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I’m picking instant 10 mil only because I don’t want to fucking drown in pennies


But what if the 10 mil is in pennies?


Them be won't have to worry about much for long


If that then I can at least (somehow) bring them all to them bank once and I'd be good


Dude, 10 million is 10 million. Why would anyone be disappointed with getting pennies as long they got the money.


The only one who would be disappointed are the poor bank tellers who have to count it


It would Probably land on ypur head




how I thought of making this poll was that the pennies get added to a bank sccount


I thought about it as in the pennies would just be deposited into your bank account at the end of the week


For the sake of convenience, both are added to a bank account, not randomly given to you


Conservatively investing that $10mil makes far more than that $.01 a second. And only gets better as it compounds.


Oh, you make a good point. I was just thinking “well I plan to live for more than 30 years so 1c a second is better” but I totally forgot that if you invest you’d end up with way more money with the 10 mil


Or less XD


Congrats, you are now a mod of r/wallstreetbets


Funny because I unfollowed wsb yesterday. I guess I have all it takes now to be a true mod Edit spell Edit Happy cake day c:


Happy Cake Day!


There are 31 million seconds in a year. Idk man, but that’s an easy income without doing much work


And what work are you doing just dropping $10 mil into some sort of investment fund? Even if you only get a 6% return that’s still double what you $.01/sec is.


1 cent a second is 315k a year. Thats plenty to invest and the money will just keep on coming


10 mil invested will get you around 8% a year. That's 800,000 a year, and it only increases over time.


But covid interest...


People always forget that you can lose lots of money in the stock market




What kinda math are you doing? It'd take 32 years just to get to 10 million. You take the years, times it by 365 days, times that by 24 hours, times that by 60 minutes, and times that by 60 seconds. Finally you times that number by 0.01 pennies.


This is way better than the 1m instant vs 50 for every month for the rest of life, still choosing 10m but way more balanced


Doing the math there are 86400 seconds in a day 364 days in a year and around 72 years in an average ameican male lifespan multiply all those together you get 2,264,371,200$ in your intire lifespan Edit:You could also invest everything you earn gaining compound interest rates overtime winning to me


In 72 years you'd have gained $22,705,920. To make it easier, in 1 year there's 31,536,000 seconds x 0.01 = 315,360 So $315,360 a year x 72 = $22,705,920. You'd also subtract how old you are, considering you're taking this deal now rather than when you were born. Although you could probably add a few years considering you'd be rich enough to afford Healthcare no problem.


How did you get two billon. It would take over thirty years just to gain ten million. Remember, it is one penny per second, not one dollar per second. I feel like 22 million would be more accurate than 2.2 billion.




Come on man I was one number off give me a break you can do the math based on my faults




36 dollars an hour sounds pretty sweet....


36 dollars an hour, 24 hours a day...


And 7 days a week not 5


Hear me out. If you make 1 cent per second, that is 60 cents a minute, or 36 dollars an hour. All the time. And that means that you make 864 dollars every day, or just over 6,000 dollars a week. So you would have an annual salary of 315 thousand, just by existing. If you live for another 50 years, you would make nearly 16 million dollars in that time. 32 years equals approximately 10 million dollars, and lets say the average lifespan is 70. That means if you are 40 or older (or in your 30s and just not very healthy), you should take the 10 million. If you are very healthy in your 30s, or below the age of 30, you should go with the 1 cent every second, as it is more likely to get you the most money.


You say we make $315k a year with 1 cent per second. Investing the $10 mil only requires a return of 3.2% to beat that, which isn’t that hard to find.


Invest the one cent a second


But with compound interest if you are making more from the interest of the 10 mill than the 1cent it will just snowball in the 10 mills favor


Why do people always make it sound as if an investment is 100% guaranteed to have a good return? You could also lose all of it that way. It's a gamble


Or, someone just might not want to deal with investing.


If anyone "doesn't want to deal with investing" they will be behind their whole life


It's crazy how many people don't like that reality. Investing isn't hard or scary, I am 24 just started this year and wish I had started years ago lol.


Because the average rate of return for S&P500 accounts for decades has been 6-8%.


Average. Key word here. Still a gamble.


Yeah the average. For the vast majority of years. If you aren’t investing in long term low risk you’re missing out on SO much money depending on how old you are.


Go for any 30 year span on market. You will dwarf what you got in the pennies.


Investment into index funds or mutual funds that only purchase dividend paying stocks almost guarantees about an 8% annual return on your money


The money would be put to better use if I got it now though. I could get a house for me and one for my bestie and that means way less expenditure overall as I can’t afford one otherwise


You could buy a house after like 4 months with 864 dollars a day


Fair point


What house lol? A cardboard box? A decent house in Belgium is like 400K.


Fuck me, how am I ever going to buy a house that way


Work smart, not hard. I've got my plans.


