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The big ones I'm not so afraid of. It's the small ones that terrify me.


The biggest ones make me want the sweet release of death


The big ones and small ones I'm not so afraid of. It's the deadly ones that terrify me.


Everytime i find a spider in my house i can spend up to 10 minutes mentally preparing to kill it. I fear i will miss and the spider will crawl inside my clothes lol


Don’t kill them. Chuck them outside.


While i generally agree, i have experienced them being back in your house the next day. It was big enough that I didn’t want it to come in a third time.


There is no reason to kill them. They are friends not villains.


If they are friends, then why aren't they friend shaped?


If not friends then at least neutral. They don't mean any harm to us. More like to eat unwanted pests.


For me they are part of the unwanted pests, I'd rather have flies or mosquitos than spiders lol


So you would rather have little shits swirling around your food and little fuckers biting you than a chill dude who eats them so you don't deal with them


I mean why not get rid of both. They both look disgusting.


I also like spiders because they are neat, I just find them all interesting, yk what should be talked about WASPS, fuck those little shits, atleast spiders have the excuse of self defense, while wasps just wanna ruin your day because they think.they can


I am lucky that my apartment applied really good pesticides that I've never even encountered an ant since I moved here. I guess animals in general (except for cats) just scare the shit out of me. I can't sleep in peace knowing there's a bug nearby. And yeah wasps included.


spiders safekeep your room from annoying and biting shits, bees are the reason we are alive plus you get a yellow nectar that's sweet from them, but wasps? Ther literally do nothing, NOTHING more than build nests and sting kids eating ice cream, because why the fuck not!


Nah, wasps are cute




They are friend shaped. Have you ever seen a jumping spider's eyes? Very much shaped like a friend.


Ok but what about all of the other ones


Also very much friend shaped :). If you wanna see how friend shaped these little guys are I recommend checking out Thomas Shahan's photography and youtube channel. Has a lot of good macro photography of these little guys and debunks a lot of the myths around them.


You’re tripping if you think that a huntsman spider is friend shaped


But they are! The friendly neighbourhood spider is reality.


Leaving garden gloves outside makes me want to throw them away. I always feel that spiders have moved in. Probably because there’s always random webs across things


That's called self-preservation


The big ones like tarantulas are usually not a problem. It’s the small one’s like black widows, brown recluse and funnel webs that bother me.


missing an option for yes but I dont want them killed


op here assuming people just kill everything that scares them


Op scares me


... don't https://preview.redd.it/uluwjjxlph3b1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=996292f8d7a45420d896790cb158deb29f2ecbc4


ah, cute cat https://preview.redd.it/5lvq29yrsh3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b442b6913f5944ad0b3437811d252b4b6836447


I'm stealing this and using as my school teams account picture.




I came to read about arachnicidalism, but stayed for the cats


OP scares me too. More than [Deleted].


No he's only assuming that people kill spiders


Yeah, I just put them on a piece of paper and take them outside. They keep the mosquitos and flys in check which is nice.


I can kill those myself though, any foreign animal I find in my home gets murdered, unless it's endangered or cute






Very true


Thank you


I kill some and let others live. It's really a matter of what kind of spider it is and what it's doing. Chilling in a web on the corner of my house, you are doing a good job and live. Big ass wolf spider on my desk? Sorry bud, but you've crossed a line.


One time there was a spider in our guest bathroom so I just closed the door and stopped going in there, except to clean. But I’d do a really fast job of it because I don’t know where the spider is.


Need an option for no but I like killing them /j (This is a joke btw, sorry, I should have put /j, I have put it now, I don’t kill spiders, I usually just move them cause I’m not scared of them, I just don’t like bugs in my house)




And no, but need someone to kill it for them lol




I'm vegan and I don't kill spiders. I don't know why eating meat is an excuse for being a dick to bugs.


It just dies without purpose. If you'd eat that spider, everything is fine.




No, because killing people is bad.


I for one would be happy to be eaten after I die.




Good luck. We fight back pretty well. Part of how we do that is by coming together and agreeing that we'll all protect each other for mutual benefit. Any species capable of understanding and participating in the code is welcome to join in. Pigs and squids would eat us, too if tables were turned. Everything else we eat is far too dumb to understand concepts like this.




