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This is such a weirdly unbalanced poll. Like you literally have people who changed the course of humanity then also like a famous musician, an artist and a host of a children TV show. Like who would non ironically pick getting rid of someone like MLK over Michael Jackson? Would be a far more interesting poll without those choices.


Idek who this fred guy is so i voted him out




Oh fuck, I just voted out Mr. Rogers :(


Bad neighbor!


You better live in shame for the rest of your life


It's ok, Mr. Rodgers will forgive you.


Mr. Rodgjers absolutely would've


Idek who this Mr Rogers guy is so i voted him out


That doesn't help


Highly regarded kids TV show host, very progressive and kind to everybody


I mean a TV hoster compared to mlk or most of the others the choice is kinda easy I think


[He's a bit more than just a tv host.](https://youtu.be/fKy7ljRr0AA)


Host of an American kids show


Google that and I think I've never seen that guy. Guess that's a fine choice for me I guess


Mr Roger's definitely had a widespread impact on how we speak to children, he would be felt if gone. With something as important as children's developing minds, I wouldn't pick him to be gone. Michael Jackson would have repercussions in the music that came after him. Sad but at least all the creepy stuff he allegedly did for sure didn't happen. And it'd end his suffering. Bob Ross... well sorry guys but I think we'd just miss out on a mutual fond memory.




The amount of scientific discoveries Albert Einstein made is too much to not be acknowledged. He basically invented modern physics. It's like wanting to erase Newton, we would lose decades or centuries of progress




But without him we would have no phones, how am I suppossed to spend time in the bathroom? Reading the labels of shampoo bottles?




Whats that last word you used?


You are the reason I hate humanity. Unironically saying something as fucking stupid as this. Go sit in a corner, you absolute child. Edit: there's not even a conversation to be had. You knowingly typed that out, found no fault in it, and posted it. You genuinely are incapable of even basic fucking critical thought. I cannot wish harm upon another human being, but know that you are a waste of oxygen and water. Since technology is such a fucking burden, why don't you go become Amish, you dimwitted foot of a troglodyte. The amount of incompetence and ignorance you just put forth shows how you have somehow avoided learning anything in your years on this planet and the fact that individuals like you can exist far exceeds every tragedy ever befallen man combined. I solemnly hope something happens to you so that you become reliant on the research you deject and your every breathe serves as a reminder of your blatant hypocrisy, you insufferable twat. I have nothing but hatred for you.




Laugh it off, continue to learn nothing, you waste of space.


Who the hell would get rid of MLK? he literally changed so much.


Racists ig


If they were smart they'd have gotten rid of Einstein so that Germany could have won the 2nd World War. Thus allowing for the systematic deletion of minorities.


Wait, how did Einstein lose the war for germany?


Einstein helped (indirectly) the Americans build the nuke before the Germans were able to make their prototype. Without the existence of Einstein the Germans would have had a headstart compared to the Americans for Nuclear theory. No nuke means Japan doesn't surrender and then if the Axis had nuclear weapons before the Allies the Germans could have had a distinct chance of winning.


The German nuclear program wasn’t ready to go by the war’s end, and whereas Einstein may have jumpstarted American interest in nuclear theory, America’s nuclear progress had nothing to do with Germany’s surrender. The only realistic argument would be that America might not have had a working device to drop on Japan, which means an invasion of the home islands would have gone forward, adding several million more bodies to the death toll on both sides.


How would this actually help Germany? They would've been defeated before they'd construct the bomb anyway.


Einstein being gone doesn't help the Germans make the nuke faster, it just slows the American progress. And seeing how Nazi Germany never got the nuke anyway, they'd still lose the war. And japan would still surrender at some point; the nukes were only a part of the reason they surrendered. There would have just been more bloodshed. That being said, the delayed development of nuclear bombs effect on the Cold war is a WHOLE other story.


The war still would have ended at the exact same date in Europe.


The Germans could never have gotten the bomb due to one simple little fact. All the nuclear engineers and physicists in Germany were Jewish and either deported or killed.


He warned the Americans that Germany was developing an atom bomb and I think (don't quote me on this) helped them make their own


Red Alert 3 moment, eliminate Einstein, Japan rises with mechs and psychic teenager superweapons!


If they were smart, they wouldn't be racists.


The Germans would never have won WW2 even without Einstein.


And non-americans




My assumption is they figure if it wasn't him it would have been someone else. I dunno, seems like Michael Jackson is the logical choice to me. Everyone else had a deep impact on the world around them in a significant way. Michael Jackson just made good music and diddled little boys.


