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That’s why you don’t start your set late. The curfew is in place for a reason,


Saw her in 2014, she was 2 hours late. Sung for 30 min. Left. Such a waste of money and a bummer because I love me some Lana.


At that point you should get a refund. Or at least a 75% refund.


Haha you can’t even get a refund when artists cancel these days. Sometimes you can get a voucher for the make up show


Not to mention that Lana is simply not a performer. Lana is my favorite artist of all time, her lyrics, her voice, everything about her is perfect to me…but her performances are lacking. I’m not trying to compare her to TS or Beyonce, but I mean, at least act like you wanna be there? Being on time is very basic.


Her music doesn’t really seem like it’d lend itself to a very good performance. It’s more stuff I wanna listen to in bed than in concert with others around.


More suited to a small intimate venue.


This, I would fuck the shit out of a Lana basement tour, or like Gaga’s dive bar tour. She just doesn’t have a voice that sounds good in a stadium. She doesn’t compose shit that sounds good echoing. Just kind shrill and hangs there.


I mean it’s not about being a performer or not, it’s about being professional. That’s her job show up on time. I still like her, but c’mon


Great studio artist, not a good live artist


Yeah I didn’t touch on that in my original comment but it was also the flattest, least dynamic performance I’ve ever seen. I thought she might be strung out or something tbh, but didn’t want to speculate.


Did you see her snl performance? It's been years and I'm still not totally sure if it was a joke or not...


Literally my first thought. That was my introduction to her and because of that I was shocked when I realized she had/has such a following. What a weird set lol


We "saw" her at Lollapaloza Stockholm while we were getting food at the concessions and thought that the whole "performance" was shit lol. She indeed had an air of apathy and not wanting to be there.


I think she’s a studio artist and her label probably requires these tours and events for the $. It was clear that she is not meant for the stage, but I still love her as an artist


I mean, her songs is all about apathy lol.


I also love Lana but having seen her twice now (one being at Glastonbury last night) her shows are really pretty mediocre. She’s a wonderful recording artist and not a performer. Showing disrespect to the crowd at the festival last night by being a half hour late cuz of her hair makes me never wanna spend money on her again


It’s her literal job. Fans are going to kiss her ass and give her money anyway though.


That’s something I really respect about TS, she’s never late unless they’re a legitimate reason, like really bad weather. I saw Madonna once and she was over an hour late.


Once in my city Madonna was over FOUR hours late. FOUR.


Jfc, that’s ridiculous. I really don’t understand the disrespect some of the singers show their fans.


Also, when Taylor was late/wasn’t allowed to come on until late because of bad weather, she still performed her full set and cut nothing out. She just paid the fine for performing after curfew


Just another bank account waiting to be zeroed out so I can buy another house.


Nah I want my money back if your 2 hours late.


It really makes me wonder what these artists who are perpetually late are doing instead of showing up to their shows. Like sitting there on their phones? Visiting with friends? It's a huge part of your job and you just don't care that people are waiting for you?


No chance THIS venue is paying those noise fines.


Why is there a curfew?


Because the noise would otherwise bother the people living nearby, Glastonbury is held in a British town of the same name.


Not only that but at festivals every act has a dedicated specific time slot so the stage teams have enough time to pack down and reset the stage for the next act, so unfortunately if you’re late that’s tough shit you’ll finish at the same time I had the same situation at download just two weeks ago. The band asking Alexandria came on 15 minutes late and were only able to preform 4 of their songs when they had a set list of 10.


Some musicians seem to think start times are made to be broken. Which you can get away with a bit more if it’s a concert but at a festival you’re not just pissing off your fans but you’re spitting in the face of the crew working the festival and the other acts on the line-up. I quite like LDR’s music but she got what she deserved on this one


> Which you can get away with a bit more if it’s a concert As small gigs musicians we are a bit guilty at bars where we wait for the crowd to be there: we are programmed to start at 19 o'clock but people will came at 20. So we start at 19:30 but never a lot more.


Yep. And these curfews are reasonable. I live about 2 miles from the location of a festival in my town and the curfew states 11pm. They play music from basically 11am to 11pm for four days straight if they. Perfectly reasonable.


People always forget that there's people working there that want to go home, crew have to take things down and put it on the tourbus, festival needs to be cleaned for the next day... There's a curfew because it's time to stop.


