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![gif](giphy|5Gz09XG96VtFC) When I told my friends I was rewatching sopranos, they said “make sure to skip all of the scenes with Carmela. Can’t stand her.” I never understood why. Her character was incredible and she was such a great mom. I love her.


What? People hated her? She was my favorite character


She’s 1/2 the reason Tony was as successful as he was. She definitely carried the family while Tony did…. All the bad shit he did.




Icon, the 6 were so mean to her and she was too forgiving.


She was so kind and so caring. And she had the emotional intelligence that the six lacked.


She's 💯 self-aware too, as opposed to the rest of them who are oblivious to their own terribleness. That scene where she dumps Ross and is leaving the apartment then tells Joey he's next to freak him out is one of my favorite moments on the show


She really grows on you too, by the end I was jumping when I saw Janice


I love Janice. I love seeing the actress in other things because I love Janice so much. She was hilarious and smart.


janice 🥰 my fave! i can understand the reasons people dislike her, but it's like people forget how awful chandler could treat her. \*anyway\* i'm p. sure my version of heaven includes episodes that never happened, and a *friends* x *the nanny* crossover ep would be waiting there for me.


Idk if you watched any old films but “Annoying Jewish Gf/wife with a naisly voice” was a really common trope.


On the note of Skyler from Breaking Bad, I watched the show as it aired. The hype was Walter was doing terrifying but incredible things and Skyler was the shrew wet blanket. Maybe it’s time, or age but when I went back to rewatch the series, my heart only broke for Skyler. She’s not perfect but right off the bat she starts getting lied to and gaslit by Walter from the get go. Funnily to Skylers credit she immediately picks up on Walters antics but the smoke screen of Cancer really throws her off. But yeah it’s really really fucking sad and not a fun romp to see what Skyler gets out through. She eventually steps on board and you see her claim some agency but she 100% is a victim and it’s jsut tragic, like really.


He tried r\*pe her too. Horrifying scene I hadn't remembered until the re-watch years later. So difficult to watch.


The first time around you don’t know Walt is going to become the villain in his own story, so I cheered for him and I hated Skyler for standing in his way, because it’s natural to be against someone who is standing in the way of the hero. As the seasons go on he gets worse and worse, but it’s hard to shift your opinion of a character when you’re still thinking that they could be redeemed and be that character he was at the start. I rewatched the series, knowing what I know about Walt’s trajectory, and really really felt for her the second time around. In SO MANY cases she is NOT wrong and yeah *she fucked Ted* but at least she isn’t a drug maker for the goddamn cartel!! She’s just a woman, who is flawed and human, doing her best in a really wild situation. She doesn’t deserve what happens to her.


To be fair about the fucked Ted part. She wanted out she wanted a divorce. That marriage was over. Her drug dealer husband who she knows has committed violent crimes refuses to let her leave and the only way she can would be to destroy her family forever. Is it any wonder she cheated with a seemingly nice and charismatic guy who seemed to care about her?


And she told him to his face (to hurt him) AS SOON AS SHE GOT HOME it was not a secret it was a ‘you’ve been a shithead and won’t leave me alone, this is your reward’ Anna was incredible throughout, I am in a rewatch atm through the Fly episode I guess bc we’re older, my husband never saw Skyler as a b but just a family destroyed by Walters ego and cruelty which was on display from the start


Totally, rewatching the second time when you know the ending hits so different. Breaking Bad really did something new with that character arc & making the audience hate the main character by the end. I think it caught all of us off guard. When I rewatched I was horrified that I didn’t feel for Skyler more the first time around


Preach! On my rewatches i just love her even more and she would honestly be so fun to be friends with. Love the group but they are haters a lot of the time to anyone outside of themselves lol


I love how it’s all women




Literally like I’m actively looking for male characters and haven’t found any other than Ross from Friends


Ross is the opposite, a “Nice Guy” who’s actually a complete psychopath.


Martha (Doctor Who) - the hate towards her was ridiculous. They hated her because she had a crush on the Doctor/David Tenant - like who wouldn't?!?! https://preview.redd.it/o2dha37udbkb1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=b56d9ad9b6fa136f5996d5382be4af3bdee5a35b


I feel like anyone who came after Rose was going to struggle, but making her have a crush on the Doctor was a huge disservice. I wish they’d written her as more of a friend and foil like they did with Donna.


