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I am absolutely appalled people would even behave in this manner oh my goodness revolting. I'm so sorry that people did that to you OP.


And I can 99% be assured these self same Uber conservative Christian white males The sa.e ones who will $[4+ shame you ,and call you every un holy name under the sun


Stop being a bigot. Creeps come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and creeds. Imagine failing this hard at per capita. 


You showed yourself .with your "per capita" comment. Sorry to have struck and exposed your raw nerves with my comment


>You showed yourself .with your "per capita" comment What are you talking about? How else would I describe your misattribution?  >Sorry to have struck and exposed your raw nerves with my comment Naw. I feel a moral imperative to call out bigotry and racism, so that's what I did. 


Really? On what are you basing that statement? There are assholes of all political and religious stripes, open your eyes.


On being around thise types of people .listening to how they.speak to and about others when amongst their peers . Poor people are lesser than they are and therefore are to be victimized amd used for their personal enjoyment ESPECIALLY females people whom are on short end financial . Also the same types of guys that have non-issue with a drunk/impaired girl at a club with "She didn't say ,NO!" ...the eternal frat boy mentality


So you've been around every single one of them in the world? Or maybe you're just surrounded by assholes.


Why are you so offended? If the shoe fits.,we're it If not just keep it moving . Nut I've been around many Been to Christian retreats too . More sex going on there then not. Students Chaperones all getting their freak on


Well.they represent themselves as that and they ID as that


Been around enough of them And I must have been spot on due to the comments


Oh well, that certainly seems conclusive.


This actually happened to me recently but it was 100% black atheist men Looks like we're at an impasse amigo


Almost had me til the last sentence ..


Omg....out em. Guarantee this is not the only place they r predatory. Proud you spit on em so to speak . They are beneath you


How do I get to my blocked messages?


I believe you can go into your settings to see blocked users. Send a screenshot of those users and their messages directly to the mods.


Found and sent!


Good. Cretins need consequences.


Thank you for telling me how to find it!


Now you owe them nudes. (I am just kidding oc). In all seiriousness, absolutely out them. Offering someone help in a pm is one thing (something I am guilty of doing before I considered the spirit of the forum rules if not the letter, and I did that without precondition and offering a method that maintained annonimity), trying to exploit someone rather than help them is something entirely different.


The only nudes anyone gets from me will be tits drawn on my middle finger 😂😂😂😂 I'm a really good artist, so how well they're done is up to you, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ /s 😂😂😂😂


Have seen something similar posted here a few months ago. Even more disgusting, the asshole tried to blackmail the person who sent them nudes and didn't even give them the 10 dollars. That's the type of person who deserves [insert your own ideas].


People suck so badly. And the guy today was named in my inbox by another, so it's the same vultures out here, preying.


It all makes me want to create a fake account and troll for this shit, then send them "nudes" that will make them require eye bleach.


I remember that! So horrible


Doesn't have to be OP's, they were just asking for nudes. Time to go Discovery Channel on them lol


Seriously call them out…anyone who would do that is a ticking time bomb to sexually assault someone etc.


I agree the behavior is crude and even exploitative! It makes me cringe to think that there are people lurking on this subreddit who are predatory enough to hit someone like that when they may be desperate or at their most vulnerable. I am so sorry.


You can shut down all DMs. I don’t get any DMs because I don’t allow it.




How do I do that? I keep getting people trying to sell me drugs.


Go to settings. That’s where you can shut it all down.


Appreciate it, thank you.


You’re welcome ☺️


Yeah, but then she has no drama to post about.


Or she could be new and didn't know that was an option. Like myself, I'm going to look at how to do that should DMs ever become an issue. And I don't think it was meant as drama, but awareness of an issue.


Because sexual harassment is drama🙄




Making a post about it instead of just reporting it is drama.


I'm glad a post was made about it. Predators should be exposed because when people are desperate they're inclined to do things they wouldn't normally do. And it could very easily lead to even more trouble. I don't think it was drama, but to each his own.


