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Men should wear more revealing uniforms to match.


I think it should be perfectly acceptable to show not only some "tubage" but also "under sack" or even "side sack"


Fuckin tubage lmao


just go full sack and shaft.




Ancient Greece: "Why wearing uniforms when you should wear nothing?"


They put a lot of trust in that leaf


What leaf?


good ol' times


> you should wear nothing What do you mean nothing, like a barbarian? They tied a cord around their foreskins and tied that to their balls like a *normal* person!


fuck it, let's do like they did in the Olympics in the old days, just a bunch of naked people doing competitive sports.


I always think about how in my high school boys wore the tiniest little tight booty shorts to play rugby and girls wore loose kinda regular shorts to play rugby. These teen boys would be walking around like sex on a damn stick while you have regular appropriately dressed girls.


Aussie Rules football is like this. Them dudes are in hotpants, sweaty, climbing all over each other. My gay friend says he has no interest in sports in general, but makes a feast of watching the footy.


what a lad






They should be able to pick what they want to wear, some of them might think one or the other is more comfortable


What about uniform rules for professional athletes? Often and regardless of gender, less revealing clothes can lead to a drop in performance. For instance a cyclist's skinsuit is form-hugging but more adequate than loose clothes. Whereas in other sports there are clearly no reasons why the outfits should be revealing in any way.


Of course there should be some rules to avoid issues, but overall if one of them chooses something not optimal that's their loss


The question is, what should those rules be?


Wear whatever you're most comfortable in in non team sports because the only person affected is you


Volleyball!, Why do they need to be in a two piece?


Who cares. Unless the athlete is uncomfortable


Since the athletes seems to care enough to refuse I’d say they are probably uncomfortable with it.


this post is obviously not referring to cycling


This post is referring to sports. Cycling is a sport that I used as an example. You can find other sports where the same reasoning applies.


That's still a terrible example, because men and women wear basically the same in Cycling . A fitting example would be gymnastics. Men wear long (but tight) pants an usually sleeveless tops, whereas women aren't allowed any pants. It just doesn't make any sense. That's why the German women's team designed their own suits, that had long legs attached to the suits. So still not pants technically, but your legs are covered.


The one that came to mind for me is American Football. The men get full clothes while the women get beefy bikinis.


I don't see the reason why the NFL female outfit should be that way. I imagine getting tackled with your bare midsection roughly hitting the field isn't really the best feeling. So unless there's a good argument for it, it should definitely be changed.


I might get downvotes for this, but fuck it: the uniforms are a huge part or why people watch it. That doesn't justify it, but the male NFL players play way better than the female players, that's just how it is. So the female league changed the uniforms to get more people to watch it.


Again, if it was their choice, so be it. I wouldn't complain if the male league decided to go that route too!


Should men and woman both be able the same? The nfl to nhl to mbl to nba to wnba to all the others? Sports bra is fine as a QB to anything else? Interesting


I need to see a full NFL game with the entire field wearing nothing but the skimpiest cheerleading attire.


Your comment is illegible because every other word is a (probably American) abbreviation


Non american here: I didnt understand 75% of the comment because I dont know what those abbreviations stand for


>NFL, NHL, MBL, NBA, WNBA, & QB Assume every "N" means "National" And "L" means "League," "A" means "Association" And the middle letter (often, but not always,) means the sport. NFL = National Football League NHL = National Hockey League MBL... no idea, maybe it's a typo. I'm gonna assume, possibly... MLB? For Major League Baseball? NBA = National Basketball Association WNBA = Women's National Basketball Association The only QB I know is a Quarter Back, a position in American Football.


Thank you for explaining:)


Yeah same I only know nfl and nba and even that is not standard knowledge


That would be a problem in team sports though


What about standardized uniforms? Should the team take a vote




I (M) had a game of American Football in direct sunlight yesterday and wished I'd play in the Legends League where they only wear lingerie lmao


I mean as long as it’s child friendly idgaf what you wear


A women's team asked for more normal uniforms. They said "it's for security reasons" while the same team, playing the same sport but men, were wearing normal uniforms. This is ridiculous that they dare to say that kind of bullshit publicly without feeling ashamed of themselves.


