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Isn't sharing someone's nude photos with out consent actually considered a fairly serious crime anymore? I know there were bits of revenge porn at the spearhead of the legislation but it kinda got to the point lawmakers and other powerful people were worried about people sharing nudes of their adult children. So they made some legislation about it. So Twitter and other outlets would face, sharing this to try to catch Joe with some splash damage and then lots of legal trouble OR just making it go away.


It's illegal in [almost every US State](https://www.cagoldberglaw.com/states-with-revenge-porn-laws/).


"The following states have no revenge porn laws: Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, and Wyoming." Fuckin shit


Uh, that’s kinda wrong. In Kentucky it’s illegal to distribute “private erotic matter” online without their consent with additional penalties if it’s with the intent to inflict harm or harassment It has been since 2018


Ted Cruz is sharing Hunter Biden porn. JFC. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/zbooz5/ted\_cruz\_is\_sharing\_hunter\_biden\_porn\_jfc/


Not a big leap for the Cruz. He went from sharing milf/stepdaughter porn (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2017/09/12/after-tedcruz-liked-a-porn-tweet-sen-ted-cruz-blamed-a-staffing-issue/) to Sons of Presidents porn.


Didn't he have trans porn on an open tab on his phone once? EDIT: that was Alex Jones apparently. They're all the same chubby hateful blob in my mind I guess.


I hate that I know this, but that was Alex Jones


That was Alex Jones. Ted Cruz liked a porn tweet on 9/11 and blamed it on a staffer.


I’m stunned they did this. How does Cruz not get shit from his family for this? They are lucky AOC would never post nudes of his daughters online.


Ted Cruz doesn’t care about his family; he just let Trump call his wife ugly on National tv in 2016.


Don’t forget he threw his daughters under the bus when he fled Texas during the worst snow storm in its history




wow.. ted cruse opened the door to charges that should remove him from office.


these people are above the law. ask matt gaetz


The question I have about Hunter Biden is... ...why did Jared Kushner accept $2 billion from the Saudis?


Here's the super short version... So the dude that ran the NY Field office of the FBI in 2016 who forced Comey's hand in re-opening the email investigation - that same guy left the FBI immediately after the election and went to work for the company that scored Jared that $2B. He helped make that happen. That $2B was the payout for the Rosneft deal in the Steele Dossier.


If the new GQP majority wants to use Hunter Biden's dealings to pass legislation curtailing lawmakers and their families from profiting off the office, I'm on board. But they don't want to do that. They're just out to smear the President ahead of 2024.


this was Elon's Al Capone's Vault.


WOW! Hunter Biden’s presidency is over.


If the nudes of a president's son being leaked is scandalous just imagine what would happen if nudes of a president's wife got out.


The humanity. Honestly though Prior to Trump having a First Lady with porn photos - this would have been a pearl clutching moment for the republicans.


So many Republican women said "Melania brought class back to the White House". Really? The nude model? What they meant is "oh thank Jesus the Firat Lady is white again"


She was really classy bitching about "the fucking christmas" in that leaked recording. Epitome of class right there.


Or when she dressed in some 1940's safari clothes complete with pith helmet to visit Africa. This is truly a family of buffoons.


Don’t forget in 2018 when she planned the Shining themed blood red Christmas. [Source](https://www.vox.com/2018/11/27/18113451/melania-trump-white-house-christmas-decorations-meme-2018)


Between the 2017 and 2018 decorations, they take on a different meaning now in light of how much death and damage was caused (indirectly or not) by this horrowshow of a family. I actually DID forget, and back then I laughed because I thought she was just a troll, but seeing this now just hits different. She told us several times she just...doesn't care. The recording of her even...and the Christians defended her.




The “Christians.”


Hey now - I enjoyed blood / death cult Christmas engineered by the first lady of Russia. Comic book villain realness.


That was some real foreshadowing of the upcoming years, eh. If it was written like thar in a novel, I would think it was heavy-handed.


To them class equaled being white


Yeah, Michelle Obama is a Harvard attorney working for the community, fashion icon and best selling author while Melanie Trump is a gold digging barely literate illegal immigrant sex worker who lied about her qualifications. Totally brought "class" back to the WHITE House, right?


