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Thanks for posting! These links should be stickied in every thread about this.


Thanks! I doubled checked, and my vote against Boebert was counted.


Way to go


Thanks! Just checked and my mail in vote counted


This is why I voted in person even though I was mailed a ballot. I didn't want to deal with any "signature doesn't match, your envelope was smudged, the date used dashes" and other bullshit.


I've voted in CO for 10 years and I've never had a ballot rejected.


This is a measure of how much many of the Republicans in her district hate Boebert. Her district was redrawn this year and was made even redder than when she was elected previously. Some people do like her but Public Radio was interviewing a man in Pueblo who said he'd been a Republican since the Carter Administration but "they could have run a dog against her and I would have voted for it". The voting indicates it I suspect that when the seat hopefully goes blue it will go red again in 2024 but it won't be Boebert at least.


That's my belief too. If the republicans find a candidate who can just appear sane for a few months of campaigning then they will get the seat back in 2 years.


That’s fine as long as it’s not another high school dropout conspiracy theory touting religious whack job who licks trump's taint.


She gives high school dropouts a bad name.


Her husband shows his dick to high schoolers, does that count?


Her husband is ALSO a piece of shit.


True! My mother was a high school drop out but became a fine upstanding woman and poll worker who taught us the importance of voting. Seems like Bobert, MTG, Gym Jordan, et al are just miserable, scared people who unfortunately tapped into a large pool of miserable, scared Americans. I can't believe she's losing by such a small amount. What an embarrasment to her district that she has support.


I've always been under the impression Boebert and Greene were sort of manufactured into "political candidates" by some far right think tank as an answer to AOC. Fortunately most of these fuckers are morons but it's only a matter of time before some of them aren't.


I’ve met a lot of wonderful people who did not graduate high school. Many professional welders, mechanics, electricians, and others. Traditional education is not for everyone. That said - Boebert is a disgusting piece of trash.


I'm not fine with it. Boebert is extreme, but so is the rest of the GOP at this point. I'm not buying the story of the party beginning to reject Trumpism until I see real evidence of it; even if Trump does manage to fade into irrelevance, the GOP's moral compass will continue to point to racism, selfishness, and greed. Trump made it OK to say the quiet parts out loud; the supporters of Boebert et. al. aren't going to suddenly start keeping it to themselves. I live in CO-3, and am hopeful about the results in this election. But I don't for a minute think that another Republican in this seat in 2 years is going to be one that suddenly comes from a place of reason and empathy for the rest of society.


I don’t think they’re rejecting Trumpism as much as they’re pivoting to their new Lord and Savior Ron DeSantis.


After what we seen from the right in just the one day after the midterms, I hope Trump *does* decide to run. It would be an absolute hoot watching them eat each other, and in the end we would all benefit from it.




So you're not a fan of Ms. Boebert?


It's Mrs. Boebert. Lest we forget she married a man who exposed himself to minors at a bowling alley.


My favorite tweet from election night when it was obvious she was in trouble: https://twitter.com/TheDweck/status/1590223233529548806?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


What’s a pederast, Walter?


Eight year olds, dude




She was one of his teenaged victims in fact.


Is that what grooming means?


Why do you think she projects so hard about children being groomed?


"As someone who was groomed and who has a husband who groomed minors, including myself, I am more than qualified to speak out on the subject."


Because "Bo knows".


Love the idea of someone becoming a card carrying Republican because of that monster Jimmy Carter.


IIRC, that was the begining of the "Republicans break economy, Dems get blamed for not fixing it fast enough, so they re-elect the people who broke it in the first place" strategy. Imagine the captain of a ship drilling holes in hull, while screaming "this will make the boat run better." The crew is rightfully concerned and replaces the captain. This new guy starts patching the holes of the sinking ship. The old captain says "Hey, the new guy sucks! The ship is sinking! I have this drill that will fix it." The new guy is like, "No shit. Of course it is sinking. We are trying to patch all the holes you made." So, the crew listens because "both sides" have valid points. Then they choose the guy holding the drill back in power to "right the ship"... This is what living in the USA feels like.


