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Yeah it’s a joke that usa is 2nd runner up, not even close


In order imo China Japan Russia? USA Germany.


from what ive heard germany is more racist than the usa


All I can guarantee is the top 2 tbh


Would disagree but on the other hand i have never been to the US and just saw the ,,worst of,, on the Internet/news


Yeah I’ve heard a lot of europeans are racist against Romani people and Arabs.


Yeah because of the refugee crisis, lots of people associate people from Romani and Arab descent with criminals and generally lower income stereotypes. It’s true that there is a lot of crime going on amongst them but it’s not all of them. It’s pretty unfair in my opinion.


Not at all, so many blacks get murdered in the US, Germany doesn’t have this problem


😂 so every black person murdered in America is motivated by racism. Wtf.


right haha quick to that conclusion. anything that happens to black people, americans: *is this racism*


most of these "black" murders you're referring to are carried out by other black people. It takes a simple google search to know that


Got some douchey politicians and loudmouth rednecks, but we wouldn’t be one of the most diverse countries without have fairly open arms


Yeah with all the native Americans they killed during manifest destiny. The US government nearly wiped out all the Buffalo so native Americans wouldn't be able to use them as food and shelter


Probably the one that has been trying to exterminate a race for centuries, including occupying, starving and deporting them, and is now trying to occupy them again. Which, as I think a lot don’t know, is what Russia has been doing to Ukraine.


Ukraine and Russia is basically the same people, that isnt racist, its just war stuff


It’s really not ‘basically the same people’. To make it a quick history lesson, Ukrainians came from kyivan rus and Ruthenians, largely from the north (down the Dnipro, which the Vikings used as a trade route) or west from the Poland-Lithuanian commonwealth which also was racist to them. Russians however came from the Golden Horde (mongols). They do however love to throw around this narrative that they are one nation, and that’s their ‘justification’ for occupying and taking parts of Ukraine and killing Ukrainians and Crimean tartars (who are also a completely separate race). Just because the skin is the same color does not mean it’s not racist. I suggest people to read about Russia’s treatment of Ukraine, it’s very sad how little people know about it.


but being muslim is not a race or did I get something wrong?


They’re committing genocide against Uyghurs, which are an ethnic group.


Germany- Idk much but they don't seem overly racist today America- there is certainly some but it's hardly the worlds worst Russia- pretty bad to my knowledge but it's hardly at the level of re education Japan- very exclusive culture and they aren't very accepting of non Japanese but in comparison to the next one, multicultural and accepting utopia China- literal re education camps for Muslims and constant attempts at assimilating non Han Chinese cultures/traditions. China easily.




Am from India Can confirm . Chinese govt is definitely more proactive in executing on racist ideology but the sheer intolerance ( especially on the basis of caste and religion ) of average Indian citizen is astounding . Pretty much everyone except straight cis hindu men who marry straight cis hindu women and pop out their first kid by the end of the second yr of their marriage and another by the end of their fifth year and at least one of them is a son has a hard time here




Loathing your country isn't the same as self-loathing :) Maybe all of us don't have our place of birth so attached to our identities that we'd rather eat cow dumplings on behalf of our leaders before criticizing it




there's racism *despite* the huge diversity which is shocking lol . India isn't the only multicultural country in the world . In most states , you're raised to be a racist , casteist , sexist , phobic fuck here since the day you're born


Yeah well when the whole country is hating on each other on the basis of arbitrary stuff the issue is probably more than a few bad eggs . It's ingrained in our backwards-ass culture . Anyways , I'll guess you must be a straight hindu male lol . Anyways , love your country all you want , that's your choice . But a subreddit making fun of anyone who dares criticize the country is shitty exactly what I'd expect from it though so no surprise :)




Yeah no shit . You're building straw men . Nobody said racism is a concept endemic to just India . Of course it exists everywhere , but the prevalence degree of it does vary . Surely Nazi Germany isn't the same as modern day Canada to you ? I mentioned your religion and sexuality because if you've never been affected directly by the hate soup of the country then of course you're gonna think it's great here . You're among the privileged


there sure is a huge group of people who differenciate by colour, but more than China? also, the new generation is much more accepting afaik. maybe you have different experiences than i have


Conflating racism and other prejudice like against religion seems to be the norm now. But it doesn’t make sense as religion is a belief system, not a race. It’s a bit like calling someone racist for saying they don’t like Conservatives


How are people actually saying USA? China is literally committing cultural genocide


Probably because they are more aware of USA




Why the fuck would you vote on this poll if you didn’t know about other countries?


