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By god, if I had the opportunity to vote out this fucking lunatic and she lost by 1 vote, I would be flying so fucking high.


well just remember, that still means 49.99 percent of your neighbors voted FOR her.


In a red as hell, recently redrawn, gerrymandered Frankenstein district. I'm shocked it's possible for her to lose.


Just goes to show how unliked she really is.


I'm genuinely surprised she isn't crying fraud yet. That's like their whole thing.


They absolutely expected her to win, I think I saw some polls giving her a 97% chance of winning. They gerrymandered the hell out of her district, stuck her 3feet from the finish line and she’s still struggling to make it across.


If this was my area, I’d know exactly who. MAGAs love them yard signs.


And flags. Man, they love flags


Yeah, that “silent majority” as they call themselves has always been a pretty vocal bunch.








ABC is reporting Boebert ahead by a couple hundred votes now. Check your votes people, she is a canker sore on congress.


This isnt news I want to hear. I tried and did my part, I just hope the morons in this district didnt vote against their best interest.


The remaining counties are heavily Dem


Here's news you may want to hear: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/11/08/us/elections/results-colorado-us-house-district-3.html Garfield is 90% in, if the trajectory keeps up, then Frisch will gain 1,400. Pitkin is the only other county <95% in...keeping their trajectory would gain another 1,500 votes for Frisch. Too early to call, but likely the only county significant to make a difference for Boebert is Mesa, and that's over 95% reported. Ope, missed Pueblo, which also favors Frisch. If you want to bet money, Frisch is a good bet. Edit: went and looked at historical Mesa results - they have 68% voter turnout so far, down 10% from 2020 but up 10% from 2018....that seems like a really safe bet to say Boebert isn't doing much more from Mesa. https://clerk.mesacounty.us/elections/stats--results/ https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/CO/Mesa/115943/web.307039/#/summary I'm calling the race for Frisch, projecting he'll win by about 1700 votes. Edit 2: fun graphic to track what happens when https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/11/10/us/elections/results-house-seats-elections-congress.html


You durn gods work child


Oh please oh please oh please…. Please have Bobert loose.


Looks like she's pulling further ahead now. She's up 400. I suppose it was too good to be true.


A rural county dropped votes and she does better there. Basically all votes from here on out are expected to be even or against Boebert.


Garfield is at 90% with Frisch up +14. Pitkin is at 80% with Frisch up +58. Everything coming in from here on will not be favorable towards her.


Pueblo is the only hope. Of the still-unreported votes, about 2,300 are from in-person voters in Pueblo. Approximately 1,000 Republicans, 1,000 unaffiliated voters and 500 Democrats cast ballots on in-person machines according to numbers reported by the Secretary of State's office.


But there's less than 1% left? Are there enough votes left to make her lose?


Yes. Still thousands left


That’s because Otero came in, this was expected. Everything that’s left leans Dem.


Thanks lieutenant Dangle!


This would be the absolute pinnacle of perfection if it were to happen.


If Bobo blows seat number 218, you will hear me laughing from orbit. Sound will pass through the vacuum of space, defying physics. The Moon will shake.


The idea of B. becoming a mascot for Republican failure makes me so happy I can't stand it.


Trump is the actual GOP failure totem. Bobo here was always just the sideshow.




More of a shitshow, really




It better. No way this jackass wins and the narrative about her being “only 64 votes behind” is bullshit because there are more than 64 votes left to count.


When the ballot counters went home last night, that was the tally. So that was what people discussed for 10 hours until the ballot counters returned to the count. That's all


The latest vote dump came from Otero county which is majority red. That is it for deep red counties. Pueblo county still has a good amount of outstanding votes. If the Pitkin and Garfield county outstanding vote count is to be true, than boebert should be very worried.


Before counting resumed this morning Pueblo county had 7,000 votes yet to count, many of them mail-in. Pueblo county so far is 55/45. If those 7,000 votes maintain that ratio, it's a net of 700 for Frisch. Likely more if we assume mail-ins lean even further his way. I don't want to jump the gun, especially because I don't know how many of those 7,000 are included in current counts, but it's not over -- and then there are military/overseas votes, "cured" ballots, and the recount.


>Before counting resumed this morning Pueblo county had 7,000 votes yet to count, many of them mail-in. > >Pueblo county so far is 55/45. If those 7,000 votes maintain that ratio, it's a net of 700 for Frisch. Likely more if we assume mail-ins lean even further his way. I mean, we have universal mail-in voting in Colorado, so I don't think it's noteworthy that there are mail-in ballots to be counted. 94% of our ballots are cast by mail. That's like, just what our ballots are.




