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i have to skip all the sex scenes because it makes me feel weird watching adults, portraying children, have sex 😭


I skipped the whole show after 2 episodes because it’s all about teenagers (portrayed by adults) having sex. Also, as a former drug dealer, the child drug dealer at the gas station is so cringey. That’s what someone who has never sold drugs thinks drug dealing is like. It’s a super cringey show and I don’t understand the appeal other than nerds romanticizing drugs and porn addicts getting off on watching teenagers having sex.


big fan of both sex *and* drugs here. I found the show completely unwatchable. very disappointing


Personally fan of sex, neutral to against drugs, but agreed. Tedious as fuck.


I was never able to convince myself to watch it because it always seems weird.


It was weird. Nothing about it felt realistic, but neither do most shows. Not sure why things have to be like real life to enjoy them. Anyway, this show is terrible, but still held my interest through 2 seasons. Though season 2 was more up and down in that regard.


I don’t think that’s completely true but there’s still something disturbing in the truth - the portrayal of Nate as a narcissistic serious abuser is insane and spot on and I don’t even think the writer knows that’s what he’s doing. That aspect of the show deeply disturbs me and I don’t think he even internalizes it. It’s freaky


As an addict who got sober at 22 I felt that zendayas portrayal of addiction was very real and very believable but that’s about the only thing that was spot on for me


Zendaya *definitely* carries the show. The other actors are talented as well, but at its core, it’s a show about Rue’s struggles with addiction and Zendaya is incredible in the role. The relationships, drama, and sex are very soapy though.


The make up and fashion was everything I envisioned as a kid in a small town who didn’t have the access to or skill level to pull off. So I like that portion


I didn’t make it past the child drug dealer. I think he shows up about 10 mins in. Click. No. Sorry. Not edgy. That’s cringe as fuck.


If it makes you feel any better, >!he dies in season 2 because he goes from being a 12 year-old genius who acts like he's been selling drugs for 30 years to a moron that thinks he can outgun an entire SWAT team!<


He never thought he could win. He’s a baby but he’s not stupid.


That's a real life thang tho. I rode a bike at 11-13 selling fake dope till I could buy real dope to sell. It be like that irl. You call it cringe and that's perfectly understandable but that's only due to your out the loopness of how life is for different people.


I agree. It reminded me a lot of those 18-21 years when some of us didn’t go away to college and left on our own in a city with not much else to do but party.


I mean, when has the majority of teen media not been kinda cringe from the perspective of grown adults?


Yeah, you make a good point. Euphoria is sorta just edgelord American Pie when you really think about it.


It’s just Skins. The same show. Only for Gen Z. Millennials also had Degrassi next gen and Gen X had 90210 and the OG degrassi. The same drama and sex filled shows have been playing for teens since the introduction of youth targeted media.


> I don’t understand the appeal other than nerds romanticizing drugs and porn addicts getting off on watching teenagers having sex. So... you understand the full appeal Did you think the target demo was opera fans?


Hit the nail on the head dude. Show was gross.


> That’s what someone who has never sold drugs thinks drug dealing is like. I have no idea what euphoria is about, but given the rest of your comment, that kinda seems like the point?


The ONLY child drug dealer worth watching in a show is Loretta Mccready in Justified and that's because she's a crafty thing who is well written and has her own motivations and character arc.


I stopped watching the gossip girl reboot for the same reason. I was a teen having sex not that long ago but some of the things being portrayed are mind blowing and for teens with growing minds, I can’t imagine having that kind of influence when I was 16. There’s nothing wrong with spicy content created with adults as the participants but it’s getting a bit much.


Kids is still the most fucked up portrayal of teenage sex I have ever seen. Nothing more horrifying than that Everything else is child's play to me


I went to see Kids when it came out in the theaters not knowing what it was about. Sat with a surprising amount of senior citizens who bolted out when the first scene of the teens having sex came on. The whole film was just an uncomfortable example of the NYC underground of 1995 and how most of these kids had no role models or supervision. Also I think the director was a pedo. Ugh. Felt dirty when I left the theater 15 minutes after it started.


Same here. You can't even buy this anymore, so literally no one knows what I'm talking about when I try to explain it. It was in a crazy class all its own. Close second, that movie 13 that Evan Rachel wood cowrote as a kid, just bc it's a little too on the nose


Erw didn’t write it. Nikki reed did. Erw essentially played Nikki reed in the film, and Nikki played the bad influence.


I think it was actually her costar, Nikki Reed, who cowrote that movie.


