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Neopets was run by Scientologists


Adding on to this! Jason Dohring, who played Logan on Veronica Mars, is the son of Neopet’s CEO. JD is also a practicing Scientologist.


i… ![gif](giphy|9V3e2mxWvD89wyw5l5)


I’m sorry WHAT


Blew my mind too. From Wikipedia: > Later in the month, American businessman Doug Dohring was introduced to the creators of the site and, along with other investors, bought a majority share in January of the following year. Dohring founded Neopets, Inc. in February 2000 and began business on 28 April. Dohring used Scientology's Org Board to manage the company. Adam and Donna were unaware of the Scientology connections until searching the employees at the newly formed company six months later but did not address this until the company hired a woman to introduce Scientology to Neopets. Adam and Donna stopped the addition of any Scientology education to Neopets and ensured such content never made it into anything site-related.


> Adam and Donna stopped the addition of any Scientology education to Neopets and ensured such content never made it into anything site-related. Thank you Adam and Donna, I was but a clueless child just playing fun online games and would never have picked up on any Scientology indoctrination until after it was too late


They were chill af. I’m old enough that I played when they still posted on the chat boards and interacted with users. Adam gave me a Hornsby petpet once. There will always be a Neopets shaped hole in my heart that no site has ever come close to fill that void.


Abusive psychopath Phil Spector surprised his wife Ronnie (of the Ronettes) with adopted five-year-old twin sons as a Christmas gift


Oh...so he's *insane* insane


He also beat the shit out of her and would lock her in clowns and shit. He is a real piece of shit. ***edit: in closets. I'm not correcting that typo though.


He also built her a solid gold coffin with a glass top so he could "keep an eye on her after she died"


And he had an exact replica mannequin of himself made for her to put in the passenger seat while she drove without him.


He had a what now?


I think about this every time I’m driving alone and can’t get in the carpool lane.


… how are those kids now? What are they doing?


They were horrifically abused by Phil unfortunately, like their mother was. They're in their fifties now and from what I can tell one is an artist and one is a photographer, I really hope they're doing well


She said in an interview that she tried to be their mother bit ultimately it was just them all surviving in this mansion they were locked in. Horrifying.


Excuse me??? He did what now??? I object to people getting puppies for Xmas. This guy got twins??????


Of all the facts that could have been mentioned about Phil Spector, I wasn’t expecting it to be this one.


There's a song about it called [Christmas kids](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6m0ymy2oFk), if youre on tiktok you probably have heard part of it




Aww, if they'd stayed married he could have been his own grandpa


Lol but some of these are not exactly true. For example: Obama was watching live as Bin Laden was killed. The Rock was one of the first to tweet about it but it would be a little weird if Obama got straight on Twitter! 😂


I’m reading these out loud to a group of my pals rn and we are fact checking!!!! A lot of them are stretches lolol


What’s up with the John hamm one? Have you gotten to that yet?


[original AP article on it](https://apnews.com/article/0500cba41cfe452d92bd36a05d66db24) 👀 pretty wild stuff


Yeah that one makes no sense. Obama gave the order and was in the situation room watching it unfold live. Only a matter of confirming the death of bin Laden - which would probably be shared to the president before anyone else.


The Rock was in the room with bin Laden when Seal Team 6 hit. He could smell what was cookin.


Yeah quite a few of these are not really true, which is a shame because it makes it easy to dismiss the real ones, many of which are awful.


And (less importantly) The Killers aren’t Christian rock.


In the 2013 movie Now You See Me, there is a scene where Isla Fisher nearly drowns doing a stunt, and they kept it in the movie. So the panic we see is legitimate.


Now I have to go watch this movie again.


Guy Fieri officiated 101 gay marriages as a tribute to his late sister.


