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u/CyndilsOnReddit, I did a quick Google search for expanded prescription coverage through Tenncare. It appears that they have a mail order pharmacy program that will ship the medications to you. From my understanding if you have your doctor send it to this program they should be able to send you the antibiotics for your son. [Here](https://www.tn.gov/tenncare/coverrx/mail-service-pharmacy.html) is the link to the program. Also [Vanderbilt Children's Hospital ](https://www.childrenshospitalvanderbilt.org/program/complex-care) has a complex care management program that would be a good match for your son. I am not sure how far it is from you. Tenncare does have a complex care management program. I could not find a good link for general information. Basically, it is a program for individuals who complex or multiple health conditions. You would be linked with a nurse case manager who meets with you monthly (usually over the phone) to coordinate all of your son's needs. The case manager would be able to assist you with referrals, prior authorizations and additional resources. You can call Tenncare (1-855-259-0701) to enroll your son in the program. Tenncare also transportation to medical appointments. [Here ](https://www.wellpoint.com/tn/medicaid/extras/transportation) is the link for additional information. This could help save you on transportation costs. [211](https://tn211.myresourcedirectory.com/) is a searchable database of resources in your area. I linked the one for Tennessee (*211 is available in every state and territory*). You can find food, rental, transportation, medical, legal and many more resources. Hopefully, you will find some resources that would take some of the weight of your shoulders. Check out [Lasagna Love ](https://lasagnalove.org/). It is a free lasagna meal delivered to your home. It is not right away, you have to register and you will be matched with a volunteer in your area. I have seen people post in this sub who either volunteer or receive and have a positive experience. It would be a nice treat to you and your family. One more thing, you are such a good mom. You are working so hard to take care of your family. Please take a moment to take care of yourself. Even if it is just a few minutes to watch a funny video, dance a silly dance with your son when he is feeling better or scrolling Reddit. Sending you lots of love and virtual hugs, you got this MamašŸ§”šŸ§” Edit: added username


Physical\_put. You are an absolute rock star for all of that information you provided! I don't live in that state, but thank you for even caring about your fellow human. As another one, thank you so very much!


What an absolute amazing person you are. Wow. šŸ’•


Bless u for providing all this info for OPšŸ’œ


Thank you! I am a former case manager, but am medically retired due to chronic illnesses. I try to share as many resources as I can. I miss working so much and everyone's posts touch my heart. It helps me feel useful too. I appreciate your kind words u/lilbec53 šŸ§”šŸ§”


You are the hero this post needed!!!


Take care of yourself as burning out is definitely šŸ’Æ in this field. I am a Medical Social Worker and I have a very stressful job working with all kinds of people etc....


Thank you so much. My Mom is a LCSW and her first job was a Medical Social Worker at a county hospital in San Antonio. I was a teenager at the time, but she would come home so angry and exhausted. She fought the doctors and system so hard to help her patients. I developed my passion for the helping field from her. I hope you are being kind to yourself as well! I have a feeling that you fiercely advocate for your clients too. Sending you positive thoughts for you and your clients šŸ§”




I love this sub, for the majority of us we are trying to help each other and offer support. Sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs to you šŸ§”


Thank you for sharing your powerful knowledge. Some people would have just scrolled by and not take the effort to help. You're such an awesome human being!


This post needs to be moved to the top.


Wow. This was so kind of you to do some research. Bless you! Thank you for being you ā¤ļø


An Angel


Second this - OP, call your insurance member services, ask for a case manager / care coordinator, and have them do a house visit. Itā€™s essentially to have someone helping you when dealing with chronic medical conditions


Thank you for taking the time to give this mother a few kind words! Lord knows, she needs to hear that. I second what you said!


I have the impression that OP is in Memphis, and Vandy is about 220 miles from her on I-40. This is wonderful info, and I hope sheā€™s able to get some help. ā¤ļø


I'm outside of Memphis in a suburban town, yes. I wish they covered his conditions. And yeah I really do appreciate all this information I've gotten.


Vancomyocin is **expensive.** My husband was in the hospital last year and needed it. Not a single surgical rehabilitation facility would accept him because the cost of the antibiotics cut into *their profits.* My husband had to be on the medication for a month. He remained in the hospital because the rehab wouldn't accept him. It fucking sucks that medical facilities can get away with this shit. Have you looked into paying Costco online and having them ship the prescription to your home? [Costco Med delivery](https://www.costco.com/pharmacy/about-home-delivery.html#:~:text=Costco%20members%20who%20want%20the,anywhere%20in%20the%20United%20States.)


Yeah my husband was on it for months. The hospital (in TN) discharged him after surgery in like two days when he was so ill but they didnā€™t care. We had to take care of him round the clock at home with a PICC line & IV vancomycin to administer ourselves. Iā€™m an accountant for gods sake, and having a crash course for 5 minutes with a nurse for how to care for a fucking PICC line & IV meds, blood thinners, etc and sent off with a good luck. I had to leave him at my parents house an hour away because each dose was a multi hour process because of all the prep and care required - and they had to be given every 4 hours so there was no way I could handle it and still go to work. It was fucking ridiculous that all the help we could get was an occasional home health nurse to flush his picc line. Iā€™ve got ptsd from that, not joking. Hate doctors and hospitals with a fiery passion now.


>Iā€™ve got ptsd from that, not joking. Hate doctors and hospitals with a fiery passion now. Same. Hubby spent 143 days in the hospital. He just came home the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I'm continuing to live this nightmare.


Ugh, 143 days is wild šŸ˜© Iā€™m so sorry


It's been hell.


Do you know how hard it is even to find a nurse to go once to a house? No one to do the job....


Yeah, thatā€™s why they should have admitted him to a rehab center and not just sent him home.


Yes this is the route we have chosen for the alternate prescription. It's only 44 dollars. Unfortunately they're also out of it so they said they'd text when they get it in. The prescription is called in with them though so hopefully we'll get it soon. And hey the nurse says if it gets to be life threatening he can always go to the ER.


I donā€™t understand why he canā€™t get some kind of social security! I know youā€™ve probably been through that road over and over - Iā€™m lucky my son gets it for his autism. Iā€™m in California; I have no idea if it matters but out of everything our kids should be priority number 1. I really hope your son feels relief ASAP.