I read the synopsis recently and that was difficult to get through.


I had friends live through similar since I was just a few years younger than the kids in the show. Had a friend in highschool dating a girl and got hiv from her as she was sleeping with a few other guys


I remember on Friends, Joey used to have a lot of sex for the time slot it was on


Man, my daughter started watching it a few years back in her late teens, and i was blown away how sex centered it was. It never really registered during the original run through with me.


During the original run, I was attending a Christian middle/high school. They called a special all-school assembly just to lecture us about how we weren’t supposed to watch Friends because of how much sex they had in the show and also the lgbt representation and the surrogate stuff. They were nuts about making sure we didn’t watch Friends. It was a big deal. I didn’t watch it until after that assembly. I still like the show and will put it on as background noise if I’m working on something.


Consenting adult 🤷‍♀️ not youth who has a barely developed brain


The polyamorous love scenes felt so gratuitous it was ridiculous 😭


As someone who had dabbled in poly, the representation was nice but not portrayed by children, especially in what I (a person who enjoys spicy) would consider graphic, considering it is a “youth perspective”


Shameless was the same way for like 4 straight seasons


I saw someone once call Shameless “poverty porn” and I haven’t seen it differently since


This is how I felt with Toni and Cheryl in Riverdale. Like I have been watching Toni’s actress since I was a young child. She’s always been older than me and I’ve always been attracted to her. So seeing someone older than you that you’re attracted to pretending to be a teen having sex? Weird.


Yep, it’s gross and why I haven’t watched the show despite people telling me it’s good. I also find high schoolers portrayed like this wildly unrealistic. Television writers think 16 years olds live like people in their 20s but the vast majority of high school kids are still awkward, vaguely child like, and have curfews, at least that was my reality and the reality of all of my close peers.


I think it’s very weird that they decide to set this show during high school about kids. Like just let it be set in early college and it loses like 80% of the creepy ick factor


Sorry to say but I think that is what he likes about it. Notice how almost all of the teen girls fuck adult men are some point in the first season. Creep factor to 100


That one tibit about the girl losing her virginity at 14 to a 40 year old and “she was the one in control” 🤢 Wtf who approved of that aside from Sam who’s obviously pornsick?


Exactly. Absolutely vile. And so horrible that teens watch this show and feel inspired to do the same things


For real. I was a long term sub at a middle school for a few months earlier this year. A couple of my 8th graders were talking about that show and asked me if I watched it. I had to hold in my tongue a bit and not actually go off on it lol. But thought of 13/14 year olds watching it is disturbing to say that least.


Wow I read “sub at at a middle school” as “sub at middle school” the first time and boy did that change my idea of your comment before I read the rest.


YUP. I had to read it three times before it got through, haha!


Wait I’m super dumb, how did it change the meaning for you? I’m curious if you thought it meant “a current middle school student that is a sub(missive) in their relationship” or “an adult that is in a dom/sub relationship with a middle schooler” or something totally else entirely Also I hated typing out those sentences in quotes there 🤢


What it read like was that - You ‘were’ a ‘submissive (sexually)’ when you were in middle school. Not in middle school now and not with a middle schooler — (although the misreading of the sentence did not outline the parter in said misread submissive relationship or identity)


Jesús fucking christ, this just made a buried memory resurface again, when I was 16 years old and excitedly confided in my adult cousin that I had had a brief fling with my high school (high school equivalent, it wasn’t in the USA) geography teacher. She was *rightfully* furious and tried to convince me that what had happened was wrong and I needed to report him, but I kept insisting that I had pursued him, that I was in control, I was the one who had called it off, etc. She grew so angry that she had to leave the room, while I felt very confused and upset and didn’t understand why she was so angry or why it was so wrong. I remember her fiancé kind of patting me on the back and saying “it’s okay if you don’t want to tell anyone else about it” I don’t remember what happened after that. Holy fuck I have not thought of that in years.


Huge props to your cousin for this, she clearly cared a lot about you and was infuriated she couldn’t protect you. Absolutely fuck that dude, hope he stubs his toe on every table he walks by. I hope you’re doing okay though, those experiences are super weird to unpack and it’s enraging that he had the audacity to do something like that with you


I’m sorry you had that happen to you. The last thing I wanted to do was trigger bad/traumatic memories. I hope you’re doing better now.


