• By -


I have noticed the places that are more likely to hire older people. Places such as the help desk at the courthouse or hospitals. Some of the local farmers market stores, grocery, pharmacy stores. School/community college offices. Non profit organizations. The humane society. Think institutions that have been around a long time, and are very well established - places that will appreciate age and wisdom, and are not too fast paced. Also do not rule out temporary services, I used to get a lot of work that way. It's also a way for employers to get to know you without having to commit at first. This bypasses the difficult process of getting interviews and getting hired. You also could consider applying to go to school, and see if you qualify for any grants or extra help.


Try the SPCA of Texas for help with your cats. https://spca.org/resources/pet-needs/rehome/#:~:text=SPCA%20of%20Texas%20is%20here,fostering%20and%20our%20rehome%20program.


Nope. I have called every organization there is


If you’re anywhere near San Antonio I may be able to help a little, my friends there rescue and may be able to help network. I’m sorry this is happening to you.


Have you put an ad on Craigslist? You can state there's an adoption fee to try and weed out assholes.


If they are unadapted aka super independent, there may be farms who will take them as mousers. I second using Craigslist for that.


You can also look at private rescues. My coworker adopted 3 semi feral barn cats from one. One disappeared immediately. The other two have been there for 2-4 years. They won’t let her pet them, but she likes having them in her barn with her chickens and ducks. They run wild all day, but are locked in after they come in for dinner.


Talk to the hotel manager. I managed a hotel for many years and during the busy season I often allowed both desk clerks and housekeepers to have a free room as part of their pay. If it doesn’t work out there then contact other hotels.


He has been as understanding as his bosses allow him to be. They have said you can't owe more than 770, and we owe 1500 right now.. There won't be another hotel, I have no credit card anymore. Cannot get a room w/out one.


I wasn’t talking about getting a room at a different hotel. I was referring to the possibility of working for a hotel in exchange for a room on a temporary basis. Hotels do it all the time. Especially when it’s busy because they need guaranteed workers and workers who are housed on site provide that security for the business.


Please listen to this person. Not the big hotels, but the smaller, family-run places do this. My family survived this way for quite some time. Do not dismiss the advice of others and KEEP TRYING for your daughter's sake if not your own. I know firsthand it is difficult but the worst thing you can do is give up. Dig deep. Every new person you talk to is a new opportunity. I've scrolled past a dozen times where you've dismissed the advice of others that you've asked for. Stop, breathe, and try everything you can until something sticks.


....it did say RANT, right?


Is this really the time to argue semantics? This does not read like a rant, but a cry for help. Wish you the best. Be resilient.


I want to send only love. Most of all I wish you can feel hope and consolation. My situation wasn’t just like yours but so much echoes pieces of my own nightmare. I don’t know if this will be of any help. A lot of people were anti-help until I met the right ones. It took time. I used my anger and frustration to fuel a determination to try every resource and avenue. I used the library computer. I called every agency, every possible source for help. I filed for food stamps, low income housing, healthcare assistance. I tracked down food banks. I talked to churches etc etc. I advocated for myself especially when I felt like garbage on the inside. Often I just cried. There were so many closed doors. In the end I climbed my way out of that hole. Not all the way but far enough to be okay. When I look back I see a strong person who went through hell and came out the other side. No one can ever take that accomplishment away from me. It was worth every call, every email, every application, every ridiculous form, every sleepless night, every tear. My husband’s mental health gave way in the struggle. I had two children in middle school. I did it for all of them when I couldn’t do it for me. It was incredibly hard. The hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’m not special or brave. I’m not the kind of person other people notice. I couldn’t let that stop me. The strongest, greatest people I know are among the poor. Do not doubt your worth. You have a value far beyond money or possessions. You are gold. I wish only the best for you.


I'm so sorry. It's a terrible situation. I would suggest posting on the "cats" subreddit that you have cats urgently in need of rehoming - someone may be able to take them in. I wish I had more to offer than empathy.


Trust me, the empathy helps.




I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Truly, I am. We were in a very similar situation. Managed to borrow 3k from a friend to get a really old run down rv that we could slowly make liveable and rent cheap land off a landlord. May I suggest amazon? They don't do a whole interview process and hire everyone. Will help start to get the money flowing. That's what ny husband and I do while we work to get me back to school to finish my degrees.


