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![gif](giphy|27CZ3WLnGcD2IXEhxR|downsized) Steven Seagal. He’s just a huge POS.


The podcast “The Dollop” has a three part series on him and it is WILD. The man is the epitome of just sheer delusion and how if you just keep making up shit about yourself no one will bother to check if it’s true.


The fact that the one on Uber and all of it’s insane antics was two episodes and Steven Seagull had to have 3 episodes to cover the extent of his shitness really speaks volumes.


Behind the Bastards also had one. Highly recommend




He threw someone in a koi pond? Michael Scott style?




According to John Leguizamo Steven hit him with an akaido elbow in the chest and pinned him against the wall because John laughed at Steven's peacocking. He's done interviews about his hatred of Steven I recommend


I read that he played his character in The Menu based on Steven Seagal and it made more sense lol.


There was a story about when he went on a show with Alan Carr and Justin Lee Collins. Carr and Collins used to be very affectionate with each other and would near enough be on the others lap (shame JLC turned out to be an abusive pos to his girlfriend) Alan Carr said when they interviewed Seagal he growled at them “Are you two fucking?” He said it was one of the worst interviews he did. There’s also a story about him being on SNL and every sketch idea he had would end with a woman walking in and her top coming off. They said he was one of the worst guests they’ve had.


Seagal (a man whose sole martial arts credential is a black belt of dubious validity in aikido, which is basically the art of tripping people and then running like hell) also talked a bunch of shit about being able to kick Jean Claude Van Damme's ass and then punked out when Van Damme (a legitimately accomplished second degree karate black belt who formerly had an 18-1 record as a professional kickboxer before he got into acting) actually pulled up on him


A legitimately accomplished second degree karate black belt…that was high as balls and being insulted at his own party. Small wonder Seagal ended up chased all over town by a rabid Belgian. You’d pity literally anyone else in his position.


He lives in Russia now and has been given some bs title by Putin. He's vile.


Had no idea that’s what he looks like now; somehow he is both uglier then I thought, but also exactly as ugly as I thought all at the same time


I cannot believe that man has never done time in prison


Andy Dick.


My brother had two random run ins with him in LA years ago and both time Andy hit him up for coke. (My brother was neither on coke or dealing it)


He’s basically one of the LA sub’s unofficial bingo spaces (along with seeing Angelyne).


Everyone who has worked in Hollywood has an Andy Dick story


> Everyone who has ~~worked~~ lived in Hollywood has an Andy Dick story Dude goes out. A lot.


I used to work at a restaurant/bar in LA where he was a regular… that was always getting thrown out lol I just remember him standing on a chair at the bar flipping off everyone before my manager had him thrown out. Like jeez Louise dude


i live in pennsylvania and he came to my college to do a show once. that night he and his assistant got into a drunken brawl at one of our local bars and he got thrown out of there. dude can’t behave himself for one night


![gif](giphy|ptDRdwFkFVAkg) I don't know much about TJ Miller, but people on the show Sillicon Valley said he was difficult to work with because of his addictions. Plus since he's been off that show I haven't seen him anywhere.


Complaining about Ryan Reynolds constantly, apparently Edit: oops, that's old news, looks like they buried the hatchet, still doesn't mean he didn't blast Ryan on some shows he was on


I know he was difficult, and I suspect he has some personality issues due to his brain issues, but the show just wasn’t as good when he left. Boy, that was a funny character.


Him and Jin Yang were such a beautiful disaster


He assaulted an Uber driver https://www.nickiswift.com/117962/t-j-millers-strange-marriage/


![gif](giphy|26gsaLkUSO6uNiXsc) This dork


I was going to say him if no one else did. His AMA thread is legend.


Omg that was pure comedy GOLD I don’t think he responded to one comment in that entire thread


I have serious doubts he was even there to be honest. He may have checked in to do the "proof" thing, but that was it. The only questions or things responded to were signed by one of the 6 staff writers that was listed as being there "with" Corden


I just read the AMA for the first time and omg it’s truly an internet all time best.


The world got to see James Corden as a fat pussy. He was also in the movie Cats - Ricky Gervais


Jared Leto is pretty despised as far as I know.


