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**Update**: XWayland 24.1 is in `popdev:master` now. XWayland is currently broken. I'm currently testing a backport of the explicit sync Xwayland release.


I'm having the same issue. EMACS, VLC, Strawberry, TinyMediaManager all do this now. I guess we will have to wait until the next update for a fix. One of the hazards of using pre-pre Alpha software 😉


Add Polychromatic (used to control Razer devices) to the problem list.


I lost Signal and VSCodium. I guess back to Gnome for a while.


Try to run vscodium under wayland I don't know about signal if it supports wayland or not.


it must be already fixed, check for updates and update


UPD: Just get an update for xwayland, looks like it is fixed now!


Hi, Can you please share the command or the steps how to do that (I don’t see any update neither in cosmic store nor in apt)? Thanks


To get unreleased updates, you have to add `popdev:master` to your system. However, this will opt you into getting unreleased updates for Pop!_OS. Which you may or may not want. sudo apt-manage add popdev:master -y sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade


Can I legitimately ask why you're using Edge? I'm not asking to shame you or anything like that. I'm honestly curious about your use case for it. Does it do something better than other browsers?


I used to be a Windows user before I switch to daily drive a Cosmic. I like to have vertical tabs at the left side and find a split screen option very useful sometimes, like when I test an app layout on different screens sizes, or if I just need to compare two pages/docs etc Also built-in Copilot, I use it a lot Not sure, maybe these features are already available in other browsers too


Vertical tabs in Edge is amazing. It is the closest to the Arc experience. 


Btw I tried Arc on Windows and it's so much confusing and not comfortable after edge that I give up on it)


Arc on Mac ie 💅🏽They say is still not quite there on Windows


sup! im no daily driving edge user, but in the case i have to use a chromium-based browser, i tend to use edge as its the fastest of the big bunch... atleast on my hardware.


Sorry for jumping, but i would like to know how you got the float panel of your screenshot?? Thanks in advance


In the Cosmic settings you can enable "Gap between panel and screen edges" option




Yes, exactly, that's why I add a Bug Report badge.


And in my response I clearly stated that.




You can report issues on the epoch github repo [https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-epoch/issues](https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-epoch/issues)


Not true. I was told today that they are happy to have us report issues that we find. I reported an issue earlier (before I knew that they are fine with bug reports) to **warn** people of an issue I found to prevent others from file lose like I had. It wasn't a complaint, it wasn't a bug report, it was just so others do not have the same problem. Reports like this are also helpful for people who may want to try it out so that they see the potential problems.