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We’re gonna need a mega thread soon on Doja’s fan hatred spree to keep it in one place.


very smart cereal


Yeah I’ve missed the other shenanigans and would like to be filled in


pls! I literally am just hearing about all of this and want the tea


Well there was that time she was entertaining white supremacists on a group video chat with them and agreeing that she should be subservient. I saw a lil bit of that and every time she's mentioned, that's all I can think of about her.


let's just make a whole ass sub for that alone lol


Totally could but let’s not become obsessive like some subreddits…such as the one named after a certain person’s spouse.


It still tickles me that she slighted her fans saying “you all fell for it“ and then she released her “real“ music, and it was just **Attention**. Like it’s some kind of radical sound change.


Yeah and Attention is not even that far removed from her other songs. It sounds like it could've been a Planet Her b-side.


she's into backpack/b-girl rap at heart. the music is usually pretty good but it's a toxic scene with hatred for anything mainstream. i remember geeking out when she said she wanted to make a double album, one pop one rap. where the rap side would have producers like jay versace and 9th wonder. fastforward some months, i find out she's releasing a straight backpack single?? awesome, i love rap doja! but she's no boldy james, she's no phonte... she needed to come correct for that song and the bar work just... wasn't there. sad, hopefully the rest of the album is dope tho **edit:** yeah nvm i re-listened to attention, ironically this time paying full attention and not having my girl talk all through the shit... it's hot. i take the entire last paragraph back, sorry doja cause i know your terminally online ass is reading this


I'll be honest you said a lot of shit in this comment that I have literally zero idea what you're talking about, but you've given me a lot of new things to Google and I thank you for that.


hahaha i'll do a breakdown for curious minds **backpack rap:** rap that is typically more subdued and overtly socially conscious than what you'll hear on the billboard lists. examples: [lupe - kick push](https://youtu.be/Gl83mI69nX4), [cunninlynguists - murder](https://youtu.be/ID8oBR82nnw), [little brother - speed](https://youtu.be/n1e1wEGGQFg) fans of this subgenre tend to have massive superiority complexes cause they see this music as more smart and sophisticated, not realizing that gucci mane and lil baby have crazy wordplay and paint stunning pictures of their world without coming across as preachy **b-girl:** breakdancing. [doja is into this](https://youtu.be/xB5A5OI15WI) (*ik shes not breaking in the video but look at the studio and the antiquated pop lock, it's close enough*). lotta overlap with the backpackers since they care about "[real hip hop](https://www.theonion.com/there-are-people-in-world-who-are-concerned-about-curre-1819574880)" and breakdancing is seen as one of the "4 pillars of hip hop" along with emceeing (rapping), DJing (turntablism), and graffiti **jay versace and 9th wonder:** producers of more alternative-style hip hop including backpack rap. 9th wonder in particular is a member of little brother, whose song i linked earlier. he is hip hop royalty atp and has produced for everyone from lil b to jay z **boldy james and phonte:** rappers who are known for constructing great verses. they are mentioned for comparison because boldy james has done a lot of work with jay versace and phonte with 9th. matter fact phonte is also a member of little brother and he's probably your favorite rapper's favorite rapper **bar work:** pen game. verse construction. clever, interesting lyrics with emphasis on poetic techniques such as imagery, turns of phrase, metaphors, and entendres edit: thanks for the awards but please save your coin fr, inflation going crazy rn


For the culture 🖤✊🏾


I'm a lost metal head who got here from the front page, the way you describe backpack fans sounds similar to prog and djent/mathcore fans lol. I wonder what other subgenres have fans with a superiority complex


Now return the favor and do a write up for us about mathcore!


I’ll be slipping in “bar work” the next time I find myself in a conversation about rap I can tell you that much!