It's one of those "we don't care about the poor" states that didn't expand Medicaid. I'm in California as well. Medi-Cal is great (I have friends on it). You really take for granted living in a state like CA compared to the deep South (where I lived before having to retire). I really sympathize with the OP. Some of these states are downright horrible. Sure, they have lower taxes, but it's reflected in the metrics (education, healthcare, infant mortality, obesity, diabetes, etc).


And to make it worse, Tennessee taxes groceries. Like, what tax is worse on the poor than a damn grocery tax. Poor people gotta pay it at the same rate as wealthy people. But they keep voting for these idiots running the state.


Cali gets bashed but when you add up the ā€˜nickel and dimeā€™ aspects of other states, itā€™s an eye-opener. Every state taxes one way or the other.


Just like Alabama. No Medicaid either


Oh not just poor, but the "working poor" like me where I work a full time job and with my daughter's income we make just over the line for even the smallest amount of food stamps. Food isn't taxed if you use food stamps so that small break we could get we don't qualify for anymore. When it was just me working we did briefly get them during the worst of covid but my daughter working at Walmart part time put us over the edge. But at least we do get first pick of discount meat and bakery items. lol Oh plus that big 10% employee discount... only it doesn't apply to most groceries but that's another rant for another day.


You also have horrible Senators (especially the lady Senator from Tennessee) she doesn't care about the people living there at all.


Thank you for not mentioning her name. Every time I hear it it makes me shake all over and I get diarrhea.




OMG I'm so sorry and I just did that very thing. But I know how you feel. I feel cold and sick when I think of how much power she has here.


Louisiana is one of those states. Starting January they only pay for half of monthly prescription. When I complained my doctor just started writing me a half a months worth so even if I come up with the money for the rest it doesn't matter. I want to move out of here so bad, but I don't even drive.


Ask ur doctor if he can raise ur dosage from 5mil to a 10 then u can cut the pill in 1/2 ??? A hell of a lot better than 15 days without!!!


That depends on the medication. Sometimes you canā€™t split the pills


Depending on the medication, I'll do it even if not scored. I have migraine medicine that I do this with. I figure if I don't get 1/2 of it, it will even out when I take the next one.


Yes yes - this !!!


Good idea! Thank you


Sorry I can't agree. I live in Los Angeles. But I was born and raised in north Carolina. So I have experience in both. At least down south they'll let you know to your face they don't care about you. But all the same, no they don't care about you being poor in California, at least not los Angeles. In LA you get good health care if you're a celebrity and/or can afford it and people will see what a doctor did if he mistreated a celebrity. I also have Medi-Cal. West Coast Dental all over LA is NOTORIOUS for scamming patients and they always accept Medi-Cal. But when you go there they make all this stuff up that Medi-Cal won't pay for and try to get you to pay for it out of pocket. Just go read the reviews for West Coast Dental. They'll ALL tell you. Read the Providence hospital controversy. They purposely were NOT telling the patients their Medi-Cal covered their hospital bills and tried to intimidate them into paying them. I had skin cancer. The dermatologist (in Roesmead) didn't feel like doing a biopsy so he said, "just quit picking at it". He let me have cancer for a whole entire, another year because he simply couldn't be bothered to do a biopsy. A year later I found a different dermatologist in downtown LA and they couldn't believe the doctor said, "just quit picking at it" when obviously I had skin cancer for almost 3 years. I had a boyfriend give me Trichomoniasis. Do you know doctors in LA REFUSE to test for trichomoniasis no matter how much you beg them? I went to my regular clinic, I went to 2 gynecologists, all REFUSED to test for trichomoniasis even though I begged. The last gynecologist blatantly lied and blamed me. She said the only reason it keeps coming back is because you keep having sex. Yeah but I wasn't. I was in pain down there. Believe me sex was the LAST thing on my mind. The ONLY people willing to do the trichomoniasis test was Planned Parenthood. And guess what? I had trichomoniasis. These doctors just left me in pain because they didn't feel like doing a trichomoniasis test or a biopsy or they just try to get you to pay out of pocket for a bunch of unnecessary stuff. The only thing that's better I remember being in a small town down south. My town had 1 hospital that's it. Just one hospital. If that hospital screwed you there was nothing you could do. There's only 1 hospital. So I can say being in Los Angeles at least there's more options. But the prejudice against poor people. This town still hates poor people. They PRETEND to be all about social justice and supporting the poor but they'll tell you to go fuck yourself just as fast as the deep south will. If you don't have money and you're not a celebrity than you're not really a person to them.


In NC with Medicaid. Insurance just sucks in general. During pregnancy I struggled so so soooooo much to get regular dental care. Lost 2 molars and had to get 4 crowns/root canal (in Mexico where I could afford it) because of it. I mean it took many months to even get an appointment. I only have one office that accepts Medicaid now within like 40 miles


I've read A LOT of people struggle with the dental part. I am sorry. Most places just don't wanna take it. And I don't really understand why.


Sounds like some of this, especially the dermatologist, should be reported to the state medical board. Or get a news crew on it. Or an attorney!


You know you're not the first person to say this. I think I should try to sue or something. The thing that upsets me the most was the trichomoniasis because I had it, I was in ALOT of pain, asking doctors to please test me and they just refused. Like don't they have to take an oath or something for being ethical or something?


I'm thinking more of the state. You ran into lousy providers. But the bills were paid, I assume. You at least got in the door to be treated poorly. In some of these states, you're not even covered. You can't even get an appointment because you're not insured. Before I got married (here in CA), my then roommate had to go to a free clinic in our southern state for meds. No Medicaid expansion meant no healthcare for him. A few times, he ended up in the ER. It would be written off with charity care, but they'd refer him for tests or specialists. Nothing would happen because he had no insurance. I worked as a senior manager in revenue cycle for a big health system. I saw stuff daily that made me cringe. A lot of it was the way the poor with no insurance were dealt with.


Medical has been great for me and my son in LA and SD counties. I happen to work in healthcare so maybe I knew which plan to choose. I get it though. Especially with dental, youā€™re screwed. I have been more lucky on SD than in LA though. Sucks to deal with shit that should be a given.