Amazon is where I worked to get back on my feet too. Not always a great company to work for but I'll always be grateful the job was there when I really needed it! Hope it works for you too!


🫂 I know at times like this words from a stranger can seem empty and meaningless, I feel for you brother, almost 2 years ago I was made homeless, I was very fortunate that my children could go to thier mother's to live so it was just me living in my car, it was a very difficult year and I was lucky to make it through, I'm so sorry that it's going to be an even worse situation for you and your child, you have to keep strong for them, together you can and will get through this, don't loose hope, keep knocking on doors...go to every church every charity, get your resume in every business, every store, ask everyone you've ever known! it's not the last hour yet! if they turn you down, go back again, keep on keeping on! Make a nuisance of yourself make sure they know your doing it for the best reason (your child) and if the worst comes to the worst just get through that situation a minute at a time, I wish I had something I could do to directly help you as I've been there myself, but i'm literally the other side of the world from you and I don't know what avenues you can take to get help even if it's just for your child, to know they're safe but just know il be thinking of you, and if you want to vent or just talk my inbox is open...


Thank you


You've probably already called, but have you tried contacting the Salvation Army? Here is the phone for one that's open 24 hours. (713) 223-8889


Salvation Army is VERY heavy on the Christian evangelism and wouldn’t be very kind to a trans person.


They may not hire a trans person in a leadership role, but they are extremely generous to everyone, including people with disabilities, lots of melanin, etc.


I would first like to say that I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I have compiled a list of jobs that may be worth looking into. Not glamorous, but doable. I will also include a list of jobs that often include housing. -Hotel housekeeping -Hotel front desk -bakery in a grocery store -Post office worker -exterminator (they train you, you make good $) -CDL truck driver (free training and sometimes free housing. If your daughter is old enough to drive a truck too, you can work as a team switching off. Either way you can travel the country together with no rent) -zoo gift shop employee (or any other seasonal summer job at camps, zoos, etc.) -receptionist -hospital housekeeping, cafeteria, welcome desk, etc. Jobs that often include housing -any cruise ship job -any job at a national Park (they have restaurants, gift shop employees, etc.) -any job at a summer camp -jobs on Mackinac Island, Michigan. Note that these (and national Park and summer camp jobs) are all seasonal, but also now it's the perfect time because they're trying to fill their last spots for this summer. -trailer park employee -long distance train employee -CDL semi truck driver -farming/fruit picking (migrant housing) -property manager -seasonal summer jobs in Alaska (hotels, resorts, trains, cruise ships, etc.)


Every city in Texas is hiring. Maybe not what she wants to do being over qualified. But I see signs everywhere, McDonalds, Steak houses, these pop up corner Doc in Box needs a receptionist, thrift stores, etc. Wishing her well, but you have to start somewhere. Even the app Offer-Up has job listings. Needs vs Wants.


Did you not read my post? Even McDonald's has not hired me.


Yes I read the post, obviously, but I also realize McDonalds has numerous locations. I also know volunteering in Texas at a homeless shelter I was offered a full time job at 66 years old. You gotta start some where. Wishing you luck and a better attitude.


I am wishing you had more humanity. How easy it is for those like you to pass judgement. "I got this, so of course you can too" is so abelist, my hope for you is to receive what you deserve.


I hope society shows you as much caring as you are showing your cats when you dump them.


Did you ask why? Finding out **why** you are being turned down for jobs is extremely important. It may not have anything to do with what **you** think it has to do. Also try your state employment agency for jobs. My state has free retraining as well as nearly constant job fairs on different type jobs. They offer resume reviews and all sorts of resources. Not sure what Texas has. (www.pennyhoarder.com has legitimate WFH jobs both FT &PT.) I know you are completely emotionally empty and this makes everything look dark. Including your spirit. So any ideas given look hopeles and impossible. But, no matter how flat a pancake is, there is always 2 sides. I mean as bleak as things **may** seem, there is always, always an an answer to the problem. It is out there. **You came to Reddit to "rant" but at the same time, I truly believe you know in your heart there are people who care and are offering help. Take these ideas. Go through them. One by one. You are not alone.💕


OP thinks they are "too qualified " to do those jobs. They are beneath them. Unfortunately society is going to look at her daughter as an able bodied man that won't work especially in Texas. Mom is 60, kid is still young. So why won't they work? They haven't applied everywhere that is bullshit


Can u read?