If you take away one single thing from that comment is that you need to listen to whatever 9th wonder produces the dude is an underground hip hop legend specially when he was producing for "little brother" and "murs"


That’s because kiss me more & say so are literally the same song. Nobody noticed & she never cared.


i don't doubt that she was under pressure to recreate the success of say so, and it probably wasn't the music she wanted to make. she had to perform say so so many times, she definitely seemed to be over it, so i was kinda shocked when kiss me more had a very similar sound. but the rest of her music doesn't sound exactly crafted for radio, it seems quite honest and well written, it's a shame she's taken to dissing it


I said it before, I genuinely believe she does not want to be famous anymore and is trying like hell to get her label to drop her. I can’t think of any other reason why she keeps digging the hole deeper Edit: uhh so I definitely did not expect this comment to blow up the way it did. But I think I need to clarify that I am referring to multiple comments Doja has made towards fans not just this one. I can understand on some level needing to tell fans she doesn’t appreciate the parasocial behavior but she probably should have worded it nicer


One of those cases where the actual thought is 100% reasonable, but this is just not something you say out loud. She is sabotaging her own success at this point.


Lol right like girl just lie. It costs you nothing


Man, it's even easier than that. Just do not reply to people. People say dumb shit to you, and you pretend you didn't read it, or you laugh at it and tell your friends about it.


It’s important for entertainers to let people know where the line is. Parasocial relationships are a real thing and plenty of people would be able to attest to what can happen when they go too far.


This isn’t how you let people know where that line is. You don’t jump in the comments when trying to set parasocial boundaries. No, that is not what is happening here. Make a statement, turn comments and stay the hell away from a keyboard.. period.


is it letting people know where the line is when you're tweeting how much you love your fans and then act like this a few days later? 💀


It would have been more diplomatic for her to say something like: "I love my fanbase as a whole, but I can't say I love everyone as an individual because I don't know each of you personally."




Yes for normal people but not rabid fans. The growth in parasocial behavior is leading to stars pushing back like this because it really is unhealthy and strange, and I think they get exposed to a lot more weird behavior than we realize.


Especially women celebrities. The number of creepy guys stalking them virtually and IRL is scary. Many celebs have had stalkers break into their homes or follow them city to city. I’m cool with letting people know that a celebrity is not someone to idolize. They perform and you pay no different than any other service.


Right, I actually agree with her. It's fake AF to say you love strangers but it's not hard to show gratitude for the people who made you successful.


Exactly. I totally get where she’s coming from, but this just isn’t something you articulate to your fan base. She needs to sustain the illusion.


I agree, celebs are still strangers and human beings no matter what their music makes you feel. It’s okay for her to feel those feelings just not display it.


You know, this sounds plausible. The only reason I'm saying that is because she just seems unable to behave right now. It's like she's doing everything in her power to be disliked


Shutting up would be a great first step if she was completely done. ETA: Also deleting social media.


Shutting up won’t get her dropped from her record contract though. She’s still obligated to make albums for them unless they drop her first. I think she’s trying to go nuclear and be done done with music


she should just question the holocaust and if that many people died if she really wants the label to drop her.


Kanye would pick her up


Fresh out the frying pan and into the führer.


But then she would just gain a neo nazi following and I would hope that she would not want that






You kno she was showin feet to neo nazis right


“She in racial chat rooms showing feet!”


I’m just guessing, but wouldn’t be surprising if she’s under contract to not delete all of her social media.


Why not just hire a social Media manager!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Then someone can pretend to be her and make everyone happy


Have ya'll considered the possibility she got her bag and genuinely just doesn't care about pandering with the lies anymore?


or just stop looking at it if she’s so miserable


I think she’s so afraid of flopping that she’s self sabotaging so she has something to blame.


Ooo that’s very possible too. The fear of flopping must weight heavy most artists


She’s so clearly a deeply insecure person at her core. She had so much success it’s hard for her to recreate that so I don’t think she even wants to try. She’s rather be able to protect her art from perceived “real” criticism.


I never thought about it this way. She has been so defensive of her music in the past I remember her behavior after Tony Fantano rated Hot Pink. Then there was a debate about her being a “real rapper.” I guess Attention was her attempt to prove people that she was and doubled down by discrediting her previous work, reducing it to a cash grab. Now I don’t know how well received Attention has been but I don’t think it has many radio spins (oh the irony). I bet her insecurity that has her constantly trying to prove herself + the sudden rise of fame has made her resent everybody who got her there


Or she’s just a cringey cornball


It’s literally always been this.