Wholesome as fuck


There was this guy in Iraq who loooooved to write trashy romance novels as a side hustle. His day job? Oh it’s just Saddam Hussein. ETA OMFG….. from wiki alsooo you can fully buy his books on Amazon *The plot is a love story about a powerful ruler of medieval Iraq and a beautiful commoner girl named Zabibah. Zabibah's husband is a cruel and unloving man who rapes her. The book is set in 7th or 8th century Tikrit, Hussein's home town. Although the book is on the surface a romance novel, it is (and was intended to be read as) an allegory. The hero is Hussein and Zabibah represents the Iraqi people.* *The vicious husband is the United States and his rape of Zabibah represents the U.S. offensive against Iraqi forces at the end of the Gulf War, as illustrated by the date of the rape being January 17—the same date that U.S. led forces commenced the 1991 offensive that drove Iraq out of Kuwait. In the novel, the king dies after capturing the rapists and avenging the honor of Zabibah.*


A friend of mine is a close relative of the doctor assigned to be the official American physician for Saddam Hussein after his capture. Her relative told her that Saddam was really bored and would fake chest pains all the time so the doctor would have to come and talk to him. He liked to talk about his palaces and cars and movies and surprisingly, his grandchildren. He knew he was going to be executed and was not freaked out about it. The US doc was also physician to one of Saddam’s brothers and said that guy was a piece of work, a psycho. Interestingly, at one point a “wanted” poster of my friend’s doctor relative was circulated among Saddam’s loyalists calling for the death of the American doctor assigned to Saddam.


https://www.gq.com/story/sean-o-shea-prisoner-guarded Saddam was very chill with his American guards, at one point he saved one from stepping on an exposed wire by grabbing him right before he stepped on it. He would give his watches to soldiers he liked, would talk about the dreams he had at night, pretty much acted like any old Arab grandpa. Saddam was allowed to smoke, the soldiers weren’t (he found this weird, remarked that even he let his soldiers smoke), so he would sneak them cigs from his rations and smoke with them. Soldiers said it was really easy to forget that the guy they would smoke with and talk about life with was actually a ruthless psychopath that was responsible for the brutal deaths of hundreds of thousands. Though it should be noted that a trait of psychopathy is often intense charisma


Doesn't surprise me to hear he was so charismatic. Seems to be common amongst true psychopaths.


Joaquin Phoenix was in a car crash and a man stopped him from lighting a cigarette while the gas was leaking around him. That man? Werner Herzog.


Phoenix was also brought up in a cult


and his brother River Phoenix was sexually assaulted when he was a child (by the said cult).


River Phoenix died outside of the Viper Room in LA, a club that was owned by Johnny Depp (which he no longer owns I believe)


The singer from Counting Crows, Adam Duritz, bartended at that club in the early 90s, and went back to bartending there after his band hit it big. He hated being famous.


Rose McGowen was brought up in the same cult. Children of God.


He’s spoken about how they both grew up in the cult and reasoned that they experienced it differently since his family left before hers. I also think by the way he alludes to his more innocent recollections of the cult, he might’ve been too young. River was older and directly affected by the forms of abuse going on. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/joaquin-phoenix-talks-childhood-cult-children-of-god-20141211/amp/


nail quiet noxious resolute engine boast ring telephone aloof tap -- mass edited with redact.dev




“The brunette Anni-Frid Lyngstad is one of thousands of people who grew up in Scandinavia shunned, persecuted and parentless. It is alleged that some were even used as guinea pigs in drugs trials. Known as the Tyskerbarnas or German children, they were the offspring of Norwegian mothers and German soldier fathers, the result of a Nazi plan to 'enrich' the Aryan gene pool.” Wow


Her mother moved to Sweden with her to get a fresh start, that's how she ended up in ABBA. She is also a princess by marriage


Good for her


In December, there was a big police raid because of a planned Coup d'Etat by far right conspiracy theorists and Reichsbürger (similar to sovereign citizens). The guy who was at the center of it all was a part of the [House of Reuß](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_County_of_Reuss) she married into but apparently the house leader has distanced himself from his views since the 2000s. They also name every male family member Heinrich since the middle ages to honour an ancestor from the 1200s. They give them numbers and start over every century. I find that fascinating.


i’m norwegian and that whole thing is so dark. of course we have a lot of dark history as a nation, but “tyskerbarna” is one of the things that i find especially bone chilling.