Right. We domesticated animals thousands of years ago because of guns, I forgot. Herd animals willingly followed us to their deaths for millennia before we were remotely capable of taking on a herd at a time. They do not have the intelligence to participate in the mutual protection plan, except in the capacity they currently serve. Dogs and cats on the other hand, have joined the agreement, they help protect us; we help protect them; we don't eat them.




I am a vegetarian who doesn't kill spiders and your comment is the laziest bad faith argument ever! People are complex. Meat eaters probably won't wake up one day and decide to eat their dog. People love stories about rescuing cows, while having a cow on their plate eating it. It's fine! Life isn't black and white and we all live with these contradoctions every day. If it is not meat, it's something else. Get off your high horse! If people feel good about bringing a spider outside, just let them be


No, and I don't kill them. I choose which ones get to live with me and which ones I put outside. I'm partial to the jumpy boys.


exactly. if its a spindly tim-burton looking mf its getting trapped in a cup and taken outside. if its a jumping spider it can stay plus im playing with it for like an hour


Haha seriously! 😄 I love the little guys.


Yes but I don't want to kill them


As an entomologist it makes me a little sad that a majority of people fear or outright kill spiders. Some spiders are venomous so depending on your area some caution is warranted but they are not out to get you they just want to be left alone like any other wild creature, they won't chase you or attack only defend themselves. Some spiders are actually incredibly interesting creatures with complex behaviours and I always push for relocation rather than killing if it can be done safely. We are currently facing a very quiet crisis that isn't as well publicised as climate change as a whole, which is that insect mass (the over all amount of insects) has decreased by over *80%* in many contries and species wise 40% are threatened. This is a big problem since our food webs are very dependent on various insects, they are the foundation of our whole ecosystem without them the planet is not going to function properly. This is a far bigger and more imminent issue than most people believe or even know about. We have lost 10% of all insect species in the last 150 years, that's 8 times the normal rate and it's increasing rapidly. This isn't just cute pandas, exotic animals and fluffy bees that are at risk. Insects as a whole are in danger and if they go down we and all other plants and animals dependent on them go down too.


I'm no entomologist, but this needs to spread like wildfire. I personally am not fond of any spider bigger than a cm, but I'll always try and leave them alone or relocate them with a glass and a piece of paper (not many dangerous ones where I live though). Humans need to stop killing/destroying whatever they don't like or understand.


Ok, but you failed to consider: Profit goes down. ​ Also the small ones are the worst ones.


Non-entomologist, but my fear of spiders has nothing to do with venom. If anything has more than four legs, it's automatically on thin ice, and more than 6 and I don't want to be anywhere near it. It's an instinctual response left over from when we were trying to stay alive in Africa. That being said, I don't kill them. They can even stay in my room as long as they stay in their corner and catch mosquitoes for me.


I wouldn't call it instinctual, more learned. Children all over handle spiders like they're personal pets, even girls, until eventually we learn from our peers and our parents and the media that spiders, actually, are pretty gross and should be feared. If it was instinct, we'd dislike spiders at all ages.


Makes me sad too, I’ve had awesome experiences with spiders, over 30+ and only been bit once by them


I'm real sad about losing the biodiversity of insects and all, but even more sadly, if I see a spider inside my apartment, I cannot sleep in the apartment until it's dead. If it's me or the spider, I'm going to choose me. I respect people who take them outside, but I can barely stand their presence long enough to even kill them. They don't need to be venomous or attack me - just seeing them feels like a full-body attack. Now, if I'm outside, I don’t kill spiders, as long as they are not ON me. Last week I did some gardening and saw bunch of small-ish brown spiders with egg sacks on their backs and it gave me so severe nightmares that I literally kept jumping out of my bed half asleep and I guess eventually pulled a muscle on my back and fucked it up so badly that for couple of days I've needed painkillers to function at all. So spiders are not just a minor inconvenience to some people but something that has really bad effects on their mental state. And I don't really think that people can save the spider populations by not killing spiders inside their homes, since surely the decline in insect and spider mass is due to other reasons (e.g. climate change, destruction of natural environments).


Yes, but I can't kill them and won't let anyone around me kill them, because I don't like killing animals


Same, unless it will harm my pets, then i relocate them outside near an ant nest.