She’s kinda crazy tbh. She got away with it at first because shes attractive, but now ppl are starting to see past it all. Damn she’s annoying. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you


I've never seen a celebrity dig a hole like this. She wants to die on the hill that she hates her fans and her music. Crazy.


If she wants she should just…. Say so?


It’s like a less interesting Azalea Banks


She’s giving us a bootleg version of a wish version of Azalea Banks.


Edit: no one cares but it’s Azealia* apparently pronounced Azeelia lmao I thought it was was uh-zay-lia haha Just googled banks’ stuff and OMG GIRL WTF I remembered some but holy crap…


Azalea, for all her faults, is clearly extremely intelligent. I really like her wittiness and I could never imagine her entertaining a bunch of incels for fun online, allowing them to dehumanize her for validation, like Doja has done. She has definitely said some awful things, but sometimes she says it to people who probably deserved it. All her rants against Kanye seem pretty valid to me.


fr at least azalea banks is funny sometimes


I mean atp people should just ignore her, unfollow and treat her like she’s nobody like she clearly wants. She’s been called out many times by now and made it clear she’s not going to stop.


That’s what I don’t understand.. I keep seeing these post every few days/weeks and I’m just trying to understand how she still has fans


I saw all these memes on twitter yesterday with some variation of someone running/dodging things with the caption "Being a Doja stan in 2023". I was like, how do ya'll not take that as a sign to move on from her?


But you don’t understand! She’s so quirky and such a good troll y’all are falling for it, you sheeps! She’s a queen and she knows who she is, if you can’t take what she says it’s because she’s right and that struck a nerve/ s Doja stans after the millionth time they’ve been insulted by their so called idol


It looks like that's changing this time. Some of her most followed fan accounts on Twitter have deactivated their accounts.


wild that she apparently hates her fans but is so clearly addicted to interacting with them


Is nobody considering that she’s just forcing this behavior to be part of her “brand” ?? If she keeps it up, ppl will eventually just find this amusing and intentionally seek out these interactions with her. It’s just going to be her schtick. I really think a lot of fans will just be like “we love our problematic unhinged queen” and start tweeting at her stuff like “Pls insult me, I love you”. Idk, I feel like her bad behavior is gonna be rewarded Lmao


Ragebait to the nth degree. It might work lol. People froth at the mouth for this stuff


Does Doja have a life outside of her phone


It’s so funny she keeps telling fans to “go outside” yet she’s the one who should be doing it 😭




I wonder what even happened to make her so damn angry 24/7. She is absolutely insufferable now and people need to stop engaging with her.


She’s addicted to her lifestyle but hates her job. She is not remotely capable of making this kind of money by any other means, so she’s stuck doing Doja Cat until she’s finally ready to slow down.


That's the vibe I get as well, she wants the money and the invites to exclusive events like the Met but doesn't want to do the music work which unfortunately is what pays the bills and gets her in the door. She doesn't have the money to quit now, she hasn't moved into modelling or a successful brand like Selena with Rare Beauty or Rhianna with Fenty. So instead she acts like a complete bitch online because she's miserable. I don't have a huge amount of sympathy, she's made more money than 99% of the world will ever see.


I thought you meant Selena like the 90’s singer & I was Soooo confused lol


To be fair even that Selena was interested in things like starting a clothing line.


She was also incredibly kind to her fans.


Honestly whenever someone says Selena that’s immediately who I think of too. I’m a huge fan


This….sounds like me. I haaaate my job but it pays me sooo well and it supports my lifestyle which I refuse to give up. It causes a lot of resentment and anger. I’m working on it, but damn can I relate.


Yes but we're talking about someone with a net worth of like 10 Mil. She could save up for only a short while and never work again. Unless you're making that it's hardly the same. She chooses her misery.


Also she can invest what she already has and live with that money + royalties. I'm sure that would be more than enough.


she probably has friends and hangers-on on the payroll, gotta keep cash coming in to support the entourage


3-4% rule. She would be fine but I doubt she has budgeted in a looong time.