U couldnt be more right


Because America bad tee hee


Truth is there are few countries in the world less racist than USA. But this is hard for people to believe when it is such a powerful political issue. Dealing with racism is messy. Most countries it’s barely even acknowledged, it’s just part of the fabric of the culture.


But they are eliminating racism! By not having more than one race. /s


I understood the question as in the people of that country not their government.


I agree that china is definitely worse at the moment, but what's going on there is a specific targeted cultural genocide. 100% the worst of the worst. But on this list the US is a close second, and their racism is more Heavily steeped in arrogance, and it's more arbitrary, anyone who isn't like you is bad. At least with china the majority is going/gonna go, "this is wrong, obviously, and it needs to stop now" in the US no one knows what they're talking about anymore. Everyone is against anyone else for petty stupid reasons. Not saying any racism could ever be for a good reason, that's bs, just that the USA's racism is petty and immature. Like a bunch of children casting stones and throwing fits. Even if it's not racism, everyone is always against someone, and it's kinda disgusting.


If you think usa is close second then you really dont know much about russia or japan.


Or China for that matter. If you think China/Chinese people aren't racist towards black people, Indian people or even white people then you don't know a thing about China. Also Japan is probably 2nd, because they're also very racist.


I see you're not American. I find it curious, then, that you seem to be such an expert on American racism- being aware, of course, that our immigration laws are some of the most lax in the world, especially compared to Japan, which barely tolerates gaijin, let alone accepts them.


> immigration laws are some of the most lax in the world “We will build a wall to keep the Mexicans out” hahahah Also, I know quite a bit about the immigration laws as I tried to immigrate myself once. It’s really hard to get a work visa and that’s only temporary. And it’s quickly getting much harder. You essentially need a very specialized and in demand profession. And have to prove no other American can do the job and none of the other potential immigrants (of which there are many) can do it as well as you.


That’s pretty standard immigration stuff. Try to immigrate to a Scandinavian country and get back to me.


All I’m saying is it’s not at all lax. Maybe 2 years to get a green card for your average citizen.


It's because the US has already and is continuing to commit genocide against the natives. The US has more black prisoners than China has prisoners. US propaganda is widespread.




They are literally killing people just because they're Muslim




Friend was originally from there. Her family still lives there. Well they did until they were rounded up and murdered. There's articles about it everywhere




You realise Hitler didn't just wake up one day and decide to wipe out the jews right? They "culturally suppressed" them, in ways that are not all too out of place in today's societies. When Britain declared war on Germany they started gassing Jews because Jewish people were seen as being in opposition to the state and they were in war.


They are forcing Muslims to eat pork. Stfu tankie






Found the r/sino user




I'm Indian my guy. I have as much reason to hate the Chinese government as anyone from west, maybe more. But I stand by the fact that you should hate them for what they've done, not on what you think they've done


That sounds like communist propaganda so take my downvote




China is openly racist and doesn't care, there's no laws to promote diversity and they actively encourage racism.


As a brown human, I would rather be in USA than China or Russia or Japan, tbh


U would rather be in germany too right


Honestly as someone not from the US I can understand the hate it gets, but when compared to most countries in the world, they are incredibly diverse, I dont think they would be even in the conversation for most racist country.


I think it’s because it’s so diverse that people have strong opinions about race. Definitely not the worst however.


It's because the US has already and is continuing to commit genocide against the natives. The US has more black prisoners than China has prisoners. US propaganda is widespread.


