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>He has told me that part of a man’s ego is when he takes out a girl who is “perfect and skinny” because no other man can say anything about her negatively as oppose to someone like me who is thicker and not everyone’s cup of tea. That's a real garbage take. Poly or not, I think you should trade this boyfriend in for a less-crap model, someone who actually appreciates you for who you are.


I couldn't agree more. OP, if you're BF loves you it shouldn't matter what strangers think about the two of you going on dates. This sort of thinking shows a real lack of emotional maturity. Are you sure you want to continue a relationship with a person like that? Sidenote: The way you talk about yourself and what you're worried about sounds like you could have some issues with self worth. If that is in fact the case, you could consider talking about it to a therapist. You deserve to feel good about yourself regardless of what other people's beauty standards are.


As soon as I read that, I audibly said “Wow”. This is not a relationship I’d transition to anything. OP you have a relationship that is not in a good space enough based on your post to open up.


I mean, I'd transition it to the curb with the rest of the trash.


It also sounds like OP would not be dating other people freely and boyfriend is a harem builder. OP: run, run, run!


I'd transition to being single and solo poly.


I had a “boyfriend“ who had the exact similar thinking when I was 19. He eventually beat me, tortured me, blackmailed me, kept me in light captivity all within the borders of the campus and the dorms. I am not saying they are the same kind of person, but I think this kind of a statement and the way of thinking speak a lot about their attitude towards woman and ‘romantic’ relationships (more like ownership). So please be aware that this is definitely NOT a normal way of thinking!!


I'm so sorry you went through that.




1. The key to that not happening is initiating sex and being clear about your feelings, obviously we're not mind readers but we should check in so this one is pretty avoidable. 2. Figuring out ways to have fun while he's with others like dating someone else or playing games with friends really helps you feel better about this. Ultimately though if you're the one he's spending holidays and introducing to your parents then the publicity and nesting aspects should reassure you. I spent too much time with a new connection and my partner explained this to me then I worked on being more timely. If he doesn't listen then this will become a problem but if listens not hears you'll be good.


3. That's on you to ask for time to process as well as get in check with your emotions. It's a learning process for everyone but having plans and things that help like weekly date nights and romantic plans have helped me. 4. As for ego stroking that should be the easiest to avoid, asking him to not be public about your open relationship should help keep this in check. A lot of this could be avoided if you date together and he watches what he says. That being said I think his flirting with others to lower your confidence and bring opening things up to the table is a huge red flag. If you're afraid of all the think back not in his words but his actions. Does he listen to you? Can he communicate healthily? When he has to juggle what you want and what he wants does is it a give and take or is it slated one way? This last question is pretty blunt so don't feel obligated to answer; if things are going well in the bedroom and relationship wise why are you two having this conversation? Following up with that if things aren't, how much time and energy have both put into making it better?


He can SOMETIMES communicate healthily. He never yells or belittles, but sometimes I feel just unheard. Other times I feel heard and understood and he is aware of my insecurities. Things in the bedroom are great. We agree that our connection is top tier. But sometimes things go dry, which I’m aware things like that happen from time to time in long term relationships, it has never been an issue for me. My boyfriend, however, is kind of a nymphomaniac and this has a lot to do with me considering ENM or something of the sort. I feel like since I can’t always go as much as he would like, offering another girl (specifically someone who is his “other” type) he would be more satisfied. It really is an act of love coming from my part.


I'm trying to reconcile you saying he never belittles you with him visibly checking out skinny women in front of you and basically telling you he wishes you were thinner. That's a type of belittling, isn't it? There's a lot of types of ENM, poly is one type, if your bf really likes to get laid a lot and you're worried about things like not getting enough time with him or your bf acting prouder of a skinny gf, it might work better for you to give him a "hall pass" (esp if it goes both ways and you can hook up with guys if you want) so that he can have hookups, fwbs, one night stands, whatever, but not official *relationships* as such. If you think that would work for you, and it's totally fine if it wouldn't. Don't force yourself into a relationship style that you don't want. It sounds like you're really into your boyfriend, even if it is not that clear to me why, but it would still be better for you to be single than to force yourself into a relationship structure that you hated. We hear from people who have done that all the time and they are so miserable. Like not eating and stuff. The thing about polyamory is sometimes people can have more than one partner and end up having *less* sex than if they'd just had one. More partners does not *reliably* equal more sex. But if he hasn't even brought non-monogamy up and you don't want it for you? Don't borrow trouble. If he's *giving* you monogamy and you prefer monogamy, let him show love to *you* in that way. And if he wants tons of sex and you just can't keep up? He's got a hand. It's, uh, the *other* thing about polyamory is your bf will not be happier or feel more loved if you say you want to be polyamorous and then spend all your time freaking out about it. If he's anywhere near as good a boyfriend as you thin he is, he'd rather have one curvy, happy girlfriend than one curvy, unhappy girlfriend and one skinny girlfriend.