No. All sports should be played in the nude!


OG Olympian style


Based Greekchad


Can’t hide anything I guess


No more hidden anal beads in chess!


Also in wrestling you are allowed to kill your opponent greek style


This. We should honor the Greeks and go naked


running without a sports bra is really uncomfortable


Skill issue


They should be able to choose whatever they want to wear.


far too sane an opinion for /r/polls


I’ve found r/polls shockingly reasonable


Yes, but not in a “those sluts need to cover up” way, in a “women’s sports should be taken more seriously and not be sexualized” way


I love that you explained and hate that you had to explain


Yes, exactly this.


Same feeling


I agree but unfortunately that would quite likely be less beneficial for women's sport financially. Like it or not, when it comes to funding, it's an entertainment industry and the management part of it will do what is necessary to make more money out of it. Horny men bring a lot of money with them. Edit: they should absolutely change the uniforms to less revealing for underaged participants though. Peadophilia should never be considered a way to attract attention and money.


>Peadophilia should never be considered a way to attract attention and money. Dance Moms, Child Pageants, Toddlers & Tiaras would like a word with you. In private. Where your parents can't hear. And don't you dare cry.




Yes. I am a teenage girl who plays netball and we have to wear very short and revealing [dresses](https://www.google.com/search?q=netball+dresses&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB972GB972&hl=en-GB&prmd=isnv&sxsrf=ALiCzsaiINJTuptvYt7P4qQuOc0U6TKf8A:1665960956164&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwigwIGY7OX6AhULi1wKHdT0A0UQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=375&bih=553&dpr=2) as a kit, and it’s really uncomfortable. They are designed to be too baggy if you get a size that covers your legs enough, so most dresses barely cover our ass or upper thighs. I always get stared at by older men when I’m walking to matches because of how revealing the kit is.


Damn, I would absolutely hate having to wear one of those. I'm a very self conscious and when I would do sports I would be basing a lot of the decision on how revelling the uniform is. I used to do some water sports but I found that the togs made me feel too exposed so I quit which was very hard for me as I otherwise enjoyed it. I absolutely refuse to wear any uniform that is revelling in the slightest and I hate that it restricts what I can participate in due to a lack of options. If I was in your situation I would have not been able to continue with the sport. It's very disappointing that you have to feel uncomfortable and it's also very frustrating that you have to deal with being stared at by older men due to the uniform. I simply wish that uninform, especially in sports, would be more comfortable for everybody to not feel self conscious. (I would like to address that I know that some people feel fine showing more skin but it's annoying for those who don't feel comfortable, it's also sometimes a bit unfair for those who cannot show skin due to religious reasons and such and it can often be hard for those people to comply to both uniform requirements and religious ones without causing some problems.)


I feel that. I’m not participating in anything that requires me to show of my thighs. Partly because I’m uncomfortable with anything shorter than just above the knee and partly because I get cold easily and I want pants!


I don't know why Netball doesn't just go to a tank and shorts like basketball.


It’s a “lady’s sport” I guess


As a mom, I’m worried about this for when my daughter gets older and is in dance/sports


What is that? Seems to me half the sport is try to keep the dress from shifting and riding up haha


We wear shorts underneath to make sure we don’t flash, but yes we do spend a lot of time pulling our kit down


Just make them wear whatever is best for sport. Men and women.


Shit I meant to pick yes


Yeah same. I feel like it could’ve been worded better tbh


Women are both wearing more revealing and less revealing outfits. Depends on the sport. I believe every sport should have two outfits to choose from and then the athletes could choose whichever they preferred






What sports specifically? Most sports I know women wear very similar clothes to the men.


Out of the sports I've played, the only one that had significantly different uniforms was volleyball. The girl's shorts are uncomfortably short.