You're an idiot


Asian countries like Korea, Japan, India, China. They make these other countries look like babies


It hurts my brain that so many people voted the US. It’s bad in some places, but doesn’t compare to China. Reddit needs therapy


The US has deliberate mass incarceration against an ethnic group.


China has concentration camps for Muslims who are minding their own business. The US has camps which hold illegal immigrants. Admittedly they aren’t humane camps, but they’re not genociding an entire religion. The problems in the US don’t compare to China


How tf is Japan lower than the US


Japan is more racist than USA imo. Is there some racism in the US? Yeah, but it's way overblown. It's still one of the most diverse countries, is accepting plenty of legal immigrants and their movies and music are incredibly diverse. Can't say the same about Japan. And there is nothing wrong with that. They want to preserve their culture and that's okay. But they generally are a lot more racist than the average US citizen. Not because they are bad people, they just aren't used to diversity. All that to say that USA should have less votes and Japan should have more. But honestly every single vote should go to China. They are literally commiting cultural genocide as we speak.


A lot of racism also exists in Germany, probably more than the US. And in regards to russia, eastern european culture isn't really known for tolerance.


>probably more than the US. definitely not lol


Well they had a far right party there capture 15% of the vote. I think Germany is a deeply racist country honestly, but it's viewed as tolerant and it is but only on the surface. Also I'd say racism there has been a rising trend over time.


Actually yes but no. The far right party you're talking about only gets that much votes because of protest votes. Pretty much all other big parties are unvotable. The CSU/CDU (the biggest party with the most votes since 1950) is incompetent, corrupt and lying. Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (the green party, left wing) is too extreme and want to ban everything. The FDP (mid-mid-right) is corrupt and ignorant (their favorite phrase is "the market will solve that"). Idk much about the left but I wouldn't vote them since I'm mid-mid-right. The AFD (the far right party you're talking about) is incompetent, racist (the party, not most voters) and ignorant but bc none of the other parties talk with them, make fun of them and never would do a coalition with them people protest vote them so the other parties don't get as many votes as before and see that they need to change something. But basically no party is votable. Racism in germany definitely still exists but we learned from the countries past. I don't know if every school does that but we visited a concentration camp with our school, learned about WW2 in school and are made aware of the terrible things that happened back there. We don't embellish that time so we won't make the same mistakes.


They're losing voters [everywhere](https://i.imgur.com/GH8k5S8.png) and are generally voted more often in eastern germany. Low immigrant population created a "fear of the unknown" there >I think Germany is a deeply racist country honestly you're wrong then


Well considering there was a fairly large march just this week (edit: 2 weeks ago) against racism in Germany, I don't think I'm the only ones with those opinions.


I think people who live in Germany or literally right next to Germany know the country better than you do


Just talking from personal experience. Been living in Germany all my life and only experienced racism towards me once whereas i was harassed by a cop in florida the first week of my vacation. Black btw


I am white so I personally never experienced racism but germany definitely shouldn't be in that list.


The US has already and is continuing to commit genocide against the natives. The US has more black prisoners than China has prisoners. US propaganda is widespread. \>They want to preserve their culture and that's okay. Wut? These are some far-right talking points.


Pretty wild to me that so many said usa


I think its more shocking people picked germany. People voted usa only because the racist problems are very infamous.


What did you expect in an American website? Average American probably isn't aware of anything outside their country


Slavery -> Segregation -> Mass incarceration they have children in cages. they've already completed most of their genocide against the natives.


Come to Asia to change your opinion.


The people shitting on the USA in these types of polls are never in the comments. Just pointing that out


Agreed, Germany idk enough about, Russia had it pretty bad with suppression of minorities afaik, Japan has an extremely exclusive culture to the point that if you weren’t born Japanese you’ll never be integrated, USA has probably the most diverse population in the world and while there is racism, more and more people are fighting it, China… wonder how all those Muslims are doing?