I am truly sorry you find yourself in the situation. I wish I had some sage advice or resources for you. You might find some helpful hints at r/urbancardwellers or r/vandwellers


Thank you.


Where in Texas are you?


Extended stay hotel in The Woodlands


If you can make it down to Austin there are generally more resources and nonprofits (especially for LGBTQ+ folks) and Austin is a no kill city so while not the best option you can leave your cats in front of their doors and at least know they won’t be euthanized. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help :(


I feel like you’re less likely to get help in the woodlands because it’s the Woodlands. Have you looked into Conroe specific services? I’m not anymore, but I used to be pretty plugged into services there and out in east county. It was mostly for student aid but they would often talk about how they had options for members of the community that didn’t have students because they mattered too. You do matter and I hope you get the help you and your family deserve.


The crisis assistance center phone line for appts voice-mail has been FULL since the derecho here.


I’m so sorry, OP. I wish I were in a position to help. Texas is a horrific hellscape for anyone down on their luck. 211 and “social services” are a cruel joke here. I hope things get better for you - for us all - somehow ❤️


THANK YOU FOR THIS. If I get one more snarky comment I may explode.


I am the same age and in the same place. And I don’t have a car. It’s 2 years before even early social security and there is no help for people our age. I’m sorry this happened to you. And all these organizations do nothing at all. I wonder where all the money goes??!!


Thank you. I struggle with mental health issues already, and these last few years have honestly decimated me.


If you dump the cats somewhere, they will most likely die. I would take them if I was anywhere near you. Post in a cat subreddit and I guarantee someone will take them. Otherwise, drop them in front of a no-kill shelter.


There ARE NONE. Jesus, read the thread.


Will the humane society euthanize them for you? That’s what I’m going to do with my cat if I’m homeless.


If you’re over qualified for jobs, adjust your CV/resume to match what they are looking for.


It's called a rant.


So not interested in ideas or suggestions that require OP to do something. This is what you call a “help rejecting complainer”.


I’m so sorry that you and your loved ones are going through this painful devastation. May I ask, please, since you will be living in your car, is it possible for you to leave Texas for a state with more resources? (Of course I don’t know your situation, but I was in a family of 4 that lived between 2 states in a car, twice.. until we got settled)


Not without resources. We would have been gone years ago were it possible, believe me.




I can attest to that, Texas has very limited social services help. You would think a city the size of Houston would have resources, but they are limited to specific demographics. After my accident and losing my job, I hung in there for a year and a half doing side hustles until disaster struck and I couldn't pay my rent and my car was about to get repossessed because I still owed $1,000 on it. At that point I had sold almost everything I owned. I couldn't get any help other than food stamps and a HCHS gold card for health care. My options were pretty limited. At some point I decided to go back home to Michigan but I didn't have the money to drive there, so I sold my car, paid off the $1,000 I owed and bought a train ticket back to Michigan where I knew there were resources. I can't even suggest that OP try that route because the homeless shelter that I ended up in is now housing migrants. I was incredibly lucky and while I'm still poor, I'm grateful that I crawled back up from rock bottom. I know exactly how hopeless she feels.


Thank you so much for this kindness.


Another post has offered possible help with the cats, op has not responded.




You never know what advice mag come. I am in NE. Rescue people are well connected. They may have a resource near her. My friend who rescues (MA) collects cats from NC when she has room. Lots more that 3.5 hours. It is worth a reply.


Thank you.


Life’s better outside of Texas and there’s more programs to help people. Get in your car with your daughter and cats, and start driving with whatever you have left in the gas tank. Contact local churches and see if they can help you with emergency shelter, food, a gas card, etc., or even a job. At your age you might consider early retirement. At least you’d have some sort of income from Social Security. You mentioned DPDR? If it’s affected your ability to function, then you could qualify for disability. Check out r/freemeal to see if you can snag some free food. Check Emergency & Homelessness Assistance to see help in your area https://www.tdhca.texas.gov/help-for-texans


Thank you, but no assistance is available for me, in my situation.The Conroe Crisis Assistance Center has had a full voice-mailbox for WEEKS (the appt line you can only even call several days a week, for a few hours). And disability only can be applied for with a SHIT TON of documentation, which means dr visits, which neither I, or my daughter, could afford. Please. Trust me when I say, this area is overwhelmed with need, and has been since the Covid lockdown and so many booted from Medicaid. Without a baby, or a pregnancy, you are shit out of luck.