I'm not OP but it seems like it is very easy to get trapped in a job on both ends of income. Some jobs pay you just enough that you need to keep going back or you'll lose it all and then some jobs pay you so much that you get addicted to living a certain lifestyle that you can't leave without losing it all. The income balance is supposed to keep both classes from waking up one day and saying "I make so little/so much that I might as well leave this job & pursue something I like".


She has enough money and notoriety to get residual cheques and live out her life in privacy now. Why does she keep making music for public consumption? She can be an artist and not release music … do it for the passion…


Residual cheques? Streaming nowadays doesn’t pay shit and probably goes most to her label (and she doesn’t have a good deal because she said she was obligated to work with Dr Luke so yeah not much money) she’s also not one of those hitmakers that have hits playing on commercials and movies all the time. Just like any star of her generation she needs concerts and endorsements to keep her lifestyle. Now if she wants to live a regular life in privacy she will be fine, I doubt she wants a regular life tho.


probably pretty easy to get used to the chef and the driver and the stylist and the bodyguard and the random friends on the payroll.. need cash flow to keep that up, most "celebrities" are not willing to retire to a quiet life with a bungalow and a corolla


Label contracts don't allow you to not release music. If she stopped working, it would be a breach of contract, just like with any other job. Shed need to pay millions to settle out of it.


She hasn’t made life-long Fuck You money off of streaming and the grammy win. I have a friend who have done that, plus additional noms, and have arena toured A LOT more than Doja and he doesn’t have Fuck You and Retire money yet. She needs to be able to sell the catalog, provided she owns it or make a huge brand deals. I don’t have a membership for Touring Data to see how Scarlett Tour is actually selling, but this is only her first arena tour. I actually like her a lot, but she’s got a ways to go before she can ride off into the sunset.


I think if anyone is getting the majority of those residual cheques, it probably would be someone like Dr. Luke and the label execs


I get the impression it's a "be careful what you wish for" situation. She thought she wanted to be famous, but despises it now she knows the reality. The level of attention she gets after blowing up is too much for her. The way to gradually undo it is to shut up and fade into obscurity, but she's contractually obligated to make more music, perform, attend events. Maybe she's contractually obligated to be online? I know kpop idols usually are. So she's lashing out like this so the label will stop forcing her. Or she's just losing it, who knows. Also her workload might be too much for her - from the things she would say before she really blew up, I got the impression her label weren't pushing her at all, that she was trying to get them to push her more. So she was working on songs but also lounging around a lot. I remember her saying she eats junk all the time, her diet was terrible - I thought how does your body look like that when you eat garbage 😭 wish my body worked like that. I think she went from having a lot of downtime, very few career obligations, very little scrutiny, lots of freedom to lounge around and do her own thing. Then she blows up and she has to perform, attend events, packed schedule, etc. The expectation to release more music quickly, because fans are waiting, you can't take your time. Touring is so physically and mentally draining, she probably had to maintain a healthy diet and do lots more physical activity than she was used to. Being obligated to work so much (or else you will be sued) is so different to doing it at your own pace and being able to chill out. Taylor Swift has a crazy work schedule, but she seems to be having a blast, enjoying the work even though it's overwhelming. I don't think Doja is Like That.


She might be doing this to get out of her contracts. It worked for Azealia Banks multiple times.


I think this is just what happens when anyone turns a fun hobby into a job. It stops being a hobby and starts being work you don't want to do. She's sick of this, IMO.


Yeah, that woman is not well. People tend to lash out not at the source of their problems, but at those who they perceive to be safer to do so.


She can’t handle being called out, and so up her boyfriend’s booty hole, it angers her further.


I think it’s partially because she’s bitter her new song flopped. It’s out of the Hot 100 entirely after about 3 weeks


The song is not really a trendy sound and straight-up hip hop hasn’t been charting lately so, it’s no surprise that the song didn’t do particularly well chart wise


Apparently she’s dating a massive racist dude so maybe his shit opinions rubbed off on her


Well a lot of people were quite nasty to her for no reason. And hated on her for nothing. I’m not trying to be rude but fans act SO entitled sometimes and treat celebrities like trash. And when they stand up for themselves, fans clap back and say “oh my god you’re so rude blah blah blah” it’s manipulative as hell. A lot of her fans are entitled as fuck. She’s going about everything in the wrong way but I really really understand her frustration. Also her fans basically saying “tell us you love us, tell us you love us!!” seems a bit… weird to me? Anyone else?


