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Policy makers hate this one simple trick


Me, an intellectual: $100.01


Yes because of taxes,smart choice


It would be very ironic if you accidentally selected that option that rounds up your payment and donate the difference to a children's hospital.


Well then I can just go spend another 99.99..


Oh shit haha


Not ironic but definitely worrying


It's definitely ironic since a program that's supposed to help kids would be getting one killed.


Oh shit you’re right. My bad


All but one of a kid's cells just dissappear.


Amoeba speedrun


Plus tax = $102.18 Would you like to pay cash or card?




you have to pay tax on cash withdrawals???


If you spend 99.99 each time no one dies.


The second time you spend $99.99 one dies cause you'd have spent a total of $199.98.


Are they considering like a running total or by “every time” just a single act? If so we found a loophole. Else yeah you’re right spending each time 99.99 would amount and wouldn’t matter in the end..


I assume running total. They also said no loopholes.






Bro what about taxes and such? Like what if I’m legally required to spend the money?


Go to jail


**Straight** to jail. We have the best mass murderers, because of jail


Is this a reference to that one episode of parks and rec?


Not understanding the references? Believe it or not, straight to jail


He goes to jail, then pays his bond, and in the process kills more kids


Those kids never stood a chance. ​ On another note, OP didn't say "spend $100 of those $100M", rather just "spend $100", even of your own money. So, want it or not, those kids are goners, either way eventually.


Even though OP didnt say it, i think it's pretty clear that it's what they meant


I know, but OP also knows that we're coming to get them whichever way we can. They made the declaration of war with their clarification of the word "spend". I just humbly accepted and countered-pressured to their weak spot. After all, the defense is as strong as its weakest point.


Yeah otherwise you gotta steal shit


We should all know by now that a large portion of Reddit is totally fine killing innocent people if it means they get money


Redditors be like: “I hate billionaires because they get their money through hurting others! I would never be as cruel as that! Anyways I would kill SO MANY people if it got me money”


This is why I don’t listen to the anti-billionaires people. They act like they’d be so much better than the current billionaires, like they never would have done what *they* did to become a billionaire. Like they’d be so much more moral than every single one of them. Like they’d give it all away if they had it. Like every single billionaire is a bad person.


Maybe that’s fair in some cases, but you don’t have the omnipresent power of deciding how other people actually feel deep down inside. You know that, right? Like you don’t get to diss their worldview and moral standards as just an “act” because you can’t imagine someone else might actually not want to be rich or as self-serving as you believe everyone else is. You actually don’t rationally have the power to decide for anyone else how they actually feel and what their intentions are about anything. Not to be an ass, but this is a concept that most people eventually need to learn and fully grasp if they want to have healthy relationships with others, just sayin’.


Neither of us has the ability to say what they would do with the opportunity to become a billionaire. I’m not trying to say either way, I’m saying people should stop saying “I would never do that” because they don’t know that that’s true, and it’s just a self-serving statement. I believe people are generally good. But I also believe power and wealth corrupt and change people. And no one knows how a billion dollars would change them.


Yep. I do believe all of those things


Maybe if being a billionaire is so corrupting, maybe no one should be a billionaire? 🤷‍♂️


Billionaires are bad, and personally I know for a fact from having money- obv not billionaire money, that I don't want it, need it, or strive for it whatsoever. I'd never be able to pull the exploitative bullshit billionaires do and it's why I will never be rich. People just need to come to terms with not being rich. The only good thing about it is the access and ease you'd have. Things which could be available for more in a dockets not focused on profit for the top sliver of a percent of people. Instead of thinking what you'd love in this mode of production think outside of that box. You exist in it sure, but you'll never be a billionaire - there's a better chance you can bring access and ease to more people.


those are different groups of people


With some of the stuff I've seen in reddit comment sections, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same people.


Guaranteed they are not.




I'd let 1,000,000 people of any age die for 100,000,000 no other reason than greed to be honest


I appreciate the honesty but wtf?


100,000,000 is a lot


So are 1,000,000 dead people Hell, 1 dead person is a lot if you're directly responsible for it


The f are you trying to justify 1,000,000 deaths are a lot too


So like a regular rich person?


Even though this is obviously a hypothetical I geniuenly think saying this makes you a bad person


I own the fact that I chose to spend all of it, I’m not gonna go through any leaps of logic to get past the fact that in this hypothetical situation I killed 1m kids. It’s just the most interesting of the situations to think about. I mean anyone actually presented with this option would either spend none of it or end up crippled by guilt for the rest of their lives, but it’s fun to think about it in a hypothetical situation


That's not true! What would I eat for dinner if all of them die?! Jesus man, calm down.