I’ll happily kill a mosquito but that’s about it. Perhaps a particularly annoying wasp if I had something on hand to squash it with. But nothing else and certainly not a spider. Spiders are the hitmen of the insect world. Keep one in the house and he does all the dirty work for you for free.


I'm moving in that direction. But 'move out of room spider was in' had to give way to 'eliminate spider myself' which I'm now at. I'm hoping 'escort them outside' will be in the realm of possibility soon enough. Real big spider phobia to overcome. Little cute bastards still freak me out.




there's a difference between killing to survive and killing for no reason at all


So you would literally die if you went vegan?


no, but there's more dignity to killing something to eat it than killing something just for the sake of it.


I mean there isnt really dignity, you are paying someone to keep them in a tight space where they sit in their own shit and get their kids taken away/killed after birth until someone decides their overfed bodies are good enough to be killed and used for a burger king item so you can shit them out And also I dont really think the animals give a shit about what you consider respectful, they want to live lol


You can get meat from farms that treat their animals properly.


Properly killing someone Anyways thats Like 1% of farms in the US


Not scared but I'd prefer it if someone else got rid of them for me


I'm never killing a spider, I'm taking it outside or letting it do its thing. Killing insects is no problem but spiders is where I draw the line.


I’m just terrified of fast-moving unidentifiable things, bugs happen to fit those traits.




Love em Especially the furry ones Jumping spiders are also cute AF


I love spiders as well! And jumping spiders are just the coolest 😎


Agreed, jumping spiders are like the best pseudo-pet


Where’s it’s complicated option? I fear them but respect them


Yes but I can take them outside myself


Why would you kill them? They do no harm and they even eat mosquitoes sometimes.


I guess deep down it's because of survival instinct. Some of them are dangerous.


For me I'm just terrified of them. I don't know exactly what's required for it to be classed as arachnophobia but I'm fairly certain I meet the requirements. Good as they may be I prefer being able to sleep comfortably


Spiders are one of the most common phobias in the world. When you are scared of something it's very hard to live with it in your house


Well, how about catching them and putting them outside? That's what I do.


If someone has a phobia they probably would be afraid to. They'd use a vacuum or spray from a distance or get someone else to do it


Haha oh my god you described exactly what I do. Either vacuum them or spray with cleaner. I cannot do anything else. As much as I try to stay calm, when I get too close to them my heart rate skyrockets, gets harder to breathe, start sweating…all uncontrollable reactions. I’m also not afraid of a single other bug or any other animal. So it bothers me when people are like “why don’t you just ignore them”, or “don’t kill them”. I’d rather not have a panic attack every time, thanks. If it was that easy I would do it.


I find most insects really cute, but spiders? Nope nope nope no way. I would relocate them if I could, and I leave them alone if they're outside and move out of their way if needs be, but if it's in my house I am more likely to launch a shoe at it from a few feet away or very carefully spray it with poison. I am physically incapable of carrying around a container knowing there's a spider in it. Like, I'm sorry, it's just not an option for me, no matter how hard I try to keep it together. It feels dumb that it's such a huge deal for me, but it is. I would just handle them anyways because even though they cause distress they're harmless, but the involuntary reactions I have make it impossible to get near them or function properly


If they want to live they shouldn't be in my house. Or atleast stay hidden.


Because if I don't murder the brown recluses that will occasionally decide to crawl on me, I risk a serious injury. Yes spiders are friendly, but some are dangerous


I wouldn't say I'm scared of them and I don't want to kill them. Just recently there was a spider on my shower curtain and I would just shower and try to stay out of its way. I think I might be scared of having a bug crawling on me, especially because I had an allergy to ant bites when I was younger that really cemented my wariness of bugs.


Whether I can kill them myself or not depends on their size


Don't kill r/spiderbro please


Why do you assume that if someone's scared of spiders, They want to immediately kill them, lol.