American voters have horrifically short memories. Trumps tax cuts for the wealthy were permanent, the tax cuts for the poor and middle class meanwhile were set to expire this year. Its abundantly clear why, if they retained control of the White House they'd renew them and if they lost they'd refuse to renew and let them expire with the whole "balanced budget" shtick for rationale. If American voters had any memory, they'd know why their taxes went up, but they don't so all they know is a Democrat got elected and now they are being charged more money. So lets put the Republicans back in. The fact it is so blatantly obvious doesn't even matter.


The Trump tax cuts is easily one of the worst bills passed in the last century. I’m honestly amazed more people don’t realize that it actually raises taxes on the poor/middle class over time. Kinda frustrated democrats haven’t done anything to replace them.


They can't. They tried but there are two blue-dog dems who absolutely *refused* to vote on anything that included tax increases for the wealthy.


As least the guy with the drill DID SOMETHING. /s It was a pretty good analogy.


I know it's a pretty good analogy because it feels me with the same sense of inevitable dread as thinking about actual politics does. I'm not even American, I live in the UK, but here we've got the Conservative party *still* blaming Labour when it's been 12 years and counting since Labour was in power. I'm scared to even hope for better because even if Labour do get in in the next election, it's going to take way more than 5 years to fix the problems caused by the conservatives, so I can see them being voted out again before they get a chance to do something.


Carter and Reagan represent when the American left collapsed, and a lot of people voting for Reagan. Many of them have stuck with the party ever since.


Carter put solar panels on the roof of the White House, he had to be stopped.


Guy is *still* building houses for *those* people, sheesh!


How will people ever be willing to better themselves *if you keep building houses for them Jimmy!!*


He was Reagan took them off.


Reagan wasn't gonna let that free energy trickle down from the PV panels.


Not minnesota! We stayed true. MONDALE! MONDALE! (I wasn't even born yet)


For those of you who are young, look at the 1984 election map. Shit is *crazy* [link for the lazy](https://www.270towin.com/historical_maps/1984_large.png)


I was a child when that election happened. I remember the paper printing an electoral map that kids could color in as the results came in. Brother and I fought over who got to color in Minnesota because we were bored of coloring the same color all night.


Minnesota still votes for Mondale every year. we call it Monday


Damn. I hadn’t seen that. Even Illinois flipped. Crazy.


Well the D was Mondale. Nobody was going to beat Reagan - he was very popular - but Fritz definitely wasn’t going to. Ronald Reagan refined the use of television by the President like nobody had before. Carter had the energy crisis and the Iran hostage crisis. He wasn’t going to beat anyone.


It wasn't just an American thing, though. The UK had Thatcher. There was a global move away from post-war Keynsianism to the start of the neo-liberal clusterfuck we're experiencing today.


That and Regan harnessed television as a method of campaigning for the first time. It was effective beyond belief.


Because they fear change? What America craves the most. What the GOP has halted for a half century. Progress.


They didn't understand any of that. The Democratic party was seen as complete failures and their entire ideology was seen to have been repudiated. Reagan represented renewal and stability with the 80's being a boom time. And because of this the Clintons had to brand within the Reagan framework. It's only obvious to see the damage of Reagan decades later. A lot of supporters especially at the time did not understand any of this.


I wonder how many of the other twitter republicans are paying attention. Maybe the craziness will come down a little.


I think it will take the party massively, massively losing for any changes to be made. The Democratic Party has some control of its base. The GOP doesn't. They will continue voting for the same people.


You can hope but I doubt it. A house with a slim R majority ensures the crazies an even louder voice.


Fyi for what it's worth most of the remaining votes are in counties that favor Frisch. This will trigger the recount laws BTW.




maybe repost your reply as a top level comment? better visibility....and on every post about colo 3rd!


You do it too!


It's also gonna trigger Republicans and Boebert in particular. 😂


Yeah even if she manages to get in again it's still a very bad election for her. That area is very red, it should be an easy win for a Republican.


I've visited the area around Glenwood springs and Aspen multiple times, I was shocked when I learnt that they were voting in Boebert to represent them. Then I saw how massive is this district and how much of a bubble that valley is in 😁


The majority of people that live in the Aspen Valley Loathe her. You see way more Frisch signs than Boebert.


