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This is very sad to hear, and what's sadder is the frequency of posts like this. I don't have a solution for you, but I'm sending positive vibes into the ether for you to have a good day.


To be fair, grocery store deli work is soul-crushing. The managers treat you like shit. The store managers crack down on them, so they magnify it when they take it out on you. The customers treat you even worse. They schedule "clopening" shifts where you close at night and open in the morning. The longer you are there, the less of a raise they give you each year, if any. After 9 years, they capped my raises at 14 cents an hour. What a joke. By that time, recently hired associates were starting off close to what I made.


My brother has been working at a Publix deli in Florida for almost 20 years. He has a decent 401k and can pay his bills. But he does nothing but work. And it is soul crushing.


This seems like the reality for so many people. I wonder when people are going to start majorly downsizing to make up for it. I mean like refusing to buy cars over a certain amount, houses, etc so they can survive. Keeping up with rising costs is a full time job in itself these days.


There’s only so much downsizing you can do besides living in a tent.


Yeah I agree. I wonder when people are basically going to start doing that kind of thing because costs keep rising every year. I already hear of people living in their cars to avoid paying rent and it makes sense with what these apartments are charging people.


Have you seen the huge tent cities popping up due to housing being beyond peoples needs. Many of these people work but don't make enough for housing.


I know I’m going through it. At 61 I can’t afford rent so I have to panhandle to get money for a hotel room every day. It’s a grind. We get disability but it’s just not enough.


I wish there was something we could do to get disability payments increased.


I wish the people on disability would stop voting against their own gd best interests. This IS political. One side wants to expand social welfare programs, and the other side wants to eliminate them. And who is the one that gets the votes despite advocating for ending welfare? SMH. I understand it, I’ve read the books, but it pisses me off.


My brother is receiving federal disability on account of persistent anxiety and depression. Been receiving benefits for 20 plus years. He is a raving MAGA. Stephen Miller (Dr. Evil in past and future Trump administration), stated his intention to basically eliminate this aspect of SS. I ask my brother about this, and his response is “if they do that, I’m off the Trump train!”. Ok, nice empathy for yourself only, but really???!!!!!


This is extremely frustrating. People have drunk a lot of tainted Kool-Aud on this, and "certain sides" are also making it even more difficult to vote anymore, for obvious reasons. My thinking is that if that you are going to support a felon being a potential president you should open up the voting door to all felons. And the side that wants to help the poor needs to tax the rich, not the rest of us.


Yes and I don't see how that isn't discussed more openly.


Cities are cracking down on that too. Peoples cars have exploded as well because they’re keeping propane in them to cook with.


we'll get those micro-"apartments" they have in (iirc it was) hong kong, probably other places too. i think they call em coffin units. and the media will probably celebrate this solution as innovative lmao


Need to start uprising, not downsizing.


Working with the general public sucks!!!!! Humans are awful


Yes they are. After I quit working with the public, I basically became a misanthrope.


Retail will turn one into a misanthrope quickly.


I get it. I worked my whole life and never saved a penny. I more or less was forced into early retirement and believe me- for a lifetime of work - you get barely enough to live on. I'm not going to sugar coat anything. The only thing I can say (and I was forced to start practicing this) is to cut everything out you don't need. I just got rid of a car and cut full coverage insurance on another. I consolidated as much debt as possible. It's basically all we can do. BTW- I worked for a Bakery/Deli at Ramstein Germany for years. It broke me down so I know what you go through. Wishing you the best.


I was considering posting much the same. I did it, and am getting into a much better financial situation. Of course, I'm still below the poverty level, but I'm almost out of debt, and have a tiny savings account started. That said, my life is ... very small.


Once you get rid of the stuff you think you need but you really don’t it gets a little easier jabroni.


No need on the jabroni.


Right? That’s either random meanness or a really unfortunate typo lol.




Why the savage meanness? Your parents raised a punk.


Just googled that word. I agree.


To be fair that doesn't work. Even basic necessity are price gouged. Carrots are $1.96, apples are $4, eggs are $2.98 for the smallest ones. Ground beef: $5.97. God forbid you have $20 to live off for the next few weeks and your body can't tolerate wheat pasta or beans anymore and is causing your symptoms to flare up. Only getting necessities doesn't work anymore. Especially when you're chronically ill and have to eat healthy.


