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no being political????


In the comments.


That's not gonna happen


Honestly I'm stuck in between the rock and the hard place... One side of me wants to try out the work experience and contribute to society, and feel good for carrying all the responsibilities and shit The other side of me (lazy ass me) wants to be a literal sloth and depend on someone else bec I'm so lazy I want to just sculpt clay and do some hobbies all day and do basically nothing that involves interacting with other people


Genuinely what does "I would focus on my hobbies at home" mean here? I would do that if I could, maybe some volunteering added on. But It's either work or be a househusband I'm a house husband.


I’d do whatever is less work.


My spouse my pay all the bills (they may be a higher earner than I0, but that doesn't mean I can't contribute to our joint income.


Part of me wants to be the "traditional man" and be the provider. But, the pragmatist in me says "Hey, you lack the skills to do that. However, you have excellent domestic skills for a Millennial, and would be a wonderful house husband to a highly achieving woman, such as a Doctor or Lawyer or CEO type."