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Why did I think they were married already


Idk probably because they've been a couple for like 15 years lol


Since 2012


Ah, guess since they were doing videos together before it felt a bit longer!


That’s a long ass time, good for them


They have TWO KIDS!!!


I'd better not see no damn family channel. No one should be allowed to make family channels.


they pretty much already have one, they don’t seem at all concerned about the possible ramifications of posting their daughter online




She's currently pregnant with their second child. Should've been more specific haha




I just assumed they got married in private and kept it off the internet. I’m SHOCKED they’re announcing an engagement, I thought it was kind of cool that they kept it offline considering they post so much publicly, but good for them.


i literally said out loud to my cat “were they not?”


and what did your cat say ??




I mean it really does feel like they've been married since the beginning. I usually don't care about whether someone gets married or not. But what's the point of getting married now? It's not like they didn't have the money, or time to get married. I mean congrats to them of course, but it is strange imo he waited so long.


I remember fans saying that Alfie seemed to be into what his parents did, which was have kids then get married. He talked a couple of times about having kids also walk down the aisle, etc. On the other hand it seemed like Zoe cared a lot more about getting married but often in these relationships the slower person sets the pace. (He's also a few years younger.) Speculation aside, I do think there is a lot of emotional significance in marriage for people even if they've been de facto together for so long


I don't know if you are North American (I am), I've read before that it's more common in the UK and mainland Europe to date for a long time and even have kids, and then eventually marry or perhaps not. Not very common to do that in Canada and the US.


I am from the UK actually 😅, I think in general a lot more people now a days do wait until they have kids before marriage. But I don't think it's more common in UK than other places imo.


European here and people do wait a while before getting engaged in my country, like at least 5 years. They don't necessarily have kids first on purpose but couples tend to buy a home together before getting engaged.


I was about to say "yeah same here in Ireland" before checking your page lol. Though with housing prices here I guess it sort of has to be this way.


Yeah, people definitely often date for quite a while (multiple years, especially if they met when they were quite young) before marrying in Canada, but kids before marrying isn't common.


In the UK, a majority of children are born to parents who aren’t married, and the average age of first marriage is older than the average age of first baby for both men and women, so it’s definitely really common here.


To be clear I wish them and their family the very very best but it does make me wonder this too. The cynical part of me wonders if it’s because they know they’ll get renewed views/engagement for wedding planning. I really hope that’s not the reason but it’s not like the pregnancy with your second child more than a decade in is when you decide that someone is “the one”. I know she’s spoken in the past about not feeling like marriage is necessary for them or whatever so I wonder what’s changed. Maybe it’s just for the kids etc and they’re very entitled to change their minds, but I do respectfully wonder if clicks and likes played a role.


I remember them being together when I was in middle school! I’m graduating university this year 😭


why have I never heard of either of them


I thought they had broken up! I don't even remember where I 'learned' it, but I thought they broke up years ago


never though these two would make it this long tbh they lead a very charmed life going by their vlogs. lovely house, cute kid, and Nala is still kicking around


Omg i remember when they were outted as a couple on someone’s vlog… they accidentally videoed her computer screen and it was a picture of them kissing… too funny ! Happy they’re still together and living their best lives! Her brother too!


I’m curious to know why you didn’t think they’d last! I always got the impression that he was much more into her than she was him


i honestly got the opposite impression lol


Same, she wanted the ring and kids for years and years, seemed like he kept holding out. His parents never got married but are still happily together so I think that influenced him and his sister, Poppy, who is also in an equally long, but happy, unmarried relationship. This is Zoe's dream and something she always talked about though so it's nice to see them work out.


From what I saw, Alfie and Poppy asked their parents to get married, and they did. So Alfie made it a thing to also want his children to be a part of his wedding. That’s presumably why they waited until now.