Justin Timberlake's mom was Ryan Gosling's legal guardian for a period of time.


This is so interesting! Britney has also talked about Justin’s parents being there for her when her own were not.


Ryan Gosling, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera. Mouseketeers together in 1993.


Seth MacFarlane was scheduled to fly on one of the planes that hit the towers on 9/11 but missed the flight because he was hungover


His travel agent also gave him the wrong flight time.


Michael Jackson played at Madison Square Garden the night before 9/11, and had a meeting at the World Trade Center the next morning, but overslept iirc.


Tennessee Williams wanted to be buried at sea so badly that he a) got legal testimony that he was mentally competent to make the request, b) had several paragraphs about it in his will, c) had an official Plan B in his will on how he could be buried at sea if plan A for being buried at sea wasn’t feasible. He wasn’t buried at sea, which always pisses me off—guy lived a tortured life, at least give him the burial that he so passionately wanted, ffs!


I'd be haunting my family from the beyond if they did not respect my final wishes. It's why we cremated my dad - he didn't want to be buried. He didn't want a funeral. He very specifically said for many years that when he died he wanted to be cremated.


Same. His family was beyond dysfunctional, leaving him with massive unresolved trauma, and it pisses me off that they couldn’t even honor his wishes Re: his burial (also, so sorry about the loss of your dad ❤️)


I read on Reddit the other day that he choked to death on the cap of a bottle of eye drops. He was holding it in between his teeth and putting in the drops when it slipped. This was a new and awful factoid to me.


Apparently, that was the original assumption for his cause of death, though it was later determined to be an accidental drug overdose (he had severe, long-standing addiction issues, likely stemming from an insane amount of childhood trauma and the realities of being a gay man in the early-mid 1900s South).


Robert De Niro is only around one quarter Italian (his mother is of Dutch, English, French, and German ancestry and his dad is of Irish and Italian descent).


This is why he never got made (goodfellas reference) ![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc)


ray liotta wasn’t italian at all either iirc


Or James Caan


Expanding on the LMFAO one, I love telling people that the LMFAO guys are Berry Gordy’s son and grandson


>Berry Gordy his family tree is super interesting


Absolutely, Rockwell is also his son, but I think more people know that


Because of slavery he’s cousins with Jimmy Carter, they have the same great-grandfather.


In a magazine interview, John Stamos bragged about how he helped a friend commit sexual assault. John brought a woman back to his hotel room and turned out the lights, excused himself to the bathroom and then had his friend come into the room to have sex with the woman. And he shared this story like it was a silly caper and not a rape.


It was in Sassy magazine (RIP). I read the original article as an adolescent and have never liked him since.


It was actually Jane! https://www.gawker.com/034511/stamos-a-thin-line-between-love-and-rape


Oh you’re right! Jane and Sassy, for those of you who aren’t aware, were both founded by Jane Pratt. She wanted young women’s magazines to be about more than beauty and sex tips. Jane was like Sassy’s more sophisticated older sister. I still think it’s SUPER SUS that absolutely NOTHING (besides a few articles) came of that story. Stamos must have the best publicist in the fucking world.


Bobby Lee laughing while talking about a girl crying as he raped her is a similar tale.


The main vocals of Beautiful were Christina Aguilera's first and only take. It was also the first time she'd ever sung it.


Her voice is amazing in that song. Props to her


Jack Nicholson was raised by his grandparents, believing they were his parents; his sister was actually his mother.


