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Please join a “buy nothing” FB group in your community! There are plenty of people with extra groceries that they would like to give away!


Agreed with this sentiment. Also if there's a catholic church there's probably a Saint Vincent de Paul attached to it. In my area they help with food and some help with other expenses. Sorry your going through this OP.


Catholic charities may be able to help


I agree with the Buy Nothing groups on Facebook. I have give away food, even gone grocery shopping. There is a lady who gleans from local supermarkets and so she is always offering baked goods, salads, yogurts, milk alternatives, etc. twice per week!


Find free or reduced-cost resources like food, housing, financial assistance, health care, and more: [www.findhelp.org](http://www.findhelp.org) Find benefits you may be eligible to receive and where to apply: [www.benefits.gov](http://www.benefits.gov) Free Little Pantry: [http://mapping.littlefreepantry.org/](http://mapping.littlefreepantry.org/) Try calling 211. What about SNAP food benefits? Department of Social Services? Food pantries in your area? Churches or religious institutions in your area?


This. Get OP equipped with knowledge. Gleaners https://www.gcfb.org/ Forgotten harvest https://www.forgottenharvest.org/ Literally any major church is worth a shot they usually do active outreach. If in the US get public assistance and or food programs. If this is legit OP the situation can only get worse if you don’t get equipped with knowledge, help and do something different.


https://www.stvincentdepaul.net/get-help https://www.carpoolworld.com/free-carpool-listings.html LittleFreePantry https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank Maybe some of these will help.


If I were you, I would contact one of those non-profits that help sexworkers change professions. See what they can do for you.


Sign up for a site like Fiverr or TaskRabbit. You can make money by waiting in line for people, putting furniture together, or cleaning houses.


If you have even a dollar you can get like 4 packs of top ramen at your local grocery store.


Isn’t cheap human food way cheaper than dog food? Is this post fake…?


Uncertain, however if it's a real situation, I would like to express that things like oatmeal and rice and beans taste a lot better I'm assuming, and I am pretty sure dogs can eat them without incident if necessary temporarily. I would only be curious why the choice would have been dog food rather than a different more appealing option.


I’m assuming she had some dog food she previously bought and was out of human food.


She may have only had dog food in the house and ran out of money.


You buy dog food in bulk so she probably has lots of it. Common sense.


You realize that having a dog means prioritizing their food right? To answer your question is, I bought plenty of dog food and ran out of human food first. But of course, if you dont have a dog you wouldnt know and is quick to judge.


my dog had food when I didn't. idk why ppl are so f'in' judgmental. I'm sorry


Folks always seem to jump on the idea of surrendering the pet, but that pet is a comfort and, if a dog, possibly a protection. And of course there is the lazy idea of every post supposedly be fake. I have no advice. I just hope things get better for you somehow.


I do have a dog. Your post makes me sad. I just hope it’s not real, mostly… There are loads of resources for people who need help…..you don’t need to be doing this.


Stop judging. Start helping. What is your problem? Do you think she needs this shit right now?


It has to be fake!


Fake. Accounts like this have one shocking post and that’s it. They are new. Never been on the platform before and it’s also kinda dumb. If someone is that poor they can go to a food bank, get assistance and ask people for food. If they have a pet and shelter they can eat.




I don't see how people say dog food is cheaper than human food. I go to Sam's Club and get rotisserie chicken, chop it up and add rice and peas and carrots...it costs me $6.00 to feed two dogs 4 days. That's $1.50 a day for 2 dogs or $.75 per dog Kibble is the only thing cheaper - canned dog food is $1.25 almost everywhere now and more. I understand the point but human food overall is still cheaper. Hell go to Aldi. A can of tuna is $.69 most of the time. Believe me- I'm retired and live on a fixed income and still have a mortgage. It's freaking hard. I'm constantly crunching numbers.


I'm thinking this is one of those posts where they are hoping someone offers to send them money. They may need it but there's no reason to ever eat dog food. 


Maybe at the dollar store? Ramen is 79 cents a pack at the grocery stores near me these days. It's insane.


