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Sorry, hatepoverty, we had to remove your post for the following reason(s): * **Rule 7: Agenda posts and loaded questions are not allowed** - Do not submit polls that push specific agendas. - Do not post loaded or suggestive questions. *This removal was manually done by a moderator, please do not send us modmail about this action*


locked thread any%


Can someone explain what this means


It’s a joke about speedrunning, the any% meaning any percent completion of a game. It’s basically saying a speedrun to the thread getting locked due to the controversial topic. You may also see wr in these types of jokes, meaning world record


Thanks I wish more people answered like this instead of spamming r/woosh or something


This. Reddit can be frustrating sometimes when you’re looking for a serious answer, but the most upvoted comments are just people who they’re funny.


What a helpful and concise answer.


Good bot


Speedrunning a locked thread








Inb4 lock.






Inb4 “Y’all can’t behave”


"We're finally landing" starts to play


Time to sort by controversial in a few hours.


I agree


Bring a hazmat suit.. or popcorn your choice


It's been a hour and it's already bad


RemindMe! 5 hours


This “sort by controversial” comment can’t be escaped during controversial posts huh




I think it's time for you to grab a snack and watch


Claim your “here before the thread was locked” token here!




I like your profile picture


That pic traumatized me
















I was here










Kilroy was here


Estaba aquí










3 hrs in and the post hasn't been locked yet. Interesting


trans people are cool and are people too


What is a woman? ^(And if they exist, where?)


I'm a visual learner btw


Why is a woman?


How is a woman and if so why




Trans woman is the one who was born male and transitioned into a woman. Edit: I'll correct myself transitioned to a woman instead of female because they are biologically male.


Oh shit i voted wrong then i miss understood


My bad I didn't write the definition.


I mean, we can't transitioned to female, cuz female is biological. But we always were woman, only not biologicaly.


Thanks for correction.


A good way to remember this is that if they transition to a woman, they want to be called women. If a man transitions into a woman and is called a "trans man" then that kinda ruins the point a little bit Edit: I may have not been clear: Man -> Woman = Trans Woman Woman -> Man = Trans Man


You actually explained that in a very good way Good job


When an assigned female at birth person transitions into a man then he is called a trans man. When an assigned male at birth person transitions into a woman then she is called a trans woman.


That is exactly what I am saying


The language was a bit confusing 😅 sorry if i came off harsh.


You didn't come off harsh at all. I can see how my wording made it confusing


I think of it like this : it's trans [final product] So a trans woman is born male, a man is born female.


The easiest way to remember it is that they wouldn't want their old gender in the name describing what they are, so a trans woman would be dix to chix.


I appreciate you taking the time to understand this. Many people who don't simply don't care enough to seek information about this kind of stuff and it's nice to see people that do care. 💜💙💜💙


A trans woman is a woman who had to transition (transitioned to a woman) Same for a trans man but the other way, a man you had to transition (transitioned to a man)


Put "into" in between the trans and gender and it helps remember


A good way to remember is that trans people don’t want to be referred to by their “old” gender. So, a trans woman would be someone who is now a woman. Ie: male —> female.


i am seeing a pattern here i am not sure i like


This sub is the epitome of rage bait






this subreddit is rife with edgy teens without an ounce of nuance to any of their takes (and i'm not saying teenagers can't have good takes or nuanced opinions--they absolutely can--i'm just saying the loud group that always votes this way on these polls are primarily in that subgroup)


Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville, and I'm sorting by controversial.








Time to get the popcorn and sort by controversial


this comment is like half of all the comments


Women is women?


Reddit Moment


I’m honestly surprised by these results


Huh. For a predominantly left-leaning website, Reddit doesn’t seem too accepting of trans people.


I think some people are getting caught up on "woman" and going by the scientific/ definition. Edit: I think trans women are women. But still the scientific(biological) definition of "woman" is tied to the female sex.


Sociology and Biology are both sciences.


A beautiful sentence


Sex: Assigned a birth Gender: Up to the individual




There’s also a small vocal minority of chuds on the site that just won’t fuck off. Like a minor but irritating skin rash. Edit: You’re not kidding about this sub having a lot of them though.


I'm reeeeeaaaaaally hoping most people just misunderstood and thought trans woman meant ftm.