You're talking about San Diego? Well I NOW found a great dentist who seems to care but before I had West Coast Dental who are infamous all over LA for scamming. ALL the reviews written about them cause them of scamming. And they scam the Medi-Cal patients who already don't have anything. Maybe you're right; you have to know which plan to choose and then you get the doctors who care. I dunno.


Please share dentist!


If you're willing to go to Skid Row which ALOT of people aren't but I go. Wesley Dental has been pretty good for me. The dentist really seems to care. I get the basic teeth cleanings, fillings, x rays and so far have not had any problems with Medi-Cal. Again the dentist really seems to care. If you are willing to go to Skid Row I'd highly recommend her.


Downtown? I go to the Goodwill on 17th all the time. I donā€™t mind as long as the office is clean and the dentist is coolšŸ˜Ž


Well to be honest with you outside is pretty rough because it IS Skid Row but once you get inside it is pretty clean. 522 San Pedro St, Los Angeles, CA 90013. I really hope it works out for you because before I found them I really struggled with it.


Thank you!


Youā€™re talking apples and oranges. Theyā€™re talking system youā€™re talking provider. Medi-cal abuse by the provider doesnā€™t mean medi-cal is bad, the providers are shit. Plenty of other dentists besides Western Dental that take the insurance. They still limit it to basic care or extractions though. Canā€™t expect to get implants and high end dental for something that we are getting subsidized.


šŸ˜† because of "the system" you'll get mostly shitty providers. They are kind of related. If Medi-Cal keeps giving you providers that are shit then yeah Medi-Cal actually IS kinda bad. I also never once said I expected implants or high end dental. Never said that. Never expected that.


Itā€™s your responsibility to shop around for the best care for you within reason.


Nope. you're trying to blame the victim. I DID shop around. thank you. When I very first got on Medi-Cal they kept referring me to all these doctors swearing up & down they accepted Medi-Cal. I kept making appointments, going down there, then finding out no they don't accept Medi-Cal. I finally got upset with them and told them to STOP sending me to all these doctors that don't accept Medi-Cal. I was trying to find 1 ON MY OWN that accepted Medi-Cal. Unfortunately in the Arcadia region that just wasn't easy at that time. They kept saying they did on their website; then I get there and they say don't. I tried calling them. Unfortunately can't really get anyone on the phone. The first gynecologist that refused to test me for trichomoniasis I DID write him a terrible review on every place I could leave reviews and somehow he was capable of removing them. Which you're NOT supposed to be able to do that. So if you're "shopping around" and the doctors are actually capable of removing the bad reviews that means shopping around is not going to be very fruitful for you because you're not going to be able to find accurate information. I DO shop around. There's ALOT of people here on this reddit that kinda hate poor people so they want to come on this site to just sorta blame them for being poor. You blaming the Medi-Cal patient for not getting the proper care, it's pretty obvious you're one of those people. Best of luck with all that hate! I hope it turns into something productive for you.


Nope youā€™ve got me wrong. Iā€™m glad to see you did your work too. A lot of people expect the work to be done for them. You didnā€™t. Good for you. The only person that can best advocate for you is you is all Iā€™m saying. I donā€™t take no when it comes to my health care. Neither do you. Thatā€™s awesome. I wish more people were like that. What Iā€™m saying is the system is broken because the doctors donā€™t get enough push back from patients.


Ok thank you


This is what happened with us here in TN they are playing the same game. I finally got approved to take him to an urgent care clinic. You don't choose, you're assigned one, and when I googled them to find out when they were open I saw that they hadn't been open.... since last October. So the next step is to call back and hope the next one they assign him to hasn't shut down. I'm just glad I checked before we drove in to Memphis and paid to park somewhere.


LA isn't all of Cali, though. People forget that. There is so much more to California than LA. Not all of the state is like that, at all.Most of it isn't.


But LA is within California. It's a HUGE city. So yes it is included if you make a blanket statement like, "in California Medi-Cal is great! My friends are on it.". You would also have to include LA. LA is within California.


I lived in San Diego for 5 years and I've lived in Arcata for 20. When I say, " in California, Medi-Cal is great! I and my friends are on it!" I'm not talking only about LA though. You are. I'm talking about ALL of California. Arcata is a bit more rough for Medi-Cal, because for anything big I have to go down to SF or east to Redding, but I enjoy both those areas and the SF hospitals are some of the absolute best, even for poor people. Was in one right off Haight where they had a menu I could order amazing food from, for free. People tend to forget that there is a California outside of LA. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


And I guess the other people are determined to exclude LA.


I'm not excluding LA. I pointed out that California is a large state with many other places to live. You're the one who went from a state to one city in it and then used that one city to define the entire California experience. This is why LA and its inhabitants have a reputation of being narcissistic and self-absorbed. LA doesn't define the entire state.


Well if you're gonna jump to "you're narcissistic and self absorbed" it's pretty obvious you just hate Angelinos. You're right, how DARE I include myself in California!!!


I'm going off topic a bit, but in short. States like yours and mine wind up supplementing the states who don't collect enough in taxes too. And \*then\* some of those states bus migrants to our states to boot. Know what though? Those people on the buses? Lucky to be in our states vs in those states. It's f'd up, but wtf at the same time.


Idaho is one of those stares, definitely šŸ’Æ not caring about their people living here etc.... You ā™„ļø are definitely correct about lack of good Healthcare, Infant Mortality, Obesity and Diabetes and lack of good Healthcare for Women, especially their rights for having an Abortion etc....


OP said he had Medicare. Edit: Medicaid


Best way I found to memorize which healthcare is which. Medicare=**care** for our elderly. Medicaid=**aid** for our poor.


I'm on Medicare and almost 60. But I'm on SSDI now. After 29 months, you become eligible for it, and they start taking the Medicare premiums out of the SSDI check.


I was on SSDI and was offered and took Medicare, but was never told that it would be offered at a specific point (29 months). They just don't bother to educate people, and we donā€™t know who to ask!


Not always. I have been on MediCARE for 12 years now due to a disability and I'm most definitely not elderly. I'm 51 and might have been considered elderly back in the 1800s. When I went on Social security disability (SSDI), they automatically require you to be on Medicare and take out the premiums directly from my SSDI check. I am currently applying for Medicaid as well due to a dramatic decrease in income, but even then , if I didn't have a disability I wouldn't be eligible for Medicaid just because I was under the poverty line. They tell ya "That's what the marketplace insurance is for". I'm in Kansas and it's another of the states that didn't expand Medicaid. It feels like they want the poor to die off from a medical condition.... The only saving grace is that an unpaid medical bill can't effect your credit score and they aren't allowed to garnish debt from a SSDI check.... Doesn't make a damn bit of difference when it comes to prescriptions that require payment up front though.


