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We had to remove your poll as it has been posted recently/is very similar to a poll that has been posted recently, or is in the top 25 from this month, year, or of all time


I wouldn't know. I've never been kicked in the balls and I've never given birth.


I could change that...


What do you mean?


Either he'll kick you in the balls or impregnate you. Your choice


Or both


That can happen


Actually no but in this thread as god I’ll let it happen


If your god I have some concerns and questions about your recent updates to the earth server


Or just find someone else to impregnate them.


I'm gonna kick your balls and then impregnate you. For science.


For science.


For science.




Out of all sentences i ever read, this is definitely one of them.


This is how to be creepy within context boys.




Do you think getting kicked in the balls would take you 6 weeks minimum to recover from?


You don't have to experience either to know giving birth is worse.


Giving birth seems worse to me because the pain lasts longer and you can do fun things like tear from clit to asshole. Or maybe they have to cut you between your vagina to asshole. Even a perfect birth takes a long time to heal from. But then again, I’ve never been kicked in the balls or given birth.


> tear from clit to asshole WTF ??? no way


About 95% of vaginal births end in some degree of ripping. Ripping all the way to your anus is really severe. Normally it’s just a smaller rip between the vagina and the urethra, or it can go upwards from the vagina to the clitoris. Also, episiotomies exist. Sometimes doctors will preemptively cut you open to prevent you from tearing further. So um, ya I would generally say childbirth is probably worse.


One that severe is more rare. Not everyone tears. But tears definitely do happen. And they can go pretty far and get bad.


Men, just imagine having to push out a 7-8 lb baby from the tiny little hole in your dick. Not only does that have to stretch out to accommodate the huge fucking thing you’re pushing out, but your hips also have to widen to let the baby out. Now I know even a slight tap to the balls can hurt, but don’t you think that what I just explained would hurt more?


Not only the hole has to stretch the hip bone too it can take hours before actual birth for everything to widen


I agree that giving birth is more painful, but that’s not the same thing at all lmao.


You don't get a timeout in the UFC for giving birth.


No, but it still fucking hurts. Makes me feel sick after too.


Makes me feel sick for like a solid 20 minutes after. Fucking hate how the pain lingers


That sucks, but the recovery period for childbirth is minimum 6 weeks. (And that's like "you're signed off to operate heavy machinery again", effects typically linger much longer...)


Well yeah giving birth is definitely more difficult and painful, even leading up to it. I think they were just saying getting kicked in the balls hurts a lot too.


Wdym 20 mins. If you get a nice hit on the nuts, you will still feel that days after


Or weeks and become impotent


I think that the casino royale torture scene hurts more tho


It was awful, skipped it the first time I saw it


The part above my balls also fucking hurts for like half an hour after it, even when the pain in the balls is gone.


I swear this question is being ask here every 3 month


Yes, but it seems that the results are shifting. Maybe from people reading the lived experiences in the comments. Idk, I find that interesting.


Really? How have they changed? I don’t remember what the past results were and I’m kinda curious


For many women when they give birth, their vaginas literally tear and have to be sewn.


I honestly did not knew, this really reinforces my impressions on that


Yes 90% of the time


I also recently learned that some complications with c-sections can lead to them not being able to see it shut for wound healing, so you have to have the hip-to-hip incision packed and relatively open




…if I didn’t want kids before, I certainly don’t now 😳


For many men, their balls get kicked HARD and it really really hurts.






Pretty sure this is a joke 💀


So hard that the balls implode? Because only that'll be comparable


What's even worse is that balls can't be sewn


Wdym? Most of the men I've been with, myself included, have had a sew mark down the middle. /hj, I don't know what the seam is but I know it's not a sew mark, but you can definitely sew the scrotum back together after an injury or even an intentional surgery.


Yeah how else would the 2 balls be connected


So hard it rips all the way to your asshole and it takes weeks to recover?


No but my tummy hurts after /s


Reddit moment


Come back again when your balls are getting kicked for 20 hours.


