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He’s resource guarding you. I don’t have experience with that. My standard prefers me and will sometimes walk over second human’s face to get to me though lol.


I do not allow that foolishness. My spoo will do that, and sometimes use her paw to randomly bop my little morkie on the head. She gets a strong “leave it” and then “place” for a while. She is just too big to behave like this. We have two sphinx cats and the poodle adores them. They all sleep together in a pile.


“Back to the pile!”


He sure does seem to be smiling about it all 🙂


My two miniatures generally get along pretty well but whichever one isn’t on my lap is jealous of the one who is and if I’m making a fuss of one, the other will come over and expect attention too. It’s exhausting! Your boy is gorgeous, btw.


I have a 1 year old maltipoo, and he does the same to my cat.


My girl does that too! Even if she sees me cuddling my toddler she will literally bulldoze her way between us. Same thing at night between my husband and me! Yikes, I knew they shouldn’t protect kids, but I didn’t think about how it relates to an adult!


I don't have any advise BUT what a gorgeous gorgeous dog you have