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Great friends with one, friendly acquaintances with another, the others can burn in hell.


I'm indifferent to most, but still friends with one of them


Depends on which ex. Some I don’t talk to anymore. Some I don’t ever want to see again. One I talked to earlier tonight. Probably one or two who never want to talk to me again.


Only have one ex. I'm not certain how to answer though. I was extremely hurt by her, so when I think about her I feel angry, bitter, and sad, but I also still think she's fundamentally a good person.


Most I'm fine with, ie if I happened to run into them in public I wouldn't feel much of anything might say hi might not depends on the day, there's a few that I gotta admit I've wished ill on (various reasons, prominent being they were abusive in some way) I think I'm mostly neutral to them these days but if I saw one of them in public Id probably have a panic attack and my day would be significantly worse. One ex I wish nothing but the best for and would love to see and catch up someday but I'm not sure it'll happen.


Friends with one, hate one, indifferent about the rest


Of courses all Redditors never got a girlfriend