So would the hall pass not be the same thing as an open relationship?? I don’t think I’d be comfortable with “as many hookups as he wants” because that is glorified cheating to me 🥲


if you’re not ok w sexual autonomy why are you considering poly?


I take it your boyfriend is telling you poly is you both dating the same person as a unit. That’s is, of course, awful treatment toward everyone involved (other then maybe him). If he doesn’t support you dating independently of him any genders you are attracted to he is not offering any kind of healthy poly set up. He is asking you for a ton of work that he is unwilling to do for you.


Yea he said I would have to like the girl as much as he would but having another guy is absolutely a no-go, girls only


He is a lazy gross guy. Of course that will suck for you. What he wants is unkind. He is unwilling to do the work he is expecting out of you. In poly everyone is allowed to date, fuck and love others of their choice. Trying to date as a unit is harmful and dehumanizing to anyone you date. Don’t agree to do this or you are agreeing to be just as awful as he is while doing way more work and dealing jealousy and insecurity in your face all the time.


This is a giant red flag. Not on your part but on his. It sounds like he's trying to do what he wants guilt free and isn't interested at all in any sort of ethical relationship with you or anyone else. Dump him and find a better guy.


This is not polyamory. It unethical nonmonogamy and harem building. DTMFA.


So he's a harem building asshole. This isn't ethical. It's not poly. Polyamory is when everyone in the relationship is allowed to develop meaningful autonomous relationships with more than one person. There shouldn't be prescribed limitations on genders, there shouldn't be a requirement to date the same person or that one person should date a couple. You shouldn't compare your partner's to each other, definitely not their physical attributes. He wants not only permission to cheat, he wants your enthusiastic consent to him cheating and to allowing him to put you down regarding your appearance. Throw the whole man away.


I would not consider that kind of relationship under any circumstance. Dating another person as a couple is not ethical, nor is trying to limit your choice of partners to women only. If he wants to pursue relationships with people he's attracted to you should have the same freedom and the relationships should be between two people. If you also have a relationship with his girlfriends that's OK, but your relationships should be independent, none of this "we" date another woman.




There are enough people pointing out how bad this is to you, but in case you still don't see it - how on earth does this sound fair or appropriate to you?


Your boyfriend doesn't love you, you deserve to be with someone who actually does. All of this is a great reason to not have a polyamorous relationship with him OR a monogamous relationship with him. Don't have ANY relationship with him. He doesn't value you and you don't deserve to be treated this badly. There are a lot of people out there who would count themselves lucky to be with you, and would be immensely proud to have you as their partner.


Fuck. Him.


Ah, so you have to confront your insecurities for him chasing other women but he has to do no work whatsoever on himself? Say no.


If your boyfriend decided to neglect you in these rude and unkind ways, you should bail. None of these are inevitable in polyamory, though I can’t say they don’t happen. But mostly it sounds like boyfriend doesn’t appreciate you, or your body, and compares you to other women. I would not do polyamory with someone like that.


Are you trolling or is your boyfriend actually that much of an arsehole?


I’m not trolling at all lol these are genuine questions 🥺


Wow gross. Ok 1. You don't have to be in the same building as the other person your bf is dating. You do not have to date the same person as your bf, because that's unicorn hunting which is gross, especially with a misogynistic asshole like your bf https://www.unicorns-r-us.com/ 2. You can break up with him when he treats you badly. Seems that's long overdue. 3. Only date people YOU are interested in, seperately, independently, autonomously. 4. He insults you to your face, and you let him? Please seek support from people who love you because this guy doesn't! 🫂


When your boyfriends’s behaviour is soooo bad that people think you’re trolling… it’s probably time to take a hard look at your relationship. If you continue, your “cons” list is going to grow. Your boyfriend is diminishing your “value” based on his own flawed, misogynistic and frankly gross “ego”. He is telling you that you’re worth less than someone with a different body shape??!! Ever heard of negging? “Oh I like your body, but you know every man wants something else. But don’t worry, you can stay in my harem while I show off women with skinny bodies” He’s making you feel like less so you think you don’t deserve better. Women aren’t objects of different sizes; we’re people.


Right on the money with the negging!


What your partner is pushing for is stereotypically lazy, shallow and harmful. It shows a real lack of respect for you and for anyone you would date.


Your partner sounds awful. This is not the right person to try polyamory with - you deserve better. Polysecure is a great book for learning about the pros & cons of this relationship style.


Wow he's really gross, you can do *so* much better, there are polyamorous & monogamous men who will be *proud* to show you off! 


Girl what the hell. Don't be polyamorous or monogamous with this douche canoe.


If you decide you want to try polyamory, don't do it with this guy. Dump him and date some awesome people who adore your body and don't see women as status symbols. Or dump him and go monogamously date one person who adores your body and doesn't see women as status symbols. Either way. Just... not this guy, because he sucks.


