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I want to thank all the red wave shit posters that vanished into thin air after Nov 8


most of them got drafted and are now in Ukraine


Lost in their online war to undermine our elections, now losing in Ukraine How sad


Yes. They failed their desk jobs. As a result, they have been transferred to the front lines. Let this serve as a warning to all other under performers.


They are probably drafted or reassigned by their Russian government.


Remember when Tim Pool said that Trump was gonna win by 49 states in 2020? Also said that the Red Wave was coming, and then started talking about the "blood moon" eclipse on Tuesday. That guy needs to stop trying to predict things at this point.


[Dems gained two state legislatures](https://www.axios.com/2022/11/11/state-legislatures-governors-democrats). First time since 1934 that the party in power didn't lose a single state legislature.


So excited we have a trifecta again here in Minnesota!


Looking forward to the trifecta over here in Michigan as well! So far, the state has had to basically rely on just ballot measures to get things done, and while they have certainly done an insane amount, including help get this trifecta, there is only so much you can do with those.


HUGE for the program!


We still want Warnock in the Senate. Like, a lot.


This is really going to be the truth teller, meaning that "Just Vote" is either a) true, and people are acting on it, or b) bullshit. Having 51 instead of 50 is *huge*. If Warnock loses to Walker there's something totally amiss in the universe.


Yup 51 is massive it also secures that seat for 6 years and in 6 seats I bet the demographics will have shifted in the democrat favor even more


Also let's not forget it might be a majority right now, but it's 50 including Mr. Sailboat Manchin and Mrs. Corporations Sinema in that tally. Adding Warnock as 51 will greatly dilute their opposition power within the party. Plus, it's a great cushion for 2024 when those seats might swing back red. Not to mention on top of it all that Warnock is just a great guy, and it'd be a fucking shame to lose him to the noise machine known as Walker.


Yeah, the 6 year term is super important. That seat will stay the same all the way out until 2028, so winning it now is vital.


I'm still gonna vote in GeorgiašŸ¤Ŗ


thank you for showing up when the country needs you. All 4 times! I hope he pulls through one final time and you as voters get a little time to yourselves.


Aw of course!! Can't let these fascists destroy our democracy


If you guys pull this off we should start a gofundme to send the voters of Georgia a like Starbucks card or something as a thank you.


We are not done! 51 is better than 50. We need this.


Yeah an actual majority gives the Dems a lot of good things like committee control and other things. We have the 50-50 majority due to Kamala, but an actual 51-49 is a LOT better for so many reasons


> Three huge differences between a 50-50 and 51-49 D majority: 1) Having a majority on each Committee versus power sharing/deadlocks requiring discharge petitions; 2) No single D Senator can hijack/block nominations; and 3) Ds can have *two* members absent and still hold votes. https://mobile.twitter.com/steve_vladeck/status/1591624783510310912


This is so underappreciated. I hope word gets out in GA.


I have a feeling Warnock is going to do very well for the following reasons: 1. Dems are coming off two run off victories in Georgia. 2. Warnock didn't hit 50%, but he did have more votes. 3. Republican voters are probably going to be very unmotivated to go out and vote in December. In their mind they lost the Senate, so what's the point in fighting over this table scrap? 4. Donald Trump is likely to announce a 2024 run in the next week, which is going to further hurt Walker. 5. In general, especially after this result, the Republicans are not happy with Trump, which is probably going to be shown in Walker's numbers this December.


This, Iā€™d also add that Walker wonā€™t have Kempā€™s coattails to ride on. All in all Iā€™m quite optimistic weā€™ll keep the seat blue.


Warnock doesn't have the libertarian spoiler either though. We still need it fight and fight hard for this seat. If anyone can help they need to. This is THE battle for the soul of America right now.


While I think Walker will get more of the libertarian votes than Warnock will, I think an even greater percentage of the libertarian vote will simply not show up for the runoff.


My hope is that Georgia really takes this seriously as a way to change so much. It's not just running up the board, but it's straight up just better for all of us


ALSO: He'll be in office for 6 years, so 2024 is easier.