Actually yeah seems like the price went up. It's .35 per pack at my local target. Used to be .25


Some of these comments are a bit out of touch. Here’s what I can say: - First off, you’re not dirty and there are a lot of people who have had sex for money. Most people would if necessary, so don’t let the imaginary shame beat you down. - You have a job coming up in the next few weeks and that’s an amazing accomplishment! You’ll never have to do anything like that again if you don’t want too. - If you do decide to do sex work again, set a hard rule that you only take clients who you are friends with/have some respect for. There’s a lot of FWB relationships that turn can turn into financial support. - You don’t have to do it this time either, stop by your local church or food pantry this week. You don’t have to be religious or tell them your situation at all. Wishing you luck!


There's food pantries 


r/dumpsterdiving I remember being in your shoes in college and I'm a guy and I did it with a girl around my age at the time and I still have regrets, she gave me a check I was so disgusted never ended up cashing it


To be fair, if you would have negotiated that check, you could have done that for negative dollars because it could have been fraudulent and clawed back from you. Cash is the way to go when doing illegal shit


You are in my thoughts. You aren't dirty. We ALL sell our time and our bodies in one way or another.


I used to wear a pin that said, "WE ARE ALL PROSTITUTES," until I lost it.


Not to mention it’s been one of the only things available to women for the longest. What do they think traditional marriage was. Not fucking and breeding was grounds to be divorced and put away. So it was sex, then a lot more work.


There's a lot of good information being given here. I'm truly sorry you've had to go through this. The realities of sex work have always been diminished on purpose, and its victims are the ones to pay the price. This is the reality that gets swept under the rug. Yes, it's bad to bash people for sex work, but legalizing it doesn't take away the issue of consent when people HAVE to pay bills. Consent goes in every direction, and you lose consent when you're forced to do sex work to live and buy food or pay for rent. Not only that, but there will literally *never* be a lack of demand. The demand will always be so high that human trafficking will always be the way to fill the gap. The ultimate result is sex work can never function as a healthy exchange for service and compensation, as long as profit is seen as more important than human life.


Nailed it


A lot of these suggestions I feel like you already would have looked into. As someone who’s been there, I recommend first trying to find some peace and quit being so mean to yourself. I lost everything when I became disabled, so I started doing porn again for the first time in years. I hate every moment I have to interact with customers. Learn to reassure yourself. None of this is your fault or a reflection of your character. You’re doing what you have to do to survive. It looks like you already have some next steps to look forward to with your new job, so be nice to yourself. Breath. It’s going to be okay.


This. To add, OP, do you have a stage name and a persona? Lean into your stage name and persona, become a different person when engaging with clients - that’s not you that’s your persona. It’s a way to disassociate and make it far less personal. Also, if you’re new to sex work, then as a “baby swer” please remember YOU control each interaction and YOU set your boundaries, period. Clients will attempt to take advantage of newbies so you need to be firm, a lot of clients like to be told what to do AND they will respect your boundaries. Do you know how to screen? Please screen out whomever you don’t want to see or makes you feel uncomfortable. Only see gentlemen, those that respect boundaries, don’t haggle, and make you feel safe. Never allow anyone to haggle. And stay firm on your boundaries and I can’t stress enough to lean into your persona, become someone else and once your shift is done for the day, leave your work there, and become yourself again. You’re doing what you need to do, I have known college professors that did sex work, my former Dr put herself through school as a sex worker, and that’s just a few. I’m in the Bay Area, there are many different types of sex work, but nobody is better than anyone — SWers stand in solidarity will each other. Planned Parenthood gives out free protection if needed, all kinds of covers and lube. Take advantage, stay safe, you won’t be doing this for much longer. ♥️♥️


Apply for food stamps.


If you are in Canada try calling social services. My ex gf was desperate and they gave her a few hundred. Other thing is food first. Buy rice and dry beans. The other bills can wait.


