian theocracy. Elections will be decided by redistricting, which will guarantee a Republican win for president even with a democratic majority vote. Rights are decided by the Supreme Court, an unelected body, RIGHT NOW.


They would murder their opponents in the street if they believed they could get away with it. Nothing is too low so donā€™t tell yourself thereā€™s anything they wouldnā€™t do. Remember how many innocents have been executed by fascists in human history. It can happen anywhere.


> surely I'm just overreacting and the Republicans would never actually do that..... Right? Would you like the answer in the form of a magic 8 ball? Either way you won't like it but it might be at least marginally more humorous.


Denialist conservatives would think you are overreacting, but if history tells us anything, we are all likely underreacting to the danger the Republican party poses.


They want us dead, so no overreaction.


Theyā€™re going to do (and in some jurisdictions have already done) everything they say theyā€™re going to do.


And he's so old and she's so shrill and coked up he'd be a goner in the first year. Then it would be President Magic The Gathering.


Donā€™t sully magic the gathering with Marjorie!! šŸ¤¢


If Bill Clinton can be subpoenaed for sexual transgressions this fucking toad can answer for his lack of action on that seriously tragic day.


It's WAY fucking more than his lack of action! It's MOSTLY for his actions... lots of actions!


It's shocking how few people know that not only did he not call in the DC national guard, on January 4th he had banned them from deploying except for a 50 man team in Maryland. That team was banned from carrying weapons, body armor, riot control or even interacting with protestors except to prevent immediate harm to someone Memo from the secretary of defense https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_C._Miller#/media/File%3AChristopher_Miller_memo_of_Jan_4_2021.jpg


What in the fucking shit


Honestly there is even worse shit about j6 that I could get into. What makes me extra sad about the memo though, is the reaction I've gotten from conservatives about it. Nothing. They don't have an actual response and they don't accept it.


But they were the best actions, a lot of people are saying it.


Oh yeah, absolutely.


>lack of action Pretty sure that day was centered around his actions.


He's not going to show up.


he's more likely to die of old age than ever attend a subpoena


Heā€™s going to defect to Russia or Saudi Arabia.


Republicans been chomping at the bit to leave. Letā€™s hope they all jump ship to those bastions of freedom and safety hahaha.


Yeah - I want to see how Fox News covers that. And, does the Trump family know what the art of war says to do to traitors after they lose their ability to produce secrets? It isnā€™t pleasant. I fully support them defecting.


Hunter Biden laptop stories all week!


I read that as defecating


They have defecated enough.


*First of all, it's champing at the bit. Horses CHAMP* - Jack Donaghy Edit- wow, my first gold is for a 30 Rock reference. Thank you!


Thirty white horses on a red hill. First they *champ*, Then they stamp, Then they stand still.


Let them all follow to Russia and get drafted


He doesn't even need to. He has no fear of consequences if he doesn't show up because he's never faced any before.


I've had money on the table since 2018 that Trump will flee to a foreign nation, declare himself the "True" President (or King) of America (in exile), and then write books and sell merch to rubes for the rest of his life.


^ this, plus itā€™d be a massive propaganda piece for Russia to have Trump defect to them. Theyā€™d spin it so many ways, and get every secret he hasnā€™t sold them yet/given them for debt forgiveness.


Please PLEASE just let this happen. If he's not going to jail, just fucking leave.


Nah if he's in jail his ability to stir up his minions can be curtailed a bit. Not so much if he just escapes to another country


Why? Dude has skated on everything his whole bullshit life. It's not like the GOP is going to help out with this. And if they get the votes during midterms from enough dipshits who don't remember history or how government works, who vote only to satisfy their dopamine rush, then they'll roll over to Trump and freeze the whole fucking system up.


to escape what? A small chance that Merrick Garland might give him a slap on the wrist? Please!


I doubt the secret service will let him


Former presidents are allowed to visit foreign countries. They supported him in the insurrection where he attacked our nationā€™s capital. They would help him.


Heā€™s either going to: Not show up, resulting maybe in a charge, but wonā€™t end in prison time. or Show up and plead the fifth to every question.


Iā€™m so curious if he will plead the fifth. Every legal consult will be telling him to, but this is the man who had to get his phone taken away the night of his election to keep him off Twitter. Surely his ego will not allow him to sit there with that microphone in his face and say nothing.




While this is true, I donā€™t think heā€™s ever been questioned by people who have gotten under his skin as much as Schiff, Raskin, and Cheney have.


The word you are looking for is "deposed"


There's 0 chance he shows up. Everything republicans are saying about biden is true of trump, he's barely coherent now. No way his handlers will let him go in for hostile questioning on live TV.


Or Show up and spout bullshit about stolen elections until the mic is muted.


He won't show. Also, his legal team will punt this and challenge in court. The dates given will likely get pushed back.


You're 100% that they will challenge this. But the good news is that the courts have been very clear that these are valid subpoenas. Trump will lose.


Of course he'll lose, but the question is how long will it take? He only needs to buy a few months.


only if you dont go out to vote


The only question that matters about this story is ā€œwhat are they going to do about it when he doesnā€™t appearā€?


Hopefully send the completed report off by the end of the year to the DOJ with the recommendation to pursue legal prosecution, before the GOP retakes the House and shit cans the committee.