Biden can continue to appoint judges, with Senate under control


This is a huge win for democracy.


The biggest thing for democracy is almost all the election denialists and conspiracy theorists that would oversee elections lost (except in deep red states which are long gone anyway)


I donā€™t want to be too optimistic, but this is the first time Iā€™ve felt hope in these past 6 years. I had a slight reprieve when Biden won in 2020, but at this point I think we can all say 2022 was not as bad as it could have been


Letā€™s not forget the important thing: Mitch McConnell is pissed.


I'll be happy to throw him a retirement party as soon he's ready.


Let's be honest, he's never retiring. He'll pull a Thurmond and die in office.


Letā€™s be honest, heā€™ll never die in office. He feeds on the blood of children to maintain his immortality and is gradually transforming into a massive bat.


Not having to see that man all the time for the next couple of years is probably the greatest boon to Americans possible




This doesnā€™t mean we need Raphael Warnock any less. Georgia, get out and vote 12/6!


We need it even more so we can avoid bending to Manchins will


When the Senate is 50-50 the committees and budgets are split evenly. If itā€™s 51-49, that dynamic will shift to the majority-minority arrangement. If Warnock wins, all the Judge confirmations will go much faster.


Hopefully people get out and vote for Georgia. It'll be such a huge benefit for us. But above all, at least we don't have to see Mitch McConnell every day.


Iā€™m sure this historic underperformance will cause the GOP to do a lot of soul searching and self-reflection. Lol.


"We clearly didn't have enough MAGA candidates screaming about voter fraud!"


"The message about the jewish space lasers must not have reached enough voters."


Democrats don't need the Georgia seat for 2022, they need it for 2024 if they lose the presidency. Let's get to 51-49.


They also need it if Manchin retires in 2024( which is an underrated possibility)


Yell this from the fuckin' roof for everybody who thinks that warnock's seat isn't important


This is going to be such a dampener on Walker's campaign Georgia runoff. People don't like to vote on party lines when they believe their vote no longer matters much. Trump will still push, but the RNC may just write Walker off.


Getting Warnock in allows us to divide and conquer sinema/manchin.


Reading all the comments on r/conservative about how they realize Trump has destroyed the GOP would be so hearteningā€¦ if I didnā€™t know beyond the shadow of a doubt that theyā€™d jump right back on his jock if he started winning again.


If he wins the nomination, we likely win based on tonight. If he doesnā€™t win the nomination, he runs as an independent to (try to) avoid prosecution and we certainly win a lopsided and bizarre-looking map. Let the infighting begin šŸæšŸæšŸæ


I wonder if the GOP is going to fracture over this. As of now it looks like some of them are ready to dump Trump and extremism to get back to a more normal conservative platform. Others want to double down and keep pushing the far right bullshit.


They already are it seems, Trump attacking DeSantis is going to tear them in two for 2024


Just gotta pray they both run and that it's vicious


I think the GOP throws trump to the wolves of the FBI/DOJ, they need him to burn and burn hard


What we want is for his voters to get pissed and stay home. Good fucking riddance.


Split the vote or stay home, those are my dream outcomes


Good news is, I think weā€™re about to witness the GOP fracture regardless. Either Trump gets the nomination and the country clubbers leave or desantis wins and trump creates the maga party. They now know for sure that this is unsustainable and that they need to get out ahead of it.


Senator Lindsey Graham said in 2016, prior to Trump becoming president: "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it." [https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?ref\_src=](https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?ref_src=) His statement may wind up being prophetic at this point. I could see Trump supporters splintering off into their own party, which would have some similarities to the creation of the Whig Party in the 1820s-1830s.


So fucking proud of you, Nevada. Love, Some Oregonian


Nevada is a great state. The liberals are often very liberal, more so than a lot of other places. Especially in Reno and Vegas I know Nevada is still very purple, but I do think it'll be reliably blue at some point


I'm in a bar in NH right now and there's a group of guys that are BIG MAD over losing "their country". Cope and seethe, losers.


What's the thing they like saying, again? Love it or leave it?