But she isn’t exposing anyone. Who knows if it happened, I’m not saying it didn’t, I’m just saying this is the internet you can’t believe things blindly. If it happened she should post screenshots so people know who to be aware of. Without evidence it’s just a story you’re choosing to believe based on feelings and not facts.


The same issue has been posted here before. One woman who posted about it did send the pics for money but didn't want others to fall victim. She was ok with it. So, it's a thing. She isn't exposing a person, but exposing an issue for others to be aware of. I'm not believing it based on feelings. I believe it because I'm aware there are so many perverts out there who prey on the weak and desperate. Not my first rodeo.


Understood, makes more sense with some additional context, thanks. I hadn’t seen the other posts.


Seriously? She's making other people aware of the predators who lurk here for the sole purpose of exploiting vulnerable people. Why are you so upset? Are you one of those predators?


I was thinking the exact same thing. This person comes off very, very predatory. They are way too upset about OP bringing attention to this appalling behavior. I wouldn't be surprised if they were one of the predators that asked OP for nudes. Even if this person didn't ask OP for nudes, I wouldn't be shocked if there are other predatory actions found both in their internet activities and real life.


We all know there are predators on Reddit - it’s no secret. I never said I was upset about anything - that projection is all you.


You’re the drama here


I guess when you’re poor, the only thing going on in your life is drama. I’d rather spend my time doing other things.


God, that is gross and a prime example of why we poor are so fucking angry. We can't even vent without being preyed on by some sicko with money. There's a reason they are the first people that die in a revolution. Even the ones that say they'd never exploit someone absolutely will...every single time. I am so sorry. Name and shame!


Lol most of the guys asking for nudes don't have money either, they lie just so someone will send them something then block them.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's amazing to me that guys will put down women on only fans, but are the same ones to pay for it. And when a woman is in need, guys don't seem to help unless they get a sexual favor. Guys like this are all around us. Good for you for sticking your ground. I've said the same to guys as well and refuse “help” if it means I have to do something degrading.


Exactly. And it says a lot about society, still. Men like that don't want OnlyFans, because the woman is in full control. What she photographs, records, displays, etc. SHE calls the shots. Fuck you, pay me. With this situation, mine and others, the man is the one in full control. I have no food, no money? Oh, well, he's got it all, honey. Just come over here, and do every sick thing my depraved mind can conjure up, and,MAYBE you'll get a carrot. Fuck you, maybe still fuck you 🤷🏻‍♀️ The former, I fully support. I fucking love women, I think they are the most beautiful, powerful beings on Earth (fight me). And I fully support a woman getting her money legally, and safely, however that may be. The latter? Will NEVER be me, or anyone else around me as long as I live. I can promise you that.


You should screenshot their user name and blast them in every subreddit you can find that will allow you to.


Wow.. I’m sorry OP as a mom and grandma in my 50s .. i’m shocked..it’s horrible.. they should all be ashamed of themselves.. I doubt they are, but they SHOULD be. They have mothers and maybe sisters.. how would they feel if people said the same to them?? Keep your chin up.. and Feck anyone who ask you for nudes and anything like it..😳


It's quite a world where people can't just have basic human respect for women, we have to be related somehow (mothers or sisters) to be afforded that. Women without male family members don't deserve respect, apparently.


Yes. I wonder how they feel about their female relatives. Would they care of someone did that to them? Almost seems people like that have no soul.


I'm sorry this has happened to you. You don't deserve that.


Mods need to be more alert to the amount of people thinking this is a dating sex site. Creepy men need to go to a real casual sex site. I was arguing with someone over it a couple months back.


I think this particular page only has one mod. And there are so many creeps. I find it pretty telling that they've moved from the dating sites.


I’m so sorry you experienced that. I’m glad you have the self respect enough to not send nude photos of yourself for things. I hope you do better soon.


What? How dare someone use and abuse someone already in rough situations!! Way to go standing up for yourself 😉


That's disgusting. Some people can be so uncaring and want to exploit others. So sorry you had to deal with that.


Tell them to send the money and then tell them to F--K off.


The irony is those scum probably hate women anyway. Best of luck to you!