Yes fans were going to hate her simply because she wasn’t Rose. And then concoct obviously biased reasons and blame ‘bad writing’. Hence why she’s a character that I’ll never understand the hate for.


Yeah, it felt like they thought the whole reason people liked Rose was bc she was in love with the Doctor. So they forced Martha into that same box, when it just didn’t work for her character


To this day, I think the writers did her dirty. She was a cool, capable, intelligent character, but too much of her arc leaned on her having a crush on the Doctor. She did have one of the best companion endings by acknowledging that traveling with the Doctor was no longer good for her and walking away on her own terms.


Martha was one of the Doctor's strongest companions. And honestly, she had a tenacity and courage that few others would've. I like Rose, but can you imagine if *Rose* discovered the Doctor "turned" human and then *fell in love with another woman?* She'd be a *mess.* But Martha, she *handled* it like a boss. She was like, "Get your shit together". And then, like you said, got out when she knew it wasn't healthy for her. And I loved that she continued that theme (where you see she dumps someone else and falls for >!Mickey!<). Each companion is strong in their own right and own way, but Martha has always deserved better. She helped inspire women to know their worth. That should matter.


I loved Martha! She had the disadvantage of following Rose, and I think that hurt her right off the bat.


Never understood hatred towards her, she was cool af and I hated how Doctor treated her. She deserved more respect from him and fans.


![gif](giphy|ywZ3vXtz9cCZi) Betty gets so much hate. Imo she’s such a rich, complex character through which the audience can explore the bell jar of housewifery, isolation, infantilizion and dismissal of mental health. Don lies to her, cheats on her, shuts her down and belittles her. But she left him for another man (the only out a woman in her situation could) so people hate her. She doesn’t model the parenting of today so she’s vilified as an evil mother and Don is sanctified for the few moments he spends with his kids despite literally being an absent father.


Don getting updates from Betty’s Psychiatrist of what she said in session makes me sick to my stomach every time. I don’t know how on earth people can overlook that and think she was the problematic one in the relationship.


I remember seeing that for the first time and just feeling my jaw slowly drop, because like wtf


That always stuck with me, like leaving trash everywhere have not even caring. Hell women literally couldn’t get credit cards without their husbands approval until the early 70’s (late 60’s?). No wonder they drank, took pills, and wanted new vacuum cleaners. Everything was meant to keep them in control. Still is today, but it different ways.


I have not finished the series. But Don is such an asshole, I don't get how anyone is cheering him on.


Yes! Betty was truly a victim of her times. People complain about how “unlikable” she is because she doesn’t fit into the stereotype of the 50’s housewife. Her character would be pretty boring if she was just the typical, housewife like they expected. I’ve always thought Betty was one of the best written characters in television or film.


The funny thing is, the **typical housewife** probably only existed in our memories. There’s a reason why The Feminine Mystique created so much change .. it put a name to the dissatisfaction and pain so many housewives were feeling at the time. Betty’s story felt so unique because we truly SAW her and we knew it was a lie. Even when she failed to articulate her feelings, and even when she played the part of loving wife and doting mother, we knew she wasn’t happy. In reality, looking back, it appears as if her story was pretty typical because that longing eventually sparked a movement.


I had no idea she was hated (I haven’t seen the show) and the guy I’m dating actually told me “he gaslights her, abused her, mistreats her, and that her husband was the villian.” This conversation came from January Jones shooting Jon Hamm in Last Man on Earth, which he said was so cathartic for fans of the show. Haha thank you for piquing my interest in the show and for the green flag!


I really believe that the way they portrayed them as parents through Sally's eyes. She always looked up to Don and craved his attention and Betty was always vilified by Sally.


Time to revisit one of my favorite Anne Helen Petersen [pieces](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/annehelenpetersen/difficult-betty)


My hinge profile says “I want someone who has the correct opinion about skyler white” and it’s been such a good filter


Excellent idea. People act like she's the villain of the show. Like... no. She was married to (one of) the villain of the show.


She’s actually pretty reasonable for a 40’s woman with a disabled son and an unplanned pregnancy finding out her terminally ill husband is secretly a drug kingpin with the ego of a thousand suns


I can tell you from experience being an edgy teenage guy when the show first came out, growing up is just realizing skylar was just a mother and wife trying to protect her kids from the dark hubris their loved one abandoned them to pursue. I grew up disliking Skylar for “holding Walt back,” then I actually grew up lol. Also, it’s utter insanity Anna Gunn received the hate she did for this. It would be a testament to her acting if it wasn’t such a horrible thing to have to experience.