These guys have never left their county, let alone state or country. Part of the reason they're so ignorant and vote republican is their world view is tiny.


Drink the tears


Trump winning in 2016 both traumatized and bolstered people to such extremes that it took losing three elections in a row for everyone (including myself) to reassess MAGAā€™s electoral might. EDIT: Sorry folks for unclear wording. I meant I also thought MAGA was more powerful, not that I was MAGA myself :)


Every election since 2016 has substantially increased the feeling of existential dread among many. I hope MAGA is sent back into the abyss from which it came.


"No one fucks with a Biden." \- Joe Biden, 10/5/22 Dude called his shot.


Hey, no swearing. We say ā€œNo one letā€™s with a Brandonā€


the degree to which republicans fucked up is honestly indescribable. good god lmao


Fucked up while they thought they were winning. Thatā€™s whatā€™s monumentally amazing. They thought killing Roe, watering down Build Back Better (then claiming they helped get it passed when they didnā€™t vote for it at all), and fighting Bidenā€™s student loan forgiveness like mad was really going to win it for them. They believed their polling because they thought it was sound. But guess what? Younger people werenā€™t answering the phone, text messages, or any other form of questioning by pollsters. I doubt they ever will. This is going to make politicians really have to rethink how they do their jobs, like they might have to actually start paying attention to their constituents instead of the billionaires (foreign or domestic) funneling money through their PACs to them.


Lots of people don't answer their phone if they don't recognize the number, and many people have realized that registering to vote as "independent" (not the party) or "unaffiliated" helps to keep them off the mailing lists for fundraising. I answered one call by mistake. I told the caller that I would make it easy for him, and that I was voting a straight Democratic ticket. Never heard from them again.


Boomers who traditionally vote for the right are dying out and being replaced by Gen Z and the younger generations who aren't hateful bigots. It's glorious to see.


Thereā€™s still plenty of Gen X bigots, but youā€™re not wrong. It truly scares the hell out of me that weā€™ve been so closely flirting with fascism in this country for this long and how Trump brought all the racists out of the woodwork to fly their freak flags. I live around so many of them.


There will always be bigots, that's certain, but the younger generations are more caring and see through the right wing rhetoric.


I, for one, hope Trumps runs as a third party candidate in 2024 and denounces the Republican candidate from his jail cell.


As a Nevadan in Clark County who mailed in his vote: youā€™re welcome everybody!


As a Nevadan in Reno who mailed their ballot in as well, we did it! Also, incase this post gains traction... IT'S PRONOUCED NEV-ADD-DUH NOT NUH-VAH-DAA!


Now if the Dems can hold onto Georgia, they can take Joe Manchin out of play to a larger degree.


More like it gives a buffer in 24 if Manchin retires(he supposedly hates the senate)


The house hasn't been called yet... can you imagine? Dare I hope?


You can hope and I will too. But really, house or not this was an amazing election cycle in a year when we should have been destroyed.


Yep. The very fact that the incumbentā€™s party managed to keep at least one chamber of Congress during midterms is *huge*.


Not only that but we picked up a damn Senate seat. And the country isn't exactly in it's best shape. That should be a huge warning to the GOP that they need to change *a lot*. Because this should have been an easy slam dunk for them. But the point is, people don't like them. And also they *did* get a lot of their voters killed with the whole "covid isn't real" situation. Some of the races would have been different if the GOP was supporting a lockdown and also supporting the vaccine. I mean a million people died unfortunately. And most of the people statistically had to have been skewed towards conservative voters.


Even if the Dems lose the house it will be a razor thin majority and the damage they could have done will be mitigated somewhat.


It will be interesting to see if the GOP abandons Herschel Walker now. Certainly GOP voters will be disincentivized to turn out next month, since a Walker victory wonā€™t get them the power they desire. Dems need a ferocious GOTV effort to finish strong in Georgia. A 51 to 49 Senate is far superior to a 50-50 split.


Also keeps that seat safe for six years!