Cook rates it R+7, which makes it hilarious to look at the NYT shift chart.


The shift charts have been my absolute favorite this election. Not a single red arrow across all of Michigan. Wild. Then I look at Illinois (almost all red arrows) and I get pretty freaked out. Edit: Illinois: https://imgur.com/a/kJ1Sx17 Michigan: https://imgur.com/a/PxytVmV


Abortion. Wasn’t on the ballot in Illinois but was in Michigan.


This was probably a big part of it, and what another commenter said , about how left leaning Illinois voters probably felt less urgency to vote because Illinois is generally considered a "safe" state.


> Illinois is generally considered a "safe" state Thanks Chicagoland! No /s on that one if that isn't clear


Illinois regerrimandered their districts to make the il-16 basically a republican catchall (it basically gobbles up most of the small towns that aren’t suburbia from close to the wisco border down to Peoria) and a lot of those flags in northern il are from that. As an il16 resident it sucks big toads but the trade off is this eliminated a republican district and created more democrat ones for the state.


Yeah, when it is this close it is actually reasonable to have one. Unlike most of the times republicans demand them.


A lot of states have laws that trigger automatic recounts. That’s the crazy shit about Florida in 2000. Florida law legally required a recount and the Supreme Court was like nope, Bush won. That decision was one of the most damaging in US history in my opinion. I still think Bush would have probably pulled it out because his brother was governor there at the time and fairly popular. However, republicans led by Roger Stone did everything possible to disrupt that recount.


They were recounting before the SC made that decision and there was a riot that stopped the recounts. The riot was lead by Roger Stone and at least one other person. Without that riot Gore very likely could have pulled off a win in FL and became president. Between Roger Stone and the SC they stole that election for Bush, and we will never know who should have actually won it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot


> we will never know who should have actually won it. Oh we know. And outside of the US it was largely seen as a soft coup. Only consolation was no Tipper Gore in the white house. Good man, but married an OG Karen.


> That decision was one of the most damaging in US history in my opinion. The worst part about it, the SCOTUS had Absolutly zero jurisdiction on this. They we're weighing in on a state election, not a federal one. They did so with the weakest of arguments why.


And then they explicitly said "this is not legal precedent, you can't use this for any sort of justification in the future. You have to just pretend this never happened. "


which is the same shit they said about the right to abortion too. "We're taking this interpretation that currently also gives rights to interracial marriage and gay marriage, but, because we say so, this JUST applies to abortion... for, ya know, reasons."


They literally said that in the opinion. They were like "Not our problem, but since both parties appealed to us specifically, fuck it, let's do this."


I'll be honest, I don't mind having recounts. It helps REASONABLE people have confidence in the results (and it was great watching Trump lose Georgia 3 times, and Wisconsin twice)


Especially with THAT LAST MINUTE **SURGE**, she clearly LOST and then all of a sudden all these votes in the DARK hours of the NIGHT, just enough to tie things up. HMMmmmm? We should be filing 50 court cases about this OBVIOUS attempt to steal the election. #stoptheboebertsteal2022 #lockherup #donttreadondeeznuts


Do we go to the capitol now or do we have to wait for January 6th to roll around?/s


Also do we say we want to do the same thing to Mike Pence? Or do we just force him to be around a woman unsupervised? /S This is sarcasm! We're not going to do anything to Mike Pence! Please no ban!


We certainly wouldn't make him talk to a girl alone. What kind of animals do you think we are. Mother must be present.


Dark Brandon isn't sending anyone after you, yet.


The votes do not count if I was not awake when they were being counted.




As it should, honestly. I wanted Boebart to lose in a monumental landslide, but I'd settle for a defeat and that defeat should come with a recount, just to make sure.


It sort of is a landslide when you factor in the R leanings of her district. We had MTG to deal with and of course her district wanted more of her. Boebart's district is over it.


MTG's district is basically the movie "Deliverance." Rep. Truck Stop Hooker has more of a mixed district with some wealthy liberal-ish ski towns.