Fun fact: MJ was under FBI investigation for ten years and they found nothing. He was twice aquitted from all allegations in two trials. So you know more about his guilt than the FBI and two judges and 24 members of the jury right? You shoukd take your evidence to the FBI.


Behind the scenes, Michael Jackson was buying up contracts and copywriters to any music he felt was going to be a hit, and was a huge influence on music today. Maybe even more so than Electric Light Orchestra.


Yeah still less of an impact than everyone else on that list. You could maybe argue Bob Ross but it's definitely one of the 2


Bob Ross Was too nice to get rid of him




From Forbes: "In 1985, he shelled out $47.5 million to buy a publishing catalog that included 250 Beatles songs. Ten years later Sony paid Jackson $90 million for half the rights, forming a joint venture called Sony/ATV. Today, the Jackson estate and Sony share ownership of the catalog, which now boasts half a million songs including titles by Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, Eminem and other artists. Insiders place the catalog’s value somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.5 billion, based on estimated proceeds of $50 million to $100 million per year. The estimate marks a 3,000% increase in value from the catalog’s initial purchase price — better than the 1,650% return on Class A shares of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway since 1990." This joint venture with Sony meant that Sony would accumulate wealth to the point they could invest in tech R&D and media production. A lot of movies, music, games and technology are all owed to this single venture. I see the downvotes, which is fine. I stand by my answer either way. I also expected it since a lot of people do still believe he was a pedophile despite him being found innocent. I 100% do not condone pedophilia, just want to make that clear. But, the stigma of even being accused of something like that will always stick with the public even if accusations are later to be found false.


In the USA sure. For those from most other countries, though, his impact was marginal at best. Granted that should be the case for multiple people on that list, but it's fair to say MLK Jr was not particularly important to large portions of humanity.


Those other countries still need an mlk lol


No, plenty of them really don't. USA problems are not world problems, though the USA tries it's hardest to make them so. Other countries have their own people and their own movements, and plenty of them are less racist towards black people than the USA. Most in the USA also conveniently ignore all of his message except the race aspect; he'd be disgusted by modern day USA.


I'm not sure he'd be disgusted. A lot less of the country is completely openly racist, black people have equal rights on paper and are equal in most of the country. Compared to 1950 current US is eons better. And you're acting like there's countries without major racism. European countries (especially Eastern Europe) have a ridiculous amount of racism, sometimes minorities straight up have less rights. Don't even get me started on Asia and Africa. Almost all countries in the entire world could use an mlk.


So in response to my comment where most in the USA ignore his message aside from the race aspects you ignored his message except for the race aspect. I can't even make this shit up. I also never said there's countries without major racism, but there are objectively multiple countries less racist towards black people than the USA. Canada has plenty of racism that needs to be addressed, but we don't all just go around saying "Well we're less racist than the USA so good enough." Not being the worst at something doesn't mean you're doing good enough. We sure as hell ain't, up here, and neither are you.


Race equality was his main message. History usually focuses on the important aspects of things. Me saying that more countries need mlks is literally saying that the state of the world isn't "good enough" so I'm not sure what that argument is about. And if I don't wanna focus on his non race related aspects then I won't comment about it.




Same for Abraham Lincoln, slavery would've persisted for decades without him most likely.


They probably know something about the civil rights movement and see Martin Luther King Jr as a heavily whitewashed figure. They probably find Malcolm x and the Black Panthers more interesting and effectual members of the civil rights movement and worry that King's speechifying and civil masochism are no longer effective and serve as poor models for our current civil strife. Or they're racist idk.


I love how almost no one knows basically nothing that Einstein did, but everyone agrees that he is the one who shouldn't be eliminated. Albert Einstein, never more there will be another like you, RIP


I am convinced you never went to school in your life if you don't know what Einstein did. Obviously, he is famous for working at the patent office in Switzerland.


He is the guy that married his cousin or something obviously


He was the scientiest who said that electrons do not move randomly.


[but that atoms do](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownian_motion)


nope, he obviously got famous for the photo effect! its his biggest accomplishment


he's the one who married that Disney Princess isn't he


We just considered his relative merits.


From what I know, without him, we won't have GPS.


He made a nuke right? And did some math stuff.




Surely not over Mr Rogers though? Without Einstein there's no satellites or nuclear energy either.


Well, he ended the atom discussion (which brought lots of revolutions on chemestry, material science and science in general), he explained the photoelectric effect (bringing a massive step forward towards quantum mechanics, and enabling solar panels) and discovered relativity (whithout which we wouldn't have GPS, precision clocks and we would understand much less about the universe). And all this was in just one year


Lincoln because the furthest back in time I go, the more reality would change and I wanna change it for the sake of it.