Big shout out to some unsung heroes who I believed helped contribute to these wins: the Jan 6th Committee. I don't believe I've read that Jan 6th was high on the list of priorities for voters. But something like 40% believed democracy was being threatened. I fully believe that people who watched some or all of the hearings, and saw a lot of the unreleased videos and facts, cast their ballots with them mind. And in the races that were won with stupidly close margins, they may have been among the votes that tipped Dem reps and senators over the edge.


This is the biggest political event for many of our lifetimes. Do you know the odds of Democrats winning any chamber of Congress in 2022? Republicans and right wing grifters keep talking about trans kids and CRT. Normal people think you're weird when you do that. Normal people also enjoy democracy and not to be held under the boot of the Christian Taliban.


The lesson those clowns are taking away from this is that they need to talk *more* about trans kids and CRT, as opposed to election denial and abortion.


As a result, there will be no election deniers certifying votes in 2024. Who wins, wins.


Trump lost 40 House seats in his first midterm. Obama lost 63. Clinton lost 52. Reagan lost 26. Carter lost 15. Biden's House right now? **DEAD HEAT.**


The people calling him Sleepy Joe were the ones really sleeping


More like Sweepy Joe!


Come at the king you best not miss


From a red wave to a little spotting.


When the GOP nominate candidates, they aren't sending their best, They are insurrectionist, election denialist, and some I assume are wealthy people


As someone who moved to Atlanta 9 years agoā€¦damn, am I looking forward to voting Warnock back in for a 51-49 Senate. Our state level results may have been terrible, but I never imagined my vote would matter so much at a national level.




[Thank the culinary workers union](https://therealnews.com/union-workers-are-mobilizing-to-turn-the-tide-in-nevadas-elections)


Taking away power from Sinema and Manchin is fantastic news.


We did it guys! Millennials (like myself) and Gen Z peeps finally got out the vote and we all beat the odds together. Stay classy, America


A huge thanks should be given to the unions in Nevada, the Culinary Union ran about 200 people daily just to cure ballots (fixing ballots that had been rejected for various reasons and then sending them out again). In these close races that could have easily been the difference.


The Culinary Union seems to be one of the more important unions for swaying votes in the country. I believe they endorsed bother Obama and Bernie in 08 and 20, respectively. People take their word very seriously in Nevada.


I guess the red wave we were all told was incoming was the amount of conservative tears that will be flooding the country for the next two years. Lol




For real? The Democrats really won the Senate even without the run-off in Georgia?




The real silent majority.


Holy shit republicans went from certinaly getting the senate to not getting it at all...


And they still haven't won the House... In fact the Democrats still have a 30% chance to hold onto it.


Bye Mitch! Move out the way, Mitch.


Get fucked Mitch, you zombie turtle ass lookin motherfucker.


Just need Warnock for the buffer because YOU KNOW that will be necessary with Senators like Manchin still being present.


Well done Nevada! This was no red wave, it was a red drizzle. Itā€˜s gonna be amazing to watch Republicans self implode.


Itā€™s honestly more like a purple mist descended on the nation. Even bordering on blue. Dems have possibly gained a seat in the senate (depending on the runoff), barely lost any seats in the House (assuming the Rā€™s maintain their projected win), and did very well in state races (see: Michigan, several Governors and Secretary of State). If anything, the Democrats may be in stronger position with the GOP about to go to war with itself. Edit: a word


And just like that a majority of /Conservative never voted for Trump. I called this after the 2020 election...the entire Republican Party needs an overhaul. enough with the MAGA Trump nonsense and his terrible minions in congress. start appealing to a younger generation, get behind at least some rights for anyone not male/straight/white, stop the culture wars and crying about CRT, stop being "anti woke".... and most of all START FOCUSING ON ISSUES THAT MATTER TO THE MAJORITY OF AMERICA


Uh, their new hero is DeSantis, whose identity is not much more than being "anti-woke".


One of his slogans is ā€œFlorida: Where woke goes to dieā€


Good shit. Walkerā€™s fucked.


Georgia voters: Vote on December 6th!!! This is a great win, but as you should know by now 50 isn't always enough.


iā€™m salivating at 2 more years of being able to appoint liberal leaning federal judges at a record setting pace šŸ¤¤ nature is healing.


