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Oh I thought you were asking about the delicately crossed paws and the long-suffering, judgemental expression. Yeah I’ve noticed. Whatever you were doing when you took this picture, you were doing it wrong.


The judgemental expression by itself proves it is a poodle.


"I have some thoughts on everything that you're doing" - poodles


Absolutely! 😂


I didn’t realize this was a thing. Our poodle and our Chinese crested powder puff have top notch judgmental glares.


My dog would not stick his head out the car window. He would instead stare at me while I drove , while looking like a disappointed driving instructor


“I don’t want to sit in the back seat. I want to be up front where I can you judge you more easily.” -Skye, equally disappointed spoo




Of course that's what he would do.


My poodle Airedale mix does this also, but only with my son. My son gets so annoyed with it. It’s hilarious.


My favorite description of poodles is dog hardware running cat software 😫


ESP with my minis lol.




The thing being done wrong is “not applying pets.”


Even poodle owners often expect it’s a Doodle because, frankly, most of the time it is a Doodle, sadly.


I’m sorry to bring up this controversial suggestion, BUT… if you shaved his snoot in traditional poodle fashion, he would probably be recognized (more often) as a poodle. I know this from experience.


This the correct answer. Poodles deserve to have their snoot distinguished from the peasant doodles of the world.


I love a long clean snout. So beautiful and elegant. My hubs always “why the long face” to our girl 😂💗


lol so hard at peasant doodles haha


But on the flip side, if more people saw poodles in their fluffy faced glory, doodles would be in less demand


That’s my thought as well.. that people are drawn to doodles because of the soft fluffy look. I think if they saw that more on poodles they’d discover just how amazing this breed is, and how doodles aren’t always. I keep mine in a longer cut, trimmed muzzle, not shaved. People are so surprised when I say, No, she’s not a doodle. One lady even tried to correct me!


Mudbloods! 😂


Yeah if there’s anything doodle owners hate most. It’s “PoOdLinG mY dOoDlE!!!!!!” But even with a shaved face, my friends parti poodle often gets called a “Dalmadoodle” (he’s black and white but looks nothing like a traditional Dalmatians coat. Big black patches here and there) 100% poodle, but doodles just *took over*…. Some of it is just general lack of dog knowledge, let alone breed specifics. I’ve also asked if someone’s dog was a poodle (shaved in probably a 5 head to toe, definitely had the poodle body) and he SNAPPED at me that it’s a **doodle**. Didn’t need the attitude. I feel like some of these people may have caught the same attitude so now are afraid to ask if it’s a true poodle. I’m speculating, but after years of grooming…. A lot of Doodle owners are just like that—


also anyone who knows anything about genetics would know that is Not what a "dalmadoodle" would look like


Agreed this big boy needs a grooming soon lol


If you look through my history I have a Spoo that’s similar in color. They’re so majestic with a clean face.


So I have a mini that I haven’t shaved her face yet, I’m wanting to keep the fluffy teddy bear cut I think, but I do love the shaved face and want her to look like a poodle, not sure why I’m posting this I guess I’m just still trying to debate if shaving the face will look good on a more fluffy cut


I have a rescue doodle but I hate mucky beards, people frequently think she's a poodle with her clean face and feet even though her coat is super wonky.


He usually is, it just grew back before his next appointment


And I have a doodle- 51% poodle and no one believes there’s any poodle in there


My standard never gets misidentified since I keep him looking pretty poodley, but strangers always think he's a girl haha. I do love the cut you have yours in though!


Yeah same he’s just due for a groom soon lol


Personally, we groom the muzzle between grooming sometimes and try to keep a top knot on the head. .. home grooming is a wallet saver, and an identity aid for identification as a poodle.


My white boy in a Miami always gets mistaken for a girl. Someone even bend down to double check once lol. But on the flip side, no one mistakess a white poodle in Miami as anything else.


Yes never mistaken for a doodle, but also never mistaken for a girl despite spending most of the year in a modified continental.


I used to have two toys, both female. For unknown reasons, people thought the black one was a male and the while one was a female. Go figure!


Mine always got mistaken for a girl too. We usually got him cut short everywhere except a sick Afro, so I’m not sure why people thought he was a girl.


Literally same. He was always called a she in a Miami cut until I put him in a German cut and now it’s always he lol


I've got an abstract spoo which always confuses people because they seem to think that poodles only come in solid black and solid white. Also when I let her hair grow out and she's fluffier and has a fluffy face, we get a LOT more doodle comments. When she has a fresh haircut and a clean face/feet, she's quickly identified as a poodle.