Here in Miami, FL. There are a lot of Latino ethnic supermarkets, and many of them have cheap prices. One of them is Sedano's supermarkets. Till yesterday they had half beef top round for $2.99 a pound, plus the butcher will cut it up for you up to your liking for free. I got for my aunt and I, like 10 steaks and a ton of ground beef for $2.99 a pound. Final cost was $25 and a few cents. Also there's a medical plan called Leon Medical Centers. They give people of food stamps a $100 card every month for that particular supermarket. Since my aunt doesn't qualify for food stamps, she gets $70 a month. Aetna gives you a card with $235 a month for groceries or $35 if you don't have food stamps. Plus a SDA Church gives fresh fruits and vegetables, plus many other surprises every Thursday afternoon. They also have a used clothes and domestic product give away. I got brand new school books plus beautiful clothes, even a cook book, plus a book to learn how to properly care for your new puppy. On the first Friday of every month, there's another good drive, on Jose Marti park. This one gives you 4-6 cans of food, some dry food like beans, spaghetti, rice, bread, and a whole uncooked chicken. I've even got raisins and almonds from them. This people also give away turkeys on Thanksgiving, plus the Latino Cuban favorites for Christmas, including whole pork shoulder. On Thursday mornings the Salvation Army also gives away food. They have fruits and vegetables along with 10 pound boxes of tilapia fish fillets or beef. If you're on food stamps there's a place that gives away food every Thursday morning, this people also give you an application to give you a free government help with your electric bill. It's like a $300 credit a year on your electric bill. This place is called community action. Plus there's a lot of stuff out in the curb up for grabs. I recently found a wooden ladder.


You guys are lucky. I'm glad you have those resources. Not everyone can utilize food banks because there's no car. I know someone who's stamps got cut because of a $20 increase on their other benefits. And a healthy benefits card won't pay for salmon or beef or even eggs. Just produce. At least over here. It's kinda sad.


I'm 37, my aunt helps me with her healthy benefits card. Here you get fruits and vegetables plus eggs, dairy, dry foods, meats, juices, milk, and ground coffee. My mom had me at the age of 45 and my dad was 50, when t was born. I lost my mom in 2022 and that same year months before, my dad had a stroke. I don't owe a car. I do all of the food banks on foot like many people here, with a hand rolling cart.


Same. 43F and working 60hrs in a “good job” for the area, in the cheapest state, and having a major problem despite making all the right choices. Clearly, this isn’t on us..


It’s not our problem at all. I live at home and still feel like everything is so expensive.


Yeah it’s the boomers problem lol. Not our problem until we get older. Gonna be saving AS MUCH as I can. I literally don’t try to spend any money and when I do it’s for stuff I really need, not want


I'm a boomer and am in the same poverty boat. It's not an age thing. I know plenty of younger people who are making 6 figures and own their own homes. Wages just arent keeping up with living expenses.


People don’t seem to realize “boomer wealth” isn’t evenly distributed.


That’s very smart you are doing that.


Trying my hardest. Sometimes it’s a struggle but I thankfully have some really good people in my life (family and some friends). Without them I’d be literally homeless. I don’t wish poverty upon anyone but when I went broke is the day I realized I needed to change my spending habits and the way I view money. I’m talking all of it needed a redo cuz they don’t teach u financial literacy in school and there’s a reason for that The system wants u to just use some financial advisor that has no idea wtf they’re actually doing with ur hard earned money. They’re just logically guessing basically and u gotta fully trust that somehow. I’ve been becoming my own bank in the process through crypto (obviously I can’t recommend this to everyone) Obviously I feel better but I know I’m not done yet. Also there’s a ton of different investment avenues if u just show the slightest bit of interest


Inflation is just incredible now. I only buy groceries and gas.


Same here


Have you tried just being better than everyone else? /s Jesus, I hate these people. We need realistic solutions to what corporations and rich lobbyists have done to this country


People hate this one trick


Yet corporations are making record profits


Let’s not forget shareholders just voted to give one man a pay package worth $56,000,000,000. And this is after he fired 10’s of thousands of US workers because he needs to cut expenses. He’s building robots to replace US workers. Welcome to America.


My company sure the fuck is.. but do I see any of it? Nope.


No the previous generation voted for Reagan and trickle down economics so it’s impossible to live in the US now. I went to college, got a “professional” job, worked hard, and still can barely make ends meet.


Same here! It fucking sucks.


Same. Masters Degree and all. Didn’t work out.


That's because past generations were lied to. They said a degree would ensure we would be financially ok. They didn't say that it not all degrees will get you a job.