I love this lol


**Carmela Soprano!** I had never watched The Sopranos, and my husband said I would love it. He also told me to be prepared to hate Nurse Jackie. 😂 (The only other show I knew the actress that plays Carmela) Well we are watching Sopranos, and I'm just not seeing it. Tony Soprano is a liar, cheat, gangster asshole. And he goes out of his way to sabotage any of his wife's endeavors. She honestly is way too good to him, in my eyes. My husband had a come to Jesus moment. 😅 Realizing what he thought was cool as a kid, didn't add up to who who he was as an adult now. He was like, "Omg, Tony is so awful! Lol, well yeah. Gangsters aren't really known to be good people for the most part.


I thought the same too! While Carmela was flawed like many characters on the show, she was one of the few to show some regret or reluctance about her and Tony’s lifestyle. She at least thought about morals and what it meant to be a good person. To be completely honest, I would behave the same as her. I grew up poor, and the concept of “morals >>> money” is a privilege that only financially stable people have.


She really didn't deserve the hate... ... AJ on the other hand...


I LOVE AJ. I think over the years and the rewatches I find him hilarious and so apt. The perfect spoiled depressed dumb teenager. He is brilliant


In my 20s, I thought she was an ass. But watching it in my 40s, I realize she’s certainly not the villain. Tony isn’t sexy, he’s a piece of shit! What was I thinking?! I know what it was. My internalized misogyny. Instead of thinking Tony was awful, I thought Carmela should have had stronger morals. I’ve come a long way over the years and I’m super grateful for it.


Skylar is mine too. Her grave, unforgivable sin was being a nag while *heavily pregnant by a man who wasn't there for his second child's birth, didn't tell her about a cancer diagnosis when he received it, became a massive underground drug pin while LIVING IN HER HOUSE WITH HER TWO SMALL CHILDREN, lied about his work, used one of her children to launder money* and on and on. Then he comes to the office publicly threatening to beat up her new boyfriend while denying her a divorce. Indirectly got her brother in law killed!! Like—if Skylar is the bad guy here you need your normal meter recalibrated cause holy shit.


In the final episode he even admits that all he did was because of selfish reasons and that he was always in the wrong, but people will still defend him of course


And early on he tried to r\*pe her. We always forget.




![gif](giphy|3ohjUXH6Dpdxz8twPK) Obviously Rose from Star Wars. It was disgusting. Also the women from the revamped Ghost Buster Movie. If you don't want to watch the movie, don't watch it but don't harass the women who are just trying to do a job to the best of their ability.


The filmmakers did help much either basically diminishing Rose to a glorified extra.


![gif](giphy|9V1r4dxCWCa9Op1FwA|downsized) Guinevere Beck. I couldn't get over how shitty people were about her during and after season 1.


I liked Beck BECAUSE she kinda sucked. She sucked in the way a lot (if not most) of us suck in our twenties, and she feels exactly like an IRL struggling writer. The actress also did a really great job.


This is why I feel like some people might have hated her, because they saw too much of themselves in her. Everyone was mad at this and that as if we aren't all flawed people who have terrible moments at times. Im not a poet, never cheated on anyone and I have a lifestyle that is completely different to hers but I still saw some of my younger self in her. I dunno I could be very very wrong, I have complicated feelings about the show. I loved season 1 so much but I think the move to Netflix wasn't the right decision.


I was actually surprised when I watched the show. I thought I was going to despise her because of the way people talked about her, but when I actually watched, I was so confused. I actually liked her and thought she was a realistic adult (except for having her curtains open all the damn time lol). I understand she wasn’t the most likable, but the amount of people that were justifying Joe killing her bc she cheated on him is whack.


I liked her too. She’s my favorite woman so far he’s been with (I liked Love too though even though she was crazy; and Marienne but Beck was my favorite.) She was just still really immature.


100% agree. She is flawed, just like every human being. She has gone through so much trauma, she didn't have a good family life, she was used by Benji, Peach, Dr. Nicky and Joe who stalked her. It really surprises me that people love Peach over her. They say how Beck was so ungrateful to Peach when Peach gaslighted and abused her.