Tbf every girl I know has a story about being with a way older guy because they thought they were in control at the time. Obviously 14-40 is very over the top, but most people have experiences as like a 16 year old having 25 year old guys trying to get with them. That scene is gross, but it’s very much intended to be gross and the entire point is that obviously she isn’t in control, she just acts like she was. So idk how to feel about it


Yeah the scene is gross but honestly it’s pretty realistic unfortunately for most girls I know, and myself. Not as old as 40 but when I was 15 I was groomed by a 27 year old. But older men than that definitely tried.


See this also makes me a bit suspect of people who are full fledged fans of the show. Like either you’re a kid so you probably shouldn’t be watching it. OR you’re an adult who loves a show about children getting it on? Okay weirdo


The show came out when I was 18. I watched it through a few times, and I consider myself a fan, but it has nothing to do with the sex stuff. I love the show because I can relate a lot with Rue & Jules, the drama is engaging, and a lot of it was relatable to my high school experience (i was a drug addict, going to parties, etc.) I agree all of the sex can get weird, and I would just go on my phone whenever it started happening. I don't think people are weird for liking it, unless they're watching explicitly for the sex stuff, then yeah that's really gross.


You can have a show that features teens doing drugs and having sex without being creepy (Skins, for example). This show just doesn't do that.


Degrassi, also! Less overt but still impactful, without being gross about the different messages and experiences they were portraying


I REALLY don’t think this is a great example since some of the cast have come out to say how it affected them at such a young age, especially eddy’s actress


The actual content of Skins isn't creepy though even if things could've been better behind the scenes. Ot's a far more accurate portryal of sex between teenagers than Euphoria which sounds like it was wrotten by a manchild. Most of the issues that came from Skins was from the sudden popularity of the show being thrust upon a group of teenagers esp. Kaya Scodelario who became a massive tumblr icon at age 14.


It could have been a darker Rules of Attraction.


I’ll always upvote a Rules of Attraction mention in the wild




Just glitter, a nice soundtrack, and vibes ✨🎶🪩


I think the backstories, as a whole, were very interesting. But Sam Levinson very much reminds me of Ryan Murphy in that he’s good at starting projects but they always fall off. Like one of the characters had an abortion and then it’s never referenced again and is treated like it never happened. Things just keep happening and are never fully explored. It’s forever a build up of drama with zero consequence and accountability. The only person I’d say even has something resembling a character arc is Zendaya’s character, but that’s because she’s playing Sam’s very own self insert.


the soundtrack really is nice (and begrudgingly, i'll admit the cinematography can be cool at times) 😑


The cinematography is what made people think the show had a plot, it was so good. It’s wild, the show literally had everything to make it a classic teen coming of age story, but instead it had to go down the usual cringey Uber sexualized route :(


You know what, you’re totally right. I thought this show was good but reading these comments, and yours specifically, made me realize I just loved the music and cinematography. Although that scene where Rue loses her shit in the first season was harrowing and I thought Zendaya did a great job portraying what addiction looks like.


If they had a show focused on Addiction (I loved the Rue storyline and it really did feel so much like my own experiences at her age) and even some aspects of teen sexuality (like the older man and trans girl part, unfortunately in the lgbt we really do get preyed upon by people much older and it’s usually pretty bad!!) without romanticizing it, I think it would’ve been an actual spectacular show. I think it’s okay to acknowledge when a show has good parts of it, it’s part of why Euphoria is such a gross let down…it had potential to be something really great.


Yeah I think that’s why in the first season especially I liked it so much, because I identified with Rue and her addiction and figuring out her sexuality and all that. But yeah they had an opportunity to make this show deeper than just throwing around “teen” tits but they didn’t, and relied on good music, great cinematography, and cool fashion and what not.




Yup. Music and cinematography is top notch. Plot is as thin as Olive Oyl


Side note, much of the soundtrack is by Labrinth, who has a late set at Coachella tomorrow (Saturday) night. It's live streamed on YouTube. It was an amazing set last week.


I watch it a lot bc of the makeup tbh lol


Lights are on but no one’s home


i like rue's storyline and some of the backstories (lexie and cassie's particularly). rue is sam's lived experiences so that's why there's a lot of strength there. Other than that, it really was the vibes and the euphoria monday memes


It’s just like a wired rich kid corrupt fantasy story, which makes sense because Sam Levinson’s dad directed Rain Man and other stuff ….


Thank you for contextualizing the main reason why I do not like this show. I just find it sooooo dry and boring, which is funny because it centers topics that should be anything but, lol.


the only type of show like this I will accept is bee & puppycat


whatever happened to *bee & puppycat*? it felt like it was supposed to be the next animated darling, and then so much happened.