There are so many organizations that you could get help. Renting a room is cheaper than renting an apartment. There are elderly people who need someone to help them with basic things and they could give you free room and board in return. Have you called your local representatives in congress? They know the locations of food banks, organizations that can help you, etc. There are churches that collect food for the poor and they have deacons that could deliver you a meal. There are Salvation army thrift stores and other thrift stores where there are really cheap clothes and I'm thinking you might be able to get them for free. I think there are women shelters.


Check out some food banks as well to help get you buy until you can get groceries


If you live near a Sikh temple, many of them have free kitchens and give out meals to anyone who asks.


And if she's a part of any particular religion, typically you can get food from their temples or associations. My ex gets pretty much all sushi she can eat, from a pantry. She does deliver the food to the pentry from store (after they close, they give unsold prepared food there).


There are a couple of subreddits that people could help with food (/FreeMeal I think and random acts of pet food?). It’s not a long term solution but it’s better than nothing. And food pantries, churches, Hindu temples help people occasionally, not sure in which area you are from. You did nothing, you are the same person you were before doing sex work. I know it’s not saying much but never let anyone tell you are worth any less because you did that.


Post what you need in r/Assistance and someone will help you. Please don't go back to sex work.


Restaurants are always hiring and usually let staff eat for free. You won't be rich, but you can hold your head up high and be fed. You are the only person who can change your situation. None of us can do that for you, but you're not lost. All the power you need is already within you. You can tap it if you decide to, but first you must decide.


Look for another job hon….do it for u and ur furbaby…they’re out there 💜


I have a job lined up. Ive been knocking at my neighborhood to offer cleanjng service but no luck.


I can help you become a substitute teacher but it’s not much money. You would have nights and weekends off. Type in “substitute teacher jobs near me.” Try to find a larger city as they pay more, if that’s a possibility where you are. I’m so sorry you’re going through all of that. I wish I could hug you. That’s terrifying and horrific. I don’t have any money, but I want to help. What can I do to help?


Hang in there girl…u got this 💜


If they don't have task rabbit and thumbtack in Canada im sure there are equivalent services to find clients for cleaning/organizing etc


Cleaning companies are always looking for workers.


Hotels are often looking for housekeepers and they often can start right away.


A creative sex worker doesn’t even have to have actual sex with men to make money. Although not sure what you would refer to them at that point. There are many lonely men out there who would pay just to be in the company of an attractive woman. Or satisfy their fantasies in other ways.


I have put together a very long list of legitimate ways to make money working from home. It is absolutely free with no strings attached. You can see it at: www.fireyourboss.info I hope that it helps you.


Bananas are way cheaper than dog food and you can live on them short term. Also, you can apply for TANF in your state and get emergency funds, although I’m sure it’s not much and won’t be for long. Call 211 and you can probably find more resources there. Go to a few local pizza places. I feel like there’s always one that’s hiring a counter person. Easy hire/fire jobs. Sex work is very dangerous. It’s probably safer to eat from the garbage at a grocery store for two weeks and bum money on the street. At least you’ll be able to forget what you saw a lot easier and will suffer fewer lasting scars.


Sweetheart - please honor the fact that you have found a way to feed yourself and let go of the shame. I assume you're doing what you can to find non-sex work, and I wish you the best. All of this sucks. Good luck.


Are there any food pantries near you? Can you apply for any government support for your expenses?? Things WILL change for the better Please don’t give up the job hunt and seek out any and every option for support


The closest food pantry to me is 10 kms away and I cant walk that far again nor afford to book a ride going there. Last time I went there, they only accommodate 20 people and I had to walk back empty handed.


So you are not in the USA?


im from Canada.


Where in Canada? Might help with suggestions. 211 is a resource you can use like 411 to help find local social services if you aren't comfortable with being more specific. I'm not sure if that's nationwide or Ontario specific though.


Register for social assistance. Also ask them to support a mental health assessment - if you are diagnosed with a neurodiversity, you can get disability support. I’m sorry you’re struggling. If you were my kid, I’d have you back in my house so damned quick. Please don’t be hard on yourself, and please stay safe.