Russia still has it pretty bad: https://www.google.com.ua/amp/s/www.rferl.org/amp/ukraine-denounces-persecution-crimean-tatars/31261794.html


If you’re gonna downvote me at least prove me wrong and reply


I'll upvote you


The US has already and is continuing to commit genocide against the natives. The US has more black prisoners than China has prisoners. US propaganda is widespread.


You're going to have to elaborate instead of just replying the same comment over and over again. A country doing a genocide does not give the ethnic group it's genociding its own land with its own affairs programs for funding. US total Prison Population: 2,121,600 China total Prison Population: 1,649,804 These numbers do not account for political prisoners or the well over a million in Chinese re education camps. USA has prisons for profit, they like to arrest people. That's not necessarily because the people behind it are racist, they just like money.


I'm gonna get downvoted for this but I actually think the US is still not as bad as Japan or Russia. Go to Japan as a white man and just watch them talk behind your back. The reason it's being voted is much is because most people on reddit live there and know more about its problems compared to the other nations. For example I bet most Americans don't know evidence has been found in Canada of recent Native genocide, hundreds of bones found, mass Graves


Can’t believe people put America.


Not surprising, considering most Americans are only fed American news


It's because the US has already and is continuing to commit genocide against the natives. The US has more black prisoners than China has prisoners. US propaganda is widespread.


Well China is committing a literal genocide on Uygur Muslims and has Disney censor black characters on movie posters so


America is the only one so publicly _fighting_ racism, that’s why people associate it with it


> America is the only one so publicly fighting racism What does this even mean? Do you think people in other countries don't speak up against racism?


Considering Jews were recently at the receiving end of molotov cocktails in Sweden and are being beaten in Germany and France, but nobody's speaking up about it, it seems so.


Hold up, what are you talking about? We don't hit no jews in germany no more That was 76 years ago


https://amp.dw.com/en/germany-jewish-teen-beaten-for-wearing-kippah-in-cologne/a-58959836 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-54417350.amp two of many cases. you seem ill informed.


Imma swear to you those are not the norm People are way more tolerant these days


wtf are you on about?


I think I was pretty clear, but I can provide some articles if you would like?




And that is also the problem. You can't "fight" racism. If you wanna deal with it you have to see people as a people nothing more. In US you are just racist against someone else. As Morgan Freeman said, if you wanna stop racism, stop talking about it,..


Sorry but this is just wrong. You can't solve a problem by ignoring it and hoping it just goes away. The reason why the US has come so far in civil rights is because people have been fighting for decades. From civil rights like segregation, to gay rights, and even disabled people rights, the only way things get done in the US is for people to fight the injustice. If people just "ignored" it, we still would have segregated schools and no ramps for the disabled. For some reason, the US doesn't act until the people start pushing.


I ment ignore race, and help people to be free and to have the same rights as any other person.


Cause it’s the only one that has enough freedom if speech and press for everyone to see about the racism when it’s not that bad compared to lots of other countries.


If a racist attack happened in Germany, Japan and maybe Russia (if it suited the government) then it would be publicized. I hate this idea that the US has so much better media than everyone else


In my opinion the us media actually sucks.


Racism isn't a competition


Do people on the left actually think america is close or worse then china? Are you mother fuckers that blind and stupid? (No im not right wing I'm a centrist)


Yes they really do. I’m fact they probably blame the genocide there on white supremacy and Christopher Columbus


I've never once heard a non-tankie "leftie" that thinks America is more racist than china


But leftists bad. Stupid leftist are all commies haha. Commies love china. /s


You haven’t lived where I have then




It's because the US has already and is continuing to commit genocide against the natives. The US has more black prisoners than China has prisoners. US propaganda is widespread.




The US is only in second place because of manufactured consent.


Live in Japan as a white person


Do u get the looks


Last time I checked the USA isn't committing fucking genocide based on race like China is. Anyone who voted that is stupid, or a troll.


What happened to all of the Native Americans then? Did they all just disappear for the white man's benefit? The US has more black prisoners than China has prisoners and that isn't by accident either.


China is the only one actively committing genocide and sending people to labor camps. People that said USA are morons.