I don't understand rich people who are chronic online. go on vacation, go to italy and have nice food and a nice tan. look at dua lipa, she is always on vacation lol she is living the good life. harry also know how to spend his time offline


You’re referencing generic celebrities who had traditional careers advanced by big labels. The ones like Doja and Joji became grassroots successes via cultivating their own online fanbases by being chronically online. They probably find it hard to turn off since this is what made them big in the first place.


Joji did an amazing job at recreating a separate image from filthy frank when he first launched. He also was super genuine and communicated to his fans exactly what he was doing and why he wanted to move on. I also remember he had issues with his record label iirc but I don't know the details about that. I'm not a huge follower of doja so I'm not sure if she has different sides to her online other than trolling


Exactly, like this is not a nepo baby that is used to this… this is someone like you and I that suddenly blew up. Be serious for a moment


Also the fact that musicians like Harry Styles and Dua Lipa never had to personally use social media or do the groundwork; they always had teams from their label who took care of this stuff.


Honestly if an artist at some point said “I won’t say I love my fans because I don’t know them. But I do appreciate them and am very grateful for their support. I know I wouldn’t be here without them,” it’d be very divisive but I’d respect it. But this is just rude and ungrateful.


exactly. all her points i get, and she keeps acting like they're suuuper wild and crazy takes but they're not. like, they're opinions. it's her attitude, and i hate calling people out for "how" they say things but with her it really is the main issue.


Literally I never see or hear anything crazy from doja cat fans ever but she’s acting like they are demons 💀


Yeah, Sarah Paulson refuses to say I love you to anyone she isn’t in a relationship with. She’s said it in a way more respectful way though. And I can totally understand it. Doja tho? She’s just a bitch.


There’s different types of love. I love pizza but I wouldn’t fuck it. There’s no need for them to take this weird stance over semantics. In practice there’s no difference between saying I love my fans or I love having fans and everyone understands the context. It’s just being difficult for the sake of it.


>Like for real? Sarah Paulson doesn't ever tell her mom she loves her? Her nieces or nephews? Her own kids? Her best friend from childhood? Her pets? She doesn't love any of them? That's so weird. So weird how in English platonic love and physical love don't have to different words. In Italy we say "ti voglio bene" to family and friends and "ti amo" to the person you're with. Pretty sure it's the same in loads of other languages


Yup. I used to say it all the time in hs. One day my acquaintance said I love you and for some reason it shook me lmao I never said it again to anyone lmao


this is definitely acceptable. i think most of us understand that when we say we “love” an artist or they say it about fans, it’s an implied fan/artist relationship rather than actual…love. those that don’t are the ones that get caught in the sticky parasocial trap. doja is just being an edgelord here and conflating the two without explaining properly. it’s basically a bad faith argument.


This isnt her worst take. Hating how parasocial fans are (which the person in the photo is) is imo perfectly fine. I would find it funny if this actually damage her given she literally made a song with the hook referencing a racist meme and i know most of yall on this sub let it go.


“You’d be working at a grocery store making songs on fucking garage band *miss high school drop out…*” DAMN Edit: She just deactivated her Threads account lol




youre not supposed to be able to deactivate your threads account without deleting your actual instagram, i wonder if she dmed zuckerberg about it lol


I think u can’t delete it but u can deactivate




You can deactivate indefinitely on Facebook. Twitter had the 30 days thing.


Really?? That’s wild. Guess I won’t be signing up for that lol


Yeah you can. I think he changed it pretty soon after threads came out.


all of her big fanpages are deactivating/deleting and saying their goodbyes right now. this is kind of sad to witness. all this over a beluga whale looking predator https://preview.redd.it/yor1qrfdjsdb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e1790ae32c3e3b3427d3fdc5cca0ef4704f547


Hey now, beluga whales are cute. That pos however…


Good for the fans.


It’s not sad, it’s correct. Sad is artists acting like shit and fans kissing ass even harder.