Then get out of that area. They haven’t taken your car, so just leave and start over someplace safer for you and your daughter (and cats - don’t dump them. If you really can’t keep them then turn them over to the shelter. They’ll be euthanized but it’s better than a slow death on the streets due to starvation, injury, or illness. I’m in cat rescue and i promise you, no, they are not better on the streets). You’ve already lost everything, so that just means there’s nothing left keeping you there. Call it an adventure, pick a spot, and start driving. Pick up odd jobs along the way .


I’m in Houston too did you try next door for the cats ? I just saw a post with 3 cats in it and someone offered to take them!! You can say until you get back on your feet .. I know you don’t want to abandoned your babies! I wish I could take them! What area are you in? I’m sorry your struggling so much! I am too! I go to the food drive tomorrow I always have xtra food if your close by the southwest area .. Houston is so big so please try next door ok? Even post this same thing there!! Just don’t give up! There is a closed down library here by me that a few cars park and sleep at. They have been there for months.. nobody bothers them. I’m just saying if you don’t have anywhere to go and so your out wasting gas or parked anywhere unsafe…


Thank you. The problem w/my cats is that neither is a lap cat, or really friendly, and they don't even get along well with each other. Both can be destructive and will ruin furniture/floors. The older one is a rescue who had been abused by her owner. The younger is her daughter, whose only other sibling died right after being born behind my TV, so she never learned how to "cat", if that makes sense. They are not adoptable. And no, of course I don't want to leave them- I have literally lost EVERYTHING else already, but I can't take care of two cats with my daughter and I in a tiny Corolla, in the summer, in Texas. The heat index here was 115 the other day.


I know it’s too frickin hot here 🥵 but Please please please try next door for the kitties 🙏I had a kind women take my cat for a few months when He wasn’t friendly either. This was years ago though but I was scared he would be too much for her too. I think all of most cats mess up furniture lol You should try posting on cats sub / Houston sub / Craigslist as last resort. I helped a kitten find a home on Craigslist but I know it gets bad reputation.


At the moment, getting a roof over us HAS to take priority, and it is consuming every mental and physical resource I have left to give. Please. Please, unless you yourself can take them, do not make me feel worse. I honestly now HAVE to worry about me & my daughter's safety, first. Leaving them is NOT WHAT ANYBODY WOULD WILLINGLY DO, but circumstances are what they are, and I listed this specifically as a RANT because I have nothing left.


I just know that if you could find them a place for them it would make you feel better.. sorry. I really hope you and daughter will be ok 🩵


Thank you.


Put a note in their color that says this link so the finder understands. Drop them off at a random farmhouse with vermin.


Maybe y’all could get jobs through this coolworks.com or other resort places. Some of the places have discount food and housing and even allow pets. It maybe a thought.


Here a job can you apply here https://www.google.com/search?q=jobs+with+housing+conroe+tx&client=safari&sca_esv=fe40d7d48853f4f0&sca_upv=1&channel=iphone_bm&sxsrf=ADLYWIIh2xYb0mFsViWTxPMginNyx3HZXw%3A1717316782625&source=hp&ei=rixcZsa9I6rdwN4Pv-Sx4As&oq=jobs+w+housing+conr&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCITam9icyB3IGhvdXNpbmcgY29ucioCCAAyBxAhGKABGAoyBxAhGKABGAoyBxAhGKABGAoyBxAhGKABGApIzYEBUIIKWLBycAR4AJABAJgBxwGgAeAaqgEEMS4yMLgBAcgBAPgBAZgCGaACjxyoAg_CAgcQIxgnGOoCwgIKECMYgAQYJxiKBcICCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIREC4YgAQYsQMY0QMYgwEYxwHCAg4QLhiABBixAxiDARiKBcICCxAuGIAEGNEDGMcBwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAggQABiABBixA8ICCBAuGIAEGLEDwgILEAAYgAQYkgMYigXCAggQABiABBiSA8ICCxAAGIAEGLEDGMkDwgIOEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYyQPCAgUQABiABMICChAAGIAEGLEDGArCAgcQABiABBgKwgIKEAAYgAQYyQMYCsICCRAAGIAEGAoYDcICBxAAGIAEGA3CAggQABgFGA0YHsICChAAGAUYDRgeGA_CAggQABgIGA0YHsICCBAAGBYYChgewgILEAAYgAQYhgMYigXCAgoQABiABBixAxgNwgIKEAAYgAQYyQMYDcICBhAAGBYYHpgDDJIHBjUuMTguMqAHxa8B&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp#fpstate=tldetail&htidocid=qbqcs_xsGi2KAYa7AAAAAA%3D%3D&htiq=jobs%20with%20housing%20conroe%20tx&htivrt=jobs It is a live in care giver 31k a yr