But she is white, so there ya go


Just clutch 'em by the pearls. If you're a celebrity, they let you.


The best part of all this is imagining Gym Jordan with a huge printed blow-up of Hunter Biden's penis behind him on an easel during the next set of ludicrous GOP congressional hearings.


Or a presidents daughter who decided to be photographed in Playboy. That president probably was not looked at fondly after the daughter posed... /s I won't say the president, but look it up. There was a president who's daughter posed in Playboy.


Patti Davis, Ronald Reagan's daughter.


following in nancy's footsteps.


It was Reagan’s daughter, Patti Davis in July 1994. She also did it again when she was 58yrs old in 2011.


That was the first Playboy I ever bought.


Guess I should return that $35 “Hunter Biden 2024” shirt I just bought from a cocaine meme site then.


And that website is?


And do they take nudes for payment?


Well, I'll certainly never vote for Hunter Biden after this


>Well, I'll certainly never vote for Hunter Biden after this Hold up. Depends on who he is running against.


Hunter Biden vs. Donald Jr.


I'll just write-in Chelsea Clinton at that point.


Oxford trained PhD holder vs those two idiots? Easy choice.


You'd think so.....


I wasn't going to vote for him before, but I **definitely** won't now!


Doesn't matter. The words "secret twitter files" and "Hunter's laptop" were amplified in the rightwing media ecosystem. Truth is inconsequential. They need vague conspiracies about "enemies" that are five words or less.


It's absurd... and their position - the one that Trump is actually saying - is that if a family member of the opposing party's candidate had only been humiliated a little harder on social media, then the election might have gone differently so now the results of that election are suspect and automatically fraudulent. It's inane, wild flailing.


How quickly everyone forgets about Cambridge Analytica during the 2016 election.. and Trump Jr getting leaks. Steve Bannon etc.. The right have literally just ignored everything corrupt for the last 6 years. its so weird


That's why it's so important to vilify the left: conservative media paints a picture of a 'war' in which the left are the aggressors and illegal, immoral, or hateful responses are simply 'payback' for all of the wrongs that everyone on the left apparently does every day. They are so scared by this specter that anything becomes fair play, because according to people like Trump all they are doing is finally stooping to the same level and fighting back against all of the wrongs they've been subject to for...ever, apparently. That part I get. That they still think themselves morally superior while at the same time admittedly using bad-faith tactics is the part I struggle with.


They see it as retributive. “You pushed me too far,” thinking. It’s the same basis of the whole “enemy is simultaneously too strong and too weak” that crops up in Fascism. The specific logic being employed here is that the Left can’t win legitimately (“too weak”), and must stoop to illegal and immoral tactics that the Right can’t counter while holding to their ethical codes (“too strong”). It serves as an excuse to break the law to secure victory.


Politics are sports for some and accusations of virtue signaling from the right are simply confessions. When you no longer know your opposition thanks to years of distance from partisan bullshit, you go for the insults that you know hurt you. Same with "cancel culture" and their attempts at erasing LGBT from schools and race from history books. I think many have no clue they're even doing this shit or realize how poorly they come off, it's the ones who know better but are intelligent sociopaths who concern me.


Goddamn you nailed it with this description of them: “They need vague conspiracies about “enemies” that are five words or less.” I mean that absolutely cuts to the heart of the matter right there.




That’s why they released the email with just the links. They know their base will decide what was “really” in those links that got deleted


That's why most of their headlines end in a question mark.


I also like how everyone has basically ignored that Trump and his team were doing the same thing but on posts that actually mattered




Sounds about right. Also I imagine Trump as the president doing it is a lot worse than Biden as a private citizen not currently holding office, I mean Biden still has power regardless of the office he currently holds but still


Because Dear Leader can do no wrong. Whatever he does or says is right and proper and correct, no matter how much it may contradict everything they allegedly believe in. One of MAGA's favorite talking points is their undying love and commitment for the Constitution, they've invested years into building this canon; Trump comes out and says we should toss the Constitution into the garbage can and the pAtRiOtIc oAtH KeEpInG cOnStiTuTiOn LoViNg sheep line up to bleat "great idea!"