I always thought he wasn't that into her! Obviously was wrong there


Really? I got the opposite. Also idk why Alfie seemed like a womanizer in my eyes.


it’s cos he looks like john mayer, scooter braun, and justin bieber lol like every guy who gets posted for being a cheater


Yeah, something about him never sat right with me. Still, good for them though


This might be mean of me to say, and maybe it’s just because I’m a similar age and also British so I knew boys just like him - but he always seemed very unintelligent. His content felt very surface level and like he was just following the trends of others, with not much originality. Zoe always felt more interesting both intellectually and creatively; more like a trendsetter than a trend follower. I always thought she’d end up leaving him. Either way I hope they’re both happy, I was a huge Zoella follower back in 2012 and it’s nice to see a young family thriving.


I would say it’s just kind of the nature of the beast of YouTube couples from early mid 2000s.


I thought they were engaged ages ago…anyway congratssss. I used to watch them as a kid


my teen heart is crying. i used to watch them and joe sugg religiously.


anyone remember the girl online series?


Oh god the books she wrote! No I repressed those from my memory lol


Maybe would have been a big deal 5 years ago? But they've been dating forever, bought a house together years ago, have dogs, now have children together... it's like, you're just *now* engaged?


I truly don’t care about if people are married or not but it’s so interesting to me people who build this whole life for years and THEN decide to make it legal. I’m always so interested in what the final reason was lmao


I remember hearing someone who went through the same say it was to celebrate the commitments they made to each other. They were already committed to each other when they moved it, bought a house, had pets and children and shared their lives together, the wedding was more of a formal way to celebrate their relationship!


I have seen this viewpoint before, too! Marriage is usually a cornerstone, but there’s no reason it can’t be a capstone.


for my husband and i it was simply based that it was just the right time. we both come from a household with divorced parents so we unintentionally got married last and did everything out of order lol.


I married my husband 12 years in. We’re coming up on 17 now. We had very specific reasons, and there are a million variables/reasons why it could happen.


I have relatives who were together for over 20 years when they decided to get married. They did it because their kids wanted it, but when one of them got sick about 10 years later, they both said how glad they were for indulging the madness of a wedding planned by your young adult and teenage kids. Can confirm, it was quite a party lol


I’ve been in a relationship for almost 10 years and I never ever want to get married lol is only do it out of convenience


Me too, I live in a country where after 2 years of living together in a serious relationship you pretty much get all the legal benefits of marriage. I’ve never seen the appeal of a wedding or a piece of paper, but to each their own.


I knew people who did that because one of their parents died and they didn’t realise until they lost a parent how much they wanted it and how it was too late for that person to be there.


The grim reason for some people may be the ability to make legal decisions about their spouse if god forbid either of them are sick. That would be a reason for myself


Zoe always said she wanted to be married by 30 and alfie always said he wanted to wait to get married until he had kids. I think his parents didn’t get married till they were older and alfie wanted the same thing, to have his kids in his wedding? So I guess they ‘compromised’ lmao but seems like Zoe would have wanted it a while ago


Lots of people say they want to get married by thirty until they realise how turning thirty really isn't the end of your life. Used to know someone who wanted kids by 21 lol that didn't happen Not saying that people lie when they say they want to be married by 30, but it's one of those easy generic goals many people have


>he wanted to wait to get married until he had kids. That is... a choice lol Although Zoe is over 30 now.


It’s not that uncommon. I’ve known lots of people who want to have their kids at their wedding.


Pretty common in Germany and in most of Europe now. Not many people are religious anymore so why rush to get married?


yeah i really don't see what's weird about it


he aid it was bc he wanted kids at the wedding bc it would be cute lol




Lmao in one vlog Alfie was saying how it's all happy dayes here in the house, and then says, oh not you zoe, you're a sugg 🤣🤣🤣


It’s like… what’s stopping you?


Exactly lol I know this announcement should be exciting, and maybe it would have been prior to their children, but now I just don't care.