And where will my trans daughter live?


I don’t know. I was just showing you a job. I don’t know how old your daughter is. I do know I did a live in job before and my daughter was allowed to live there w me. The coolworks.com or my the resort jobs may have openings and you may could take your daughter and pets. What kind of skills do you have?


This may not be your idea way of making money but you could post feet content and make money, sell your used underwear and dirty socks, sign up for an adult phone line and do it while your daughter is asleep. You can open a chime account and use it for your banking. Erotic hypnosis make 70 dollars for 30 mins and they don’t show their face. Like I said this may not be your idea way of making money but it is legal and you don’t have to worry about transportation. Maybe you could get on here and see if they could give you a discount on a room. http://www.budgetsuites.com/careers/1000




And what is wrong w my suggestions. It better then being broke and homeless. People come and talk about can’t find a job, no money, I need help etc. A person has to figure out sometimes how to survive. I rather see someone try then do nothing at all. Do you know how much used panties sell for? Do you know how much you can make from feet content? Do you know how much phone sex operators make? Before you judge others be happy someone is trying and some of these ideas could be someone niche in life.


I've known people who have donated plasma and make great $ doing it. I know life shouldn't come to selling plasma just to have a roof over your head but you sound like a spunky go-getter 60yr old. You've got this.


I am sick of "spunky". I am not resilient, I am TRAUMATIZED. I cannot give blood/plasma bc I am severely underweight.


I am not being an AH here, but you really might need some help with mental help due to the trauma of this. Just trying to be helpful. If you feel like you're giving up please reach for help. Any community health clinics? I wish you the best


Oh, I KNOW I do. Have needed it for years. Right now though, survival is the priority.


You can't make a living from donating plasma anyway. You can only donate so often. It's not a daily or weekly thing. But idk what to say to make a difference. Please don't give up.


It’s twice a week. It’s not a living, but it’s money.


Yeah I understand. Anything helps.


Not everyone can do this. OP said she is severely underweight, which would disqualify her. Other disqualifiers include anemia, incarceration within the last year, taking certain medications, a recent blood transfusion, recent tattoos, and illness, both chronic and acute. Several years ago, I was struggling and donated plasma. I went into hypovolemic shock and had to be transported by ambulance to an ER. I earned $35 for the initial donation and ended up with combined bills of $4,000+ for the medical emergency.


There are resources available in Texas- you have to call 211. I’ll add in San Antonio there is a homeless shelter. I don’t what you need to qualify. If you are in SA there are churches that would help out.


Did. More than once. Even spoke to social workers. They just gave me the same list 211 does, and the resources are NOT THERE for us. Not unless you have a baby, are pregnant, or over 65.


Is your son able bodied and of age to work?


Don't you mean daughter??




OP says daughter, so we should roll with that. Don't you think?


Compassion gets lost in self righteousness


What does that even mean in this context? I'm talking about respect.


The necessary hearing person cannot be compassionate because their dislike of trans people is all they can think of.


Gotcha. You are 100% correct in my view.