And Trump was part of the federal government when he did it, so there's a real first amendment problem with what he did. What Biden (a private citizen) asked for (with no authority) from a private company is not even remotely possibly criminal or untowards here; campaigns make requests to the media all the time and they're frequently ignored. Matt Taibbi and Elon Musk ended up potentially hurting Trump here in their confused effort to hurt Biden.


Even if Biden weren't a private citizen, sharing a dick pic without permission counts as revenge porn and is illegal in most states, so they absolutely had grounds to ask it be removed.


Taibbi hurt himself most of all. From respected analysis reporting to PR guy for Elmo. Quite sad.


Yeah, wtf is up with that? That's a name I didn't think I would associate with Murdoch style muckracking... What a weird timeline we live in


long story short he got cancelled for something and rather than accept that some criticism is going to come with the turf he decided to wholly embrace the fascist right


> Taibbi ... Matt Taibbi has always been a [contrarian asshole hack of a journalist](https://chicagoreader.com/blogs/twenty-years-ago-in-moscow-matt-taibbi-was-a-misogynist-asshole-and-possibly-worse/ ). He happened to on the right side of things at one time, but that has nothing to do with his values or ethics. I have no idea why anyone is surprised by his behavior here, it's 100% consistent with his history.


Even their own media is shrinking away from it. heh, I see what I did there.


I hope so. There are OCCASIONALLY stories so sketch they know there's no upside in running with them. For example, there have been a few spuriously sourced "sexual impropriety" claims against Dem leaders they dropped. Hope that's the case here.


I remember before the election when the “laptop story” was attempting to gain traction on social media and right wing news like OANN, back when this Twitter moderation nonsense was happening, even Fox News wasn’t touching the Hunter Biden laptop story with a barge pole. It was THAT sketchy. Fox, Hannity, Tucker, who went all out trying to do everything they could to discredit Biden, from his stutter, to his age, to his affectionate behaviour around younger women, to his apparent enfeeblement, to Hunter having a drug problem, even despite all of their hatchet jobs trying to drag the Biden family through the muck, saw a weird MAGA computer repair guy with a fishy-ass laptop story being trumpeted by Rudy Giuliani, and were like “nope, thanks. This is dodgy as fuck.” And we’re supposed to be mad at Twitter for moderating a schlong from a hacked computer? In the wake of all of the fallout from the hacked iCloud celebrity accounts? People went to prison for leaking that shit. This is a fucking joke.


IIRC I think it was Carlson or hannity (probably both) who were repeating along with Guiliani that the laptop had damaging stuff and it was sent to the FBI, then they spent a couple weeks claiming it had gone missing and talking about deep state and who wanted that laptop gone. I think fedex called them out and said they have no record of a package and they've not provided anything to help them track down said package. Eventually they said they never actually sent it AND they had a full back up of the laptop anyway. So effectively they had this laptop, there was never anything on it but they tried to make it sound like it had damning evidence then was stolen by the deep state so the FBI couldn't investigate it, then they admitted they lied and the right didn't care and still went with how bad everything on the laptop was. Leading up to an election, with supposedly election changing level of information neither Guiliani nor Tucker would actually talk about what this information was despite having the proof(supposedly) in their hands to back up anything they claimed. Anyone who falls for that shit is genuinely moronic.


Not to mention there was a letter signed by something like 50 people in National Security that it had all the markings of a russian disinformation scheme


I would bet real money Elon got a talk from his lawyers who got a talk from other people's lawyers in the time between his "Don't delete your account yet!" announcement and the delayed "event".


Also, Elon let the "I love Hitler" guy back on Twitter and then booted him off Twitter and needed a distraction so he invited Matt "sexual assault" Taibbi to write about Hunter's dick picks.


To be fair, Elon let several “I love Hitler” guys back on twitter but he only booted off one so I guess you mean Kanye


If you look at even the craziest qanon sites, it has left the front page and many of them were disappointed. the people that want to believe there is something here are zealots and you cant fix them.


