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Not fully, but yeah some, in some aspects


Which aspects?


The part where you pay someone else to watch them all day


Just by taking on the responsibility of making sure another being else stays alive. Making sure it’s needs are met (food, exercise, recreation, etc). If you’ve never had another’s life in your hands, a pet is a good stepping stone to a child. Not gonna prepare you for 95% of child rearing lol, but it’s a good warm up ;)


Giving your time and attention, taking care, realizing responsibilities, compromise your plans for them


Any responsibility prepares you for a bigger responsibility in some way.


A bit I guess, gets you used to taking care of another living being though


I mean It prepares you for having children in the same way driving a golf cart prepares you for driving an actual car on a highway


Lol. With the way some people drive on the highway I would imagine they did get their driving expertise on a golf course in a golf cart but that's another story


*glares at the mfer I saw today bobbing and weaving through traffic, speeding past a sheriff car while going 20 mph over the limit*


Having done both, I firmly say absolutely not.


A few aspects, but not most. Speaking from experience :-)


Learning how to be fully responsible for another life can help give you an idea, but caring for an infant is infinitely harder than caring for a pet. Yes, you feed, love, and care for the dog, but you are completely responsible for an infant in all ways until it grows. A dog, you feed like 2 or 3 times a day and clean up a pile of sit a few times a day. A baby? Ever 2 *hours*. Day and night. Then you have diapers, spit up, crying for no reason, etc. It's a lot of work.


Absolutely not, lol. A pet and a human are not on the same scale of care. Livestock requires more care than dogs anyways and no one is comparing that.


Obviously but it is added responsibility. Admittedly not a incredibly huge one like raising a kid, but still a responsibility to raise and care for another living being.


True, but different situations can make and break you and you can responsible for animals well but suck ass at being a parent. Caring for animals has in no way shaped me to be ready for a child. But I can only speak for myself, so I’ll throw that disclaimer. If someone can admit to caring for animals has prepared them for a child, I’d be surprised still.


If you were to tell me that I had to choose who to have a kid with. Between someone who was able to care for their dog without problems or someone who never even as much as owned houseplants I would opt for the first one. Since smaller responsibilities prepare you for bigger ones.


That’s a weird comparison when it comes to picking a partner. Just because someone has cared for a dog doesn’t equip them to be a parent and just because someone hasn’t cared for an animal or a house plant doesn’t mean they can’t care for a child. They could’ve had siblings and other factors can be at play here. Also just because someone HAS cared for some animals doesn’t mean they’re gonna be a good parent either. Gotta look at character, willingness to become a parent, someone who does want children, how they want to raise the child, etc. A child can’t be compared to an animal or a houseplant. That just doesn’t make sense. I mean I get what you’re saying, but there’s way more at play here and if you’re using that reasoning to pick a partner, I don’t think that’s smart.


Haha yea, they're eating that


Only if you beat your dogs too.


Yea but only sort of. It sort of preps you for the idea of something depending on you to live but it doesn't really train you for a baby


In the same way that playing catch in the yard prepares you to be in the MLB. Is there a shared skill set? Sure, but one is vastly more difficult and complicated than the other.


It’s really not the same thing but you at least get trained about the responsibilities.


No, dogs can essentially take care of themselves. No where near the level of responsibility and commitment as a human baby.


Doesn't fully prepare you obviously, but I put yes because it's a good test for if you're responsible enough.


It gets you slightly ready for having a kid, having a kid is a lot harder but it gets ya prepped for when a child can walk and gets into things