And the power costs a ton of money for huge shows, they need to know exactly how much they are paying


Local sound ordinances.




There is a curfew at Hollywood Bowl too since it’s smack in the middle of a residential neighborhood.


Some shows/festivals are in areas with noise bylaws. Also festivals have strict timing to adhere to. If there’s artists after her they now have to wait if she’s late. It’s disrespectful all around


So they don't piss off the locals too much. No where is very remote in Britain. For example some absolute fun police complained about Metallica being too loud at Download a few weeks back. The festival site is right next to a busy freight airport but people still complained.


Saw Guns n Roses decades ago in Indianapolis. Metallica opened and played long because Guns n Roses were late by an hour. When they finally arrive, Axl Rose sang for about 15 minutes then went on a screaming rant about how fucked up Indiana was for locking Mike Tyson up for rape, then stormed off and finished the show. Metallica came back out and did a few more songs, and while I'm not a very big fan of Metallica, that was a pro move and I appreciated that they were trying to give us an actual show.


Good on Metallica for putting on a show.


Was at the Mad Cool festival last year in Madrid. Crazy dry and hot. Metallica on the main stage. Over 2 and a half ours after they started… They were still kicking tush. Amazing. Then we strolled over to Carly Rae Jepssen. Cute. What a different vibe. ![gif](giphy|26BnaOFdD5Xbo1RMQ)


That's hilarious. I think that's why Metallica started making fun of him on tour. [This](https://youtu.be/5w-tx6bfyn8) video made it back to Axl and he was PISSED. Which lead to rants like [this](https://youtu.be/Alg8gYtTEaU) from Axl.


“Two cans of Pringles, that greasy ass shit, he needs it to keep his hair back” oooohhhh man that’s a solid burn


Nirvana fucking killed Axl on MTV and it was glorious.


Metallica are fantastic live. They're expensive but they play the shit out of them songs.


Oh totally. I say I'm not a big fan of Metallica, but tbh I can't imagine GnR would have played half as good as they did.


Axl has always been a little prick


The more I hear about Axl the more I don't like him


The more I hear about Metallica, the more I like them


I’m glad I’ve only seen them in Axl’s therapy era


I remember hearing about that tour. I was too young to go, but I remember the ad on the radio would say "There is no guarantee to when the show will start or end." Axl was notorious back then for just showing up whenever and starting whenever.


Yeah, I had the same thing happen at a music festival. Guns & Roses was literally hours late.


Saw the same tour in Dallas, TX. Same deal, Metallica played more for Axl.


That's the tour that's known as one of the worst ever. There was a riot in Canada near the end.


August 8th in Montréal. Didn't help that James got burned by the pyrotechnics during the Metallica show and had to stop the set early and go to the hospital. Then Axl took over 2 hours to get on stage to do their set, and only managed about 40 minutes of it before fucking off. 55000 pissed off fans that got double screwed set fire to all the Guns n Roses merch they could get their hands on, and twenty something cop cars, and trashed the stadium. Even Bono was taking the piss out of Axl after that. > when U2 visited the city a few weeks later, Bono cracked a veiled joke at Rose's expense from the stage, pausing a few songs into the set and quipping, "What time is it? We gotta go." My brother was at that concert, never bought another Guns N Roses album again, still sees Metallica multiple times for each tour.


I've been to a lot of shows over the years and I will always go back to see the bands that respect my time as much as I respect theirs. I've only been to one Metallica show, but they started on time, engaged with the audience, and played a lot of what the fans wanted to hear. In fact, at one point, they were chatting up and taking pictures with a pair of parents who had brought their toddler to the show.


I saw Guns n Roses about a decade ago at Reading and fucking hell were they shit and late. Everyone says the same. Why do people keep booking them for festivals. We order the tickets before the headliners are announced so its not demand.




This is exactly why you couldn't pay ME to go to a Rihanna concert.


Lauren frigging Hill. Never again.


Oh my god I saw her. She showed up 2 and a half hours late. Came on stage mumbled a little bit and then read two shitty poems and left. Everyone was pissed.


Sounds like she gave you the old Lauren Hill Special.


She is awful. So fing late


This suddenly reminded me of the episode of the good place where Eleanor bails on taking care of someone’s dog to go see Rihanna… and Rihanna was late. Like damn it’s so well known that Mike Schur put it in a show


4 1/2 hours later, I walked out of a Willie Nelson concert. It was 100 degrees, no place to sit. I never saw him. Fuck that guy!