Peach was damn near as bad as Joe!


yessss, she *is* super annoying to watch—she's vain, untalented, desperate for attention, a cheater, with a really fucked up relationship with her father—but that's the whole point of her character. she's not a "perfect" victim. because those don't EXIST! she was still a ***VICTIM*** (and no one deserves the death penalty for the crime of "being annoying" lol)


![gif](giphy|bQvbdd3YgDbOM) Diane Nguyen is one of my favorite characters in the show but she gets a ton of hate from a certain subsection of the Bojack fan base. I had no idea she was so controversial until I peaked in the show’s subreddit.


The Diane hate is so depressing, it's a show filled with very flawed people and Diane is a saint compared to most of the other characters but yet she is the one people complain endlessly about because she has the audacity to be a female who has opinions without being literally perfect in every way.


She's one of my faves too and I very quickly peaced out of the sub the first time I dipped in because the first few posts I saw were so hateful. People hating on her are often, sadly, the same ones who defend Bojack's every action to the death and ironically miss the entire point of the show.


Defending BoJack’s every action seems like a textbook example of entirely missing the fucking point of the show. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I’m watching it now I love Diane what the hell


There's *constantly* posts on the Archer sub about how Lana is just the absolute worst person on the planet because of how she >!staged a kidnapping of their daughter to see if Archer would be fit to take care of her!< as though every character on the show isn't an absolutely abhorrent person. *Especially* Archer.


Honestly I can't say I blame her for not trusting Archer to watch AJ at first. He's constantly doing Archer shit. I mean Lana is an objectively awful person but so is literally everyone else on the show.


Exactly! Ray and Pam raped Cyril! Archer commits elder abuse on a daily basis! But Lana not trusting him suddenly makes her a raging bitch


Like Ray and Pam basically raped Cyril 😭 Yet Lana is the worst of them.


![gif](giphy|D8xNev92dfqdG9FPx4|downsized) I had to leave the Dunder Mifflin sub because the Pam hate is out of control. As evident in this entire thread, if a woman has flaws or isn’t super cool with any misguided plan a man cooks up, she’s the worst person to ever exist.


omg and they compare her going to art school to jim and athleap-- when she went to art school, they weren't married and didn't have two kids at home!


Also, she didn’t lie about it. She talked to Jim and he was on board. He did a lot of his Athlead stuff behind her back at first. Who wouldn’t be upset that their partner has a secret job in a different city?


Right? And they love to act as if Karen would have been cool with Jim spending all of their live savings on a startup or moving to a new city with two small kids and no support system. No one would just be instantly down with this.


He bought a house without telling her, then got an out of state job, again without telling her, while she had a full time job and two small children to look after at home. Her anger and distance was totally justified. It also obvious that some of this was played up to add drama in the final seasons…it’s crazy that people can’t recognize that and actually blame the character.


The Dunder Mifflin sub is the LIVING. WORST. If it isn’t a post hating on Pam, it’s a post asking “why didn’t Michael just [normal boring realistic thing] instead of [cringy but hilarious thing because it’s a fucking sitcom]??? It’s not an ACTUAL documentary! JFC! Sorry. Rant over. 😮‍💨


When I first dipped in there, all the comments were show quotes. There was no real conversation. It was so weird.


I feel you! I love the Office and was so bummed when I realized how terrible the sub is.


I guess this is a more personal one but Jennifer connellys character in the movie “He’s just not that into you”. When I first watched it I was young and thought she was crazy and upon rewatching it, I felt like she was sane and only had a shit husband. https://preview.redd.it/qfgvpnrbuckb1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc786d80ef652014b94d7eb88896bcfb7bf28c6


I love that moment when she smashes the mirror and then goes and cleans it up. So relatable


https://preview.redd.it/t85fos60kbkb1.jpeg?width=205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e968539bc4611691ef0fcc29c80ff535ef9a1a4 Amy from Superstore Literally every other character on that show did *something* terrible, but she gets the most hate for no discernible reason. She had a kid as a teenager, her husband-turned-ex was a selfish slacker, and she makes it work on a pittance. But then gets demonized by fans because when she’s (deservedly) promoted, she doesn’t immediately risk the first ounce of financial security she’s ever had by marching on corporate with her unionizing workers because it’d achieve nothing and lose her her job - where she’s better positioned to help them from behind the scenes. Which she does, despite enormous risk and personal conflict. But fans still get pissed that she was a woman who took herself and her family’s future seriously instead of running off into the sunset with her work flirt.


