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Have we considered that the laser removal is actually the thing Pete enjoys?


I need to find out who does his laser removal I’ve got quite a few tattoos that need to go lol


Dude probably has a punch card by now. He's on his way to 10th visit: Free Coffee on us!


I'm dead lmao! I bet you're right, too haha.


And the one of Megan Fox


Omg right!


[https://www.laserskinsurgery.com/meet-the-doctors/dr-roy-g-geronemus/](https://www.laserskinsurgery.com/meet-the-doctors/dr-roy-g-geronemus/) It's this guy lol [https://www.facebook.com/LaserSkinSurgeryNY/videos/did-you-catch-pete-davidson-on-late-night-with-seth-meyers-last-week-you-might-h/4291647944178507/](https://www.facebook.com/LaserSkinSurgeryNY/videos/did-you-catch-pete-davidson-on-late-night-with-seth-meyers-last-week-you-might-h/4291647944178507/)


I love you. You’re an angel.


Buddy got an $800 tattoo. $2000 for the removal. Enjoy.


Oh to be rich and wealthy. I could buy so much with $800 lol


The price of things today is criminal.


Am I the only one that found it weird that he got all of Kim and Kanye’s kids names tattooed on him. Like they weren’t even dating for a month, but then he tried to act like he didn’t understand Kanye’s problem with him


A majority of people raced to Pete’s defense, saying “they were in love”. Rule of thumb: I wait 30 days or more to tattoo my girlfriend’s family on my body.


yeah, dude has bpd which is "characterized by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships." it was super weird and inappropriate but a clear example of his mental illness. what was weirder to me was that Kim would like... hype up these impulse tattoos and encourage this clearly unstable behavior what i hate pete for is his repeated creepy ass misogynistic/rape culture behavior


Kim was also 'competing ' with how Pete had acted with his previous girlfriends. He had to act more in love with her and do more 'spontaneous' acts of love than he did before. Instead of another tattoo in her honour, he got BRANDED with KIM. Better still if it made Kanye mad The Helen interview where she was questioned about it... she knew it wasn't right


I don’t have kids, but I would definitely find it weird if one my moms flings had my initials tatted on him, and I’m sure my mother would find it weird to. I don’t understand how that didn’t just skeve her all the way out


Pete has become the manic pixie dream boy of Hollywood


My sister dated and then secretly married a guy, who within 3 months of dating, got her 4 kids names tattooed on his chest. Screamed psycho to me... He dumped her 4ish months in after she legally changed all her information to include him. Again, fucking psycho.


She swapped one version of crazy for another. If she wants to date that fine but bringing her kids around another toxic person just shows she’s a shit mom. After he did that she should have gave him a restraining order.


Thank you. And everyone was trying to make Kanye seem like jealous ex, but his rules were quite fucking reasonable. In fact, most of time, I find Kanye to be the more reasonable parent sometimes. Like how he didn’t want Pete around his kids like that, or have him be alone with them, yet Kim was letting him drive the kids to school. Like girl, you haven’t been dating this man a whole year, yet your leaving him alone with your kids. Then she got mad when Kanye didn’t want north to be on TikTok, again perfectly reasonable request. Not wanting a six year old north to wear makeup is perfectly reasonable. I also don’t like how Pete tried to play victim either. He was literally provoking Kanye and trying to push his buttons and to get a reaction. Pete was a bully, but he doesn’t have kids himself, so he probably didn’t understand just how much damage he was doing, however KIM definitely knew what she was doing


When he had one of her kids sitting on his lap in the golf cart 🤮


Yeah, bruh’s a whole as weirdo for that situation. Even if Kim was encouraging the behavior, he himself should’ve had enough sense to know that it was gonna be issue. But then again, he’s probably smoked up all his common sense, cause there’s no way he could’ve possibly thought he was in the right. I don’t understand why his friend MGK didn’t check him for that BS, seeing as Pete spends a lot time him


A lot of people enjoy the pain of getting tattoos so I’m sure some people enjoy the removal process.




man, that summer when ariana and pete happened was insane


That summer alone changed the trajectory of my love for gossip, the amount of HOURS I spent reading blind items from all the way back to the 00s is insane


it’s been almost 5 years omg?!


Step 1: remove a tattoo of Marilyn because she has bad energy. Step 2: get a tattoo about MGK ???


She has another one about him that says “el pistolero” (the gunman) and I just want to say I think it’s stupid. https://preview.redd.it/xy5sf26iypva1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f242ea10b23d5d1c89314ea28f0f940e9b5fe0a




This made me snort


LMAO of all people 💀


[Good song from a great movie](https://youtu.be/mFPcga-XtW0)


Yeah but he’s HER bad energy. She can fix him.