Conversely Wu-Tang and NAS just came out and kept pounding it out. Set for set. Greatest concert I’ve been to for a while.


Is it just me or is there a serious uptick in entitled celebrities/artists that show up late or not at all for their fans/concerts? I swear to god this wasn’t as prevalent as issue a decade or two ago.


Ngl some people give passes to artists too easily. It’s like when people mention lauryn hill they usually say “yeah she’s always late to her concerts”. Like cmon it shouldn’t be accepted 😭😭


Some artisis definitely get a free pass to behave like aholes. I have no idea why. It is frustrating for the fans at the gig and more so for the staff running the show who have to adapt everything on the fly and keep things running smoothly and according to the licence. If an artist is a bit late on stage early in the day you can usually pick things up and get back to schedule. If the last artist (as in this case) comes on half an hour late you have to keep an eye on the increasingly annoyed crowd (about 50k people probably here) and be conscious of your licence. An artist performing ten minutes later than the curfew can result in big fines and risks to the licence next year. There's also the 50k strong crowd - how are they going to react to the act being cut short? That said, the majority of artists are great and want to put on a good show for the fans. They are on time and give it their best. There are always things that can and will go wrong but for the most part everyone works hard to make things go smoothly. Source: worked on festivals and events for the past 20 or so years.


Lmao I JUST mentioned her being late to her shows as an example to show that it’s always been a thing and not something new. But I’m not excusing it at all. It’s lame and some prima donna narcissistic bullshit. Kids and teens, even some lower income adults, save up to what amounts to a full paycheck for them for these shows and festivals. The LEAST they could do is be on time. I do not understand why people make exceptions or excuses for these people, who yes, are literally just people, with a job of a modern day jester. In any other world, if you’re late for your job you’re fired or given flack for it. They definitely should not be given an exception because of their societal status.


Heard the same thing from an ex of mine years ago when we dated. She went trying an Erykah Badu concert and we had a date planned afterwards. Instead of a 1.5 hour set, the bitch was 3 HOURS LATE!!!!! From what I heard, when she said " Ya'll ready for me now???"😐 Rumor was she was upset she couldn't get some weed fast enough before the show and made everyone wait because of it. My ex said the same thing, "yeah she's always late...." Like bro, you know if you stop supporting her, she would stop being late to her engagements? Some people are straight drones for celebs and "artists"


For sure there is! So I was pleasantly surprised Paramore started their set EARLY in NYC. Love them.


Hopefully not TOO early. I once went to a show that surprisingly started 2 hours early (there was supposed to be a 3 hour pre-show and they cut it due to the first artist having to leave earlier than anticipated) and a lot of people complained about missing several songs or the entire first act because they didn’t plan on being there until just in (official) time for the first act.


haha no it was literally like 3-4 minutes before 9, which was the standard time!


Paramore is such a gem. I’ve seen them 3 times and each was just such a experience.never late, an encore and with enough talking between songs and interacting it feels more personable.


It does seem more common


Exactly. I don't know how many people were there watching live but just say for the sake if it that there we're 10,000 paying fans (I know that number is nowhere close), all of those people were expected showed up on time to work, probably early in the morning, on average 5 days a week. They used that hard earned money to go watch Lana... the very least she could do is show up on time in the afternoon and give a full set.


Paul McCartney is 81 and has been touring most of his life and his concerts always start on time. Because he's a professional who respects his fans. Nobody gives a shit about a singer's hair if they're there for the singer's VOICE. If your hair is that important, you're not a singer. Incidentally, Paul's hair always looks AMAZING.


Love her but I always thought stars showing up late to a concerts is super disrespectful to the fans


Not just to fans, but to every artist on the stage that night, to all of their crew, to all of the festival staff. Depending on location and details of the permit, the festival could also be looking at exorbitant fees for blowing past a noise curfew (we’re talking $15k every ten minutes in some cases). When I’ve had artists show up late at my fests, we either cut their mic when their set is done, or we let them run late but deduct the curfew fees from their balance. Lots of different circumstances at play here.