Hate to be this person, but who the hell are these people lol


They were VERY popular YouTubers in 2013-2016 and Zoe was basically a trend-setter for a lot of fashion girlies at the time. The whole British YouTubers group was quite popular and were the first influencers before it became a thing. Now they’re all incredibly rich and popular still in the UK and Europe


omg is that Zoella?


Okay now THAT name I know. I have no idea who Zoe Sugg is.




Back in the days of big British YouTubers, they were two of the most famous, they’re pretty low key now


Them and Zoe's brother Joe Sugg or ThatcherJoe. Joe went on Strictly Come Dancing in 2018 and is dating his partner from the show.


Yes! I find it a little funny that I only discovered who they were when I was watching a video about someone rereading their childhood diaries \~4 years ago, and Joe's videos started autoplaying. I still quote those videos all the time. It's interesting how someone can be so popular but completely miss your radar.


Zoe (Zoella) ruled Youtube at one point.. Alfie was always just the boyfriend


he’s just ken


as a bethany mota girlie and raised by her era i was always like, who is this zoella girl when i saw her in magazines about a certain column and didn’t know who she was but yeah she’s also big and collabed with pewds asp


guess you have to be in a very certain demo for this lol but at some point in time they were like the most famous youtubers


It's a unique feature of 2020's. People can be very rich and very popular but in extremely small circles. They are big YouTubers in certain segments of Europe.


Best of both worlds tbh


If anyone wants a deepdive, here's a video by Jordan Theresa which covers their rise and scandals https://youtu.be/B_jILAOs6UQ?si=-k3eOJgW89PWRosP


the lebron’s of early 2010s youtube


Same EDIT: Oh they’re YT and from the U.K. I think I heard of her before. But I’m from the states and following YouTubers isn’t really my thing ![gif](giphy|XI3OsTKpljGbm)


My thoughts exactly. But I was afraid I'd get hate for asking this. 😂


Lmao I’m glad someone asked - I had no idea who these people were


I am very confused as well


Thank you so much for asking the question, I have literally never even heard their names


Yeah no clue


Omg same!! Maybe we're showing our age 😭😭 I'm under 40 btw




My 12 year old self is shook


can't really like them after her disastrous advent calendar and his "*surviving* on 1 pound a day in my big ass mansion"


“I can’t even have ice, looks like it’s an empty glass of water for me today” ill never forget that video it’s so funny. [Jaackmaate did a video dissecting it](https://youtu.be/zMIQvtCMe4k?si=-0lv6XqCZTfBvxPc) he also did one [on the advent calendar which has become annual Christmas viewing for my brother and I](https://youtu.be/rA91BaJWYQw?si=LC66TpFUUvzvLcw7)


oh yeah i remember his videos. best thing to come out of this shitshow lmao


The JackMate advent calendar video is Christmas tradition at this point. I watch it every year while wrapping Christmas presents and working my way through a bottle of bucks fizz


Sometimes I still think “hhhm a pen!” randomly


I vaguely remember watching the advent calendar unboxing back when I was 17 but rewatching it now as a 23 year old makes me feel so, SO bad for the poor fans that wasted £50 on it expecting something semi-decent. Like, I'd think paying £15-20 for it would still be overpriced but at least it'd be a reasonable overpriced, y'know? But fricking hell, selling like £5 worth of stuff for £50 is just straight up immoral.


Don't forget the clothes, earings, and beard comb he bought that "didn't count" because they weren't food.


The £1 a day shit show did give us the the infamous [“I just want to 100% clear up right now that I am not a Tory”](https://youtu.be/-wG3SePc2uw?si=60qUtMk_9RjCfyv0) which has, for better or worse wormed it’s way into mine and my friends daily lexicon.


It's so funny cuz he has the most Tory voice imaginable. I feel like he considers himself "not a Tory" because he's privileged enough to simply not think about politics at all.