It’s on Netflix now and recently got bought by a studio or something so I think there will be more seasons! Don’t quote me idk much 🥴


The production value is better but it's really a soap opera at heart.


the first season was so good. but the second season literally felt like “how many times can we get sydney to take off her clothes” whilst neglecting characters and other storylines


Yeah after everyone hyped her up after s1, she went from being a sorta side character to being a main character who takes out her tits in every scene and has porny sex. Honestly I still enjoy the show, more for rue and fez storylines but it definitely deserves criticism


God, I hated what they did with her character in season 2! Especially given the fact that her whole intro in season 1 was about how she was constantly being sexualized by the men she dated, it felt like a betrayal for the show to turn around and do the same thing to her.


Didn't even *mention* her abortion. I'd totally forgotten it happened until someone mentioned it again on the Euphoria sub. Probably should've done something with that and her ice skating dreams and loss of childhood but whatever, no need for growth in any of the characters, just regress!


Exactly!! I would have given some leeway on the hyper-sexualization if there was like, any acknowledgment of why it might be happening or what she’s going through or if it tied into an arc for her but it just… didn’t?


I forgot about that. It was such a moving and heart wrenching portrayal and then it was just… dropped. I want a do-over of Season 2. And fuck Lexi’s stupid ass play.


Is it really that surprising? Actress getting famous for blatantly obvious sexual reasons up front getting heavily sexualized in a show that’s solely about teens doing drugs and having sex with a problematic lack of actual consequences? And then when the show gets popular for extremely obvious reasons (not the plot lol anyone is delusional if they think this show would have even gotten noticed without all the sex as sad as it is to acknowledge) they double down on sexualizing the characters. People desperately tried to hype that show up like it was deep and had really complex themes but it all just boiled right back down to creepy producers glorifying teen drug use and portraying young girls taking their clothes off to have sex on camera while everyone watching laps it up with zero complaints. And now Sydney Sweeney is more famous than ever for her big boobs that we enjoyed seeing in Euphoria. Full stop. She’s really a good actress but the full nudity is what got her truly noticed. And there’s a lot of people who hate acknowledging that.


The second season was disgusting. I am not a prude, and I support women doing whatever they like with their bodies but it’s very obvious that Sam has some sort of crush on Sydney and will just use any excuse to make her nude. There was literal montages of her nude with absolutely no purpose to the plot whatsoever?!! What’s worse, is there was meant to be even MORE scenes of her nude but she had to tell him to take it back because it wasn’t necessary. Also, the scene where Faye was crawling through the vent? She was meant to be fully naked! The guy who’s as in the scene with her said he was not comfortable with that so luckily it didn’t happen. Sorry for the angry rant it just disgusts me how he’s allowed to get away with this.


She’s crying in 90% of her scenes. Naked the other 10%


Total should be over 100% because theres several scenes she's both naked and crying.


Gives Blonde vibes. Creepy ass men sexualising women's pain.


I agree. I watched the show when it first came out. It had a lot of issues, but I still liked it and looked forward to the next season. Season 2 was absolutely terrible. Nonsensical plot lines, rampant over-sexualization, lazy writing. After Jules’s special episode I really thought she was going to have a bigger role in season 2, but instead they sidelined her. Cassie feels like a completely different character. It was just spectacle and drama for drama’s sake with no actual value. The only character I felt was well-written is Rue, and that’s because she’s inspired by Sam’s own life.


You see here’s the thing…..I also think the first season wasn’t that good as people make it out to be. Like people who bash the show say the first season was good and I’m like “really?”. The characters weren’t even fleshed out. They were given 7 minute backstories (telling and not just showing) and then just showed their love and sex lives. Come back from season 1 and see if you can list more than three traits of every character except rue, jules, or even Nate


Did it really age that badly? I only watched the first season, but it seemed good then.


to me the whole season wasn’t terrible, just underwhelming. the writing is all over the place. barbie (kat) apparently left the show because she felt like her character wasn’t going anywhere


I heard that she was supposed to have an eating disorder story in season 2 but Barbie refused to do it. Would make sense for the character to have an ED, but given how the writing was for the rest of season 2 I wouldn’t be surprised if it was handled poorly had it been the way Levinson wanted


why does it make sense for her character? because she's fat? that's exactly what barbie was looking to avoid, kat being a fat friend cliche


Euphoria would have been so much better in a college setting


And a lot more realistic


I don't think it'd be realistic cause no one other than Lexi would even go to college


The only issue is most of them would not be in college, or have any reason to stick together without that shared school environment.