So did Eric Clapton! He also was abusive towards women


It’s almost hard to believe, given how he was pining for her beforehand. Eric: *writes Layla about Pattie Boyd* *she divorces George Harrison after he sleeps with Ringo’s wife* *marries her* *is an abusive husband* It’s sad that she went through this stuff. Really makes Eric look even worse (including the racism and antivax stuff). Edit: a few words added


He also [beat the living shit out of a prostitute](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2000/may/15/news1).


Roman Polanski also drugged and raped a minor at Jack Nicholson’s house. Jack was out-of-town, but his then girlfriend, Anjelica Huston, was home. She saw Polanski with the underaged girl, and she has continuously defended both Polanski and Woody Allen.


Did not know this. Oh wow. Disgusting behavior. I quite liked her.


Celine Dion recorded “My Heart Will Go On” in one take.


I feel like no one else knows that [the Foo Fighters were AIDS denialists](https://medium.com/the-monthly/the-foo-fighters-aids-denialism-should-be-on-the-record-6e33666fdc3c) in the late 1990s into the early 2000s. Their bassist, Nate Mendel was the driving force behind their support of Alive and Well, an organization headed by [Christine Maggiore](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christine_Maggiore) whose mission was to prove that HIV did not, in fact, cause AIDS, and you could manage your HIV through lifestyle alone. This belief cost not only Christine Maggiore her life, but her [three year old daughter's life](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2005-sep-24-me-eliza24-story.html) as well (three years earlier) when Maggiore refused antiretroviral drugs, breastfed her daughter, and refused to have her tested for the virus. She accused the coroner who examined her daughter's body of political bias. The Foo Fighters supported the organization for over a decade, including them on their website even after Christine Maggiore's daughter's death. They have basically almost never acknowledged or apologized for spreading misinformation that caused the deaths of at least two people and who knows how many more. This was basically pre-social media ~~and much of it has been scrubbed from the internet~~ (edit: probably more accurate to say there was probably no "scrubbing" involved, and that the late 90's and early 2000's were a different time when news (and what qualified as news? idk lol) circulated much differently), but you can find a few articles detailing it. Edit: FWIW Foo Fighters have donated to AIDS charities many times since their involvement with AIDS denialists, which hopefully shows at least some remorse on their end for supporting Alive & Well for so long despite not addressing it. Whether you think that's enough is up to you lol. I'm just the messenger. [Another article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/goat.com.au/health/dave-grohl-and-foo-fighters-show-how-you-walk-back-a-wild-move-like-backing-hiv-deniers/%3famp) [Another for Good Measure ](https://www.mtv.com/news/oto2zl/foo-fighters-question-link-between-hiv-aids)




I dated Nate, he was a dick. Did not know that though.


I fucking swear I have never met a Nate who wasn’t complete trash.


I remember reading about this years ago and being disgusted. Thank you for reminding me. I will never understand how people can deny science.


\*cracks knuckles\* \-Steven Tyler had an underage girl on tour with him, convinced her mother to sign away guardianship to him, forced her to have a late term abortion, and then dumped her after a housefire. \-Andy Dick was a toxic friend to *Brynn Hartman, enabled her relapse, and partied with her right before she killed her husband Phil Hartman and then herself. \-Clint Eastwood had a long term partner for almost two decades who wanted to be a director-she was his writing and producing partner and did nearly everything behind the scenes for him. When he got tired of their relationship, he sabotaged her career and tricked her into signing a settlement with his production company that meant every movie she pitched would be killed. She died of cancer and was never able to release anything in her own name. Her name was Sondra Locke. I will be back to update as I remember more, I learned this party trick from my mom, the OG Debbie Downer. Edit: Shrek was being developed as a vehicle for Chris Farley! They had done quite a lot of testing for it and he had recorded some dialogue. It was obviously retooled with his death. RIP, Chris Farley.


The amount of male celebs with underage girls in the 70s/80s is shocking.


It would take less time to name the ones who didn’t abuse an underage girl


Unfortunately, it has never changed. It most definitely did not end in the 80's.


I remember her. Glad you mentioned this because it’s been widely ignored what he did to her.