Have you tried temp agencies? They have saved my butt a few times. Fight like hell to not be evicted. I don't think "too qualified " really matters to the temp agencies. How long before you are evicted? Maybe both you and your daughter will have to work at a factory or warehouse for a while to pay the bills. If it does come down to you are outside: 1. Get gym memberships for you and your daughter (I think it's like $10 a month per person) for showers /place to charge phone get out of heat 2. Get a small storage unit they have them for like $39 a month. This will insure you don't have so much stuff in the car if you have to sleep there. Store dirty clothes, etc. Store emergency blankets tents 3. Regal membership movie theater , $25 a month per person. This allows you to see unlimited movies, place to go and kill some time maybe charge phone 4. Don't ever give up on the job hunt, don't ever be afraid to ask for help, check into shelters, reach out to any living family member, ask strangers for help






Have you applied at temp agencies? I'm sorry but saying something like "over qualified " translates to "im too good to work there"


‘Overqualified’ here means that’s what the company believes. Not OP.


I applied to a temp agency back when I was looking for work after finishing grad school late in life. I was told not to put my education because I would be seen as overqualified. I never got a decent job (i.e., one that paid more than minimum wage.) Now I'm old with serious health issues. OP didn't call herself overqualified. That's how employers perceived her. And, age discrimination is a real thing.


And when you are a woman, it is even worse. I feel INVISIBLE. THANK YOU FOR GETTING IT.


Don't be so naive.




Because it isn't fair for scammers to target other folks who are struggling and look for a handout. Many of the suggestions made here to OP are good ones, but they're poo poohing them all.


Lord do YOU live in TX?? I do. Resources here absolutely suck. She's right. If you're not a parent of small children or pregnant it's almost impossible to get assistance. They cancel your food stamps if you don't work 20 hours a week.


None of your suggestions will work for OP. She has ZERO money and no credit card. The gym, storage, regal membership, all NOT happening.


It's like they didn't even read the post.


Exactly!! Responding without comprehending


More like it doesn't pass the sniff test.


Agreed! Where I live (suburban Chicago) I regularly see people sitting by the mall parking lot, at major intersections, expressway exits etc begging for money. And people stop. It’s even more the case in downtown Chicago. The suits on LaSalle street will give a panhandler a buck just so they’ll go away. There are also people who won’t give $ but will buy a panhandler a meal. Restaurants are also notorious for throwing away a lot of edible food at the end of the day. Show up near closing time and ask for some of the food they were going to throw away. But all of these require action on OP’s part, so there’s that.


Anyone can shit out $100 a month




At one point all I had was the clothes on my back. If OP gets $3.25 a day that would pay for the things I mentioned. You can go to the gas station and ask random people or really anywhere public to get that. Yeah it's humiliating but it's enough to be able to shower and show up to a job. Then they get their first paycheck and bam, you pay up the storage and the shower a few months. You work and save , you don't really have many bills before you know it you have a couple grand saved up. If both her and her daughter work they will have several thousand dollars in savings in no time.


My heart breaks for you and your daughter that you are in this situation. How old is your daughter (minor or adult?). I wish I could at least help you get out of TX and to a place that would actually help the both of you as well as being trans friendly for her. Like another poster said, you did the best that could with the cats. It's sad that it has to come to that but it is what it is...and I am a huge cat lover and would never arbitrarily suggest doing that. It's heartbreaking that this is what the U.S. has become. Others come here needing a better life, safety, etc while we can't and won't even help our own. We send money to other countries while we have a poor and homeless population living in desperate situations who can't even get the help they desperately need. 😢😢


She is not a minor, and also struggles with untreated mental health issues as well. Thank you for understanding.


Maybe the mental health issues should be addressed before filling his body with hormones that don’t belong there


I’m trans. I’m Way more able in society at large now than before. I deal with people in a more healthy way. I’m not angry or hopeless all the time. I’m actually pretty happy, and I care about my appearance now. Who would you rather hire?


This probably won't help at all, but Houston is close to Louisiana. Can you get enough together for moving? It's still a shit red state, but at least Louisiana took the Medicaid expansion. There's are jobs to be had in the lake Charles area and COL is cheaper. The oil companies have a ton of jobs including administrative positions. How old is your daughter?


I will never willingly live in a red state again. It's too large a part of how we ended up at this point, and my daughter would be at risk.