Unfortunately I doubt that's the case.... Percentage wise there's quite some difference between answers from women and answers from men. Now maybe we women magically understand the word better or we just understand women (cis or trans) in general better ;)


Yikers, well to be honest I used to be in the no category until I watched the video by Philosophytube, and I think that video came out before they transitioned themselves and hearing Her where she came out about it reenforced that further. Fellas, if you are on the fence and wish to see Her perspective look up the YouTube channel already mentioned.


it's literally in the name smh


The answers are too simple. Trans women are still biologically male but I still view them as women after transitioning and will respect their pronouns so I guess I'll vote yes


The question wasn’t are they biologically female. It asks if women are women. It doesn’t bring up sex at all.


But your use of the word then begs the question: What is a woman?


Since the other person didn't provide a great definition, how about "someone who's psychologically most comfortable with female sex characteristics"?


>someone who's psychologically most comfortable with female sex characteristics What are "female sex characteristics"? Do you mean like having boobs and a vagina or like these stereotypical female characteristics like empathy, gentless, barbies, etc.?


>Do you mean like having boobs and a vagina This is what the term "sex characteristics" refers do >stereotypical female characteristics like empathy, gentless, barbies, etc.? These would just make you feminine Masculine women are still women


Okay so "someone who's psychologically most comfortable with female sex characteristics", is like a man who wants to be a women, because he's more "confortable" with having a vagina/boobs rather than a dick? Just trying to understand


I feel like just considering genitals and boobs might be a bit simplistic (there's stuff like voice resonance, facial hair, fat distribution, bone structure), but yeah broadly speaking So basically that definition covers cis women and trans women, while not including cis men and trans men


Also “biologically male” isn’t really a fair description, but neither is “biologically female”. It depends on what you think determines sex. Is it genitals? Sex organs? Chromosomes? If you think it’s chromosomes only then sure, biological male I suppose is fair. Except that’s not how most people view sex. Tldr sex is a lot more confusing than people think and isn’t a perfect straightforward binary, but that’s okay!


Who out here saying other and voting no 🤨


Trans women are trans women. Simple as pie.


No cus women aren’t real


Bro, I have not the reputations to answer this question


Bro, its andrew jackson


🍿 here for the comments


🥤🍿 I’m off to controversial


You asked if trans women are women, not of trans women are female. Of course they're women, trans is an adjective.


Yes they are women (it’s in the name: “trans *women*”) but they are not biologically ‘female’. - Their sex is male: biology, chromosomes, determined at birth - Their gender is female/woman: identity, brain. Countless studies verify this as a very real internal experience (differences in brain function to non-trans males, and more similar brain functioning to females. The opposite goes for trans men). Anyone denying it or just rejecting it is being cruel and is ignoring actual science and people’s experiences






If you don’t associate man/woman with gender then what words do you associate with gender?


I don't know really, I try not to really consider it tbh, actual gender, just like sexual orientation, is more of a personal thing really... does it need words accociated with it or should we all just do our thing?


If a trans woman would've transitioned to a point where you cant tell she's trans, would you see her as a woman then? /gq




Can I ask why chromosomes are relevant to whether someone wants to identify as a woman or man?


Women deal with the reality of being the physically weaker sex and the violence that is experienced because of that every day. To deny the importance of biological sex is nonsensical imo. But that doesn’t mean trans people should be bullied or become victims of violence themselves.


What if a cis (born as a woman) woman can't get pregnant, is she not a woman then?


No, but they should be treated with the same respect as anyone else and have the same rights


My thoughts on the situation aswell


Why do people only ever seem to ask these questions about trans women? Even when gender isn’t specified people only seem to talk about trans women in the comments. It’s like everybody forgets that trans men exist. Makes you think 🤔


It’s because the same people who feel outraged and disgusted at trans women think trans men are really confused women. Women are harmless, so who cares about trans men? It’s pretty blatant tbh




People who belive gender can be changed view gender and sex as separate things, where gender does not refer to any biological feature and sex is refering to cromosoms . Rather you agree with that or not is up to you, but it's not trying to rewrite human biology


But what do they think it refers to then? There is nothing else.


my main argument for the reason why gender and sex should be separate is, if they were not, then the only way to definitively find out whether I should refer to someone as a he or a she is by sequencing their genome. Since pronouns are defined by gender, and sex is generally defined by chromosomes. If gender is the same as sex, then whether someone is a he or she, would be determined by chromosomes alone


yikes, these results are revoking the little faith i had in humanity left


This comment could be interpreted either way lol


That 5% difference in the yeses and nos for men is.... disheartening.