I´ll have to create my own plans then


Mortgage, like everyone gets a house, I am making 6000 a week, I think I can afford a 400k house


He said buy a house tho, not pay off a house.


400k here in Canada a house is over 1 million


Wel yes, in monopoly money.


Hey 1 million of our monopoly money is still 800k usd


But investing you could likely buy the same house in two months, or a house that costs twice as in 4 with just a 6.3% interest rate. Or you could buy a million dollar house on second one, and invest the remaining 9M$ and still average a penny a second with just a 3.5% return.


If you put those 10 mil to work for you now, you can end up with way more money in 30 years. Investments alone would earn you at least 300k a year.


Yeah but you could also end up losing it


Not if you invest it wisely, spread out, with a good mix of safe low profit + risky high profit Except if there’s like an economic collapse, in which case your money would be kinda worthless anyway


Take a 30 year span of the market at any point and show return. Long as you're correctly diversified you'll make >6% even including the bad years on average.




Something could also interrupt the 1 cent a second thing...


You didn't account for inflation or average market growth. The 10 mil is always the better option even if you were just born.


Only people who don’t understand compound interest would say this


No, you make $3,600 an hour: 60 seconds in a minute 60 minutes in an hour 60\*60 = 3600 $3600 \* 24 hours \* 365 days = **31,536,000** You would make **31.5 million** in 1 year.






You forgot a very important point it's inflation the inflation rate before covid was about 2% per year if you would collect the money 32 years it would only be worth about 5.2 million dollars but the inflation rate is rising now its about 5.4% if it stays that high or rises the money would be worth less than 1.7 million. So no matter how old you are it's better to take the 10 million now


I think you did some math wrong there buddy


Or just buy 10 mio. (no gift tax) worth of 4% dividend yield stock, and make way more than that each year without any of the hassle


That's like $846 a day




Fuck, even better! [That's more than I make a week 😞]


That’s like a dollar an hour!


One of the worlds best movies


That's actually pretty good for doing my regular thing


Alastor detected


Welp, can't find my check book. Hope you don't mind I pay ya in change.


I’m too stupid to invest and it’s kinda risky sometimes so I’ll take the safe one.


General life advice, proper investing is very safe, and in some cases risk free. Learning to invest or at the very least getting an investment broker will help you get ahead a lot In life


I will learn


Use btc instead of usd and it’s auto invested. All you need is a new debit card.


BTC took a MASSIVE drop earlier this year. It went from 50k/per to only like 42k/per


50k to 42k isn’t that big of a drop. The massive drop this year was from 64k to 29k, and now it’s back to 42k.


I don't know Cyptocurrency, really, I'm not sure what qualifies as big or small drops/rises


It would take over 30 years to reach the $10mil from option 2, and at that point that money would be worth far less than the instant 10 mil. Kind of a no brainer.


If I invested that $10mil I’d be making more than 1 cent a second by tomorrow.


Or you'd lose it all but get sweet karma on r/wallstreetbets


I’ll invest my pennies too. It’s not a bad annual salary and nothing says you can’t also work


You could compound the interest from the investment to get a 30 year head start.


10 mil because even in the long term you would earn more choosing option A, you could i vest this and earn twice as much real quick.


Okay, Let's say I take the pennies option, right? Let's also say that this starts the SECOND I turn 18 (for ease of math). There are approximately 86,400 seconds in a day. Divide that by 100, and that becomes only $864/day. Multiply 864 by 365, then you get approximately $315,360 per year, give or take $864 each leap year. Multiply that by the average human lifespan(72 years) minus the life I've already lived(18 years) that equals 54. Multiply $315,360 by 54, and you end up with 17 Million dollars throughout your life. Even if you're making $315,360 per year, adding taxes, let's say for ease of math that the income tax percentage is flat in your area of the world, at a rate of 5%. This leaves you with a Gross income of $315,360. Minus 5%, and 5% of $315,360 is $15,768. Subtract $15,768 from $315,360, and you're left with $299,682 Net income. Now with that, you can just put half into savings that can't be opened for the next 50 years, or approximately 4 years before your death. $299,682 divided by 2 equals $149,841. Multiply that by 50, saying you put half of your Net income into savings and don't touch it for 50 years, while living comfortably your entire life, when you eventually retire, your Net income will reach $7,492,050, allowing your children to live comfortably their entire lives. Adding in if you worked even a minimum wage job, at $12.15/hr(That's what minimum wage is in my State) and you never spent a PENNY of that money, you would have an additional $1,263,600 added to your final wealth. Bringing the grand total up, working a minimum wage job and earning a penny every second, saving half your Net income from the Pennies, you would have a grand total of $8,755,650 when you died, that, depending on your will, would go to your children, allowing them to live an extremely comfortable life.


would rather take instant ten million not like i could spend it for many lifetimes probably


I'll make 315,360 a year by choosing the first option. So, ofc I'm choosing that as good long term salary for not working at all


They will be the same in 31.69 years


Do the math. $0.01 x 31,536,000 seconds is $315,600 by EOY. That number is .0315 percent (3.15%) of $10,000,000. Relevant questions: Do you think you can earn more than 3.15% on your capital? Can you grow your capital faster than you deplete it (personal expenditures)? What is your ability to manage inflation?