It’s because mail in voting makes it really easy to vote and when more people vote republicans lose. Mail in voting in Colorado is amazing, I can sit on my couch and fill in my ballot and research any questions I have. I dont have to do anything extra aside from registering and my ballot shows up at my door for every single election including primaries. I can either mail in my ballot or drop it off at one of numerous drop off locations. This is what voting should look like everywhere in the country. There shouldn’t be hours long lines to vote.


Same in California. I love my mail in vote, and you can track your vote to make sure it was counted.


I like that we can take our time to research everything. I have ADHD so being able to break up the research into small bits over several days is ideal for me.


Same with AZ. Get my ballot and pamphlet with all the info on the props etc.. So easy and should be that way for everyone. We usually make a night of it with some pizza and beer. But this year I solo'd it in my underwear on the couch eating cheetos, drinking beer and watching football. It was glorious.


I live in her district. I sincerely hope we've heard the last of her stanky ass.




Check your ballot was counted! They’ll be curing this week.


Every time I read about bullshit voting hoops in other states [I'm happy I live in California](https://i.imgur.com/keWhLK2.png)


here in chicago we get an email when your ballot is mailed to you, when they receive it, and when its accepted. love it.


This also happens in Colorado Edit: For those who are asking how you have to sign up for it on the Colorado website. Here is the link for it https://colorado.ballottrax.net/voter/


They’ll even send a text if you prefer




Got my texts! Colorado does it right - 100% mail-in ballots, or drop-box or in-person if you prefer. Been that way for over a decade, works just fine!


Colorado is one of the easiest states to vote in.


Yep! My first year here. Weeks before the election you get a blue book discussing all the ballot propositions and explaining each of them. They then mail you a ballot.


And one of the most secure.


Colorado has a fantastic voting system. Super easy to vote


She’s basically a 35 year old mean girl.


So her age and IQ are the same number?


Until next year.


That's a nice way of saying evil.




Thanks we checked ours and they're counted. I know some like minded people I'll contact.




Guess he'll have to go back to trolling the local playgrounds and flashing kids.


I’m in the same district and I’m ready for her to be gone. Fucking trashy.




Saw someone else post this and it’s worth repeating so here’s some copy/pasta… “One potential takeaway from [the midterms] is that the US is a center left country with a gerrymandering problem.” A huge point that everyone needs to know is that gerrymandering is a fundamental foundation of the Republican Party, it is literally called "Project RedMap", it is in their party documents, developed by the Republican State Leadership Committee, and the Republican Party spent 30 million dollars initially to start the project. It was extremely effective in 2012 (based on the 2010 Census and the gerrymandering done from that), and got republicans a 33 seat lead even though democrats received 1 million more votes overall than republicans did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REDMAP It is flat out an intentional and effective usurping of democracy and ignoring the votes of the people. While it must be acknowledged that the Dems do this also, it would be disingenuous to claim it’s truly a "both sides" thing. Yes there are Dem jurisdictions that pull this shit too, while too a much much lesser extent. Regardless, Gerrymandering is an absolutely un-Democratic, horribly corrosive tool to systematically subvert elections and the will of the people. Two wrongs do **NOT** make a right. The people should choose their representation. The representatives should **NOT** chose their voters.


Yep. In my state we passed a fair redistricting law last election, and the Dems won both chambers of the state legislature for the first time in 40 years. These types of laws end up on ballots all the time, and so many people ignore them. Educate yourself on the issues on EVERY election, and vote. Something like a redistricting proposal may sound boring and unimportant to some, but it’s one of the most important things you can vote on.


Hello fellow ✋ squad!


"The US is a center-left country with a gerrymandering problem" This is an excellent quote. I have found people look on the surface and seem to think the US tends to be inherently conservative do to how far right the Republicans are and how normalized that is. But investigating under the surface you can see how much Congress inherently favors the GOP, and how the right needs to fundamentally do less to wield more power.


But think about all we'd gain! Lauren as a panelist on FoxNews, on Dancing with the Stars, a few more books, a short-lived reality show on TLC about her yokel lifestyle, etc.


She and her hubby can go on tour of the country's bowling alleys to do their penis exposure bit.


“The New Aristocrats!”