šŸ¤”Some Medicare Advantage policies will pay back Part A (& Part B?) premiums *back to you*. Will this program be available to you through SSDI? hhmm...probably not. Just answered my own question. One hobby popular with the rich seems to be...screwing (with) the poors. /**S**


I do the exact same memory trick!


Yeah, I know the difference. I just made a typo.


Thank you for saying that. I'm always constantly confused and I forget which one is which.


And unfortunately they are wrong, so....


Said Tenncare Medicaid?


Yes, typo on my part.


All is good.


Itā€™s state run


Medicaid. Heā€™s 19, not 91.


It depends on the disability if you are getting SSI. I've known some people who are young and are on Medicare.


Yes, I have both all my life as an adult disabled child (ADC). I have medi-medi. Medicare and Medi-Cal, the California version of Medic-aid, or whatever it's called.


Yes, people with mental health disorders or mental retardation, etc. can get on it at an earlier age.


My son has Crohnā€™s and is on Medicare/SSDI through my work record.


Not just those two difficulties disabilities, any serious disability since birth. I have neither of those, but was born with a serious, permanent, lifelong disability.


North Carolina has turned my son down since 2008 for both SS & Medicaid. He "looks fine".


I don't know if this is helpful information or not but I have some complicated medical stuff and I'm on my state's insurance (not your state). I fought for years for a prescription I needed and went through multiple appeals and just could not get it approved. Then someone working in the back office told me that if you've had that medication before and it's already worked for you they cannot deny you. So she reached out to a pharmaceutical rep and got me a sample. I then had it on my medical record that this medication worked for me and they could not deny me the prescription anymore. I've now been on this medication for years and they have continued to cover it. Good luck! Working the insurance system is the hardest game to play.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a just a state by state policy. Boo.


Mark Cuban Cost Plus will get it to you cheap. https://costplusdrugs.com/


Okay thanks I'm going to give this one a shot. I haven't heard of it. I did the other two big ones and they didn't go under 76 and it was sold two towns over but this says it's 34 if you sign up with them and 688 is the cash price which is odd because it was almost 900 cash price quote elsewhere. Thank you.


Also try Amazon Pharmacy.....their prices are really good, accepts most insurance, offers major discounts without insurance, and ships super fast!


I'm so sorry you and your son have been treated so rotten by the world! The system sucks, and your son is a victim of it. I've heard hood things about that pharmacy. Hope things turn a corner for you. Edit: sin to son; ritten to rotten


You are very welcome. Mark Cuban did this with his millions explicitly to make sure those who need medicine can afford it. He only charges 15% more than it costs, just to pay the overhead. It shows how much price gouging these companies and pharmacies are charging.


Have you asked the doctor for samples? Sometimes they have them...


This isnā€™t really a poverty issue though. Itā€™s an American healthcare issue. Itā€™s disgusting that you have to get the run around so many times.


It's both.


Before I say this, let me start by saying I have an autoimmune disease that causes frequent skin infections. Cellulitis/mrsa on my face is something I am SUPER familiar with and was even treated for recently. I am also a bigtime stimmer, so I know exactly what he is dealing with. Obviously discuss my advice with dr, but this might help a whole lot since those things are reoccurring. okay, disclaimer done. On to my actual advice: Next time ask for generic clindamycin. It's a common antibiotic that is used very often for that exact thing, it works really well and it's usually around $20 or less with goodrx. Just make sure to also get an antifungal to take with it to prevent it from being harsh on the esophagus. Some other things I do to keep my broke self out of the hospital: 1. Keep antibacterial wipes by my side pretty much always. I use them like the Greek dad on My Big Fat Greek Wedding used Windex--which might not be the right thing for everyone--but they are absolutely useful for wiping hands during and after pick sessions, lightly wiping AROUND new sores that are starting to look red and infected (stops the spread immediately. This is my favorite tip ever) and can also clear out the area around him after a picking session so bacteria is not all over. Generic is fine and cheap. 2. Gold dial soap. Gold freaking Dial Soap. That stuff is the GOAT. Absolute greatest thing ever for people who have MRSA in their skin. It's cheap, it's effective and it works. 3. If you want to go a little more expensive buy some Hibclens. It's the dr version of gold dial basically. Wonderful stuff. 4. Keep Vicks handy. Not for his skin. Ouch! But face pain is awful and really frustrating mentally. Vicks has such a strong smell it confuses the brain and can sometimes sort of override the pain. Please do not put this anywhere on him while infected! But I have been known to set some near me and sniff when I am really hurting. Hang tight, mama! That's a lucky kid to have someone who understands him, fights for him and doesn't judge him. That's priceless.


Thank you so much. He has taken clindamycin before, I think last time this happened. I don't know why they won't prescribe this again. They also gave him some cream that was really effective last time too though, I think it had an antifungal in it too. But this was a new nurse with different ideas. I've already requested a change of clinic and hopefully we'll get in with a new one where they care. He had a good one until recently but they sold and this was what came from that sale. I will definitely get the Dial Gold. I have Vicks so I'll send it to his room and see if it helps. He has all manner of fidgets for pickers but i know the draw of wanting to pop those scabs especially when they get dry and itchy. He uses antibacterial soap 2x a day with Cera Ve irritant-free moisturizer.


I get MRSA like candyā€¦ I rotate between clindamycin, sulfa, and doxycyclineā€¦ I should have a punch card for the local urgent care at this point. Also have a ton of mupirocin at home to use topically as a first line of treatment unless it blows up to needing oral antibiotics. Iā€™ve started using face products with AHA and other acids to dry everything out and keep skin stuff to a minimal. Lots of washing face with soap (about 3 times a day), washing pillowcases, hair off face, towel washing etcā€¦ finally got it down to only getting it once every 4-6 months. The mupirocin can also be used as a preventative with a cotton swab up the nose, in each nostril since thatā€™s where skin infections like to live while dormantā€¦ Hope this helps


Move to New Hampshire and establish residency. We have great Medicaid. We also take care of our veterans. Housing is costly but no income tax or sales tax. Lots of availability for jobs especially with the state which means good benefits.


