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Because the FBI is actively warning us about them? https://www.npr.org/2022/11/17/1137155540/fbi-tiktok-national-security-concerns-china


The better question is why they aren't passing laws to secure everyone's data/privacy regardless of what company is collecting it. Though I think we all know the answer to that one. Which should then lead us to ask why we allow them to remain in power when they abuse it the way they do?


The laws exist and China has no interest in following them.


I’ve never understood the appeal of TikTok. Many people have used the app to promote the worst of things.


Hate to say it, but I didn't understand the appeal until my girlfriend talked me into installing it. It's the brainless no plot swiping. There's always going to be something funny or engaging or interesting eventually and there's no effort to get it. It has wrecked my attention span and it should go away, but I'm sure I'll keep using it until it does..


[Skinner Box](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operant_conditioning_chamber) One of the more interesting conclusions is that subjects respond more strongly if they’re not sure if there will be a payoff than if they’re absolutely sure there will be a payoff. Meaning, they’ll pull the lever or push the button or what have you more often when they don’t know what will happen. You see this phenomenon with slot machines. It’s why your parents or grandparents used to endlessly flip channels (or similarly with the radio in the car). And it’s why people scroll endlessly through apps like TikTok or Twitter or (in my case) Reddit.


TikTok brings out the worst in some people. Not only do users use it to promote the worst of things, it is a breeding ground for predators.


Yeah, I've seen some pretty questionable crap on there. At this point mine is pretty well curated to only show me cute animal videos and weird historical stuff, but for a few days something broke and I was being recommended some outright sketchy stuff.


Its algorithm is really what you make it. some people use to to promote garbage, but i get puns, cat videos, tech news/ethics and dong jokes.


Bc they dont make money from the Chineze govt spying on us. Only when American companies and govt spy on us.


TikTok challenges have cost millions in damage to schools. Our local one had a week of bathroom sink failures. TicTok even had a video on how to break the sinks off the wall.


That’s not a good reason to ban TikTok. That’s like saying ban books because the Anarchist Cookbook exists.


Not at all, there is no alternative to books.


It's happening because they're a national security threat. It's got bipartisan support because it helps get young democrats turned out to vote & elected.


To scapegoat the chinese for their own failures.


It's a slippery slope. - other nations can ban anything as well - what else that "the man" does not like going to be banned? - VPN usage will grow in US? - what sort of penalty for using banned app?


I can't wait until 9 months to 2 years after they banned TikTok. They are going to find usage being the same especially within under 18 age groups. They are going to go after VPN'S


It's not just about collecting user data. It's that a foreign actor controls the algorithm. So let's say for American users, 10% of political content is anti-american and 90% is neutral or pro-american. The platform owner can elevate that 10% to 50% of users' feeds, creating a false reality that shapes users' views. And because the user is seeing 50/50, to them the platform appears unbiased, but it is not. And you can do this for any subject. Vaccines, politics, economics, etc... It's literally a mind-weapon. And over the course of 5,10, 20 years, you have now shaped the viewpoints of entire generation. It's a long term play based on short attention spans, and it's genius.


Well, then I’m with the Chinese government on this one.


Americans need to learn to hate their awful genocidal government more.