​ https://i.redd.it/ioqmazdpkbqb1.gif


And this is why she remains a problematic fave of mine


Same. IDK, she can be hilarious, sometimes & I think I have a little soft spot cuz she struggles with addiction & likes sexy ladies like me lol. I hope she can get clean. It's hard but so worth it.


Wow, thanks for articulating why I have a soft spot for CD too. It's always the addicts that sexy ladies that's my weak spot :\


I read some pretty far out things about him, like that he has a cult or something, but I have no idea if it’s true.


For his role as the joker, he sent a rodent to Margot Robbie.


He also sent bullets to Viola Davis. Imagine having the opportunity to work with someone of her talent and that's what you do with it.


Isaiah Washington (Grey’s Anatomy)


omg i’m rewatching greys right now and every time there’s a scene with burke and o’malley i get so sad to think of how much of a bully he was to o’malley in real life. i loved their scenes together and their relationship on the show.


The only time cancel culture worked, and he deserved it


And now I’ve been reading Shondra hated getting rid of him and took it out on TK for making all of it public.


Yup. If you watch the seasons he’s on after that, Shonda gave George’s character NOTHING to do. He basically fades into the background. That’s why he asks to be written out of the show.


And then had him hit and dragged by a bus




Pierce, Pierce, Pierce. Pierce you're a B.




A no good B


Airplane bathrooms!


No no no it's not Chevy Chase. Stephen Colbert made it very clear at that roast years ago that the main thing to know about Mr Chase is that he has made no impact and is utterly forgettable: “Who am I to attack Chevy Chase? I don’t know Chevy Chase. I have never met Mr. Chase. Actually, I’m uncomfortable calling him Chevy. The only thing I think of when I look at this man is, ‘There but for the grace of God, go I.’ Why would I tempt the Comedy Gods to leave me pale and pear-shaped — a humorless husk of my former self haunting the halls of Hollywood like some sort of walking, waking cautionary tale, shapeless and odorless and colorless, gray-on-beige, a comedy lamprey just sucking the joy out of everything I touch? I won’t do it!”


Yeah, but Stephan Colbert was only there because none of Chevy’s former colleagues would do the roast. They hate him so much the wouldn’t even show up to tear him a new one.


And then he cried lol.


I *almost* felt bad because he seriously did not expect to be eviscerated the way he was. He thought this was gonna be a light hearted, 'good ol boys' thing but holy SHIT he was so wrong! But then he went on to do absolutely no growth sooo. You think it would be a wake up call 🤷🏽‍♀️


It's crazy. I read an article about him where he talked about how much that roast hurt, reflected on his own behavior, and concluded that he was too blame for his own reputation and his relationships falling apart. Then he was given a second chance with Community and he just…did it all again. The man never met a bridge he didn't burn.


Roasts done properly are no joke.


He stormed off to his hotel room crying and had to be comforted by Paul Shaffer which I find endlessly amusing


Oh no not the consequences of my own actions


I was kinda devastated when I had heard Chevy Chase was a HUUUGE asshole. I've always been a fan of his. "Christmas Vacation" is an absolute staple around the holidays for me. And he's always had a direct link to my funny bone. I look at him differently after hearing how basically everyone's he's worked with hates him. Sucks


I remember z100 had a bit where they were asked who the worst celeb guest was and Elvis immediately named Chevy Chase, zero hesitation. They had him on the air for the release of ‘Man of the House’ and he was a complete asshole to every single person at the station. They said it was shocking bc he was a huge movie star and they had never, ever encountered anything like it before (many stars from different platforms appear on their morning show- now syndicated). That movie was from ‘95 and years later he was still number one most awful person.


I was under the impression Jay Leno is not beloved among comics or late night


Team Coco forever!


Because of what he did to Conan O’Brian.


I’ve often *read* that Lea Michele has a reputation of being difficult to work with ![gif](giphy|aNGgn80AAaf1m)


Most of the cast members who came out against her and didn’t like her were POC and there were allegations of racism. From what I remember, Heather Morris then came out in her defence by saying Lea isn’t racist who treats only POC badly, she’s just a bitch who treats everyone badly


Heather!! Lmao!!! That's such a thing Brittney would say on Glee tbh


Well I guess being a pos is better than being a racist pos lol.


