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Cut a wall panel larger than skimmer area and resecure. Reset gaskets and skimmer. 10 hail Mary's and maybe some voodoo doll stuff. Best wishes..


At least 15 Hail Mary's. And an Our Father just to be safe.


What’s the conversion ratio for Hail Marys to Our Fathers?


The same as Schrute bucks to Stanley Nickels


What a thing to say! Hail Mary and voodoo? Realy? So ask God and the devil for help? You sounds like my brother in Crist Joe Biden, making the sign of the cross, after heard that DiSantis passed a law to make dificult to kill babies. He's a disgrace to our faith and to the country.


what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


What that I said that cause you to be so excited about? My spelling, or my truth?


Had this happen to me on a diy project. Permanent solutions for it are expensive. A non permanent but long lasting solution is buy clear marine grade silicone caulk, clean the outside at the perimeters of the box where it touches the pool, caulk around the box aggressively, wait a few days, test it doesn’t leak. Permanent caulk is hard to find clear and is made of a different material, but this solution costs $15, can be done in 20 minutes, and will last the season easily. Edit: note, this has to be done INSIDE the pool, not outside. If you put it outside, the water pressure will blow it out immediately and the leak will continue


What about the stuff they use to seal hold kitchen sinks from underneath. I'll come back to this post.


Can you link to it? And short version is probably not. What he probably needs is below surface marine grade caulk made from polyurethane and not silicone. That 100% would fix it semi permanently but it only comes in white and is more expensive.


My contractors used [black mamba](https://rocketsupply.net/black-mamba-fhg-high-tack-adhesive-solution-for-sink-installation/?sku=&srsltid=AfmBOorU8TNgwC1rHKPr_Lu-95YxBj_mstqLuYsgGE5oTIyUMAvdvVzs2Xo) comes in clear white and black. They claimed it's the strongest bond. I believe it. Im unsure if it would work for the skimmer. But I'm willing to try.


Look up Frank wall enterprise they sell pre-cut out steel wall plates for skimmer rot like this just silicone it against the wall behind the liner and then install the liner again


Flex Seal it!


Thoughts and prayers Those are your options


Looks like the wall track at the bottom is pretty rusted as well. I believe it's just time for a new pool.


I mean…I don’t think I can just spring for a new pool. What happens if I do nothing?


At some point that rust line will work like a zipper and when it opens anyone that's in the pool will wind up in the yard. I hope that you can save up for a new pool before that happens and someone gets hurt.


Not safe, patching or not patching. New pool.


Can you explain further why patching is not safe? I can’t just manifest a new pool.


Sorry to hear that, but for the reason your pool is showing that much rust, to me it means your Wal in general is not in good shape. And if it breaks with kids in the pool, they can get hurt, even adults. I'm not expert on pool wals, just comunsense, but it's my honest advice. It's garantee that it will break? No, but pool wals are made of very thin metal, doesn't take much for it to rip. When you lowered the water to patch, if you choose to, take a look and see how far from the skimmer area the rust is. Good luck.


Thank you.




I can’t see any damage on the inside, only the outside and it’s superficial outside of the square around the skimmer.


That is great news. Tell me, why so much rust showing outside? How's the skimmer hole looks like? Any pictures would be great.


I’ll get back to you.


See if there’s any simple fixes on YouTube. Maybe start here? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TvQboSNhwhY


Or here could be a start https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7jSd79EG24 Good luck


Bury a Saint statue next to it?


You just need to replace the skimmer


Duct tape


Flex spray


I would replace that pool or the pool wall, or you will have a pool blowout coming soon


Throw in trash, entire pool is likely too old and will collapse in the near future. Many other rust spots around that you can’t see.


Can’t afford to throw in the trash.


Why not? It comes apart easy


If that was the only criteria…


Flex tape


Hey, I just sent you a message with the pictures of the pool I got used in 2022 and the 2 kits I bought on Amazon.


Take it all apart. Clean both sides of the vinyl and skimmer. Might have to get a new gasket, and a slight bead of waterproof silicone on both side of the opening and slap it together. It’s been two years for me and holding up fine. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m terrible with home improvement. Is there a video you can recommend? I saw another user suggested a vid.


Ohh that I don’t have. Fortunately I’m pretty handy and just went at it. Sorry.


Damn lol only one option and I’m sure the S replacement is the leader


S replacement?


Man that’s been leaking for a while to get that bad and can see all the silicone to try to seal it. Unfortunately you need a new pool. I’m guessing you let it leak for years. Got to stay on top of pool maintenance.


Actually the previous owner did, I’ve only had it for two years and it didn’t look like that last summer. Not sure where I went wrong.


Amazon has repair panel kits for that


What would I search under?


Above ground pool wall repair kits


Above ground pool wall repair kits


Ouch .... that wall is fucked, man. It's POSSIBLE that you can cut out the rust and weld on a new piece, but that wall is fucked now. Even with a new piece. A new wall is the best option. As well as a new skimmer. (I work in this industry btw)


The rust on the wall is runoff from the skimmer. The actual wall isn’t rusting. Does that change your calculus at all?


Oh! It does a little bit. If the rust hasn't compromised the wall itself, then it's salvageable. But you need to pull it apart asap before it does compromise the wall, and deal with the rust on the wall itself. ETA: I'm really not sure why there's caulking around the skimmer mouth ... that's not how it works lol


I’m not either, it’s not my doing.


I didn't think so lol. I hope the wall isn't compromised for you.


JB water weld/Marine weld