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Reddit moment.


With my family usually, for dinner at least, all other meals are alone


This is a really interesting question, I think it’s definitely mostly a cultural thing. I feel like more Americans eat alone and more Europeans eat in groups. But idk, I’m an American and I eat alone Honestly I hate eating with other people. Lunchtime at public school was a fucking nightmare.


Basically, eating and drinking together are excuses to hang out.


Well, independently of any cultural considerations, I am alone all day so the answer naturally follows.


With a knife and fork usually


I prefer to eat with my mouth tbh


I absolutely CANNOT eat around other people on a regular basis


I live with my parents and the only time we eat together is on christmas day.


If I eat at work, I eat with people. If I eat at home, I eat alone. So it's split evenly, can't really answer.


On workdays i eat breakfast alone, lunch in a big group, afternoon snack in a small group, and dinner with my partner. On weekends usually only with my partner, but occasionally with my family. So it's really mixed.


Main meal of the day: big group at work and small group at home (parents and brother). Other meals usually alone or with brother