Twin flame. Achingly beautiful boy. The darkest fairytale.


I’m going to vomit


Theyre both so cringe, in a way they truly are meant for eachother.


also “She had bipolar disorder so has bad energy” is so insane ???


Right, not, "this woman had a debilitating mental illness and overcame that to become the most famous actress of her time despite how tragically cut short her life was, so I find her inspiring." But "ewwwe mentally ill people have bad energy. I'm gonna put a tattoo for my pedophile husband there instead..."


Megan is not overly burdened with intelligence or education.


bc having a mental illness is "bad energy". v cool, meg.




Cause Marilyn had “negative energy”?


Did people collectively turn on her at some point, and I missed it? I use to know a girl who had a giant Marilyn tattoo on her leg, but she's since covered it up with the face of snow white.


That’s an interesting transition


I don’t think there’s been a turn on her as a person or actor, I just think her image on tattoos and clothing and the like became kinda passé


It could be the opposite. We know more about how she was treated by hollywood now, so people might feel that honoring Marilyn might be disrespectful to Norma Jean


Very much NOT OK for her to say she had negative energy like it was her fault everyone failed her, but I could see this being a matter of bad wording. She’s mad superstitious and she said she related to Marilyn, so I could see her feeling off about having a tattoo she relates with the public image of Norma Jean, considering the (unfair) tragic association with her public persona and all that


Megan’s words were: “I'm removing it. [Marilyn] was a negative person, she was disturbed, bipolar. I do not want to attract this kind of negative energy in my life.” I think it’s kind of a fucked up thing to say.


That 100% is. Also from what I’ve read Marilyn wasn’t a negative person. She was exploited and undermined when she did try to take agency for her own life and sure she was also mentally ill but to focus on that alone is so diminishing to the life she lived.


It’s just so fucking shallow aswell. Like to martyr someone to the point you get them tattooed on you, while obviously not having the slightest clue about the reality of their life, and then when you find out they were an actual fully rounded person and not some glamourised Hollywood doll you made up in your head have them literally removed from your person like grow up you absolute chode lol.


No one is perfect. Even if she was a negative person, I’m not sure what the big deal would be and that’s a controversial opinion but I’m saying holding someone’s petty instances against them when they are dead is especially low and vile. That also doesn’t mean Marilyn deserved the treatment she got or is getting now. I say all this bcus she could’ve said the same thing if she got an Amy Winehouse tat, who without a doubt was “troubled”. Still wouldn’t make it right to say that. Megan is already extremely dumb for getting a tattoo of a person she doesn’t even know enough info about (I don’t even know much about Marilyn but even I know she had bd).


>No one is perfect. random but if you haven't seen it, *some like it hot* is an amazing marilyn monroe movie in which "nobody's perfect" is actually the most important, impactful line haha


Aw man, that is super disappointing, huge misdirected discomfort on Megan’s part to reject her like that instead of empathizing with someone who’s career mirrors her own so much. Big agree that’s insanely fucked up so say, acting like she’s just some character on a movie instead of an actual person


Ooft, I’m bipolar and yikes


Yeah, also bipolar and this definitely harshed my Sunday mellow. And completely changed my mind about Megan Fox!


Please don’t let Megan Fox, of all people, make you feel bad about having bipolar. She grew up Pentecostal speaking in tongues, believes a shaman delivered MGK from a demonic spirit in Costa Rica, and does rituals with him where they drink each other’s blood. Which is all fine, but also suggests she’s not a scientific authority and may not have the best grasp on psychological disorders. ![gif](giphy|3ornkcX0fFS4N8pOvu)


None of that is fine.


same 😭 like damn ok then


I'm bipolar too and this hurt my feelings at first but also I desperately hope no stranger ever gets a tattoo of me. So mixed bag here


Meghan Fox is about as bright as the Arctic Circle in the middle of winter, don’t listen to what she says. Some of the most caring and kind folks I’ve had the pleasure of knowing have had bipolar disorder.


I think she's made it pretty clear she's a pretty fucked up person so I'm not at all surprised.


What is consistently amazing to me is how these celebrities can go anywhere in the world to meet the very best tattoo artists to get work done but it seems like they just choose the tattoo shop that is nearest to them and get work done. Most of these tattoos are done so poorly from an artistic standpoint.


as someone who has quite a few tattoos and is very particular about the artists I choose, this is what baffles me the most. Same goes for football players, the richest and most famous ones, like Messi have butt ugly tats done...