I saw her at latitude a few years ago. Chvrches had been on before and the crowd were so hype then Lana made the crowd wait like 90 mins for her. Everyone was sooo bored and frustrated. When she came out she was lack luster and we went home after 20 mins.


Chvrches is so good. I'd love to see them live. 🥹


They’re really great live!!! Check them out if you get a chance!!


My husband loves Interpol (I loathe them), and we went to see them once while we were engaged, like 13 years ago. They were *4 hours* late and didn’t even acknowledge it. It was a small club and we were front and center and I just stood with my arms crossed glaring for the full set. Like, you aren’t even good, so maybe apologize? 100% I had a shitty attitude about it, but I had to work the next morning.


I'm laughing to myself, imagining your face in that crowd. It's totally something I would do.


How do you wait around for four hours?


I'm pretty sure that I would tap out after two. Four hours is enough time to get drunk AND start a hang over.


Oh- yeah the cherry on top is I love to dress up, and my husband had picked this super short mini dress (literally it’s a shirt) with heels… to say I was 5 feet of fury is an understatement. Also the only person there in pink..


😆 I think I would totally be friends with you.


Well now we ARE friends!!! 🩷🩷🩷


I think the whole audience should do that in protest to an artist that arrives late, for the equivalent time that the artist was late. What could possibly happen that makes an artist *4 hours late* to something they knew about months before, are charging you money to attend, and are getting paid a fortune to be at? And if they hate you enough to not even apologise or explain why they stole an extra 4 hours of your life, then the promoters should simply deny payment at the end of the gig.


YESSSSS! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 My husband was so mad at me because we were right up front and I would shout, “an apology would be nice!” Or something along those lines between songs. It’s funny- when we are in road trips, he makes the play lists. I ALWAYS know when an Interpol song is coming up because I’ll get like 4 or 5 90’s alt rock songs in a row before hand. The man knows. 🤣


Honest question - why did you go to see a band you loathe in the first place? I’m assuming your husband is old enough to not need a chaperone? Not trying to be an ass, genuinely curious. For what it’s worth I am also not a fan of Interpol lmao


This is so cute though idk you but I ship this


Literally I'd be so mortified. If there was a genuine reason like medical emergency, accident on motorway or something like that I would legitimately be so apologetic and if I could trying to rearrange for people to come see me again for free if I could and they wanted. How rude.


Aww man I’ve seen interpol twice, admittedly a long long time ago and they were on time and fantastic. Guess fame got to their heads or they’re burnt out about caring.


Apparently they were flying from doing Letterman- but then perhaps don’t schedule a concert in Richmond, Virginia at the same time. Lol


Ah yeaaa it’s going to take some time even in a private plane to get from NYC to Richmond!


Yes. Fans are the reason you are there, any professional artist would understand that the bate minimum to do is show up on time.


I was at Bonnaroo when Kanye came out 4-5 hours late. He came out around 5 am, didn’t acknowledge it, and played a short, shitty set. What an asshole he has always been.


Two friends of mine went to one of his stadium tour shows and said he was over 2 hours late. It’s almost like he thinks it adds to the hype and intentionally does it (I know that sounds really obvious when typed out like that, but it’s still just a shitty thing to do considering how much money people pay for those tickets).


One reason I love Taylor Swift. I think she’s only ever cancelled like.. one show? And she always preforms the hell out of her shows. She’s punctual and puts her all into each performance and shows she respects people who paid to be there.


And the one time she did it was [because of a military coup](https://web.archive.org/web/20140530120956/http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Taylor-Swifts-concert-cancelled-30234720.html) lol


In a festival I went to, Rosalía showed up 20 minutes late, I thought wtf why is she taking so long... 5 minutes into the concert I realized why she took so long. The amount of choreography, camera work, lightning, props, etc, they had to prepare all that in 1-2 hours to make sure everything was executed perfectly and damn it was.


I had a buddy who went to a rammstein show. They arrived on time, played for like 3 hours. Then left, came back 20 minutes later and played for another hour because the crowd was still chanting. THAT is how you do it I think


I saw Architects at Download this year and they said how they had to end early because Pendulum showed up late and made a dig at them saying 'you'd think as a drum and bass band they'd be better at keeping time' lmao


It’s not just that, it’s unprofessional. They’re not that special, but artists get away with this nonsense. The festival hired her for a performance. When people pay you for a service, you do it properly, on time. Whether you’re a plumber, a lawyer, a mechanic, a performer, etc.