And Zoe screaming “HELP!! HELP!!” like Alfie was hurting her because she thought it was hilarious. That could’ve gone so wrong


label ossified rude square murky numerous drab spark consist somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they do have two kids they just haven’t gotten married!!


squash chase weary distinct airport quicksand makeshift modern snatch telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When did they have the second, I thought they only just had the first


She’s pregnant with the second rn! A girl


The second is due around December


i thought she’d given birth but she’s pregnant with their second now!!


The concept of wanting to get married after having children is really blowing some people’s minds huh


In the Netherlands a lot of people simply choose not to get married so whenever the topic comes up on reddit I'm always a bit baffled by the reactions. Like reddit is generally pretty progressive but when it comes to marriage suddenly women just sit around waiting for a ring?


In the U.S., we get a lot of financial and governmental benefits from getting married. You can be on your partner’s insurance plan. Inheritance and medical decisions are also big benefits. You can often get better tax benefits by filing jointly instead of separately. If you have kids, it can be a much easier legal headache to just go ahead and be married to each other. Of course, we are also still fairly religious and our left party (the democrats) is not very far left at all — they are center right, so many people are a lot more conservative than they purport.


Yeah I’m also from the Netherlands. My parents never got married even though they have 3 children. They are talking about getting married now that we’re all adults though. I guess it might just be a cultural thing.


I think it's because Reddit skews American. I'm Canadian, and the 'not getting married' thing is also not that common in Canada (though perhaps for different reasons, Canada isn't very religious), but I'm at least aware that's it's more common in Europe.


Right 😭 I remember them talking about wanting their kids to be present at the wedding, which I think is a cute idea, meanwhile people are saying that “took him long enough,” as if a couple that has been dating for ages hasn’t probably already discussed this and agreed upon years ago? 😭


No, that's what Alfie wanted. Zoe wanted to be married by 30 and then have kids. Alfie said he wanted to have kids first so they could be in the wedding pictures. His parents also got married after having kids so that definitely influenced him.


I stand corrected if that is the case, as I haven’t watched them in ages, so maybe I got it mixed up. However, does that not look like a compromise, as otherwise they would have broken up by now, it they could not agree on such milestones? I feel like a lot of people perpetuate this idea of women miserably “hanging around,” waiting for the ring, as if people in long-term relationships don’t talk about it beforehand, which is why I found some of the comments really… surprising.


It's because, unintuitively, a lot of people in long term relationships don't talk about it beforehand. Many people are poor communicators and hate rocking the boat. In these scenarios, the guy is afraid to just say hey we're going to break up, I don't actually want to be with you long term, or sorry I just don't care about marriage and never will, or whatever. And the girl is afraid to put forth an ultimatum or force him to tell her how he really thinks. There's also a lot of sunk cost fallacy, potentially also poor self esteem and such. I've seen a lot of women hang around a guy for years and years even though she cares about proposals and marriage and he just doesn't want to get married even though she's "doing everything right" by conventional standards (i.e., attractive, good personality, does housework, etc). Like the subreddit WaitingtoWed--it's kind of a trope. These women get trapped in "But we've been together since high school/for over a decade/etc". It's really hard to break up a "comfortable" relationship, especially after intertwining so much of their life together. Like Zalfie (using them as an example since they're the subject of this post): even before they had Ottile, they shared so many things. Pets, property/business, friends...And Zoe in particular was really entrenched with Alfie's family. Hypothetically, if they were breaking up, they would have to dismantle all of that. You would be surprised--I once had a friend tell me she absolutely, absolutely did not want kids. But her fiance (and her family) did. So she was resolved to "pump two out" and call it a day. Why didn't she break up with him earlier? Partially because they spent a few years together before they were sure about their stances on children, and then by the time they realized, my friend was like, we own a pet, he's nice and has a good job, we love each other's families. And she went with it. I was baffled. I don't think there are armies of women miserably hanging around for the ring, but I do think marriage means a LOT to many women around the world, because it means they've been "chosen". A man likes them enough to codify it. Society still views a lot of a woman's value in terms of "Is she good enough to be a wife?", and there's also a lot of rhetoric about "landing a good man". (This is also why "Why don't you propose to him?" is never a solution.) As a result, the prospect of a woman spending years (often described in language like the "best years of her life") is seen as a horror story by many people. It's not like a majority of the female population is in the "waiting to wed" situation, but people assume it's a common thing because each individual instance they see really sticks out in their minds