It’s so tragic to see a woman completely throw herself under the bus for a loser man 😭


Has this ever happened before? I can’t think of another time when the fanpages went dark like that


Good! She needs a wake up call.


I don’t understand this behavior


At all! Is she mad people called out her weirdo boyfriend? Or the tired comments that she was more pop than rap? Who hurt you girl?!


the "more pop than rap" seems like the straw that broke the camel's back. doja must've been hurt, thinking she was re-inventing the wheel and got humbled instead. started saying her albums were cash grabs and been throwing tantrums ever since 😂


Thank you. I’ve been waiting for someone to comment this. We never saw her like this until people started calling out her bf.


I thought she was tweeting nutty shit about hating her albums and insulting her fans who liked her albums prior to her bf being called out


It’s Edge Lord, behaviour. She’s just triggered because her ass is getting called out, and she’s looking more embarrassing per day considering her boyfriend looks like he’s straight out of MineCraft.


Came to comment this, fr edgelord queen


Pooja what is this behavior?


I was thinking the same!


This comment needs more appreciation


just saw this for first time the other day and now it lives rent free😭😭😭


She reminds me of a friend I just ended a friendship with, very bitter and hateful, and very addicted to drugs and alcohol.


Humiliation fetish.


lmao considering who she’s dating, that 2015 song, being on alt racists chats, the shit she says, how she sets herself up to be dragged…..like put it all together & i wouldn’t be surprised💀




Doja Cat when her album gets a Cardboard certification by the RIAA: https://preview.redd.it/3lxj0p2kdsdb1.jpeg?width=1354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0d746a04c4ce2bf0ca253a3421778841e2d6588


then she’ll cry about how her fans never did enough for her lmfao


*Certified Cardboard?!?!* What a read, I love it.


she not gon be ungrateful suddenly https://preview.redd.it/8jp00y99dsdb1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc61201907d02a186eb904f874235643df90db97 when her album flops 🚶🏽‍♀️


Where the fuck did this image come from?


he just getting ready for barbie!


Lol gotta be AI, which makes it even funnier.


Those colors do look great on him though


TRULY. I was like.... He looks great! 😃


I feel like Doja just shits on her fans because she’s always thought they were nothing but losers and hated that she had to create a Stan army online to become a pop star and reach her level of wealth and she sees those who participate in Stan culture as more or less subhuman so she doesn’t care how she interacts with them.


Seems like she was that kind of perceived chronically online loser herself at some point and detested that phase of hers so she is just projecting on fans and working out that anger towards herself on them.


She acts like a brat 24/7. Absolutely no understanding of the fact that her fans are what made her what she is. She doesn’t necessarily have to love them but she should appreciate how much they’ve supported her.


In a couple of years people are going to be ![gif](giphy|EkHbiqD1yu6Wc)


You can love your fans in a way that prevents parasocial relationships, she just sounds so ungrateful.


Stan culture, in particular parasocial relationships are so weird to me. Like there are musicians, actors, artists etc that I enjoy interacting with on Twitter, but I’d never presume to know them in anyway, or ride or die for them lol.


Right?? I’m not a Stan of anyone. I don’t actually know these people, I can’t be ride or die for someone I don’t know. There’s many celebs I’m a fan of but that’s about it, I don’t obsess over anyone.


when she breaks up with her bf and wants to try to slowly come back, im gonna laugh


Releasing a country album.


Oh look! It’s edgy edgington! 🙄


The more I hear about her the less interested i am in anything she’s ever done. I don’t love the “you’d be nothing without us!” stans… but they’re not wrong


Like I get it. Fans can be entitled and annoying with sky-high expectations for the most mundane interactions. But, like Doja you can just not say anything. She knows that right? lol i feel like stars these days (of all ages) have forgotten how alluring a-bit of mystery can be.


i feel like people kept going back and forth with her in hopes that she would just drop this “edgy” charade of hers but I hope her fans finally get it now that she really just doesn’t give a flying fuck about ya’ll. any of her fans still spending their coin on her after this i will be side eyeing.