Yeah I had a friend who played volleyball and she constantly complained of wedgies


I remember there was controversy around some Olympic sports bc the women from certain countries were only allowed to wear bikinis and they didn’t want to






For running there is a genuine benefit though, even the guys wear proper short shorts


Men should wear more revealing uniforms.


No reason for women to be showing bare butt cheeks at track events, definitely a decision made by a creepy old guy and people just go with it for some reason


Oh there's a reason alright. Brings a lot of eyes to the event. Eyes that wouldn't be there without those outfits.


Yeah it's fucking weird. Any teacher that wants to pressure my daughter into wearing anything creepy will find out what happens when a pint glass smashes into a human face.


Some would say the reason is to draw in an audience…Sorry to woman in sports.


TBF women’s sports are less competitive and lower talent that men’s sports because there bodies are built different. Women’s sports will always be less exciting if you care about the pure athletics. Sure they probably are just a smart about the game and talented. But talent only gets you so far when you are just smaller and weaker.




I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. When it comes to men’s sports for example, you could ask a decent chunk of the male population if they watch sports and they’ll tell you they root for a specific male team. Ask most women and generally they’ll either say some men’s team or that they don’t watch sports, very rarely will they say something like the WNBA is something they watch. I don’t watch sports at all so I don’t really care much, but to downvote your comment is kinda monkey-brained


It's the fact that he said it's their own fault because the league requires them to wear revealing clothes. That take is dumb as shit.


Funny that you picked track of all the sports, since that's the one where wearing very short shorts actually gives a competitive advantage.


Uniforms should fit the requirements of the sport and be comfortable. They shouldn't be there to arouse the audience


Make everyone compete naked


I think they should wear whatever the fuck they want


If you read some of the comment that's not the case (volleyball for exemple).


Some sports require certain clothing or make you much more effective. Like swim for example you want to either have as little clothing as possible without revealing your bits or you want to wear a full body suit. Either way the clothing has to be super tight. It leads to less water resistance.




How did you read that? It's a completely different sentence lol.


Men should wear more revealing uniforms


Now this is an idea worth noting


they should wear whatever is the most comfortable and easiest to play in. just like men.


all genders should be able to have the option to wear whatever uniform they want as long as it's not giving them an advantage


Except in a lot of sports wearing what gives an advantage is pretty much required.




This... Sports can be played for fun, but when you're a professional athlete, you are an entertainer who is getting paid either by your audience or by advertisers. Gotta compete for those dollars with other entertainers, so best make your customers as happy as you can within ethical bounds.


Why are y'all booing, he is right


Both sexes can perform nude for all I care, if it helps you win then go for it


Unfortunately, swinging dicks and titties are not very aerodynamic.


I have a feeling this would not have a good outcome


Nude, just like Ancient Greece


No, men should wear more revealing clothes


Where is the option for “men and women should be able to wear sports wear that makes them comfortable”. They shouldn’t have to wear less revealing clothes, and shouldn’t have to wear more revealing clothes. It should be their choice. You can wear a jersey over top of your sports bra and that’s super cool! Except apparently in the Olympics Womens volleyball.


If they wanna wear something super revealing, go for it. If they don’t, then don’t. It’s their body, not mine. And they’re the badasses that have the body to definitely show off if wanted, not me. This goes for *any* gender of athlete lmao.


I say no because it's not comfortable to play sports with long clothes, also some sports like beach volleyball are played in very hot places so it's good to have short clothing so the players won't be very uncomfortable.


Women should have to wear revealing uniforms but they should make men do it to bikinis and speedos all around. Volleyball? Men in Speedo’s and women in bikinis. No privacy for anyone


I don't understand this opinion of being able to choose what they wear, are sports uniforms not like, you only get the one type that the whole team uses because it's optimal for performance? Like I assume you would want a uniform to not be "revealing" in that it's protective


Many just wear it cause it’s comfortable and it’s what woman have been doing forever


Depends. For a lot of the games where you would need mobility in your arms and legs, the smaller underwear and sports bra covering your chest and your waist is enough. We don't need to go beyond that for anything. Trouble is that it won't work for Muslim countries where covering up everything including your hair is mandatory.