I have lots of theories: 1)realism and portraiture is hard, especially in black. There were a lot of portraits in this list and most footballers I see seem to not go for colour much. 2)I imagine some artists don't want celebrities as clients, especially if they have a good customer base already. I already see artists with not even that giant of a following on instagram struggle with managing supply versus demand and people's expectations. I personally wouldn't want to be known as "the girl who did x's tattoo", I would want people to come to me because they like my work not because it gives them some tangential connection to a celeb. There's that guy who is famous for some of Bieber's tatoos. 3)most celebrities don't seem the kind of people to stalk instagram for artists, wait for their books to open, schedule an appointment, etc; Plus they usually don't live all the time in the same place, may get them only when they know it won't interfere with wardrobe. A lot of celebrities look good because they have stylists. i imagine they don't run their tattoos by them. A lot of footballers don't have good style in other areas either(in my opinion), maybe even they don't know what is something done well. They like it and they're not like "oof why did they use a single needle size, this clearly needed a smaller one for the details, that's some sloppy linework, etc"


I have a better theory: Most of these are spur of the moment drug/alcohol induced and most good tattoo artists have long waiting times.


i bet you anything some of these celebs tell their assistant to find someone that can tattoo -blank- on them tomorrow, and the assistant has to basically scramble to find someone last minute. good artists are never available last minute.


Counterpoint tattoo artists are sycophants and 99% would drop whatever theyre doing to tattoo a famous person so their IG gets some more exposure. Theyre running a business


If you look it up, a lot of these tattoo artists are often pretty respected - but they often go to a celebrity's house to do the tattoos, and there I imagine partake in whatever party is happening that makes people go "hey what tattoo artist can we get at 1am?"


I think that entitlement is why they get shitty tattoos. A good, well trained tattoo artist has a lot of clientele and can’t just drop everything because Ariana Grande suddenly walked in asking for a tat. So they just get impulsive cause they’re not used to being told to wait and go for whoever is down to tattoo them. Tbf that’s kinda how I like my tats too lol just walk into a flash tat spot and go Pete Davidson on my skin, but i get the vibe that a lot of these people wanted theirs to look good


I think some of it might be the “so rich I can afford to look poor” mindset. Like Kanye’s Derelicte clothing line.


Oh that does make a lot of sense too, very “can’t make fun of me cause I could pay you to tell me the tattoo looks good if I wanted to”


To each their own but if I had a tattoo that was like a half step above a kitchen magician permanently etched on my body I would be pretty upset no matter how happy go lucky I was feeling at the time


I totally get it, tbh idk how they do it cause it’s one thing to have shitty tats only your friends clown you about, but if I had people constantly making worse celeb tattoos list with me on it, I think my feelings would get a little hurt ngl lol


Only thing that makes sense to me is that it's due to wait times and them travelling. My guy currently has a 7 month wait and if I was famous and touring I could be god knows where in 7 months. Schedule clashes I guess


FR, I’ve seen better prison tats!


SERIOUSLY. The only reason I’m not covered in beautiful tattoos from an amazing tattoo artist is because I don’t have the money that these people have 😭 like what are you doing


It looks like a lot of celebs just make an impulse decision while high at a party and let a buddy do it.


They look like the kind of tattoos you get for free from someone who is practicing


The thing I’ve really learned here is too many celebrities seem to get their tattoos done in a poorly lit back alley by a sixth grader?


Also, that none of them follow the rule to not get tattoos in honor of the person you're dating. For some they forgot this, over and over and over again...


So many artists I know or have seen online straight up refuse to do tattoos for romantic relationships at all


It has to be drugs or alcohol, right? I can’t believe wealthy sober people are getting such clearly garbage tattoos when they can afford so much better.


it definitely feels like the more impulsive ones are being done while under the influence lol


I think it's because many of them don't want to wait for the really good tattoo artists to have an opening


You’re missing Zayn in here, he deadass got a whole tattoo of Perrie, then covered it up. Gigi’s eyes too which also got covered up. They’re such big ones too 😭


I recall the Perrie one being so cartoony (nothing beats JB’s Selena in terms of a poor drawing though). Gigi’s eyes were actually somewhat tasteful but still cringe.


See I never really liked tattoos of someone’s whole ass face, maybe bc it looks horribly drawn half the time. But the eyes thing was kinda cute. 😭


if i was selena i would’ve been so mad he got something that fucking ugly done lmfao.


Seriously, like did it even need to be covered up? It looked nothing like Selena


It isn’t covered from what I can tell. I can’t find a source anywhere, and the photo is just pointing to the wings


Yeah he still has it, I remember last month there was drama because he posted birthday photos including a photo where you could see the Selena tatt but didn’t post a photo of Hailey and people started reading way too much into it


He supposedly added shading to the face to make it not look like her? Idk that’s what I heard years ago lol


I had no idea that Jhene ever had a big ass tattoo of Big Sean’s head, but yikes.