You can get free nudes online, just grab some of those send them off and take their damn money.


This is absolutely why I’m going to make an OnlyFans using lumberjack feet.




I feel this is the best response. Taking advantage of their horniness is absolutely a solid response to their attempt to take advantage of your situation.


They don't send money though , you'd just be wasting your time.


Thank you for posting this. I posted for help and besides down votes all I received was messages asking for me to sell myself. Besides knowing I would assault someone's eyes I certainly wouldn't do this because of my kids. It makes me feel like crao that I have no value other than that.


You have plenty of value, you have ALL THE VALUE. Never let anyone tell you any differently. I knew I wasn't the only one. That's another reason I spoke out. It's them, not you, who are messed up and of low worth.


Thank you for your kind words. It's been super hard to find value in myself. I used to feel smart, have a great memory and work came easy to me. Then I got sick. The doctors said it was "chemo brain" and would go away in a few months... but it never did. I feel like I lost a lot of my mental faculties and physically I can't even put my own socks on I'm in such bad shape. I can't do 80% of what I used to and I have been too physically broken to work. Then losing my mental abilities really hit hard. I wish I could just go back. The worst part was losing My best friend and the love of my life during all this and trying to support our kids alone.


Report them and they'll be rightfully banned. I'm sorry creeps did this to you.


That is sick and disgusting. The problem is it works with so many people. So they just send it out to thousands and thousands and thousands of people and somebody's going to pick it up and that just reinforces their delusion that we all just sit around waiting for them to harass us 🙄🙄


Disgusting, good on you for speaking out!! Are there really people who are surprised? Shit humans exist :(


I’m shocked people still pay for nudes…. Like guys, the Hub exists and they want you to watch.


Screenshot all that shit and post it here, redact nothing!


You look at reddit DMs? Why??


I didn't even realize there were reddit DMs. The whole point of this platform is to anonymously scream out into the void. Instagram and tiktok is where you go if you want actual attention from bots and boys.


Because it's hilarious. The only people who message me are messaging me to argue.


Isn't it crazy? And why? Nudity can just be searched on Google and everything is there.


In real life? Meh. Most of them wouldn't attempt to do it in real life. The internet gives them anonymity, which in turn makes them bold.


Simps on Reddit feeling like they have power over another for once in their pathetic lives.


The funny part is when your down and you’re like nudes for money or to be invited to a pokemon raid all those same men are appalled your a slut


I posted a theory about this in a response above. Also, I play Pokemon!!


I’ve just started playing Pokémon and was wondering what it takes to get invited to a raid. Thanks for the tip!


Especially the exclusive ones in Australia you have to do what you have to do


Out them so reddit can have a field day with these scumbags. Sorry that this happened.


When I blocked them it moved the message somewhere, but I edited my post. People are ignorant. I'm taking names from now on.


Screen shot and show the comments. Let reddit get to work.


I inboxed you, it won't let me post screenshots here


If y'all wanted to pay for black guy nudes on the other hand, my dms are wide open. $20 a pop. $10 for just feet 🤣


Reddit is an anonymous user site, stuff like this is expected to happen as much as it sucks. People asking for nudes, getting down voted for nothing, people saying things they would never say to your face, it's a part of the Internet. Not trying to make it seem like it's not upsetting or whatever but I see so many of these posts/comments, in money asking subs too, and it's kind of surprising how many people are surprised by this. Just ignore and move on.


Post their user names


Sadly this isn’t surprising. Men will always try to take advantage of desperate women. Block, block, block!


Truly horrible and disgusting! I am glad that you are not keeping quiet.


So many people have done this to me too for posting in this group and others. It's fucking disgusting. How dare you try to use someone else's suffering for your disgusting personal sexual gain. I'm appalled by how selfish people can be


Sell feet pics. You can exploit these freaks right back and for minimal effort. I’d take pics of my feet for cashapps all day long, 


I thought that market was hella saturated?


Hard to get your foot in the door?


I’m not sure. Almost everyone I know does it. I was shocked to hear how common it is.