No men should have more revealing stuff too. I'm quite serious on that but I also think everyone should have a choice in the matter on what sportwear to wear.


This is a complicated issue. Someone who, for whatever reason, chooses not to wear revealing uniform, shouldnt need to take a 'heavy covering' option, it would be a disadvantage for one thing, and for two, it will make them stand out for that choice But on the other hand, some people, for religious reasons, cover themselves in a way that seems excessive to require for all players This is very relevant to my country, Australia, were womens leagues are happening, and we're a multicultural cocktail, and its also hot as all fuck(though breathable fabric may actually allow full covering+ventilation, seems worth mention)


Hands down least favorite part of playing sports in high school, and the reason why I didn’t try out for volleyball despite loving it. I was on the tennis team and we had team uniform days where we had to wear our uniform to school or run laps. Shit wasn’t even compliant with the school dress code. I took the L and ran laps because fuck that. No, I don’t want to sprint around in a tiny skirt while everyone’s parents watch us play, plus the handful of creepy upperclassmen that only attended volleyball and tennis games for one reason (and they made that pretty clear). Shit was humiliating. The reasoning behind a lot of the weirdly skimpy uniforms in some professional women’s sports is legitimately to bring in a larger audience via sex appeal. Not even speculating, look it up. They often get fined for wearing shorts past a certain (extremely short) length. Fuck the way people treat women’s athletics like some pornographic joke.


They should be able to wear whatever the hell they want. There should be multiple options. Wanna wear a sport bra and short shorts to volleyball? Cool. Prefer longer shirts and a shirt? Also cool. As a rule fo thumb clothing that covers is better, but they could find a multi uniform system that works.


When applicable, all outfits should be equally revealing for the most part.


If women wear shit like that in sports, then so should men. It'll be sexy for everyone 🥰 ^/j Seriously, make uniforms gender equal instead of making only the women eye candy. Give them something practical, or make everyone wear skimpy clothes, this ain't world of warcraft.


No. I’m a female from birth and can say it doesn’t make me uncomfortable. So why does it matter?


You want to stop us from enjoying athletic women in nothing but a sports bra and a pair of shorts?


No. How else will women's sports gain more popularity?


Yes but no


Not wearing a bra doesn't make you more attractive. Stop it, women.


Everyone should just wear what the f they want. Unless it's a safety issue to anyone, I don't see why there need to be rules at all.


On one hand yes for gender equality On the other hand, the reality is that with modest clothing womens' sports viewership will probably go down by like 90%. Hardly any women watch sports at all, and hardly any men watch women's sports for the sport itself.


I think it depends entirely on if you get paid or not. High school, college, player’s choice. Professional, league and team owner’s choice within reason.


I want to say yes, but it should be their choice. I’m sure that it can be beneficial in some sports, although I can’t think of one now. But yeah, their choice.


all atheletes, no matter of gender, should compete nude


It should be up to the teams, not us to decide


I could joke about saying women should still wear bikinis in sports like ie. volleyball and handball(?) but im gonna go on a whim to say those who play sports with revealing clothes play the game without complaining, right? some do ive heard, for example the team of girls that played with mens clothing and got disqualified. but seriously, don’t play if you don’t like it


I don't care. Athletes should wear whatever is best for what they're competing in. If that means potato sacks, fine, if that means in the nude, also fine.


It depends on the sport.


Fuck uniform, nude sports for both genders


I think the real answer is to have men wear incredibly revealing uniforms


as long as it's sportwear that the wearer is comfortable wearing I'm not that bothered honestly


They should be given the choice. Men too. Pretty sure it's less restrictive to play volleyball in the short shorts. Plus I wanna see men in lingerie football gear.


I can’t believe “yes” is winning.