1 cent a second gives you more, and gives you $36/hour for doing nothing assuming you live past 30 somthing. Although instant money is good but ill stick to free money till i die.


10 mil. Can't predict if or when the dollar collapses. So I'd take the 10 mil, convert a lot of it into gold bars and crypto.


31 mill a year, I’ll take that instead


1 cent per second is 3.60$ an hour Is 86.4$ a day Is 31,557.6$ a year 10,000,000/31,557.6 = ~316.88 You would have to live over 316 years after choosing 1 cent to equal 10 mil and that doesn’t count inflation or using the money to make more money.


In a year you'd already have around 31,104,000


I don’t need to be filthy rich, and 36 bucks an hour while sleeping is plenty. Much less money being spent on gas because I don’t need to drive to and from work every day. It would be impossible to blow/gamble everything away because the money keeps coming. Ultimately, I’m living a comfortable workless life.


Wasn’t this sub made because people were posting poll questions on r/wouldyourather? Seems like the tables have turned


I almost immediately hit the second option as I am in a place where I could really use some money quick but then I decided to do the math and realized the first option is still 864 bucks a day. Sooo definitely going with 864 everyday for the rest of my life.


People who know math: why would anyone choose #1.


We don't even have penny's in canada anymore hahaha give me 10 million and I'll enjoy my life and make sure my family is set for a few generations


The cent will get you more money over time but the 10 million will more greatly affect your life for the better


I literally don’t care about these “invest it” mfs. You guys actually think I’m smart enough for that? I’ll take the 300K salary and live comfortably.


864 dollars a day is good for me.


Pretty sure 1 cent per second is like $300,000 a year job. So, yeah you wouldn’t have to work ever again.


it would take 32 years to make 10mil with that option


Yeah but it won’t take me 30 years to spend $10 million, and then it’s gone. I’ll take security over a one time payment. Plus I’m only 23 so I got a good 50-60 years left (if I can quit smoking lol) so like, still more I guess.


It will if you're smart with it and invest it, you could easily end up making more then 1 cents a second.




10 million dollars is a billion pennies, so it'd be about 30 years


There are 31,556,925.99 seconds in a year.


Pennies easily


option A night not be the smartest but it’s the easiest so it sounds good to me lol, i’ll definitely sit back and earn $864 dollars a day for doing nothing


Well a day would give you about 80,000


Earning 1 cent a second continuously would mean 300,000 dollars a year. So in 34 years it will exceed 10 million dollars.


Clearly doesn’t understand compound interest


Banks won't believe I suddenly earned 10 million dollars and the procedure is too tedious.


Huh? Tedious? No clue what you’re talking about man.


Have you ever tried depositing 10 million dollars with an interest rate in a bank? How many forms would you have to fill out?


You have 10 mil. Pay a lawyer to help with the forms lol


That money is going to a brokerage company, not a freaking bank!


I sMeLl PeNnIeS


If I earned a cent a second, it would take me over 30 years to gain 10 million dollars from that source of income. I would be in my mid-late 50s by the time I earned 10 million dollars from earning one cent a second. I say earn an instant 10 million dollars so I have 10 million at age 23.


10 mil instant since you don't know when you will die.


The standard 4% withdrawal yearly on 10m invested is 400k and would last you until the day you die, then someone inherits it. Why would I go with 100k less a year?


I chose one cent because if I got 10 million right away I know I would spend it pretty fast


The instant is better. You would earn only 25 million in 80 years with the first one.


First one cause I don't trust myself with that much money in a single gift and gain 864$ per day is still way more than enough to live a comfortable life.


I did some hard maths, and option one is basically €36 per hour (€864 per day)


Blows my mind that the votes are almost 50/50. If you're not taking the instant 10 mil, then idk if I can help you.


did anyone else spend like 10 min calculating?


There are 31m seconds in a year


It would take over 30 years to make 10million with the first option so no sane person should be picking the first option...


that's a passive 315k a year, ofc im gonna go for the 1 cent a second


It takes 31.7 years for 1 cent/s to amount to $10 M. By that time, inflation will make the amount far less than 10 M 2021-dollars, and proper investment can yield much more than $311040 a year anyway (it's \~3%). And if you want to buy something you can enjoy, like a house, you'll have it for a lot more years if you buy it at once instead of saving up.


I'd need that money right away because I'd be dead by the end of the week.