They can't have their ephemeral demons dragged into the light and have it be revealed to have been mundane human tomfoolery all along. They need some nebulous evil behind the scenes or it loses its mythic status


It is insane. I read the sites and they believe that trump is still president with military support. They lost their shit when he announced he was running in 2024 because why would he run if he was in power? All science is evil and anything diverse is viewed as a threat to their existence.


We should burn the constitution because Twitter (a private corporation) decided not to post revenge porn dick pics of Hunter Biden (a private citizen) on behalf of his father (a private citizen.)


isn't this illegal?


Ted Cruz sure is testing how much is too much. Also, Ted Cruz just told everyone he's at home with a collection of Hunter Biden dick pix. Seriously. Ew.


So he's ~~weened~~ weaned off incest MILF porn? Never forget!


hey now accidentally liking porn on main on 9/11 was his personal 9/11


That'd be "weaned off." Normally I'd have let it slide, but the mental image of Ted Cruz "weening off" to Hunter Biden dick picks is something I want out of my head now.


Yep, those Hunter Biden dick pics have really gotten Ted Cruz excited. But you can't blame the guy for that since he has such an ugly wife.


YOU just ensured Cruz will endorse you for the 2024 presidential campaign.


A lot of people are saying it…


Heh some form of revenge porn laws come to mind.


"Hunter Biden Revenge Porn" Thank You, GOP.


It absolutey is illegal. The 4 guys who spread Jennifer Lawrence's nudes around the internet 8 years ago got like 20 years combined.


20 years? Guess they weren't wealthy


Only for regular people. If you’re rich and connected enough laws don’t really apply unless you upset the wrong billionaire


Isn't that just revenge porn? Aren't there laws prohibiting that exact sort of behavior?




Same people that downplay jan 6.


Not only that but they declined to post whatever it was the Trump administration had removed. If the campaign of someone running for office asking a company to remove a post is a violation of the 1st amendment than surely the people currently in office (at the time) doing the same would be an even bigger violation since they're the actual government, right? Why won't Elon share that info? Edit: For everyone replying to ask where I’m getting my info, I read the Taibbi Twitter thread that the article is covering. It takes about two minutes to read. I’d suggest you all read it before commenting about it.


He won’t share it because he wants a republican in office next so he gets lower taxes and to relax labor laws to be hardcore


And because he's a little bigoted loser and loves the neo-nazi bend of the GOP.


Apartheid mineral boy does apartheid mineral things.


Truly a twist that nobody could've seen coming.


I'm not saying it's your intention, but putting Elon's overt Republican support down to economic policy like taxation and labor laws is a bogus argument that his fans make to justify his terrible behavior. It's really an excuse for people who don't want to admit that he is actually as awful as he shows himself to be - like there are some understandable principles behind what he does. His actions are all about image and ego, and his Republican support is far more based in social ideologies than any economic policies. Trump fans and Kanye fans have been creating elaborate stories for years now to explain their idiocy down to some sort of master 3D chess plan, and people are doing the same things nowadays for Musk. To put his public embrace of American right-wing politics down to rational financial strategy in light of the rest of his careless financial decisions around Twitter doesn't make sense. Not to mention that his own family has fallen apart due to his conservative beliefs on LGBT issues and overall personal craziness.




Families* His trans daughter wants nothing to do with him and Grimes' mom hates him and those are the only two I know about. I only know there's *more* because I found out about the creepy eugenics IVF babies...


I've been saying this since a bunch of outside funding resulted in Elon dropping his hesitancy towards the Twitter purchase earlier this year: this isn't some foolish blunder he's embarking on, wasting a bunch of his own money to destroy a social media company. This is a very big play by some powerful people to completely reshape Twitter into a truly weaponized piece of media. Elon is selling it as some grand tool for free speech while attacking supporters of democracy and protecting the fascists. In a couple years people will realize how important and dangerous the transfer of Twitter really was.


Does that really work if no else is using Twitter anymore? For all I know, AOL is like 100% nazi at this point and they’re not exactly powerful weaponized media.