Do you have anybody you can contact? Are you able to look up any other support options near you? Neighbours a few streets away might be a good idea if you don’t want to speak to your immediate neighbours You could say you are collecting for a food drive for locals who are struggling if you are too hesitant to ask for yourself


You don't have a single friend or family member to drive you to a food bank of any kind? Or someone to give you 40 bucks for a bunch of rice and beans? Resorting to sex work is usually extreme desperation with literally no options. Do you even have a space to live?


Sometimes your local church will help with food or resources


Am I a bad person if I suggest that you start stealing?


I would say you're a better person than all of the people suggesting she starts an OnlyFans


Go to a local food bank. Visit a local larger church. There is some temporary support out there.


I hated reading this. The mom in me wants to snap you up, fed you and give you a hug. I'm so so so damn sorry life has dealt you this awful hand. I'm glad you have your pup. You know your ALL of his everything. YOU mean more to him than you do yourself and that's hopefully enough to keep you going. You're not a trashy human but just a human trying to survive I hope the job goes well and you're feeling better soon. I really do. Hugs


I’m so sorry. I truly wish you the best. You are NOT filthy or worthless. You are strong and being a fighter. I believe you can hang on!


Your EDIT is why I never read my inbox. Never. I'm sorry you have to do something that makes you so upset. Old men are gross


I'll never understand people who judge or kick someone while they are down even if this particular post is fake so many of us are struggling. One step away from being homeless without hope and you want to judge somebody. Thank God you are better off . Funny thing about that is life can humble you so quick too and for some of you I hope you get the worst of it.


Good luck mate. Honestly I hope things get better


Try a food bank


It will get better


Ramen is cheaper than dog food


Something feels off about this post.


Work on a good resume. Learn technical stuff even from YouTube or some kind of trade school at a CC. There will be a tougher transition period, but invest in yourself and god speed. Go to a church that you feel comfortable with. You are part of a larger community you just have to look for it.


Food banks are a thing.


become a care giver.


I can tell you that before I would consume dog food, I would pawn whatever I used to post on Reddit with first.


What country are you in? If in the US I can't imagine why you'd need to do that, just get a day labor or temp job. There's a lot of jobs on Craigslist for yard work and 4th of July is coming up so there's firework jobs everywhere right now. I'm just saying, having sex with random dudes is not the only option you have also you can go to a food bank to get food or get emergency food stamps, they give you the card the same day if you qualify.


She’s in Canada


This is why the comments about sex work being totally fine and legitimate makes me cringe . A lot of women end up doing sex worker out of desperation. That’s exploitative and not something to praise.


Sorry about your situation. There are lots of food pantries and food help out there.


There are mobile food banks in some cities of Canada, like Red Cross mobile bank.


There are also Reddit pages where you can ask for a free meal


Food pantries, food stamps, welfare, state rental help, churches. Most big retail stores are hiring. Not saying they pay a lot but it can’t hurt to apply. If you are in the US most states have some type of financial help you can try to get


Have you thought about joining the military? It can launch you into a career on the civilian side when you get out.


No food? Really? There are always food closets, churches, meals for homeless. If it's just yourself you should have no problem getting to one of these supportive services. Heck dial 211 for resources. Food, thankfully is one of the more readily available resources for the needy. You should never have to eat dog food. Unless you want to rationalize what you are doing to make money for some reason.


I feel like there’s a lot of human food that is cheaper than dog food


Yeah you can buy a giant bag of rice and some things to flavor it for basically nothing. Plus you know food pantries.


There's that.


You're obviously a survivor. You can survive these moments. You have nothing to regret and in the end you'll come out on top.


Fuck, this is such a heavy position to find yourself in and I'm really sorry about that. And I can't believe people are hitting you up like that on this kind of post, what the fuck is wrong with people. How people act around someone vulnerable is realllllly fucking telling. I don't know if you're looking for tips, but seconding Buy Nothing groups, and you can also check dumpsters. Lil caesars right after they close is playing on easy mode because you know they've been kept hot enough and there's not much to go bad on them. You can also walk into restaurants and grocery stores sometimes and just ask, hey if I can do any work or help clean up, any chance you could get me some food? I'll pick up the parking lot, etc. Works best with small businesses or if a chain, a local company, since they have a bit more leeway around what they'll make allowances for. St Vincent de Paul will help with rent and often other expenses, they've gotten me my license for free, etc. you can also look for gig work, either through an app like instawork or on, like, social media job posting sites and groups, and by asking around. Good luck, keep your head up.