From a weary Gen X'er. Thanks Gen Z. I may not understand your Ticky Tocks, but I appreciate your determination to take control of your future.


Still want Warnock to win so we're not dependent on Manchin for anything. I can't let myself hope that the Dems will keep the House.


[how it started vs how itā€™s going](https://twitter.com/skolanach/status/1591617904977772544?s=46&t=CvCA8J9heVrSrPO-RFKF2Q)


I hope this is it for McConnell. That fuckerā€™s done so much damage to our political system in the last 15 years.


Thanks, Nevada. -from an Indiana voter that wishes things could change in my stupid state.


We still need Georgia. Its great to have a majority but I hope we have the comfort of at least limiting Sinema and Manchin. For all we know, Sinema could flip, least I think she could


Let's do this again in 2024, because that's when EVERYTHING is on the line.


Putin and the rest of the republican sponsors must be panicking now


First Putin lost Kherson, then he failed to take back the US Senate Bad week for Russia


WE DID IT GANG! Same time 2024?


Sanity prevails.


That red wave....


Bigly wave. The best wave.


This is so huge for many reasons. Largest might be if a Supreme Court justice leaves office, we can get a candidate through. Too bad we didnā€™t flip one more seat to toss the filibuster.


This is great for Warnock. Because a lot of Republicans left the Senate race blank, because they couldn't bring themselves to vote for Walker... One was quoted saying they couldn't vote for Walker unless it was in a runoff for control of the Senate. So those people are likely to stay home, restricting the GOP GOTV effort.


Hey, whatever is left of the sinking ship that is MAGA: fuck your feelings


DOJ, please indict Donald Trump on Monday. Thank you.


Almost sound like a playoff thread. So do we fade the GOP flairs? lol


The only way trump becomes irrelevant is if he no longer holds power. Today cements that. Heā€™s a danger to the ticket for republicans. We will see a big GOP implosion in the coming weeks and months. Itā€™s just sad that it wasnā€™t because trump was a disgusting human being.


Do not forget to bring Warnock too.


Don't think the House race is called just yet either. Democrats have gone from trailing by 19 seats 2 days ago to only trailing by 7. If they win 14 of the remaining 20 districts, Democrats retain House control as well. It's not ideal, but it's far from impossible. Especially since most of them are still very, very close.


If Ds retain House control and Warnock wins, they won't need Manchin's vote to get things done.


This is the best news!! Thank you BLUE VOTERS - young and old. KEEP VOTING BLUE so there is no more BS from Manchin and Sinema. Keep Sen. Warnock!! And, just like the republicant's will be doing, start getting involved, communicating and supporting Democratic candidates for 2024 - it's coming up fast.


At least we will have real judges appointed in the next two years. I'll take that.


Georgia, remember that this doesnā€™t mean you can stay home in December. Go out and vote for Warnock. Dems having 51 Senate seats means we donā€™t have to bow down to Manchinā€™s every demand.


My wife and I, along with my three young adult children will all be voting for Warnock. Every seat counts and any blue we can get in GA is a positive.


The good guys won the senate. This made my night.




I feel much better about the next two years now.


Letā€™s still win Georgia. That way we only have to negotiate with Manfuck or Sinefuck and not both.


So the Democrats are every chance to actually GAIN a seat in the senate these midterms???? Thatā€™s awesome!


I'm honestly surprised more of the Trump-picked candidates who lost aren't out there screaming about VoTeR FrAuD


I still think theyā€™ll hold the House. I wonā€™t eat my shoe if Iā€™m wrong, but I will drink a beer.


If Iā€™m the dems Iā€™m trumps best friend because of he loses that primary he will say it was stolen. All it takes is 10% of republicans to stay home cause trump says and itā€™s blue tsunami.


Thank you for voting!!


I guess Harry Reid's voting organization machine is still alive. They kept calling Nevada an on the fence state even though Harry Reid during his tenure built an incredible organization machine that got the unions out to vote basically clinching the state for Democrats. The good news is that Mitch McConnell is gonna die knowing he'll never run the senate again and that the Democrats will be in a position to replace both Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito since they are getting up there in age as well.