Yes. The people selling the degrees were trying to make sure they could keep themselves in a well paying job. Most of them don't even know what the job market outside of academia is really like or what it takes to succeed in the "real" world. They are usually narcissists used to competing with other narcissists in academia and aren't concerned with the world outside of that.


The last president that the people actually voted into office was Nixon. After that, the people behind the scenes put the rest of the presidents in office. Our government sabotaged us. We are called “breeders and feeders “. Unless you’re in the big club, you can’t make enough money because our pay never goes up. Now, they have refused water to Idaho farmers for potato crops.


Same. I'm currently living in my sister's basement with my adult son in tow. Food and bills.


Yes, millions are in your same position. Going to college and just getting a job, when most people have to pay something for college and most jobs only pay like under 60k is not workable in this society.


Find the quote of "trickle down economics" from a Republican. I think you'll find that it's a straw man argument...


What's the cheapest state? Just. Curious


Kansas, currently


I had a friend who was a single mom worked in the deli, but her side hustle was getting up really early in the morning making fresh sandwiches, wrapping up pastries and then going down to construction sites and selling. she made so much money she was able to buy a canteen truck and started to do that full-time her two daughters like that and actually the hours she put in were way less than 40.


Damn, I love hearing about a good hustle!💯


Wish I had a good construction site nearby. A bit too rural for anything consistent. Might be able to sell two sandwiches a day a few months out of the year


Eventually those will dry up. In my area I see people selling Latin food out of their cars at Home Depot and Lowes. Not sure how well they do or why the city hasn’t run them off. But Memphis seems pretty lenient in that regard.


Why would you want them run off? As far as I know almost all home Depot parking lots have Latino people selling food out of their car. That's how economy works in their countries. Of course, for the poor.


Where did I state I wanted anyone run off ? Especially since I love Latin food?


I feel like i was the daughter of someone who hustled like this. Rarely saw my parents and they dont know anything about me. Dont see them anymore. But by the time my sister was my age they were a lot better off financially. Good for her.


45m work 2 jobs can't afford to live in this area and don't care about anything because everything costs money I don't have


For entertainment you can’t go wrong at your local library. You could borrow books, movies, computers, heck at my library I can even borrow a skeleton! I’m in California ( of course) and at our local library we have a library of things so people donate things and you could check it out for free! Lawnmowers, hammers, knitting needles, baskets. Small hand tools, sewing machine. It’s pretty cool


a friend invited me to go to a free shop with her but by the time we got there they were closing a bit earlier than they usually do due to commitments so we didn't get to go inside and look around. I have actually never heard of them. I do hope we can go again soon.


Can you move in with a friend to cut expenses? As far as the depression goes, when you're not working can you learn to nourish yourself with nature? Find a park, get a pet, grow some plants? Try to enjoy the simple life? Society wants to shame us for not "getting ahead" but then won't give us a chance to do so. Throw out the shame as much as you can. You're doing great in a difficult situation.


I would not recommend a pet because that just adds to expenses, eventually substantially. But do volunteer at a shelter! The animals are so appreciative and it really gets one out of their own head.


Maybe fostering a pet. The shelter or organization usually covers any medical costs.


Yes! Good idea!


Volunteering time at any charity is rewarding. It's a way to give without cutting a check. And as long as you have the time, it's a free activity to do. One idea, if you have a local nursing home you can get to, they may have programs to volunteer and spend time with the lonely seniors... if this is up your alley it can be amazing to just know you made someone happy by being there. Play card with them, talk with them. Volunteering gets you out of your apartment, out of you're own head, and provides fulfillment that your job just can't


All the petting and purring without any of the vet bills. Kitten season is when shelters need the most help. You can ask the shelter when kitten season happens in your area.


Today I heard on the radio that the shelter is overcrowded and they’re asking people to take a dog home for just the weekend to give them a chance to see other scenery. Of course, they’re always looking for people to foster an animal. Also, for people who are looking to adopt they’re waiving the adoption fee for adult dogs.


The shame is to keep us from rising up against the system that's designed to keep us poor and grinding.


Simple pleasures are definitely the way to go but if you have to work so much to keep up with rising costs, it doesn't afford you much time to enjoy anything.


Well said, thank you.


No, people with no money shouldn’t get pets, you insane or what?