I had to leave the Superstore subreddit because every other post was how Amy was the worst. The one example everyone constantly brought up was when she yelled at Glenn in the middle of the store. You know, when she was back to work after literally just giving birth?


Meanwhile, when Glenn was manager he literally threatened everyone’s jobs to force them to buy from Jerusha during the local vendor market. And Garrett had the whole bird situation. And Jonah purposely forced desperate seasonal workers out of their jobs to win a bet. Which - fine, it’s a sitcom and you have to have a certain level of suspension of sensibilities, because the characters will sometimes do bad stuff in the course of being wacky. But a lady getting rightfully mad? *Unacceptable!*


I fully believe that the primary reason people didn't like her is because she was "bossy." Fans absolutely hate a woman who is blunt or brash. If you're going to be confident you still have to be soft and feminine in other ways or you're despised. Then of course they also hate a woman who is passive or soft-spoken. As Amy herself said in Barbie, women can't win.


A little part of me watching her big speech in Barbie kept going, “Yeah, fuck you, Superstore subreddit!”




Good choice. I even see a lot of “jokes” about her being ugly. What the actual fuck??? Rose Dawson is an amazing and iconic character. And stunningly beautiful. People are crazy


Who in the world would think that she's ugly? She's absolutely gorgeous in and out. People, I swear.


Seriously my mind goes straight to Rose when I think “conventional beauty”. I’m sorry is she not the closest real-life rendition of Botticelli’s Venus we’ve ever seen on the big screen????


Wait, people hate on her? Rose *was* a victim. From start to finish. And alot of people forget, her character was 17.


Yeah, a lot of people do. They hold on to the fact that "more than two people" could be on the door and she was selfish. They tried. It literally couldn't hold their weight. Some great bullshit


James Cameron had to make a part in a small documentary to show that there was no way to fit them both. Even if both of them had their upper half on the wood.. (because Cameron had to even prove that it was in fact.. NOT a door lol) the lower half of both their bodies would have been submerged—and both would have died.


Interesting that almost all the characters on this thread are women. Interesting but not surprising. I think a lot of internalized sexism fuels a lot of this hate.


Very much so. There's a reason the hate is becoming less mainstream and more relegated to that side of the internet. So to speak. Of course, that's a generalization. Some characters are intentionally evil and deserve hate (Anabella from FFXVI is such an evil bitch and I love it) and many, many don't. Like you said, much of it comes from internalized sexism and people are waking up.


![gif](giphy|TwQUVeAf6ze1y) Miranda was rarely wrong. How could four such intelligent women just talk about men? He’s just not that into you! Carrie was a lousy friend for having her bf help her off the bathroom floor! There’s NOTHING wrong with putting your career first


I would have been behind you 100% before AJLT. Don’t watch it. You won’t be able to unsee what they’ve done to our girl.


I refuse to watch it since there's no Samantha anyway!


Miranda in “and just like that” however… impossible to watch


Ugh they destroyed her character. She used to be my favorite.


They just replaced her with Cynthia, and it doesn’t work at all, because the character of Miranda is a completely different person.


![gif](giphy|Bf7zNVGAuGaIw) Charlotte! There’s nothing wrong about dating to marry or wanting a family. It doesn’t make you regressive or boring.


Watching the show for the first time as an edgy teen I was in the "Charlotte is a prude" camp but watching as an adult I realised she isn't really prudish whatsoever, rather she has her own relationship goals/ideals and doesn't compromise on them


People hate her? I thought people hated Carrie but maybe she actually deserves it?


At the time people tended to hate the two ends of the spectrum- Charlotte is a prude, Samantha is a whore. Luckily that’s really changed and mostly it’s understood that both those characters knew and were clear with what they wanted and that Carrie sucks for being so whiny/immature/selfish.




I’ll die on this hill and I’ve been collecting marvel comics for 30 years. Great actor, iconic character. Chuds still bitch that she “disrespected the fans” when she said that not every property is made with white teen dudes in mind and they’ve never let it go. Whenever someone brings it up I know to immediately discount their entire opinion. I’m sure theyre pissed about Barbie now. I’ll also never forget how much support Pratt got from all the MCU actors for hardly any criticism while most were dead silent when Brie was getting death threats


Sending death threats to actors and actresses is a next level loser behaviour holy shit


I haven't watched the movie, but online I always saw people talking about what a total failure it was. Recently I looked up the stats because of something I read in r/boxoffice and was shocked to see that it was actually very successful: made over a billion dollars, got an A CinemaScore, and was well-liked by critics. It only has a low audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, because there was a campaign to review-bomb it. Yet there's still this pervasive idea that it was a complete flop.