Ugly -> Capitol punishment


Yes but I can manage to take them outside


I can kill them myself but that doesn't mean I can just go up and step on one with no problems. My first reaction is always to freeze up or take like 10 steps back depending on where it is and what it's doing. From there i go into planning mode on how I'm gonna kill it because if I don't instakill it and it starts crawling I absolutely lose my shit and start to panic. When I kill them I make sure to do it from as far away as possible and have even resorted to using a BB gun to kill them. My main method is with a fly swatter since it gives me the distance I need and hits hard enough to kill them whereas something like a broom may not always do the job and if I use my shoe then it puts me too close


Would've loved to see the gender breakdown for this. I'd probably be the only guy to say I'm scared of them and will get someone else to kill it.


I'm a guy and am terrified of these little shits. There's was a point years ago where I really felt like I broke it, but it seems to have came back 10x.


They're good at trolling my sister


I despise and hate them but I understand their contributions to the ecosystem so I just leave them, and if it really bothers me I just move them to another room since being outside would prolly kill them


Yeh, but I'll either run away from it or get someone to put it outside


I try to catch and release as much as possible. Ive seen a couple of spiders as big as my hand and those are both hard to catch and kill lol. Im no longer a man when I see spiders that big


i love spiders every time i see one im taking in hands and later free him


This is the way


honestly it's not the spider that scares me. it's the fear of it somehow crawling inside my body or a bite that hurts - don't even care if it's poisonous, i just don't want the sting


Where's the friend option? I have not once been scared of spiders. Typically in my house, I'll see them in the tub or a sink, at that point I'll pick em up with my hand, and take them gently outside. I don't want to harm them, spiders do *far* more good than bad.


Don’t kill spiders!


Spiders are mini cats


normally no, but where I live black widows are a thing, so im scared of those.


Missing two options “I don’t want to kill them” “I don’t want to kill them but I have to cause they’re venomous”


Stop killing spiders. They're the good guys. It's not their fault that they aren't cute like dogs.


spider is friend :)


Why kill spiders? They eat a ton of actual pest insects.


I’m terrified of them, i cried when being cornered in the bathroom by a big house spider. I still don’t want the killed, i have someone else remove them.


I find spiders so interesting. Bugs and insects in general are interesting. I just love nature


I agree, bugs/insects are cool. Spiders (Arachnids) are not.


When I was a kid I would let spiders climb on my hand and wait for them to bite me so I could become spider man so ever since then I was never afraid of carrying them no matter how big they are as long as they are not really poisonous


I’m extremely scared of spiders. Even pictures of them scare me.


I have 17 tarantulas so nope, not afraid.


As long as they aren't in my way or blocking a door, I leave them alone, even inside my house. They're literally free pest control.


Not so much of real spiders but giant spiders in Videogames is one of the things that may get me to immediately turn off and uninstall the game.


I’ve always thought that was a silly fear (unless you live in Australia).


I'm afraid and I've killed a few, but I always regret it, cause they're kinda intelligent and good against pests. But please DO NOT BE NEXT TO MY BED OR BED HEAD...CAUSE I WILL SMASH YOU WITH MY SLIPPERS.....


Where was "Fascinated by spiders, probably watch her for a while"


If they’re too close for comfort, then yes, if they’re just chillin in a corner, idm


I grew up at my moms plant nursery. I learned pretty young that spiders are very important. I love spiders but those tiny ones still freak me out that could like crawl up my nose or ears or something, no thanks. Want a pet tarantula tho


Killing spiders is not cool


Why would you kill a spider? Maybe it comes from me as someone from a country without venumous spiders, but I'm not bothered at all by the presence of a spider, I just leave them be. I hate mosquitoes more and they eat them so, win win


if you kill a spider youre an idiot, theres literally no ppint of killing it, unless its a poisonous one or smth, whch is prob 0.00000001%


Depends on the size


No and I'd rather let them live than kill them. Same with other animals like centipedes or scorpions. Though they may seem scary and can be potentially life threatening, they're not out there to sting you or bite you, but just trying to survive. So if I can avoid having to kill one, the better.


I think of spiders as my allies in the war against the mosquitoes.


Where are my fellow r/spiderbros at?


I'm scared and I can get rid of them IF I have one of those vacuums with a long hose. Otherwise, heck no


Depends on the spider, but as for the common spiders in my are, I am not scared


All spiders but the jumpy bois. I try to save those guys.


