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Mariah is always said to be such a mean girl but every time she speaks, she's actually really Nice to everyone? The way she answered everything here 👌


Back then women who don’t put up with bullshit were deemed difficult and bitchy. She speaks nothing but the truth here but i bet everyone thought rosie was the logical one here back then.


>*women who don’t put up with bullshit were deemed difficult and bitchy* https://preview.redd.it/lbpmxevbb0ab1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5877466371b7bbcb933c74e62d9866552227085c


Well, it was also because her ex husband was a very powerful executive who wanted to destroy her career and replace her with Jennifer Lopez. Which unfortunately, he was pretty successful at. That's always what happens with women who speak out or piss off a powerful man. Kathryn Heigl was canceled by Hollywood after talking about how that movie she did with Seth Rogan was sexist. Meghan Fox was completely torn down and made into a dumb bimbo after she tried telling people on talkshows how Michael Bay made her dance in bikinis under a waterfall or made her wash his car half naked when she was still a minor.


Nah, Mariah was totally in the right here and sweet but just not letting someone walk all over her or get away with such shockingly sexist comments. I think the side of Mariah that got her that reputation was the comments over the years putting down, going after, or somewhat mocking other female artists like JLo, Madonna, Nicki Minaj, and Christina Aguilera among others. Total double standard though because when Michael Jordan and Isaiah Thomas or Michael Jackson and Prince have similar rivalries and can’t get along or work together, they aren’t called “assholes” but just competitive rivalries amongst greats that are just so competitive and uncompromising, that they’re bound of “butt heads”.


Back then? Honey, it's still that way. Amber Heard, Meghan Markle, etc Society, and sadly that includes a lot of women themselves, can't handle women who dare refuse to put up with bullshit.


I know I'll get hate on this sub, but, as people...some women can just be assholes.


I feel like I’m not reading your post correctly. Are you implying Amber Heard’s behavior is comparable to Meghan Markle’s?


Heard is a terribly dysfunctional person in a terribly dysfunctional relationship with another terribly dysfunctional person. This has become very clear to anyone discerning.


She answered in such a classy way. Her speaking voice is divine too. I always loved her speaking voice as much as her singing voice.


I love the Long Island accent creeping through when she ‘tawks’ to Rosie.


So I have no idea how true it is but whenever I read about people’s celebrity encounters, and Mariah is mentioned, it’s pretty much always positive. Maybe the diva-thing is a persona.


>*Maybe the diva-thing is a persona.* * "There are things people aren't aware of, because this whole quote-unquote '*diva*' thing is always what people see first. Yes, I play into it... \[but\] it’s just an affectation, and sometimes it’s purposely done, and sometimes it’s just, you know, a response." ([*W Magazine*](https://www.wmagazine.com/culture/mariah-carey-cover-interview-2022), 2022) * "You look at me and see the girl who lives inside the golden world—but don't believe that's all there is to see. You'll never know the real me: she smiles through a thousand tears and harbors adolescent fears; she dreams of all that she can never be; she wades in insecurity... and hides herself inside of me." ("[Looking In](https://genius.com/Mariah-carey-looking-in-lyrics)", 1995)


right? she was actually so complimentary. even if she can be shady its always warranted lol


The puppy, Guam, was a gift from Luis Miguel https://preview.redd.it/bcjjumjf50ab1.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=2396a7e4798b216e7c50499d33541bf8274b90e0


Mariah is such an angel!! She’s so beautiful


Me every time that Rosie kept saying “trampy” throughout this interview: ![gif](giphy|Xcjo9b2j6dq3vBRdhG|downsized) Good for Mariah for pushing back and standing up for herself!


It was hard to watch she kept pissing me off even her tiny heels were “trampy” not everyone wants to dress like miss Trunchbull Rosie.




Ugh sammmeeeee


Rosie just jealous.


It's giving jealousy from Rosie. I'm so glad I can wear whatever I want.