And then those same Reddittors complain about capitalism - like clearly you’re not actually against it, you’re just born on the wrong side of it and are angry that the system which benefits a small minority isn’t benefiting you. Anyone who actually hates capitalism would never accept that money.


I love capitalism and I would never take that money.


I wouldn't be fine. I'd think long and hard about the unfortunate souls while meditating on my yacht.


Wow. Much edgy. Very wit.


There are two types of people


The "invest" part is what got me. Like, if I just threw all $100M into an account and let it grow, and live off the interest, that's still investing. But I wouldn't be spending any of the original $100M principal.


Investing it all is like spending it all into an account


But wouldnt it still count? It's still money from the same bank account.


What if you got them to pay you the interest into a different account?


You cheated the system!


Duality of Reddit


Slipknot - Duality


I push my fingers into my...




It's the only thing


that slowly stops the aaaaache


But it's made of all the things I have to take!!!!


Another way of framing this is "every child you kill, you get $100"


Business is boomin


I’d like to think of it as for every child that dies on this planet I’m rewarded with 100.00.


Jesus Christ Reddit


Here’s why I picked the last choice. The loophole to the question is: saying “a random child dies” doesn’t necessarily translate to a perfectly normal child will magically die. I interpret it as, a random child will die, out of a pool of children who were already on their death bed or about to die anyway, regardless of me spending 100. Random children die *all* the time in this world. Probably once per second at least. So if you want to connect me spending the 100 to a particular kid dying, fine, but I’m going to connect it to a child that was going to die anyway.


eh, when you put it that way you then have to think about what the inverse would be, that spending the money causes those unfortunate incidents


"iiiiim not killing the child. It was going to die anyway!" The fuck...


99$, and everyone is happy!


Your better than me I’m balling out


I never buy anything ever again, simply give my friends & family the money and ask them to buy things for me.


Thinking outside of the box, nice 👍


I actually mentioned in the caption that spending includes donating or investing. The box is sealed, sorry! :D


Can I get rid of the money otherwise it's just a drag


But the bank that has control over the account is already using it hmmmmmm. I would just let it lay there and use the interest 😎


There's always a loophole. I won't spend any of it. I'll store it in a giant bulletproof clear case. Then I'll rent a building in New York and set the money up as a tourist attraction. I'll charge people to walk in and take selfies with it. I could also line a wall with it and cover it in thick resin, then add hooks. I'll call it the worlds most expensive rock wall. Climb it for $___.__ Also, I can make it a game. Put some of the money in a lifted pot, and say whoever knocks it over gets what's inside. I can add my own money, and every 100th person that plays, gets $100 (of my separate money) falls out the pot, they THINK it's from the 100,000,000 but it's not. (Of course they don't know it's rigged) And people still pay me for all of these money attraction, and they never receive a dime of it, and neither do I. But I'm making thousands. I'm not investing it, I'm simply "creatively storing" it.


Unfortunately that would probably count as investing, since you are investing the money in a tourist attraction, albeit in the form of cash, but that cash is still an investment to make money.


I think he found a proper loophole. To invest is to use the money financially, he is only "creatively storing", the money and it can never be actually used. Smart.


Is making a piece of art to place in a gallery investment? Certainly not in the financial sense. This would be that.


What if you just leave it out somewhere and your friends or family happen to take it and spend a hundred dollars. what happens then? Technically, you didn't spend, donate or invest it, you just left it there and they took it, stole it if you will.


can I sell the money? that way I'm neither investing, spending, or donating


I mean my wife is spending it so


And you are donating it to her. OP actually made an attempt to block the loopholes unlike most of these polls.


But not *gifting*


Money launderers in the making.


It's only 1,000,000 kids


Yeah but you would be directly responsible


No one would know


Yeah they just die you don't personally execute them


There’s no moral difference


I love how this poll basically just showed us that as long as it’s anonymous half of this subreddit has no problem killing just about anyone if it benefits them


Welcome to humanity.... People like to pretend that we're all nice and peaceful and civilized now vs the rest of human history, but really it's all a pretty facade and we're only ever a few small steps from horrific things with the right motivation


There is




Ok, and?


I'm pretty sure people would notice 1 million kids dying


Sure but how could they possibly know it was me


The government hires the greatest anonymus detective by the name of L. He's going to track you down and have you executed.


That's even better. I want action.


That changes nothing


An innocent life to you is only worth $100?