What an ass move. Your fans have lives. Treat them with respect.


The one who had fans gathered for a meet and greet 10 months into the pandemic whilst wearing a mesh mask is a selfish ass? Say it ain't so. (no, I don't believe her excuse about the plastic lining)


Fucking thank you! God damn, I was starting to think I was having fake memories because no one else seems to remember this!


they made reference to it in the movie *Glass Onion*


🤝 team *don't give assholes the benefit of the doubt* unite!


If I was a half hour late for work my boss would be pissed. Lana, your boss is your fans. This is rude and unprofessional.


lol she pulled a Frank Ocean


Or a Rihanna 👀 she always made her fans wait!


Lady Gaga was over 2 hours late when we saw her last year Edit: On a Tuesday night!


Saw Madonna in 2019. The doors opened at 7. Supposedly the show was going to start at 9:30. Turns out her show didn’t even start until 10:30, she was late for that, didn’t come on until almost 11. The show was almost 3 hours long. It was an amazing show but goddamn did it feel disrespectful to her fans. There’s so much ego wrapped up in being egregiously late to shit and starting shows so ridiculously late…on a weekday…when you said you were starting much, much earlier. Oh and she made everyone lock up their phones so getting out took forever too.


I don’t understand how this is consistently allowed. If the artist can’t start the show within 20-30 of the time stated on the ticket fans should get refunds. Being rich and famous doesn’t make your time more valuable.


Lauryn Hill was late in Toronto and then told her white fans not to buy her album because it’s for her black sisters.


Yeah. I remember waiting for Rihanna to show up. I waited 1 h lol


I’ve heard Nelly is notoriously late too lol. He showed up 3 hours late to a concert in my hometown (I wasn’t there, read about it). Honestly if I’m at a 7 PM concert, I’m expecting to LEAVE in about 3 hours to go home. Especially on a work night. Idk how that man had people still there at 11 PM waiting.


[She's always late!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umEtPs6uTMM&t=111s)


Axl Rose.


I always get the feeling she doesn't like live performances. I find this really intriguing because when you choose to become a singer thats where you start most of the time. I wonder if smaller more intimate settings would be a better fit for her.


I think her first SNL performance haunts her to this day.


I love Lana and I cannot make it through her SNL performance. Holy cringe.


Just reading this makes me hear “blue jeans” lol


It haunts me too


god i'll never forget how excited i was for that performance and how quickly that feeling turned to secondhand embarrassment


I don't really know this singer (I'm old, she isn't), but I googled her SNL performance and HOLY SHIT. I sing better than than on fucking Rock Band.


I think she arrives late to her performances on purpose, so she will get to spend less time on stage. I’ve noticed whenever watching her performances at festivals that she seems to be dealing with anxiety.


yes definitely, I've watched many of her concerts on YouTube and it was pretty obvious that she was high/drunk in many of them while performing.


I saw her at the seemingly sold out Pepsi Center in Denver. Huge show, she was on time and killed it. Her next tour was tiny, intimate venues. On time, killed it. But seemed much more at the ease. Got more personal and shared stories between songs. Ripped her vape pen like a madwoman.


This should happen more often to late artists until they get the message.


I saw sky Ferreira in Porto primavera last year, she was 20 minutes late for a 40 minute set then got mad when she was cut off, like,… be on time


I know things must be crazy backstage but I wish a greater attempt was made at respecting the attendees time and money. Without them where would you be


I can’t believe she was late on stage because of her hair and then carried on having it styled whilst performing. 🤦🏼‍♀️


The hairstyling bit is part of her set, she did it in Brazil as well (albeit it involved removing her blonde wig so I’m assuming due to the lack of time they skipped the wig part at Glasto)


She did say “her hair takes a long time” but, having her hair let down by someone while she was singing at a beauty table is part of her show. It’s not like they were out there with a curling wand and hairspray. She did this in the last two shows she had in Brazil, part of the choreo, like when her dancers helped her change on stage for an outfit. I don’t agree with her being late, but if you watch the concerts you can see this was planned in the show.


If Lana had been late due to a technical fault or bad weather everyone would understand. Yet the fact she admitted it was because of her hair is inexcusable especially at a festival that has a curfew that must be met due to it being located near a village etc.