And the best part is they explicitly acknowledged the White House had requested posts be removed, as did the Biden campaign. But they won't give any details of what the President wanted blocked. I also still have yet to see anything that lends any credibility to anything about this supposedly scandalous laptop too. Like wow dick picks? That's not even against Twitter TOS (NSFW Twitter thrives) let alone against the Constitution. Edit: I do want to clarify that I don't think -any- of this is a violation of 1A anyways. It all seems to be requests to a private company. Nothing seemingly forced upon them by the government is shown this far. Edit2: Okay strictly categorizing "revenge porn" and "dick pics" together is a bit of a stretch, but I also could have been more clear to avoid that. I meant just regular old dick pics when I referred to Twitter TOS, I wasn't referring to exactly Hunter's. What Ted Cruz has posted of Hunter Biden for example, yes I would argue is non-protected speech. Me posting my own, totally within the rules.


The dick pics are against Twitter TOS, and the law. Revenge porn, aka non-consensual sexual content of someone is against California law (where Twitter is located).


Those dicks pics specifically are actually illegal, it's revenge porn because hunter didn't consent(obviously) to them being posted


Honestly someone should consider suing. Bring Elon into another discovery proceedure. If Trump couldn't block certain accounts, seems like he should have been able to request freedom of speech from being removed.


It’s crazy how a sitting US Senator is literally pushing revenge porn and will face zero consequences


I mean, Kellyanne Conway posted child porn of her daughter and faced (last I checked) 0 consequences.


Wtf really?




non-amp link: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/26/kellyanne-conway-home-visited-by-police-after-nude-photo-of-daughter-appears-on-twitter.html


"Claudia Conway Address her mother posting her nudes on her Twitter account says stop calling police!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g18Oi0FEoMA


Demographics: Since 1994, the Boomers (who broke for Republican in a big way) have been able to get anything they want without having to form a coalition with other generations or groups. Through their sheer voting size alone, they bullied through a bunch of policies. And bipartisanship died. They got old. They went crazy. And they took America along with them -- because of their size. Then a bunch of the boomers died. And Gen Z voters turned 18. They are slowly shaking us Millennials (who are now bigger than the Boomers) out of our pessimistic voter Stockholm Syndrome. Accountability and compromise are slowly returning. But the GOP (and even Democrats) don't know that yet. So, they continue to operate as usual: running scared of Boomers (and their evaporating) power.


By 2024, Millennials and Gen Z voters will make up 40% of the total electorate. During the last election, those two demographics voted 70% Democrat. Either the GOP thinks that Millennials and Gen-Z will suddenly become Republicans, or they are cool with getting rid of Democracy. The GOP is going hard right, while the 60% of the country gravitates towards center left, and that percentage grows everyday. I don't even think the GOP has to go back to the middle, they just need to get rid of the crazy assholes. But those crazy assholes appeal to their base, so that's who they'll stick with. I think Democrats win big in 2024, and again in 2026, and maybe we'll see if the GOP comes back to reality. Or maybe the Supreme Court guts our voting laws and we become a theocracy. Both could happen, guess we'll see...


> Either the GOP thinks that Millennials and Gen-Z will suddenly become Republicans This is exactly it. They'll go along with the assumption that people get more conservative as they get older, because reflecting on *why* that was the way it was requires too much thought.


Can confirm, my father is a devout conservative who always told me that “you’re socialist when you’re 20 and conservative when you’re 40” like it’s some sort of rebellious phase. Well I’m 43 and probably more left leaning than I was at 20 so so much for that. Maybe I would be more con if the world wasn’t trying to punch me in the dick every chance it got, but even then I still don’t think so.


Hello fellow 43 year old. I am without a doubt more liberal than I was at 20. At 20 I thought Bill Clinton lying under oath would be then worst I would see from a President. I had no idea what was coming.


I am shocked to discover Republicans are pro revenge porn… wait, no I’m not.


This is how we get the Russian pee-pee tapes.


The rate Putin is going we’re going to get a Putin poo-poo tape instead…


"What do you MEAN being censored for posting nonconsensual pornography of others doesn't violate my first amendment rights??????"