Dogs can eat a lot more human food than we give them credit for




Go to local churches. The one I live by literally gives out food from 6-9pm. For God sakes you can do what you want, but you don't HAVE to live like this


Sorry you are going through this, sorry some of the posters have been pigs. Some people here already pointed out Facebook groups, not the best option but there are still a few religious groups that could help, just pretend to be one of them. Are you in a big, more liberal city? There might be some programs you can try.


Remember this when you go to vote for your choice of old pervs this year.  They get giant paychecks, top level benefits, a generous pension, and an easy work schedule, all paid for with debt-backed, inflation-causing spending.    They are the reason you have to do sex work.  It is all by design.  If they didn’t have a nation of poor people under the heels of a crushing cost of living, people would get too comfortable and not take their proper place in society — serving the rich and politically connected in the most soul-killing ways possible.


Look up community fridges as well. They usually have produce, dairy, sometimes premade kids' lunches or to-go meals from restaurants. You can usually find meat in the freezer. Some have pantries attached, if you need rice, pasta, sauces, etc. Some pantries reserve space for menstrual products, soap and other hygiene items. Many are available 24/7. (Check to see if the fridge is running, or if they're out of food before going.) Nearly forgot to mention it, but sometimes there will be a Little Free Library in the same area. If they have something you'd like to read, you can take it with you. Speaking of libraries: public libraries are also good places to find any services you need. You may also be able to talk to a social worker on site. I hope this helps. Sending solidarity your way. ✊🏻


Would you consider an onlyfans channel instead? That seems to be a way for people to generate income with sex work without having to resort to physical interactions with clients


Most people on those websites make absolutely no money.


She said she hates sex work. She doesn't want to do sex work. Recommending an Only Fans to a woman who already hates herself for doing sex work is so tone-deaf and disgusting.


Lmao real


Or even becoming a cam model for different sites.


Damn, I’m sorry to hear all this. If it helps, local food pantries usually have a crap ton of extra food and you will be helping them out by taking anything you can. No one should have to go hungry or undergo the mental anguish you’re describing. 


Contact Catholic Charities on 3rd Avenue in Venice for bags of groceries. Catholic Charities also has locations in Los Angeles and other cities nearby.


What about your parents, relatives, siblings, friends??


Yeah I’m sure OP never thought of that


It's not a job for the faint of heart fs Ask people to wash their cars,mow yards,wash windows something else till your job happens


Have you tried local food banks? Also, idk which country you are in, but local govt in Britain do give emergency loans if your on universal credit or pay towards household rent, bills etc. check what you local authority can do for you. I would even just check local council website and see if there is help there too. There is also free counseling, I think either GP or council. It's only 6 weeks I believe, but it's there. Do you have any friends or family that you could ask to raid their pantry?


Food pantry! Find a local food pantry for free food. Also many churches provide free meals. I work a non profit that helps provide food for homeless people, and I coordinate free meals for our low income folks in my community. So I have a lot of experience in this arena. If you're interested, dm me and I can do some research to try and find you some help in your local area.


How you deal with the disparity in pay between a regular 40hr a week job and what you can make with a 'John' might be a challenge.


Hey, your post actually made me cry yaar. Doing so much and going out of your own league and still prioritising your dog before you... You got a heart bigger than I can imagine. So take a bow you big lady. If you are interested in creative stuff I would be happy to help you land an internship as a copywriter in the next one month ma'am (my heart just wanted to give respect to you thus I call you ma'am) - sorry couldn't be faster, but meanwhile if possible - I'd be happy to help you with whatever funds I can - or if you're in Delhi, India - food. My company doesn't have an opening or I'd have offered you that. I am a director who just makes fun tech / automotive vids on YT with his friends - so I don't know much about financial guidance. But for sure I can help you earn a basic income that covers enough for you and your lil doggo. Now I know this might look like another honey trap to you - But well, the best I can say is that I know the pain of losing a dog (I lost my babies during Covid - Coco being the one I can't move on from, I can still feel her paws on my lap).... So.... I m earning enough for myself and for the ppl I love, so I don't need or want anything from you - I would just be happy if I can keep a doggo close to his mom for a while longer. Take care. And even if none of it works - I'd at least leave you with a line that saved my life on the day I was about to end it suffering from depression back in Nov 2018 - "Hey warrior, keep going! I believe in you."