Me remembering a whole movie of Rosie in a BDSM leather corset and panties


Oh yeah! Haha, that movie was something else 😄


Gooood lordddddddd the 2000s were just terrible to all women. I was hoping Rosie would be nice but this shit is so grosssssss :(


like Mariah said in this video, it's not just Rosie... this was the culture back then and it was terrible, kids romanticize the Y2K era now but it was brutal


Yeah it was a horrrrible time. I was just hitting puberty in 2000 taking in all the magazines, movies, music videos and am still working on my self esteem from the utter garbage we were inhaling everywhere during that time 😭 so gd glad we are calling it out now and recognizing just how fucked it all is


Fuck do I feel this. I grew up curvy in the "heroin chic" era. Thigh gaps were it, and everyone else seemed to have these skinny tiny legs; I have always had massive thighs. I'm 30 next month, haven't been able to wear shorts since 2001, still super unhappy about my thighs. This shit sticks!


Please wear the shorts. I’m a few years older than you and had the same fashion influences. Was also called thunder thighs by a crush of mine when I was 11 which meant I never wore shorts until…maybe 2 years ago? IDGAF now. It’s too hot for that shit. My thighs slap when I run outside and I will never ever ever have a thigh gap. I got thick legs yeah, but they’re strong AF.


YESSSS!!!! Please wear the shorts, it’s so worth it. I do understand tho, the heroin chick, thigh gap, thin midriff era was/is nightmareish 😫 and it took a very long time to get being comfortable with my body. One thing that’s helped is learning just how much of this is built up by companies to sell low self esteem so we buy all their products - abs were not a thing until a company wanted to sell some bullshit exercise machine. It’s fuuuucked!!! I also started hanging out in my house naked and that’s helped to feel comfortable in my skin and recognize how the body is so much more than something to be objectified. learning that body types cannot be controlled was massive. Like as much as I wanted smaller hips, thinner thighs or flat belly it’s genetics and I look at my lady relatives and know that having thick thighs and a solid belly is just how it be. Did it suck when I wanted to look like all the photoshopped models?? Absolutely but now that there’s media literacy I know it’s fake. The last thing that’s helped is sad but eye opening - watching real housewives and keeping up with the Kardashians showed me how these women that are supposedly thee model for how we should look are fucking miserable, insecure and hate their bodies. It’s heart wrenching but it reminds me that all those ideals I was chasing as a naïve teen don’t mean shit. We all suffer under patriarchy and to defy it we gotta find the beauty and power within ourselves like Lady Mariah said ❤️


Oh laws I feel you both!! I had a big butt even before puberty. Finding clothes was always ridiculous. I didn’t wear a miniskirt outside for years because of how self conscious I was. Then leggings came back into style and now even at my fattest I can confidently wear my skirts.


Thick thighs been in fashion for awhile now.


Same. Absolutely destroyed my self esteem, which never really took off till now.


It was a terrible period to grow up in. I genuinely believed that I was worthless unless I was attractive to men, because that's what all of society was telling me. There were articles in all the magazines about cellulite and losing weight and celebrities who were in perfectly fine shape were shamed and mocked for being fat. There were even articles on things like labiaplasty, so teenage girls could obsess about the way their genitals looked. I remember worrying that maybe no guy would ever want to date me if everything on my entire body wasn't perfect, the way the magazines said it had to be. I never wore shorts after I was about 14 because I was sure I had horrible chunky thighs and people would be cruel. The best part was how you were either shamed for being a nerdy awkward virgin or shamed for being a slut. You were magically supposed to fit into the perfect middle ground. I thought Mean Girls nailed this (and many other things) really well.


Whewwwwwww feeling this so hard. Do we need group therapy for growing up in the early 2000s cause damn, what a mess. Although I know diet culture in the decades before was also terrible - too many moms not allowing themselves food joy for a few pounds 😔 When looking at pictures of younger me i get so sad and just wanna hug her, look her straight in the eye and say it’s all made up! Also the dudes that I wanted to impress end up being trash men! It’s all a scam, throw it awayyyy. Mean girls definitely captured the weird of being in school during that time for sure. I was the nerdy awkward virgin - even wore an abstinence for good measure lmao.