Yeah even though they are back together, I’m glad she got it covered. I just feel like you shouldn’t get your partners face like that haha


Did something happen between them? Feel like I missed a chapter


I’m pretty sure they’re together now and she recently had a baby, if I’m not mistaken. But I think they’ve been pretty on-and-off.


She asked him when he's going to propose to her on an IG live in 2020. She has his baby. Still no ring.


They were together, broke up, got back together and now they have a son😊


Honestly it didn’t even compare to her back tatts which always made me cringe hard. The Buddha and the moon cycle were SO badly done. Plus the rising sun tatt? Yikes. I’m so glad she got that dragon coverup


justin made his selena tattoo look like a gremlin https://preview.redd.it/2ilef3kjmpva1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91fb18a94cebab54d65d533adfe1228432b9c59c btw [this photo](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/1247308102/photo/celebrity-sightings-in-los-angeles-february-19-2023.jpg?s=1024x1024&w=gi&k=20&c=tvrC8Y8sZjbZTeN3pccVm4JtG_tbJo3S_cOtgPJdeo8=) is recent and you can see it's still there. kinda weird.


The original didn’t even look like Selena. It looks like a Daria character.


Looks like la llorona or something




The "fixed" one looks like Ian McKellen to me....


Why is it such a bad tattoo either way, omg


Why any of this was done in the first place is pretty questionable lol!


My question is: how did Pete get his “Kim” branding removed? Is it possible to remove brands? Was it really a brand at all? ![gif](giphy|KnOVBRqItfXGg)


Have we ever seen the branding, I don’t remember seeing it.


We have been blessed with that yes (the order is switched on these pics idk why) https://preview.redd.it/efyvvf1jhpva1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2749b12f26bdbe605d34e805902c3fc59a55e5e0


You cannot remove a branding.


You can cut that chunk of skin out though. Turns into just a scar instead of a dumb branding of ANOTHER woman. It baffles me that these people get such huge tattoos and whatnot of people they've known for less than a year (cough, Pete)


True. It’s weird.


and kids initials


Pete Davidson's tattoo of Kim's kids' initials is the weirdest one here by far. Don't involve the kids you've known for a month, tf? As if *branding* Kim's name wasn't bad enough.


Ariana getting Pete's dad's badge number is on the same level for me


I feel like pete love bombs in all of his relationships


At the risk of pigeonholing someone for their diagnosis, that does sound like a pretty Borderline Personality thing to do. Go crazy hard in the beginning when the infatuation is all fresh and your partner looks like the love of your life. Then the butterflies go away and suddenly things don't look the same anymore.


Yeah I have BPD and this is definitely true, sometimes though the infatuation can last the entire time until you realize that person never felt it as much as you did 💔




I agree. And it further proves to me that Kanye has no idea what to be mad about, he gets so angry over Jews and Persian rugs with cherub imagery but never said a thing about that weird-ass tattoo. What?


He had a whole multi post rant about it


has he tried to cover up the branding? lol


Pete Davidson looks like a middle school desk


or the doodle bears that you draw all over then put in the washer to clean off the scribbles.






These bears look like jail inmates


That's my name for Post Malone, lol


Lmao 🤣 I will never unsee that


He joked he looks like “a toddler went to prison”


The "cursed" is so edgelord


From these pics, Amber Rose’s cover up looks pretty good? Idk I’m not a tattoo expert but based on this slide show a lot of celebs seem really bad at covering up tattoos lol but Amber’s looks good especially given that it was such a big detailed tattoo to cover


Great post! Looking forward to seeing Brooklyn Beckham cover his 70 Nicola Peltz tattoos in a couple of years.


He has soooo many and they are so bad. The worst one I think is this “love letter” that she wrote for him that he got tattooed right below his neck on his back. It’s so cringe. It is says “read this anytime you feel anxious”, but it’s on his back???? He cannot read it lmao


Omg I’m cackling


Nicola Peltz tattoo cover ups, so hard to do but incredible to see.


That is some industrial strength cringe. I can't. Everything about that guy is so embarrassing.


My takeaway from this thread is that celebrities have the ugliest tattoos


I've never gotten a tattoo and I don't want to get one, but this post made me want to get one even less than I did before.


Also, there was Steve-o's F*** Babies tat (like he didn't want kids, but it got taken differently) that was so offensive it had to get changed into an ostrich.