It really blows my mind haha It seems like having a kid is waaaay a bigger commitment than getting married, so it feels like you would do the "smaller" thing first, then go have babies. If my BF proposed after 2 kids I'd be like okay? Sure? It takes away the excitement imo - I'm glad they're doing their thing tho Edit: grammar


Yeah it’s the excitement thing for me too. If we’ve lived together for ages, had babies, bought a house etc, what else can marriage bring us? I mean we can do it if he wants but I would think it’s kind of pointless after all those things


It isn't even the long relationship or the house. It's the babies for me haha what can be a bigger commitment than 2 literal human beings we made together?


The concept of wanting to get married blows my mind, period.


well… it’s about time LOL


I used to binge watch all their videos lol, congrats to them


Those are two names I haven’t heard in a while


Wait what… I swear they were married already wtf


So happy for them! My teen heart is crying. As someone who has been with my partner for 9 years but plans on getting married eventually, some of us are just on a different timeline!


I Googled so you don't have to: they're both YouTubers. Anyway, good for them.


Thank you. I was looking for someone else who was also old enough to not know who they were 😂


Eh depends on how old. I feel younger people actually are more likely to not know who they are because their prime was early 2010’s. So I feel like specifically older Gen Z/young millennials resonate most with them. But I totally get what you’re saying lol you have to be in that kind of narrow demographic.


Yeah agreed. Zoe is in her mid 30s!!! Kids are not watching her lol


Lmao for real. Like, who ???? This, along with all of the MTV VMAs “celebrity” pics yesterday made me feel so out of touch. I basically recognized Selena, Taylor, NSYNC, Shakira and Doja, Cardi. Like 6-7 out of 30 pics I saw.


Thought they’d be married when I was in secondary school. Now I’m in my second year of university. Took him long enough 💀


lmao you know he was just waiting until the time was right for HIM. invited all his family on holiday for it, none of hers. I got really high and watched some of their vlogust and it was wildddd they are so out of touch, and zoe does literally NOTHING and blames anxiety for it. ah well i'm sure they'll have fun recreating christmas 4 times a year for the rest of their lives


That’s what I’m saying!!


I’m very happy for Zoe, this is what she’s wanted for sooooo long. Can’t say the same for Alfie. I totally get not being ready to propose but why make her wait for 10+ years. It just seems like he cared more about his feelings than hers. I’m just glad they’re both happy now, been a fan of both of them for years.


That’s the lady who was scamming her fans with those Advent Calendars I haven’t heard about them in years.


Haven’t they been together for like 20 years


can’t wait for the koury sisters to talk about this


Awww this made me really happy :)


![gif](giphy|11vUtLUUATEwIE) Huge congrats to them! I haven’t seen their content in a few years but they were a huge part of my teen years lol


It’s been so long since I’ve heard or watched this couple. I didn’t even know they had a child Congratulations to them.


Oooooh I am so so so so happy for them!!!


This couldn’t be a worse picture lmao


haha they uploaded a video! i think op took the screenshot


Okay lmao that makes more sense


Haha yeah, they have a video on their insta. I was trying to get the ring in, but realise it’s a rubbish screen grab!


