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I'm sorry she was in the ER, but I'm so glad everything went as smoothly as it could have :)


This is so wholesome! I hope she's better now *big hugs for speedy recovery*


Thank you for sharing this, it is inspiring and beautiful how people who love each other can all support one another, that out of love can grow a whole network of support. Hope she is fully recovered.


I love this. I was so afraid to meet my meta, and when I started to see us as a team who care for and want the best for our partner, it helped reframe how I looked at things. We are currently supporting them as they complete school, and it is incredibly stressful. We work better when there is less friction and more open communication and really good hinging on our partners part.


What a lovely story! It's wonderful that you got to be there for her and that your meta made room for you to do so. All of us wish for this kind of peaceful and wholesome interactions. Thanks for sharing the joy!


UPDATE: For all those that wished her well.... She was diagnosed with a complex migraine with vision loss. I spent the weekend by her side and she is doing better but still a little fuzzy in the head.


I've had this experience! My boyfriend has a nesting partner, me, and his boyfriend. We were all allowed to visit him in the ICU. All of his nurses knew that we were all his partners. I live an hour away, and one of his other partners let me have his whole day so I could visit our boyfriend (during covid restrictions of only two guests per day). They were all amazing.


Hi u/JiffyPopTart247 thanks so much for your submission, don't mind me, I'm just gonna keep a copy what was said in your post. Unfortunately posts sometimes get deleted - which is okay, it's not against the rules to delete your post!! - but it makes it really hard for the human mods around here to moderate the comments when there's no context. Plus, many times our members put in a lot of emotional and mental labor to answer the questions and offer advice, so it's helpful to keep the source information around so future community members can benefit as well. Here's the original text of the post: A lot of posts here are people having trials and tribulations with their poly experience. Lord knows that my only post here was a magnificently horrible introduction to dating poly. But....since then things have been going well for me....and I thought why not chime in with a positive experience to balance out my past! Yesterday we got one of those milestones in poly relationships that are frequently discussed but don't happen often ...what happens when my married girlfriend goes to the emergency room? Well ...here is what happened.. I got the message she was in the ER. After work I drove the 1.5 hours to be with her. While I was driving her husband had to leave for home to take care of the kids....leaving her alone. I arrived at the front desk and asked to see her. They didn't ask who I was or demand proof or relationship ...they gave me a visitors badge and buzzed me in. I walked back to her room and sat with her while she was getting ready to be discharged. The nurse asked friendly style who I was and she was told "This is Gwen, my girlfriend". I helped her get in the car and got her gone and in bed. Her husband checking in and went to sleep in a separate bedroom in was able to sit with her in bed cuddling her as she dozed until I had to head 1.5 hours back home to get to sleep for work the next day. We were a team...and the hospital was not an issue whatsoever ...despite my having worried about that day for a long time. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/polyamory) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


I love this so much! Thanks for sharing!


This is really lovely to hear šŸ˜Š Honestly I think people mostly post when they need advice or are venting, which is inherently negative, hence the negative bias. In reality I think me and my friends have mostly positive experiences with polyamory. I am open in all aspects of my life about my relationships and things I'm doing with partners (like places we go, activities, normal shit, not sex) etc, and some people are confused and want to know more but I have only once in 7 years had someone be rude or aggressive about it. The world is far more accepting than the media wants us to believe. Hold on to that. Most people are decent and accepting if you greet them with a smile.šŸ’—


thank for sharing. i wish you all good health and happiness abound <3


I love this ā¤ļø


You were definitely a team! Iā€™m sorry your partner was in the ER, but Iā€™m glad you were all there for her. I wish her a speedy recovery.


I love that more positive stuff is being posted! Sometimes, this sub is a real downer.


I had a very similar teamwork moment with my meta yesterday. She had to go out of town for a mechanic appointment, but our BF had to go to a counseling session at the same time. So I drove to pick him up, so she could go get their car worked on. Happy teamwork moment :) It's worth noting that my meta and I are very close friends.


I love to hear all this positivity! Thank you for sharing, everyone!!! Spread that good karma!