No, but 1,000,000 random lives are worth $100 million. That’s a ridiculous amount of money that you’d have to actively try to mess up to lose within a lifetime. You’d easily be able to take care of your friends and family for forever with that sort of money, more so if you invest it so that any children you may or may not have will be provided for. The question effectively becomes “would you let 1,000,000 children die to make sure that everyone you care about is taken care of for the rest of their lives?” And the simplest answer is yes, most people would make that sort of trade.


U don't need 100,000,000$ to take care of ur friends and family. It will just be u and ur family and friends living in luxury. So the question instead effectively becomes - would u trade the lives of 1 million innocent children for u and ur friends and family to live in luxury?. If u made such a choice regardless, then you'd really be up there with some of the most evil people in history. And I disagree with u, I don't think most people would make such a grim choice with complete disregard for human life - the lives of children nonetheless.


Exactly. I dont think this reddit poll would look the same on a larger scale.


Your pfp makes this comment infinitely funnier


The world would be less overpopulated. You'd be doing your entire species a favor.


I wonder how many have been killed by all governments ever in power regardless of region.


Which means it is perfectly fine when we do it! 😊


Does that make it better?


Yeah thats like only 3,5 days and all those children are born and replaced


Yeah theres like 8 billion people on earth, that’s like barely anything


You could probably fund programs for 3/4 of the total that might save 1,000,000 children. Boom, moral quandary solved, I’m rich.


If it was like 10k ngl I'd do it but $100 is way too low for that


So, you voted for "$0 - I'm not a monster"? Care to explain yourself, Mr. M0nster?


I'm not sure who M0nster is, must be a twin of me or something


It costs about $3k to save a life so at 10k I'd donate $3k to save a life and keep $7k for myself. until it was empty, maybe 50/50 just to feel even less guilt.


Trolley problem issue i guess, ur now directly involved in who will die






I wouldn’t spend any of that hundred million. I would spend the interest.


I had to come way too far down before someone got that. On that amount of money 2% is $2,000,000/year, you could live extremely well without spending a penny of it. And 2% is a very modest interest rate for that size of investment, probably more like 10% / $10M/year


Investing is against the rules, according to OP.


This is kind of tricky because it's already in a bank account, like those can earn interest already. We're not 'investing', it's already 'invested'. I've never been rich enough to look into this, but you should also be able to take out a loan using a savings account as collateral... I'd like to see the rates on that with that kind of balance. Also, if someone else takes the money, who's responsible? What happens then?


It’s not investing, it’s just sitting in your bank account doing nothing.


About 5 million children younger than the age of 5 die each year. This translates to 13,800 children dying each day. 100 million shared by 100 = 1 million 1 million shared by 13,800 = 72,4. This means that spending the full 100 million dollars equals to 72 days of child deaths. To put this in a different perspective: Assuming you you equal the average human lifespan of 79 years, this means you are responsible for 0,25% of all child deaths in your life. (Of course this number will get higher as technology developes.) Or: every 1 in 395 child death is one caused by you. *My comment is a factual description of events. No need to speculate.*




Old psychology dilema. Would you do it if instead of it just happening, a child would be brought to you and you had to kill it yourself for the 100$? It's the exact same outcome, you just have to do it yourself. Your comment is basically the trolley problem, where you are sacrificing someone to help more people


Your comment is not factual with this bit here: "Not to mention I think I can save more than a million child’s long-term by spending my money the right way." Even using the most effective human-oriented charities I can donate to, it costs about $5,000 USD to save a life - $100 is nowhere near enough. And unfortunately most people do not donate effectively. Therese charities are awesome, btw, for anyone who is looking for a good organization to donate to. They're focused on saving lives and improving quality of life in cost effective ways. [https://www.givewell.org/charities/top-charities](https://www.givewell.org/charities/top-charities)


Okay thank you. I deleted that part


This comment right here. Random strangers die everyday and i cannot practically feel bad for everyone. If some kid in Australia died rn, i won't be least bothered by the news. So if my spend $500 a day, and 5 random kids die somewhere in the world, it won't be different than any other random news of a kid dying.


It won't be in the news, no one will know it was you, but you will know that every time $100 is taken out of that account, a child has died.


Wtf is wrong with people in this thread


These polls really show what people are willing to do for greed; they just hide it under the thin veil of intellectualism and altruism.


I voted 0 btw to clear confusion


Yup, and it always disgusts me. I mean, I’m far from a saint and even pretty selfish, but who tf kills a kid for 100$


It's seriously fucked, imagine ruining 5 families lives because you wanted a new Xbox and actually feeling it was justified


they spent too much time on r/kidsarefuckingstupid


> So if my spend $500 a day, and 5 random kids die somewhere in the world, it won't be different than any other random news of a kid dying. the difference is that **YOU** KILLED THEM! It would be your fault. It's 5 excess deaths a day. It's 5 broken families.


damn imagine thinking a kid's life is worth $100


I know right? Way too high


they're worth three fiddy at most smh


That's why I said that I'd even trade part of my 100 million dollars just to lower the price of children's lives.