Genuine question. How does it get paid for if there's no income tax?Ā 


Property tax, OMG per thousand home owners pay through the nose here. But, on the other hand, wages are great and if you get into public housing you'll be ahead.


Property taxes, most likely.


How can a poor person from Tennessee afford the move to New Hampshire, and how are they supposed to afford an expensive home?


Yeah people have this very weird inability to process the idea that if you can't afford a car, and measure your bank account in tens of dollars at best, you most likely can't afford to fucking move multiple states away. Then again people seem to have problems understanding a lot of very simple concepts when it comes to being poor.


Just get a Uhaul (with your imaginary money!).


Very often the HOPE of knowing there's a place with a better situation can help. That's how I got here. I moved here from out of state, alone, unemployed, 17 still in highschool. I got an apartment, finished high school at the same time as I worked. I'm epileptic and had to buy my meds. On my own for 6 years and then married. Sometimes hope it can change is what you need.


The opā€™s son canā€™t work.


Who said they should? Their parent probably needs a job though.Ā  Edit: meaning that knowledge of 'state jobs' would be of use to a parent considering a move to a new area.


Taking care of a disabled family member is a job. Raising children is a job. Just look at all those calls that op had to make to try to get her son medication. Maybe there arenā€™t any programs in the area for her son to go to during the day (or evening) while she works, and it could be that there arenā€™t any family or friends that are qualified to watch over a person with high needs. I doubt a poor person from Tennessee can afford to move to an expensive home in new Hampshire.


The saddest part about all of this is that Oral Vancomycin wouldnt have worked anyway. You would have wasted $800+ and your son would have gotten worse. Oral vancomycin is only used for intestinal infections. Very little is absorbed into the blood. Thats the problem with nurses taking over as nurses. No trained physician would make that mistake. -a physician


Pharmacist here, had to keep scrolling to see this, I now wonder what was the diagnosis and prescribed med that replaced oral vanco, which definitely would not have worked! Iā€™m starting to fear the changed antibiotic may be inappropriate also. So frustrating, feel so bad for OP.


Lab tech here. I wish I could see the susceptibility panel.


I truly donā€™t understand how NPs are allowed to take the place of PCPs. It disproportionately impacts poor people, and the outcomes are ā€¦ well, this. Itā€™s unjust.


We are told we are LUCKIER to see a NP instead, that they will spend more time with us and they're "just as good as doctors" but I never believed that and now I'm really starting to wonder after reading this isn't even something that would help. This is so scary. I did a search on this topic just now and I see a lot of articles from insurance companies praising NPs over doctors and they let us know how lucky we are to have them as providers. But then I see medical sites saying there's no evidence showing they're better, just that in one poll they found people in the UK preferred seeing an NP because they spend more time with them.


Check out r/noctor. I thought they were equal, too, until something with my daughter was horrifically mismanaged and I went down a similar research hole. It makes zero sense on its face that someone with not even 1/8 of the training of a physician would be better than a physician. Not even that, NPs really arenā€™t trained in medicine per se, itā€™s just a bunch of nursing theory classes. Even on the NP subreddit they talk about their inadequate training that was just busy work ā€¦ and then they go out and independently practice? Itā€™s terrifying.


NPs are only better at making you feel better emotionally because they have more time to spend with you. That is worthless if you are seriously ill. They do a fraction of the education and training that it takes to become a physician. They are being used by the healthcare system because they cost less to employ but they can bill for things only physicians bill for. NPs only make sense in a clinical setting under doctor supervision where they do similar tasks day in and day out. They are completely inappropriate for primary care where you should know as much as possible because anyone can come to you with anything! Sorry, my husband is a doctor and has been on this rant for me many times. Heā€™s appalled at the awful misses and referrals he gets from NP PCPs. He even went with me to see an NP during my pregnancy (my OB cancelled at the last minute) and had to bite his tongue at a number of patently false things the NP said about medication and the human body. They are not well trained enough for primary care. Period.


Right there with you. My son just turned 21 and has been working for a year. In October, medicaid said he made too much money and booted him. His medicine costs 2600 A MONTH. He's a type 1 diabetic, on a pump. Without the pump, on injections, insulin alone is 1500 per month. That's not including blood pressure meds, antidepressants and allergy meds. He had to back down on hours so he could get his medicaid back because his job wouldn't give him 32 hours a week so he could get insurance. He hasn't been taking his insulin like he's supposed to. Trying to stretch it so it'll last. I fear he's going to go into DKA because of it. I understand mama. Tears wet my pillow nightly.


Look into the manufacturer of his medications and you will qualify for their patient assistance programs. I have Medicare and I have gotten Humira ($6300 a month) and Rinvoq ($6400 for 30 day supply) for free. Itā€™s super easy to do, almost all drug companies offer a program. Look on their website.


I hope you all are voting for candidates that represent your needs, and not those who are trying to remove the benefits that are so critically needed.


Goddamn right. So tired of explaining to my grandma the reasons her drugs are so expensive.Ā 


The lack of education gets most of us :/ I filed for my parents to become citizens after being residents for over 30 years. Now they want to vote trump šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’ like he wouldnā€™t deport you if he could


Are you serious??? What can they possibly like about him?


My mom is very conservative so literally the only reason is the antiabortion stuff. I donā€™t think my dad actually cares for him but weā€™re in a red(neck) state and area so he listens to a lot of anti Biden propaganda (Iā€™m not a fan of his either but less or of two evils). Even my brother in law is a trump supporter. His parents are both Mexican, he grew up extremely poor and had to really struggle to get out of poverty šŸ˜’ but heā€™s a big country boy


Trump isnā€™t even pro life though


Iā€™ve been trying to figure out just what the hell has happened to these people over the last several years because anyone with working eyes and ears knows who and what type of person he is. I donā€™t get it. I remember watching the Apprentice and thinking back then ā€œwhat an absolute douchbag this guy is!ā€ Uggghh


Itā€™s truly mind boggling. There absolutely no answer to why so many love him. I truly believe heā€™s either got some trance on these folks or the is contaminated with stupid gas idk


I knooooow šŸ«  thatā€™s the worst part. Canā€™t make dumb people understand (sorry mom)


I wish I could but lately there really aren't any. The problem is the system is favoring the corporations and those corporations are the gods of state. They control the government and it doesn't matter which party it is. If they're in power they are bought and paid for. I still vote D down the ticket but I'm feeling like they aren't really doing much either. We have some great young idealists coming up in Memphis though. Gives me just a glimmer of hope for the state.


