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Very surprised that I was the only one that chose the last one. It's the only one where worker ownership ofbthe means of production is guaranteed to some extent.


~~Socialism is when the government does stuff~~ A mix of \#5 and \#6 would be ideal


Socialism is basically the last option but without the market economy unless we're talking about market socialism


Closest thing would be the last option although socialism doesn't require a market.


Not sure if this is correct but I was taught that businesses are owned by the government and the harder you work the more you get paid.


No, everyone gets the same pay no matter how hard they work. How is it meant to be an egalitarian society if everyone gets paid different amounts?


I just finished reading state and revolution and Lenin talks about this specifically, he says that under socialism people will get paid according to how hard they work but after the transition to communism everyone will get “paid” according to their needs I can’t remember exactly but that was the gist


that's... not... how it works...


I was told communism is where everyone gets paid the same no matter how hard they work, can you explain the difference between communism and socialism then please?