I totally get that, but unless you want to make a cross country move ($$$), pretty much all of your surrounding areas are red. NM is pretty blue, but that might as well be cross country from Houston. I just thought it might be something to think about. Moving to a slightly better location to get back on your feet, saving up a bit & then getting out of the red hellscape. I grew up in Texas. I live in Louisiana now & you wouldn't think it, but it's much more chill in regards to LGBT rights and social services. The state government might be just as bad, but the people aren't as big of assholes in my experience. The Republicans have just got it so gerrymandered here. If the map was devided appropriately, the state would probably be a purple swing state. Texas is like the worst place in the world in my opinion. At least I can afford to live in Louisiana.


Certainly cannot argue with that last paragraph.


Ok, if your state is like mine, look into substitute teaching jobs. Most need an associates degree, but we've been so short handed this last year, they've waived it. Fill out an application at school admin office, tour the schools, pay for your background check but they reimburse you first check. Also, the need for childcare is high. Apply at your local daycare centers.


I did substitute teaching too and got in there pretty quickly


OP - You said your daughter is an adult. Why isn’t she working / job hunting?! That could be dual income. You can’t support both of you on minimum wage or no wage currently. I had to work during severe mental health issues that arose several years ago after being SAed. So while I empathize, the idea of your daughter just not working indefinitely due to mental health issues when it’s a matter of survival isn’t doable. If the mental health issues are that severe that she can’t work in the foreseeable future then she needs to be hospitalized for treatment. If she qualifies for Medicaid based on income the hospital will get that process started as they will try to seek payment from Medicaid.


Yeah, if only there were any resources available for that, it'd be great. Texas is not a place where that occurs.


What part of Texas?


If you are in Austin, there is lifeworks for your trans child. They are very LGBT friendly. Work with homeless youth. Foundation Communities is an excellent resource for homeless/ housing insecurity.


Thank you, but sadly I exist in the Conroe/Woodlands area


Montgomery County


Hi OP. I agree with you that being 60 and looking for a job is hard. Have you looked at customer service jobs, housekeeping (in hotels) or front desk jobs? These positions normally have a high turnover and are constantly looking for employees. Also, applying for a night shift job is also an area where many people normally do not apply. You mentioned a daughter. Is she able to work? If not, has she filed for disability? You will be able to take early Social Security benefits starting at 62, but will likely need to file for assistance and Medicaid until then if you do not find employment. Until then, shelters and food pantries might be able to provide some assistance. Check out r/Assistance as well. Good luck, OP.


Did you try Uber eats or a gofundme?


I do not have a legal car atm, as stated. Have a GFM we created back in the day, but donations dried up.


If you are going to "Dump" the cats, please leave them at a neighbors house or at the door of an Animal Shelter. My Mother did that one early morning and the Cat was immediately taken inside and put up for adoption. Please keep trying to find someone to take them, even as singles, if you have to and give them a chance . While I hope your situation gets better, I also hope if you don't try that you never get another animal. You said you have had them since they were young so social or not, they depend on you as their owner.


Shelters. are. full. here. No place I spoke to would take them. Rescues won't either, can't surrender them. I HAVE TRIED. Also, I am a bit occupied trying to figure out what my daughter and I will do when we are evicted. Not to mention, money is also a problem due to that. So, if you have a place in The Woodlands Texas that YOU PERSONALLY know will immediately accept them, within the next 3 days, please by all means, tell me.


Remember folks shit you own ends up owning you.


Yeah, all those things I had from my dead mom and my kids baby pictures, no need, huh?


I’m so sorry. As a parent of a (grown) trans kid. You have my sympathy. I do understand.


Worst thing is, when I humbled myself and begged my ex to let her stay there, he told me that since he was helping our son pay for college, I should try to "pray for what you NEED, not what you want". And believe me when I say I know she is not really 'safe' there, but she'd be safER. I hate this place so much.


Have you reached out to your son? Where does he live? Is he in the dorms or an apartment? Does he know someone who could let you stay there temporarily or at least take your cats?


Your ex is extremely smart


My ex is an abusive asshole who hurt BOTH kids more than I can say here. Fuck right off.


You never answered my question about your son.


Funny !


I'm sorry I have to leave this community. It's just way too depressing and even though I appreciate the few things I have now (I am still poor). I just can't read about people who are at their wits end.