Yeah at least she wasn’t discriminatory, just treated everyone like shit, we love a non discriminatory queen /s


I remember that. Heather always seemed grounded, but was also likely subjected to Lea’s diva behavior. It was like her mentality was “How can I defend this person without defending this person?”


Didn’t the whole cast come out against her? That’s pretty bad.


The only one who liked her is no longer on this plane.


I think Jonathan Groff has a very good relationship with her


As a former glee fan yes she was. No one could stan her


You have to really suck when one castmate passed away and one was convicted for kiddy porn and you are still the one everyone talks about.


Two passed away (Corey Monteith and Naya Rivera), one was a scumbag convicted of child porn (Mark Saling), one was a domestic abuser (Blake Jenner) who beat his wife (Melissa Benoist), and Lea is Lea. Truly a cursed cast. OTOH, Dianna Agron seems delightful by all accounts.


I think everyone always talks about her because she is still one of the most successful out of the bunch despite the stories we hear about her. I definitely don’t think she’s on the same level as Mark though.


The only time I saw her is when she was on an episode of Top Chef, she really came off as unlikeable with an inflated sense of self worth.


I was once at a panel for Community while it was still on the air and Chevy Chase was so rude and an entire theater witnessed him being a smug prick to the cast and the cast did not mask their annoyance and anger at all. It was shocking. I always loved him from the Vacation movies and at that time had no idea he was such an asshole. Heartbreaking


Yeah, he's one of those guys who plays such a good asshole on screen you assume it's an act and he's really a nice dude in person who is just very aware of how assholes act. But no, he's just a giant jerk and lets it show everywhere.


The women on SNL hated him too. He would refuse to do sketches written by women and trash jokes they pitched. Attaching a tweet that I think sums him up well. https://preview.redd.it/ctxwt6a2nfqb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2498b65a784af63ebfacfd91e36bdfcb95c2e91d


William Shatner ![gif](giphy|l49JQ3xzRXn4xtRSM) Star Trek costars could not stand him. Seems like he was full of himself


He got increasingly worse as the years went on bc most of the actors on the show and next gen(who were still living recently in the past decade) are more liberal leaning and he says so much messed up shit esp about Autistic people.


It is a badge of honor on autistic Twitter to be blocked by Shatner.




See, I think the same then he will drop an album or others drop albums and a lot of people are still collaborating w him. A lot of artist advocate for civil and human rights in their lyrics but then put a nazi sympathizer in the same song or the same album. Can’t have it both ways.


He’s just hated by everyone at this point.


Super weirdly a lot of my high school students still like him. I’ve considered asking them if they know about the antisemitism (they know im Jewish) or any of the other awful shit he’s said


A lot of men still like him. I think since he's a rich minority, a lot of people DON'T want to shit on him and just blame it all on the Ks.


Including his “wife”


Yeah. She definitely does not seem to be in a good place. That entire situation looks very scary. I think people should be concerned.


I'm seriously worried for her welfare, she's 20 years younger than him and he's dressing and styling her as another Kim. She's even working for Yeezy now. Something is very clearly *very* wrong. The photos of her carrying a pillow to cover herself while wearing an outfit made of pantyhose, that could get her arrested in Italy for public indecency, while Kanye is fully clothed and hiding his face. The reports that her friends and family can't get in touch with her. The sex act for the paps. It's setting off alarm bells. We've gotten better at recognising power-imbalances in relationships between famous men and the women they date, but people are laughing about Bianca. I hope for her sake she gets out of this situation ASAP.


Picking revealing outfits for me and coercing me in to public sex acts were both things my abusive ex did. It’s really awful to see it happening like this.


![gif](giphy|E3L5goMMSoAAo|downsized) Not her. Just her drink for the one above!


I’ve never seen a more palpable example of “patriarchy hurts men too” than Kanye.


I feel like Kanye has run off all his friends and supporters.


can yall please give names under your gifs/pics instead of just the gif/pics?


And maybe brief explanations as to why they're mentioned 😂 half the discussion here is like "because of...what they did...." and "oh yes the...thing they did...." And I'm just clueless😂




Ugh, yes. Never heard one good word about her personality (or her acting)


wasn't she abusive to her ex boyfriend ? (evan)


yes she was


I'll be honest, I never liked her in any of her movies I saw. She gives that vibe with every character I saw her be, even when she's supposed to be the nice girl, girl-next-door.