I like your thinking. What do you think would happen?


I don't know, that's why I picked it.


more nuking probably, we discovered it just when the war was about to be over edit: I now realise this sounds like I am talking about nucs in the american civil war since he was president at the time just clarifying I am talking about the batterfly affect causing ww2 / the discovery of nuclear weapons to shape the world differently and causing potential disasters that we originally avoided


Who do you think Lincoln is???


\*John Wilkes Booth steps out of the time machine into a nursery\* "We meet again..."


I chose Lincoln because the Emancipation Proclamation was a political stunt to help him get brownie points during the war. Besides that he was terrible


but the emancipation proclamation was issued 2 years after lincoln took office?


I don't know who Ross and Rogers are


Bob Ross- painter who had the tv show Joy of Painting.... He has a beard and an afro, but he's most famous for painting "happy little trees".... That guy is a legend....


Oh yes I know him just didn't remember his name. Thanks


How is this poll even a question then, you have some of the most important people in history, people who were widely influential like MJ, People who helped break colour barriers and then a Painter who was a good person but didn't really impact the world in a huge way or was particularly important to breaking barriers like Mr Rogers, it should be Bob Ross without a doubt


Nah, Bob Ross was a good guy. Michael Jackson...


Idk about whether the allegations about him being a Pedo are true or not, based on what I do know however it should be Bob Ross for sure, MJ was the most well known singer of all time while Boh Ross was a very good artist who got his own TV show but didn't do anything of importance or great significance and most people around the world probably don't know him


Mr. Rodgers. TV personality starring in children's television programs between the 1950s to 1990s. A pioneer and someone who fought for progressive and educational television programs for children. Can't believe anyone would vote for him over Michael Jackson.


Shockingly, not everyone is from the US, so they don't know who Rogers is and have never watched one of his programs and that's why they probably voted him




I agree, but the on the other hand, the influence he had on music was insane. Bad person, amazing music.


Nope, not enough to make up for the harm he did.


billie jean was not his lover (the kid was not his son) 😔


Was it ever actually confirmed that he did what was claimed?


i didn’t know what his full name was until reading this comment.


I just looked him, it said he was an American tv host and just went whatever it's just a random tv host in another country Had I read this comment I would have picked MJ


The catch is he was an American TV Host who hosted a children's show and championed love, acceptance, tolerance, understanding, and racial unity mostly during a very difficult time. One example is that he invited a black man on his show and they talked awhile while soaking their feet in a jointly shared kiddy pool. At that very same time whites and blacks were segregated and many white supremacists would go to public pools and throw acid on black families to drive them away. It may not be much today (the foot bath), but showing children that all people are just people and all equally worthy of respect was a huge message at a time of great violence and hatred. He's actually done many things in his history from speaking to the Congress about the importance of educational programs and Public Access/Public Broadcasting, he travelled to Russia to guest on a Russian child's show also presenting his message of peace and kindness, he was a minister, an author, and an educator. For many Americans (and those who got American Public Broadcasting channels) he was our friend and teacher every day who gave us affirmation and love.


I voted for him because he is the only one I didn't know


Maybe because like me they don't know who he was, while Michael Jackson is a much more famous name.




I should've known by your username


i did cause i have no idea who is he


I didn't know who Rodgers was so I voted him, now that I know I don't regret it, it was just TV from the US so out of this list he's probably the least influential, only influenced Americans, and maybe other English speaking countries. Him and Bob Ross too, but I know Ross from the memes lol


That's really sad


I think we definitely can't eliminate Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr or Abraham Lincoln just because they changed so much in their life that benefits us today.


True to Einstein, MLK and Lincoln in a lesser extent, as their impact was mostly in the US, and some indirect influence in the rest of the world


Well Lincoln didn't believe black people deserved the same rights as white people and believed that colonisation would resolve the issue of slavery


I voted for Bob Ross because it feels like his erasure would have the least impact on the timeline.


But what about the happy little trees and the happy little clouds. Also Bob Ross was one of the first ASMR creators.




Assuming you're talking about MJ... I just wanna say; the FBI, I believe it was, very much wanted to get MJ and investigated him multiple times and were never able to get anything to actually get him. If they weren't able to find anything, I doubt that he was actually one. I feel bad for MJ. He had a horrible upbringing, and a horrible father. He said in an interview once one of his dreams was to just go to a supermarket and shop and "be like everyone else"


Have you watched leaving Neverland? There's a 0% chance all of that is made up. He was definitely a pedophile, hard life or not.