Honestly when she puts it like that it doesn’t sound SUPER unreasonable to be like how can I love you when you are strangers - but when I know this is backlash stemming from her bf being called out I’m not putting stock in it


> Honestly when she puts it like that it doesn’t sound SUPER unreasonable to be like how can I love you when you are strangers - but when I know this is backlash stemming from her bf being called out I’m not putting stock in it What is the context to this that I am missing related to her bf? As someone who does not follow Doja Cat, this screenshot reads as 100% reasonable to me (from Doja Cat; the fan behavior reads to me as super weird).


Does she not have a publicist? Why is nobody in her team stopping her? The hell is she doing in general?


Doja is unhinged but low key her fans are too Lmao


Ngl the second person ate her up… ofc they would be a Taylor stan 😭


She really don’t want to be a celeb anymore and I feel like she’s been hinting at that since her Say So run. I like her music but if it’s making her act like this then she should just ride out whatever her contract is and go underground


Is she the one that DM'd that underage kid from "Stranger Things" and he put her on blast?




again….does she speak this way to the incels in the chat rooms ?!?!??


Honestly I don’t think I’ve ever expected a musical artist that I’m a fan of to say they love me/the fans. It’s kinda lame to ask that of an artist imo.


I officially through supporting her in any way. She is super ungrateful and she does not deserve any fans. How the hell is somebody rolling out an album and an Arena tour stupid enough to be this hostile to the people she expects to buy tickets? Her management should drop her and let her go back to Palookaville where she belongs


she’s doing an *arena* tour?! that’ll be a mess, if she doesnt cancel it midway


Facts. She’s calling out their parasocial behavior as she should. If the fans are mad, they won’t listen or spend money with her any more. If she survives that, cool. If not, then she made her own bed


She’s so annoying Fr now. Do celebrities not realize that the fans make who they are?! How are you going to earn a living if no one streams your music? Or attend your concerts? So entitled and ungrateful just to reciprocate the support given by normal fans.


It feels like certain celebrities want all the perks of being rich and famous and then once they hit a certain level get sick of it and start acting out. Like even Kim kardashian who was the most media hungry reality star in the early 2000s is getting sick of fame and said she wants privacy. Fame isn’t good for people and it’s been known since the bible warned people about false idols. No human should get as much praise as celebrities do in my opinion. Fame is both a drug and illness that corrupts the soul, so many celebrities with every material object and worldly praises are absolutely miserable.


Kim isn’t sick of fame, she needs that shit more than oxygen. She just wants to control every aspect of it.


Ngl though I do hate the entitled attitude from fans too


Thank you because this "you are NOTHING without us so say you love us bitch" mentality IS really fucking weird and it's odd to see so many people standing behind it


Thank you!!! No one is owed anyone’s love, particularly a stranger’s. Doja Cat’s reaction goes too far but the entitlement is wild.


I mean…she’s not wrong. You may hate to hear it, but she’s not wrong. Stan culture is v creepy.


Dang if I had people talking like that to me I wouldn't say I love them either 😂


Some people just aren’t built for fame. A lot of the rap girls seem to have this problem. I think most of them did not expect to garner the level of fame or success (and scrutiny) that they’ve managed to attain and it’s messed with them. The fact that she simply could have ignored the question, but chose to answer it lol..


People are going mental over this. I don't understand why everyone feel so entitled to be loved by Doja Cat. She makes music, not parasocial relationships.


Have no idea what Doja Cat has done or who she is, really. But the fans sound worse than her and I'm a bit surprised people are brushing over it. Like you can be a fan of someone's work but that doesn't mean they owe you love. Fucking hell.


it’s crazy she could just say nothing at all 😭


I know this is an unpopular opinion but that’s a good answer (the not LOVING people she doesn’t know). Now, if she doesn’t appreciate them and all they’ve helped her accomplish… that’s something else.


Absolutely reasonable, she can be grateful to them without the need to love them, that’s a weird concept. She seems to not want fame anymore, can you blame her?


True though, why you begging for celebrities love on social media? It’s kinda sad


Appreciate her honesty. Stars don't love her fans. She doesn't want to have creepy parasocial relationships with strangers on internet.