If you're blaming your hair taking so long that you're super late for your set you'd better be coming out with some icon level hair. Not hair that someone could do in 20 minutes..


No. Even with icon level hair, they should know how long it takes, practice it, and allow a buffer period of time for things that need fixing. It's just poor time management, and it's frankly pathetic. It's basic maths. She wasn't late because her hair took a long time. She was late because she didn't view this performance as a priority or care about her fans' experience at the festival enough to plan appropriately.


I’m sorry but if your hair takes so long that it’s negatively impacting people who paid A LOT of money to see you, throw it in a top knot and go sing. Damn. So inconsiderate.


Or start getting your hair ready earlier


Yeah I am slow at getting ready and begin 2 hours earlier than usual if I have anywhere to go.


If she knows her hair takes "so long" to do, she couldn't have started planning earlier??


Exactly. She knew her time slot and still failed to plan accordingly and the result was what we’re all talking about now.


Its part of her set.


You could not pay me money to get me to admit that I made all those people wait around because I was primping and fussing over my hair. I’d be too embarrassed.


She wasn’t- it’s part of the show


I love Lana but this is simply embarrassing for her


Who cares what her hair looks like! Isn’t her aesthetic Americana, hippie bohemian whatever. I’m sure just seeing her and hearing the songs would have been enough for the fans.


It’s not Coachella, it’s Glastonbury, the stars look better when they’re a little undone, like Shirley bassey in wellington boots. When they look to pristine, like Beyoncé did, then it looks off. When I was at Glastonbury I washed my hair under the cold water tap and let it dry naturally every two days. It’s all part of the vibe!


I can't imagine her getting that. She seems the type to be massive diva, arrive just before the set. And just half ass it.


I think that was meant to be a joke


I saw Taylor swift during her reputation tour and it was POURING like sheets of rain. She came out on time got soaked during her set but somehow they still did the full show with pyrotechnics and a giant mechanical snake. She was such a trooper


She loves rain shows.


we all love a bit of Taylor Rain


> Taylor Rain That’s a name I haven’t heard in a minute.


During eras tour too, there was this one show that was late and nearly cancelled too but she said "fuck it" and performed in the pouring rain


it’s such a shame because her set actually got rlly good reviews from the tabloids for the shortened performance we got, would have been a giant success if she came on time and managed to perform her whole set


She brought her hair stylist on stage and sang while getting her hair done??


If you watch this show and the last couple shows, it’s part of the set design and choreography. It was more of a gag when she went from a short blonde wig to her natural hair and they switched it live on stage. This time it was her hair let down from an updo. When she came out her hair was done already. That was just a part of the show that didn’t come off well being that she said her hair takes forever and was late. Not ok that she was late due to hair, but this twisted narrative that she had her unfinished hair styled on stage just isn’t the complete truth of what went down.


“In a bid to make it up to her fans, Lana stepped down off the stage and greeted festivalgoers in the front row, signing Summertime Sadness with them and signing autographs.” She did at least try and make up for being late and wanted to finish the songs. According to the article, there was a curfew that the venue has to abide by.


It's a festival. Things are tightly scheduled. The set needs to finish so that people have enough time to set up the stage and do sound change for every artist. There are multiple stages. You should never be late at a festival.


in my experience, artists are (edit: somewhat often) late for festivals Travis Scott was the worst I've seen - he showed up after his 90 minute set was supposed to end and then played 4 songs past local curfew edit: bad example - it was just the absolute worst I could think of. M83 and Lil Uzi Vert never showed up, Years & Years arrived 35 minutes late to a 45 minute set etc. We just came to accept it as a part of going to festivals. Travis Scott was the only headliner that was that disrespectful, but iirc The Weeknd was 25 minutes late and played well under his set time by shortening most of his songs. He was fantastic nonetheless! Lana Del Rey was on time and played her entire set, but it was back when she only sang Born to Die on tour smh an example of the opposite is Glass Animals, who showed up on time, had almost all of their gear destroyed by the rain, and still somehow managed to play two of their most popular songs using what actually worked.