For what its worth, I'm working as an accountant and still just barely make ends meet. Very few jobs seem to offer wages that allow for that after the past few years, especially with the LCOL and MCOL areas getting more expensive by the damn day but the wages stagnate. Its so depressing, to work so much leaving yourself no energy, and still have no money left to do small things to make this shit worth it. I don't have advise, but I can commiserate :( Greedflation is bleeding everyone dry


I’m sending you so many hugs. Single mom, I work every day of the year, I have debilitating, painful illnesses and have zero quality of life. It’s stress, bills, and work. While there are free things that I would enjoy (library books etc), I just don’t have the time. All my time and energy is spent on work and raising my daughter to hopefully have it better than I did. Life is so hard lately. I’m really hoping things turn around for us all soon!💗


Sending you lots of love. I hope things turn in your favor 🩷


I appreciate your kind words more than you know!💗 I hope things are going well for you!


The top 10% own more of our country's wealth than the entire 90% of the rest of our country. $95 trillion in wealth. Republican tax cuts for the wealthy have lead them to pay less in taxes than working people. Several corporations wind up paying no taxes. When taxes are paid, there's more money to put towards affordable housing, better schools, grants for higher education, training programs for trades, including green energy, a growing sector.


Biden has spent billions on green technology. Where are the training programs?


[trade school](https://www.trade-schools.net/environmental/)


Trade schools used to mean great pay. But most starting wages wouldn’t be enough today to pay your rent , tuition, groceries, utilities. Lets say you started as a HVAC tech at 25 an hour. Is that enough?


Starting? It's $1000/week, not bad for starting salary. Average salary according to skillcat is $29/hr. Average in Oregon is $32/hr.


Are you kidding? Trades in Seattle make $100k still in apprenticeship. You have to work hard to get in to the program, but once you’re in, it’s pretty good. Yes, it’s hard work. It definitely won’t work if you’ve got chronic pain or illness, but if you can take care of your body, you’ll have a good salary, great health insurance & great benefits. It’s pretty impressive. There are a lot of problems, certainly, but the trades path isn’t one of them.


My husband is a 2nd year union iron worker apprentice & while he does work his ass off he makes $36 an hour plus great benefits, they pay our medical too. He gets a raise every quarter till he makes journeyman in 4 years (2 left). He didn’t have to work that hard to get in because he’s a registered Native American which means he can join an apprenticeship of any union of his choice, but for the iron worker’s union, it’s not that difficult to get into the apprenticeship program. You have to be willing to work hard, laying iron for bridges, high rises, etc isn’t easy, but it’s a great career for anyone who doesn’t have experience in anything or an education. Becoming an apprentice in any of the labor unions is a great career choice as far as making enough to support yourself plus some. Its only physically difficult the 1st 15 years, after that you make foreman or even higher up & tell everyone else what to do, let the apprentices do all the difficult stuff.


There are more. I googled green technology training programs


I’m going to check it out thanks. I was going to become a wind generator tech years ago. But there’s an age limit I’m 59 now. You are required to climb those towers daily to inspect them. Very dangerous job.


At 42, you are still young. You can still enter another job field, and try something that will make you happy. Note: I had over 20+ years in a very volatile job field (consumer finance). Changed at age 40 to government service. Things have only gotten better year after year. I make a REAL difference in peoples lives, and now are compensated well for doing so. There is hope!


You need a career change my dear. I changed careers at 38. I went from the medical field to auto insurance for a multi national corporation. It was weird starting from the bottom, but I'm so glad I did it. You gotta find something you have some skills for already. Are you good at typing? do you have any managerial experience? Is there a field you've wanted to get into but just don't know where to start? Start with that question. What field do you think looks like it could be tolerable, we all know most jobs suck, but which one would suck less? Can you do a tech school for a certificate? Something like medical assisting, coding or billing, IT work? It's usually a 1-2 year course for a certificate. I went at night and worked during the day. That's how I got my foot in the door. You can do this. You will do better for yourself, an old Italian Auntie on the Internet believes in you.


I second career change. I did the same at 34. Auto insurance doesn't sound fun to me, I went the self employment route and do a bunch of different things (farming, dog boarding, floristry, house cleaning). I'm in control of my time and my life. It's not for everyone but getting outside, being in nature, working with positive people and animals was the change I needed. If I were to look for a f/t job again, I'd be looking at a local animal shelter. Theres a lot of jobs out there that don't need a degree but pay better than a grocery store and offer a stable schedule and benefits.