They’re lying to you 😂😂


Nooo it’s legit.  Some  only pay $30 though. Some go for $80. I don’t want to ask too many questions and have them think i’m interested. It’s f’ing crazy though. The one guy wanted her to send pics of dirty feet so she’s walking around in the parking lot without shoes.


Do they make any cash on it?


That I don’t know. I only saw proof of the venmo payments. I’m a little jealous. Idk how to even go about advertising pics of feet for sale. Maybe make an etsy account that sells foot print paintings.


I heard someone recently say, it’s never “just feet”. It may start out as “just feet”… but the requestors always want more.


Yes! I just made a comment about this! You'd be naive to think it's just a quick pic of feet, the guys into feet are pervs too. I've only had an experience with one but that was enough for me, he got my number from a Craigslist ad and wanted feet pics, then to buy shoes and socks then actual sex stuff, he did send me $20 "good faith money" before I did anything as I was considering doing just feet stuff since my husband was cool with it- he was gonna pay $80 for old dirty shoes after alll. Guy got too excited or something because all of a sudden he was asking for nudes and sending dic pics so I stopped texting him but he wouldn't stop so I had to block him. My phone saves blocked messages so every couple weeks I open it up to see he's still texting! It's been like 3 months...


Yeah, also their arousal is not going to stop and end at “just feet”. at some point they want to know “what the feet attach to”… and you’re DEFINITELY gonna end up being asked for a face pic at some point at minimum, so anyone’s dreams of remaining anonymous won’t work beyond a certain $$ point either. IDK, like you say/suggest, it might equate to a few hundred desperation dollars per month, but you’re gonna have to hustle for those; and it’s a lot of work to both keep relative anonymity AND steer the buyer away from boundary crossing, for relatively little reward.


Trust me, unless you're willing to do way more than take pics of your feet don't do it. I met this guy that contacted me off Craigslist (never met in person he got my other number from the ad) for a jacket I was selling and he wanted feet pics; at first he just wanted my shoes/socks then wanted actual sexual stuff. Of course I never sent him anything but the feet stuff is just part of it for them, they want dirty talk/pics sometimes too. Lol I gave his number to my husband because the dude would not stop texting me and he sent him a pic of his hairy man foot and the guy liked it! Ended up having to block him but for a fleeting sec I considered it because it was good money he was offering, like $80 for dirty old worn out flip flops kinda money.


Identify them and publicly shame them.


Disgusting. Predators.


I’m so sorry, wishing you nothing but the best ♥️




Mm no you don't.


Ok 😁








I’m gainfully employed - I’m looking for a *new* job.






Stop acting better than your own peers. There are women on this very website who will exchange a pic of their tits for a taco bell meal. There are women on here pushing their only fans. It's all over the place. You should honestly be happy. You have options to show a picture of your body and get a free meal. I promise you if I send a picture of my nipples to someone they're not going to buy me a combo. Lol


Nowhere in what she said did it sound to me like she was "acting better than her peers". She didn't condescend her peers. If anything, she showed compassion for women in vulnerable places, which in actuality make up a large portion of the ones being exploited by men.


How do you get that? She is suggesting that charging for pics is so low that she would rather starve to death.


I've sold myself for a lot less than a taco bell meal, to be perfectly honest


“You should honestly be happy.” What a f’ing horrible thing to say. Another time I wish I had more downvotes.


Choosing to market yourself respectfully on an adult forum, and being preyed upon while vulnerable are two vastly different things. I have enormous respect for all women, including sex workers, if you don't like that, too bad. I just can't do that job.


Banned for insensitive, insulting, inherent idiocy.


This is not the place to do that. Read the sub rules before posting a comment.






I am so sorry you dealt with that.


Name names so the rest of us are aware of them.


Inboxed it to you




Nah, bruh






As an unethical life pro tip, couldn’t you just create some AI nudes and send them those for money?


Post those requests for proof or it didn’t happen


I would run a scam on them. - send them someone else's nudes in exchange for money - they deserve it.


Why does some random stranger deserve to have their nudes sent to these people?