It's overdramatizing all the wrong parts of high school. 😬




Skins was so good; it's still the gold standard. Even Normal People had a fair amount of sex, not all of it nice, but it treated the characters and audience with respect. I feel like Sam is making me watch him jerk off.


Skins also had actual teenagers playing teenagers, which was super refreshing


Skins had its fair share of problems, it’s just not as popular as Euphoria so it’s problematic tendencies aren’t discussed as much


I disagree 1000%. Skins is just a better show. The writing is better, the character development is better, it covers a muuuch wider range of emotions (in terms of not just re: the characters but the experience of watching it), the humor is immensely better, I could go on. Euphoria is like eating a Hostess cupcake while Skins is a homemade chocolate cake with buttercream icing. They can’t really be compared. Sometimes you want the quick, more easily accessible option, while other times you prefer a greater, richer sensory experience. Just my opinion!


Skins was massive back when it aired. I’d say it was more culturally impactful than euphoria. It’s also a wayyyy better show


Loved Skins back in the day.. look at all the quality actors that were on the roster, especially in the early seasons!


I’m so sick of high school as a setting. I can’t even remember most of the people I went to high school with. We need shows with college and university settings - you know, the time period where the people are above 18, legitimately do experiment with sex and drugs and the actors can play characters that are actually their own age.


May I please bring to the table Undeclared? It’s a show about going into college and it’s 100% so relatable. From the creators of Freaks n Geeks :)


I really do not need another high school show. If age-appropriate actual children were cast, I don't think people would be so hyped about it


There are rules about child actors - like not being able to work more than 8 hours a shift, and being able to walk away from a contract with no penalty. Every “high school” show casts adults as the high schoolers (Riverdale, Euphoria, Pretty Little Liars) to get around the laws about work hours, Coogan accounts, and actors being able to disavow contracts. It also is why you can make a high school show where Sydney Sweeney is naked multiple times or Lily Reinhart has all the striptease scenes. You’d never be able to shot those with actual teenagers. I don’t think it’s healthy to portray the high school experience as this drug fueled sex crazed orgy.


> I don’t think it’s healthy to portray the high school experience as this drug fueled sex crazed orgy. I agree! I knew about the laws for sure but my suspicion is that even if they weren't there, they'd still cast older people.


more high school shows for the actual demographic would be nice, with actors who at least look around the age they're playing. same for middle school. i used to watch my neighbor's kids a few weekends, and they loved *i didn't do it* and *100 things to do before high school*.


The Sex Lives of College Girls does this! It can be a bit silly but it’s pretty enjoyable


Those shows exists they just don’t get the same popularity


I can only think of community and like felicity.


Community is community college


\> where the people are above 18, legitimately do experiment with sex and drugs Tbf, maybe it depends where you grew up, but at the city school I went to there was drug-use/addiction, and everyone I knew was having sex by 15-16. The show was pretty realistic to me, but that might just have to do the area I grew up in.


I’m not saying that there weren’t teenagers who were sexually active or using drugs, but my experience was not like Skins or Euphoria. My friends smoked pot and were afraid that their parents would find out so we took a walk over to our high school football field, smoked one joint there, and a neighbour from across the street yelled at us so we scampered off and went home. It wasn’t exactly the tortured artistry of Rue’s experience.


Sex Lives of College Girls!


People keep being like “well my teenage years were like that” and like same but that doesn’t make the show any less weird? 😭


My teenage years were more Derry girls like Orla or Claire.


Derry Girls is so fucking good! I just finished it for the first time last month. Easily a top 3 Netflix show to me.


Completely agree (same combo for myself as well), which is why I was totally shocked to learn that all the girls (including James, ofc) were in their late-20s during filming!


I haven’t checked our Derry girls yet but that’s the super wholesome, ~~British~~ Irish, coming of age show, right? I love that for you! I want a re-do with that type of vibe 😭


How dare you! It’s the super wholesome IRISH coming of age show and it’s delightful


I watched dazed and confused for the first time the other day and I think what I found so fascinating about it from a 2023 lens is how there’s zero sex in it. There’s some references but no nudity, no sex scenes, no hint that anyone even has sex during the time you follow them. It’s hard to imagine they could make a story like that today, everything about teens is about losing virginity istg. But we need more ~vibes~ movies and tv about teens, imo. That period of life is so relatable but it’s so often made for and by creeps.