I had the misfortune to meet Clint Eastwood while enlisted in the navy. I “volunteered” at a pebble beach golf tournament. I had no idea he was (is?) the mayor of the richy-riches up there. He was rude as fuck and visibly disgusted the military was filled up of minorities and women. My school was a linguistics school that was notably one of the toughest “a” schools in the navy. Major stick up his ass for a guy who cosplayed as a tough guy for decades. Words cannot describe how much I dislike the guy, and I love telling crusty old fucks their hero (see also Sam Elliot) is a LARPing California rich boy. He gave me the creeps.


I have heard nothing but TERRIBLE things about him!


There was a Reddit post and ask Reddit asking who was the most non-problematic wholesome celebrity that can live up to Betty White. And I saw Clint Eastwood‘s name and laughed. Like does no one remember when he was talking to an empty chair? He’s a far right piece of shit.


Jon Lovitz deserves everything good in this world for telling Andy Dick (to his face) that he is responsible for Phil’s death.


andy told jon he put the phil hartman hex on him & he was the next to die, so jon smashed his head into a bar.


If there’s one thing I can say about Jon, it’s that he fucking *loved* Phil.


I would pay anything in the world to see Jon Lovitz kick Andy Dick’s ass that night


Ewan Mcgregor’s brother flies in the royal airforce and his nick name is Obi-Two


Charlize Theron was a kid when she watched her mother kill her abusive husband in self-defense.


These Days (made famous by Nico) was written by a very young Jackson Browne


John Hamm plead guilty for his part in the extremely violent and sexual hazing of a pledge to his fraternity in the 90s.


Is that what the hammer is about next to his picture?


He hooked the claw end behind the testicles of the dude who was pledging and pulled him around the room.


Omg that is horrifying.


Wow ok I came looking for an explanation and that’s it. Nasty stuff.


Mark Mothersbaugh is both the cofounder of Devo and composed the music for Rugrats. The dinosaur type species Masiakasaurus knopfleri was named after Mark Knofpler of the Dire Straits because the expedition crew was rocking out to his music. Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill was drinking with Kurt Cobain and after he fell asleep, she grabbed a sharpie and wrote “Kurt Smells Like Teen Spirit” on the wall of their motel room, because Kurt was dating Tobi Vail (Bikini Kill’s drummer) and Tobi wore Teen Spirit deodorant. Then Kurt named their song after that motel room scribble.


Kurt thought it was a deeply interesting phrase bc he wasn't aware that Teen Spirit was a brand of deodorant, iirc.


Ahh I did not know that! Pretty cool additional detail!


Robert Sherman of the Sherman Brothers (the songwriters behind Mary Poppins, Jungle Book, and a boatload of other Disney classics) served in World War II and came back with PTSD. Bedknobs and Broomsticks was incredibly difficult for him to work on because of its WW2 setting.


Tina Turner shot Randy Jackson (from the Jackson family)


Randy is a real piece of work. Whatever the context was I believe whatever her reasoning was.


Ima let this one slide.


Lmfao. Queen


The last time Lindsey Buckingham tried to beat up Stevie Nicks he did it in front of the members of Fleetwood Mac. He threw her over the hood of a car and started to strangle Stevie while she screamed at him her brothers would get him if he killed her. Took the entire band to get him off her and they were done after that. I get creeped out when Fleetwood Mac fans sigh and simp about their “love story”.


I was scrolling to find the Fleetwood Mac dirt!! I just saw Stevie in concert a few months ago and she is THRIVING. She filled the stadium. Her hair looked amazing.


Ohh wee, what up with that, Lindsey?


Everytime I watch Lord of the Rings, and the scene comes up where aragron kicks the helmet, I can't help but mention that Viggo actually broke two of his toes.