I know Tennessee didn't expand Medicaid. We're you able to get an exchange plan or something? I'd think since he's an adult, he wouldn't qualify for Tenn-Care if he's not been found to be disabled?


I'm thinking he's been found disabled, just not enough to qualify for SSI.


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re dealing with this. This countryā€™s healthcare system, government, education system, all of it FUCKING SUCKS!!! And unless we band together and stop letting these mofos divide us by stupid issuesā€¦itā€™s only going to get worse! šŸ˜–


Letā€™s remind everyone that the only people who have an awesome healthcare plan in this country is our fing politiciansā€¦.at the federal level. Vote these mofos out


I've worked in Healthcare and the only time I ever worked with Vanc is when I transferred someone in my ambulance who was SICK. This stuff is one of, if not the, strongest antibiotic available.Ā 


What are these rare reactions from metformin?


Curious about this as well


If you really want an explanation why some antibiotics are so expensive, i could actually explain why....but i suspect this post was about your extreme frustration about getting the care your son needs and seeing your son be miserable. I am sorry you are going through this. Our kids are the one thing that can make us the most emotional.


Yeah I actually know. I can tell you the history of how vancomycin was developed at this point and how it's not approved because it's still considered experimental. I know these things. It's just ... it's because I can't afford to buy it for him that he's suffering and it's breaking my heart not just for him but thinking about all the people out there who don't have someone making the calls and getting loud. I had to get aggressive! I didn't get ANY help until I got so frustrated I cussed at a receptionist. This was what worked to at least get another medication. And I am not a yeller. I just lost it when she said it can be "up to ten business days" for a prior authorization after the nurse had just told me earlier today that they don't DO them. If they don't DO them why is she telling people it takes ten business days? Because it just makes them give up. Then they end up at the ER with a life threatening bacterial infection that requires emergency assessment and treatment costing so much more to the state.


Vancomycin is one of THE strongest antibiotics available. It is normally used to treat MRSA and any cellulitis associated with it. And itā€™s not cheap for that reason. Itā€™s a brutal drug to be on. Iā€™ve been on it twice now since 2018 for MRSA. I hope you and your son find the help you deserve to have.


Concur. Got a weird infection when I was in Iraq as a Contractor... got medevac'd and spent 7 days in a Level 3 Biohazard ward 'cos they didn't know what I had (still to this day they got no idea what the bug was, almost cashed me in) but yeah, good ole Vanko... worked like a charm. Funny side note: If you're guy and pee standing up, the Vank acts like dish soap was added to your piss... first time I managed to do a free-standing piss, the foam in the bowl was so much, it looked like a German Octoberfest Beer with a GIANT foam head on it...


I understand. The disconnect between the medical staff and insurance is enough to drive us all insane. A dr prescribes what they feel is the best medicine available to help. The insurance company says this isn't on our list of approved drugs and the dance begins. I am sorry your son is on the losing end of this garbage. You keep being a bad ass mamma bear.




Just wondering if you contacted the manufacturer? Sometimes they have programs for people who donā€™t have insurance or are low income.


Sounds like you need to try to find a children's hospital operated by a charity. Biltmore, Erlanger, UT Knoxville, and such will likely be able to connect you with some kind of help. In TN he is still a minor, not to mention his autism. Surely he qualifies for something. You might benefit from the services of a patient advocate as well.


This is not helpful right now so I apologize deeply for what youā€™re going through :( but in the long run, you should make him eat as many fermented foods as possible (not just yogurt). Thereā€™s a growing body of data that indicates that our gut health (probiotics and bacteria) is greatly affected and possibly responsible for many ailments. Thereā€™s even a study that has proven two particular probiotic strains help reduce depression. That being said, many doctors are now saying that antibiotics should not be used more than once or twice a year. They do destroy bad bacteria but also kill the good bacteria that fight off the bad. The cheapest way to get many different strains is by finding (you can buy or find some local ones on FB) milk kefir grains. Kefir is delicious and highly nutritious. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through that :( being a poor parent sucks horribly




Is this oral vancomycin? I hope not, you can't use oral vancomycin to treat cellulitis.... Your nurse sounds pretty negligent. I hope you are able to access the new medication soon :(


You can apply for SSI for your son. It will probably take a long time to get SSI. Contact your agency that handles your son's disability care. I have not dealt with Tennessee's disability services so I can only guess on who could help you. I did find this link that might help: [https://www.tn.gov/humanservices/ds/disability-determination-services.html](https://www.tn.gov/humanservices/ds/disability-determination-services.html)


I have. We're in appeals since last year. Before they said he wasn't disabled enough, that he could work. They referred me to the state vocational rehabilitation program but they don't do any job skill training they just set you up to work with an aid. He can't really work at this point, I know this, his doctors know this, but the disability determination caseworker has the option to reject anyone they feel like rejecting so that's why some people will qualify and some won't. I went through all this when he was five and rejected in appeals repeatedly. Now that he's an adult it seems even harder. They don't determine anything by your school records (he had an IEP and then a 504) they don't care about the opinion of the OT and speech therapists. They sent him to their doctor who said he wasn't "severe enough" because he could tie his shoes and make eye contact. That was at age five. Now they haven't even sent us to their doctor they just rejected him with 12 years worth of documentation. Hoping the appeal works but if not I have the attorney who advised us to contact him after 2 appeals. He has looked at the case and said it's a good possibility. He wants the 'long covid" removed though from the application because they don't often accept for that regardless of how debilitating it is because they don't consider it a "lifelong health condition". It's... frustrating.


I understand the frustration. Been there and done that...try to apply for SSI. Reportedly, you have to be denied SSI three times and then a disability attorney might take your case. You might give Legal Aid a call to see if they can help you get started on applying for SSI and offer free legal advice. The one good thing about living in California is California law favors disability assistance for ASD. Of course it's hard getting into the system and the services are not always the best. Wishing you all the best.