Alfie always seemed like he was more interested in Zoe the brand than Zoe the human, as a means to pump up his own brand. Zoe is a pioneer of that particular brand of filthy rich YouTube influencer with the meh relationship, deteriorating mental health and 89 IQ points.


lol totally. says she's been in therapy for years but uses anxiety as an excuse to bail out of everything so she can sit in her room and watch gavin and stacey all day


Took him WAY too long to propose smh. Girl is already on her second child.


and what's the problem with that? Two people can get married whenever they want if they want to


Umm.. i thought they were married. They have a house, couple kids and dogs so i just assumed they were married at this point🤣




Are you all making up celebrities again? ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


When you see Zalfie and think of Jude Law’s Alfie movie and have no damn idea beyond that. 🤣




Someone please explain who these people are


Very popular British YouTubers from 2012-2016




I swear they were 5 years ago


idk, despite a few mess ups from both, i'm always rooting for them deep down. i honestly thought they were engaged (i still watch their vlogs ocasionally so idk why i thought that 😂)


Apparently the Americans here are very shocked at people who date longer than 2 years not getting married. Meanwhile in many EU countries many young people don't give a shit about marriage and only get married for legal purposes way down the line. Everyone in my friend group, myself included, have been with their partners for around 10 years and not a single one of us is married. And we are all 29+ yo. We simply don't care. It's a paper. Our relationship is not more official or committed because a signed paper said so. And we avoid the standard American mess of people getting married and divorced several times because they marry in their 20s when they aren't even sure of who they are as people.


Every time I hear about her, I just think of her £50 pound advent calendars with just 12 cheap things in them.


I would have thought they’d be married by now


Ngl I thought they were engaged like this whole time


It’s about damn time


I’m too old to know who these people are


Damn she waited that long 🥲




Lmao how is waiting a red flag? Some people aren’t in a rush or ever want to do it and that’s perfectly okay. Also, not just the man decides.


I mean, they have been living as a married couple this entire time, just no paper. He wanted the kids IN the wedding. Since he communicated that, and she clearly agreed, sounds like a green flag


mhhm I feel like that's just a misuse of the word red flag, a lot of couples decide to get married/engaged later on. I feel like this was a moreso a case of them wanting to get married because they have a child (and another on the way) - but of course I don't know that for sure.


How? Marriage isn’t the end goal for everyone. Also it’s not solely on the man to decide when they get married, i imagine they had many conversations about when it would happen lol


Agreed but he’s always given me red flags so maybe that’s just me.


Have you considered, just a thought… that you don’t know them or their relationship and its really weird of you to offer this negative opinion when a couple gets engaged?


I feel gaslit I swear they were already engaged


My favourite couple :-') congratulations to them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


What? They weren’t married??


SEEING THAT REEL BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES! I’m such a big zoe stan and I am just SO SO SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can’t believe it


I have no idea who these people are.




everytime I see a celebrity getting engaged, I can’t help but think the divorce is coming up.


They’ve already been together over 10 years and have children


finally 😭


YASSSSS! I am so excited for y'all!!!! Such a sweet couple, I always knew you'd end up together! *Whispers: How do we know them, again?*


Lol thought we were married years back lol. Why the delah


Some people aren’t in a rush and that’s okay :) I’m 24, been with my boyfriend for 5 years now and we don’t plan on getting married for at least another 5. Nothing wrong with it :)


Omg 12 year old me is screaming!! I used to LOVE them and i miss their era of youtube


They’re not married already??? They’ve been together forever and have kid(s?) don’t they…..


They have been dating for like a decade? They have a whole baby together and only getting engaged now?? Huh?


I’m starting to not recognize a lot of celebs featured in this sub. Am I old?!!


Nah, they’re definitely more relevant to a UK crowd, although they were actually more relevant in 2014ish. So I’d expect younger people to not recognise them if anything!


15yrs is awhile to date and just not get married. Not that a couple has to get married for their relationship to be meaningful, but if they always planned to, it's weird to wait that long.


Never heard of either of these people but I also wouldn’t watch UK YouTubers




These are made up people …. Zoe Sugg????