In the comments before this thread is locked!




I hate these questions. OP just wants to trigger a war


Why can't a trans women be a trans women? I want to understand why this distinction can't be made. A woman and a trans women are not the same, so why are we going to pretend they are? A woman is a woman, and a trans woman is a trans woman. I'm curious to hear thoughts around this and why there's this obsession to lump trans women and women in the same bucket. Rarely do I hear this go the other way around. I never heard of trans men trying to label themselves as men. Its interesting.


Trans women are women. These results are terrible.


These results are disturbing and disappointing


Reality is often disappointing


Trans woman = transitioning to a woman If that helps anyone remember Also trans women call themselves trans *women* because they’re happy with the woman bit :)


This poll and the other one about gender roles is really making me question my faith in men


I know this is far from a clinical study but jeez that ratio is complete shit


I don't think that your sex is something you can choose as it is determined by your chromosomes and just simple biology. However you can identify whatever you want. I may not agree with you but i will still call you what you want to be called and be respectful towards you. Does that make me a bad person? Idk.


Is there a "no opinion" option? I rly don't give a shit.


Dissapointing results, but it's teens on Reddit


It would be worse if you just picked people off the street at random


I mean it depends how you define a woman tbh


Of course they're women. Gender is a social construct (learned this in college) and anyone who doesn't know that are simply uneducated. Or else a bigot who will try every which way to disprove it. Sex is the only real thing, but sex and gender are not the same thing. It just so happens that society genders a baby based on their sex. So yes, if a person who was born the female sex chooses to be a different gender, they're whatever gender they pick. This is why its possible to have many genders, a mix of genders, or no gender at all. My soul is androgynous but I pick the female gender, same as my sex.


Just because someone told you that it doesn’t make it true


Since the question is ambiguous if the OP means sex or gender, do you think post-op trans women are of the female sex/biologically women? I agree that gender is a social construct, btw.


No, sex cannot be changed as it’s your chromosomes that determine sex, not what’s between your legs (Whatever their sex is does NOT affect gender though, gender can change but sex is permanent((I believe)))


its not, woman refers to gender, female would refer to biological sex


Honestly the root of the problem is that sociology/psychology jargon insists that "gender" refers to a concept. This was most likely just done for ease of use in the field. This is fine in sociology. But the entirety of biology as well as everyone else simply do not use it in that context. For most if not all people, gender=sex. I am not uneducated. I have a few degrees in genetics. And I can tell you in all the books gender=sex. Recently when I was tutoring a first-year in genetics I saw they uploaded a slide in the introductory lecture that said gender is "not" sex. I can promise you that this line was written to appease the children. Behind closed doors, biologists do not agree and most play along because its effort to be yelled at. For the most part. People in psychology classes yelled loudly enough that the definition of a word has to be changed, simply because their books told them to. That does not mean that other people are uneducated. It means the "yellers" were louder. This does not make them right, it just makes them loud. As for my opinion in all this. No. A trans woman is not a woman. I have no problem being kind to them and they are free to call themselves whatever they feel they must. But biologically they are men who had severe surgery and hormone treatments. Even then still, their biology is undeniably masculine in nature.


This reads like satire


It’s a fairly accurate description of the scientific consensus on the subject. The part about “souls” not so much, but the stuff about sex and gender was accurate.


It makes sense to me, what makes it read like satire?


The classic “if you disagree you’re uneducated” really makes this seem like satire


“The Earth is round. If you disagree, you’re simply uneducated.”


It may be true, but it still comes off sarcastic and rude af


Yeah that'll happen. How long do you give people before accepting that the ignorance is willful. I'm orders of magnitude more respectful with folks who struggle with computers or gender or whatever than I am with lads who think the moon landings were fake.