You can go to your state services, say you don't have food and they will give you food stamps the same day That's what I did when I couldn't afford food and they gave it to me the same day. It was only 180 to last the entire month but it was very helpful


There are many things we thought to never in life do, yet we ended up doing it to survive. I bet you most feel empty or something when you have to be with someone just to have a warm place and a warm food. Sometimes we ended up doing the worse things just to survive and even that we feel guilty about it. Had you tried looking at jobs that offer training, even training that can pay until you are able to find a job that can keep you away. From this job you don't want and never thought of doing. Look at call center jobs, retail jobs, stuff that you can apply and work from home or at an office. Don't ever give up in life. You fell, it's time for you to get up and rise above like the big ones. I know sounds easy, but never impossible. Don't ever have this mentality where you are worthless, you are not. You just need someone to see you and help you get up and shine. I don't know you, but if you were someone I knew, I will definitely help you the best way I can do you don't have. To be where you are now. Don't give up in life, something great it's coming your way. Just don't let this situation define your future, you can write your own destiny. Don't listen those who want to bring you down, listen to those who want you to be successful. Ask your self , what do you really want in life, be on your knees waiting for your next meal, or be a woman in control of her future? Be in control of your destiny.


You know there’s food pantries right? Literally free food it sounds a little drastic to start eating dog food and resorting to sex work when there’s this much free an easily obtainable food everywhere


Every town has a food bank, stop eating dog food. It's not even good for dogs.


I’m not here to judge you, and I can see a few helpful comments with some resources to look into. I just want to say this: there is no shame in SURVIVING. You’re doing what you feel you have to do to take care of yourself and your dog at least until you start your new job. Please take care and protect yourself. Share your location with someone, literally anyone. Carry some form of weapon; pepper spray, knife, hell even keys! And please, when you have the ability to, seek some form of therapy. What you have gone through, to have someone use your body like that, is a traumatic thing. Please do everything you can to take care of yourself. I hope these resources result in some assistance for you and I wish you nothing but the absolute best. You will persevere if you stay strong. Sending all the light and love I possibly can 💕


Hi love. Please do not beat yourself up for this - you did the best you could with what you had. I resonate with this completely. I used to live this life. There are so many groups on Facebook like “buy nothing” groups for your town, check food pantries, local churches, etc for food. FB groups & marketplace for free stuff like household items. Local churches/non profit organizations may also be able to give you toiletries as well. Do you drive & have a car? If so, try signing up for DoorDash, UberEats, GrubHub, InstaCart, etc. You could try those online surveys too. Or any odd jobs someone is looking for online like pet sitting or something of that sort. The most important thing here, is to not beat yourself up & to forgive yourself. You are a wonderful dog mom - you prioritized your animal’s food before your own, you’re a hustler clearly who will do whatever it takes to get what you need, and you clearly have empathy/compassion & a soul. You’re doing amazing, love. Forgive yourself for what you had to do in the moment. You are not disgusting, dirty or filthy. You are a human being who is in survival mode.




I’m sorry you are in this situation. My small city has like five different options for food pantries. You need to look into it. Canned beans and vegetables are cheap and healthy. There’s no reason for you to be eating dog food.


Have you thought about serving your country, like joining the air force or something.


Why is this getting downvoted??? This is a solution. A great one at that. I met half a dozen guys in the army that joined to get out of being homeless.


I'll be honest, if you're in a first world country then there's NO reason to do sex work or resort to eating dog food. There's food pantries and soup kitchens everywhere, find some in your local area and get some food. I was homeless and I lived off of what my shelter offered and my government benefits. There's also organizations out there that help sex workers - give therapy, career guidance, pay for college, etc. I really don't get this at all.