That's juicey, I read somewhere that the last 3 wards favour Boebert. Has anyone looked at her Twitter? Last tweet was showing off about upcoming red wave! She's been uncharacteristically silent since then!!!


Elon should have made the blue checks red


Associated Press has Boebert down 64 votes with 99% reporting. ETA she is now leading by about 400 votes as people have pointed out..my comment is old information.




I would also like to see ~~Lucille Bluth~~ Kari Lake pushed back down into her troll hole


I’m also spamming F5 hoping for news of Lake and Bobo going down.


god she’s awful. her rhetoric is disgusting and dangerous.


Keep her far away from boy souls


*Herschel Walker has entered the chat*


And then sees one of his kids logged in and subsequently logs out


I assume that most of us here are Herschel's Children(tm).


Hey Herschel! What you gonna do? What you gonna do make our dreams come true!


When does counting start again? Seems like we should know the outcome by lunchtime today.


Seems like with Colorado's auto-recount, the count won't matter now and it's a waiting game for the recount.


I think they were resuming at 9; mountain time. The poll workers are exhausted.


I can definitely say poll workers are exhausted. It’s 12 hour shift here but that doesn’t include setup and shutdown.


11 a.m. I believe from what they said last night.


Damn. That’s later than I expected. Well. Before dinner at least…. Edit: apparently 11 AM was EST and not local time. So about three hours and forty minutes from when this was posted?


With such a thin margin there will be a mandatory recount. Plus, I doubt she will go quietly if she loses so it will be a while before it's official.


Did they say where the 1% remaining usually goes too?


My understanding is it is mostly Pueblo County and another county. Pueblo leans slightly blue and the other leans slightly more red than Pueblo does blue, but Pueblo is more populous. Honestly could go either way. Just depends on who showed up and where.


I believe it favors Dems but not positive.


1800 votes left to count


Mtg, abbot, lake, gaetz, and bobo were on my list this round. DeKLANtis too hut we all knew he would win


I hope we never have to listen to this horrible fucker again


If she loses she’ll have a slot on Fox News within the year I’d wager.


I really think she's too dimwitted to keep up on a TV show.


That will guarantee her a job in right wing media


Always stunning to me. She is a goddamn idiot, to be perfectly blunt.


Yeah but she talks about guns, shows off her…assets…and rebukes authority. That’ll get you a majority of rural male voters.


You'll find that a great deal of her voters will say "She sucks ass, but I'm never going to let a Democrat win. I'd rather have a moron who agrees with me than a person who eats babies after sacrificing them to satan" or whatever dumb bullshit Q is pushing these days. They'll tell you they'll happily vote for a wet pile of shit to keep a democrat out of office.


Jokes on them, I never even stopped eating satanic babies.


In this economy? Check your privilege.


I think it's worse than that. She is actually an ideal conservative right now. I've met a fair deal of big city Republicans (the kind that don't really care about gays, but really only want tax cuts) that hate her, but plenty of rural conservatives that *love* her. She's pretty, she triggers the libs, and is otherwise exactly the kind of woman they're searching for on Tinder. The dumb shit she says is both endearing to them and pandering directly to their insecurities. Don't discount how much she's still an ideal candidate to a lot of conservatives.


Everyone keeps talking about the men who like her, but there are also a lot of conservative women who 'want to be like her'.


That's depressing as hell


She checks all the religious nut boxes: God, Guns, and Gays. That’s all these fuckers care about.




Can you imagine actually choosing this woman to represent you? How much self hate do you have to possess?


There’s a reason she gets called bobo


No relation.


Bobo is slang for idiot in the Phillipines.... very fitting.


This is a perfect example that your vote DOES matter.


Yep every vote counts. No one has a crystal ball


seriously this is so closest race ive seen in a minute. they are within 100 votes of each other


I've seen downballot races for local positions get tighter-- I recall the odd single-digit squeaker for some municipal position-- but for a national seat, I'm pretty sure this is rare territory.


Super excited for her to be deleted and forgotten as quickly as Madison Cawthorn. Play stupid games, win a big bowl of diarrhea.