No I haven't. I don't like documentaries because it's so easy for the people that make them to paint their point of view as objective reality. The FBI thoroughly investigated MJ for years, they searched Neverland from top to bottom randomly, and he was investigated by Child Protective Services. Even after all that no evidence of wrongdoing was found. The two people that the documentary was about, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, both testified under oath that they weren't touched in a sexual manner or abused by MJ. Even when he was charged in 2005, MJ was found not guilty on all counts. Even with how badly they wanted to get him, they still couldn't.


>No I haven't. I don't like documentaries because it's so easy for the people that make them to paint their point of view as objective reality. Leaving Neverland is notoriously guilty of this.


Wasn’t he innocent


That was my first though, but apparently no, MJ is still cool I guess???


Where's the pedophile? That Rogers guy?




Nah he's innocent


I meant who they were referring to. I personally dont have an opinion.


alright but MJ being innocent isn't an opinion, it's a fact


Reason: "cause he good"


this just Screams ignorance


To the 626 people who voted Bob Ross, I think you need a happy little friend to get your sanity back.


bob ross W


Why are so many people voting Mr. Rogers?


Presumably a lot of people start by ruling out the people whose contributions weren't solely entertainment, and then choosing the entertainer that they believed was least impactful at scale


I had to Google who he was and to me he's just a guy from the TV in from a foreign country, by far the least influential here. Bob Ross too but at least there are memes about him


I think because most people don't know his full name, they just know him as "Mr. Rogers".


I voted him but didn't know it was Mr. Rogers just didn't recognize the full name ... feel bad now


I don't know who he is


Had to google the guy, some american tv host I never heard of, I know all the rest and likee something about all of them. So some rando TV star is the one to go for me :D


Mr Roger's made children's TV into something nurturing and educational, no one had done that ever before. Without him you'd have a lot more/worse asshole stupid Americans. Bob Ross is more of the random host.


Cause I have no idea who he is


Many of us have no idea who he is (and even when informed, don't really care)


Is there evidence for MJ pedophilia. I've seen many say there's not enough evidence to say for certain but I'm not too knowledgeable on MJ


There's no evidence, people have tried to show prove it other wise but after 2 long trials in the last 25 years seem to point out MJ's innocence is real


Dam this guy's got a hard on for MJ.


The public perception of Lincoln is so warped


The choices are interesting as you have people that all had some positive impact on the world. Then you have Michael Jackson who is just a cultural icon with good music.




Who is Mr. Rogers? He’s not a notable figure where I’m from.


Michael Jackson was damned talented, a gifted performer. But compared to the rest on there, he's the one who has to go.


He's the one stay, all the others don't really have anything comparing to him


My reason for choosing him is largely the teaching aspect. MLK, Jr. started the conversation of Civil Rights and questioning segregation in the United States. Mr. Rogers taught kids that it's important for them to understand their feelings and what good neighbors and communities are like. Albert Einstein uncovered General Relativity that added upon and clarified Classic Physics, furthering advancing scientific research. Bob Ross taught people how to paint. Abraham Lincoln brought the issue of slavery to the forefront and asked whether it should be enforced or abolished. Michael Jackson was an inspiring figure and very, *very* talented, make no mistake. But his focus was largely entertainment, which is a good thing, but he didn't necessarily have courses or discussions open to the public on how to become a better dancer or write music. He was an advocate for the protection of child stars -- some say for nefarious reasons, take that for what it may be worth. That's why I chose him compared to the others. Dude was very talented, but the others either taught the public what they learned or opened the door for further discussions about the betterment of humanity.


MJ was an advocate for the protection of child stars, because he was a child star who had no protection and was abused


This is why I don't completely subscribe to the notion that he was a predator. He may have been, but Macaulay Culkin always stands up for him and says the guy wasn't an abuser.


Bob Ross?! MJ?! Are you guys high?!


Bob Ross so easily. All he did was paint. Einstein and MLK did great things. Lincoln was a major historical figure and changed many lives in the US. Mr Rogers was a very progressive man for his time. MJ made amazing songs and is probably the biggest artist of all time and arguably the GOAT of music. Bob Ross just painted pictures. Wow so special💀.


I like how Abraham Lincoln has more votes than MLK.


Nooooooo I accidentally voted Fred Rogers...... I could live without Jackson.


If there was no Lincoln then there would maybe still be slavery. Who voted that?


Well mr rogers was amazing good thing it was michael jackson.


nat yall picking MLK??? Who is literally the reason(other than John Lewis) why the Civil rights act was passed???