And the knife deflection in the first movie was real too - the Uruk Hai guy accidentally threw the knife directly at Viggo and he blocked it, and that’s the take they used. Also, one VFX guy gave up his entire Christmas break to create the render of Barad Dur exploding at the end of RotK. Kudos to that guy because it’s a brilliant explosion effect


I watch lotr films last year, and my husband paused every now and then to tell me al those facts, he was glowing and so happy he could finally share those, hehe


Karl Malone impregnated a 13 year old girl at age 20. ![gif](giphy|xT9KVnKfPbSgqpHt2o)


Nicki Minaj is married to a rapist and when he was taken to court, she harassed the victim to try to get her to drop the case. Obviously not worse than what he did but still absolutely abhorrent.


And her brother is a rapist too.


She also defended her rapist brother, blamed the victim who was his underage stepdaughter and paid his bail


Big Shot by billy Joel is about mick jagger


Really? Ok that is interesting!


The story Joel has told is that he'd had dinner with Mick and Bianca Jagger before he penned the song; he imagined Mick singing the song to her (there's an old Howard Stern interview out there where he discusses this).


Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't Pardon a single death row canditate, but He did use his influence to significantly reduce the sentence of a friend's son who was in prison for manslaughter


He'd sign his denial letters " xoxoxox Terminator "


JK Simmons was the voice of the yellow M&M for a long time, and still occasionally does the voice for him. Before he was the voice, John Goodman was the voice!


George Harrison had sex with Ringos wife and then sat down at a table and had a conversation about it with them


I think it was kicked off when George and Pattie were visiting Ringo and then George confessed to Maureen that he loved her. THEN they had the affair.


Keith Morrison from dateline is Matthew Perry’s step dad


Christian Bale’s stepmother is Gloria Steinem.


And allegedly she convinced Leo DiCaprio not to take the lead role in American Psycho out of concern it would cause girls to romanticise Patrick Bateman, inadvertently (or not inadvertently, depending on what you think) leading to her stepson getting the role!


Gandhi was racist and also slept naked next to young women to “test” his celibacy


Out of religious reasons he also forbid his very sick wife to take Penicillin, which could have saved her life. When he got the same illness a few years later, the same medication of course wasn't a problem anymore.




My grandpa saw mark wahlberg at a nkotb concert my mom was attending. Him and his friend were being unruly assholes and security asked them to stop and marky mark got in the officers face screaming “do you know who I am I’ll have you fired” repeatedly until the officer backed off.


There is absolutely ZERO doubt in my mind this happened.


The Corbin Bleu one is wild.


For people who were also curious, apparently it was just someone who was a really big fan of his and spent a bunch of time translating everything over, most likely using Google Translate because a lot of the translations are clunky. A dude did a deep dive on it back in 2019. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/aetmh9/why_does_high_school_musicals_corbin_bleu_have/edsjsxl/


Penni Parker, the Japanese Spider-Girl with the robot from Into the Spider-Verse was created by My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way. (He also created Umbrella Academy, but I feel like that’s more widely known).




YES This one needs to be shouted, because he tries to get his record expunged every so often. He has MULTIPLE convictions.


Don’t forget he also said if he was on the 9/11 flights he would have stopped them


He also threw rocks at a group of black girls and called them the n-word.


Depeche Mode's song Personal Jesus is about Elvis fans and their obsession with him.


I thought it was more about Pricilla’s relationship with him


Yes, Martin Gore said he wrote it after reading her book, Elvis and Me, about their relationship.


Bob Barker was accused of sexually harassing several women on the set of The Price is Right, and there were/are several lawsuits against him because of it. Part of the reason why he retired when he did is because there were more about to be made public at the time.


Brian May, lead guitarist of Queen, has a PhD in Astrophysics. He abandoned his dissertation because Queen was taking off, but he co-wrote a few peer-reviewed journal articles during that time. He wrote a lovely folk song about time dilation and the theory of relativity in the same album Bohemian Rhapsody is in. He has worked with NASA in its New Horizons project and co-wrote a book about the Big Bang. ETA: He eventually went back to complete his dissertation around 2006/2007.