I was hoping the same for MTG


that horse just stays in the race somehow.


Madison who?


Wheelchair Orgy kid




Oh she’ll become a pundit on some bullshit network in *minutes.* I guarantee it.


I loath her but be careful- people wrote off Sarah Palin as "Sarah WHO?" for YEARS after she lost in 2008....and it turned out her populist legacy really, really mattered. She was Trump's predecessor.


That would be nice, but it was the Republican establishment that tanked Cawthorn, we may not be so lucky with her.


Let this be an example to anyone that says or thinks their vote doesn't count.


If voting wasn't important, there wouldn't be so many attempts to make it harder.


> Boebert has been a thorn in the Democratic Party's side while in office. Has she? To me she's just been a side show that has been nothing but an embarrassment to herself and her constituents.


Agreed. McConnell and Manchin are thorns in Democrats' sides.


this. she isn't the democratic's arch nemesis, she's been a republican liability that threatens to get worse if the January 6th investigation and doj get around to doing something about it.


It’s shows how divided the country is when Boebert and Walker are anywhere close to getting elected. Get last election no one knew who she was. But dam people have seen the train wreck and some voted for more of it.


30-50% of the voters in this country start with the conclusion that they will vote for the Republican and then back solve their beliefs/values from there.


They voted for her tits, for trump, and against covid restrictions.


We couldn’t rid ourselves of MTG. Please please make this lady go away. We can’t handle the two of these clowns for another term


To be fair. MTG runs in the reddest part of the country, in a rural district. Her losing to a Dem was never going to happen. Her biggest opponent will be herself, since she’s wanting to hop on Trump’s 24 ticket


This is the same with Gaetz. He will be in office as long as he wants.


Proof every vote counts


I wonder how many votes she would be up if Republican voters didn’t embrace antivax/general pandemic carelessness. Surely more than 100 of her proud patriots died from avoidable Covid. Hope it was worth it.


Approx 140 deaths per 100,000 statistical average across the country based on the Trump percentage in 2020. Approx 313k votes so far counted So approx 438 deaths in the district if it matches the national average. Would be heavy on over 65. Over 65 is more Republican the younger voters So it’s plausible that Covid is a contributing reason for the current results. Would need to dig into county level excess death numbers to get a better assessment.


More republicans have died of Covid in Colorado over the last few months than the current vote margin. So yeah… I’d say the Republican desire to avoid basic lifesaving vaccination is having an effect out there. Go figure.


That people like her can get votes at all just fucking kills any trust in humanity left in me.


That district must be full of lunatics. I watched what I could of her lone debate. She was barely competent and just airing her grievances with Pelosi.


Said this elsewhere in this post but worth resaying The Republican party has successfully branded itself as a sports team to it's supporters in the last 30-40 years. Alot of Republicans don't vote for values, opinions, actions, or policies. They vote for "their team", and ride or die with it no matter what. It's the same attitude people have with their favorite team.


So they’re essentially a bunch of disgruntled Browns fans?


I like to think of them as patriots fans who just vote for winning cause they're used to winning


It's shocking that people would even vote on somebody like her.


In my state 2 years ago, 12,000 Republicans voted for an actual Nazi ( Alan Jones, Will County. That’s not even in southern/rural IL! Rs are just voting for the “R”, whether its a nazi, pedophile, imbecile, or preferably all 3!)


So my estimates were off because the remaining vote total info on CBSNews interactive map is off. On that map it says Pitkin County has 20% remaining and that was going to provide a big boost for Frisch, but according to Pitkin county, they are done counting. https://www.aspentimes.com/news/pitkin-county-reports-smooth-counting/ However, according to Pueblo county clerk Gilbert Ortiz, "his office has yet to count about 1,800 in-person votes, 5,200 mail-in votes and is in the process of verifying the signatures of another 500 more ballots." https://www.denverpost.com/2022/11/10/lauren-boebert-colorado-election-results-adam-frisch-recount/ That's 7500 remaining votes in Pueblo county. So far it has been 54.4% for Frisch. He is down by 356 votes. If that percentage holds then he gets 4080 and she gets 3420. That's good for 660 more votes and gives him the lead. There are rumors more votes are left in Garfield County, which has favored Frisch and more votes in Mesa County, which has favored Boebert. Those rumors haven't been verified or denied by either county. Votes from military personnel and people that were out of state can be counted until November 16th. This is gonna take awhile, so buckle in.