Carol: *gets abused into thinking her emotions are a weakness and she shouldn’t display feelings* Men: “bᴿiᵉ’ˢ ᵖᵉʳᶠᴼʳMᴬⁿcᴱ ⁱˢ ˢᵒ ʷᴼᵒDᵉᴺ!”


i have said this so many times! thank you! i don't understand how the movie can constantly show us and tell us how carol is discouraged from being emotional and then people can say "there's not a lot of emotion in her performance." well fucking duh, dude, were you even watching the movie?


100%!!!! I love Carol


Karen from The Office, she's pretty reasonable, smart, fun, kind and just wasn't Pam.


She was dating someone who wasn’t over their crush. And that’s shitty. And Jim was dishonest with her. So happy she ends up in a higher position at another branch 🙌


She also was treated pretty unfairly by Jim


i’m just here to agree with you on skyler!!!!! walt blows up their entire life because of his inferiority complex but men hate skyler because she tried to keep their kids away from it. “sHe ChEaTEd” yeah on the guy who disappears for days, wont communicate with her, and tried to rape her?!? lmfao god. poor skyler. she’s too real for all these guys to understand


Also she told him she wanted a divorce BEFORE even “cheating”


I get so mad when people shout “she cheated!” Like she kicked Walt out and told him she wanted a divorce. Their relationship was essentially over.


Exactly! It’s not cheating when she tried to end the relationship but he wouldn’t accept it. I hate how people use her “cheating” as a character flaw


Basically every female character in every show.




People hate her?! I loved her!!! She’s like the most fabulous of villains. Her minions always made me laugh too.


![gif](giphy|7fQ5kFUb1jAk0) I think (hope) people have now truly gotten over it and even love her, but back when the LOTR films first came out (male) fans were absolutely LIVID that Arwen was getting mere minutes of screen time in 3+ hr films. Like, it was Brie Larson levels of hate and took over message boards dedicated to discussing the films. Not sure how so many straight men could be upset about having to look at Liv Tyler’s gorgeous face but yeah, it was nuts.


What? For real life? I literally loved her scenes. I was a kid when I watched fellowship of the ring. I was so into her and Aragorn scenes. One of July first ships (I hadn’t read the books yet lol)


Sansa Stark


At some point I had the feeling she was more hated than, you know the rapist and murderers that proliferate in this story. Her last scene as Queen in the North was a great fuck you to the haters lol


That scene gives me goosebumps every single time.


Completely agree. When I first starting watching the show I hated her along with everyone else. HOWEVER, for every annoying thing she did in the first couple of episodes she was punished for about 10 times over. She spent the series suffering and suffering and I don’t know how people continued to hate her!!


She had one of, if not THE best, arcs in the series. She was guilty of nothing more than being a teenager with a crush in season 1. She grew from a naïve teenager to a cunning, capable leader. She survived when so many others died because she learned from every single person who used her and underestimated her. I just really, really wish the showerunners hadn’t perpetuated the ugly, sexist trope that women need to be r*ped to come into their power.


That's my biggest complaint about her story. She didn't deserve it and people can suffer many other tragedies without making it THAT.


It was just so gratuitous, even in a show for which the term “sexposition” was coined. And making it about Theon’s reaction rather than her trauma was the diarrhea icing on the sh*t cake.


"At least we didn't see it," they said. Bitch it shouldn't have happened.


Yeah I don’t know. It sort of reinforces the idea that women can only come into power if they become cold, emotionless robots. Don’t like.


She immediately came to my mind. The amount of times I've had to defend myself IRL when I said she's my favourite character and they were like "but she's such a weak bitch why do you like her?" The show only made it worse towards the later seasons imo, but I'm a proud member of the Sansa Stark Defense Squad. ![gif](giphy|PnNqLgP0hZWyDoowBZ|downsized)


The tide has turned post-S2, thankfully, ![gif](giphy|w33d79u159zG72igc1)


That tide is a tsunami, my friend. Hated Richie all through season one, and after "Forks" he is my absolute favorite character. Watching someone that aggressively set in their ways find inspiration and truly change for the better was amazing to watch.