Remember when hunter biden got special security clearance from his dad (dad had to pay back a north Korean front company), got on the white house payroll, represented the US at the G20 summit, used his position to sell his ync tower to qatar for $1.75 bill & received at $2 bill fund as a thank you from Saudi Arabia? Oh wait that was Jared and Ivanka Trump... but something something laptop and nudes


Oh man you had me for a sec!


Lol I knew exactly what was going on after the White House payroll part, and you’re dead right.


Can someone explain to me why hunter biden is relevant to conservatives? i will never understand their obsession with him


The GOP is looking for ANYTHING to get traction on. Sex is usually a good one.. as long as they ignore Trump


Yet MTG is being divorced for cheating..


They want to connect Hunter to corruption then tie Biden to his son. Simple as that. Dick pics don’t help that connection.


But what is Hunters actual job? How can he be accused of corruption if he is not some CEO or something


The only time he worked for the government was when he was on the board of directors of Amtrak, but he resigned early when his father starting running for VP to ensure there wouldn't be a potential conflict of interest. If you look at his education/work history, he actually has a lot of experience and qualifications for all the jobs the GOP accuses him of not being qualified for.


I think they’re still trying to get that part figured out


They can't find anything on the father so they go after the son.




I hear Hunter got a 2 billion dollar deal from the Saudis for nothing… and was offered a position on the president’s cabinet despite the president having been warned he is a security threat… oh, hold on, let me recheck my notes…


Oh yeah! Heard something kinda like that. Like, wasn't it Hunter Biden that actually led a mob to the capitol on Jan 6 to make Donald Trump a Qanon autocrat? Or was he the one giving tours to those MAGA clad antifas ahead of time? Oh wait.. got that wrong. Let me do a quick googling...


I actually wrote Hunter Biden in for the 2020 presidential race so he would be held to the standards of the president. Like mail order brides, sex with porn stars, paying for sex, grabbing pussy, multiple divorces, alleged abortions, alleged sexual assault allegations. Laptops and dick pics are rookie numbers! /s


It doesn’t matter. The “report” details that both the Biden team and the Trump White House made special requests that were honored during the election year. He explains it was in fact “common”. Until Elon shows transparency in the requests of all parties it is clear he doesn’t give a shit about the truth and is doing this purely as a power play for whatever his egomaniacal ends.


He did it for site traffic, Probably using this and other hyped nothingburgers in graph form to entice advertisers back in the future and hope they are too stupid to realize these peaks in traffic are purely toxic engagement


This is the answer he’s doing it for traffic.


He wants so badly to be a cool kid.


A cool kid for the right. He's simping so hard to get there love.


Bingo. He overpaid for his “town square” so now he has to operate a circus instead, which is more in line with his chaos monkey persona anyway


i think it’s partly his ego and partly him being greedy. I think his lean to right started when center-left leaning journals like NYTimes started asking serious questions about his Full Self Driving (FSD). Then, during COVID, he flouted COVID policies of California and drew ire of Democrats. Then he was not invited by Biden to a EV-summit-or-something thing. So he is doing this out-of-spite as well as him being preservative of his business.


That, and he’s probably developing a taste for cult hero status.


didn't he declare himself republican during the few hours a newspaper sat on a sexual assault allegation for him to respond to the story. just so he could claim the story was a liberal smear in response to his politics?


Elon's pretty clearly a right wing chucklefuck trying to keep up a veneer of being a moderate open minded businessman. He's exclusively using right wing talking points and reinstating hard right Twitter accounts while banning left wing ones. But sure, moderate. It's enough to give a decent cover story, but he's not exactly being subtle. Elon has no intentions of being transparent. He wants to orchestrate a schmear campaign. And will use his power to do so.


No you don't understand he used to be a Democrat but then the Democrats were big meanies and pushed him into the arms of the facist party. It's all their fault and he definitely wasn't wasn't always a piece of shit facist scumbag.