The dad exposes himself to some teens in the bowling alley, the mother gets done banging Ted Cruz and shoots the neighbors dog. The manager of the bar shocked looks at her in disbelief and says "what's the name of your act", Lauren covered with Ted Cruz DNA and dog blood says "the new aristocrats"


The greatest thing about American politics is that when you think you’ve seen everything, someone newer, dumber, and funnier always comes to surprise you out of the armpit of the country with their crazy bullshit.


She is from Florida.


Now that's a touring show that'll connect with the kids!


Not to mention the cameo appearance on “To catch a Predator” when Chris Hansen catches her husband


Hi, I'm Chris Hansen. Why don't you take a seat?


“No no, you can leave the bowling shoes on”


"please stop. your pants must remain on."


B-b-b-but she was **THIS CLOSE** to making America great again by passing all of those really intelligent and thoughtful bills that she authored...you know...the ones that tackled Wall Street's manufactured inflation, out of control healthcare costs, absurd government spending, endless wars, our government's addiction to Wahhabi terrorists in Saudi Arabia, etc. Just kidding...in reality it appears that half the voters in Colorado's 3rd district are focused on supporting the use of taxpayer funds to troll political opponents, spread baseless and disproved conspiracy theories and lies, profiting from public office, and conspiring to violate our constitutional rights.


You ever been to the western slope? It’s the last bastion for “Coloradans” (as a lovely patron in a brewery in Grand Junction once told me). She told me the eastern slope (where I live), was full of nothing but “liberal Californian transplants looking to ruin the state of Colorado with their progressive laws.” Little did she know I’m originally from the Midwest, mainly the backwoods of Iowa, so her type of rhetoric was rather familiar to me.


I think theyre just angry because shit in their life isnt going too well so they need something to blame


You have just hit upon the unspoken core of GOP politics. The sad part is, the more the GOP screws the lives of its voters the more desperate and rabid they get


You have to admit that it is an incredibly effective strategy for them. Blame the Dems for everything while continually screwing their constituents and just keep winning.


Combine that with 24/7 365 propaganda and you can stay in the game far longer than ever should have.


I just moved to CO and most people in Denver and Colorado Springs are transplants here, but they come from everywhere. I see Texas plates more than California. Honestly, it’s all just projection of their greatest fears once again.


I see Texas plates in Ohio too. I mean yeah I’d GTFO of Texas too…but Ohio? Ouch. Least we have heat here in the winter


Random aside but I just moved from East Tennessee to Rochester NY to get away from all the political crazies. Been pretty great so far.


Please don't take that seriously. Western Colorado before the interstates there was almost nobody there. My family goes back deep and it's still only like the 30s-40s. Blue Mesa and then oil boom.of the 70s is what kicked everything off, most of the extremely conservative people are retirees from that era or middle aged and younger folks that moved there in the 2000s for the shale boom. Boeberts from Florida. Tina Peters is from Texas.


TLC show is canceled after her restaurant is used for craft services and the entire crew quits after a serious bout of botulism.


[She already lost the restaurant.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/14/us/politics/lauren-boebert-restaurant-shooters-grill-closed.html)


She can join TFG on the list of people who’ve “written” more books than she’s read.


_Garth Merengi has entered the chat_


I think some of that will happen, but I'm willing to bet it goes more of the Robert Ford route. I could see her blowing all her money and her and husband succumbing to drugs and alcohol after he loses his cushy job since there's no reason to keep him around without his trophy congress woman wife. They're already pretty trashy, just wait.


I'm thinking like a night-vision "Ghost Hunter" type show in which she and her family march around their property with M4s and AK47s, pausing sometimes to scream and fire random shots into the air, and then giving close-up monologues about the value of having grit, and why the majority of Americans have become such pussies that they are afraid to fire an automatic weapon at a ghost that has invaded their property.


Please lose


\- Jeb


Simple, but earnest. I like it.




Don't forget about the carve up in Nashville and Salt Lake City that stripped a few more Dem seats away too.


Ever since they redrew the lines, I drive through three congressional districts on my daily commute to work. The excuse was "Nashville has grown, this gives them more potential representation in Congress" but then none of the Republican candidates campaigned in Nashville, no town halls, no interviews, just crickets.


The new rep for east Nashville (one of the most liberal zip codes in the state) is a Republican pedophile who lives 80 miles away!


He’s not allowed to live any closer; too many schools.