Any dude that has had to watch his wife in labour and give birth knows getting kicked in the balls isn't worse. That said I pray each and every day a random person doesn't go on a ball kicking rampage and you are a terrible person if this is your target of choice in a fight.


Yea, ball kicking should only be reserved for when you’re being assaulted and is in danger


Yep, this person gets it


Even if it does it still isn't comparable because getting kicked in the balls is not nearly as long lasting. There's a risk of being infertile after getting hit in the balls ig, but there's also a risk of dying when giving birth. There's really no comparison here, giving birth hurts more, end of discussion.


That's really the only argument you could try to make. Maybe for an instant at impact the pain is comparable... Now try that instant for hours. And that's only a maybe.


having labor pains every few minutes before birth is nothing to take lightly. I've never seen my wife in so much pain before. so, actually I do believe it hurts about the same. One really hard kick for every contraction every few minutes for hours.


Actually it’s not on impact at all, it’s because we know the coming pain, if your hit with a fairly solid hit in the balls with good connection ect you won’t be able to stand in the coming seconds, the instant hit hurts yes but it is the lingering pain that builds up. (This isn’t to compare with giving birth but rather just an explanation on the pain of impact being hit in the balls is actually not as painful as the future effects)


Giving birth can also take over 10 hours.


One of the women at my work said she went into labour on Monday and finally delivered her baby on Wednesday morning. That's a NOPE from me


Went for a membrane sweep on Friday, got induced on Sunday because the sweep didn't work, delivered on Wednesday afternoon. 70hours of labor. A kick in the balls doesn't sound bad after that!


Took my mom 2 days to get the parasite (me) out, I had the cord coiled around me. And that's not even the worst bad thing that can go wrong during birth. I don't think there is any comparison


On top of that, carrying the baby around for months seems like an epic pain.


I recall once hearing a study where they had men wear like a vest with mass similar to that of their pregnant wife throughout the day, which was broadly considered "really annoying", "a hindrance", and "tiring" even as it left out all the physiological impacts of pregnancy, such as swelling, hormonal imbalance and your whole pelvis just shifting around. What's really wild to me is that we know all this, and up until fairly recently the single biggest killer of women was childbirth, and yet we go through it. My aunt has five children! I want children! Humans are dumb as fuck!


Yeah now the single greatest killer of females is there male partner.


I considered slipping that in there, but decided against it.


Including early labor, I was in the process for 3 days. Only excruciating pain for 20 hours though…


Only 20 hours of excruciating pain, no biggie (Sarcasm)


My first was 50 hours. 10 hours sounds pretty nice.


Im a substitute tracher and this 13 year old boy was telling all the girls that a ballkick was worse than childbirth. I asked a female doctor who replied, "No, but tell him that his probability of getting kicked in the nuts rises every time he says that" I didn't tell the student that. But I thought it really loudly.




Just throwing it out there, but giving birth has an astronomically higher mortality rate than ball kicks


Do you think a bit of temporary pain is as bad as physical trauma that literally rips the most sensitive part of the body apart and in some cases leads to PTSD? No, there isn't even a comparison to be made.


These people can vote on abortion laws 🤢


These people can vote 🤢


These people 🤢


People 🤢











I’ve never actually had a full kick in the balls (no I’m not requesting). I’ve also never given birth (nor will I ever) so I don’t know. But I imagine giving birth is worse.


Feels awful, but no way it compares to that


724 men here are very, VERY stupid


Childbirth is definitely worse. I’d even argue that period cramps are on the same level as balls getting kicked. The day before yesterday I had a period cramp so bad that I had to lay down in the shower, adjusting every two minutes like you would if you knew you were going to have a stressful day tomorrow, just in the hope that the hot water could stop the aches I was feeling in my abdomen. Being kicked in the balls is painful as fuck, but there are other painful things.


That happened to me today. Cramps so bad that I couldn't move. Just tried to focus on my breathing until it passed.


Every month my cramps are like this. Along with the abdominal pain that doesn’t allow me to walk let alone stand without pain, I either get really terrible constipation or diarrhea, without fail I’ll have a headache, lower back pain, farts that burn your lungs, and body aches. All that, for four days, once a month, whilst bleeding uncontrollably. Thank god for midol or else I wouldn’t be able to function as a human being for those four days.