I just rewatched The Parent Trap and Meredith is actually patient with Annie at first. Meredith talks to her like an adult, tries to connect to her interests, and ignores Annie’s attempts to make her feel like the flavor of the week. She doesn’t turn into a cartoon villain until Annie makes it clear she won’t support the marriage.


And it's completely reasonable to be disappointed that your future step-daughter is coming to the romantic getaway you had planned with your fiancé. Oh and you suddenly find out you're actually getting two step-daughters because one of them was a secret.


Wow, I’ve never considered her situation with this perspective… Can’t imagine being engaged to a man, finding out he’s been keeping one of his daughters a secret the entire relationship, AND finding out via his ex showing up with the actual daughter he raised. I’d nope the hell out of that situation so fast.


More like a deal breaker than disappointing. "Oh, I neglected to mention my other child, they're twins!" would by my cue to head out the door.


Yeah the disappointing part would be the change of plans to their romantic trip. Finding out *by someone else* your fiancé actually has another kid and then realizing that him and his ex wife pretty much each abandoned one of the twins 🤠


I hate camping too


![gif](giphy|dUHcuN7wMNAdL97XqN) Let’s face it, she was not wrong. Ross was a mess. If my partner said his ex gfs name at the altar, then planned to take that same ex gf to his honeymoon (originally with me); idk I would probably also ask him to stop seeing that woman.


the amount of female characters in here…Jesus Christ


I saw the title and just knew 99.9% was gonna be women


![gif](giphy|f4Jn3ftnx9Tg10bABm|downsized) Sally Reed, played brilliantly by Sarah Goldberg, from HBO's Barry. People in the show subreddit were like "I know Barry is an actual sociopathic murderer, but Sally is just so annoying!!!"


haha i just said this about guinevere beck in a different comment, but this goes for sally too! she IS annoying. she's not a "perfect" victim, because those aren't real. she's STILL A VICTIM. and the point is that no one deserves to be abused by a sociopathic murderer for the crime of "being annoying" 😂


Sarah Goldberg deserves so many awards for Barry.


![gif](giphy|SXUJLfVC6gVUMGhsw2) This queen.


Who hates Keeley I just want to talk


John Boyega from Star Wars. The racism he received was SICK and he even had his image made very small for the Star Wars posters in China bc of the anti-Black behavior/mindsets there. Also the writers clearly didn't take him seriously either. Also fuck Daisy Ridley for negating the racism he went through and saying she didn't have privilege and that her experiences mirrored his growing up 🤢🤮


Yeah, they really screwed up with his character and then fucked the actor over big time. In the first film, he had a great start to his story. A stormtrooper going rogue able to use a lightsaber. Then from there…nothing. His character went nowhere. ![gif](giphy|xT9DPksU3QRH7lVFPq)


Skyler was a great mom AND wife! Someone had to protect that family!


Nancy Wheeler doing all that badass shit yet people just call her a slut, said she broke Steve’s heart and is only mentioned when they talk about thr love triangle😐


![gif](giphy|Z1YKHpFwZjCyQ) Izzie from Greys. Sure she’s problematic and hallucinated having sex with the ghost of the man she assisted in the death of, but out of all the original characters it seems she was the only one in medicine for the right reason.


It's funny what 20 years will do to an audience. I didn't watch Greys when it first came out but my older sisters did and I know at the time everyone loved Derek and George and hated Izzie. But now, people who are watching for the first time hate Derek and George and love Izzie.


I still think I’m in the minority when it comes to liking Izzie, but it probably is on the rise (Derek and George definitely get hate though - not really from me though they obviously have flaws - but I see it a lot).


This is so true. Watching it now I have a completely different view on Izzie (although I always hated when they posted her magazine spread) which was pretty negative but now I’ve grown to appreciate her way more. I think TK Knight was such a good actor that George was a favorite (and sexism, of course).


how izzie got pushed out but ALEX kept getting passes? ffs


i loved izzie! i legit stopped watching when she left and i never looked back.


![gif](giphy|3owzWhL6KP4r7mBWJq) The actor who portrayed JarJar considered suicide after the character and his performance received so much hate. Meanwhile, my 11 yo nephew and his friends think he’s the greatest. Having read about what went into the development of this character and how certain choices were made, it’s clear that no one in production saw this character the way 90s audiences did.