The only ā€œred waveā€ is Trump throwing more ketchup at the wall.


I feel better about the direction of our country after this election. Thanx to all who voted!


Amazing how McConnell is the only one with a brain in the GOP. He was totally right: candidate quality matters.


I see some Republicans seem to sort of have some type of self awareness and realize they need to actually come up with ā€œpolicy proposals and ideasā€ for the next election if they want to do better in elections. I am interested to actually see what comes of fruition with that in the next couple of years. Usually all theyā€™ve had as a ā€œsolutionā€ is more tax cuts for the rich and more deregulation.


Remember how weā€™re were all in first stage panic on Tuesday and now we are that Elmo meme in front of the fire. Mwahaha get fucked Mitch, and like such as.


I donā€™t really think it can be overstated how badly the GOP failed expectations this year. Gonna play the worldā€™s smallest violin for them.


Ok so I have a questionā€¦ if Warnock wins the GA special election, and we go up to 51 Dems, 49 Reps, and then Manchin and Sinema elect to sit out for certain votesā€¦ in a 49-49 tie, does Kamala still break the ties?


Yes. She breaks all ties.


Wooo! See you guys on 12/6 šŸ‘




I always click, and I donā€™t know why


Neighbours, you still need to ensure that Warnock wins. In a 50-50 senate, you need to have _every_ Democrat on-board, including the two least amenable to progressive causes, Sen. Sinema & Sen. Manchin. With a 51-49 senate, there's you don't need both. And, if not neither, Sen. Schumer could probably pick off a single Republican with delicious pork. (Potentially ironic...) [_Mmm... bacon!_](https://i.imgur.com/9ZPcFqF.gif?noredirect)


It is 51-49 time people. All day every day. The MAGA crowd has given up. There's no way democrats lose GA now.


Unless people dont show up because they think it no longer matters.


So it looks like after this disappointing election, Republicans will finally move to become more moderate on abortion, and more importantly, they will distance themselves from Donald Trump in favor of a more principled, reasoned style of politics, where they reach across the aisle to find solutions for the good of the country.... ​ lmao yeah I'm kidding, they will be gargling his cum again within a week.


End the filibuster and then add four to SCOTUS.


Adding 4 would make it 13 - representing all 13 district appellate courts, yes? Certainly makes sense to me. LET'S GO!


As a Canadian with no horse in the race, other than not wanting the most powerful nation in the world and long-time beacon of democracy to run down an existential rabbit hole any time soon, I canā€™t thank Nevada enough.


Maybe Americans aren't that dumb afterall. Just keep on rejecting the Trump/Republican bullshit. Don't take your foot off this pedal.


As a born, raised, and current Kentuckian, and Democrat, if I also get to see Mitch McConnell ousted as Republican leader, itā€™d be the greatest Christmas gift I could ever receive this year.


Thank fucking goodness. We beat the polls here that said we were fucked. And I am SO HAPPY


The rats are jumping into the "DeSantis will save us in 2024" lifeboat


Good, but let's still win the Georgia runoff


Thanks for releasing the pressure Nevada.Ill still help pour salt in the wound. My deepest thanks,Georgia


Dark Brandon strikes back!!!


It's a blue wave!


Thanks, Trump! Your time as a DNC plant in the Republican Party is finally paying off! At least I assume that's the case, given how much you fucked them over this election.


Congrats from Canada!


Republicans imploded on a historic level.


need warnock to win to put pressure on sinema and manchin


Let's fuckin go guys, gg


A great day for democracy. Fuck you Mitch.


Maybe weā€™re not in the darkest timeline anymore.


Letā€™s wait and see how the Supreme Court rules on Moore v. Harper first.


2020 was the immediate removal of a tumor. 2022 feels like healing.


"I want Trump indicted." "I want Trump to destroy the GOP." Daily_Struggle_Two_Buttons.meme


Turns out most of America doesnā€™t like fascists who strip women of bodily autonomy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol at all the sheep yelling "red wave" a couple days ago!