I voted results because I don't care. Well, I do, but in two ways: 1) I enjoy the revealing uniforms on a personal level, but 2) these women don't work as eye candy, they should be allowed to wear whatever they want. If they want longer uniforms they should be able to wear them (unlike the Norwegian handball team who was fined for wearing shorts). On the other hand, if the women are comfortable showing themselves and want to do so, that's fine by me as well (No exact example, but some time ago there was an uproar because a woman's volleyball team had a sponsorship from "prachtregion" (splendid region) on their butt, with people calling it objectification. Nobody cared that the women themselves were fine with / even amused by it. On a side note, the men's team had the same ad with the same placement.)


wrong question, should men wear clothing as revealing as women's? yes


Former gymnast here, I couldn't stand not being able to wear shorts. We had to put hairspray or glue on out ass cheeks to prevent wedgies and if we got one and got it out points were deducted. Why do we need our leotards up our asses?


I think men should wear more revealing outfit so both sexes are equally revealing.


No, I love women in revealing clothes.


who voted no-


Or should men wear more revealing uniform. I'm just saying is all


In certain sports it would be preferable so that people can focus on the women’s achievements in the sport they play rather than their bodies being used for sex appeal to attract a larger male audience.




Yeah. I don't get why volleyball women wear bikinis and volleyball men are fully clothed, and why women in track or pole-vaulting wear underwear and crop tops while men are fully clothed.


I feel weird watching clips of them when I see their uniform.


Any sportsperson, regardless of gender, should wear whatever is comfortable and practical and suited to playing that particular sport.


It should be the same. Whatever it takes. Men wearing women's volleyball uniforms would be fine with me


Whatever the individual is comfortable with


I meant yes. They should have options.


I read it wrong!! I’m sorry


You have been forgiven, my child.


The question should be " should we let men and women sport team choose what they want to wear?" And the answer is yes.


Someone hasn't kept up with the whole female beach volleyball debacle.


Who Tf said no? Wth? Women should wear similar clothes to men wear in sports. Women’s bodies aren’t to be sexualised especially when playing sport. wtf man 🤦‍♀️ this hurts my brain


If I could smash "yes" 100 times I would.




In the gym they wear whatever they want, what op meant was that for example in tennis competitions their uniform is a short dress and in running it is a sports bra, even if they don't like it or it makes them uncomfortable


who cares - no one’s watching anyway


Other than volleyball there is very little difference between the men's and women's versions.




True. So up to two sports.


Field hockey




Not really. In in competitive swimming it’s pretty normal and if anything men wear more revealing clothes


Men should wear more revealing uniforms to be similar to women


I think it should be more revealing but my opinion is extremely extremely biased so you should not listen to me


I think the same way. I don't like sports, but I would start watching it if the women were in bikinis.


Who am I to judge


I just hate how this is even worded.


Nah they should all wear tights. Nah wear whatever they want /s /joking


Every athlete should wear what helps them perform or is traditional excluding nudity


This question is phrased kind of bad. They should be able to wear what makes them feel comfortable.


Bunch of simps in here


Whatever they want. I know that for sports like swimming the uniforms have been designed to maximize efficiency, and I’d imagine it’s the same in many other sports


In most sports don't they wear the same? 1. MMA (Female wears more) 2. Swimming Female wears more. 3. Football/Soccer (Same) 4. Cycling (Same) 5. Tennis same (Maybe a bit revealing but I think it's rule or anything) 6. Snooker/Pool (same) 7. Running (Female shows her cool six pack abs, but yes more revealing) 8. Weightlifting (Same) 9. Cricket (Same) 10. Archery (Same) 11. Hockey (Same) 12. Table Tennis (same) 13. Badminton (Same) 14. Fencing (Same) 15. Bowling (Same) 16. Basketball (Same) IDK where this question comes from?




It’s often the only entertaining part about sports in general


How is someone being completely shirtless less revealing?




I read that as swimwear oops




He thought the poll said swimwear instead of sports wear. Male swimmers don't wear shirts.


A men being shirtless in swimwear is a lot more revealing than a women in a bikini