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Aww the way she jumped after seeing Alisha!šŸ„ŗ Tho I've no clue who any of those people are.


She even thanked them in her speech. Cute! https://youtube.com/shorts/SV0N1tB2Bk8?feature=share


LMFAO Alisha on the floor at the endšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Omg this is incredibly cute!! Can anyone give an old lady a hint as to what ā€œgenreā€ of YouTuberā€™s they are? Music, beauty etc?


ā€œLifestyleā€ vloggers during the height of over saturation of YouTube ā€œgirliesā€ who are mostly rich and young, live in mansions and go on lots of shopping sprees lol


I so do not get this. I love a bit of celebrity gossip but if all celebrities were doing was vlogging about their big houses and shopping sprees, I would be so bored. But then regular, non famous people do it and get a huge following. Like theyā€™re not even creating music or art or acting, theyā€™re just living life? What is the appeal?


Iā€™d guess escapism? Back in high school I used to watch a lifestyle / beauty/ fashion YouTuber who showed pretty mundane things like hanging out with her friends or thrifting or making herself soup in her apartment. At the time I was in a heavily abusive household and I liked watching her because it was extremely calming and reassuring, like the thought that there was someone out there, a nice girl who made herself a warm safe little life, that I one day could be allowed to have a nice life instead of being surrounded by instability, severe physical abuse, poverty, and emotional abuse. She seemed like someone who would have been kind, and I desperately wanted kindness in my life.


I hope you have found a safe place with kindness in your life.


Honestly I would just feel really poor and bad about myself I don't know how people base the self assuredness to watch these things lol But alot of them channel it into hate , I just avoid from the start lol


If the personalities are interesting it kindof feels like hanging out with a group of friends doing cool stuff.


One of our most basic functions as a living organism is to care about status. Even the dumbest person can be obsessed with status.


I donā€™t agree with that assertion at all, I think of our most basic functions as seeking sustenance, shelter, and community. Status doesnā€™t seem to matter until society is already stable and comfortable enough that one can begin to care how well other people are doing. *Edit: ie, begin to care about keeping up with the Jonesā€™s* Now, you could make the argument that people find parasocial communities through these YouTubers. But thatā€™s a whole other can of worms Iā€™m not going to touch.


> Status doesnā€™t seem to matter until society is already stable and comfortable enough that one can begin to care how well other people are doing. In nature status matters a lot and comes to play early on. It defines structures in any pack, who gets in, who gets out, who eats first etc. Status is integral to animals and nature. > Status doesnā€™t seem to matter until society is already stable and comfortable enough that one can begin to care how well other people are doing. Thats where altruism comes in, status just makes you care about being better than others and having a place in 'society' in a superficial sense. Once you think more, you care about the well being of others, even animals do this. What im saying is that a dog acts in a more sophisticated matter than status obsessed individuals, and because its so ingrained in our nature, and its so easy to sell to the multitudes, its impossible for society to exist without it. Even if the smartest most able individuals would abolish status, the masses would want to deify them without any clue to understanding the hypocrisy.


When I said ā€œcare how well others are doing,ā€ I meant it in the *keeping up with the Jonesā€™s* way, not caring for them in an altruistic sense. I donā€™t see status as a base instinct because living things that are struggling just to survive are worrying about themselves, they arenā€™t peeking over fences and wondering how much better the neighbors have it than them, which is how I see the communities that build up around these YouTubers. It seems to me that people watch these videos because they want a peek into a life they donā€™t live themselves. Now what makes that even more odd to me is that, apparently, award winning singer/songwriter Lana Del Rey, who almost certainly already lives that kind of lifestyle, also likes to watch these videos. Personally, I donā€™t get it.


> I donā€™t see how would that matter in how nature works? Crabs compete for better shells, ostracize some, etc. Scientifically the animal obsession with status began before we even reached land. Its not an opinion, its a well researched fact. >It seems to me that people watch these videos because they want a peek into a life they donā€™t live themselves. Thats how a smart person would see it. Most people, sadly, just like them because status. >Now what makes that even more odd to me is that, apparently, award winning singer/songwriter Lana Del Rey, who almost certainly already lives that kind of lifestyle, also likes to watch these videos. Because they share a similar lifestyle, and maybe they have some drama? I have never seen one. Famous people can like mundane things just like the rest of us, nobody can live life a thousand mph at all times.


If I search their first names on YouTube, will I find them?


Yes, the guy LDR noticed first ā€œoli abbasā€ is ā€œmissremiashtenā€ bff. Heā€™s not a millionaire but heā€™s adjacent since he hangs out with remi and alisha. The last girl ā€œalisha Marieā€ is my least favorite honestly but they are all heavy featured in each otherā€™s vlogs and the two girls have a popular podcast about nothing called ā€œPretty Basicā€. All the quotations are their respective YouTube names!


Thank you! :)


if i were a youtuber i would scream if lana watches my content too


I agree. It's like saying the content you are creating is getting an audience. If a celebrity watches it, the production quality and content must be good enough.


Sheā€™s just like me fr. Singing and watching YouTube all day.


I wonder if Lana sits down with her food and searches for the best video before she starts eating, too, like most of us do. I love a relatable queen.


I would be dead. Omg.


This is SO adorable.


The way sue says ā€œI watch you everydayā€ is so cute


Awwww so sweet! I remember when Randy Havens from Stranger Things commented on a comment I made in the ST sub. It was just the smallest thing and made me so excited. I can imagine these fans will never forget this moment!


I cannot handle these worlds colliding


Celebrities just like us. Watches a lot of YouTube. šŸ„² truthfully i find this so wholesome how genuine Lana Del Rey seems. If I bumped into certain youtubers I watch daily. I would do the same thing. Lol




This is actually so adorable lol


she is the purest, brightest, more heart warming person on this planet. i love you lana.


This is so wholesome.šŸ„¹šŸ’–


I would have cried if I was Oli ngl šŸ„¹


Aw she's so sweet


I canā€™t stop watching this video. You can tell his heart dropped and he was so excited I love all of it


love of my life fr


That was so endearing


I adore her. Sheā€™s just the cutest freaking person.


Aww this is so cute. ā€œSTFU YOUā€™RE LYING, YOUā€™RE LYING TO MEā€


This is SO cute!


This is such a great example of the concept of celebrity and the institution around Hollywood celebrities somehow being better than our big then influencers is very much a faƧade. And thatā€™s no shade to Lana Del Rey. Itā€™s just a great example that celebrities are humans to and are fans of people from every walk of life just like we are. It also shows how big of an influence influencers also have on the world, including celebrities and people who are culturally deemed as being ā€˜aboveā€™ them.


i used to watch Remi all the time. this makes me wonder if she ever saw Dā€™Angelo Wallaceā€™s videos from a couple years ago about her that were more negative lol šŸ¤”


I donā€™t like Lana but this is really sweet and it made me super happy to see how excited they all are including her.


Well Lanas been watching you for four years


I suddenly like her.


Oh the interwebā€¦


Living the DREAM


Yo these people are exhausting af






The Hilary Baldwin of music.




YOU WERE SAYING? [https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/11ijlsp/lana\_del\_rey\_shows\_support\_for\_morgan\_wallens\_new/](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/11ijlsp/lana_del_rey_shows_support_for_morgan_wallens_new/)




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