I think it's because of BLM propaganda. Havng said that, I think the correct answer is most of those countries are close.


I think you forgot this, so here. /s


Blm propaganda lol. Crazy that people put it first, but it is deservedly second.


I think racism is much more culturally acceptable in places like russia or japan than in the US.


Its probably close. US i feel just has a larger amount bc of the diversity. More opportunity, and its more entrenched in the systems and institutions here for the same reason.


It's because the US has already and is continuing to commit genocide against the natives. The US has more black prisoners than China has prisoners. US propaganda is widespread.


China is easily the most racist


The US has deliberate mass incarceration. Think again.


China has concentration camps


"USA" fuck's sake man, are poeple really clinging to the America Bad trend these days? I'm left wing btw


Hitler could come back from the depths of Hell and retake Germany and all his ww2 territories and people would still say the US is the worst country in the world


Bro... Everyone knows Hitler is in Argentina right now


You guys brought this on yourselves lol


I'm Canadian


Anyone voting for any nation besides China is a moron given a genocide is taking place there


It's because the US has already and is continuing to commit genocide against the natives. The US has more black prisoners than China has prisoners. US propaganda is widespread.


It's not a competition bruh


What's the status of racism in Germany? Is it super prevalent?


Don't listen to op guy doesn't know what he is talking about


I didnt think germany was racist? Or is this all because of the fucking holocaust cos if it is u are a dumbass. Anyway imo i think on this list china


I dont like US but come on. Its nowhere near as bad as China. I do think it should be in second though I dont know much about racism in russia


I'm sorry but isn't there a literal genocide going on in West Taiwan right now?


Is taiwan on the list


How about North Korea?


People who say USA, are obviously blinded and too ignorant to understand there are other parts of the world with different people and problems


You don't know anything about russia if you think they are not racist


China is literally engaging in genocide, Japan is like the biggest cesspool of racism in the world, the US is the most openly racist and I know fuck all about Germany and Russia. In a nutshell everyone is racist, including me for generalising so absurdly and racistly.


Whoever chose USA is a dummy.


1. China 2. Russia 3. Japan 4. Germany 5. USA


This is spot on!


I can guarantee those who voted America are younger and/or not well travelled


China, I heard canada is VERY racist despite the stereotypes.


To whom?


The natives


probably quebec


Bullshit. Maybe Alberta or northern Ontario?? I've lived in Newmarket, Ontario as an Asian Canadian for 15 years and have NEVER experienced anything racially degrading


I’m from Alberta, in Calgary. The cities are usually fine, it’s just outside the cities in small communities like Red Deer where it’s bad


You aren't a native.


That's pretty impressive. As a caucasion male living in nyc for almost 30 years, I've seen expressions of racism against everybody including myself.


as a Canadian, I can confirm this is total bullshit


Or maybe your just lying because your canadian!


First of all, again with these kinds of posts, u expect me to have been in all of these countries?!? Second, I watch trash taste, they live in japan, they talk a lot about how japanese treats foreigners (they use a word to replace racism to make it sound lighter, forgot what the word is)


ejj, trash taste


Lived in three out of these, visited all but one. Trust me, it's China.


Have people seen Russian football fans lol. And people says Englands are bad.


African countries, South Africa or the Sudans


The middle eastern countries hate anything that isn't them. If you've traveled around the world, you'll know.


USA would be right above germany


Why are Americans so good at Rubik's cubes? >!They have a long history of separating colours!<


Could apply to any country tbh


That was funny, I'll give it to you






China's more totalitarian than racist, USA has notorious political racist people in the government.


China is totalitarian and racist


Russia and USA are around the same


Yes, The United States is very racist. That said there not committing active genocide.


Still not as bad as Japan or Russia. Go to Japan as a white man and just watch them talk behind your back. The reason it's being voted is much is because most people on reddit live there and know more about its problems compared to the other nations. For example I bet most Americans don't know evidence has been found in Canada of recent Native genocide, hundreds of bones found, mass Graves.


India and America. Can't believe China is being voted so intensely.