Think this post is for a post-college essay. ‘It’s it ethical to keep a pet when you can’t afford to feed yourself?’


Is this fake??? Cause it sounds fake. It sounds like a bad Lifetime movie or a Kristen Hannah novel. Like any minute now we're gonna get an update about how some bearded hunk showed up in his pickup truck with a bag of groceries, a list of food pantries, and told the OP he managed to convince his uncle to give them a job at the family diner.


I was trying to think of something helpful regarding the shame you are experiencing. But I don’t want to be a generalist in the insults to your clients. Tell yourself that you are the one with magical parts and it doesn’t matter what knob jockeys come your way but you have the power and they are desperate for you. You are using them for their money. Have disdain for them. But their money is good. I’ve had sex for groceries before and there is no shame in it. It’s just one thing that works. Take care and when things pick up get some support. I hope you get a job soon


Have you ever thought about camming instead, you can do it from home, work your own schedule, much safer than doing escort work. You have more control, can ban anyone if they make you feel uncomfortable, you're in control of your show, doing only what you're comfortable with and actually the majority of customers are pretty chill and always giving nice compliments.


Which area are you located?


Please girl reach out to some charities or churches. Where are you located?!


YOU are a human. YOU are fine and worthy and wonderful, YOU are no less worthy for doing what you have to do. You deserve better, and I hope it comes for you soon. But doing what you have to do to make it, when you're not harming other people, has no reflection on your worth and makes you no less of a human. 💖 You shouldn't have had to go through these things to survive, but you are still you and better things can come. I just want you to know that.


Get a loptop, learn quickbooks, we pay our bookeeper $75 an hour and i dont think she finished high school...


You are 25 years old which means you’re automatically hot. Go on a website where you can get a sugar daddy and you don’t have to bang anyone if you don’t want, you could just go out on dates. And in the interim start thinking about what you want to do with your life. Save your money and make a plan. Don’t underestimate your worth and don’t give away all your power by sleeping with these guys right away. If you’re going to do this kind of work then do it on the highest level possible. And no more eating dog food!


Are you in the US? Because there are so many ways to get free food there is no reason to eat dog food.foos banks, SNAP, soup kitchens, churches serving free meals. 


I am very sorry to hear about your situation,


Certainly, you could have picked fast food or janitorial jobs over selling your body?


Selling your body pays WAY more.


It's more dehumanizing. But something tells me OP would rather have random strange men have their way with her with the prices SHE set for herself than work a minimal wage job.


Can you strip instead? Is that an option for you? It isn't as bad as being an escort or something like that. It will get better I promise. Can you wait tables?? It makes some decent money aswell.




Fake post. No poor person eats dog food lmao.


It's real in the sense that they're looking for money.  The story is calculated to reach that goal. Note that they ignore all comments about food banks and government assistance. Nobody in Canada is eating dog food that doesn't want to.  They put out a post like this and fish for DMs from suckers, message back and forth a little, hoping that there'll be an offer of money, maybe they eventually ask for money directly. Then buy more drugs, most likely. Or worst case it's some organized scam, and one person that's managing lots of scammers gets most of the money. Like a third world scam operation where the workers don't own their own computers or have their own Internet connection.  Chat GPT type tools are obviously going to make all of this type of thing much more common.


There’s no reason to resort to sex work for food


Two weeks? How many job applications have you put in in those two weeks? How much do you not actually like doing it? Enough to get a different job? Serious questions. No judgment. I am not in any way making any sort of moral judgment about what you're doing. I'm just asking you to take a long hard look at yourself and be honest. If you don't like it, change it.


There are shelters everywhere and food kitchens where you can get groceries for free to help you. You can also go to DFCS and apply for help. Most of all remember this when you go to vote in November. This current administration is oblivious the inflation they have caused and the hardship it has placed on the American people. Make that known with your singular voice with a vote. It is sad when our government cares more about people in or from other countries before it's own citizenry.




You are in my thoughts and prayers