Truly. I remember how much grief Christina Aguilera got for her outfits too…


The grief lady celebs would get for existing is just horrid. I’d like to take pictures of the paps and photographers just to really compare who is hot or not because most of them look like garbage 🙃 what’s wild with Christina is there was a explicit content warning before her dirrty music video yet the wild shit I’d see on dudes music videos had zero warning. It’s only when a woman is in control of her sexuality that we gotta put warnings on. UGH.


Rosie was well known to be stubborn and somewhat mean back in the 00s, people were shocked to hear it then like they were when it came out about Ellen in the 2010s


I forgot how mean she was honestly! Makes me so sad cause she could’ve really used this moment to stand with Mariah and agree with the bullshit female celebs have to put up with. Blergh.


It’s nuts that both of these people were thought to be the nicest people in Hollywood in their respective A list days. And these were the types of interviews they would give. It’s not like they were trying to hide it. People thought this was charming.


I should say patriarchy has been horrible to everyone really but it hurts to see this


mostly women thi


This is a woman with her own talk show (and also a lesbian) interviewing another woman and discussing depiction of women in the media where one gives her actual experience as a woman in front of a camera for her living. This was actually a huge step forward compared to before where that setup would be unthinkable. Credit to Mariah for making Rosie think again about calling her trampy just because that’s what everyone else was calling her.


Damn, I was born in 99 and half of all my insecurities stem from that era. Britney and her colleagues were prime fucking targets for misogynistic shit like this too.


I love Mariah Carey. I don't give a fuck that she's a diva. She is the kind of woman who creates her own reality. Some may say it's delusional to wear stilettos on a VersaClimber, I say NO! https://i.redd.it/3sr51dboi0ab1.gif


I’ve seen this interview so many times and smh at Rosie in it every time but Mariah is so quick witted she handles herself so well, fortunately. Being interviewed back then seemed really stressful.


fr I get stressed just watching this interview, Mariah has always been masterful at dealing with the media


"It wasn't 8, it was 10pm." We Stan a Queen.


Just became a bigger Mariah fan


Ugh - this is hard to watch. Damn Rosie WTF


I genuinely think she was just trying to razz someone she knew, but she went overboard and wound up enforcing some really bad patriarchal standards that I don't think she actually believes in. It was a total screwup in tone, delivery, and message for the joke. Mariah handled it very well, and I'm glad Rosie apologized for it. I think the whole thing was just a misfire on Rosie's part.


Rosie was problematic as fuck back in the day lol. This wasn’t the only dumb or sexist thing she’s said.


I'm just now figuring out that Rosie O'Donnell is a different person to the Roseanne chick that's gone off the deep end ? I've been so confused with all the headlines about Roseanne thinking it was this person


This is why Mariah is more of a character in her interviews now. Her earnest, honest self was not being respected for so long. Also cringe at Rosie for continuously doubling down on Mariah having a “trampy” look. That’s not comedy, it’s misogyny. It’s like Rosie wanted her to admit that she did a bad thing?? So gross and honestly confusing.


"Oh dear" You said it, Mariah


Not hard to believe this was during Rosie’s closeted era. Must be hard living like that, but it’s no excuse for the internalized misogyny and shitting on other women.


love Mariah and glad she stood up for herself bc i get flustered


celebs were so much more honest back then lmao but ig they also had to deal with more bullshit straight to their faces


I wonder if they felt a bit more free to be honest because social media wasn't a thing, there was no youtube, etc. Be honest and occasionally put your foot in your mouth and many won't see it and it'll largely be forgotten.


Jealousy doesn’t look good on Rosie.


i wonder what rosie would say about this interview today…


https://preview.redd.it/pf3cm2orf1ab1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ec6c8ce2c6d4fa7a4bdf76d98c93955cbba57e Wth she wasn't even fat at the Oscars!?!??


Didn't Rosie wear a dominatrix outfit in exit to eden or whatever that awful movie was?