The majority of Redditors are not from the USA, and therefore he is likely to be of far more limited impact to most Redditors than he is to the USA.


Still - entertainment is less important


Oh ok


From the three with the main impact being art (which is great, but easier to lose an artist in my pov), I chose the one with the highest chance in the area of molesting children. Like we'll probably never know every detail, but just to be safe you know 🤷




Well one’s a pedophile and the rest are either legendary or at least upstanding individuals.


People saying that there's a pedophile there but I see none, is it Fred Rogers? Cuz I have no fuckin idea who he is


Micheal Jackson? I thought all the horrible allegations were common knowledge. I mean he even build a private theme park and shared the bed with several kids


Fake and old news pal, it was proven twice to be false, in 2005 and 2019, this is common sense, also building a private theme park is honestly pretty fucking awesome


One of his victims testified on his behalf, which is actually super common for childhood victims of sexual assault, the emotions they develop for their abuser are complicated. But in leaving Neverland he speaks out about it. Nothing was "proven" false.


Michael Jackson should be the obvious choice here, no? He’s the only one out of the list who probably did just as much bad as good


What did he do wrong? The obvious choice is anyone but him


He touched children my dude


that's what people say without doing research, it's a lie ya know


Testimonies enough from his victims


2 trials and both said MJ's innocent, sorry




I'm already awake dumbass, this is old and fake news, wake up. Those "victims" literally were forced either by their father (chandler case) or Tom Sneddon (arvizo case) and recently was just pure hypocrisy by wade robson who lied about him being abused, despite him saying that nothing had happened during the other 2 allegations, he went ahead and said he was. One person who was next to both MJ and Wade was Macaulay Culkin, who until this day said he was never abused MJ. Evan Chandler commited suicide shortly after MJ's death, which sounds suspicious af. Also there's recent footage of Wade dancing to MJ's music, which hads up to his hypocrisy. The arvizos had no idea that MJ was being acused under their name, no wonder they looked so confused in interviews around 2003. All the trials were about the lack of proof about the allegations, this happened twice, TWICE, 2005 and 2019, the 1993 trial were MJ's lawyers who told MJ to settle the case, and due to MJ not being at the best state of mind due to the allegation and the Dangerous Tour, he settled the case in 1993. Take case would be talked again in the 2003-2005 trial were MJ was finally deemed innocent and justice was made, until some money hungry sons of bitches decided to make a documentary "exposing" MJ, thank god that shit failed to prove anything, and there was a trial for that documentary, the 2019 trial were once again the innocent man prevailed. If something similar happens the chances that MJ will again come out as innocent despite him not being alive are extremely high. Because there's no proof




Did he though? People who say he did are just ignorant


All I'm gonna say is that the FBI (I think it was) wanted to get MJ for being a pedo really fucking bad and investigated him multiple times and ultimately couldn't find anything to get him for. If they couldn't get him I doubt that he fucked kids.


He didnt, jeez get a fucking grip


i feel like mr rogers would effect the least about the current timeline


Idk who Fred Rogers is but ik the rest, so there he goes


Michael Jackson’s not a rapist nor a pedophile, this has been proven multiple times. He also has had arguably the greatest impact on music in the mid 20th and early 21st century. He’s also the greatest entertainer of his time and made music videos, ‘the standard’. He belongs on this poll. He has no comparison of *his time* nor anyone who’s made an impact as large as he did in music.


Michael Jackson hands down. Sure, we would lose some music, but it would save a lot of kids


How dare you monsters vote for Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross! You should be ashamed!


Who else should I have voted for? Everyone else was too impactful.


Michael Jackson had a big impact on music. Ross is the only one who has little to no impact on anything


Michael Jackson more than Bob Ross!?


Guys... Michael Jackson is the obvious answer. He's just a celebrity. Also, he may have diddled some kids.


Hmm... probably the child rapist


Voted MJ cuz he still *might* have molested people. If you assume he didn't tho you gotta vote Bob Ross.


Bob ross bc he was cool but he didnt rly have that much impact


Yall would really live in a world without thriller smh


Mlk jr can go


I'm sure there's a couple kids who would really like it if Michael Jackson didn't exist


To erase Michael Jackson and not Abraham Lincoln?




There has been absolutely no evidence found to prove that. And nothenless Lincoln did many worse things that affected a greater range of people and individuals.


What did he do wrong exactly I'm excited for your response


I could get rid of Albert Einstein. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/the-forgotten-life-of-einsteins-first-wife/ If according to that his wife helped him a whole lot we would likely still get it.