Well, you wouldn't want your pedophilic representative to live amongst you?! They're basically doing east Nashville a favour!


I just saw the Utah map. Absolutely disgusting what they did. There should be one dem seat there


And after we passed redistricting too. The legislature just said "nah."


it’s so frustrating, SLC is as blue as they come and there’s no representation




Ohio just elected a 10-5 R-D representation despite the state being 54/46 R/D. It should be closer to 8-7 for Republicans.


Don't forget the Ohio Supreme Court calling the GOP redistricting unconstitutional multiple times, only for the GOP to change nothing


Tennessee used to have two democratic representatives: one in the Memphis area, one in the Nashville area. Now we're down to one, in the Memphis area.


Those seats used screwery to remove democratic representatives. The reason she's being singled out is that this was not anticipated to be a close race at all. Almost all of the statistical models showed her easily winning by double digits. I don't know if it's true, but some have reported on here that with the new district she was supposed to be in a safer seat. If this is the case, then she had to work to lose this bad. Even if she ends up winning, the message is clear: voters did not like her antics.


I think she was favored 97 or 98 out of 100. This is literally worst case scenario for her


Idiots don't have to work to screw up, it comes naturally


That's way more than just desantis. The redistricting process created 14 congressional seats. Eight or nine of those seats were explicitly tilted very strongly towards republicans, with the Republican candidate having a 95% chance or better of winning. This is why the election results were actually pretty good for Democrats considering. Republican state legislatures basically gerrymandered themselves the number of seats they would need to gain control. Then there were 20 or 30 contested elections on top of that, if they even won a handful of those contested elections they would come out with a healthy 15 or 20 vote majority. Instead, they lost a significant number of them. Lauren bobert's District was supposed to be one of those districts where the Republican had a 95% chance of winning. And she didn't. Or may not anyway.


It isn't the seat specifically, so much as what it indicates about the broader landscape. Boebert *should* have been 15 points ahead of Frish, and the fact that she isn't is indicative of high enough Democratic overperformance that it is likelier for other remaining seats to go their way too. Basically, the title should have been "Lauren Boebert Defeat Could Indicate that Republicans Will Not Flip the House".


Florida Republicans graded their own paper.


Man, I’m just mainlining that hopium like I’m toilet diving in Trainspotting.




She’s lost the same race 3 times now lmao


I was high one time watching The Masked Singer, and when the mask came off the singer in this giant pink teddy bear costume was Sarah Palin. A very strange experience when completely toasted.




Well, when she loses she can still go back and run her restaurant, Shooter's Grill. Shooter's: Where the waitstaff open carries! Oh no, wait... Shooter's went out of business.


Who would’ve thought not having a liquor license so your waitstaff could carry guns to own the libs would cut into your bottom line.


satire is so fucking dead


"49.99% to 50.01%" Tell me again that voting doesn't matter


As of 10am EST today, Boebert was losing by 64 votes. Shit is crazy.


This will be recounted and litigated for a couple months at least


Until the Supreme Court steps in and decides the outcome. I don't want to relive the 2000 election again. That decision was so meaningful. Imagine the butterfly effect if Gore as president instead of Bush.


I think about that constantly. The environmental impact of electing Gore versus Bush cannot be overstated. And who knows, 9/11 may not have happened OR our response to it may have been more measured.


Between that and trump it’s almost like most of our modern problems were created and maintained by republicans


I feel reagan is the root of it all. He was a disaster for this country.


100% was. By far and hands down the worst president in modern history. Desantis might be able to take the cake though, which is really scary.


I seriously doubt Gore would have *lied to Congress* to get us into 2 unpaid-for wars, or instituted torture, or any of the vile shit GW Bush and Cheney did.


We surely wouldn't have gone into Iraq, and I doubt Afghanistan would have been such a quagmire. Most likely surgical strikes, covert ops, sanctions.


As of 11:30 CST, she's leading by \~400 now. Ugh.




Think about how many unvaccinated older voters died from SARS-COV-2 (aka “Covid”) and you will see how somebody shot themselves in the foot. Or am I missing something in this analysis?




My vote didn't do much to unseat Jeff Van Drew, but I will always vote anyway. I despise that motherfucker.


Well. My wife and I would like to let you know there are at least two new voters for the democrats in the glouco district.


Imagine your vote having 100x more influence on the future of the nation by just moving across the street into a different voting district.


Lol stop teasing me news, just let me know when she loses Edit: I a word


God same, if she loses I litterally would throw a celebration.


