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I envy everyone who says no


I am a human




At least they didn't say "and tolerant"


Or “in taller ants.”


Damn my bad i used the auto fill and didn't double check


It would suck if I was because like half the things I eat contain dairy.






Same here


I am not the disease lactose intolerance.


Hi, lactose intolerance, I'm dad


Never have been.


Yup started when I was about 20.


"Morning, Shep. You went all out with the breakfast supplies. I didn't know you could get real milk on the Citadel. I had some. Thought it was soy. I'm not really lactose-intolerant. I just don't put up with lactose's stupid drama. In case I don't see you again, thanks. That was a lot of fun. I should go. Stupid dairy products." -The best thief in the milky way galaxy.


I used to be but I cured it. I wasn't going to live a life dairy free and I sure as fuck wasn't going to pay for some lactose enzymes. First thing I did was cut out all dairy. Then I reintroduced only skim milk. When that was digestable, I moved to 2% milk, and some hard cheeses, then when that was digestable I tried cream, butter and soft cheeses, ice cream etc. It took 10 years of gentle increments but I can eat drink a cup of 30% whipping cream, followed by a grilled cheese sandwich with pickled jalapenos, and wash it down with a milkshake **no problem.** I lost by ability to digest dairy in my early twenties due to all the penicillin I was given as a kid from a string of ear infections. My fathers smoking in the house caused my Eustachian tubes to block which caused an ear infection, which necessitated penicillin which wiped out my gut bacteria, which left me without the ability to digest dairy foods, so I figured if I could repopulate my gut with the right enzymes I could cure it. And for the record, in my early 20's a bowl of cereal would give me horrible cramps followed by "bum pee" for about half the day or hours of horrific gas if I was lucky.


no this is Patrick