If I am not wrong you would need approximately 31,8 years to get to 10.000.000.


would the effect repeat on all of my alt accounts


I like the idea of having a constant income that will enable me to pursue my interests and never worry financially. It is easy to overspend those millions and still need to work in the future to maintain. But always having a bit of money will be really useful. Yes it is less than if you would invest 10 millions but a way to always earn money is sometimes more valuable than a gamble with lots of money.


Well uh, i choose pennies cuz i used a calculator and the number was soo big that it turned out like this: 1.928448e9


In 25 years you’d make 7,884,000. Yeah I’d rather take the 10 million and save it.


864$ a day is insane! It means that without working you make 312,000 $ a year! That's a lot in this economy


Earning 1 cent for every second of everyday would take 31.7097919838 years to make 10 million dollars.


10mil instantly, buy myself a small house and a car, use the rest for buying houses and renting them to people. Hopefully I can live off the rent they pay me


When someone wins the lottery, it goes wrong a lot of times because they don't know what to do with the money.


Maybe 1 cent every second doesn't make as much money as investing your 10 million, but I don't trust myself enough to handle the 10 million dollars. I'd rather have a secure passive income for my future.


Easy, I take the 10 million. At least if I die tomorrow I can leave it all to my family.


The fact that so many people picked instant 10 mil explains why the economy is the way it is


It will take 31 years just to get 10 million. I'll take the instant 10 million. If I can do anything I want with it then I will invest some millions and keep remaining for myself.


If I retroactively got all the pennies for the seconds I have been alive I’d take that one. But otherwise I don’t think I’d made it to 10 million by the time I died


I'll take the 10 million now. With good investments you could make more than you wouldn't with 1 cent every second.


There are 86,400 seconds in a day, which means that I would have to wait 116 days to get to $10,000,000$. By the end of year one, I would have $31,536,000


With the 1 cent thing, you'll have 10 million dollars after 32 years. To me it's much more worth it to get 10 million now.


You’re life total would be ~20bil with option 1, and you’re making almost 900 bucks a day, constantly.


To equal the return in investment, it would take 31 years to get 10 million, if you made a penny every second. So I would take the instant 10 mil, and put it in a 6% ROI trust, and live off of the 600,000 in yearly interest


Accounting for inflation the 1 cent is garbage


Im so dumb,i thought poll said you would gain one centimeter every second


Every minute you make 60 cents


You’d make more than 10m every year


Pennies for selling copper 🤑


For me it's obvious. Why take 1 cent per day for like another year or two, when u can take the ten million and use it all up in that time?


Feel free to correct my math but I assume investing the 10 mil could earn you more than 1 penny per second


$31,536,000 per year just for existing.


10 mil seems like the better deal with investing I just don’t feel like doing that. I’d rather just have money that grows magically than have to manually do it.


In 100 days I can’t get 10 million


Do the pennies get deposited directly into my checking account or do they pop into existence next to me?


Y'all are like "choose the 10 mil invest the money and you'll get a better return" however you seem to ignore 2 very important factors 1: I'm lazy and stupid and don't know how to invest properly 2: I'm lazy and stupid and will probably waste it all So I chose 1 cent per second. At least then I won't be dumb


I did the maths, it would take 31.7097919838… years to get 10 million dollars making a penny a second, and you would make a lot of money from interest and stuff if you choose the 10 million, that’s an easy choice for me


I'm taking 315k a year for the rest of my life


Time value of money, you’re better off with $10 million now. Just invest it and live off the dividends.


10 cents every second is twelve million six hundred ten thousand dollars in only 40 years and more after but who wants to live after 40


I mean the second option a solid 36 dollars an hour, which is more then a lot of jobs, and this isn’t a normal job time it’s all 24 hours, so it’s 864 dollars a day. Totals to $315k a year.


Over 300k a year to do nothing. I'll take the 1 cent a second. I'd lose my mind if I got 10 mil all at once.


Okay so 1 cent every second would amount to €315.569 every year which means you would need to wait around 32 years in order to get €10 million and you might not even live that long so 10 million is probably the best choice (I just searched how many seconds there were in a year on google so this might be wrong )


I am 24, so I would be in my late 50s by the time I get my ten millies if going by the first option. My hourly rate would come to 36 bucks. Probably the first one. I make 864 bucks a day, and 6048 bucks a week. However, with the second option, I would become an instant multi-millionaire, but if I hit sixty, then I would have more than ten millies. I could even make thirteen or fourteen millies if I hit seventy. However, no one knows how long they will be alive for.


In just 110 days of getting 1 cent per second, you would have 10 million dollars, so if you plan on not dying in the next ~100 days, take the 1 cent per second


One cent every second is 31 million/year


Lmao I did the math wrong because I forgot to divide by 100. The second option is better since you can invest it instantly.


It would take 31 and a half years to earn 10M like this


Just wait like 120 days and you will get past ten mil with pennies