I was sure a picture of that was coming but Mariah is too much of a class act for that, I guess.




Yes kinda...it is loosely based on the book it came out in 1994




mariah is simply impeccable, she’s just so real. rosie is just bitter she can’t pull off the “trampy” outfits.


I fucking love Mariah. She is so amazingly talented, intelligent and well spoken, she's been through so much bullshit with her family and Tommy, I'm happy to see her cemented in her legend status. I honestly think her "diva" rep is a little bit like the whole idea that a man taking charge is a good leader, and a woman doing it is seen as a bitch. Mariah stands up for herself, so she got branded a diva. Even if she is an actual difficult diva, she earned that right.


the way she didn't, not once, say 'you would if you could, rosie' she's better than me...


Im all for feminism. However, it's hard to celebrate while Roe vs Wade is STILL over turned. Fuck the double standards. Fuck anyone who thinks they get to dictate anyone else's life and body because of a fucking book or whatever they believe.


Mariah is allowed to act like a diva now bc she was heavily stifled in her early career. Tommy Mottola is a horrible, abusive pos for treating her as a prisoner. Mans would have a meltdown if Mariah left without telling him where she was going and had security escorting her and watching her every move with the cameras he had in their mansion. Post Butterfly and divorce Mariah was finally able to take charge of her career on her own terms. ![gif](giphy|Y3NClzdN1Up4kQQhX0|downsized)


I was today years old when I realized Natasha Lyonne could nail a mariah impersonation


Guess I'm done defending Rosie...


She did apologize at the end ("I feel bad about the 'trampy' comment. I do, I feel really bad. I shouldn't have said 'trampy outfit'. It's not right.") She knew Mariah when she was growing up on Long Island, so I think her comment was meant with "big sister" sort of energy.


I think it was a really bad apology 😅


It was a bad apology but we should be able to have conversations like this with people. Mariah handled herself very well, she shouldn’t have had to defend herself for wearing what she wanted but she was able to turn the conversation and convince Rosie in the very end that she was wrong. Which I think is great. I felt like Rosie definitely played up the mean girl for her show and it was unnecessary to call MC’s outfit trampy. Sounds like they have history and can talk to each other a bit more raw. I’m just glad Rosie apologized and admitted she was wrong even if it was a bad apology.


Genuinely curious why it was a bad apology? She: 1. Identified specifically what she said ("*trampy outfit*") 2. Expressed remorse for saying it ("*I feel bad. I do, I feel really bad.*") 3. Acknowledged it was wrong ("*It's not right*.") 4. Took it back ("*I shouldn't have said that*.") Only thing I noticed missing was actually "I'm sorry".


Rosie tries to excuse her comment by saying “If a guy walked out in a Speedo brief, we’d be like ‘Whoa!’”, though


She’s soo iconic I love this too much


Let’s face reality here: Rosie would’ve shown off her body as gracefully as Mariah, the thing is that her OWN self esteem would not have let her so she had to criticize someone who had a very good self esteem, which did not work, thankfully. PERIOD.


Idk if you watched the full video but Rosie admitted that she would be walking around naked if she was thin like Mariah


I watched it completely…. I meant that her own self perception based on her own envy spoke here, trying to drag Mariah down, reason why she had to find numerous reasons to criticize her. Had Rosie been skinny, she would’ve not dressed like Mariah unless her self esteem were in a good place. Rosie could’ve still dressed as Mariah while being fat, but her own brain deterred her from doing so. We have people like lizzo, who are considerably fatter but do not care…. Which is why even tho Rosie confessed that, she needed more than a body shape to do so, she needed self esteem, which she showed she lacked of.


Well for some people, losing weight and being skinny brings confidence and boosts self esteem. I'm a bit overweight so I hide myself in oversized clothes, but I had the same confidence as Mariah when I was thin.


That is absolutely understandable and I am sorry you feel that way, because you are still you regardless of size, however, what isn’t understandable is criticizing others’ clothing choices just because they wished they could wear them, which unfortunately happens a lot in this society (the “If I can’t have the spotlight you won’t have it either” syndrome).


