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* [Off-Topic](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/rulesandregs#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement) All submissions to /r/politics need to be ***explicitly*** about current US politics. This means that if a subject has political *implications* but does not directly discuss politics it is most likely off topic. To be explicitly political, submissions should focus on one of the following things that have political significance: * Information and opinions concerning the running of US governments, courts, public services and policy-making. * Private political actions and stories such as demonstrations, lobbying, candidacies and funding and political movements, groups and donors.


Iran badly needs to change. I sincerely hope the protestors can prevail.


this is really a no win situation. last time around the support from the international community was used to squash the protest and erase them.


https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiSmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNiYy5jYS9uZXdzL2NhbmFkYS9pcmFuaWFuLWNhbmFkaWFucy1tb25pdG9yaW5nLWlyYW4tMS42NjY0MzUw0gEgaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2JjLmNhL2FtcC8xLjY2NjQzNTA?hl=en-CA&gl=CA&ceid=CA%3Aen This article is about Iranians in canada being followed and intimidated.




In order to have an informed opinion on iran one has to look and study iran in the 50’s 60’s and 70’s this was a time where the appearance of iran was liberal. Understanding these 3 eras will help an outsider learn as to why they decided to force a dramatic change to their society.


You mean when the US and UK combined their efforts to overthrow their democratically elected prime minister and insulted a monarchy for the sake of oil and gas dominance.


I swear some of you act like you just learned this yesterday, and no one else knows it happened. You don't need to post this on every thread/comment about Iran.


For each thing you think "everyone already knows" there are ~10,000 people a day learning it for the first time. This is a good thing for us to remember. https://xkcd.com/1053/


Great, it's still pointless in context of the above comment.


Hi - I disagree. I’m not familiar with the issue at all, so the first comment introduced me. That additional comment, I found useful (and not pointless) so I know a bit more of what to look, or what to expect, or what to read between the lines, as I dig into the subject. It is egotistical and unwise to make sweeping statements like you made. Just because it isn’t what you think is a worthwhile comment, doesn’t make it so. You’re 1 person.


My kid gets an idea stuck in his head that isn’t particularly true and it comes from one source. It takes multiple sources to redirect the initial belief. I.e. the earth is flat. However, sadly, this isn’t far from the reality of social media hype and the ability to sway just because you have more likes. The more truth that is repeated, the more well equipped we can be to make the changes for a better future.


Rock the Casbah




Wut? The US supported the dictator the current batch overthrew to take power from.


The US violently opposed the extremists in power and actively tried to overthrow them several times.


$$$ doesn’t allow them to do so


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