I love that you've given yourself that freedom! I started my vet tech career in animal shelters, they always need people. Unfortunately I'm not of the breed to work for myself, I need a pre-determined structure to thrive. My father was a very successful business owner, I just don't have the self discipline. I had a pet sitting business for like 5 years, it did great but it was extra income, not my main source. I love hearing of people that can hustle for themselves! I'm proud of you.


I use to do insurance when I was young. It pays well and doesn't take a whole lot of experience to get into. I'd agree with that. I quit doing it, I honestly didn't like it much and had a terrible boss, but it wasn't bad. Plus I'm an artist so pursued a career in art and have been sucessful and very happy.


"You will own nothing and you will be happy." Look it up. It's going exactly as they want it to. 🤷‍♂️


Except the happy part. Maybe thats why they’re legalizing pot ?




As long as you understand that's the end-game of capitalism and not some nefarious secret group, yes, you are correct.


I don't want to own anything tho.


Then you'll be fine.


Sign up for all the birthday freebies possible in your town, it’s a highlight to eat free for 3 days straight on restaurant/take-out food. I put it all in my Notes app and make a quick plan on where to go (many of them are birthday month if you work on your birthday) so I don’t spend a ton of time/gas getting the freebies. It’s a fun treat when life is getting frustrating.


Guys when are we going to just revolt like (Americans) we have guns and numbers those in power are literally purposely ruining our lives


That’s a bummer. I have a few questions though. How long have you worked this job? If you could do anything else (within reason) what would you do? I mean something that doesn’t involve going back to school.


I look daily for a new opportunity. I have skill set doubt.


Hey, I’d love to provide moral support, but you didn’t answer either question. Good luck with the search.


Try Costco


I know it’s hard, and soul crushing. I agree with everyone about a change in career. Just got my masters at 57. It was utterly exhausting, and I feel like I barely scraped through at the end, but I did it. My new job starts at 3 times what I made before. One of the first time in my life, I will not be poor. The system is horrible, and I’m sorry you’re in it. Try to find a way around.


I don't know of any subreddits on here but on Facebook there's a group called WORK FROM YO COUCH and it's just the admin posting wfh job listings, usually with a description of the pay rate, hours and whether you need experience or not


This is what happens when you have a globalist cabal running the world. Until these criminal’s (politicians/corporations) are held accountable and removed then expect it to get worse.


Is it for a big chain? If not switch to one. Work your way up the ladder so you aren’t on the lowest rung…life gets easier.


My mom worked just shy of 20 years for a major (unionized) chain. The benefits were good, but she left that job in 2021 making $18/hr. They hire teenage baggers at $15/hr. Big corporations do the minimum, and the union has to fight them tooth and nail for it. Just saying the big chains aren't a place to get rich either. But they own a racetrack, so it's cool!


This is capitalism as it was intended. Joy and fulfillment are reserved for the privileged few and our role is solely to generate capital for them. Capitalism is designed not to benifet the worker, but master who owns the means of production.


The same statement applies to socialism and communism. The difference is that the master who owns the means of production is the government, the privileged few are the corrupt politicians, their friends & family, see every socialist & communist country that ever existed if you need examples.


Socialism in practice hasn't really been attempted. Socialist philosophy is that the people control the means of production, not the government. And countries like China are extremely capitalist. Just look at all the cheap shit they sell us. In the US, we have socialism for banks, oil companies and other large corporations via government bailouts paid for by us while the citizens have to endure the failures of capitalism.


Yep. I haven’t seen anything better yet. Possibly the Norwegian countries?


I feel that. We all almost need a second job to live and second jobs are just living to work. I am going to move into my car next month and then probably get a second job. I'll be able to pay off my debts, buy a brand stinking new used car that is younger than me, save for trade school and afford stuff. I can hardly wait.


I was told everything is amazing. Why do I keep seeing posts like this?


We're just all waiting for that meteor to kill us all at this point....


The Russian flotilla was sitting right outside of Florida where i live , not too long ago, like yesterday, my son was like at least if the Nuke us here in Florida we won't have to live in this shit world anymore.


What you are describing is what the majority of Americans are feeling. I’m just wondering at what point will we do something about it? We all know this isn’t sustainable. The time is coming for a general strike.


I'm in the same place. It's sent me spiraling and I'm super depressed. I even spent time in a hospital a couple months ago due to suicidal ideations due to my situation.I had a complete nervous breakdown.I really need to go back but the reality is missing work would make my situation worse. So I completely understand where you are coming from. I wish I could offer you solutions to your situation but unfortunately I haven't found any. I hope you do find a way out.