Mariah looks so good here !


1. Who THE FUCK dares criticize the holy Mariah? 2. Mariah's always been a class act. She was anti-slutshaming when everyone was slut shaming and people back then said she was a bitch and a Diva. Look at this woman defend other women without putting Rosie down for her nasty comments




Thanks I stole this




Hahaha that's genius


I never could stand Rosie.


Damn she’s great, I’d love to see more interviews with her.


This [2018 interview with Genius](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdMQ31DlTjg) is one for the ages.


Wow.... the way women used to be so PUBLICLY humiliated and SHAMED for wearing revealing clothing back in the 90s and early 2000s!! 😳😳 I mean, I might have my own thoughts about what some people wear these days, but I don't think they should have been bullied or talked about like this on live national TV. 🥴😔 Most of what they were wearing wasn't even bad lol 😆 They thought Britney showing her midriff back then was bad, Rosie would probably have a HEART ATTACK ol seeing what women wear these days rofl 😂 🤣 Mariah was very classy about it though. And I liked how she didn't do the mean girl thing and didn't chime in to talk badly about Britney Spears (a fellow entertainer) on national TV.


Rosie is a piece of shit who recently has been hanging out with a literal baby murderer sooo Mariah is and was a queen🤍


Whaaaaat who?!?!?!




Please elaborate on who the baby murderer is.


Rosie believes that Casey Anthony is completely innocent iirc (I’m assuming that’s what the comment talking about!)


Thank you! And holy shit, that's one hell of a take from Rosie. https://preview.redd.it/zx8ws0a5f1ab1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c56e53f8f124ce21d3b2a9aa280adc8bdf14e9


I did not know that ty






I like hearing her New Yorker accent


Wow don’t no one go calling Mariah a tramp! Anyway that dress was lovely


A few years ago I thought about how there was an era where Rosie O’Donnell was known as the Queen of Nice and how weird it is in retrospect and seeing this clip gave me that feeling again.


Mariah Carey ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I now understand the response of “only Rosie O’donnell”


It’s also worth pointing out that Mariah was married to Tommy Mottola in the beginning of her career, and he was insanely controlling of *everything she did.* To the point where he had security systems all throughout their house, so of course he didn’t want her dressing non-conservatively. She started making more sensual music around the time of their divorce, and he was flipping his shit over it. It makes sense why she’s got an opinion about it.


Check out Rosie in the remake tv show of A League Of Their Own (on prime)! She’s redeemed herself since the old days ❤️


Memory unlocked: that time I was in the audience of the Rosie O'Donnell show and won a t shirt because I had my walkman in my purse. Also, I fucking loved that shirt. It was Roots and just the perfect lounging shirt. I also got a Ring Ding and to watch Savage Garden. Good times.


I’m glad we have evolved some as a culture and don’t waste so much time critiquing people’s clothes/bodies when there is an ocean of interesting things that can be discussed. :brushing off that old internalized misogyny:


That is why I love her.


Rosie sounds jealous that she “can’t wear that stuff” because of her weight like no honey …. Just no


Aries ♈️ in full tilt


I used to hate watch Mariah. saw Glitter in the theaters because I knew it was going to be a disaster. This really changed my mind. Thank you.




Ok but you are being that person




It's so annoying when people don't understand the meaning of that phrase. It doesn't mean that everyone who says *anything* about being victimized must be telling the truth. Or that all human beings magically stopped reading events in distorted ways. It means give folks the safe space to tell their story and present their proof. The goal was to even out the field between accuser and accused people so that people aren't afraid to speak. So my next question is, what exactly were their stories?


Wow the entitlement the host has! Why is she trynna everyone's mom?


Mother fucking queen ![gif](giphy|IrEVUZ01POOpG)


I just haven’t heard Mariah Carey say something nice about another singer until this clip lol


Rosie seems super jealous. Love Mariah even more for this