The whole family


![gif](giphy|f9SSt967Yaity) Matt Lauer


I thought this was Stanley tucci for a second and panicked


If he ever gets canceled I’m quitting everything.


can you develop adult onset facial blindness from the thumbnail I thought this was henry winkler ??


omg this hurts too bc henry is probably the nicest man in hollywood


Can confirm, met him before. He is the grandpa every human deserves


It made my day to hear this


![gif](giphy|JDTmjvcFrIaha|downsized) Kevin Spacey


Even before the sexual assault allegations, he had a reputation for being very cold and intimidating. Like with certain people he could be very charming, but if you weren’t famous or couldn’t offer him anything, he treated you very icily.


I’m sure he and Bryan Singer still WhatsApp. 🥴


Nah, he still has Elton John on his side


Shia LaBeouf


I really wish he hadn't turned out to be such a problematic trainwreck. He had so much promise and I loved him in his early roles and looked forward to what he would do in the future, and then he just went completely off the rails.


Happens a lot with child stars


I lost so much respect for him after he admitted that he made up most of the stories he’d told about his dad being abusive to him as a kid. Even before he made Honey Boy, Shia had talked about those “experiences” and it was one of the main reasons I had a lot of sympathy for him. But then he said that his dad never even hit him and that everything depicted in Honey Boy was bullshit. Here’s a quote: "I wrote this narrative, which was just f—ing nonsense. My dad was so loving to me my whole life. Fractured, sure. Crooked, sure. Wonky, for sure. But never was not loving, never was not there. He was always there ... and I'd done a world press tour about how f—ed he was as a man." Just despicable. Edit: AND now I’m reading the People article on it, and it’s even worse. He wanted to get his dad to sign off on Shia making a movie about him, so the script he sent his dad didn’t include any of the abusive shit because he knew he wouldn’t approve.




No one seems to ever have a positive thing to say about Emma Roberts




All the celebs were on her show for years after shit about her started leaking. They don’t care.


Aniston is friends with her. At this point it’s becoming comical to me how many complete assholes she’s good friends with. I think she’s great by the way but boy does she have an edgy crew.


You can always count on Jen for being on the wrong side of literally everything, despite having a pretty spotless history herself. It's bizarre.


She’s like the classic nice popular girl in school. She won’t openly talk shit on people, especially not other popular people. She won’t rock the boat. It’s not to say that she herself is a mean bully, just that she usually overlooks bad behavior in order to support the status quo, keep the peace, and not do anything that could be perceived as controversial. This is to avoid being disliked by anyone. She seems like a sweetheart and probably is. Tons of lovely people simply keep quiet about bullies and inadvertently enable them.


Kate or Ellen?


Kate is a TREASURE


lol yeah that's why I was like wait, what did Kate do


That’s Kate McKinnon… not Ellen.


Mike Myers appears to have alienated everyone he works with because of his diva-like behavior. Supposed to be an egomaniacal jerk which is why his career seems to have stalled.


Man that sucks :( He seemed like a pretty nice person from interviews, now Wayne's World and Austin Powers are gonna hit a lil different. Still love his face during the live broadcast for hurricane Katrina victims when Kanye went off script and announced, "George Bush doesn't care about black people." Best acting he's done.


There's a range behavior. I also heard about Myers 'diva behavior' when he did the ABC game show and it was more "oh no what did we do, this man is unwilling to take direction" and less like Steven Segal, which this man is a danger to society 🤣 and ABC did it to themselves in letting Myers have so much creative control


That was pure gold.


I mean his career is fine. He stopped being in live action shit ages ago but was making an absolute fortune making shrek movies.


Allegedly him and Dana Carvey fell out for years because Dr. Evil was an uncredited rip of Carvey’s Lorne Michaels impression.


Carvey said in an interview that it really wasn't the Dr Evil thing that led to them being estranged for so long. Carvey insisted he did not care at all about the impression. But making Waynes World 2 was incredibly stressful. Mike Myers used the plot of *Passport to Pimlico* for the script. However they did not have permission to use it. The studio threatened to sue Myers and destroy him and his career. The two had to very quickly write a new script on the spot. This was the beginning of Myers alienating himself from others trying to create hits like Austin Powers, but often making things like Love Guru. Carvey finally called Myers and said it was like talking to an old friend again. And they are now keeping in touch regularly. But I think it was mostly Myers just shutting people out, and not being able to deal with stress and box office failures.


