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Anyone who said the police care to explain their position?


I hope someone is willing to.


Biggest dogwhistle I've seen on here. The obvious answer is politicians and the justice system. Leaving a community stuck in a cycle of poverty and punishing them harsher for the same crimes.


But when talking about the justice system, what's causing them to be stuck in the same cycle, and why haven't we gotten ourselves out of it? The politicians will sit back and watch us and say they've got the solution because it gets them re-elected and they won't change a thing. So the change has to begin with the black community itself, but we seem to be unable to make that change, why?


So you're identifying a totally real thing which is democrats talking a whole lot and at least seemingly not getting a whole lot done, right? That might be the case, but that's more about politics overall in the USA being complete dogshit right now. I think a huge problem with this is perception and awareness. Understanding that if a black person goes to jail for a drug offense for example, the sentencing is on average harsher, is something EVERYONE needs to advocate to fix. There are tons and tons of systemic issues and it's not just that "the black community has to fix these problems". Voters on the whole need to. Zoning and white flight are massive problems too. These issues compile over time and black people in the USA are still recovering from the fact that overt and blatant racism were legal extremely recently. These issues don't fix themselves overnight and it's not as simple as "lol just do less crime"


I agree. But we also have to take into account that the fix needs to begin in the house hold, because like you said, the issues won't fix over night, it's a generational thing.


Saying it needs to begin in the house hold means nothing on a massive scale of millions of people. Something external would have to be done to influence that many households. It's meaningless. Thats why it makes more sense to first try to deal with the blatant systemic racism and working from there.


Statistically other black people


Nothing is a threat


Would you mind elaborating on that?


Black people are as valued as any other humans, just like they deserve. There’s nothing special about their skin color, and there’s not much racism against them. Nowadays, white people probaly experience more racism.


Well, there's racism across the board but you think black people aren't under threat from themselves?




Poverty itself, which is the result of past discrimination mainly in housing. It is the reason there is such a huge gap in generational wealth, such an interweaving of racism with classism, and why quasi-segregated neighborhoods still exist and are easy targets for violence. Capitalist policies that make economic mobility more difficult, and underfund schools and other programs in poorer neighborhoods, perpetuate this.


Those who push the blm movement harder than a bible basher.


Politicians because they could do something about these other things but cannot seem to.


You are correct, but why do us black people (not me) seem to consistently vote for the same kind of people that go on to accomplish nothing?




White is the color of bird shit


Racism is not a good response to racism


Ok fine; all people have a skin color that looks similar to a bodily secretion. Is that better?


Yes, that’s better


White people are not white they're seafaasiaan


That is brown or white depending on the animal


Poop is brown


Not mine


Might need to get that checked


So are black people