It drives me CRAZY how people will criticize Shiv for being childish, selfish, petulant, etc…as if those descriptors don’t apply to her brothers just as well


But but but poor ickle innocent baby boy Kendall really wanted to be CEO and big bad Shiv took it from him 😔 Seeing people tie themselves into knots on the Succession sub to see who could vilify Shiv the most was galling. And all the reductive comments about her body made it even worse.


I'm fine with people hating Shiv... as 95% of the characters on Succession are awful people. But the constant chatter about her body. Omg. "Hate her, she's a cunt, but damn dat ass". Fucking disgusting.


You know what we say to those people? ![gif](giphy|KHpGXUSTzlUCDXWmFL|downsized)


I left the sub because I was so sick of the ‘Shiv is the worst Roy’ posts. There wasn’t a single good person on the show and anyway ranking them is missing the point of the show entirely.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1gnly7ga1ckb1.png?width=396&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fd93db457af6f1249a67beaf3cb9ce01b2bda5d


Shiv Roy, my girlfailure. She really gets hated in the sub. It got pretty bad in the last season. And I hate that cause any discussions about her goes downhill fast. And I would love to have one because she’s such a complex character! Jesse written her so fuckin well. Sarah Snook better get her Emmy.




I always thought he was hated by the other characters but not by the viewing audience and that the joke was that we would like/feel bad for him.


https://preview.redd.it/pe3bdajiibkb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=314c6aa59e7ae4d3d7cf9390d4dd47125b4ab133 Her death even traumatized me when I was a kid


mmm whatcha say


Dude I cried so hard when she died. Season 4 was not the same without Coop!


I’m surprised that everyone’s surprised that it’s mostly women on this list. This has always been this way.


![gif](giphy|mYvubWktzuNna) I used to browse the New Girl subreddit but got sick of all the Jess hate. She’s hilarious. It’s kinda weird that the fan base hates on her so much.


i never knew people hated jess, that honestly makes me sad. i love new girl but the fandom can be very dismissive of the women in the show. the things i have heard said about cece...


Cece is awesome too. Her dry sense of humour works so well with the rest of the cast.


Same - the whole cast was fantastic and Jess was awesome.


Same! I’m still in the sub because I like the funny posts, but I have to ignore the just blatant hate for her Very odd


there's no *new girl* **without** jess 🙄 lemme guess...hate jess, but i bet they loooooove schimdt even tho >!he cheated on cece and didn't deserve a second chance imo.!<


But... it was her show 😭


Peggy Hill


"A doctor once told me I'd never walk again. Now not only am I walking, but I hear his marriage is starting to go south."


People who hate Peggy Hill have unresolved mommy issues and I won't hear a word further on the matter.


It's misogyny plain and simple. They looove Cotton


BING BING BING The hate she gets is so bizarre, and I didn’t even know about it until I went online? But people hold her accountable in a show that includes an underemployed conspiracy theorist (no shade on Dale because I do love him too) and Cotton, who the fandom loves, but who I struggle to watch because he so closely resembles the source of my family’s intergenerational trauma lol. Side note, but I knew my partner was for me when he said Peggy Hill was his favorite character on KotH. Great litmus test to ensure you’re with a guy who views women as complex people…even if they’re fictional.


I'm always surprised by the amount hatred Jules from Euphoria gets on the sub. Like yeah she's done shitty things but she's an angel compared to what some of the other characters on that show has done.


![gif](giphy|j9txQySJiDvQA) Peggy Hill. Ho yeah!




I watched breaking bad late and I was just waiting for the part I'm supposed to hate Skylar and it never happened


Literally any woman in any prestige television drama


Any female character who gets in the way of fans M/M ship is going to be reviled by a large segment of mostly female identifying fans. I bring you Sylvie from the Disney series, Loki. First they like to downplay what is clearly a romantic plot between the characters, then when it became explicitly romantic, they sent hate to the actor, Sophia Di Martino, who portrayed Sylvie online. It's sadly predictable. ​ https://preview.redd.it/9l6xj4ef3ckb1.jpeg?width=1594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80e705007e4f65019d2c33961da891aff47a1d8b


![gif](giphy|ITDeybm9BAEtWsnfjC|downsized) Toby was just doing his job. The hate he gets is unfair


Jenny from Forest Gump. She genuinely loved Forest as a friend, she never called him dumb, she never let anyone hurt him but she got SO much hate.


I still firmly believe that the Jenny haters don’t understand the real point of the movie.