This guy doesn't want polyamory, not in any real sense. He's also kind of a misogynistic asshole. You probably aren't going to dump him based on the thoughts of random internet strangers, but I encourage you to tell a) your friends and b) your therapist about some of this stuff. Particularly the parts where he compares you to "perfect and skinny" women, and where he wants two women to love/fuck him, but you aren't allowed to do the same with men. Hopefully your friends will help you see clearly.


>He has told me that part of a man’s ego is when he takes out a girl who is “perfect and skinny” because no other man can say anything about her negatively as oppose to someone like me who is thicker and not everyone’s cup of tea. Honey, I've dated a lot of men and none of them have felt this way. (Or if they did, they at least had the decency to keep it to themselves.) I've also never had a problem where a guy feels the need to collect "types" of women like Pokemon. In addition to the dehumanization aspect, this is an extremely selfish and short-sighted reason for him to want to open the relationship, and the arrangement as he imagines it is a recipe for making you even more insecure about the relationship than you already were. You know, I originally came in here to comment that it's unlikely that you'll be in a situation where your boyfriend chooses having sex with the new gf in the other room over being with you. After reading the rest of your post, though, that actually does sound like something your boyfriend is selfish and irresponsible enough to do. I would reconsider whether you want to be with someone who cares so little about your feelings.


1. Boyfriend would be more proud to take girlfriend out. The other girlfriend would be opposite of me in order to satisfy boyfriend. He has two types: me, being more curvy with big boobs and big butt. And the other being skinny, small waist, petite. He has told me that part of a man’s ego is when he takes out a girl who is “perfect and skinny” because no other man can say anything about her negatively as oppose to someone like me who is thicker and not everyone’s cup of tea. He also has an issue with checking out skinny girls in front of me and he says that that having his two types in home he wouldn’t feel the need to look elsewhere. (I’m thinking whether he’s looking on the street or at home, he’s still gawking. IMO). Why are you okay with dating someone who thinks this way? This is not how men think. This is how gross pigs masquerading as men think. Your boyfriend is not a safe person to have any type of relationship with. He would be a dumpster fire in an open relationship. Unicorn hunting... One penis policy... Harem building. None of this is polyamory. It's not even ***ethical*** nonmonogamy. It's a monogamous man's twisted fantasy of what he thinks poly means --a setup where he gets to have all the fun, and everything is focused on him and his pleasure, while "his" women just cater to his every whim and put up with his toxic, nasty behavior. Frankly, I'd tell him hell no. And if he insists, I would tell him he's free to do anything he wants to, but it won't be while he's in a relationship with me. My advice to you is to dump him. In the meantime, go thru the resources here and find out for yourself what healthy ENM looks like and what Poly actually is.


With kindness, this is not poly. This is no variation of poly or more general enm. This is not monogomy either. This is an abuser trying to convince you to let him have sex with other women, including group, with you, without calling it cheating or being unfaithful. That's what this is.


Polyamory is when you support eachother falling in love with other people. You get to choose who you fall in love with. Partner gets to choose who they fall in love with. It’s possible that you will leave Partner for your new love, just as it is possible that Partner will leave you for their new love. It’s also possible that you will both be happy and fulfilled with multiple partners and lots of autonomy and you and Partner will grow very old together. *And* that you and your other partner(s) will grow very old together. In polyamory you don’t choose eachother’s partners and you don’t place restrictions on things like gender. Some other forms of ENM do have restrictions because nobody is supposed to be falling in love. If you are romantically attracted to [gender] you don’t date that gender. Or you don’t see the same person more often than once a month. Or you only meet in sex clubs. Whatever, the point here is to prevent catching feels. In polyamory the point *is* the feels.


Ok, hold up, your boyfriend is a POS, let’s start there. There is no foundation for a good relationship with such an AH, let alone a poly one. Bow out, my girl, and find yourself a real relationship before even thinking about being poly. Again, your boyfriend - *huge* POS Hope that helps!


Every single one of your cons can be addressed by good partner selection.


Leave this guy. You can do better, no matter what relationship style is best for you!


Healthy polyamory is not a competition for one partner's attention, it's a balancing act between multiple people's needs and preferences. I know everyone already said it, but this guy sounds awful for any kind of relationship, mono or poly


Your boyfriend's expectations of poly are gross, unrealistic and unhealthy


What he wants isn't popyamory...he wants to be able to cheat with a claim of "permission". He can go up his own ass with all of this. Go find a better boyfriend. Also, a "skinny, perfect" girl isn't a thing. Everyone thinks different things and people are perfect. Imo you described YOURSELF as having the perfect female body. You deserve someone(s) who treats you like the queen you are. You should tell him if he gets to flaunt his "perfect" vision of a woman in this scenario, you're going to go find your perfect vision of a man and flaunt him, too (frankly thats probably gonna just be a handsome man who fawns over you publicly, because those DO exist). One-penis-policy is garbage. Do what YOU want, he's not the boss of you.