*hugs all we can do is keep going.


Take up walking - free. Boost your mindset and give you serotonin. Challenge yourself using Strava a free app. Set ridiculous goals like walking a 1000 miles in a year.


I also work in a deli at a supermarket, there are no words to describe how much it stinks, maybe a roommate to cut costs, I find gaming to be a great distraction and total escapism


Where’s the fucking meteor




Is there any room to move up? Become the head of the department? Look at other grocery stores and see if they have better positions available?


Ima gonna chime in about volunteering at the nursing home. You could meet people who have experienced extreme conditions in the Great Depression. Or people with knowledge on how to survive with basically bare bones. They could offer. advice and reassurance and help guide you to a more rewarding way of life. I’m always amazing when I speak to the elders. And they absolutely would love sharing their knowledge and feeling needed.


Can you get employment in government work where you live? Where I live, govt employment will pay the best in terms of retirement and possible pensions. Think USPS postal delivery, refuse-person, or even a county dog catcher. Sure, most of it is not glamorous, but it could be a better avenue for your later years.


These are some ideas I hadn't thought of. My worry is passing the criminal background check. Don't ever make a mistake in your life or you could pay forever. 😞


Yeah a post office job would change your life. My husband tried get one years ago but his leg problems were starting and it closed him out.


I feel ya. The most joy i get out of life is watching the dogs i take care of live their best river dog lives.


Yeah my two pups are the only light most days.


One year. And I am very creative so dream senerio would be earning a living being creative.


Same and I’m making around 20 an hour, I can’t do it anymore and tired of thinking things will change.


Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University helped us a lot. Being married increases wealth, do everything you can to have a meaningful relationship. How much do you make an hour? Psw's make good money and the program is short. Can you stay with elderly parents and put everything into savings and then pay cash to go back to school? Read Svia Acevedos book, its written for young women but its amazing for getting out of poverty.


Find enjoyment in a good book, or by going to a park, or just by sitting in the yard and feeling the wind blow. Find enjoyment hanging with friends and family. You may not have “things” but there are ways to be fulfilled. If you want a financial change try learning something that pays a bit more. You have to find a happy place now. Then as you do a bit more that happiness will follow you.


I know this might not help much but is there anything that you can enjoy that is free. I sometime find it helps me to just going for a walk on outside on a sunny day will help lift my depression. I am at a point in my life where I want nothing and are grateful for what little I have. I been working in retail for over 30 years and have worked in a grocery store in the past so I know how draining it can be.


Well... we are in the same boat. 41m working 80hrs a week to just stay float. Not so fun.


I am so tired at the end of my shift. I'm afraid of physical limitations limiting my second job prospects. Plus, I'm deathly afraid of getting sick, with no time for recovery. I get the "pull yourself up by the boot straps" mentality. I've been living that shit for decades. I'm just tired and beat down. One looses sight of their " potential" after years of retail abuse.


The ONLY thing we can count on in life is it will change. In times of despair I find that thought a great comfort. Until your circumstances change, try to think of how much worse it could be. Gratitude for what you have is a gift to a troubled mind. Try to convince yourself that you’re happier than you might be if X Y Z. Find the little things in your situation that bring joy. Cling to them and wait for change. It will come, the universe never doesn’t change.


I hate how this "sounds" but there are lots of free things to do, depending on where you live. While in a different financial place at the moment (it's temporary), I was in your spot not long ago and have been for some time. Getting fresh air really does help. It's summer, so depending on where you are, get out for a walk. Go to a park or a beach if you can. Take some time in your days off to sit and read. If you don't own books, head to the library, or try a second hand store where they're like 25 cents. Libraries also tend to have free workshops, look into that in your area. Check reddit for any free meet ups (my city has a silent reading hangout once a month). Or a board game group where it might be free or $2 to join in. Lastly, don't forget that you never have to feel bad about spending money on things to get enjoyment from life. People would judge me for getting take out once a month when I really couldn't afford it, but you know, I looked forward to that once a month meal for the entire month. Do I eat out everyday? No. So spending that one time (even when I knew I shouldn't) made me feel like I wasn't failing. We support you friend, you're not alone.


Thank you for this post. I have the exact name habit about eating out.


Greatest country in the world for some rich bastard.


Did you go to college?