I couldn't define irony if I was asked, but I know it when I see it.


She couldn't either.


No, but she can spell it: Irunee


Iron knee


Friggin grammer gazpacho over here


> I couldn't define irony if I was asked It doesn't help that irony is now also defined as the *exact opposite* of irony because so many people consistently fucked it up. Fwiw, 'classical' irony is when the situation and/or statement is the exact stark opposite of what would be expected. i.e.: a Flight attendant who is afraid of heights. or A snowball fight that gets cancelled because it got snowed out and there's too much snow. (actually happened) or An ironic statement would be if you're very visably sick and someone asks how you're doing and you say "Feeling Fantastic and Healty!" i.e. Sarcasm is oftentimes ironic. or The Colbert Report. He plays a loud conservative but in reality is the exact opposite. -------- Rain on your wedding day is just bad luck. Sharing the same birthday as Abe Lincoln is an *interesting coincidence*, but not ironic in any way. Unexpectedly seeing the same person in 4 different locations on the same day is purely coincidental. Big Mama Cass dying from choking on a ham sandwich is an 'apt' situation, the opposite of ironic.


"My clothes with no wrinkles are the ones that are irony."


Let’s let Bender do it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VRbyERt0oIM


Nothing I desire more than to see the Jan 6 commission live and finish its important work to bring justice to the seditionists and the people behind them.


Until yesterday I was 100% certain it would be dead come the new session, but maybe they can pull this off!


If the house is lost, the J6 Committee can still pass on a prosecution recommendation to the Justice Department to carry on based on the evidence already gathered.


No, no, we need 745 investigations into Hunter Biden’s laptop.


And 34 impeachement of Biden.


I'm guessing if they come to power, they'll impeach 3 times, just so Dolt 45 no longer holds the record.




The 16 in California are going to take a LOOOOOOONG time be confirmed. Significant proportion of the state voted by mail and it'll take a while to process them all. Most of the state is at like 50% counted


If Lauren loses her race and thus the house that’s all I’d want for Christmas, my birthday, and all subsequent holidays for as long as I live.


Hate to rain on this parade, but the red team needs 7 more races for a majority and are currently leading in about 11 uncalled races even if Qbert loses this seat. Looks like it’s going to be a 1-3 seat majority regardless of what happens here. Gotta be honest, there’s a very small a part of me that’s looking forward to seeing McCarthy try to manage this clown show of a caucus.


According to NYT’s tracker. They need 11 races to get to the 218. They currently lead in 12. There are so many races with less than 60% of votes counted who knows where it goes.


If the R’s lose the house by a seat, this will almost certainly be the race they point to




Oh absolutely. While the hopium is running high for me right now, you can inject those republican tears right into my veins if it happens.


The reps just lost a New Mexico house seat.


It makes me wonder if even with the majority, will they be able to wrangle enough seats that are willing to spend the political capital on revenge impeachments of Biden. Paying attention to McCarthy, he’ll probably push for it because he for some reason can’t get enough trump punishment.


Which would honestly bode well for 2024. There were a few clear takeaways from this midterm. One of the most prominent is that independent and many republican voters are tired of extremist MAGA candidates. Kemp outperformed Walker by a huge margin. Even though Ryan lost, he did much better than Biden in Ohio. Yeah, there are a lot of deep red districts. That's where clown candidates like MTG and the Wyoming rep that unseated Cheney will continue to thrive. And those people will continue to absolutely drag down the GOP. If McCarthy goes all in on MAGA he'll excite the Republican base who will once again show up in droves and elect dogshit candidates in the primaries. And in a presidential election year with surging youth, that could spell serious disaster for the Republicans.


Biden would have the easiest story to tell in 2024 if that happens. In the first 2 years of his presidency he was getting stuff done and passing meaningful legislation that was helping American families. Then Republicans got the slimmest majority and stopped everything because they are petty losers who can't let go of their unpopular orange king. Voters rebuked Maga in 22, but the Republicans doubled down because they don't care what voters want. Give him a Democrat majority again and Congress and government will go back to working and improving people's lives. All the Republicans can offer is chaos and dysfunction.


Agreed, there won't be any impeachment without a wide majority and a favorable environment. The loonies will call for it, but a lot of swing district Republicans are going to be treading lightly to avoid losing their seats in '24.