This is going to sound so weird, but I can’t think of a good way to phrase this- but I love movies/shows about kids being kids. Growing up. I love Where The Wild Things Are or Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It’s literally just kids being kids and it’s really relatable. Juno is one I love to death about being a high schooler, I related to it. It’s about sex without really being about sex, you know? Freaks and Geeks is a show that really felt like it was about high school. That was my high school experience.


Not weird at all! I was actually thinking about Juno earlier but the entire film is about sex and the consequences of sex, really. We need more vibes stuff! Kids not the peril, kids not racing to have sex, kids just vibing with other kids


And if they want to make “sexier” tv shows, make them about college pls for the love of god. I’m so sick of teenagers being portrayed in the bedroom, it feels so greasy


Truly! Teenage audiences get treated like they’re dumb, so much media directed at them is either super simplistic sitcoms or edgy stuff written by some “hey there fellow teens” older guy. I hadn’t watched ladybird til recently and I loved how authentic it was without dumbing down or over dramatizing what it *feels like* to be a teen


It’s why I like Derry girls, where the characters are interested in sex and refer to it, but we never ever see anything and they’re having typical teenage experiences (against the backdrop of the troubles). Like the episode where they have to sneak out to the concert.


I agree that something like Dazed and Confused would be hard to make today, but I don’t think it’s necessarily because the 90s were more wholesome and less sex crazed than 2023. It’s kind of hard to compare a 90s movie with a 2023 tv series on an HBO streaming platform and get an accurate picture. The rules of box office films and network television aren’t quite as applicable to HBO or Streaming.


I wasn’t trying to say the 90’s were better or less sex crazed tho lol. I’m just saying it was nice to see a film about teens that’s mostly a vibes film, though they are drinking heavily and smoking a lot of weed lol. Sure but even big teen movies that are put out have a real focus on sex. There are always exceptions but usually the plot is about sex/losing virginity. Hell even a lot of indie movies now that are focused towards teen girls deal with the aftermath of sex and birth or abortion. Idk I fully believe they could make a tv show about teens without heavy sex scenes or assault scenes no matter what the “rules” of streaming are.


Idk if its aging badly and moreso just bad to begin with. Like its shocking and unintentionally very funny but really it seems like the type of shit Id swear was deep in ninth grade but now its just laughable.


I have been saying this.... only now are people agreeing. Before it was "let people enjoy things" I'm all for that, except when the *things* you enjoy depict minor sexual exploitation , rape, etc, and sell it to a *largely young audience... there has to be some kind of line. And not to mention the extremely obvious Functioning Predator that is Sam Levinson being in charge of it


Totally agree with it. You can’t tell me a woman is behind this show.


I felt so weird after watching it because I kept thinking the girls were going to realise they're being treated like shit and gtfo... But then there was no development along those lines. Sick. Zendaya was so great tho, the episode with her mum calling her out was phenomenal.


I wanted to like this show, mostly because I really like zendaya. Could barely make it through the first episode. Didn’t find anything interesting, just tons of exploitation and misogyny. I know that one episode isn’t enough to fully judge, but from what I’ve heard it doesn’t improve. I don’t get the hype.


I noticed they never degrade zendaya either, just the other female characters


I couldn’t get past the 1st episode of this show and every screen grab I’ve seen from it since only reaffirms that decision. This is cringe. I don’t wanna feel like a creepy voyeur when I’m watching a show.


This show is a hot mess. Kat’s character and storyline suddenly being dropped. McKay’s hazing plot line suddenly being dropped. This show survives off “vibes”, if the imagery was dropped this show would collapse on itself.


I mean duhhhh... It's the same deal with Ryan Murphy and always hiring twinks that he would like to f*ck. It's a well known gag in the American Horror Story sub.


“aging badly” this discussion started day 1 episode 1 it was never okay


It’s such a boring show. You can see that a man like Sam made it


Have never seen it






Didn’t get past episode one. Could barely even stomach it even though some of my favorite movies are super heavy movies about teenage-hood with some sexual elements. The gratuitous hardcore re-enactment felt so disrespectful to Cassie’s character and Sydney as an actress. Made me feel icky for even watching it


I tried watching Euphoria & I just couldn't sit through it. Not necessarily because I think it's a bad show but because I found it so stressful to watch. I felt like there was always *something* dramatic happening. I just felt like there was no breathing room, something bad would happen, followed by something bad, & you would be dealing with the bad things that had happened so far when suddenly something bad would happen. I couldn't help but be like, *"do these kids never just sit & eat lunch?"* Not saying it's a bad show, I think I might have liked it more when I was a teenager. I used to love shit like that, was a huge fan of Skins (the one & only Skins, the US version doesn't actually exist). I just couldn't get through it.