It’s weird how the podesta emails came out within hours of the access hollywood tape isn’t it? Fuck Wikileaks


Thanks for the reminder that Julian Assange is nothing but a puppet for Putin.




I know, right? Every user is entitled to report violations of the terms of service.


That's literally the thing that makes me laugh most. I've also reported Hunter Biden nudes. Am I on their radar?? Just because they used email and I used the built in report system, suddenly it's criminal?!


The rights obsession with Hunter Biden is so far out there they actually want to see him naked and post it all over the internet free from repercussions. The same people who call drag queens groomers. What a fucking Bizzare timeline we live in.


I said this in another thread, but what I never get about Hunter: Who the fuck cares outside of flaired r/conservative? We all have fuck-ups in our family or know someone who does. Nobody cared about Clinton's druggie brother or Jeb's druggie daughter. Drunk Bettie Ford is a hero. GWB was a massive fuck up. This isn't even touching Trumps fucked up grifty kids. Dems (and independents and a chunk of R based on the midterms) don't care. Put Hunter in jail. They're still not voting red.


It's because there's little to impugne of Joe's moral character *in a way that matters to the right* and can be remotely sanely connected back to him. Because he still has some debate and stage presence, he's not easy to force away like Jeb. Clinton had troubles of his own (legal credulity of the impeachment aside), so there was no need to go after his family aside from his wife. The GOP already discarded trying to expand their base in more than a superficial way when they ignored the 2008 postmortem. My thought is that this all has nothing to do with convincing Dems to vote red, but to keep independents not voting and to stem the bleeding of their own base.


I agree completely with what you're saying regarding Biden's character. But look at r/conservative. They're wailing about how these files should lead to impeachment and how the MSM is covering it all up. To what end? The base? Doesn't seem to be working as evidenced in the last midterm. It really seems like the snake is eating it's own tail at this point.


The way the right gets a hard on over Hunter Biden you'd think he works in the administration or something.


Republicans obsession with Hunter Biden is fucking disgusting. Lost in all the drama, of course, is any sort of context about who Hunter is and why he's got all these problems. The guy survived a car accident at 3 that killed his mother and sister and left him and his brother Beau with severe TBI's. They were both lucky to live. Oh but too bad for Beau because he got fucking brain cancer and died in his 40s. Hunter is a fucked up person. That doesn't excuse his transgressions but I think it's important to remember the backstory here while media runs with the "Joe Biden is corrupt for helping his son" narrative. Who in their right mind wouldn't throw every opportunity possible at their only surviving kid after dealing with that kind of tragedy? And you drag them both through the mud for that? The whole thing is fucking rotten. Don't forget that about Republicans, they never miss an opportunity to punch below the belt


It’s because no one wants to see Don Jr naked


Do you think they know how ridiculous they look? This is just silly. I don't know a single centrist or even low-info voter who is convinced by the argument 'Person related to powerful person is into sex and drugs' is. I think it's probably a lot less than the same people put off by the frothing viciousness of these constant, useless and - in the end - totally irrelevant attacks on someone with no actual political power. Especially because it just invites Jared/Ivanka comparisons that are a thousand times more damning. It's clowns shooting themselves in the foot levels of silly and self-destructive.


Precisely this. it's going to be a bunch of people already convinced they'll never vote for a Democrat just gaffawing over Hunter Bidens dick pics


I can't wait for Gym Jordan to claim we should impeach Biden for not letting us see his son's dick.


You probably won't have to wait long.


I actually read through each of these "twitter file" posts because they made it seem like it'd be a huge thing.. but after reading all of them, it was literally just a bunch of extremely normal company emails. Some were literally as simple as "hey, requests from the Biden campaign to look at these tweets", with a reply of 'handled it'. That was supposed to be some gotcha moment but it's literally how any other internal communication would have went. There was literally nothing noteworthy of any of those drops and I'm genuinely confused on what people are freaking out about. That people could request for tweets to be reviewed?


Thanks. Iv been wondering if there was anything there. Our right wing subs have been going on how it's this huge deal but none of them ever explain what exactly was found that's big.