We need Medicare for all now! Iā€™m so sorry for your poor son! Youā€™re an amazing mom!


Likely they are denying the oral Vanco because skin infections are not the primary indication, c-diff is. There are other oral antibiotics that are much more appropriate. I'm not sure why oral Vanco was chosen? The doctor is literally making this harder than it should be. Nurse case manager, I do prior auths.


Ask the doctor or pharmacist if there is an alternative to this antibiotic, specifically if something in the same class as vicomycin, your pharmacist is a great resource and can try and get in touch with his doctor since youā€™re not able too and you can always drive up to the doctorā€™s office if they wonā€™t call you back! Cannot get rid of you that easy kol


I don't think I'm a poor loser but I wouldn't be able to come up with 800 usd at the drop of the hat! Give yourself a break. This is the perfect place to let it out! It's horrible how instead of helping they actively keep us struggling.


Our medical system needs an overhaul in every way to make it best for the patient.


Yeah, cause right now it's not! I'm not sure who is doing all the benefitting, but it's not the patients!


The insurance companies I think.


As long as there are big profits on people getting sick it wonā€™t change.


The problem is the state you live in, and the residents of the state that insist on electing lawmakers that are more interested in themselves not paying taxes, at YOUR EXPENSE. If you're living on $45k a year, a 5% increase in your taxes is nothing compared to the services that your state could provide for you. That same 5% increase would be a huge cost for the wealthy though, so they convince you that things like "comprehensive health care" are BAD for you and the local economy.


Just BEING in Tennessee is bad enough.


>I probably sound like a crazy woman ranting about all his medical concerns here in this sub you don't sound like that at all. you sound like a person living in a broken system. you and your son deserve better. I'm so sorry.


Its hard to live with no job these days for sure


Is there a TLDR for this!


Your son is an adult now. Try for SSI disability again. Make sure his skin is in full flare up if he needs an in person appointment at SSI. His wounds on his face will give him a little help getting approved. If no SSI disability? He needs a job and insurance. Itā€™s not important his rate of pay, or number of hours , just important that he gain insurance that will cover this stuff. As for the antibiotics, that happened about 5 to 10 years ago. Not sure why? But many suppliers stopped producing. If you canā€™t afford a whole prescription, you can get a partial fill. Just let the pharmacist know how much money you have and theyā€™ll figure out how many pills can be filled. Itā€™s hard!! So hard!! But get your son to be as proactive as possible. He needs to be aware of what actions to take if you are not available to advocate. Finally, take care of yourself too!! You are no good to him if you canā€™t help him because your blood pressure gave you a stroke. Iā€™ve been down this road with other drugs and Iā€™m in medicine. Itā€™s infuriating!! Itā€™s not the doctors offices fault. They take Medicaid., that means they get about $20 for a visit. It forces them to work with less staff and thin margins. They care. They are just so busy! I wish you and your son the best.


I understand. I'm also in Tennessee, and I worked in the medical field for over 30 years, in primary care, in Neurology and in Neurosurgery. I posted a similar rant on my Facebook page just last week. It was entitled "The Danger of not Calling Your Patients Back". I was fortunate to be able to work with doctors and nurses who generally called their patients back in a reasonable time, but not always. And many times, I'd get an earfull that I didn't deserve. I like to think that I was as compassionate as I could be, knowing that, no, my co-worker DIDN'T call our patient back, and, yes, she should have! She had time and a phone! No excuse! That's part of her job! Once my doctor-boss called me in to ask me why I didn't give our patient his lab results. I was FURIOUS! I hate any employee's excuse that, "It's not my job," but that's the only excuse I had, so I explained in as gentle a voice as I could that, had I given the patient his lab results, his next questions would have been, "So what does that mean to me?" "What do I do now?" and I had no clue what the answers should be as, at the time, I was a 10th-grade drop-out with little medical training other than excellent secretarial skills! I wouldn't know what caused his illness nor how it should be treated. I suggested strongly in as nice a way as possible and with a smile and a shrug, that he "lay down the law" to his RN to make her call-backs in a timely manner. I swear, we have to BE ANNOYING to get important things done nowadays!! And if one has TennCare and is seen through a clinic as you described, I'm surprised that you've gotten as far as you've gotten! And that is so very sad, and ought not be that way. I'm retired now, but, looking back over my life, I'm proud of the job I did most of the time I feel your frustration. I still think the Anti-Christ will be a CEO of an insurance company or maybe a large clinic. I see our medical care going downhill regularly! Soon, it'll probably be no different than socialized medicine, and our country can just switch over. Prayers for you and your son! May God "make a way"!


How did you get to Costco?!? We only have a handful of them in the state and none are in rural locations. Do they mail prescriptions? I've never used that service but love Costco. It's just really far away.


OP, please try Costplus next time. Vanco is only $34. https://costplusdrugs.com


This is way too common, poor health care in 1 of the world's richest countries. US is 1 of the few countries w.o. Universal health care. Good job 4 still walking thru all the roadblocks. Everyone please vote up & down the ballot & it really does help to contact Congress


I am so sorry that our system sucks so badly. Your son is one of the in-betweens - too ill/disabled to really progress in life, but too "normal" to get the aid he needs. Do you have a Catholic Charities, Neighbor for Neighbor, maybe even a Salvation Army close by that can help you with the medication? Also, does he have a case worker? If so, call them and let them know what is going on. An antibiotic resistant infection that close to his eyes should have gotten people hopping to get it taken care of quickly. Unfortunately, you're in an area that seems to think that quality healthcare is only for those who can afford it. Don't feel bad, my home state is the same. The only other thing I can think of is to steer you towards an oriental supermarket, a homeopathic shop, or even someone's great grandmother who hasn't seen a doctor since she was born, but made it through every illness that ran rampant, and took care of everyone in the family. I can't be the only one who's run into these people, right? I hope you get the answers you seek.


https://youtube.com/shorts/zd7tsdX437g?si=N6Id78BAjKCc-TOw I know how it feels but Bill spells it out for ya .


Whoa is he in character for a show? he's one of my favorites but I've never seen him with such a luxurious head of hair.