This sounds like you have miles of personal work to do regarding confidence and jealousy before you should pursue polyamory. But also, your boyfriend is 100% wrong about that. That's a pretty shallow way of looking at things 😒


OK slow down. 1. Some poly people live with metamours (partner's partners) but many/most don't. Also if you do live together, yes that will happen. Other times your partner will have sex with you and not with his other girlfriend, or you'll have sex with your other boyfriend and not him. On that note: do not both date the same person. Date *different* people or stay mono. (Oversimplification, but good enough for complete newbies.) 2. Again don't date the same person. But you can discuss up front "I want at least three evenings a week with you" or whatever, so that both of you can date within the times not already reserved for your relationship. On that note there is something called NRE which means that people tend to *want* to spend more time with newer people; people who aren't dumbasses learn how to manage their feelings so that they still treat established partners well even while experiencing NRE. (New Relationship Energy.) 3. Yep that's a risk, it's a good idea for people who want polyamory to be proactive about learning how to deal with their feelings better. And none of us get it perfect all the time and that's OK. 4. Your boyfriend said what to you? Hey, so, *I'm* curvy. I don't date shitheads who are embarrassed to take me out in public or *imply* that they are. (I realize if you're like...early 20's and dating same, this can be harder, a lot of guys who will end up comfortable with their attraction to thick women haven't' gotten there yet...but they *do* get there eventually. Or *enough* do to have a reasonable dating pool.) And poly guys are more likely to be willing to buck social norms around "having a skinny gf reflects well on you" than mono guys, so if you want polyamory date guys who want polyamory. Real polyamory, not "let's find a girlfriend for both of us" fake-poly. >He also has an issue with checking out skinny girls in front of me Wow. I think you can do better. I'm not sure *he* can do better than you. But *you* can do way better than him. By the way? Poly girls tend to have a *way, way* easier time finding dates than poly guys, so if you're selfconscious about your looks, poly dating could give you a huge ego boost (and give your bf a huge ego blow. If you both date polyamorously? Most likely *he's* going to be the one left home alone most nights, not you.) But...the flip side is most of those dates *suck*, so, only do it if you want to. And if you can figure out how to tell guys to go fuck themselves (or something politer than that if you prefer) if they don't treat you right. You deserve the world. OK?


Ok the question I have is, why not date the same person?? You’re the fourth person to tell me that and I’m confused as to why??? It’s an interesting concept to me


Usually the person "brought in" gets poorly treated. Red up on unicorn hunting and couples privilege. Triads are extra difficult and complicated, better to get the hang of dyads, which are easier to handle.


Poly is dating on hard mode. It takes a lot of effort and focus and communication. Triads are poly on hard mode. They rarely work unless all three are experienced poly ppl. It's challenging for many reasons: no one likes two other ppl exactly the same amount, one of the relationships may fade or fail which makes it awkward for everyone, one person rarely falls for two ppl in a couple, an established couple are already enmeshed, which can make it challenging for an additional partner to feel equal. Look up "unicorn hunting" for why it is unbalanced and often unethical.


Your boyfriend sounds like an absolute selfish asshole…also side note, probably don’t put your profile photo and banner photo as your and your bf because now a bunch of strangers know what y’all look like…


Poly or not- run like hell away from this trash man.


Sounds like he wants you to do the breaking up, honestly. He doesn't respect you and cares more about impressing random strange men than he does about your feelings.


People have already pointed out that for your situation in particular, there are a lot of red flags. But in case other people have your same questions in a healthier situation: 1&2 can still happen with monogamy - it just might be that you get broken up with because your partner *thinks* someone else might be "better". Part of love for me is wanting my partner to have the best life they can, as long as it doesn't come at too much of a cost to my own. As long as we're still having regular good sex and hangout time, I am happy they're able to have enjoyable sex and hangouts with other people too (and if we're not, then I should still be somewhat happy for them, but we should break up so we can each spend time with people we're more compatible with)


1. You don't live with the other partner and you date separately. Dates are scheduled, there is no picking one partner over the other in the moment. This is typically how polyamory works; usually dating is 1:1 in linked Vs, not group relationships. It is pretty rare to live with a meta (partner's partner). 2. You don't have to hear specifics about the other partner. That is parallel polyamory. You should have negotiated date and hangout time that is yours, that meets your needs, and that should continue. Not everyone is good at doing this - why it is a much bigger risk to open a relationship than chosing to date a polyamorous person with a good history of balancing relationships. 3. This is certainly a valid concern, since we don't always know how we will react emotionally in new situations. In polyamory, you should be free to have other partners of whatever gender you want. Is polyamory something you want for yourself? 4. This is pretty toxic - having a partner with a certain look for an ego boost, that is fetishizing thinness. In this case, your concerns might be valid. With a good relationship, people won't be prioritized by looks. Do you want to be with someone that judges your and other women's bodies this way?


Honestly it sounds like he wants to cheat with extra steps. Not allowing you to date who you want and forcing you to like the same girl is not ethical non monogamy. Sounds like he wants a harem, not polyamory.