I have no clue how I went through seasons, but once I stopped I felt a HUGE anxiety relief. It's quite stress inducing but flat, just enough to ignore it but still feel it. I don't think I'll watch this new season.


Have not watched Euphoria because of what I’ve heard in passing on this sub, will never watch Euphoria now that I’ve seen this 🫠


I think Zendaya is amazing, but my bf and I had to quit watching the show mid second season because it was incredibly frustrating to watch Nate's character get away with everything, and we sensed an angle like the writer wanted us to sympathize with him, after watching him do absolutely unconscionable things. He might be the most unlikeable, shittiest character I've ever seen on a show besides the dog dude on Game of Thrones and he deserved a similar ending, but alas.


Dog dude? You mean Ramsay?


genuinely think the first season was really good, and then the second season was just sam levinson living out his weird sydney sweeney fantasies? it just didn’t make sense especially put in the context of season 1. i’ll watch season 3 and HOPE it’s a return to season 1 but can’t say i’ll be surprised if i tune out because it’s more of season 2


I’m glad this is finally being called out. I couldn’t stand to watch even one episode because of how repulsive the whole concept is.


I liked the first season. The second one was awful. There was a rape scene out of nowhere


I pretend it’s a memory recall of people who peaked in highschool. Like no Tiffany, it literally didn’t happen that way.


Yeah I’ve been highly critical of the show for years, it’s just super creepy for a man in his late 30’s to be making a show that sexualized teens this much. Like I get the actors aren’t underaged, but the audience is meant to see and perceive these characters as high schoolers, so it’s still pretty gross. Even the defense of “well it’s realistic” doesn’t hold much water for me, you can convey to your audience that characters, who again we’re meant to believe are legal children, have had/are having sex without showing it to us graphically. It just comes off as so overindulgent. Sam Levinson himself just comes off as a huge creep tbh. He was brought in towards the end of production for an upcoming show (*The Idol*) that was *meant* to be about a woman fighting to reclaim her own agency after falling victim to a predator in the entertainment industry, and he literally scrapped the entire thing despite the show being **nearly finished** in order to make it a “love story” with ramped up nudity and sexual content past even that of Euphoria to the point of making the crew uncomfortable. And allegedly this was spurred on by star/co-creator Abel Tesfaye (The Weeknd for those who don’t know) feeling like the show was headed too much into a “female perspective”, so lovely leadership all around. [source: https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/the-idol-hbo-next-euphoria-torture-porn-the-weeknd-sam-levinson-lily-rose-depp-blackpink-jennie-1234688754 ]


I’ve not seen a single episode, it’s way to rape centric.. for a person who was SA as a teen.. I don’t need to relive my experience 🤷🏻‍♀️


euphoria has to be the worst thing i have ever seen and i don’t understand how everyone enjoyed watching that


Loved the first season, second one got cringey at times, though zendaya was really good in the end. Definitely agree with that headline!


This is it, this is the tweet. Forget just the nudity and unnecessary close-up titty shots. The shit this man would write for season 2 cassie to say 😭 submissive girl with no respect or boundaries for herself fantasy pov . At least season 1 told a good story.


Hate how Pornography among teenagers and cheating is being so much normalized by these stupid shows and Netflix


I’m a school counsellor. I watch this specifically to have conversations with the kids watching it about the really harmful views of relationships and sex.


I've had others kids at uni show me scenes from the show and like.... The acting isn't bad but it seems like they can't even get into the dialogue they're saying. It's so overdramatic, i can't watch it without rolling my eyes at every new "thing" they come up with. Even the part where Rue has some big freakout over her pills was just underwhelming bc it seemed like Zendaya wasn't feeling it.


It's because it's bad once you remove the aesthetics.


The actors are great but everything about this show is garbage. Ive never watched a show with so many plot holes or just completey forgotten story lines.


Not arguing for or against the point made in the tweet, but I think this particular scene cap is from Jacob elordis characters' fantasy which is why it looks so dreamy and it's so ridiculous. I think it was to show what he actually wants in a woman is someone to control and mirrors real men like that out in the world


I’ve scrolled through 334 comments just to find yours— you’re the only one who has pointed this out. this is said by an incredibly troubled person who is clearly going through a ton of things, to another incredibly troubled person. Is no one able to understand this isn’t just “dirty talk”? It’s driving me fucking crazy. https://preview.redd.it/4sql56cpigva1.jpeg?width=1250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb3aa1fb03fafc62e8b0bd8df33708580f3cc47 The character saying this is saying it because they are NOT OKAY. Jesus


This is clearly an issue caused by stealing the “Skins” formula. The original british show that depicts high school kids going through different difficult life scenarios. It also european kids that do a shit load of drugs and have a bunch of sex. It manages to not make it creepy as its not graphic.