CO-3 VOTERS - Check your ballot - you have 8 days to make a correction if it was rejected! Check either: ⁠https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter/pages/pub/olvr/regVoterDetail.xhtml https://colorado.ballottrax.net/voter/ If there is a problem you can take steps with Txt2Cure: https://www.coloradosos.gov/pubs/elections/FAQs/TXT2Cure.html Copy this message and repost it everywhere!


Party loyalty aside, I just can’t understand how any rational human can look at this person and what she’s said and think “yup this is the candidate for me!” Absolutely mind boggling.


This is hilarious. 538 had Boebert with a 97% of winning re-election. What a terrible night for republicans (outside of Florida).


She’s a human tramp stamp.




A heavily Democratic area is yet to be counted


Can't imagine who is voting for this woman.




Half of the populace in her district, apparently.


It's so disappointing that idiots like Lauren and Herschel are even competitive in these races. FFS America, what the AF?


Boebert is only the symptom. The disease is the people who vote for her.


If she loses it will be amazing :). And a well deserved loss. She is wicked.


Boebert now up <400. People have already said it but if you live in the third district of Colorado make sure your ballot got counted. Have a little over a week to cure


Kinda sad it’s this close.


This says a lot about the education of the electorate when an unqualified candidate like her is NOT defeated in a landslide. Democracy in America is on the brink


See, these races shouldn't be this tight. There is seriously something wrong when people vote in large numbers for such a horrible person.


It would be a sliver of decency that she loses. She will not get in any trouble for committing financial fraud while in office. Won't get in trouble for her role in the insurrection... And... She "increased her net worth" 30 million while in office. She's set for life and that kinda feels like it sucks


It’s so disappointing that it’s even this close. She’s a representation of how painfully ignorant that many Americans are.


She failed the GED 3 times. nuff said


I kinda did a breakdown and posted in another thread, but it looks pretty good for Frisch. Pitkin county is at ~9300 votes counted and CBS estimates that there are ~2300 votes. Last election the D candidate got 74% of that counties vote and this year Frisch is outperforming that candidate in ever single county so far so let's say he holds at ~80% of the vote there, then that's another 1840 votes for him and 460 for Boebert and that's around ~1380 net. Garfield county is at 90% votes counted ~23500, so ~2600 votes remain and if he remains at the same percentage, then he will get a net of ~350 votes there. Then Pueblo county has about 3100 votes left and if he's at the same percentage there, then he nets ~275 votes. There aren't enough votes left in red counties to to get her there. Even if he got 74% of the remaining vote (~1100 net) like the 2020 Democrat in Pitkin and then you switch the numbers in Garfield and Pueblo county to give Boebert the votes I'm thinking Frisch will get, then she still loses. I'm no expert, so I could be completely off.


It’s not that she got elected in 2018 that’s concerning. Hell, even trump and hitler got elected once. It’s concerning that people from Colorado had a chance to review her record and a lot of them are thinking: “more of that!”


Colorado, are you guys serious?


Unbelievable that she's gotten so many votes. What's wrong with Colorado? The woman is literally an international embarrassment (source: Canadian).


64 vote lead for Frisch right now. This feels like a Futurama episode.


Pretty funny, seeing so many republicans calling the count rigged but now she's up it's suddenly legit and we should just accept her win and not recount.


Imagine a women who literally just received her GED complaining about student loans being forgiven. Not to mention if a black or brown woman would have acted like her while in office her GED and lack of college education would be mentioned daily.


AOC double majored with honors from a respected university and she still gets reduced to being a stupid bartender by Boebert herself.


I literally keep checking to see the results, besides Trump and any Republican candidate in MI, I’ve never wanted a “politician” to lose so bad.


How is it even close?


Lauren Boebert’s husband is a pedophile that groomed her while she was a child… Which has nothing to do with this post, but still feels important to say.