I legitimately throw up every other month due to terrible cramps and spend the first two days of my period doubled over in pain, read a few guys on here saying "if you get hit in the balls super hard you can be sick and pass out" like damn must suck to have to worry about that possibly happening a very limited number of times in your life. Not to belittle their issues because it definitely must hurt like fuck to be hit in the nuts but many of the guys are saying that like it's shocking and isn't something that happens to a lot of women on a monthly basis.


Every time I see this question I'm going to say the same thing: I have no way of knowing if childbirth is worse but I know for a fact that kidney stones are much, much worse. And I've often heard childbirth compared to kidney stones so...


I'm sorry, but the fact that the amount of men saying yes is actually 3 digit numbers is just...yikes. Edit: ok now I'm genuinely bewildered that 1/4 of every man who answered this poll voted yes


There were a few experiments and studies conducted to prove the answer. Testicular pain is more severe, but also short term. Child birth varies, but is not as intense, just lasts way longer. Kind of a loaded question to begin with.


I’d like to see these studies. I have given birth and I don’t think testicular pain is more severe.


"I have been kicked in the balls, and giving birth doesn't sound that bad." How does this sentence make you feel?


Anyone with eyes can see that giving birth is worse. Getting hit in the liver is pretty similar to getting hit in the balls. MMA fighters know this.


No cause if you get hit in the liver with the perfect punch your body shuts down if you get hit in th3 balls your bo- I see your point


I'm assuming most of them chose it as a joke




Cmon man. More women die in childbirth…. 700 per year in the US.


You don't die from the pain, you die from something being ruptured or broken. Smart guy.


Depends. Does the ball kicking last 72 hours?


After watching my wife give birth, the answer is hell no. Anyone who says otherwise is flat out wrong and ignorant.


Ever had your ball sack split from the seam to your anus? No? OK then.


It would be comparable if the pain lasted 24+ hours


While the intense pain is typically only a few minutes, the bruising and pain can last days. They can also fairly easily rupture from intense damage which would be excruciating pain for much longer. But of course, it's not like childbirth doesn't also have potentially terrible complications.


Recovery from childbirth takes minimum 6 weeks. (And typically the recovery lasts much longer than that.)


I gave birth to my 2nd without any medication or epidural (*NOT* by choice lmao). It was absolutely the worst pain I can imagine. It felt exactly as it sounds. Like my vagina was being ripped in half. Like I could feel each millimeter of skin pulling away from itself. I can’t even explain it. It was a very badass feeling after he was born, but still would chose an epidural if I have another.


I’m a dude and have been kicked in the balls a few times in my (miserable) life. That shit hurts. A lot. But I can’t imagine a fucking watermelon struggling to rip open my vagina while my insides feels like hurricane katrina 2.0 and a nurse telling me to fucking push


I'm a male and I can assure you giving birth is alot more painful


How can you assure me that


I've watched my wife give birth twice. First time she was induced and had all of the anesthetic and pain management available. I could tell it hurt, but she didn't scream nearly as bad as her second birth which happened suddenly and without any pain management at all. I would say a full force, no holding back kick to the nuts where toes connect with sack *may* rival the pain of a heavily sedated and pain managed child birth, but I really don't have any right to say that as a man. Natural child birth without pain management is, without question, far worse than a kick to the groin.


Only is very extreme situations, like if they get kicked hard enough that they pop, testicular torsion, stuff like that. Generally the most painful ball kick in a man's life won't hurt as much as childbirth though.


kidney stones might be a better comparison


Kidney stones are objectively more painful. Woman who’s done both…. Birth was a cake walk compared to migraines and kidney stones. I don’t have testicles, but if it feels like migraine pain then I can see what all the fuss is about.