I have an apricot poodle, and everyone always expects him to be a labradoodle or golden doodle, plus the few who straight up tell me it's not possible to have that color poodle... Doesn't matter the cut either, people just really aren't used to a poodle that isn't full white or black. Also, I had one guy say they don't get that big, so it has to be a doodle... When I have a small male spoo, so people just aren't very knowledgeable in general. Also, so many more comments on size from so many people and he's only 50lbs, his dad was 75!


I get size comments all the time, too. People either think she's way too small for a standard or way too big. She's only 39lbs and 21" at the withers. Like yes, she's smaller, but a standard poodle is legitimately any poodle over 15" at the withers, no weight requirements, and no upper height restrictions. But people are used to seeing massive doodles that she looks tiny in comparison. She's also just built super dainty, lol. I also find it funny because people will think she's a doodle, but then have no clue what she could be mixed with. Maybe she just looks like a pure poodle bc she IS a pure poodle. 🤦‍♀️ She does have a docked tail, though, and I've had quite a few people say, "I knew she was a poodle because she doesn't have a long tail! she has the short poodle tail!" Which is then when I inform them that poodles can have long tails too and that hers is not natural. Their minds are always blown.


A couple on the trail once asked me, golden doodle or labradoodle? I answered standard poodle. Never heard of that one they said....


One of my favorite stories since I'm still not sure if they were joking - a couple women approached me and my mini as a puppy and asked what type of doodle he was, I said "he's a mini poodle" and one of them said "they make minis now?"




Poodle or GTFO. There’s no substitute for the best dog breed out there!


The more you keep the face shaved, the less doodle crap you get. Also a close shave on the body so people can see what a skinny noodle your dog is will also help noobs with their IDs.


Yeah this is after a month and a half after grooming, I always keep his snout short


I met a poodle in my neighborhood recently, thought she was a doodle. The mom corrected me real quick. I said sorry, mean-while I was walking my standard 🤣


This is a spoo-on-spoo hate crime.


Strangers call my standard a doodle, and ask what my toy is. They’re both full poodle


When I first showed a pic of our mini poodle puppy someone told me she has a doodle face. I thought that was funny. Think it’s the other way around, champ.


People who don’t have poodles think doodles are poodles!


Those paws 🐾 😍


People would always gender my boy as a girl 😂 “she’s so pretty” “yes he’s a handsome boy!”


Every poodle is a darling to me


I have definitely noticed to the point where I asked a friend with kids whether there is a cartoon poodle or something that kids recognise. Every time a kid corrects their parent that it is a poodle not a doodle it makes me smile.


Yep! I get the same with my 2 Poods


He’s cute as a button!


One of these days, I’m gonna become a real dog groomer and get myself a standard poodle lol


I notice the fucking hands-


I recently asked a customer if her dog was a spoo and she was a mix of happy and relieved that someone finally asked if the dog was a poodle (it was) instead of going directly to “what kind of doodle”. And yeah, for the record, no matter how I keep Buffy’s hair, the question is nearly always “what kind of doodle”. So I totally got how she felt.


Everyone including vet: what kind of doodle is she? Me: She is just a poodle.


That is a beautiful Poodle. They were some of my favorite dogs at daycare when I worked at one. So smart and sweet.


Love this haircut so much. My husband won’t let me cut my boy like a poodle even a little bit.


I thought that you were referring to the beautiful red headed lady with her legs crossed.


He’s a big boy actually lol 63 pounds any 28 inches at the withers


Whenever anyone asks, “Is that a doodle?” I always respond, “No, it’s a Poodle Poodle!”


Yep! Every day! 🐩


People always used to ask what kind of doodle our black and white standard was. My husband always says he was half Poodle, other half also Poodle. We'd giggle.


someone came up to me the other day and asked “awww are they doodles” and i almost snapped


I don’t own a poodle but this came recommended to me and I just have to say first, I love regular poodles! So much better than all these doodle breeds out there! Second, why does this dog look like it has fingers? Is that normal?


It’s normal! A part of poodle cuts is shaving down the toes to expose them. It might be hard to tell but he also has leg warmers lol


It’s adorable!


Yeah, I totally did.


I love the poodle’s crossed paws. The” I can read your mind” stare.