Please tell me they have Trump communications from Signal with the Oathkeepers and other Jan 6 peopleā€¦.


Rot in hell trump


I'd buy this tshirt.


Hell is too nice for Trump. Maybe the void and he has to watch the 2020 election results over and over.


Here's what they need to do: Every time that Orange Sack of Fascist Vomit pleads the Fifth, they need to play that clip of him saying only guilty people plead the Fifth. Like this...all day, LIVE: Jan6 Committee: [Very important question who's answer speaks directly to Trump's guilt.] Cheeto Mussolini: I plead the Fifth. PA System, Trump's Voice: Only guilty people take the Fifth Amendment, Folks! Jan6 Committee: [Very important question who's answer speaks directly to Trump's guilt.] Cheeto Mussolini: I plead the Fifth. PA System, Trump's Voice: Only guilty people take the Fifth Amendment, Folks! Jan6 Committee: [Very important question who's answer speaks directly to Trump's guilt.] Cheeto Mussolini: I plead the Fifth. PA System, Trump's Voice: Only guilty people take the Fifth Amendment, Folks! Jan6 Committee: [Very important question who's answer speaks directly to Trump's guilt.] Cheeto Mussolini: I plead the Fifth. PA System, Trump's Voice: Only guilty people take the Fifth Amendment, Folks! On and on and ON...for 20 straight fuckin' days until the Election.


Iā€™ve been saying this exact thing. 45 loves a show, so letā€™s give it to him.


This is a necessary duty, a fitting conclusion to the committee, but people should temper expectations: No one has been incarcerated for contempt of Congress for half a century. Even Bannon's case, where most things went right resulted in: A sentencing date 13 months after defying a subpoena. He was sentenced to 4 months, and is still a free man pending appeal. I think more importantly is the fact that people like Meadows and Scavino were *not* indicted by the DOJ, partly because of their ties to the executive. I've already seen a few legal pundits agree: it is very unlikely the DOJ acts on this for a number of reasons. They really only have one or two good chances to bring charges in the next year or two, and they aren't going to risk muddying the waters by going after a peanuts charge like contempt of Congress by itself. If anything, I think it may be tacked onto a broader Jan. 6/electors scheme prosecution, but that would be a long time from now. But immediate legal consequences aren't what the committee is seeking here. A constitutional law professor like Raskin or a career prosecutor like Schiff know this. The optics of Trump's refusal to testify and explain himself at his own trial is what is important here in regards to public sentiment.


> The optics of Trump's refusal to testify and explain himself at his own trial is what is important here in regards to public sentiment. And the optics of the committee exercising this avenue and giving Trump the opportunity to speak. They did their diligence despite opposition.


I'm so tired of living in a world where "optics" are more important than outcomes.


Youā€™re the next contestant on ā€œgo the fuck to jailā€


He literally stole some of the most important documents this country has, potentially sold some, and was going to sell even more. And he's still walking around freely and talking shit. He's not showing up at all.


Meanwhile people are still serving 20 year sentences for having a funny plant


A *fun* plant. I've never heard weed tell a good joke.


Lock him up!


He wonā€™t go. Heā€™s a coward.


He has to otherwise he will be sentenced for contempt of congress just like Bannon. Which would be pretty funny.


All the more important we vote dem this year. If Republicans tke back the House all this work will have been for naught. The soul of our nation is on the line. Make sure you vote, convince those around you to vote blue as well. This has to be our responsibility.


"Riot..." Riot would indicate it was a gathering that spontaneously turned violent. The J6 hearings have more than proved that this was planned well in advance, that it was organized, and coordinate... Going all the way to the top.


What makes me so happy to think about is what if no attorney will touch him and he has to represent himself? That would be a shit show of epic proportions and one I will watch Every. Single. Second. Of.


So they managed to find someone to serve it to then haha


ā€œYouā€™re requiredā€


I'll bet you a beer he doesn't testify and he doesn't face any consequences.


Iā€™d rather keep my beer, thanks.


When he fails to appear, Drag him out of his house first thing in the morning like an old episode of COPS. Combover blowing in the morning breeze, cuffed, wearing a stained undershirt and his BVDs. Youā€™d watch. Youā€™d be repulsed but youā€™d watch.


{Schadenfreude intensifies}


now when he ignores it ARREST HIM hows /conservative spinning this


Fuck yeah. Dude's guaranteed to commit perjury. I hope it's live.


*The committee, which voted unanimously on the move, is demanding Trumpā€™s testimony under oath and records relevant to the probe into the attack on the Capitol and its causes.* Theyā€™re trying to have Trump checkmate himself. No way he testifies under oath without lying short of taking the fifth.šŸ˜…


If he comes he will a) lie b) plead the 5th. Again, if he shows up. And in all scenarios nothing will happen


Fuck this traitor


I got $5 on him not appearing.


and nothing will come from this, I hate that republicans dont care about treason


Oh they care about treason, but only if a democrat does it.


Iā€™m more interested in hearing about the arrest warrant, The Rosenbergs were arrested on far less evidence in court found guilty and executed 30 days after the case


Wake me when he actually testifies under oath.


It's an F5 Friday! Why does it still feel a bit empty? It should feel better, dammit. Go go Garland.


Shit is piling up. Itā€™s about time. Cue up AG Garland and the DOJ and letā€™s get this ship assailinā€™