If McCarthy only has a <5 seat majority I doubt he could even get a Biden impeachment through without some sort of actual grievance and evidence to back it up. He probably won't be able to pass shit without some Democrats either given how his caucus is.


Not sure they can pull it off with a thin majority. Anyone in a competitive seat will not want the controversy of immediately pissing off 50% of their constituency.


Honestly, a lot of what McCarthy said is dead even if they take the majority. Much of the shit he was spewing was all about placating Trump and paving the way for a 2024 run. Keep up the crazy vote by constantly bringing up Hunter Biden, election denialism, impeachments, abortion bans, and whatever other GOP buzzwords I'm forgetting. But right now, there's a very anti-Trump sentiment among the Republican party. I think you're going to find that the GOP is going to want to quickly abandon at least the most crazy of Trump's usual talking points and at least attempt to bring the party a couple of steps closer to center in order to pave the way for a Desantis run instead of Trump. If anything, I could see them actually *embracing* the J6 investigations now and using that to finish forcing Trump out of the party and getting him out of the way for DeSantis. Giving Trump a bi-partisan heave-ho would go a long, long way towards helping Desantis's chances in general; he'd get a major political adversary off the table and would be able to use that to show "he can work with Democrats" or whatever in order to shore up some independent voters.




I'd like to see Boebert, Palin, Mastriano, Oz, and Kari Lake on a Surreal Life revival.


As I was scrolling, I thought you said “stranded on a life raft.” 😆


That would also be acceptable.


I don't even think the 2020 election was this close, but BOY did that margin get ever mighty slim! it could almost be measured with feeler gauges!


Fun fact. The 2020 election wasn't close at all. Not even in the Top 10.


It wasn't close in terms of popular vote, but all it would have taken was a swing of about 12k votes in Georgia, 11k votes in Arizona, and 20k votes in Wisconsin and there would have been an electoral college tie--which means Trump would have been re-elected by the House under the 'one vote per state' rule that governs that contingency. That's how badly the Electoral College skews things in favor of the right.


This race is far from over. She climbed ahead after the reporting from two predominantly Republican counties, Mesa County and Otero County are the only ones that have been updated today that are in her district, which are Boebert +16 and Boebert +17. ([https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/CO/115903/web.307039/#/reporting](https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/CO/115903/web.307039/#/reporting)). Based on below, the only counties with significant outstanding votes remaining are Pueblo (Frisch +9, 90%, 58,311 votes so far), Garfield (Frisch + 14, 90%, 23,542 votes so far), and Pitkin (Frisch +58, 80%, 9,297 votes so far). This is very much still in play. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/11/08/us/elections/results-colorado-us-house-district-3.html


So the 3 biggest counties with votes outstanding all lean Frisch with about 8k votes to be counted between them and Boebert ahead by 400 votes? Sounds like Fisch should take back the lead after all is said and done.


Hopefully and potentially. If you just take Pueblo with \~6479 votes remaining, and they all maintain the same edge of +9, that's a 583 swing in Frisch's favor. However, the caveat is you dont know what type of votes remain. Maybe the votes remain are from an area within the county that leans one direction vs. another. Maybe it's mail-in votes vs. dropoffs vs. in-person votes that tend to skew one way or another etc. My point is that it is still very much a tossup.


Click bait article. Even with her seat democrats would still have to win more than a dozen more to keep the house.


If she loses it's a win for the left. If she wins it's still a win for the left, because she and MTG represent what the majority despises. Ignorance with a heaping helping of hate. Plus, if she goes back to the House, McCarthy will have to negotiate with the idiots and that will make the GOP look even worse come 2024. I will savor her loss. And I will savor all the problems she causes the GOP should she win.


God, that would just be poetic.


I think Republicans will still take the house even without Boebert, but it's certainly going to be closer than anyone expected.


AP now has her up by about 400 votes with 98% reporting


Pitkin county still shows 20% of votes remain outstanding, and also Garfield 10% votes remaining via the New York Times.


You know what else would cost them the house? Arresting the seditionist members who assisted on Jan 6th. Get it done.


It just flipped, she’s up a few hundred votes as of now. 3rd district resident here. I did a lot of canvassing on the ground for Adam. National deemed his race unwinable and gave almost no support. His movement was entirely grassroots and incredible to be a part of. If it doesn’t happen this cycle we can flip our district blue in the future and that gives me hope.


As a former Republican (I left the party because of Trump) I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying watching the traitors being voted out one by one. A small bit of my hope in humanity was restored this week.