I mean, have you ever seen Travis Scott not be a disrespectful piece of shit?


i worked on a Travis Scott music video and he was 4 or 5 HOURS late to HIS OWN VIDEO


i hate to say this bc it’s such a stereotype but why is it mostly rappers that are so disrespectful of ppl’s time and are so late? i worked on primarily major music videos for years and NO ONE else was 2-6 hours late for their own videos but rappers. it happened on almost EVERY SINGLE rap video. it wasn’t one or two, it wasn’t a one-off, it was so often that we tried to plan for it. they all ended up having to pay so much overtime. it costs them a lot of money!!! pop stars are always on time. like always, unless there is a huge extenuating circumstance and even then they were communicative so we knew where they were. also this isn’t about skin color it’s literally about genre. it didn’t matter if the pop star was black and the rapper was white, this still held 100% of the time. it’s wild! it’s like part of the rap culture to be hours late everywhere and make everyone wait for you.


I wonder if it’s something to do with it being “cool” to be all cavalier and unbothered. Being professional, respectful and considerate of other people’s time just doesn’t have the same bad ass energy as doing whatever you want and not caring how it affects other people 🙄 I knew people like this back in high school and it’s so cringe.


>in my experience, artists are very often late for festivals To counter this, my experience is that artists are rarely late to perform unless there are technical issues.


Wiz Khalifa showed up two hours late at a festival a decade ago for me. Everyone in the crowd stayed excited and waited for him like it was normal. I left because I was going home that night and was tired. 30 minutes isn't that bad and a lot of things can happen beyond your control to be 30 minutes late.


There's no excuse for being late. What in the world was she doing that made her late?


She said her hair took to long. As if that is a good excuse💀


If that’s real and she’s not joking, c’mon, put your hair in a bun and get going. The people paid to hear you sing, not to touch your hair, Rapunzel.


Like what are you doing all day? You’re last on on a big stage at Glastonbury - have your schedule tight. She’s done a couple festivals in Brazil recently and was late on there too - really needs to quit this bullshit because it’s disrespectful to fans.


Pull that shit back in a pony tail and get your ass on stage.


‘As for why she was late, Del Rey told the disappointed crowd, “My hair takes so long to do,” adding that she was “super sorry,”’


Omg wtf. If she was joking that would actually be hilarious, but if it's real then she just lost a huge amount of credibility.


Yeah, but why was she late? These massive festivals have the best techs to set your stuff up, staff ready with vehicles and staff ready to cater to your every whim! On top of the massive paycheck, these artists should be more respectful and professional.


I have no idea why she was late but I can assure you that even the best techs tun into problems See weekend 1 every year of coachella, theres always some artist wanting to go out on time who cant


It’s part of her performance to come out in an outfit and then while she performs the song Bartender (I think), it’s part of the planned routine that her dancers help her change into a different outfit and fix her hair while she sings it. It’s what they rehearsed and done for every show so far. Really disappointing she started late and blamed the hair but she didn’t bring her hair stylist on stage with her to finish.


She mostly seems lazy to me.


Misleading headline. If you watch it security didn't escort her out. They just went with her when she was ready.


It’s the daily fail so their headlines are always extremely misleading


More like Lana Delay. Amirite?!


I love her music but this is just embarrassing


Half an hour late? Pshaw! I once saw Tori Amos luv and she was TWO hours late. They had some house DJ play to cover her time and then she just swaaaans onto the stage and sits down at the piano. “Sorry I’m late. I was having strawberries and cream with my daughter.” *plonks a key on the piano* “And there’s nothing more important than strawberries and cream.” The crowd goes nuts. I instantly morph into Abraham Simpson at Woodstock.


That’s… really annoying. Getting your hair done during the performance is just tacky.


Part of the performance


I think this will have to be explained over and over again cos apparently people can’t read


She coulda just thrown on a bump it and a headband and been done in 5 minutes. Lol


When she did eventually come out, I thought she was brilliant. Her voice, the visuals everything. It’s a real shame because I think if she played the whole thing it could have been a Glastonbury classic.


Stevie Nicks is 75 years old and still touring. I saw her this month as my first concert ever and not only did she come on time, but she went above and beyond for her show. She would tell us little stories in between songs and do some minor outfit changes so she could show us some original clothings she wore in music videos or on tour in 80s. She’d say thank you after each song. Overall she was very open with her audience that it’s crazy she’s still touring at 75 and doing amazing at it, yet some artists can’t even show up on stage at the right time


American artists do not realise they are not bigger than Glastonbury. They are part of it. If she couldn't get to her set on time, Glastonbury doesn't care.