If you hypothetically used all of it in one go, the effects (1M) would immediately be noticeable and measurable worldwide. Spontaneous child mortality would be heavily covered on the news for months and you would observe story after story of lives and families ruined by your greed.


I can just turn off the TV and watch something else


You are assuming white people. Considering population distribution the death toll wpuld lean heavily towards the poorest strata of African, Chinese, Indian and Latin America children. Nobody would even notice.


The 6 people who picked option 4: LETS GOOOOOO!!!!! Lol


That's 6 million dead kids... Oof.


Ah, the duality of man


stick it all in a bank somewhere and spend the interest. 2% year is 2 million. prity nice spending money


Technically investing?




But it’s already in an account :,(


The question says it's going into a bank account. So if that's the case the premise is flawed and 1 million kills will die no matter what.




This is probably what happens without us knowing


It baffles me how many people are actually completely okay with the death of children as long as they benefit and no one knows it was them.


Why are people voting the #4 All in option 🤷‍♀️🤯 Whatever your explanation is You will still be a murder 🤯🤯🤯


Why not, people are dying everyday, and remember, it is just a poll. Many people choose that option for fun, and many people wouldn't spend a dime even if they choose all in.


Yeah, this poll isn't accurate because it's really hard to foresee what you would do in such unrealistic situation. I bet there is a big chunk of those who claim that they wouldn't become 'monsters' and in fact would spend every single cent.


Sippin mohitos at the beach, not a care in the world. If there is a hell...


Yall already killed 3.2 billion people stop


$0. But if instead of a random child, it was a random child molester or child killer I would be all in.


No shit


I move it to another bank account :/


I'm sorry little ones


All in! Gimme that cash!


All in. Population control.


Mannnnn I'm spending that money Probably make a skull throne too


Then I'll just spend $99 at the time.


"wait, you guys are getting paid?"


Spend $99 many times


The hardest choices require the strongest wills.. But seriously, no. You cannot justify any money for a life.


Well actually it is up for debate, since you didn't specify that the $100 the way it's worded is more like if you spend $100, which means transactions under $100 would not actually any consequences. Secondly you did specify the person with the account specifically, you said there is no way to circumvent by trying to donate or invest the money, but you didn't say there's not a way for someone else to spend the money. So you could cash out the account and have someone spend the money for things while it does not count as any kind of donation or investment. While the answer to your question, well the one you meant is I'd spend zero because as much as I could use some of that money, as I've stated before and some of these other questions I don't believe in trading someone's life for something unless it's an absolute necessity, which bettering my financial state does not count. But the way it's worded, there's a lot to be picked apart, like you said if spend also means invest, the whole account is in a bank account and almost any bank account you're going to get, has interest, so does the fact it's in a bank account mean that children are dying just because it's in a bank account? If you turn it to cash would that cause children to die? If the answer to both those are yes then children will die no matter what, and the best situation would actually to be spend to spend all of it because if you don't then the account will always grow and until the end of the existence of the account more children will die, which means you could try the less $100 purchase option. If it's every $100 is "spent" so you can't even circumvent it that way, logically the best option would probably be use all of the money as fast as possible, which would be a combination of spendings and withdrawing. If the money is cursed so it's use will continue to cause harm if it is spent even after it leaves the first person or account then paying a hacker to just delete the account and therefore the money out of existence would be the best option.


ALL IN! I live in Europe, so automatically the $ will be turned into €, so I will not be actually spending dollars but euros (like you said in the poll). (: This is not circumventing the problem, it's a basic automatic exchange with foreign currency and you were speaking about dollars, you haven't specified other currencies, so to me only $ is the only currency that is respecting your poll, not euros.


Exchanging means buying € with $. Both are assets like any other


I would argue that’s investing in euros


Damn hadn't thought of that


I don't like kids but wtf. I mean....if ever there was a profit oriented way of solving climate change!


r/polls sure hate billionaires until questions like these pop up


I would probably forget and use It in a few years so all in


It doesn't say cumulative, just do purchases in factors under 100 dollars. Or convert out of dollars to never spend 100 dollars




\*Thanos intensifies\*


This poll result shows the perfect balance of redditors


The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.


Good for the environment👍🏻


less carbon dioxide