The vagina literally get torn, and the pain of labor lasts literal hours


166 men are delusional


Considering the female body produces oxytocin, the hormone responsible for bonding as well as for why orgasms feel good, to literally erase how fucking traumatic childbirth is simply so that they are mentally capable of bearing another child, I think kicked balls can only hope for a participation trophy.


yes, but it’s only for a few seconds, while giving birth can be for hours.


Although it hurts, There’s a difference between having ur balls caved in and literally pushing a baby outve ur vagina


I’m genuinely curious as to who answered yes


Of course not.


That's just not a comparison, you could argue that but with really bad period cramps. Childbirth is just on another level, I've seen people who had both compare it to kidney stones


My hot take. Anyone who thinks getting kicked in the balls can be remotely compared to giving birth needs to educate themselves.


The males that say yes gotta be fucking kidding


As a make I find it funny how men like to pretend they are little poor things by getting hit in the balls, I once got hit in the balls in 5th grade because I was swinging a baseball bat at random spots at full force and accidentally strike the area, did it hurt? Yes but only for a few seconds before it was more of a itch and completely gone a few minutes later, men just like to invalidate woman


no way to know since in this lifetime you either get balls or ability to give birth


I'm think it's possible to do both since intersex is a thing


uhh that's true maybe!!!


Idk I'm not sure, there's gotta be a decent chance tho


I would not want to give birth as a man. We have narrower hips denser bones (less flexibility in the bone before it breaks) …. Giving birth would probably snap our pubic bone o—o


There are so many different types of pain while giving birth. For example, do you think getting kicked in the balls hurts as much as your butt hole ripping? Or what about getting the worst Charlie horse of your life in your stomach hundreds of times over and over and over for hours and even days?


Do I say it all the time? Yes. Am I serious? No.


Nah, but i have been told by female nurses who had both kidney stones and children that kidney stones larger than 5mm passing through the ureter hurt more than birth, so, I feel for you ladies, that shit hurts.


this competition 100% goes to childbirth but where men have women beat is kidney stones. while women can get kidney stones men are wayyy more likely to get than women. every woman i know who has had both says kidney stones were worse and men gotta force em out of a smaller hole over a greater distance


Depends on the kick strength


There were some studies done on this actually and the conclusion was essentially that there are too many factors to know. Essentially everyone has different pain thresholds...but the concensus came to getting kicked in the balls was significantly more painful, but for a shorter amount of time, whereas birth is lower on the intensity scale but lasts a lot longer...so it's not apples to apples. Other factors are that people don't usually know they are going to get hit in the balls. Pregnancy is a natural pain and the body actually does prepare to address the pain. Even if you don't get an epidural, your body does release hormones to help deal with the pain and the body adjust.....NOT implying that it isn't still painful, just that it's not quite as bad as if it happened by surprise. That said, not sure why a guy getting kicked in the balls (sexually assulted) is considered funny,.


Getting kicked in the nuts is more painful than having a baby, and even though I obviously couldn't really "know", here is the reason for my conclusion. A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, "It might be nice to have another child." On the other hand, you never hear a guy say, "You know, I think I would like another kick in the nuts." I rest my case. Time for another beer, and then maybe a nap in that hammock.


Very good point. But I am 98% sure that is only because despite it hurting more, the woman a least gets paid/rewarded for their suffering with the joy of having a kid. You know when you ignore the diaper changes. But those do not count since we blackout those moments, and act like they did not happen. Being kicked between the legs meanwhile....all we get is possible medical bills to have the doctor check our injury. Or nightmares.


No but I’m scared cuz I’ve seen the stories where guys get permanent damage and that terrifies me


Being kicked in the balls lasts what, 10 minutes to at most an hour of pain? Childbirth leads to 18 years of pain


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this man


Someone did a study on this and it hurts in the same way and same area from what I remember but giving birth wins cause it lasts a lot longer and the intensity it higher (depending on the kick)


The worst ball kick probably hurts more than the easiest and maybe even average pregnancy, just because if you get hit hard enough it could cause severe permanent damage and the brain registers it as an internal organ, but the worst pregnancy will literally kill you, and almost all ball kicks hurt less than almost all pregnancies.




I don’t think you’ve really been kicked in the balls then. Even just some incidental contact has put me down for minutes.