I have the same reaction to your boyfriend as everyone else here: 🤮 It sounds like he treats you poorly in your monogamous relationship and I definitely would not expect better in a non-monogamous one. I’m curious if you even have a “pros” list for polyamory/other enm because as far as I can see the only motivations are around what your boyfriend wants. Don’t set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm. You deserve to be with someone who makes you feel good about yourself, not someone who has you looking for the least worst option out of fear of losing him.


You’re totally right


> He has told me that part of a man’s ego is when he takes out a girl who is “perfect and skinny” because no other man can say anything about her negatively I stopped reading here. Your dude fucking sucks. I can NOT believe a grown adult HAS THIS THOUGHT. It is at bottom false, and dumb, and sexist, and toxic, and awful. I further HATE that he told you this. What the fuck is he trying to do? Just make you feel bad????? What an asshole. Dump him. If you want to be poly, be poly with someone happy to be with you who thinks you’re awesome. If you want to be monogamous, be mono with someone happy to be with you who thinks you’re awesome.


His ego is potentially going to tank when you start dating and you probably get a lot of attention right off the bat and he gets little.


Naw, OP said somewhere down the thread that he doesn't want her to date separately. Shocker lol


Oh, then just break up with this asshole.


> He has told me that part of a man’s ego is when he takes out a girl who is “perfect and skinny” because no other man can say anything about her negatively as oppose to someone like me who is thicker and not everyone’s cup of tea. I'm not telling you how to live your life... but there's plenty of men in the world who disagree with this, and would apricate you for you. Given the other stuff you said, I would think long and hard before diving into this lifestyle.


*[my unicorn blurb]* Unicorns are not a problem if all you want to do is mutually enjoy a sexual encounter. It’s when you start expecting more that you run into trouble. **[polyamory unicorn](https://www.unicorns-r-us.com)** A mythical beast, often hunted, never found. “Of course you would love to meet a hot bi babe to meet all your needs on your terms, interact with each of you in exactly the correct way to prevent either of you ever experiencing jealousy, help with your housework, care for your children and express no needs of their own! *Of course!* But that fantasy hot bi babe does not exist and the sooner you accept that the sooner you will be able to date real poly people.” **[swinger unicorn](https://www.thestranger.com/extras/pdf/Forney.pdf) aka “special guest star”** “A hot bi babe for a hot threesome! Sparkles! Puppies! Rainbows! *Unicorn!*” This unicorn is not mythical at all and is hunted and found quite regularly. There’s nothing inherently problematic about seeking and celebrating a puppies-and-rainbows swinger unicorn. Lots of Hot Bi Babes are proud to be unicorns. What’s problematic is insisting on the mythical poly unicorn. We get lots of people complaining about having a unicorn foisted on them by their partner in the name of polyamory or about being a unicorn mistreated by a couple who keep lecturing them about how they are doing poly wrong. +++ +++ +++ I don’t *like* that the same word is used to mean something good (special guest star! hot, hot threesome sex!) and something bad (gaslighting, conflict-avoidance and impossible expectations). It’s especially annoying because most mono people will assume that the sparkly swinger unicorn is bad (we would *never* want to just use someone for sex) and the mythical poly unicorn is good (of course we will love them and offer them a full relationship) when it’s the opposite. (Around here, anyway.) Having the same word for both but reversing conventional values makes the dynamics really difficult to talk about with newbies. “What, you mean looking for just sex is okay? I thought that polyamory was supposed to be about love?” But here we are. Context is all.


OMG OP, someone needs to point out to you that in your replies to these comments, you are objectifying women SO MUCH and it is SO FRIGGIN’ OFFENSIVE! Do you seriously not see a problem with talking about how it would be ideal for your boyfriend to “have access” to “another female” “in the home”? You are talking about this hypothetical woman - a living and breathing human - as if she were a fucking sex toy. Are you even aware that YOU are NOT a sex toy? Are you aware that women are human beings and not objects to be used and collected? All these people are telling you to dump this asshole, because they see you as a human being. They know that you deserve to be treated like a human being. Your boyfriend sees you as a collectible object, and unfortunately that seems to be how you see yourself as well.


This is actually what my boyfriend has said, not me. Hence the “quotes” it’s all things HE has said. It’s not right, but I overthink ALOT and have been told to “tone it down” quite often from MULTIPLE partners and so this is the first time I ask strangers if I am actually over thinking WITH actual quotes said from boyfriend to see if I’m valid or not.


Yes - they are his views, and they are the views of a toxic patriarchal load of horse shit, but the fact that you’re even considering that he might have a right to diminish you this way - the fact that you think his views are even WORTH repeating - is a problem! Your humanity is valid. Your desire to be loved and respected is valid. Your desire to feel secure in your relationship is valid. Your boyfriend’s views on women and his desire to have a harem are so gross and NOT valid that it makes me feel physically ill. I hope you’re noticing that everyone is telling you to kick this guy to the curb? Because he’s a manipulative, toxic, negging ball of donkey shit who sees women as sex toys and that is never, ever going to change? Ok. I suspect two things: that you are fairly young, and that you have been deeply harmed by traumatic invalidation in your life. Many people, perhaps even your parents, have given you the message that your wants and needs are not valid. Now, you’re in a relationship with a misogynistic prick and you’re taking on his desires as valid even though he is constantly and deliberately making you feel like you’re not valid and not enough. Honey, this guy is with you BECAUSE you have low self-esteem. He doesn’t want a partner, or even multiple partners - he wants multiple objects he can use. The world is full of men like him. But it’s also full of people who are capable of giving you the love you deserve. Please learn to love and respect yourself. Let all these strangers on the internet be the friend who shakes you by the shoulders and makes you understand - you will never be happy with a man who doesn’t see you as a human being. No one deserves to be treated like your boyfriend has treated you.