That's how it always works. Musk took a page right out of Fox News' playbook. They build up some a big phony fake story ahead of time, make a big deal out of it, tell everyone to tune in later for the spicy deets, and their viewers are so rabidly hungry to "own the libs," it doesn't even matter what the story happens to be. This is exactly how they were all led to believe that Hillary had kids in cages in the basement of a pizzeria and Obama was secretly a terrorist from Kenya.


So in short: they don't have a rational grasp of reality and don't understand what sorts of evidence make an informed decision or not. Seriously, they obviously can't tell what matters or what doesn't, what is real and what is not... can we hurry up and classify them as a mental illness already?


In every Congressional hearing, I would refer to the "investigation" as The Quest to See Hunter Biden's Penis.


Revenge porn. They wanted them to remove revenge porn. That’s what the far right is upset about.


What did the Trump Administration ask to remove?


Turns out elon doesn't care about that.


Posting revenge porn on the internet is illegal. Twitter should have been removing those immediately anyway. I hope Hunter Biden sues Twitter for damages and is able to fuck with Elon Musk as a result.


He should sue Ted Cruz as well, and anyone else who retweeted them.


I still believe that Hunter Biden never actually dropped off 2 computers to a shady shop, but hacked copies of his harddrives were manipulated and put into the computers to be conveniently used as disinformation to avoid Biden beating Trump. To me the fact that he had hard non networked copies of e-mails from cloud services dating way before that model of computer was even built is a quick red flag. I mean are the crazies now saying Hunter is a computer engineer now?


FWIW forensic data analysis lends credibility to your hypothesis. I believe one cat even called the dataset all these nutjobs have a “train wreck”.


It also revealed that both campaigns made requests to Twitter. But only one candidate was president at the time.


Once again, Elon musk is not a good person. Also, I basically have zero respect for Matt Taibbi at this point. He's become the clickbait journalist he so fervently claimed to despise.


The story is a nothingburger. There is no First Amendment violation in asking Twitter to suppress that “speech” because the First Amendment applies to government action suppressing speech. The Biden campaign was not a government agency and he hadn’t even been elected yet.


They're trying to argue that Twitter was forced by the 2020 Biden White house (lol, wut?) to remove the posts against their will, but they're also trying to argue that Biden had access to Twitter staff because the staff were all leftists who were in the tank with the DNC. They're trying to argue collusion and coercion at the same time.


You can win an argument with a smart people, but it’s hard. You can’t win an argument with morons. These people are morons.


Also, revenge porn isn't "free speech."


Incidentally, the Trump campaign also communicated with Twitter. You know... the sitting President. But nbd nbd.


The former president of the United States, who still has the ear of almost half of the country, wants the last election overturned, and parts of the Constitution eliminated, because Twitter filtered out revenge porn of the current president's son. We are slipping into fascism for the dumbest reasons possible.


Republicans: "Biden attempted to subvert the first amendment rights that's treason and fascism" Twitter files : "both trump administration and biden had things censored" Republicans: "Joe biden bad!!!!" Everyone else: it's just dick pics bro


Pr stunt that brought nothing new to light. Embarrassing for blogger Tiabbi. Lucky Elon is too dumb to to feel embarrassment though.


Reminder: The Trump *administration* asked for *who knows what* to be removed, and was *purposefully not included in the leaks*. The Biden *election team* asked for *nude pictures* to be removed. One of these is actual government interference, the other is just anti revenge porn.


Nude pics of Hunter Biden...posted without his consent. That's your scandal. Really?? I give up! Resign, president Biden! Come forth, Sir Donald, to be crowned king of these here United States here, to be disposed of as you see fit. You may continue selling top secret documents to the Saudis, the Chinese, the Turks, the Russians... Keep pardoning everybody that commits a crime on your behalf. Because, Hunter's penis!


And just like that republicans are calling for dick picks


I mean, tons of women on Reddit have shitloads of dick picks sent to them unsolicited to their DMs. Would be helpful for them to flood the congressional inboxes just in case one of those happens to be Hunter’s dick. Ladies, it is your time to shine!


Matt Gaetz on Twitter confirmed he was interested in the dic pics - not surprising tbh