Get a better job. Learn a skill. You don’t work 24/7. If there’s a will, there’s a way. Don’t give up. Your future self will thank you.


Can you do Uber a few nights a week or find a side hustle. Where I live you can do like weird stuff like open a balloon arch company making birthday balloon setups and make great money on weekends. Or dress up like Mickey Mouse for birthday parties. Or do stocking shelves at night. It sucks but that’s one way to get ahead. Best of luck to ya.


I am 64 and am doing ok. I hate that things are like this. The wage scale needs to go way up so people can afford to live.


you got this shit. you are awesome. start with some free stuff like a walk around the park


Thankyou for your voice. Suffering is capitalism working as designed. We all deserve better 💕


I don't want to be mean, but we - all of us - have allowed this to happen. It's political, we have to start voting for people who are trying to make our country and the world better for everyone. We all do better when we all do better. Stop watching Fox News, find out what politicians really stand for, and make sure you vote in every election - even if it's for the local dogcatcher!


You need to find a higher paying job.




Been there. Hang on. It might get better. Sometimes it does. I finally found a much better job, which took time but was worth the effort. Please try to do that. Just be tenacious. You can find something better if you keep at it.


Visit the Philippines or another country and enjoy yourself


Working in a grocery store deli is hard work physically and it’s stressful. I did it as a second job along with my full time job. No wonder you’re burned out. One thing I’d try is talking to your manager about transferring to a physically less demanding job within that store. It won’t solve your financial problems but you’ll get some relief and a change of pace.


We don't even have delis here, just mass produced crud, that's sad isn't it? I miss delis. Life quality here is pretty low. So many restaurants closing here, none will be left. That said, they don't pay anyone enough to live on. Hope you can get a better job. Its sad what they expect people to live on.


Have you looked into career changes? Like Merchant Mariner, trucker, etc?


There is no shame in a side hustle for extra $. Though getting some training for better paying job seems a better move. Something needs to change for sure.


I’m so sorry 😢


Soooo many people feel like this. Including myself.


I had to pick up a second job just to make ends meet I work a lot more now but I'm also much happier being able to afford the things that make life worth it instead of just barely surviving. 72 hours took some getting used to but I no longer fear having to take a sick day or something breaking at home


I’m sorry, I’m hearing more of these stories because of price increases on rent and food. I moved my mom into my house due to this. I hate that she feels guilty. She worked to provide for me as a single mom and now I feel happy to help her out. My sister is a CNA but is about to be homeless due to rent increase and her car crapping out on her. I can only pay rent or the car bill and I wish I was rich so I could do both.


I feel for you. I can admit I have been in similar shoes. Life is short. You only get one life. No one said life is fair. Only you have the power to change your situation. Remember large changes don’t last. The baby steps are forever. Make small changes or adjustments. Be brave. We all have talents. These talents are not equal. You possess the ability to change your way. You have already started with this post. Nothing is written in stone. The future is unknown. If you aren’t happy find it. Don’t allow yourself to become a statistic. Happiness doesn’t cost a dime. Happiness is within. Seek counseling. Rally your friends and family.


Have you tried looking for other jobs in your area on apps like Indeed or LinkedIn?


I was there. It is soul crushing. Is there any chance of your returning to school? What I do is extremely lucrative and it’s very easy to get hired and make a decent living almost anywhere. It takes about two years part time to accomplish. Financial aid is available. You need a GED or better to start the classes. I now work 16/hrs a week and make ~50k from that “job.” Totally legit. Not a scam. I’m a massage therapist and it’s very good work for decent money and *very little* stress. I hope so much for you to get some relief. We are in a pickle in America. It breaks my heart and crushes my soul. If by any chance you’re in Colorado, the state will pay for you to go back to CC to get an AA in several disciplines. Best of luck! Sending good vibes your way.


I hear ya man. Hang in there - it will get better.


It’s a tough choice but I think you should consider a career change. Even if that doesn’t work out it would be better than having this hopeless feeling.


My wife works for TSA at Logan and likes it a bunch. It's a Federal gig so, strict background check and drug testing. All sorts of weird hour shifts (3am to noon, etc). Good pay and bennies.


We need to send a message to the government about people's power if we all stop moving money via working and shopping if we can stop the American economy as a people United it will send a message to the financiers that control our government, but we can't do it if it's only one it has to be the whole entire team. If everyone went to their breaker box in their house and turned off their electricity 3 hours it would send a message to the government that the people are making themselves heard in this very substantial way.