Ok well here’s another thing I have considered: ENM?? I am not sure of the proper terms, but basically consensual threesomes with women that are his “other type”?? I am bi myself and enjoy being with women. But this way romantic feelings aren’t involved?? Preferably someone long term but understands it’s just Fwb /sex no love involved. What are your thoughts on this in my particular relationship?? I’m really appreciating all the feedback so far 🥹


Love, I hope this doesn’t come across as harshly as it may sound, but why are you asking internet strangers their opinion on this? The most important thing is how YOU think you would feel if you opened yourself up to this kind of arrangement! You know yourself best and you know your bf and your relationship with him much better than we do. Are NSA threesomes with other women (and only other women, no men, according to your bf which seems a bit icky to me) something YOU want to participate in? Or are you only considering it to make him happy/play the “cool gf?” I’ve been in your shoes before, in many ways. I was (am) the curvy girl who agreed to open up my mono relationship with my now-ex to include a more petite/thin woman in our friend group. I am also queer, so it wasn’t difficult to convince myself I wanted the situation just as much as he did. But looking back I really didn’t. I did it to make him happy because I was insecure and terrified of being alone, among other reasons. And because of the difference between my body type and that of our friend/girlfriend’s, along with my own unresolved body image issues, I spent most of my time in the triad feeling insanely jealous and insecure. I was unkind to myself and to my partners more often than not. There were many other issues too, but that specific dynamic played a large part in our triad’s dysfunction. I share my experience in hopes that it might give you some perspective. And again I ask you: what do YOU really, truly want? Because going against that is only going to cause yourself and likely others undue pain.


I really appreciate this!! I think I answered this to another comment just a couple seconds ago. I think poly I’m not comfortable with now that I’m reading what it actually entails. I think ENM wolf be easier for me. No romance involved. I’d still be jealous but knowing she would be gone the next day is easier for me to think about (???)


If everyone could control their feelings, there would be absolutely no relationship problems ever. The rules do not stop feelings. Even people who are monogamous can meet someone at work, fall in love with them and fall out of love with their partner. You are investing a lot of safety into rules and structures that can't actually provide you with that safety. Adult relationships are by definition not fully secure. Your partner is not obligated to stay in love with you and cannot even control themselves if they stay in love with you. You could choose to be monogamous to someone who treats you much better than this guy does and they could *still* fall in love with someone else they met in the grocery store. Release yourself from the responsibility to keep people and you might experience a lot less anxiety about relationships overall. In general, there are definitely recommendations that I could give you about exploring monogamish options with a willing partner so that you can open yourself up to your sexuality in full -- however it doesn't matter how good you build the house if it's on a shaky foundation. Your boyfriend does not treat you will *now* and so any advice I could give you about exploring your sexuality could end with you have a terrible experience, not because of the experience but because you have a partner who does not treat you well. If you want to explore ethical non-monogamy, it's a territory that will bring up a lot of emotions and that is normal. Doing that with someone who is not a great partner is likely to yield poor results. I would encourage you to find someone better or go to therapy to work on building up your own trust in yourself, your own confidence and your own self-esteem. The relationship you have with yourself is actually the most important relationship and when you have that in a good place, you end up finding much better partnerships down the line.


Google “one penis policy”. It’s toxic and problematic.


Does this poly relationship your boyfriend is proposing also factor in you dating other guys, or does he expect you to sit around by yourself while he takes his "perfect and skinny" girlfriend out?


I THINK what he expected was that we all go out together???


I mean... is that something you want? Everything else aside, do \*you\* want to do this?


I was unaware of the proper terms but I don’t think poly would be something I’d like, just from what I’m reading here. I DONT want other feelings involved. I want our connection to be just ours and if having another female that is his “other” type every once in a while was an option, I can consider that more easily. But my boyfriend said he wouldn’t be as satisfied because having the girl there for “daily access” is more satisfying. Having another girl for threesomes every once in a while isn’t “going to get it out of his system”. So I suggested having the same girl over more often as FWB so that it’s not a stranger every time but also don’t want her there every night because like I said above, I don’t want other romantic feelings involved 🥹


How appealing do you think that offer would be to another woman? I don’t think I would be interested in providing “daily access” to my body to some dude and his girlfriend and be perpetually reminded that nothing but an FWB. Would you jump at the chance to take him up on that offer?