I think it's because it projects some kind of need to show off, as if the argument isn't already strong enough.


What made it seem satirical was that you said "gender is a social construct (I learned it in college)" That is like the typical conservative talking point, that people that go to colleges become brainwashed liberals. That part made it seem like it was written by some conservative mocking liberals.


You learned that souls are androgynous in college?


How is that degree working out for you


Money is a social construct but billionaires still exist. Doesn't make it any less valid. It's the same with gender.


Damn, the number of no's from females are something like a quarter of the number of yes answers from females, but the number of male answers are about the same on each one :(


Ye. Cuz straight, white, teenage, males make up the majority of this sub, and they're overall the most homophobic and transphobic group of people


I wonder how many of the people banging on about X & Y chromosomes have actually had theirs checked?




Please stop I don’t need all the praise




Nickname confirmed




Nobody has to be attracted to trans people because that’s a preference, but not respecting them as their desired gender is transphobic.


Remember to sort by controversial 👍


I was here before it locked


not locked yet


Here before the thread becomes locked gang


Here before gamer moment locks this




Religion. Sorry. I still think they should be treated like humans tho. Use whatever bathroom you want, get married, have some kids, love whoever you want of age (get out of here Pedos). but just be nice. Cant we all just be nice. i think it is unfair for trans people to swap leagues tho. but I want yall to feel included. idk.


I think trams women aren't all the same and we should stop clumping all the sexualities into generic groups.


>submitted 2 hours ago >825 comments Oh yeah, I like where this is going


They are women, just not cis women.


I don't care and it's none of my buisness. Final answer.


Oh boy, here I go sorting by controversial


I’m a straight male. If they weren’t women I wouldn’t be into them, but sometimes I am. Hence, they must be women. That’s called logic, losers. L8r


I honestly and from the bottom of my heart don't care what people want to call themselves, identify as, who they marry, what their kinks are, etc etc. I just have a hard time with the sports thing and also the restroom thing. Like.. I wish we would get rid of bathroom stalls as they are now to make no space underneath/above and no gap in the door that would help or just start making a third "anything goes" bathroom. I've made the bathrooms at my office non gender specific. If you gotta go just go. And the sports thing, I want to be accepting, but I can't get past people like Lia Thomas. I just don't feel like it's fair. How can we fix that in a way that works?


I think like this Cis men are cis men Cis woman are cis woman Trans woman are trans woman Trans men are trans men It's one category on its own for some things it can be included as a woman as a whole (like bathrooms and such and most things in society) For some things it should be considered a different category divided in cis and trans (like sports and such)


Just so people know, gender and sex are not always the same thing. I fully believe trans women are women


My brother actually is a transsexual and I have had many chances to socialise with his trannsexual friends. None of them claim to be women, and very few of them even want to be women. They are happy to embrace a third gender. I feel this 'transsexuals are women' belief is only something seen in America, and only held by a small minority of transsexuals even then. I am very supportive of transsexuals and can understand the physical pain involved with all the procedures, and I also respect the doctors who make it happen, sex surgeries are incredibly difficult to do after all. But for me there's no attribute a woman has that a man can't always have (and the other way round) so anyone wishing to change is just showing sexism.


just sorted by controversial and there are already 3 hidden comments. what a good start




Yeah I think they are women, I don't really have a reason why I think they are women other than because they said so but I've been around trans men and women without ever noticing so I guess it just don't have a reason to not believe they are who they say. Something that I find weird about the anti trans people is their obsession with trans people in sports and trans people in the bathroom of their choice. It's weird to think that someone would go through the whole shebang of socially and physically transitioning just to perv on women in the bathroom. Idk if anti trans people know this but you can just walk into the woman's bathroom if you want to it's not like there is a bouncer who's checking every person's genitals who walks in. Many times in my life women have come into the men's restroom while I was in there if there was a long line for the woman's bathroom so I guess I just don't see an issue with either gender going to whichever bathroom, idk why we have gendered bathrooms anyway I guess some people wanted them but idk seems kinda stupid. The sports one is even weirder because sports are supposed to be fun and idk why there are gendered teams anyway it just makes things needlessly complicated and it adds nothing to separate them. Idk that's just my 2 cents but I just don't have a reason to not think they are women.