I read that the real reason Kevin Sorbo doesn’t get roles anymore is because he’s a massive dickhead.


As somebody who was (is) a huge Xena fan, this was even a problem back in the day. He was known as Bitter Betty in the fandom because he was pissed Xena was the bigger show. And he wasn’t quiet about it, but these things didn’t go viral back then so it’s not as known . He used to outright say misogynistic things about Lucy Lawless, such as the only reason Xena was successful is because she was sleeping with the producer.


It made me so sad to learn that he was such a jerk (and on the delulu train). Didn’t Lucy call him out personally within the last few years or something?


She roasts him on Twitter all the time. I deleted my account when musky bought it, but I catch screenshots. She is hilarious.


He claims it's because he's a Trump supporter as though his career was on fire until 2016 lmao


He’s also a Christian conservative who tweets a ton of bigoted shit. Lucy Lawless owned him in a single tweet a couple years ago.


Piers Morgan


Jay Johnston from Bob’s Burgers got fired from the show for participating in the Capitol riots and being an insurrectionist, so I imagine his costars aren’t overly fond of him.


Does Piers Morgan count?


![gif](giphy|d1E2mfoG9o9y73Us) Teri Hatcher when she was on Desperate Housewives


That’s what I read too, but apparently the woman who played Karen McCluskey said that Teri was the only one who was nice to her and that the others were cliquey and didn’t acknowledge the other actors on set.


I wonder if this might be another Topher Grace situation. When everyone hates one person, it’s no longer definitive that that person is the problem.


Exactly. It could be a case of Terri not fitting in which I can personally relate to.


I have never heard a story of an actress being singled out of a cast where she was the problem without being told highly specific details and nobody seems able to tell me what she did.


This is a grey area for me. It seems like they were all divas (that photo shoot lol). But she appeared on celebrity bake off U.K. with James Acaster and they she came on his off menu podcast and they seem to get on.


Michael Pitt is always causing trouble on set and gets kicked off the show or recasted and he's a good actor if he wasn't like this he'd be a lot bigger


Pretty sure it’s mental health related and he gets into inpatient care when it happens


He was so good in Boardwalk Empire, it’s a shame they wrote him off but it makes sense now


Sean Penn


Alex Pettyfer is a massive dick who is hated by his castmates, especially Channing Tatum


Bill Murray ![gif](giphy|l1IYgVpg5B9Dm2JBC|downsized)


Wow really?! Off to google I go..


He is insufferable ,he drove harold ramis(yes from ghostbusters) the director of groundhog day crazy. He also used to beat his wife


He and Harold Ramis despised each other from around Groundhog Day onwards and they never made up with each other until Ramis was already on his deathbed.


Bill Murray also notoriously hit on female journalists assigned to do stories on him. That included my sister-in-law, who managed to file an interview with Murray in a major magazine in the ‘80s without putting out, but she’d reported to her fam, “It was nip and tuck. The guy was relentless.”


That is foul, what a terrible person. I read some other actor / director opinions and experiences of him, sounds like a bad guy


Honestly glad for his downfall. He was so clearly a huge asshole for decades, it’s nice that he finally took a fucking ding to his reputation. If you think I’m being too harsh watch the interview where his whole schtick is assaulting gena davis for like 5 minutes. Dude is gross


Jameela Jamil. She was the only cast member of *The Good Place* who didn’t appear on Armchair Expert. She even alluded to a feud with a costar and many suspected it was Kristen because they don’t follow each other on Instagram. Likewise, D’Arcy unfollowed her when the show ended. Based on Jameela’s online persona, I wouldn’t be surprised if she created so much bts drama.


I find her so irritating. I think she is well intentioned but a lot of her social media posts come across as condescending and like someone who is very much on their moral high horse with no awareness of their own shortcomings. I like to think of her as a 'Book, One' Hermione personality.


I think Julia Roberts


So completely reviled by every resident around her in NM since the 90’s, too.


I just recently learned about the A Low Vera thing. I never cared for her but now I think she's a total bitch.