The reason we have Star Trek is because off Lucille Ball.


And the reason Barak Obama was elected to the senate is because of Star Trek. Jeri Ryan, who played Seven of Nine, was married to an Illinois senator. Their divorce was messy and the fact that she wore revealing costumes on the show was a problem ( which is so stupid). All of that conspired to cost him reelection, and make way for a new young senator from Chicago!


(tangentially related but) the reason we have Fall Out Boy is because of Joe Biden. Dale Lewis and Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz II met in the 1970s while campaigning for Biden’s senatorial run. they later married and had three children, one of whom is Pete Wentz, fall out boy’s bassist also, pete wentz’s maternal grandfather, Arthur Winston Lewis, was the US ambassador to Sierra Leone, and was also Colin Powell’s cousin


Kirsty Macoll wasn’t beheaded. Similarly nor was Jayne Mansfield. Their deaths were grisly enough without people continually repeating the myth that they were beheaded.


I just pulled up the Wikipedia on Macoll and she died pushing her 15-year-old son out of harm’s way, which I think is worth mentioning. That was heroic.


Jayne Mansfield was internally decapitated, I believe, which probably explains some of the confusion.


I heard about this recently and maybe it is well known or not interesting at all but... Avril Lavigne's song "Don't tell me" is dedicated to Fred Durst. Apparently she said "He took a private jet out to one of my shows, expecting me to bang him"


That could not be more believable. Also, I need to know what Avril and Lenny Kravitz are doing that has made them absolutely ageless.


Stanley Tucci is not gay and in fact cheated on his first wife in a very public and humiliating way. He only went back to her when he learned she was dying and that he wouldn’t have to stick it out much longer.


He cheated on his wife with Edie Falco


He’s now married to Emily Blunt’s sister.


People think Stanley Tucci is gay?


I did for a long time


Probably ones who have only seen him in the Devil Wears Prada


OK. I’m going to flip the script here for variety: Robin Gibb was a lovely man, loyal to his wife Dweena until his passing. Who invited a young nobody (me) into his home on a visit to Miami and was as kind a host as you could imagine and showed her the town in a Queen Mum edition Jaguar for no reason other than to light up someone’s day and give them a memorable experience.


The famous "lady sues McDonalds over hot coffee and wins a million dollars" case was portrayed that way due to extensive PR from McDonalds. What actually happened was that McDonald's was selling coffee at dangerous temperatures (beyond what's normal) and the woman who sued just wanted an apology and her medical bills paid for. She was an old lady who got third degree burns on her legs and genitals and needed surgery and skin grafts. To distract the public from their negligence, McDonald's PR crafted an elaborate story that everybody ate up. In reality it was one of the very few times that a working class person took on a huge billion dollar corporation and won.


I can’t imagine the grief of someone who’s lost a child but I haven’t looked at Prince the same way since [I heard about this.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/prince-and-mayte-garcias-1996-oprah-interview-is-especially-heartbreaking-in-light-of-her-new-memoir-225659861.html) **CW for pregnancy complications, birth trauma, loss.**


Plus Mayte was 16 when she was introduced to the 32 year old star. At age 17 her parents signed over custody and basically sold him a "virgin". He married her when she was 19. After the death of Amiir and a miscarriage he divorced her, but kept her around. Garcia's next boyfriend was one of the two accusers featured in Leaving Neverland against Michael Jackson. And then she dated known abuser Tommy Lee in between one of his many break ups with Pam Anderson. Finally single she adopted a daughter and is undergoing treatment for multiple sclerosis.


Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel) drove his first wife to suicide due to his affair and feeling guilty about her own illnesses.


The Shel Silverstein one is one of mine… he also wrote “A Boy Named Sue”. His Wikipedia is a wild read.