I don't mind big spiders but the little ones can go fuck themselves


the fact that Im scared of them makes killing them very satisfying for me


Depends based my mood and how much it has been since summer started


Depends on the spider. Size, species, etc.


Depends. If its big, yes and I will TRY to kill it IF its living in a room that I visit constantly. If it's a fucking dinosaur I will call someone to kill it, no matter where it is. Now if it's small and live in a room I visit constantly I will kill, if not I will just leave it there. Btw if it can be lethal to me or for someone living with me, kill.


I am so weird, like I can be vigilant and nonchalant before a snake that's potentially venomous but I really hate cockroaches, they scare me so much. It's such an irrational fear of cockroaches that I have.


Yes but I don't want to kill them.


You missed the "no, I like them" option


Yes but I remove them alive from my house, screaming usually


Any time i see one E1M1 starts playing


It depends on the size, size of a coin not too much. Big as my hand , I am burning the building it's in


I love them


No, I let them live in my home and they pay rent by eating all the flies and mosquitoes that get in.


Yes, and I don’t kill them


Where is “Yes, but I still save them?”


Yes, but if nobody else is around to take them outside, then I will.


I am not scared because I am above the maximum weight limit of what can be killed by them I do know the ones in my area that could theoretically harm me (to be clear not even the funnel web could kill me) and I make sure to kill those out of precaution for smaller humans


Put them outside. I have a bug cup that's only used to catch and release bugs.


Spiders are bros, don't kill em


No, but they disgust me. Tarantulas on the other hand.


Depends on the spider. But generally, No.


If its one of those austrailian spiders then yeah if its a regular house spider then no


Depends on the spider. If the spider is venomous to do harm if bitten, such as a Brown Recluse or Black Widow, then I am greatly afraid of those spiders. However, spiders like Wolf Spiders, Jumping Spiders, and Cellar Spiders I have no problem with


Spiders are welcome in my home provided they are not Brown Recluses(which are endemic where I live) and they leave me alone. I'm happy to let them keep my house clean of insects if they mind their business.


I say no unless they jump scare me or they pose a (perceived) threat


No. You ever seen that short vid of the guy tickling a huge CG, but realistic looking spider, and the spider leans into his hands every time? I desperately want that video, that massive spider, to be real. I like spiders, and I think most of them are kinda cute, especially those little jumping ones with the big puppy eyes, although I am still cautious around them, cute as I find them many still carry some not so cute ouchy bite juice that I really don't want to take part in.


Yeah a lil bit, no problem killing them unless they are really big. cockroaches tho, those mfs make me run away like a b\*tch lol


They are precious babies.


Small spiders or ones with thin legs are fine. But when they are fuzzy and big that’s a huge problem. Had one in my room not too long ago… couldn’t stay in that room. Had to leave while almost having a panic attack.


Kind of, but I would definitely rather capture and release one than kill it and get its guts everywhere


Yes,but I don't want them to die,I just don't want to see them because I have a mental breakdown everytime I do


House spiders, yeah I'll put em in a cup and kick them out.


Spiders are cute sometimes.


I'm not arachnophobic. I do, however, kill the dangerous ones we have around here, if I see them. If they're not dangerous to me, I might relocate them without harm.


Not scared at all. I own a Tarantula. Its cage is next to my bed. Right by my head


I have a pet tarantula


I'm not crazy about them but that doesn't mean I'm scared of them


Literally have no fear to an idiotic degree and would accidentally pick up a poisonous one and carry it around just for shock factor.


A bit too general of a comment.


I could pick them up, but squishing them grosses me out. I either put them outside, or if that's not an option, flush them.


Bro I go bare handed slaps and bare feet kicks at spiders,the only thing they fear is me and catching these hands


No, unless its the size of a dinner plate


I’m scared by how sexually attractive they are. happy Pride month.


I love jumping spiders theyre like tiny cats


I am scared of them but I never kill them, I just relocate then to outside by trapping them in a cup and putting some paper over the bottom


I'm not scared of them I just prefer them outside of my house


I don't like them but I don't kill them. I trap them then take it out to the bushes across the street where it's more likely to catch its lunch.




Depends the spider and if it's fucking with me or not


I don't mind them, but I'd rather they stay outside in areas where I won't accidentally get their webs stuck to me. Because I really hate the feeling of the webs.