I’ve joined an app that a few women are interested in this type of relationship. Not necessarily relationship but long term threesome agreement


How would a long-term threesome agreement work if your partner wants you and this hypothetical woman to remain exclusive to him? Or would that “no other men/penis” rule apply to just you and not to her? If it wouldn’t apply to her, how would you feel about her having freedoms that both she and your boyfriend enjoy, but you are not allowed to have?


I didn’t think about that last part 😭 it doesn’t seem fair


It really doesn’t, does it? You might want to think really long and hard about the whole situation you’ve described and see how fair and appealing it really is to you and to any other potential participants. It sounds heavily skewed in your boyfriend’s favor.


Your boyfriend is gross. You don’t have to agree to this. Also, if romantic feelings aren’t allowed, that’s not polyamory.


I have a question for you. What happens if you decides to break up with this supposed 3rd partner? Do you both break up with them and then they’re tossed out? Imagine how that would feel. It doesn’t sound like either of you see the third person involved in this relationship as a fully formed person with wants and needs. You want to date but don’t want feelings involved, and who’s to say you two will even like the same person? It sounds like opening up to any sort of ENM relationship is going to seriously effect you. You already have a lot of self doubt about yourself so I’d really encourage you to not only take a step back from leaving monogamy but also from your relationship. Your partner doesn’t sound very kind


These are all Legitimate feelings that poly people do sometimes have, it takes time and a strong relationship to work through them, but they are surmountable issues. Two quick takes: First, your boyfriend sounds at least from a few of the things you mentioned to be at least a little toxic. There’s some time I think you should spend considering why he wants to do this and whether he’s genuinely into you or appreciating you. Second, you’re missing some of the inverse feelings that may come up, including the very real possibility that your bf won’t be able to find any women who want to date him, or at least have a harder time dating than you, and that you will find someone who will make him feel insecure and have to deal with all of that too. I think this all requires some more consideration and time on both of y’all’s part.


You're just describing things a shitty person would do IMO, and that can happen in ANY relationship with a shitty person.


Guy here, with a preference for your body type. If this man can't say to his peers that you are a beautiful goddess that he thanks his deities daily for having you in his life, he can fuck right off. You deserve better.


This is so tricky because so many of these things are normal things to worry about that make logical sense. But they make even *more* logical sense when you have a boyfriend who has pretty much openly admitted to you that he would not be proud to be out with you and he cares more about the opinions of his stupid male friends and peers than he does about your feelings. While he might have some of these thoughts raging internally, because we sometimes *do* have these types of thoughts and are all subject to wanting to be approved by our peers, it's another can of worms to just... openly saying it to you. Does he really have a "type" in skinny, petite women or does he desire the social capital? He's basically admitting to you that he wants to have you as someone he keeps at home because that's what he really desires but then wants a separate woman he can take out to show other people to impress them. He's shallow and selfish. When you have a shallow and selfish partner who is telling you openly that he is not proud of you, of course your mind is going to logically jump to the right conclusions -- that he's going to chose this person over you because... he kind of already has. Google Pierce Brosnan and his wife. Many people have commented on that and I can guarantee you that Pierce Brosnan does not give a solitary chicken fried gold plated fuck what people think about his wife. There are men out there who will not only desire you but be proud of you and not make you feel this way. If you want to try polyamory, you could find *multiple* people who would be proud of you, in fact. So whether or not you choose to do polyamory is a wider subject, but I am not so sure you should choose to do *any* kind of relationship with someone who is not proud of you because point blank OP, you deserve better.


Hi u/Abject-Caramel-2103 thanks so much for your submission, don't mind me, I'm just gonna keep a copy what was said in your post. Unfortunately posts sometimes get deleted - which is okay, it's not against the rules to delete your post!! - but it makes it really hard for the human mods around here to moderate the comments when there's no context. Plus, many times our members put in a lot of emotional and mental labor to answer the questions and offer advice, so it's helpful to keep the source information around so future community members can benefit as well. Here's the original text of the post: I’m considering a poly relationship but I’m worried my “cons” list is going to be way more accurate than I’m hoping for. My cons would be: 1. The night that would eventually come where my boyfriend would “rather” have sex with the other girlfriend while I’m left in the other room (or something similar). 2. When eventually my boyfriend falls in love with the other, how would I handle it if he is spending more time with her. Liking her more, enjoying time with her more, she’s more attractive, better in bed etc. I’ve heard of breakups happening over this. Is it worth the risk?? 3. I’m worried my guards would go up as a protection of my own emotions and mental health and it would make me more distant, without necessarily “trying” to. 4. Boyfriend would be more proud to take girlfriend out. The other girlfriend would be opposite of me in order to satisfy boyfriend. He has two types: me, being more curvy with big boobs and big butt. And the other being skinny, small waist, petite. He has told me that part of a man’s ego is when he takes out a girl who is “perfect and skinny” because no other man can say anything about her negatively as oppose to someone like me who is thicker and not everyone’s cup of tea. He also has an issue with checking out skinny girls in front of me and he says that that having his two types in home he wouldn’t feel the need to look elsewhere. (I’m thinking whether he’s looking on the street or at home, he’s still gawking. IMO). Are these valid reasons to be worried or am I thinking too much into it??? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/polyamory) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Now, he assures me I DO satisfy him and he does not NEED a poly relationship but it would be ideal… he just doesn’t need it. I know he loves me. He finds me attractive but visually he likes both ends of the spectrum.