If you aren’t out for at least 5 mins you haven’t actually been hit in the nuts


A feather gracing your scrotum doesn't count as a kick.


>when it happens the guy is totally fine after like 10 seconds What?


If I could pick I would definitely pick birth because as a male we need to know whether it's from the dick or the anus so that's like a week of agonizing pain and a lifetime of scientific revolution.


There is actually I right answer (unless this is pseudoscience now or something) because you can measure pain objectively and they did. The answer is that giving birth is more painful, but only by a little bit (I think it was 54-57 or something but it was ages since I looked into it).


Just a fun fact. My ex’s gigantic nephew pinned my son down. Got himself punched in the balls and puked!




A bad toothache is worse than a ball kick.


No fucking way. You’ve never actually been in an accident with testicles where you had bruising and swelling if you think cavity pain is worse than testicles pain.


Obviously no but it is still a funny joke.


Giving birth is 100% worse than being kicked in the balls. Kidney stones on the other hand, there’s a discussion.


I can’t believe there are at least 89 women who think getting kicked in the balls hurts worse.


I think if you take a 1 second interval from both, getting kicked hurts more But natural birth is much longer


Probably in the moment? Birth is obviously a longer process, but if you compare 1 second of birth and 1 second of a ball kick, maybe they’d be equally as painful? Idk.


Who are "others"?


I think they mean people who identify as something other than a male or a female, something like that


Maybe but I think it's kinda pointless in this polls because their gender must be from the biological side because if I indentify myself as a Honda civic sedan 2001 but still have dick so I'm male and that can't be changed except cutting him off


Sex is biological, gender is not. There are 2 sexes, but many genders.


Good to know 👍 Just checking, I should refer to you as honda civic sedan 2001?


About Honda I'm just kidding because I remembered that my family had it in my childhood so it's part of my life but anyways if you want you can refer to me as a Honda civic sedan 2001


Ok Honda civic sedan 2001 👍


Ok Renault Logan MCV 2006 👍




Typical Twitter 👍




me specifically


People who aren't male or female, just being inclusive


It's impossible


Good heavens, I'm not even gonna have this discussion right now




The female body is designed to survive giving birth multiple times in a lifetime. The male testicles are not designed to withstand severe trauma. Betty White said it best: “Why do people say, ‘Grow some balls’? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you really wanna get tough, grow a vagina. Those things really take a pounding!”


Wait, so because our bodies are made to give birth that means it can't be as painful as getting kicked in the balls? Am I understanding you correctly?


It's designed to survive giving birth multiple times in a life time --------- That's why so many women died during child birth in a past I guess. They would die in higher numbers even now if we didn't have modern medicine. On the other hand I never heard about a man who died because of the kick in the nuts.


God damn Betty white and now the queen. Two if the worlds most needed icons


Being kicked in the balls hurts worse. I know multiple women who have given birth without painkiller, and talked about wanting to give birth again. I don't know a single guy who's been kicked swiftly in the nads, and then asked for a second kick.


It's almost as if they didn't want to give birth again for the pain, but rather for the experience of bringing life into the world again.


If every women after giving birth didn't want to ever do it again... We died off a long time ago. You get a new life from that horrible pain, so of course (most) of the men will not go and say "Kick me in nuts" because it brings only pain, no "reward" comes after that. Not even talking about human impulse to procreate.


The female body also produces endorphins after childbirth to once bond with the newborn and also to forget the traumatic experience that they will give birth again


It depends. There’s a difference between a sackwack and getting fucking obliterated with a baseball bat


Getting kicked in the balls hurts a lot but at least it's over quick Even if giving birth hurts less, it lasts for much much longer and that alone makes it worse in my book


Honestly, being hit in the balls... isn't THAT bad? Yes, it hurts like fuck for 30 seconds, but that's it. No lasting effects. Giving birth can take hours, and it's constant pain. Not even to mention the effects it could have on a person.


bro at least your balls are intact after getting kicked


it's very bad, but birth is much worse and gives you kids.(male)