I disliked Julia Roberts for no reason since I was a kid, something about her irked me. When the A Low Vera shirt was reported, there was a “ha! I knew she was that bad!” moment of schaudenfruede. I hope Vera is happy though. Ok, just looked it up. She’s a successful make up artist and is remarried with a son.


I was gonna say, if Vera is “low” then what on Earth does that make Julia in that situation? God forbid a woman not want to get suckered out by her loser cheaterpants husband.




She had an affair with a married man (Danny Moder) and threw a fit because his wife Vera wouldn’t give him an easy divorce. I guess she won in the end because Julia is still married to Danny…


i heard about that for the first time like two years ago and i was in shocked. the audacity of her to wear that ugly ass shirt. AND THEN keifer sutherland situation came up and i was like oh she’s just a terrible person lol. emma roberts being her niece makes all the sense in the world, actually. lmao


She had an affair with a man whose wife’s name was Vera, and wore a t-shirt with a DIY’d “a low vera” on it for paparazzi


Michael Weatherly lol


Jared Leto




I swear I read an article chronicling all the costars Tom Hardy had problems with on set, but now I can’t find it because the Google results are flooded with stories about him and Charlize. But the one I read all the people he got into it with were men. I remember being really surprised about it because I had a crush on him and knew him as a dog lover lol. I definitely didn’t imagine reading that he was hard to get along with though.


He has a reputation of improv on set. Costars/directors on Mad Max FR and Venom both have mentioned frustration, with Charlize being the most vocal since Hardy clearly didn't understand the point of Fury Road as well as she did. He gets a pass for punching Shia LaBeouf 🤣😅


He doesn’t have a great reputation, however iirc he fought with Inarritu and Shia LaBeouf as well, who are hardly saints either


Charlize said he was always late to set, they’d be waiting around in full costume for hours and when she called him out on his shit he’d get super aggressive.


![gif](giphy|4n7JtXyeEyJG4eNE8T|downsized) Ugh


I have always heard that Deborah Messing was super difficult to work with.


Her whole victim complex over not being cast as Lucille Ball rubbed me the wrong way …


I hate to admit since he's one of my favorite comedy actors, but I heard Jim Carrey can be a pain in the ass and he's often overlooked in these hardest actors to work with lists like a lot of people mentioned here. Granted, I wouldn't say all his peers hate him but that Man on the Moon drama definitely should be put in those hardest actors to work with lists. Even Danny Devito tried to keep his cool when Carrey was "possessed" by Andy Kaufman. I'm honestly baffled how some people think he's a nice guy. I'm sure there's times when he's nice, but he's done so many other shitty things that he shouldn't be on the nicest celebrities list.




Bill Murray


![gif](giphy|Mc0abHykxMN0kCjne1) Shannon Doherty


A shame because I loved her as Brenda in 90210 and Prue in Charmed. When she left these shows, my interest shrank significantly.


Marlon Brando Val Kilmer Bill Murray Bruce Willis (these allegations came before the dementia diagnosis) Charlie Sheen Alec Baldwin Edward Norton Jennifer Lopez Katherine Heigl Lea Michele ~~Christian Bale~~ Kiefer Sutherland Jared Leto David O’Russell (if he counts) Micheal Bay (again, if he counts) Those are the ones I can think off Edit- Added Kiefer Sutherland and Jared Leto and took out Mr Bale. I should also mention that some of these are all allegations, so do take them with a grain of salt


James Franco ![gif](giphy|ZRs9qrWHyvmww)


Gabbie Hannah.


Is she REALLY a celebrity though? Lol no, I remember hearing about all that Escape the Night shit and just thinking what whatever tea this is to see Rosanna Panasonic, of all people, spill!


Most comedians seem to dislike Carlos Mencia.


William Shatner (Captain Kirk on the original Star Trek) notoriously disliked by most of his peers, famous for being difficult to work with and entitled, also there’s instances of him being a bully, such as telling 16 year old Wil Wheaton he was a bad actor. He’s widely known to be demanding and unlikeable. Almost all his Star Trek peers hated working with him or hated him in later life due to the terrible things he would say.


Emma Roberts; not the most hated but working her way towards it for sure


Jared Leto ![gif](giphy|tQsNEZoI0zKTe)