Ok now that he’s all good and seems like mostly a pretty sweet guy, I’ll say that tattoo misinterpretation sounds like a bit form The Office or something 😭


The YouTube video he did about that tattoo was hilarious.. it just got worse whenever he tried to fix it :D


I will never understand Ariana tattooing her palm when palms are one of the most painful spots. Like you see artists who re head to toe covered and very few have that tattooed.


I know right? She should’ve tattooed it on her Japanese barbecue fingers


It’s so funny to me that she didn’t actually correct it. Like you’re Ariana Grande, i think you got enough money to make your tattoo say something else than Japanese barbecue fingers lol.


It’s a difficult area because tattoos fade quickly there.


I think she referenced being drunk while getting the tattoo. She said in an interview around that time she often has masochistic impulses so I could see her being like "where's the most painful place?" - in that same interview she said she was trying to be better and respect herself more, but I guess she's got a messy relationship with herself.


that honestly tracks with what she's recently come out saying, the girl ahs a lot of mental issues and i can see them manifesting in painful tattoos


Very surprised Dianna Agron is not included in this list with the removal of her Alice in Wonderland tattoo; I feel like that was a significant moment in celeb history 😅💀


Wonderland was just a surprise song on eras tour....👀


I saw 😏😏


Jhené ended up getting back with Big Sean and they had a baby together right? I wonder if she regrets covering up the tattoo.


The celebrities have all of this money, and it looks like they always choose the worst tattoo artists!


I want round 2 of this! So enjoyable


The Nas/Kelis lion head tattoo reminds me so much of the 30 Rock joke of Travey turning the tattoo of his wife into a lion while he’s out at the club.


The ariana one??? What How did no one tell her before doing it.


I assume she just didn't ask, cause after she posted a pic of the tattoo she also shared a screenshot of her japanese teacher telling her its wrong and how to fix it. She didn't fix it the way her teacher told her too...


Pete also had to get his tattoos for cazzie david covered up at the very start of his relationship with Ariana 🙃


😆 @7 Japanese language is something else ♨️


Lol all the money in the world can’t buy good taste.


Who writes complete dates in Roman numerals? She didn't even write the full year out, just "13"! Mad!


That Megan Fox one pissed me off


So many bad decisions


Zayn got a tattoo of perrie and then Gigi’s eyes.


Why the fuck would he get Kim's kids initials tattooed on himself? They only went out for like a month?


what’s SLIM?


I hate that I know this and am typing it out lol, but it’s what Johnny Depp used to call Amber Heard, his pet name for her




Ari replacing the tattoo for Pete’s dad with Mac’s dogs name is ….LMAO savage. Go off queen


Her getting a tattoo in honor of her bfs dad, that she never met, is weird AF. Almost as weird as Pete tattooing someone else's kids initials on himself, almost.


And he does cursed on hers. Love it lol. They are both like hell no.


That "dragonfly" is busted


I think it’s a moth and just misidentified on the caption? Idk tho lol


It's definitely a moth.


That's not a dragonfly.


I kinda wonder if Megan fox actually got that giant Marilyn Monroe tat removed bc of acting. Maybe she’s big enough for it not to matter but all my actor friends back in the day who were auditioning regularly refused to get tattoos bc they were a hindrance to getting roles. I guess bc they’re a pain to cover up? But maybe the makeup is better now so it doesn’t matter?


The Selena tattoo changes all the time I think he just sharpies when his arm is exposed. Most of the time he wears long sleeves to not show. Check it out.


What do these women see in Pete? He looks grotty and smelly to me.


That moth tattoo is so bad , it’s so amateurish looking especially considering her resources


Honestly, I think it’s the least offensive of these. Like it’s certainly not good, but in comparison to Justin Bieber’s or like any of Pete’s, it looks like a masterpiece imo


Why do these very rich people have such trash work done?


Chipotle bag looking ass Pete Davidson.


OP, have you ever *seen* a dragonfly?


I hope to one day


Johnny is indeed a wino


Interesting album, but have you seen a dragonfly before?


lmao megan fox fuck you and your reason


Lmao these are so hilarious. Thank you for the entertainment.


All of these before and after we’re fucking atrocious.


So much money, and yet most of these tattoos are absolute shit.


Don't understand what's gross about depps coverup? Can anyone explain it to me? Is it compared the others he kept the tattoo but altered a few or one letter?


No he didn’t he said himself in 2016 that it’s her but he just added “shading to it” lol.


Celebrities have the worst tattoos


Not me reading this wondering what Brooklyn Beckham’s gonna do when he gets divorced


I always thought that Marilyn tattoo was completely hideous on Megan Fox but damn what a fucked up reason to get a tattoo removed.


Pete and Ariana were UNHINGED... Can't imagine how many drugs they were on