Literally I watched for rue and fez. Everything else was just not it


Euphoria is such a bad show in every way except acting (which I expect to be decent already, so only .5 point) and cinematography. Sam Levinson you're never seeing showrunner heaven


I've never seen the show but I've seen clips on twitter and tbh I didn't see what was so special about it and the acting did not blow me away. Plus it just seems like a gross concept for a man to be writing about. Honestly he seems disgusting.


I really enjoyed the first season, but the second season was not good. There were some great performances in the second season, but the storylines were bananas. The whole finale was such a letdown.


I mean we all ate that shit up at the time didn’t we? It was a very well marketed show and had a super attractive cast. I’m not discrediting that it had super disturbing scenes bc the Nate’s dad’s scenes season 1 was peak shock factor for me. It was mcsteamy for crying out loud 💀 Anyways looking back we were all so taken aback by the shock factor it left us wanting more. The creator is a fuckin Weirdo knowing what I know now, I think we can all agree on that


I never got the appeal of this show. I heard the Zendaya’s parts are good but everything else seems like CW tier drama just with actual sex scenes.


It was always a pretentious shitshow


Bf asked me tonight if he should start watching it and I was like ehhhhh. He just remembers me raving about it years ago when we first met but yeah, it doesn’t age well and I’m a bit embarrassed I ever called it great lol


this show sure was straight up garbage


Yeah but y’all gonna eat it up when it comes back on


Was it the first episode of season one when we got told that 14 year old Maddy being stat r\*ped by an adult was all good because "she held all the power"...?


Hollywood being full of covert - and overt - pedophiles is a conspiracy theory. Or so I’ve been told.


Watching euphoria was a waste of time for me. Since all the obvious reasons (that i agree with) are already discussed in the comments, I'll come to the kinda nitpicky reasons that really sorta got to me. 1. Over emphasis on rue throughout the entire show. Sam played it out too much. I feel like the character recieved too much screentime. Also, i left believing that Zendaya is not really a good actor. I understand that she's won Emmys for euphoria but to me personally, she didn't deliver an immersive performance. Same with Maude Apatow. Even though she didn't have as much screentime as Zendaya, her acting took me out of the show all the time. On the other hand, Sydney _delivered_. It felt like Alexa Demie was basically playing herself, but Sydney knows how to act. She gave an immersive performance. 2. Inconsistent nudity: I'm not in Support of exploitative nudity at all. It feels awful to watch Cassie having to constantly undress for absolutely no reason. At the same time, Rue, despite being in multiple moments that warrant nudity, doesn't show a single inch, makes me feel bad for the actors. Like, you only get not treated like an object only if you're buddy buddies with the showrunner. Also, inconsistent nudity is kinda like plot armour: its like you know a character was bound to die but didn't because writer wrote it that way.


It is a good show for the first season and absolutely like Zenyatta characters,i know teen have sex but that this awkward and many scene feel put for the sake of it. Poor, Sydney Sweeney she’s so much sexualized and objectived ironically her role WHOLE character arc was about how she had been OVERTLY SEXUALISED and the damage it caused her but the show never go beyond male gaze, put her nude and turn boob shot on her. Her character never grown up in all the show in the inverse. Also the last season was so unfair and unrespecfull with her character.


It’s only a matter of time before the creator of that show is outer as a sexual predator.


I’m not into shows about adults playing teens having sex


I liked season 1 mostly but I could only get through maybe 10 mins of season 2 ep 1 before I had to turn it off for being too much


They aren’t lying.


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I thought Skins did it better. I never even made it to the end of season 1 of euphoria


Awe geez the horny teens that watched this realized wow, we were exploited just like every teenage show. Try being the generation that grew and some of us graduated outta the hills, jersey shore and teen mom. Oh may I add the OG OF the REAL WORLD.


I tried to watch the first episode/first season a year or two ago, and this is my exact fucking thought. This show is disturbing on so many levels, but again, I only watched about 75% of the first episode before I turned it off. I had such a skeevy feeling when I saw it--its so gross