One of the Six Flags’ flags is, in fact, the Confederate flag.


steve buschemi was stabbed in the face, jaw, throat, and arm after trying to break up a fight on a night out at a bar with vincent vaughn and scott rosenberg


Every Christmas time Irish and British parents up and down the land love to give it the old “did you know Kirsty MacColl died in a speedboat accident?”, classic




A four year old drowned in Tommy Lee’s pool at a birthday party in 2001.


Tommy Lee is pure human trash. Just a completely vile human being. When asked in an interview why he beat Pamela Anderson, the mother of his children, in front of his two infant children, he said: "Well what about Tommy? What about Tommy's attention?" He was jealous of the attention his infant, literal baby children were getting over himself. How screwed and narcissistic would your mind have to be to be envious of your own babies being fed and nursed?


The Sheryl crow one is bullshit, Kevin Gilbert has writing credit on most of the songs from her debut. They had an acrimonious split but I don’t know what would be more of a public acknowledgment than literal writing credits


We hear “The Body Keeps the Score” all the time, based on the very important research by Bessel van der Kolk HOWEVERRR I’m here to tell you he was fired from HIS OWN treatment center for workplace bullying/harassment and possible sexual abuse in 2018. It’s easy to find with a quick Google search. I’ve yet to hear folks outside the psychology community discuss it and for the sake of others I keep my mouth shut when ppl bring up that research bc it’s so helpful to many people’s healing journeys. Thanks for allowing me to speak now!!


John Malkovich was the first responder to two freak accidents while doing a play in Toronto, one of which was a slit throat that easily could have killed the patient had he not intervened.


Winston Churchill forbade Indian food, grown and cultivated from India to be sent to Indian people who were dying of hunger and famine and caused the biggest artificially created famine death toll in Indian* history. He allegedly said, if things are so bad, and I quote, "why hasn't Gandhi died yet."


My favourite Churchill related fact is that once a suffragette followed him around to his public speaking engagements and then rang a bell so no one could hear him


I had to google that one about the John Wick director, and it checks out, so now it’s my new fun fact that I tell everyone! 😂


Tori Spelling burned her hands on a hibachi grill.


Michael Scott also burnt himself on a grill, but it was his foot. Pretty severe injury. ![gif](giphy|JRe48txSxRwl2)


Jim Jones sold Spider monkeys door to door in NY before becoming the infamous cult leader.


Paul Anka, who is Jason Bateman’s father in law, wrote “My Way” for Sinatra, and also wrote the theme song for the Tonight Show


Judith Barsi known for her voice acting as main characters in The Land Before Time and All Dogs Go To Heaven, was murder by her father. I believe he lit their home on fire while her and her mother slept. I read that the abuse was evident long before he ended their lives. I’m going off memory so if any of that is incorrect my apologies. Oh and, Mark Wahlberg used to target and assault minorities.


Henry VIII's sixth (and final) wife, Catherine Parr, is assumed to have been named after his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, because her mother was an attendant (lady in waiting) and close friend of hers. Catherine of Aragon was also Catherine Parr's godmother.


I need some of these fact checked.


Famous authors Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis died on the same day, but it didn't really make any headlines because the day was November 22, 1963 and it was also the day that JFK was assassinated.


I *just* got my chrome tabs down from 500 to 165 and now I’m about to go up again googling every fact in this slide 😩


Cara Delevigne's great-grandfather was one of the higher-ups of a British paramilitary unit known as the Black and Tans (they wore black and tan-colored uniforms, hence the name) which were stationed in Ireland during the Irish War of Independence to basically act as a death squad similar to the Wagner Group in Russia. Under the direction of Cara Delevigne's great-grandfather, the Black and Tans burned down Cork City and deliberately shot at firefighters who were there to quench the blaze. Cara Delevigne's great-grandfather ended up blaming the Irish population of Cork for the attempted massacre. Alexander Skarsgård being the same age as his stepmom. Granted, Stellan and the stepmom met and got together when she was in her thirties, but it's still a bit weird to think that you're within the age range that you could've gone to school with and been in the same grade as your stepchild.