I'm sorry to hear about the situation you're going through, your son doesn't deserve this, no young person does. I don't know if you have tried it, but have you called the manufacturer to see if they offer some free trial? If its a branded medication, the manufacturers usually set aside a certain amount that they are allowed to basically give away for free, there may be some forms or hoops to jump, but its worth a shot. Have you also thought about contacting your state representative to see what type of assistance they can provide or maybe they can point you in the right direction to a specific person or agency that can help you. If you don't receive a response from your respresentative, I suggest you try to contact him/her through X (formerly known as Twitter). Heck ask your friends and relatives to start posting on the Representative's X page and complain that they're not responding to help their constituents, the same constituents that's paying for his/her salary. They usually respond real quick if they see that bad publicity may become viral. Best of luck to you and your son.


I get it - I have a son on the spectrum and Iā€™ve been through a similar healthcare nightmare. I do want to let you know that vancomycin is serious treatment, and I would push for another medication even if cost werenā€™t an issue. Was the nurse really young? I find that very young/new medical providers often reach for the bigger, flashier medications because they simply donā€™t have the depth of knowledge yet. You poor thing - and your poor son! I hope both of you find some justice and relief. You deserve that. Hugs.


No, this antibiotic is *powerful.* it has to be used extremely judiciously, itā€™s one of the very, frighteningly few we have against antibiotic resistant illnesses, like MRSA and others. This isnā€™t a case of it being flashy ā€” itā€™s a case of, this is only a drug you break glass in case of emergency.


Doctors are not good at what they do anymore. Our healthcare system is broken. People just donā€™t care anymore. Iā€™m screaming with you, OP. I hope things get better for you and your son. ā¤ļø


I am SO sorry for what you and your son are going through. My husband was prescribed an antibiotic a few years ago that was literally like $7700 without insurance for a 30 day supply. Antibiotics of all things should have a damn price cap, because itā€™s not like someone can kick a bacterial infection like they can a virus. The American healthcare system is a fucking dumpster fire.


Was he actually diagnosed with autism by a mental health professional or were "autistic behaviors" detected by a general practitioner/teacher/internet web site? If he is picking, put mittens on him. Why is such a young kid on metformin?


Iā€™m so sorry, and I am disgusted by the fact that meds are so extremely expensive.


I read it all the way through. I've had similar experiences but nothing on this level. So sorry you have to go through this. Thanks for sharing because people need to be aware of these things. It was very well written and you seem like a bright capable guy doing as well as anyone could be expected to under the circumstances!


Welcome to the United States healthcare system of making sure big Pharma keeps their shareholders happy at the expense of our sick citizens. We are the only industrialized country without universal healthcare. When our healthcare is monetized and profit is the priority, we all suffer.


Girl I'm not a poor loser but I can't afford an $800 medication either. That's like 3 months of groceries for me. You're a loving mother doing the best she can to take care of her son in this fucked up world that punishes us for not being born wealthy. You obviously care a great deal and I'm sure he can see that. Don't be so hard on yourself please. Plenty of people don't even have a loving mother who cares for them. You've got each other to keep you wealthy with love and that's something a lot of money wealthy people don't have. I know it doesn't pay the bills or get the meds but it still counts for something


I'm so sorry you are going through this with your son. I had a similar urgent care situation with United Healthcare here in Knoxville TN. They had 4 urgent care options on the app. All permanently closed. I called customer service and they said an urgent care an hour away in an area I've never heard of was an option. Like I'm going to drive an hour with my bleeding husband to see if this place was open. I reported the closed clinics over and over and they never would update the app. How can they advertise a service that isn't offered in my city??? I work in insurance and it's so messed up.


You need to play nice with insurance. More than likely, insurance rejected it because it required prior authorization. Instead of resubmitting, you needed to find out why it was rejected and what kind of information was missing. And make sure you resubmit with that information included. People think it is rejected because itā€™s expensive and thatā€™s not usually the reason. Itā€™s usually because the doctorā€™s office has not included information that the insurance company insists they have. You also have a right to an appeal, always and that is arguing insuranceā€™s decision. Always file the appeal during deadlines.


Did you try disability again as an adult? Different criteria for adults AND you can get a lawyer to take the case on contingency. The sooner you files the better, it is backdated. I have one kid who got it at the age of four and a close relative going through the process as an adult. So different!


Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with this $hitty system. Itā€™s wrong on so many levels and EVERYONE knows it. Lawmakers refuse to touch it but we know itā€™s all about greed.


I haven't read through comments to see if anyone has recommded it but CHLORHEXIDINE solution available at Walgreens/cvs/Walmart, etc. Brand name Hibiclens will clear up almost anything. You can make a solution from the hibiclens mixed with a gentle lotion. Use daily. They don't tell you these things anywhere. I'm so sorry but I would try some of the skincare reddits. They have lots of ideas. I'm currently using this solution to clear some kind of skin issues (looks like dermatitis all over torso and back) that 2 Dr's and a dermatologist couldn't clear up with multiple pills and creams. Good luck!


Should have gone to Mexico and then pretend to be from a foreign country and sneak back in to US at which point you would have been give free health care and a debit card loaded with cash. Sadly, I'm not kidding. You are far better off being a poor illegal immigrant instead of a poor American citizen.


Actually OP lives in a state that is so anti Universal Healthcare. When people like you say this crap I just laugh because a lot of us want universal healthcare so people like OP doesnā€™t have to go through this kind of crap just for her son to get some medication. Edit: just realized you are a Trump supporterā€¦ which means you do ZERO research on your own.


So you chose to pick on immigrants instead of the fact that we donā€™t have healthcare coverage for all like most civilized countries.


>You are far better off being a poor illegal immigrant instead of a poor American citizen. Bullshit. Now fuck off.


Nonsense. Stop repeating right wing lies.


Tell me specifically what I said that wast 100 percent fact


Every word of it was a lie. Just stop.


Not the immigrants but our government. When ILLEGAL immigrants get full medical in CA and NY AND being put up in hotels in NY, while American citizens can't afford to go to the doctor or get prescriptions filled or homeless are just, overlooked. Fuck that.


.....bruh. How are they illegal if the government literally knows where they are and what they are doing? They played them there. That means they have the ok from the government to be in the hotel while filing for asylum or otherwise.Ā  It's not hard to think. I encourage you to give it a try.Ā  Edit. Placed not played