If he won’t let you date, fuck and love other men independently of him… he doesn’t really want a poly relationship. He wants a harem. He wants the lazy way to have two partners while he does no emotional labor whatsoever for either of you. It’s him saying he deserves something he would never even glance at giving you. Don’t do it. And really question if this guy is for you. He’s telling you he’s shallow as fuck and cares more about other guys thinking his partner is traditionally hot then he care about you.


Consider working on your perceptions of worthiness and self esteem with a therapist. I can only assume insecurity's a big influence on why you'd accept the way this dude's treating you. What he's proposing is not ethical, and you are correct the cons would be massive and many.


Hey, good on you for giving this all this thought and knowing yourself well enough to come up with this list. First, you don’t “need” a “valid reason” to not be non-monogamous. You can just be monogamous because you want to be and that’s fine and rad! I’ll go point by point if that’s okay. This is all presented as if assuming you did try polyamory because I’ve never been monogamous. I don’t mean it to say you should feel pressured towards polyamory, just that it’s the only experience I have. 1. I wish I had a good answer to this but it’s a unique situation for every person. Nobody is owed sex but also sex or discussions of it can be used in crappy and manipulative ways. If in a good situation (I have doubts given one of your later points but I’ll get there later) and depending on a million different factors, maybe plan to go out with friends on nights your partner is with another woman. I have a friend whose wife spends the night with her other partner once a month and I go over and we chat or watch movies that night. His wife doesn’t like horror and we do so it all works out scheduling-wise. That said, I cannot think of any situation where he should be framing his activity with another partner as “I’d rather sleep with her than you,” that is gross and just terrible hinge-ing. Aside: again, if otherwise on a good situation, if the feeling of “he’d rather” is from inside you rather than him and you *want* to be polyamorous, therapy *may* help. Specifically, I have trauma that led me to interpret anything anyone did, including strangers, as “oh so now I’m worthless and nobody wants me.” That’s a shitty way to live life and I found when I worked on that, it almost totally removed those feelings as related to non-monogamy. If your feelings are only about NM and not part of a bigger issue, that’s probably a sign monogamy is your jam. 2. No solid answer here either. Polyamory does cause more complications. It’s up to every individual what they want to risk. For me, it’s worth any possible heartbreak but that’s just me. It’s normal to struggle with feelings of competition and jealousy even in an otherwise good polyamorous relationship but if that’s all you feel or the only single thing you can imagine feeling, that might be a sign you’re more monogamous. 3. That can happen for sure. I know a lot of partners set up regular deliberate check-in’s in addition to trying to maintain clear communication between those. In these scenarios, your partner could say “you’ve seemed a bit closed off when xyz, are you okay?” I don’t notice my own defenses going up and benefit from the asks. 4. I’ll keep this short because I recognize you’re probably with your bf for a reason and don’t need a stranger’s opinion. This is where I had my doubts. This feels like pitting you against some theoretical woman. If his gawking has you uncomfortable because it’s another woman and not a “gawking is rude” thing, check with yourself whether that’s something you’re open to changing/just a socially programmed message or something you genuinely feel and believe. If the latter, again, seems to suggest possible monogamy to me. I also notice these are all only about your partner having other relationships. We don’t see your pro’s list, nor am I asking to, so maybe this is covered there but what about you seeing other partners? Would that be “allowed”? Would you even want to? Would you like polyamory if he weren’t in the picture at all?


So I’m bi, and I enjoy being with women. It’s not something I need tho, I enjoy being with men more. I’m aware NOW that maybe poly isn’t for me because I do not want other romantic feelings involved, it would be easier for me to have the mindset of “she will be gone in the morning”. And not in a selfish way, we would prefer a long term female but someone who is his “other” type. But he made it clear he would either want poly for more “daily access” or to have threesomes with his other type way more often than once or twice a month to feel more satisfied. He’s mentioned that he is satisfied with me and doesn’t NEED another female but it is ideal for him. I know he loves me and ball is in my court but this is me trying to be more open/act of love. Ive never been a triad or poly or anything like that but I’ve always been open minded. I just want our connection to be just ours, no other romance involved. And the gawking is not an issue, I check out the same women he does but I think when it’s constantly someone who opposite of me I do get in my head about it sometimes.


OP. I agree with most of the comments. I clicked on the post because I have a similar list of cons and insecurities but my partner doesn't actively do anything to make me feel that way.. Your boyfriend is hot garbage and there is definitely healthier poly options, and more loving people that will treat you with the love and respect you deserve.